China: the best places and things to do in Shanghai. What to see in Shanghai? Must-see places in Shanghai

– the main shopping street of the city. It is always noisy here, there are a lot of people, and the shops on both sides sparkle with lights, attracting customers. Some shoppers like Nanjing Road, but some don't. In the second case, we recommend shopping centers in the Pudong area.

Nanjing Street runs from the Bund to the People's Square (or "People's Square"), where there are parks, the Shanghai Grand Theater and. We recommend visiting it and looking at the unique collection of ancient Chinese items. In addition, visiting it is free. You can see a large collection of photos of exhibits in our article, link above in this paragraph.

Not far from the square there are two more attractions that are worth talking about.

The most famous place that almost everyone has heard of is. Here you can see a relic - a jade statue weighing three tons, depicting Shakyamuni Buddha during meditation and a second smaller statue of a reclining Buddha. Both of them were brought from Burma, and now this monastery is the center of Buddhism in Shanghai and the surrounding area.

The second important attraction of the Puxi area is, which is not entirely correct to call a garden. This is the estate of a wealthy official from the Ming Dynasty, which is perfectly preserved, and now we can look at how life was lived in China at that time. Yuyuan has preserved many antiques that will be of interest to tourists.

Pudong District

Tourists are most interested in the observation decks and lower rooms of famous buildings. We will talk about each of them separately.

The first tower in the area was a television tower, stylized as a spaceship. Its opening took place back in 1994. Its observation deck has not lost its status as the most popular in the Pudong area, as tourists love the transparent floors, which give the feeling that you are about to fall down. Unfortunately, there's not much else to see here.

The next most built was a skyscraper, which may be more interesting to travelers. There is not only an observation deck, but also shops and cafes on the lower floors of the building. The skyscraper is designed in the style of a traditional Chinese pagoda, and is worth a look if only for aesthetic pleasure.

The third high-rise building in the Pudong area is the building. Particularly interesting is the roof of this building with a special “window” that serves to reduce wind resistance. For this feature it is called a “bottle opener”. Here is the most expensive observation deck for visitors and the highest on the planet, which offers stunning panoramic views of Shanghai.

And the last building is not yet open to visitors at the time of writing this article - this. Even now it is the second tallest building on Earth. When it opens, tourists will have the opportunity to look at Shanghai from a height of almost 600 meters, we are looking forward to it.

And, of course, the shopping centers of the Pudong district will be of interest to fans of inexpensive but branded shopping. Each of the skyscrapers has a shopping center, except for the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. There is also a large shopping center - Super Brand Mall located nearby - this is one of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in the world.

Shanghai is the financial center of China, with developed industry and culture. A large city (enclave) of central subordination, as well as a port, with the largest cargo turnover in the world. The multinationality of the residents helps to increase the role of the metropolis in the development of relations with Western countries. In one of the districts of Shanghai, Pudong, the architectural designs of streets and high-rise buildings are reminiscent of modern neighborhoods in American and European cities. However, Shanghai, with clearly defined development zones, can still delight tourists with both historical attractions and modern unique achievements in construction. Next, let's look at the main Shanghai attractions.

1. TV tower “Pearl of the East”

The Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower, 468 m high, was built in 1994. The tallest building in Asia is based on reinforced concrete cylinders with a diameter of 9 m, as well as several spheres. This is the main attraction of Pudong, built in the Lujiazui Special Zone. The government provided significant tax incentives to businesses located there, turning this area of ​​Shanghai into a financial center. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was here that the TV tower and skyscrapers were built, embodying the modern image of China. The TV Tower not only carries out television broadcasts and radio broadcasts, first of all, it is a famous Shanghai landmark, which not only residents of the PRC, but also tourists from many countries around the world dream of visiting.

2. French Quarter in Shanghai

The French Quarter is one of the most popular tourist spots in Shanghai. This small area is located between Jiulu and Huaihai streets. The architectural techniques and solutions in its buildings, unusual for the East, are due to the fact that from the mid-nineteenth century to 1946 there was a French concession - a territory under French control. It was here that Russian emigrants flocked after the October Revolution, and by the 1930s they made up a third of all foreigners living in the city. On Gaolan Street there is still the building of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1934. A little further away you can see the residence of the first head of the Chinese government - Sun Yat-sen. Of interest to tourists may be the building in which the Chinese Communist Party was founded. This happened in 1921 at an illegal meeting with the participation of Mao Zedong.

