Does it make sense to rent out an apartment? We are going to rent an apartment. What pitfalls can there be when renting out real estate to strangers? what do you need to know? what to watch out for? Is it worth taking it?

Perhaps, at first glance, renting out an apartment is very profitable. With the cost of a finished one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow being 4-5 million (we will consider it to be in good condition without the need for additional repairs), the monthly rental price is 25-45 thousand rubles. As a result, the apartment is completely sold out in an average of 10-15 years.

Brief tips on how to stay profitable when renting out an apartment:

  • First of all, draw up an agreement with the tenant. Don't be lazy to have it certified by a notary. This way, you will protect yourself from dishonesty on his part.
  • In order not to be left without a client at all, make your apartment look attractive. But do it as economically as possible: strictly, carefully.
  • It’s better to buy inexpensive and unpretentious things for your apartment.

Daily apartment rental

The wear and tear of things increases significantly when renting out an apartment on a daily basis. The daily rental option involves constant communication with clients. The neighbors may not like this: there are always strangers in the entrance. The need for accounting. However, the benefit from daily rent is on average 203 times higher than for long-term rent. If you are interested in the direction, then it is worth reading about.

Increased consumer interest in income apartments occurs during periods of fever in the banking and pension sectors. Does it make sense today to purchase a “breadwinner apartment” for rent?


Until the beginning of this decade, the St. Petersburg rental housing market showed simply fantastic returns by world standards. The number of potential tenants greatly exceeded the number of landlords.

Often, by renting out a destroyed one-room apartment in a panel house, a cheerful pensioner could afford to buy a new car on credit and regularly vacation at an affordable tropical resort on a last-minute package.

And two inherited apartments (given the natural population decline, this is not uncommon) allowed the owner to lead a carefree life as a rentier, without investing anything in them, but only receiving dividends. At the same time, utility bills were meager, and taxation was “zero.”

This state of affairs could not continue for long: the market is aggressive, it always punishes the lazy and carefree. In our decade, everything has changed and continues to change.


The rental market is conservative. Over the past few years, rental rates have remained almost stable. Demand is subject to seasonal fluctuations: surges occur at the beginning of the school year, declines at the end of spring.

BN Help

According to the Center for Assessment and Analytics of the Real Estate Bulletin, last August the supply price on the room rental market in St. Petersburg amounted to 11.4 thousand rubles. per month, one-room apartments and studios were offered for 21.5 thousand rubles, two-room apartments - for 28.9 thousand rubles, three-room apartments were valued at 38.5 thousand rubles. per month. It should be noted that prices for rooms increased slightly compared to the previous month - by 1.8%, one-room apartments - by 2.6%, two-room apartments - by 4.1% (only three-room apartments fell in price by 0.6%). But the rise in price is typical for late summer - early autumn: in August 2016 it was the same.

Truly tectonic shifts are hidden behind the deceptive picture of external stability. Long-term observations conducted by BN analysts show that the supply of housing for rent increased from year to year, demand was stable, and the qualitative composition of tenants changed.

Even at the beginning of this decade, landlords could choose between a neat student or a middle-aged couple without children or animals (the two most desirable categories of renters); Then, when the development of new territories began in the city, the main interests became gloomy brunettes from neighboring countries.

As long as supply did not dominate demand, all this was not so noticeable, and any listed apartment found a tenant in a matter of hours. But when the supply and demand curves in the analytical reports did intersect (in the winter of 2014-2015), there were many vacant apartments on the market.

Yes, the rates have remained the same, but now we have to fight for the tenants. Housing with sagging sofas, Zhdanov wardrobes and rickety chairs turned out to be unnecessary.

In order to rent out the “granny apartment” at the same price, it must be renovated and provided with household appliances.


What are the prospects for owners of “pension” apartments today? Frankly speaking, not brilliant, but not hopeless either. Competitors wishing to rent out housing are multiplying exponentially: studio apartments in new buildings in the Kadiya region are entering the rental market.

In addition, those who previously could only rely on rented housing now have an alternative - a relatively affordable mortgage and their own studio apartment in a new area.

The increase in tariffs for housing and communal services and utility bills (currently about 5% per year), growing taxes on the cadastral value (benefits are provided only for a single dwelling) will also eat away at the benefits. Let us take into account that in the next three years we will face a demographic failure.

