Pink salmon meat. Where pink salmon is found: description and photo, habitats. Behavior and lifestyle

Pink salmon- fish of the salmon family. It is a member of the genus Pacific salmon. Pink salmon is the smallest and most common representative of this genus. This fish is credited with a lot of useful properties. It can prolong a person's life, prevent a heart attack and cancer.

Not only does pink salmon have one of the highest levels of omega-3s, it also contains a host of other vitamins and minerals. According to representatives of the Department of Fish and Wildlife in Washington, pink salmon is a Pacific fish. The mass of an adult individual averages from 1.2–2.2 kg. Wild pink salmon lives off the coast of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. This fish is one of the healthiest sources of protein.

1. Improves overall well-being.
Pink salmon contains a large amount of vitamin D. 100 g of fish will cover the daily requirement for this vitamin. This is important because vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many diseases, from cancer and multiple sclerosis to rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. Most of the inhabitants of our country suffer from vitamin D deficiency, since we have more cloudy days than sunny days during the year, and vitamin D is synthesized in the body thanks to the sun. Therefore, be sure to include pink salmon in your diet to replenish the reserves of this vitamin, especially in winter.

2. Strengthens the skeletal system.
Researchers have found that regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent osteoporosis. Ohio State University researchers found that women with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood had fewer fractures. Inflammation promotes resorption - the process of destruction - of bone tissue. Since pink salmon is a natural anti-inflammatory food, it is a great way to strengthen the skeletal system and avoid osteoporosis.

3. Provides cognitive health.
Foods rich in omega-3s have been shown to increase the efficiency of various brain functions, including improved memory. In addition, the vitamins A, D, and selenium in pink salmon help protect the nervous system from age-related damage and may act as an antidepressant. Studies show that long-term consumption of pink salmon can help prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease and relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

4. Prevent ADHD in children.
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Studies show that on the cognitive health of children who regularly consume pink salmon, they increase cognitive health just like their parents. Various studies show that the inclusion of pink salmon in the diet of preschool children prevents ADHD symptoms, and improves academic performance in schoolchildren. It also increases concentration and improves memory.

5. Strengthens the heart.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, pink salmon helps reduce chronic inflammation and the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and stroke. Regarding dosage, a study published by the School of Medicine and Pharmacology (University of Western Australia) reports:

“Health authorities currently recommend eating at least two fatty fish meals per week. This equates to approximately 500 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid per day (two key omega-3 fatty acids). Eating pink salmon helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

6. Improves vision.
Eating pink salmon helps reduce dry eye syndrome and age-related symptoms of macular degeneration, which is one of the causes of permanent blindness. Omega-3s are also thought to improve aqueous humor drainage and reduce the risk of glaucoma and high pressure in the eyeball.

7. Protects against cancer.
Based on reviews of 2,000 scientific papers on omega-3 fatty acids and cancer, it can be concluded that omega-3 fatty acids can have a profound effect not only in preventing cancer, but also in fighting cancers that have already formed. It should be noted that some of these studies show that cancer patients usually experience significant improvement even when eating pink salmon once a week.

Benefits for Women

8. Stabilizes the hormonal background.
Pink salmon normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the central nervous system. 150 g of pink salmon meat per day 2 times a week can even out the hormonal background of a woman. Omega-3 fatty acids will ease the symptoms of PMS and menopause. They normalize the menstrual cycle and alleviate the condition with painful menstruation.

Skin Benefits

9. Rejuvenates the skin.
Thanks to the high level of omega-3 fats in pink salmon, eating this fish will help restore skin elasticity. In addition, the carotenoid antioxidants astaxanthin found in pink salmon can significantly reduce the effects of free radical damage that causes premature aging. Dr. Perricone, a world-renowned dermatologist, recommends that his patients consume pink salmon three times a week for healthier skin. Thanks to the inclusion of fish in the diet, the skin will acquire an even tone, become soft and smooth.

Hair Benefits

10. Healthy, smooth hair.
The fatty acids contained in pink salmon nourish the hair follicles from the inside, making the hair smooth, strong and healthy. They also repair damaged strands and prevent split ends.

Harm and contraindications

1. There may be negative consequences of overuse.
If pink salmon is consumed excessively, hormone production can become too active, which will irreversibly lead to impaired thyroid function. Experts recommend consuming no more than 150 grams of pink salmon per day, no more than three times a week.