3. Bund of the Bund

This 1.5-kilometer stretch of Sun Yat-sen Road, in the eastern part of Huangpu, has several names, meaning “pier” or “shore” in different languages. In addition to the main one, it is called the Shanghai Embankment, as well as the Bund or Band. This is the most popular place where episodes for films are often filmed; most tourist routes lead here. Indeed, many of Shanghai's historical landmarks are located here, because of which the authorities have limited the construction of high-rise buildings. The Bund of the Bund is a real museum of world architecture; in addition, the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shanghai is located here.

4. Jin Mao Tower

“Golden Prosperity” is how the official name of the tower is translated into Russian. The structure is one of the tallest Asian skyscrapers, which already makes the tower a must-visit place in Shanghai. Not far from it is Lujiazui metro station. Celebrations in honor of the opening of the Jin Mao Tower took place on August 28, 1998. And this is no coincidence, because the proportions and construction calculations were based on the number 8, which is traditionally associated with well-being in China. The building has 88 full floors and another 5 floors of belvedere. The central frame of the skyscraper is also octagonal, surrounded by eight composite columns and eight steel ones. The structure of the skyscraper is very reliable. The building will withstand gusts of hurricane winds, the speed of which can reach up to 200 km/h. When constructing the external walls, granite, stainless steel, and aluminum were used; they are covered with special pipe gratings. Jin Mao Tower houses a comfortable hotel, many restaurants and office space.

5. Yu Yuan Garden

One of the main and most visited attractions in Shanghai is considered to be the Yu Yuan Garden (Garden of Joy), founded in the 16th century. This is not just a garden, but rather a park, or even a unique landscape complex, which includes ponds with unusual bridges and goldfish living in them, decorative stone compositions, and a number of historical buildings. Throughout its history, the garden has been destroyed more than once. It was completely recreated only in 1956. Tourists are attracted here by the most beautiful artificial hills, rare species of trees, and buildings built in a distinct oriental style.

6. Shanghai Museum

History buffs will be interested in visiting the Shanghai Museum of Ancient Chinese Art, founded in 1952. It is located on People's Square. The museum houses collections of calligraphic writing, ancient ceramics and bronze items. Of great interest to visitors are jade figurines, ancient coins, household items - traditional furniture made from rare woods that have survived to this day, and paintings. The museum houses objects that are especially significant for the whole country. Among them is a “transparent” bronze mirror, one of only three existing in the world, made by Chinese craftsmen during the Han Dynasty. The architectural design of the building itself is quite unusual. On a square base there is a spherical dome, symbols of earth and sky in accordance with Taoist traditions.

7. Car Museum

The Automobile Museum is a very interesting attraction of the city of Shanghai, created in early 2007 by German and Chinese car manufacturers who united for this purpose. The museum building with an open terrace at the top features exhibitions covering various periods of history - from the invention of the wheel by man, to modern cars and the development of models of the future. On the second floor there is an exhibition of European and American retro cars. The museum's area is 1.17 hectares, so it is not surprising that you can use a special shuttle to move around the five huge pavilions. The exhibitions are complemented by interactive displays and videos.

8. Amusement park “Valley of Happiness”

In the southwest of Shanghai is Happy Valley Park, with numerous rides, water slides and comic pavilions. The technologies used in its construction ensure complete safety for vacationers. This amusement park is considered the best holiday destination in Shanghai not only for the whole family, but also for young people and the elderly. Interesting events are offered for each category of visitors. On the territory of the complex there are cafes, cocktail bars and various souvenir shops. The park has about 40 attractions, the impression of which will last a long time. The most popular is the Wooden Coaster roller coaster, which is more than 1 km long. Thrill-seekers will love the Diving Coaster, which has an inclination angle of 90°, and allows visitors to ride it to find themselves in the water, but still remain dry. Near the “Mountain River” attraction there are also always a lot of people cheerfully watching the adventures of sailing in a round boat along a seething artificial river.

9. Jade Buddha Temple

This unique temple in Shanghai is a functioning Buddhist monastery. The jade statues of Shakyamuni Buddha located in it were brought at the end of the 19th century by sea from Burma. The figures of the Seated Buddha (about 2 m high, weighing 3 tons) and the reclining Buddha were placed in a temple specially built for them. In the last century, the statues were moved to a new building, in which, since 1985, meditation and lectures on religion were resumed, and monastic life was completely revived. This historic Shanghai landmark is open to the public. During the inspection, you can relax in one of the small restaurants, or light and place a stick of incense in the incense burner.