But there is another side to the coin. The point is that in the event of bankruptcies and delays in the delivery of objects by developers, landlords will have new clients (therefore, a short-term surge is possible).

There is also a growing generation of “eternal renters” - they are not oriented towards becoming owners, preferring to move freely around the world in rented cars and live in rented apartments. But these are no longer clients of rentier pensioners.

What will happen to rental rates? For depressed areas, an extreme option is also possible - “almost for nothing, just to pay for utilities.” As for the average level, it will primarily depend on the income of the population. And here is the limiter. If we talk about long-term rentals, in any case, tenants are rarely willing to spend more than a third of their income on renting housing. This is the conditional maximum that the lessor can squeeze out.

For reference: today, according to Rosstat, the average salary in St. Petersburg is 47.2 thousand rubles, the average old-age pension is 13.6 thousand rubles. Thus, the average pensioner with free living space can count on an increase of about 12-15 thousand rubles. (don't forget about utility bills and taxes).


Other popular segments today are short-term and daily rental housing. The stakes are higher here. The main clients who rent housing for up to a year are specialists who come to the city to work on fixed-term employment contracts. In previous, “pre-sanction” years, many of them were foreign.

Of course, such tenants need comfortable, high-quality housing within walking distance from the metro, as well as many related services - cleaning, cooking, nanny. And the owner can make money from this.

Daily rentals are also on the rise in popularity today. Additional services are also possible in this segment: meeting guests, organizing an excursion for them, etc. But, in essence, we are not talking about receiving passive income, but about entrepreneurial activity in the service sector.

And where there is entrepreneurship, there is always competition. Today, guests have a wide range of offers: from hostels with bunk beds to new business class apartments.

There are other difficulties. The migration of highly paid intellectual specialists is already a thing of the past: today they have more and more opportunities for remote work. In addition, the state (and not only ours) does not encourage entrepreneurship in the field of short-term rentals, to put it mildly. Both in Russia and in Europe they are trying to limit the use of residential premises as hotels at the legislative level.

The above, however, does not mean that private traders have no place in this market. It’s just a market where luck will no longer smile on the lazy.

The trend is this: real estate that does not come with a package of related services is worth almost nothing. If you want to earn money, become a hospitable host.


Buying a home on credit for the purpose of renting it out at today's prices, rental rates and interest rates for mortgage borrowers is a questionable decision. Let's illustrate this with an example, taking a long-term hit of the rental market - a one-room apartment in Brezhnevka near the metro station (see table).

The average offer price for such an apartment is 3.13 million rubles. The current rental rate is 18.7 thousand rubles. per month. Using the mortgage calculator of the “bank of friends”, which offers a 20-year installment plan and own funds of 1 million rubles. Today's humane rate is 11% per annum, we will receive a monthly payment of 22 thousand rubles.

Thus, even provided that the apartment has not been empty for a month, and adding at least 9 thousand rubles to rental income every month. (utilities included), we will donate one million rubles of our own funds to the bank and pay another two in the form of monthly additional payments.

Having repeated the “laboratory work” taking into account your capabilities and requests (price, rate, equity, loan term), you will most likely be convinced that this is an equation that does not have a profitable solution for you.


If you already have free living space, you don’t need to get rid of it. We are entering a new economic reality: no one knows what will happen to the banking system, deposit rates or cryptocurrencies in five to ten years.

However, we can confidently say that residential real estate will be a sought-after product both for sale and for rent. True, although this is a reliable asset, it is modest in terms of profitability.

What to do if retirement is just around the corner? Obviously, it makes sense to do optimization. For example, through counter purchases and relatively small mortgage loans, exchange unpromising properties from a rental point of view for more liquid and “rentable” ones.

Below is a table showing the conditional profitability of long-term hits of the long-term rental market in St. Petersburg (in brackets are data for 2013, and they show that the profitability of landlords is not growing).

True, a significant caveat is required: when calculating, we did not take into account taxes, investments in preparatory and depreciation repairs, downtime and utility bills included in the rental price. Thus, in real life, another quarter to a third will have to be subtracted from the figure in the “Conditional Profitability Index” column.

Offer price, rub.
Rental rate, rub. per month
Conditional profitability index, % per annum**

Room 18 sq. m in a three- to five-room apartment of the old stock

1 654 000
(1 565 000)
12 500
(12 321)
9,1 (9,4)
This segment has high tenant turnover and long periods of downtime.

