Vova lake of ice shackles. Vocabulary: Lake of Ice Shackles. Why is the Battle of Ice Lake necessary?

Lake Ice Shackles or OLO in WoW is an open combat zone located in the center of the Northrend continent. Players will have to capture strategic points, destroy towers and fortresses while controlling equipment, and complete tasks for military leaders. The ultimate goal in playing OLO is:

  • capturing a relic for the attacking side
  • protection of the relic for the defending side

The battle on the Lake of Ice Shackles can involve 120 people on each side. Even though this open zone To enter the battle on this you need to stand in line. A battle starts approximately every 2.5 hours and lasts up to 30 minutes. At the beginning of the battle, one of the sides controlling this moment fortress, begins to defend it. The other seeks to capture the fortress. The fortress is captured if the enemy makes his way to the relic and captures it. To do this, you need to use bombs or equipment to destroy the walls.

OLO has implemented a system of ranks, which are obtained for a certain number of kills. A higher rank allows you to receive more powerful siege engines and more marks for winning a battlefield. Although this battlefield cannot be fully organized, the ability to get into the same raid with the best players will allow you to score quick victories and hone your gaming skills.

Tactics on the Lake of Ice Shackles

The tactics in OLO are quite simple: you need to capture military factories as quickly as possible in order to gain access to heavy equipment. At the same time, the attacking side must purposefully make its way to the enemy’s fortress, and the defending side must destroy south towers to minimize battle time. Skillful tactical moves are rarely made due to the difficulty of managing such a mass of players, but especially talented leaders still somehow direct energy in the right direction =).

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Unfortunately, only half of the players who find themselves in this PvP zone know what it is for and how to win in it, while the rest think that the Lake of Ice Shackles is a pasture where they need to come every 2 and a half hours.

Let's start with the fact that everyone is whining that Blizzard's idiots made a PvP location where it's not really possible to play because of terrible lags. Believe me, the people are far from stupid, if everyone knows the essence and idea of ​​this PvP zone, then there will be many times less lags.

The battle on the Lake of Ice Shackles, as I noted above, takes place every 2 and a half hours, plus or minus 15 minutes. One faction defends the fortress of the ice shackles, and the relic stored there, while the second is trying to recapture the fortress.

There are 4 workshops located on the territory of the Lake of Ice Shackles

  • western workshop (31/38)
  • eastern workshop (65/39)
  • workshop in the west of the park (34/68)
  • workshop in the east of the park (66/68)

In the workshops you need to order combat vehicles to destroy the walls of the fortress.

Each siege weapon requires a certain rank, which each player can obtain by killing players of the other faction, or guards.

And now the most important thing about the workshops!

Each workshop gives you the opportunity to order 4 cars!
Having 2 workshops you can order 8 machines, and having 4 you can order 16 machines. What is not less important! It is much more difficult to repel an attack from 16 vehicles than from 8 vehicles.
From the above it follows that Workshops are important strategic objects! And it requires no less attention than the fortress for which everyone is fighting.

Now let's discuss which plants have more value.

  • The western workshop and the eastern workshop are located closer to the fortress; it is much more profitable for the attacking side to create machines there and go from there to destroy the walls.
  • The workshop in the west of the park and the workshop in the east of the park are located in close proximity to the Towers belonging to the attacking side, and it is advantageous for the faction defending the fortress to order siege weapons from these workshops to destroy the towers.

What are these towers for?
If the defending side manages to break all 3 towers, then the time allotted to capture the fortress is reduced by 10 minutes. This means that the attacking faction must defend these towers.

And from what you read above, it becomes clear that there are 8 points on the map that you need to fight for. The faction that understands this faster begins to win, while the second, following its instinct of the herd, continues to sit in the fortress, or stand outside at the gate and gets stuck in the logs.
So let's start thinking and thinking strategically. Distributed across the territory of the Lake of Ice Shackles, it will reduce the load on the server, there will be much less lag, and it will be more enjoyable to play.

Unfortunately, many of those who play WWII have no idea that you can read a lot of interesting things on the forums. But I am sure that a few people will read this article and the herd will thin out.
I have described the most important things, but there is still a lot of interesting things that can help win the battle for the Lake of Ice Shackles.

Contested territory: Lake of Ice Shackles (Wintergrasp)

The world of World of Warcraft has a lot of interesting and incomprehensible things for beginners. With the release of WotLK, a lot of content and interesting things have been added. One of these innovations was the global PvP location: Lake of Ice Shackles. An event periodically takes place there: the Battle for the Lake of Ice Shackles. When an inexperienced player gets there, he simply doesn’t know what to do or how to behave. Therefore, in this guide I will try to clarify and tell you the features.

How to get to Lake of Ice Shackles?

In patch 3.2, the mechanics of getting into OLO have changed slightly. Now a limited number of people take part in the battle on OLO. You can get into the lake at OLO 15 minutes before the start through the PVP interface (button “H” in English). Also, those who were at the OLO before the start will get in line.

But the number of players is limited to 120 people on each side. There may be more applicants for OLO, so random selection among the players in the queue. There is a slight priority for players lvl 80, but everyone can participate.

