Schedule of diesels youthfully vileika. Train and train schedule Molodechno - vileika

Currently, the schedule of trains and trains between the settlements of Molodechno - Vileyka includes 6 electric trains or electric trains, as well as 3 long-distance trains.

The first train No. 741Б leaves at 7 hours 47 minutes. and arrives in Vileyka about 8 hours 8 min. (in the course of 21 minutes). The first train number 6626 goes from Molodechno station at 8 56 a.m. and arrives in 34 minutes to the destination - Vileyka at 9.30 a.m. .

The last passenger train number 625Б follows from Molodechno station at 23 hours 21 minutes. and after 23 minutes he arrives on the platform of the Vileyka station - at 23 hours 44 minutes. . The last electric train No. 6630/6631 is on the way 30 minutes. Departing from the Molodechno station at 20 hours 14 minutes. and arriving in Vileyka at 20 hours 44 min. .

Please note that in the online timetable for trains and trains Molodechno - Vileyka there may be flights that are held on certain days of the week. When planning a trip, see the schedule for the desired date in advance. Scheduled data on our website are constantly updated, so our visitors receive relevant information. If you have any questions along the route Molodechno - Vileyka - you can contact the nearest railway ticket office where the employees of the railway station will help and advise you. On the spot, you can also immediately buy a ticket in the right direction.

The current schedule of trains Molodechno - Vileyka includes 6 trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, evening. We recommend the fastest train (local train), which leaves at 20 hours 14 m from Molodechno station and arrives at Vileyka station at 20 hours 44 m. Vileika, in this case the trip will take 0 h 34 m. Between the stations Molodechno and Vileika this electric train passes 4 stops. Among them are Tyszkiewicz (15.58), Domanovsky (16.07), Krasny Berezhok (16.13), Zenit (16.17), on which there is an opportunity to change trains to other directions. On this page you can always find the schedule of trains Molodechno - Vileyka, including seasonal, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Molodechno Vileyka route, first read the timetable on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Molodechno - Vileyka train can be purchased at the box office of the nearest train station.

The schedule of trains and trains Molodechno - Vileyka at the moment includes long-distance trains - 4, trains (commuter trains, diesels) - 6. The first train leaves from Molodechno station in the morning at 07 47 hours and arrives at the terminal station at 08 08 08. The last train leaves from Molodechno station at 23:21 and arrives in the evening at its destination. According to the timetable, the average travel time from the Molodechno departure point to the Vileyka arrival point is 0 h 28 m: the fastest train travels 0 h 16 m, the slowest one travels at 0 h 34 m.
Some trains from Molodechno station to Vileyka station run on separate days (have a special schedule).
Trains following the Molodechno - Vileyka route pass through such stations and settlements as: Tyszkiewicz.
Schedule of trains and trains along the route Molodechno - Vileykashown here is regularly updated and summer and winter schedules are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Molodechno - Vileyka train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train only at the ticket office of the station.