Room 14 sq. m in a two- or three-room apartment, a typical house of the “old panel” category
1 316 000
(1 450 000)
10 237 (10 864)
9,3 (9,0)
In most cases, the owner himself lives in other rooms

One-room apartment (studio) 27 sq.m. m in a brick-monolithic house
3 424 000
(2 938 000)
20 722 (20 802)
7,3 (8,4)
The segment is overstocked with offers; there is demand for newly renovated properties and with household appliances

One-room apartment 33 sq. m in Khrushchev or Brezhnevka
3 127 000
(3 264 000)
18 688 (21 346)
7,2 (7,8)
Rates have fallen, apartments have fallen in price, apartments near the metro are in demand

Three-room apartment 75 sq. m in a “new panel” type house
6 767 000
(6 149 000)
33 173 (39 060)
5,9 (7,6)
Rental rates have decreased significantly over the past 4 years. Demand for apartments with high-quality renovation continues

* The table shows average supply prices and rental rates for housing of different types in August 2017 (in parentheses - in November 2013).

** Profitability is calculated as the ratio of annual rental income (excluding investments in preparatory and depreciation repairs, utility bills, taxes and downtime) to the purchase price as a percentage.


The purchase price of the apartment is 6.7 million rubles, the rental rate is 33 thousand rubles. per month.
Annual income: 33,000 rub./month. × 12 months = 396,000 rub.
Yield: (396,000/6,700,000) × 100% = 5.9% per annum
Payback period of investments: 6,700,000 / 396,000 = 16.9 years

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At first glance, renting out property may seem profitable. The cost of apartments in big cities is so high, and the rent itself is so small, that the investment is justified only after decades.

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This time will be enough only if the owner manages to find good clients and avoid risks.


Owning real estate guarantees the safety of investments. It will not be affected by inflation, for the reason that the price of property rises in proportion to its growth.

Many owners decide to sell their property. However, first the issue of selling and preserving the money received from the sale is addressed.

Of course, if there are no other goals in forming a business or purchasing another expensive apartment, then the sale can only result in damage, which can be expressed in the following:

  • in inflation format;
  • if the owner invested in the bank, then he will receive a small percentage;
  • purchasing housing that is difficult to live without;
  • risks associated with financial safety issues.

Keeping the property empty is also not profitable, since its owner will still have to pay for utilities, operation of the property and other costs associated with maintenance. Such nuances encourage most owners of empty apartments to rent it out.

Here the owners have a lot of positive aspects:

  • the apartment is always under the supervision of tenants;
  • the proceeds from the transaction allow you to pay the costs of maintaining the property and receive additional income;
  • in the event of emergency situations, tenants will take the first measures to eliminate them;
  • the property in which the tenants will be located will be freed from encroachment by friends and relatives.

To rent out an apartment legally, there is no need to register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur.

The tax will be calculated based on the rental amount specified in the agreement. The interest rate in this case rises no higher than 13% of the actual amount of income.

Rarely, this amount can increase to 17 percent, but the increase applies only to those whose rental income has been increased to ten minimum wages.

Is it worth taking it?

Great benefits in renting an apartment are given to those who inherited it. Once the agreement is signed, it can no longer be corrected.

The main thing is that the contract contains the following points:

  • amount and time of transfer of rent;
  • percentage of permitted use of a rented apartment;
  • questions regarding payment for utilities;
  • the procedure for analyzing the condition of the property by the owner;
  • the process of compensation for damage caused to the owner.

It would be good if, before concluding an agreement, the parties to the agreement could have a preliminary conversation with a professional lawyer.

It should be noted here that if the tenant decides to carry out renovation work in the apartment, then the final result will still belong to the owner. All construction activities may only be carried out with the consent of the owner.

It is good if it is in writing in order to avoid possible misunderstandings in the future. If the apartment owner responds with a firm refusal, the tenant will have to come to terms with his decision.

How to rent it profitably

Profit can only be achieved with the right approach to business, and the profit itself can increase to the maximum amount. The result largely depends on a written agreement, which must describe all the conditions and rules for the operation of the property.

If we talk about moving in and moving out of the property, then these events are carried out by drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment.