10. Longhua Pagoda

Longhua Pagoda is the oldest historical building in China; it was built almost two millennia ago. The height of the building is about forty meters, but the pagoda can only be seen and examined from a distance; it has not been possible to enter it for several decades. This is due to the fact that the building, due to its antiquity, is constantly undergoing full-scale restoration and reconstruction. Longhua Pagoda is slightly tilted, similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You can approach it completely free of charge, and entrance to the Longhua Temple complex, of which it is part, costs only 10 yuan.

The sights of Shanghai can be described for a very long time. It is the largest city in China and is not limited to the places listed above. Visit Shanghai and see for yourself!

Shanghai is called the “Paris of the East”. This is the largest and most developed Chinese metropolis, which has merged several large cities into a single structure.

Western and Eastern traditions are surprisingly mixed here, and over the past two millennia many interesting sights have accumulated.

To see all the splendor of Shanghai, you need to live in this city. Therefore, we focus on the most interesting places in Shanghai and take into account the interests of those who come for a sightseeing tour for several hours or days.

Main attractions of Shanghai

Shanghai is divided into one county and 18 districts, some of which were separate cities before the merger.

It is quite problematic to single out the center of the metropolis, since the business heart of the city beats in three districts at once, and the administrative heart in Huangpu.
It is there, by the way, that the famous Nanjing Street is located, which is definitely worth a visit.

What to visit in Shanghai - the usual Chinese set:

  • Buddhist temples;
  • skyscrapers;
  • markets;
  • museums;
  • gardens;
  • streets and neighborhoods.

To effectively navigate interesting places, it is worth exploring the local transport system. Its structure is as follows:

  • Magnetoplane (high-speed train, accelerates to 430 km/h) - 40-50 yuan;
  • metro (12 branched lines) - 3-10 yuan;
  • buses (excursion and regular) - 1-2 yuan;
  • ferries - 0.5-2 yuan;
  • high-speed trams;
  • taxi (this includes motorcycle and pedicabs, motorcycle taxis) - the price depends on the route;
  • sightseeing tunnel (leads to the Pearl TV Tower) - 40 yuan.

The Shanghai metro operates from 5:00 to 23:00.

If you come for several days, it is better to purchase SPTC - a universal transport card. It works on almost all types of urban transport. The savings will be significant.

Top 5 best places in Shanghai

The places worth visiting depend on the picture you have in your mind.

Are you interested in a business developing metropolis or ancient quarters and ancient temples?

We tried to adjust the lists below so that the traveler sees two sides of the Shanghai coin.

  1. Bund of the Bund. This place is better known as Bunda.
    The Bund is adjacent to the Huangpu River and has been considered the symbol of the city for centuries.
    Some people call the Bund the "fair of architecture" - there are 52 buildings in which architectural styles from all over the planet are mixed.
    The easiest way to get here is by magnetic plane.
    The cost of boating along the river to the confluence with the Yangtze is 50-100 dollars. Prepare another 120 bucks if you want to get into the light tunnel.
  2. Pearl of the East. It is considered an outstanding monument of Chinese modernity.
    15 spheres imitating pearls are frozen on various tiers of the structure, the total height of which is 468 meters. It is better to move around this top by elevators.
    To get to the observation deck, prepare 120 yuan; for visiting the spheres you will have to pay 160-220 yuan.
  3. Yu Gardens. This is the last example of ancient Chinese gardening art preserved in Shanghai.
    Everything here suggests the idea of ​​time standing still:
    • pavilions,
    • ancient trees,
    • greenish surface of the pond.

    The splendor of the Gardens of Joy extends over several hectares.

    This place is located in Old Shanghai, which can be reached by taking the 10 metro line.

    Ticket price is 30-40 yuan.

  4. Shanghai Aquarium. You can come here with your children if they are traveling with you.
    The aquarium is located not far from the TV tower, so it will be convenient to get there.
    A child ticket costs 110 yuan, an adult ticket costs 160.
    You will see an entire aquarium complex, divided into themed rooms. The effect is enhanced by temperature, light and sound.
  5. Jinmao skyscraper. This is the tallest Chinese building and the fourth tallest in the world. The top of the skyscraper, rising above the business center of Shanghai, is buried in the clouds.
    To get here, go to the Pudong quarter along the already familiar tenth line.
    For a ticket to the observation deck you will have to pay 60-90 yuan.

Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, where towering skyscrapers and glittering entertainment centers coexist with traditional Chinese architecture. Having been under British protectorate for more than 100 years, the city took all the best from Western civilization. The interweaving of Western business culture and advanced technologies with original Chinese traditions is modern Shanghai.

Architectural sights of Shanghai: photos with descriptions

Longhua Pagoda

Longhua Pagoda

This is the most interesting architectural landmark of the city. The pagoda, built together with Longhua Temple in 247, has undergone many renovations over its long history, the last of which was carried out in 1979. Since then, entry into it has been prohibited because the structure is not strong enough. Therefore, tourists are allowed to admire this wonderful structure only from the outside.

The height of the pagoda is 40 meters. The seven tiers have an octagonal shape and a roof shape traditional for ancient Chinese architecture. Therefore, for a Buddhist atmosphere, go to Longhua Temple. In five spacious halls you can admire beautiful statues, the most famous of which is the gilded statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. The temple library contains Buddhist relics, including sutras, traditional Chinese instruments and many works of art.
Of the most remarkable architectural monuments of Shanghai, you should definitely visit the following:

  • Temple of Confucius in Shanghai. A 14th-century temple with an interesting history, architecture and interior contents. At the end of the tour, you will take part in a traditional tea ceremony;
  • Temple of the Jade Buddha. Center for Chinese Buddhism, where religious and scientific-historical conferences, as well as classes on Buddhism, are periodically held. For tourists, the temple is notable for its two jeweled Buddha sculptures carved from rare Burmese white jade. This is also the best place to buy Chinese souvenirs;
  • Chenghuangmiao Temple. Temple complex of the 15th century, dedicated to the guardian god of the city. Traditional Chinese festivals are often held here. The tea house deserves special attention.

During the First Opium War, Shanghai was captured by British troops and the Treaty of Nanking gave Western trading companies extensive trading rights. American and British settlements appear in the city. Therefore, along with traditional Chinese places of worship, there are Christian churches in Shanghai, the most interesting of which are the Cathedral of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Sheshan Basilica of the Virgin Mary.

Shanghai Museums

Shanghai Museum

Shanghai Museum

This museum should definitely be included in your list of things to see in Shanghai in one day. It was founded in 1952 and is one of the largest repositories of historical and cultural artifacts in the world. The Shanghai Museum has three spacious halls and eleven galleries, displaying more than 8 thousand exhibits from different eras and peoples.

Of particular interest is the collection of more than 400 bronze items, including jewelry, weapons, dishes and musical instruments. Jade and porcelain are no less revered by the Chinese, the products from which amaze with the skill of their execution.

Did you know? Seals were invented in China and were made of jade, which has a softness suitable for minting small designs.

Special attention is paid to ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting, as well as sculpture and furniture made for the imperial dynasties by the best craftsmen from expensive wood. And numismatists and bonists will be attracted by the richest collection of metal and paper money from China and neighboring countries. Also in the Shanghai Museum you can see works of handicraft and folk arts of Tibet and other small peoples of China.
The cultural, historical and material heritage of China is presented in more than 250 museums of various themes and orientations. Tourists can spend their time most interestingly in this way:

  • Drivers and connoisseurs of antique cars can devote a whole day to the Automobile Museum in Shanghai, where rare cars from different countries and times are exhibited in five spacious pavilions. There are also many screens where interesting stories about the structure and operating principles of the car are broadcast;
  • get acquainted with a lot of interesting exhibits at the Shanghai Urban History Museum. More than 30 thousand exhibits are presented here, colorfully telling the history of the city. Of particular interest are life-size models of houses and huts, and realistically made wax figures demonstrating various scenes from city life. Tourists all over the world consider this museum to be the best in Shanghai;
  • learn the history of the emergence and development of acupuncture, acupuncture and herbal treatment at the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even people who are not interested in such topics will like it here;
  • Philatelists and history buffs will be interested in the Shanghai Postal Museum, where the history of postal communication from signal lights and drums to the telegraph and modern technologies is very interesting and detailed. The collection of stamps from different times and countries of the world will appeal even to non-philately fans;
  • people who remember Soviet propaganda posters well will be interested in exploring the exhibition of the Museum of Propaganda Posters. Samples of printed propaganda materials are exhibited here, the subjects of which colorfully and clearly reflect the history of the development of the Chinese state in the 20th century and are strikingly similar to propaganda posters of the USSR.