2. Individual intolerance is possible.
Do not use pink salmon if you have an individual intolerance to seafood, as well as hypersensitivity to their components. If you have been diagnosed with chronic liver disease, an excess of iodine or phosphorus in the body, then before adding pink salmon to your diet, consult your doctor.

3. Provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
If you have gastrointestinal problems or liver problems, do not eat salted fish. In this case, it is better to cook it on a steam or grill. Eating pink salmon fried in oil can also provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. In addition, harmful cholesterol accumulates in the body from fried food, which can lead to clogging of blood vessels and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Excessively salted and peppered fish can provoke the formation of an ulcer or gastritis.

4. Contraindicated in certain diseases.
Do not consume pink salmon if you have a urinary tract disease. During pregnancy, pink salmon can be consumed in a strictly limited amount, and it is better to refuse to introduce it as a complementary food for an infant. Do not consume pink salmon at night, its excessive consumption leads to swelling of the extremities.

Chemical composition of the product

The nutritional value of pink salmon (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:


Pink salmon is the richest source of useful macro- and microelements. It is very nutritious and healthy. It also contains protein - the building block of every cell of the body and essential fatty acids, without which the existence of our body is impossible. Despite the benefits, this fish also has some contraindications that must be considered before including it in your diet.

Beneficial features

  • Improves overall well-being.
  • Strengthens the skeletal system.
  • Provides cognitive health.
  • Prevents ADHD in children.
  • Strengthens the heart.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Protects against cancer.
  • Stabilizes the hormonal background.
  • Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Leaves hair healthy & smooth.

Harmful properties

  • There are negative consequences of overuse.
  • Individual intolerance is possible.
  • Sometimes provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • Contraindicated in certain diseases.

Additional useful information about pink salmon

How to use

Pink salmon can be cooked in many ways: fried, baked in the oven, salted, smoked, grilled, steamed, charcoal. This fish is suitable for salads, cold appetizers, sushi. You can buy canned fish and make sandwiches out of it. Potatoes, rice, pasta and any other cereals you like are used as a side dish for pink salmon.

The best seasoning for pink salmon: salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil. You can cook stuffed salmon. It is stuffed with mushrooms, vegetables or other seafood, poured with cream and sprinkled with grated cheese. You can cook soups from pink salmon, make cutlets and meatballs out of it. Pink salmon caviar is considered a delicacy. It is used to make pancakes, sushi and sandwiches.

How to choose

  • In fresh fish, the inside of the abdomen should be pink.
  • If the color of the abdomen is yellow, then the fish is stale, or it was stored incorrectly. Such fish will be bitter after cooking.
  • When buying a fish with a head, pay attention to the gills. They must be red. If their color is not red, refuse to buy.
  • Fins and tail should not be dry. This effect is a consequence of several freeze-thaw cycles. The more such cycles, the worse the quality of the fish.
  • River salmon is cheaper.
  • You can buy frozen fish.
  • Give preference to products of large proven companies.
  • Small producers intentionally water the fish before freezing to increase its weight.
  • Cloudy eyes in a fish are not evidence of a bad product. They naturally become cloudy when frozen.
  • If there are spots on the fish that look like bruises, do not be alarmed. Fish are caught in tons, which causes strong pressure on the one located below, so “bruises” form. In terms of taste and quality, such fish is in no way inferior to ordinary fish. The only downside is that its appearance will not be as attractive.
  • In order not to be mistaken with the quality of the goods, ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of the fish.

How to store

  • If you bought frozen fish and don't plan on using it anytime soon, put it in the freezer.
  • Fresh fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
  • Store pink salmon in parchment or cling film, or even better, in glassware.
  • Pink salmon cannot be stored at room temperature.
  • Smoked pink salmon is stored for no more than 10 days.
  • If you purchased vacuum-packed pink salmon, then do not open it if you do not intend to use the fish in the near future.

History of occurrence

Salmon fish appeared in the Mesozoic era (145 million years ago). Indigenous peoples of the North have long been engaged in catching salmon fish, thanks to which they survived. They consumed it completely, leaving no waste. Dried salmon caviar was most valued; it saved people during long journeys. It was even used instead of bread and fed to sled dogs. Animals have always been given the best.