It focuses on the following data:

  • housing indicators;
  • its cosmetic and technical content;
  • condition of plumbing components;
  • furniture arrangement and condition.

The text part of the document can contain all the data that may seem useful to the landlord if it helps him regulate relations with tenants.

This list may include a ban on registration, sublease, and other actions that are unacceptable in the opinion of the owner. Under such conditions, the agreement between the participants will be maintained, and the owner himself will regulate the contractual relationship in his own opinion.

Is it profitable to take out a mortgage and rent out an apartment?

Ideally, even if a person buys a home using a mortgage program and continues to rent it out, he will be able to earn a lot of money from rent. He can give the proceeds received to the lender as repayment of financial obligations to the bank.

He will be able to fully pay off his mortgage in about 10-20 years. As a result, he will get an apartment practically for nothing. However, this idea seems tempting only in theory.

Russian legislation does not prohibit citizens from performing such actions, but it is important to carefully study the agreement with the bank. It should not contain any prohibitions on renting to other persons.

However, even the most loyal bank conditions will not be able to bring any profit. This is if you don’t pay attention to all sorts of difficulties with finding tenants, his careless handling of other people’s things in the apartment, the costs of additional repair work, and so on.

Therefore, taking out an apartment on a mortgage and then renting it out is considered not a profitable undertaking.

The profitability of the business in this case averages 4-7% per annum. Calculations say that it is much more profitable to buy two inexpensive one- or two-room apartments in urban areas known for rent, or where there is a lack of supply.

An investment of this kind will pay off much faster than buying one, but expensive apartment.

It is advisable to immediately decide who exactly the apartment will be rented to. So, if we talk about immigrants, students and shift workers, then for them the size and quality of housing rarely come to the fore.

When housing is planned to be provided for use by families with children, completely different laws apply.

In the latter case, the apartment cannot have only one room. It should be equipped with a washing machine and other household appliances. It would be good if kindergartens and schools were located nearby.

Possible risks

As for sharp corners, which are rather a disadvantage in solving this issue, several nuances can be highlighted here:

  • the owner of the apartment may encounter unscrupulous tenants or citizens with fraudulent tendencies;
  • Tenants may require mandatory registration at their place of residence;
  • if at the time of living in a rented apartment the tenants have a child, then the owner may have huge problems with their discharge;
  • new tenants can illegally rent out the apartment to other people and receive their income for the transaction;
  • if people use the rental property carelessly, the owner may suffer significant losses;
  • Illegal actions by residents can lead to unpleasant incidents between the owner and representatives of the judiciary.

This list is far from complete, since the owner may encounter a lot of other troubles. For example, if new residents cause a flood in the apartment, causing significant damage to neighboring property.

It is good if the transaction is executed correctly, since he will be able to recover the required amount from the culprit in full.

If the landlord does not have an agreement, most likely the owner will have to restore the neighbors’ property at the expense of his personal budget.

Similar problems can arise as a result of faulty plumbing fixtures. Then it will be difficult for the owner to prove anything, so he will have to invest his own money in repairs.

​Accumulating a decent amount in the modern world is not so easy. The question arises about how to deal with your personal finances correctly in order to remain profitable. There are now a lot of options for investing money. Before choosing one of them, you need to calculate all the advantages and disadvantages. Today we will find out what is more profitable: renting out an apartment or putting money in a bank (at the bottom of the article there will be a detailed analysis of calculation examples).

How profitable is it to rent out an apartment?

At the first stage, several important issues need to be resolved.

  1. How much money will be needed to purchase an apartment?
  2. In which area to buy real estate?
  3. Rent an apartment yourself, or use the services of an agency.
  4. What income will be received in a year, two, etc.

Which apartment is best for rent?

If a person decides to rent out an apartment, he must understand that it is necessary to create favorable conditions for guests.

Factors to consider:

  • the area must have good transport links;
  • the room must have furniture and equipment;
  • minimal cosmetic repairs.

Renting out living space can bring approximately 7-15% of annual income from the value of the property (i.e. if your apartment costs 1,000,000 rubles, then most likely you can rent it out for 7,000-15,000 rubles per month). Moreover, it is more profitable to offer a one-room apartment for rent. There are lower costs for restoration and utility bills.

Daily or long-term rental?

Renting housing daily is very profitable. More often, such apartments are in demand among business people. They don't have to do a lot of cooking or washing their clothes. The main purpose is overnight stay. As a result, the apartment owner will have to spend less on repairs.