Natural attractions of Shanghai

Shanghai Uplands is a must-see destination. Here, in the bamboo groves and deciduous forests, there is a whole network of parks with many architectural objects, a suspension bridge, picturesque alleys with sculptures and various services for tourists.
In the eastern part of the park, the main emphasis is on nature and plants. Most of all, tourists like the picturesque tea forest, tea pavilion and tea shop, where you can buy the best varieties of Chinese tea at an affordable price.
Taking the cable car to the western part of the park, you can visit the Catholic Basilica of St. Mary, the butterfly garden and the observatory. In autumn, a sand sculpture festival is held here, in which the best masters of this art from all over the world take part. You can take home bamboo shoots, orchids and rare blue tea. Children can enjoy delicious honey peaches.
You can also take a break from the city noise and admire the picturesque nature in the following places:

  • Shanghai Botanical Garden;
  • Century Park;
  • Fuxing Park;
  • Jing'an Sculpture Park;
  • Yu Garden (Yuyuan).

Yu Garden (Yuyuan)

Where to feel the city: observation decks and places to walk in Shanghai

China ranks first in the world in the number of skyscrapers, three of which are located in Shanghai, being one of the main attractions of the city. It is impossible to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Shanghai without visiting one of the city's observation platforms. Here you can not only take great photos and experience thrills (for example, walking with insurance on the roof of a 400-meter building), but also have lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants, while admiring the panorama of Shanghai. The best viewing platforms in Shanghai are:

  • Shanghai World Financial Center (472 m);
  • Jin Mao Tower (400 m);
  • TV tower “Pearl of the East” (267 m).

Observation Deck, Shanghai World Financial Center

Be sure to take time to stroll through the French Quarter, where the French Concession was located in the 19th and 20th centuries. The architecture of the cozy establishments recreates the atmosphere of the 20s. Everything here is so organic and harmonious that, walking along these European streets, you sometimes forget that you are in China.
Also in Shanghai you should definitely visit the following interesting places:

  • the water city of Zhujiajiao, called the “Shanghai Venice”, where the unique atmosphere of ancient China has been preserved;
  • Yuyuan Old Street is a piece of ancient China in the center of a modern metropolis. Here you can buy interesting souvenirs and admire Chinese architecture;
  • entertainment complex Intercontinental Shimao Wonderland Shanghai, built inside an artificial canyon filled with water. In one of the hotel rooms or from the Jacuzzi at the spa center, you can watch the marine life swimming near the windows. There are also plenty of other interesting activities for the whole family.

What to see in Shanghai in 1 day

  1. Happy Valley Park;
  2. Shanghai Botanical Garden;
  3. Longhua Pagoda;
  4. Shanghai Museum;
  5. Shanghai World Financial Center.

What to see in Shanghai in 2 days

  1. Shanghai Automobile Museum;
  2. Mount Sheshan;
  3. Basilica of the Virgin Mary;
  4. Shanghai Zoo;
  5. Temple of Confucius in Shanghai;
  6. Jin Mao Tower.

What to see in Shanghai in 3 days

  1. Temple of the Jade Buddha;
  2. Yu Garden;
  3. Shanghai Aquarium;
  4. Shanghai Urban History Museum;
  5. TV tower "Pearl of the East".

What to see in Shanghai in 5 days

If you have more time to get to know Shanghai, then you can devote the fourth day to visiting Disneyland, and the next day go to the following places:

  1. Jinjiang Action Park;
  2. Chenghuangmiao Temple;
  3. French Quarter;
  4. Yuyuan Old Street;
  5. Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
  6. Century Park.