Today pink salmon is an important commercial fish. Its catch is 80% of the total catch of red fish. Since 1909, pink salmon began to be bred in artificial conditions. This happened due to the depletion of its natural reserves. Now almost all pink salmon found on the shelves is grown on fish farms. During Soviet times, they tried to breed pink salmon in the White, Caspian, Barents, Baltic and Black Seas. The attempts were unsuccessful. Pink salmon has taken root only in the White and Barents Seas.

How and where are they bred

The habitat of pink salmon is the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean and the lower reaches of the rivers of the Arctic Ocean. It is found along the American and Asian coasts of the Pacific Ocean. It can be seen off the coast of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Hokkaido. Pink salmon lives for 3 years and is very prolific. It got its name due to a characteristic feature. In males, before spawning, a growth in the form of a hump forms above the spine near the head.

Pink salmon benefits and harm to the body

Pink salmon - benefits and harms to the body

The salmon family is distinguished by the fact that it includes more than 100 different types of fish. Pink salmon belongs to one of these species. A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of a kind of hump on the back of the fish. Its name corresponds to this feature. Pink salmon does not have a permanent habitat, but migrates from rivers to seas and vice versa, as a rule, in order to lay eggs.

It lives in salt water and breeds in fresh water. Prefers cold waters of various reservoirs located closer to northern latitudes. The length of the average individuals is within 50 cm, with a weight of about 1.2 kg. Although there are also larger individuals. This is a very tasty and healthy fish that can decorate any holiday table. Due to the fact that the color of its meat has a bright orange tint, it is also called "red fish".

Useful properties and composition of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a fish that is distinguished not only by excellent taste data, but also by the composition of useful substances that have a positive effect on the functions of the human body. The advantages of pink salmon meat are as follows:

  • Meat contains a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals.
  • Available in micro and macro elements.
  • In a minimum number of calories, which contributes to weight loss.
  • In strengthening the human immune system, which increases the body's resistance against various diseases of a viral or bacterial nature.
  • In improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • In the movement of the circulatory system of glucose, which has a stimulating effect on nerve cells.
  • In a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, providing its functions with iodine.
  • It removes toxins and toxins from the body, thereby cleansing the entire body.
  • In the prevention of bone diseases, including osteoporosis.
  • In the prevention of Alzheimer's pathologies associated with old age.
  • In the protection of teeth, strengthening the enamel, thanks to the presence of phosphorus and other trace elements such as calcium.
  • In the processes of rejuvenation of the body, improving the skin and softening the walls of blood vessels.

Meat composition

Pink salmon meat contains a large concentration of elements, without which the human body simply cannot function normally. Meat contains:

  • Omega-3 multivitamins that protect the body from neoplasms.
  • Phosphoric acid.
  • Pyridoxine, which optimizes the functioning of the central nervous system.


100 grams of pink salmon meat contains from 140 to 170 kcal, depending on the method of preparation, which indicates the dietary nature of the product. Its use is recommended by nutritionists for such categories of people as those who are prone to gaining excess weight or those who have already managed to gain it.

The presence of fish meat, up to 60% of amino acids, allows you to stay full for a long time and not feel hungry.

Presence of vitamins and minerals

100 grams of pure pink salmon meat contains:

  • 20.5 grams of proteins.
  • 6.5 grams of fat (healthy).
  • 71.8 grams of liquid.
  • 1.1 grams of multivitamins.
  • B vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, C and PP.
  • Trace elements such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and others.

The presence of such a number of useful components in pink salmon meat did not go unnoticed by physicians. They recommend eating this fish at least once a month. This will allow you to regularly replenish the body with vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances that protect the body from harmful effects. In this case, the characteristics of each organism should be taken into account, in terms of its reaction to seafood.


The usefulness of pink salmon meat is obvious, therefore, there are almost no restrictions. The only serious caveat is an allergy to seafood, which is very rare. In addition, there are still categories of people, from a medical point of view, who should limit the consumption of pink salmon meat. For example:

  • People suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
  • People suffering from liver and kidney disease.
  • Intolerance to iodine and phosphorus.
  • Allergic reactions to eating fish meat.