As for long-term rent, it is beneficial to the owner of the property if he does not have time to constantly search for new clients. However, it is very important to find guests who will be clean and constantly maintain order in their housing.

Should I rent it out myself or contact an agency?

Finding a tenant, paying utilities and other nuances - if a person does not have time for them, it is better to contact an agency. The realtor's fee is about 10-20% of the monthly rent received for the living space.

At the same time, the realtor is fully responsible for the condition of the apartment, independently looks for tenants and even carries out repairs (if necessary).

Profitable or not?

Investing in real estate is always profitable. However, before you rent out your apartment, you need to consider all the risks.

  1. People are different. It is possible that some things in the home will be damaged. It often happens that unscrupulous guests can even move out without paying utilities.
  2. Sooner or later, something will break in the apartment - and this means repairs (additional costs).

Useful tips

  1. There is no need to put too high a price on your apartment. It should be such that a person can afford to live and not look for a new place of residence.
  2. An agreement must be drawn up with the tenant. It is advisable to even have it notarized. This is necessary just in case of unexpected breakdowns. For example, the refrigerator has broken down, who will buy a new one? Such nuances must be taken into account in the contract.
  3. Before renting out the property, it must be brought into proper condition. If new things are bought, they should be unpretentious and inexpensive.

We can conclude that renting out an apartment is profitable if you settle all the nuances with the guests. If the owner of the property has a place to live and offers his property for long-term rent, this is a good move. Guests will not have to constantly jump from place to place, and the home owner will constantly receive passive income. On average, a one-room apartment pays for itself in 10-15 years, taking into account possible risks.

Investing in a bank: advantages and risks

It is important to understand that a deposit is not a way to earn a fabulous amount. Yes, there will be passive income, but its percentage directly depends on the amount of the deposit. The larger the amount, the greater the profit. It is better to take a deposit as a method of saving your money. The income received from the deposit will be a pleasant addition.

Investing in a bank has its positive sides and risks. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them, only then decide on further actions.

Advantages of banking investments

  1. Anyone can make a deposit; there are no restrictions. This will require a minimum package of documents. Investments can be made both in domestic and foreign currencies.
  2. Reliability. If you contact the “right” bank, the deposit will be protected. What does this mean? The agreement implies that in the event of liquidation of the enterprise or default, the depositor will receive his investment back (but not more than 1,400,000 rubles, since ruble deposits in Russia are insured for this amount).
  3. It is beneficial to store it in a bank - there will be no constant temptation to go buy something.
  4. Guaranteed interest. Even if the income is not large, it is still nice to receive a minimum passive interest. If you invest a large amount, it will be a great increase.

Disadvantages of Bank Investments

  1. The most significant disadvantage is the meager interest rates. Sometimes a person expects a huge income, but in the end receives “kopecks” at rates that are lower than inflation. If the purpose of the deposit is to earn money, then it is not profitable.
  2. When the depositor draws up an agreement, it specifies the period during which the funds will remain in the bank. In the event of force majeure, if suddenly a person urgently needs to withdraw his capital, and he withdraws everything from the account ahead of schedule, all interest is lost (if this is provided for in the contract).
  3. If the interest rate offered by the bank is very high, there is a possibility that you will need to pay tax on it. This definitely needs to be clarified.

There are a lot of credit institutions now, they all offer different conditions for depositors. It is for this reason that it is necessary to carefully study all deposit programs and choose the least risky one.

  • the period for which the deposit is placed;
  • interest rate;
  • terms of deposit (with or without capitalization);
  • deposit amount.

It is necessary to understand that if a bank offers a 10% rate on a deposit for a period of 3 months, this does not mean that the income will also be 10%. The interest received will depend on how many days the money remains in the institution.

Bank investment or renting out an apartment: which is more profitable?

Taking into account all the advantages and risks, we can conclude that it will still be more profitable to make a deposit investment than to buy an apartment and rent it out on a monthly or daily basis.

Why? Everything is very simple. The money will be safe in the bank. All interest accumulates on the account, the person does not withdraw it. It turns out that after some time he will receive his amount + passive income.

As for renting an apartment. The tenant gives money to the owner of the property every month - there is a temptation to spend the amount received, in addition, you need to pay for utilities, periodically make repairs in the apartment, and you will also have to pay income tax on the income received from renting.