Where to go in Shanghai with children

Like any tourist city, Shanghai pays great attention to family recreation and entertainment for children. Having listed all such city attractions, you can create a rather weighty guide, so we will focus on the most interesting and popular of them:

  • The youngest Disneyland, opened in 2016. It consists of six thematic areas with a lot of interesting attractions and entertainment for children of all ages. For those who want to take a break from the noise and general fun, there is a separate park - “Wishing Star Park”. Here is the tallest Sleeping Beauty Castle in the world. Be sure to wait until the park closes, followed by spectacular fireworks displays;
  • amusement park "Happy Valley". Another modern amusement park with interesting themed areas and water attractions. The park is less crowded and noisy, but no less interesting than Disneyland;
  • Jinjiang Action Park. A small but interesting and cozy amusement park, opened in 1984. The main attraction here is the 108-meter Ferris wheel with stunning views of Shanghai;
  • Shanghai Circus. A must visit place in Shanghai. Especially for those who don’t like clowns and feel sorry for circus animals. There is neither one nor the other here. Instead, you will be offered an enchanting, stunning show of famous Chinese acrobats, incredible stunts on bicycles, a breathtaking show of motorcyclists in the sphere and many other unforgettable performances;
  • Shanghai Zoo. A great holiday destination for the whole family with many animals, including such rare ones as the golden monkey. Children are especially delighted, of course, by pandas, dancing elephants and a family of gorillas with their funny, human-like habits. The animals live in comfortable conditions, and the park itself is very green and cozy. In addition to watching animals, visitors are provided with other interesting entertainment and the opportunity to have a tasty and inexpensive snack in one of the cafes;
  • Shanghai Aquarium. An excellent place with a wide variety of sea inhabitants. The cold zone with penguins and, of course, the aquarium with jellyfish deserve special attention, the multi-colored lighting of which creates a colorful, unforgettable spectacle that is really hard to tear yourself away from.

Video review of Shanghai attractions

Shanghai is one of the most interesting places for , and also quite an interesting place for lovers of city tours . And this is not surprising, because Shanghai is rich in sights that you can talk about for hours. But despite this, we have selected a short but informative video for you.

Shanghai is a city that you need to visit more than once, because even in a week you won’t be able to see all its attractions. Moreover, in an economically developed city, places of interest for tourists appear every year. And visiting Shanghai parks is like visiting good old friends.

Just a huge city! I lived there for five years, and even during that time I was not able to climb all of it. A lot of foreign and Chinese tourists visit this city, and I don't know anyone who isn't impressed by its scope, diversity and atmosphere.

combines history and modernity, it is a city of contrasts, and everyone will find something interesting for themselves in it.

What to see in Shanghai In Shanghai can be seen and"ancient" Chinese temples And parks , and mega-modern skyscrapers . There and national cuisine restaurants: from small “chifaneks” with three tables to huge, sparkling refectory palaces with five floors. There are Chinese"ancient" Chinese temples night clubs bohemian establishments

for foreigners. There are circuses and zoos, there are highways and streets...

Master list of Shanghai must-sees What matters is how much time you have. Part Shanghai attractions

  • located around the center, the other will take time to get there. I will only tell you about the center for now.The busiest place in Shanghai -pedestrian Nanjing street . Hundreds of different boutiques, shops and shops for shopping lovers
  • . There are many restaurants and eateries around.Bund- Huangpu River embankment . Lined up on one side beautiful buildings beginning of the twentieth century. At the northern end of the embankment is the Russian consulate in an old mansion. On the other hand, the most recognizable view of Shanghai - TV tower"Oriental Pearl"

  • and business center. The Bund, however, is best admired after sunset. I highly recommend it if you can’t, look at from high. To do this you need to move to the other side of the river, there is"ancient" Chinese temples tourist tunnel ferry . You can climb the “Eastern Pearl”. Or visit observation deck in the tallest skyscraper or go up to the rooftop bar International Trade Center
  • and admire the view while enjoying delicious coffee. Located next to skyscraperslargest in Asia Oceanarium . It's huge, there's an incredible collection of different sea ​​creatures
  • from all corners of the planet.. The history of this city is amazing, sometimes incredible and very interesting! This museum has everything you want learn aboutShanghai and even more.
  • Yuyuan Garden. This tourist favorite place recreates paintings old China. If you want curved roofs, fancy ponds and red koi fish, this is the place to be. There's a lot there souvenir shops With "antiques", silk and pearls.

  • In the evening the tourist has only one road - French concession. There's an abundance here bars, restaurants, pubs with live and not so live music - a wonderful end to the evening.

And also You can see it in Shanghai Shanghai Zoo"ancient" Chinese temples Disneyland, and very close - Chinese