You can see when the next battle will start from the PVP interface or by looking at the map while in Northrend.

Quests on the Lake of Ice Shackles?

There are several quests you can take on on the Lake, you can find them all at the link. Quests give experience, gold, honor and guardian fragments. It is advisable to take quests at the beginning of the battle (many of them are daily), during the battle you will complete them. What you didn’t do, you’ll finish in three hours with the next battle.

With patch 3.1, quests changed from daily to weekly. The reward for them has been increased, but they can only be completed once a week. Update seems to be on Tuesday. But for one quest they give 10 fragments and 3xxx honor.

We will discuss what to do with honor and fragments below.

The meaning of the Battle of Ice Lake

There is a fortress, which is the main goal of the battle. There are defenders and there are attackers (horde or alliance). The one who captured the fortress in the previous battle defends the fortress in the next one. The point is to capture the titan relic during the attack and prevent it from being captured during the defense.

Types of combat and defensive vehicles on the Lake of Ice Shackles

About the defenders there are defensive cannons that stand in the towers. These cannons can be broken, but after a while they are restored again, towers can be destroyed and will not be restored until the end of the battle. Losing three towers reduces the battle time by 10 minutes.

In addition, there are catapults and other siege weapons. Their number depends on the number of captured factories. Initially, defenders can build up to 8 siege machines. The attackers should occupy the factories. Control over each of the factories gives +4 cars.

Catapults are effective against infantry and have little effect against walls and towers.

Destroyers and siege engines are good at breaking down walls and are not effective against infantry. For this reason, they require infantry cover.

How to build catapults on the Lake of Ice Shackles?

At the beginning of the battle, you cannot build a catapult. To do this, you need to earn a rank by killing 10 (I think) members of the opposing faction. After that, go to the factory, talk to the goblin, he will build you a siege weapon, after which you get into it (this is automatic). If your side already has maximum siege weapons, then you can either wait or go for a melee attack.

The higher your rank, the more powerful siege engines you can build.

By the way, at the moment, killing NPCs also counts. For this reason, do not rush to kill the guards and kill them as the battle begins.

General strategy for the Battle of Icegrasp

First of all, ask for a raid party in the general channel. With patch 3.2, raids are created automatically. The raid is always more effective, and the chances of winning the battle are much higher. Coordination of raids is also necessary, otherwise you will end up with a herd of sheep rushing around the OLO.

For attackers:

Find out the tactics from the RL and the objectives of your raid. Try to reach the second rank to be able to build destroyers and precipitation.

Please note that the number of vehicles is limited, so it is better to refrain from building catapults when attacking a fortress. It is better to build destroyers and siege engines. If you haven't reached rank two yet and can't build them, ask someone to build you a car.

Don't run alone. It is more effective to act in large groups. To attack, it is first better to group 5-10 siege machines and hit one point.

If your siege weapon is broken, continue the battle hand-to-hand. After death, you will occupy a new siege weapon. This is useful for the team, melee attacks are not much weaker than siege weapons, they just cannot break walls. But enemies and their siege weapons can be broken.

If you don’t get a car or you can’t build one, go cover the cars. Infantry support is greatly needed.

The main task is to get inside the fortress and break the main gate leading to the relic of the titans. After this, you need to check the ball (relic of the titans).

For defenders:

A defensive weapon can be occupied with rank zero. Therefore, first of all, take a free defensive weapon (cannons on the ledges of the walls).

Shoot at anything that moves and looks like an enemy. Leave your post as a last resort. It happens that at one moment they attack east tower, and then abruptly shift the attack to the unprotected western side. Listen to the chat and follow the markers on the map; if you are lucky with a smart leader, then coordinated actions are the key to success.

Also an important task is to break the attacking towers. This will reduce the battle time by 10 minutes, and it will be easier to hold the fortress. When capturing the towers, go south, occupy factories, build cars and go destroy the towers.

It is also important to recapture the factories from the attackers. This will reduce the number of their vehicles, and attacks on the fortress will be weaker.

When defending against infantry, catapults are effective. Throw plague barrels at the holes in the walls and burn the infantry with fire.

Why is all this needed?

The main thing is that it is very interesting! But a small bonus - in one battle you can get a lot of honor and guardian shards. You can get a good set for honor. for fragments, stones to improve things, recipes for jewelers (there are so many recipes), mounts and much more. This way you just get yourself some currency to buy things, while getting a lot of fun. The merchant stands on a mammoth in the fortress. To purchase, you need to have the fortress under your control. For medals from the lake you can buy good PVP epics.

Yes, and it’s better to go to the lake with lvl 80, although players of lvl 77 can also play, and being in technology they are no less effective, it will just be more difficult to raise the rank.

The world of World of Warcraft has a lot of interesting and incomprehensible things for beginners. With the release of WotLK, a lot of content and interesting things have been added. One of these innovations was the global PvP location: Lake of Ice Shackles. An event periodically takes place there: the Battle for the Lake of Ice Shackles. When an inexperienced player gets there, he simply doesn’t know what to do or how to behave. Therefore, in this guide I will try to clarify and tell you the features.

How to get to Lake of Ice Shackles?