In order to more clearly paint the picture and understand what is more profitable: a bank deposit or renting out an apartment, let’s look at a few real life examples.

Example 1.

A young family has 1,000,000 rubles on hand. What to do with the money: put it on a bank deposit or buy an apartment with a mortgage?

  1. It was decided to put this money in the bank for 15 years at 8% per annum with capitalization. In total, after the specified period, young people will receive 3,306,000 rubles.
  2. It was decided to buy an apartment with a mortgage worth 2,300,000 rubles, with an initial payment of 1,000,000 and a term of 15 years. The monthly payment to the bank will be 14,000 rubles. If this apartment can be rented out, for example, for 20,000 rubles a month, then minus the rent and mortgage payment, the young people will have approximately 4,000 rubles left on their hands every month. Thus, in 15 years they will earn 720,000 rubles + the cost of the apartment (720,000 + 2,300,000 = 3,020,000 rubles). And if you take into account that over 15 years the apartment will have to undergo cosmetic repairs several times, update equipment, pay taxes on renting out the apartment, and months of idle living space cannot be ruled out, then it becomes obvious that investing money in a bank is much more profitable than purchase an apartment with a mortgage to rent it out.

Example 2.

The young family has 2,300,000 rubles on hand.

  1. It was decided to put money in the bank at 8% per annum and withdraw interest monthly in order to have an additional source of income. Those. every month young people will have an additional guaranteed income from a deposit in the amount of 15,300 rubles.
  2. It was decided to buy an apartment for 2,300,000 rubles and rent it out. In order for this operation to be more profitable than a bank deposit, taking into account taxes and rent, it is necessary to find tenants who are willing to pay at least 20,000 rubles monthly for it, and at the same time the apartment must be rented out all the time, without downtime (repairs and other We do not take into account the costs of maintaining the living space in a condition suitable for renting). But you still need to constantly monitor the condition of the apartment, restore order after the next tenants, etc. In general, and in this case, it is obvious that keeping money in the bank, even at 8 percent (not to mention 10 percent), turns out to be much more profitable than buying an apartment for rent.

In any case, everyone chooses for themselves what will be more profitable - a deposit deposit or an investment in real estate. It all depends on the individual situation. The main thing to remember is that before any decision related to investing personal finances, you need to carefully think through and calculate everything.

How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment through an agency? How much will I earn if I rent out an apartment or room for a long term?

Hello to everyone who stopped by! In touch, an expert from the popular online magazine “HeatherBober” - Denis Kuderin.

Today we will talk about how to rent out an apartment competently, safely and profitably. The article will be useful to anyone who has additional real estate on which you want to start your own small business.

At the end of the article, a guaranteed bonus awaits you - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation that will help you rent out your property on the most favorable terms for its owner.

1. Renting out an apartment as a business

If you have an apartment in addition to the one in which you live, and this living space is idle, eating up money for maintenance, you can always turn it into a source of additional income.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the property for rent and searching for tenants. And then your only task will be to receive your regular rent on time. An ideal example of passive income is “we sit and the money flows.”

True, you will still have to periodically monitor the condition of the apartment, troubleshoot problems and breakdowns in a timely manner, and monitor the level of loyalty of residents. But if you wish, you can delegate this part of the work to a property management company.

In this situation, you can rent out an apartment and go abroad, to the village with your grandfather or to the southern coast of Crimea for permanent residence. In this case, all rental concerns will be transferred to a trusted person, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend it at your own discretion.

Read about what professional means in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the profitability of this enterprise. When renting out real estate for temporary use, you need to take into account all the factors that in one way or another can affect the cost of rent: only in this case will you be able to set an adequate market price for rent.

And you also need to decide in advance whether you will act independently or involve professional realtors in the procedure. Both options have their pros and cons.

The basic rule is this: if you need to rent out an apartment right now - you are leaving, you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a reliable real estate company or with an impeccable reputation. If time is of the essence, act on your own. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance - you need to be able to understand people. You will have to decide for yourself whether the tenant you have chosen is reliable or whether it is worth looking for another candidate.

Mistakes cannot be made: a dishonest tenant means late payments or a complete lack thereof, damage to property, complaints from neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even calls to the police. Do you need this?

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment independently and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3. We are looking for tenants

I have already told you where to look above. Here I will note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, you should not get hung up on it. Tenants who are 100% ideal are rare.


One of my friends got married and moved into an apartment with her husband. She decided to rent out her one-room apartment and approached the search for tenants thoroughly. She consistently rejected about 30 applicants.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, others seemed to her not sufficiently wealthy, etc. As a result, the search for tenants dragged on for many months, and the friend lost sleep, peace and almost quarreled with her new husband.

Universal advice - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4. We arrange a meeting and show the apartment

Before agreeing on a showing, conduct a preliminary conversation and ask the applicant security questions. If there is something alarming in the answers, do not take risks - say directly: “I’m sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me.”

At the meeting, have a second conversation with the potential tenant. If the impression is positive, lead and show.

Step 5. Collecting documents

Tenants are also not immune. They must be confident in the purity of the transaction and your integrity. Therefore, collect documents in case the tenant asks to see them.

The required package includes:

  • passport (a copy is possible);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts for housing and communal services.

If someone other than you is registered in the apartment, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent out the apartment.

Step 6. We conclude an agreement

You can rent an apartment informally and officially. In the first case, you will receive more (13% tax will not be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees of the safety of your property.

An agreement is evidence of civil law relations between the parties. This is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes arise. The absence of an agreement can become a tool of pressure from the tenant - they say, you are not deducting tax on the rental, which means you can wait for payments.

The contract must specify the conditions under which you rent the apartment, the timing of the monthly payment, and the amount of the first advance payment, if any. Certain points relate to the safety of your property, the liability of the parties in case of violation of the agreement, and the conditions for early termination of the contract.

For example, if neighbors complain about noise, the owner has the right to evict the tenants within 3 days or a week without refund of rent.

Step 7 We receive an advance payment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is happy and smiling. All that remains is to receive an advance payment - this will be the beginning of a long, mutually beneficial partnership. It is advisable to document all financial calculations. So that there is no: “I paid you last week, did you forget?”, “How about another 2000, I paid the full amount?”

If you doubt your abilities or some points are not clear to you, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get online advice from professional lawyers on the Lawyer resource.

Thousands of qualified specialists in all areas of law, including housing lawyers, collaborate with the resource. You can contact them via chat or by phone numbers listed below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site operates around the clock.

4. Professional assistance in renting out an apartment - review of the TOP 5 real estate agencies

The promised bonus is a review of the five most reliable agencies that will help you rent out your apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest real estate company in the capital. It has an extensive network of representative offices - in Moscow alone, 120 branches operate according to a single standard. Engaged in any real estate transactions, including the rental of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee that your property will be delivered promptly, legally and profitably. Realtors with many years of experience will help you realize any property - from a room in a residential area to an elite cottage in the Moscow region. The legal purity of the contract is monitored by the company's in-house lawyers.

A specialized real estate agency with many years of experience in the capital's market. The company has an extensive information base and a staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company is a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of each order.

Realtors are responsible for the competent preparation of the lease agreement and take into account, first of all, the interests of home owners. By choosing Alma, you can be confident in the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Inkom

One of the largest real estate companies in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market – 25 years. Leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of cities in the Russian Federation. The scope of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. Will help you rent out an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. The staff includes only proven agents with a large number of successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The company guarantees that your housing will not be rented out to the first comer: employees will check each candidate to determine his solvency and integrity.

At the same time, the company guarantees to deliver your property in 1-2 days for the maximum market price. Within an hour after the call, a professional photographer will come to you and take pictures of the apartment, after which specialists will evaluate the property and determine its rental value.

Full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services in the field of housing assessment, consulting and analytics.

There are 2 ways to rent an apartment through an agency: call (calls are accepted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) or fill out an online application. The apartment will be rented at the market price, and the final choice of residents will be made by the owner of the property. Each client receives property and civil liability insurance as a gift.

5. What you should be prepared for – 4 main risks for a landlord

When renting out an apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People are not as careful about other people's property as they are about their own.

In addition, there are a huge number of scammers in the housing market who are ready to profit at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Damage to property

This is the most likely risk when renting a property. As a rule, owners rent out furniture and household appliances along with the living space. Sometimes this is a very valuable property that you want to get back safe and sound. And decorating an apartment often costs a lot of money.