In patch 3.2, the mechanics of getting into OLO have changed slightly. Now a limited number of people take part in the battle on OLO. You can get into the lake at OLO 15 minutes before the start through the PVP interface (button "H" in English). Also, those who were at the OLO before the start will get in line.

But the number of players is limited to 120 people on each side. There may be more applicants for OLO, so a random selection is made among the players in the queue. There is a slight priority for players lvl 80, but everyone can participate.

You can see when the next battle will start from the PVP interface or by looking at the map while in Northrend.

Quests on the Lake of Ice Shackles?

On the Lake you can take on several quests, you can find them all at the link. Quests give experience, gold, honor and guardian fragments. It is advisable to take quests at the beginning of the battle (many of them are daily), during the battle you will complete them. What you haven't done, you'll finish in three hours with the next battle.

With patch 3.1, quests changed from daily to weekly. The reward for them has been increased, but they can only be completed once a week. Update seems to be on Tuesday. But for one quest they give 10 fragments and 3xxx honor.

We will discuss what to do with honor and fragments below.

The meaning of the Battle of Ice Lake

There is a fortress, which is the main goal of the battle. There are defenders and there are attackers (horde or alliance). The one who captured the fortress in the previous battle defends the fortress in the next one. The point is to capture the titan relic during the attack and prevent it from being captured during the defense.

Types of combat and defensive vehicles on the Lake of Ice Shackles

About the defenders there are defensive cannons that stand in the towers. These cannons can be broken, but after a while they are restored again, towers can be destroyed and will not be restored until the end of the battle. Losing three towers reduces the battle time by 10 minutes.

In addition, there are catapults and other siege weapons. Their number depends on the number of captured factories. Initially, defenders can build up to 8 siege machines. The attackers should occupy the factories. Control over each of the factories gives +4 cars.

Catapults are effective against infantry and have little effect against walls and towers.

Destroyers and siege engines are good at breaking down walls and are not effective against infantry. For this reason, they require infantry cover.

How to build catapults on the Lake of Ice Shackles?

At the beginning of the battle, you cannot build a catapult. To do this, you need to earn a rank by killing 10 (I think) members of the opposing faction. After that, go to the factory, talk to the goblin, he will build you a siege weapon, after which you get into it (this is automatic). If your side already has maximum siege weapons, then you can either wait or go for a melee attack.

The higher your rank, the more powerful siege engines you can build.

By the way, at the moment, killing NPCs also counts. For this reason, do not rush to kill the guards and kill them as the battle begins.

General strategy for the Battle of Icegrasp

First of all, ask for a raid party in the general channel. With patch 3.2, raids are created automatically. The raid is always more effective, and the chances of winning the battle are much higher. Coordination of raids is also necessary, otherwise you will end up with a herd of sheep rushing around the OLO.

For attackers:

Find out the tactics from the RL and the objectives of your raid. Try to reach the second rank to be able to build destroyers and precipitation.

Please note that the number of vehicles is limited, so it is better to refrain from building catapults when attacking a fortress. It is better to build destroyers and siege engines. If you haven't reached rank two yet and can't build them, ask someone to build you a car.

Don't run alone. It is more effective to act in large groups. To attack, it is first better to group 5-10 siege machines and hit one point.

If your siege weapon is broken, continue the battle hand-to-hand. After death, you will occupy a new siege weapon. This is useful for the team, melee attacks are not much weaker than siege weapons, they just cannot break walls. But enemies and their siege weapons can be broken.

If you don't get a car or you can't build one, go cover the cars. Infantry support is greatly needed.

The main task is to get inside the fortress and break the main gate leading to the relic of the titans. After this, you need to check the ball (relic of the titans).

For defenders:

A defensive weapon can be occupied with rank zero. Therefore, first of all, take a free defensive weapon (cannons on the ledges of the walls).

Shoot at anything that moves and looks like an enemy. Leave your post as a last resort. It happens that at one moment the eastern tower is attacked, and then the attack is suddenly transferred to the unprotected western side. Listen to the chat and follow the markers on the map; if you are lucky with a smart leader, then coordinated actions are the key to success.

Also an important task is to break the attacking towers. This will reduce the battle time by 10 minutes, and it will be easier to hold the fortress. When capturing the towers, go south, occupy factories, build cars and go destroy the towers.

It is also important to recapture the factories from the attackers. This will reduce the number of their vehicles, and attacks on the fortress will be weaker.

When defending against infantry, catapults are effective. Throw plague barrels at the holes in the walls and burn the infantry with fire.

Why is all this needed?

The main thing is that it is very interesting! But a small bonus - in one battle you can get a lot of honor and guardian fragments. You can get a good set for honor. for fragments, stones to improve things, recipes for jewelers (there are so many recipes), mounts and much more. This way you just get yourself some currency to buy things, while getting a lot of fun. The merchant stands on a mammoth in the fortress. To purchase, you need to have the fortress under your control. For medals from the lake you can buy good PVP epics.

Yes, and it’s better to go to the lake with lvl 80, although players of lvl 77 can also play, and being in technology they are no less effective, it will just be more difficult to raise the rank.