Similar reactions have been noted, although very rarely. In any case, you should be careful when eating pink salmon meat. First you need to eat a small amount of fish, and if no negative sensations appear, then you can use it without restrictions. If any negative sensations appear, then you need to use either little, or stop using it altogether. Although it is difficult to find a product that contains so many nutrients and nutrients. Alternatively, you can consult with your doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

When eating fish meat, you should always remember that it is most useful in boiled or baked form, and it is even better to eat raw fish, because in this case the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved in it.

When eating fried fish, one should also not forget that as a result, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver can be provoked. In addition, harmful cholesterol begins to accumulate in the body, which can lead to clogging of blood vessels or obesity. As a result, problems in the work of the cardiovascular system are possible. You should also not abuse salt and spices, which can cause stomach ulcers or gastritis.

How to choose pink salmon?

The best option is to prepare dishes from freshly caught fish. Unfortunately, few people have such an opportunity. In most cases, a person goes to the market or to the store, where he buys fresh or frozen pink salmon. When buying such a product, you should check it for freshness by carefully examining it visually. It is better to buy a fish that has not yet been cut off its head. By the color of the gills and eyes, you can easily determine how fresh the fish is. The eyes should be bright and clear, and the gills should be pink in color. If there is no head, then it is better to look into her abdomen. If its color is pink, then everything is in order, and if it is white, then the fish has been frozen. The carcass of fish should not have mechanical damage, as well as bruising.

Before you go for fish, you need to clearly understand what final product will be cooked.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to all the factors that will help protect you from buying spoiled, several times frozen or old fish, which can easily ruin any dish.

You can cook fish according to any of the recipes below. All of them are aimed at decorating the festive table.

Delicious salmon fish recipes

Pink salmon with mushroom sauce

To prepare such a delicious dish, you will need:

  • Large carcass of pink salmon.
  • Fresh or salted mushrooms.
  • Onion.
  • One egg.
  • Flour, salt and spices.
  • Vegetable oil (can be olive).

Preparation contains the following steps:

  • The fish is cut, washed and cut into pieces. It is advisable to remove all the bones.
  • Breading is carried out in flour with salt and spices. A baking sheet is taken, greased with oil and pink salmon is laid down.
  • The stuffing is prepared from mushrooms and onions. Mushrooms or butternuts are finely chopped.
  • The fish is stewed in the oven for 15 minutes. Raw eggs are mixed with salt. Should be a normal omelet.
  • After 15 minutes, the fish is stuffed with mushrooms, onions and eggs beaten with salt. On top of the fish, you can put a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream.

The dish is cooked until golden brown.

Pink salmon and mushroom rolls


  • 1 large salmon.
  • Salted or fresh mushrooms, onions and egg (for stuffing).
  • Salt, pepper and flour (for breading).
  • Olive or vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is necessary to clean the fish and cut it into pieces, before removing all the bones.
  2. Dip the pieces in flour with salt and pepper, spread on a greased baking sheet.
  3. To prepare the filling, finely chop the mushrooms (champignons or boletus) and onions.
  4. Simmer everything until done, 10-15 minutes. Mix raw eggs with salt, as for an omelet.
  5. We divide into equal parts and stuff them with fish. For taste, you can put a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream on top.
  6. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Stuffed red fish

To prepare the dish, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • Large carcass of pink salmon (1.5 kg).
  • Steamed rice.
  • One carrot.
  • One egg.
  • Sea salt, pepper.
  • One clove of garlic.

How to prepare:

  1. Pink salmon is cleaned and washed under cold water. Then you should separate the meat from the skin and remove all the bones.
  2. Rice, carrot, egg and garlic are boiled.
  3. Everything is rubbed on a fine grater, and the eggs are cut. The fish is stuffed with rice and vegetables. The edges of the abdomen are connected together, and the fish is laid out on a baking sheet with the stomach down.
  4. It is prepared in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25 minutes, after which the fish is sprinkled with water and water is added to the baking sheet.
  5. After that, bake for another 20 minutes.
  6. After cooking, the fish is cut into portions. Served at the table, decorating the dish with herbs.

Healthy salad with pink salmon and avocado

Salad Ingredients:

  • One avocado.
  • Pasta hard - 200 grams.
  • 100 grams of pickled pink salmon.
  • Three medium tomatoes.
  • 100 grams of olives.
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons.
  • Spices (optional)

How to cook:

  1. The avocado is cut into slices, after which they are poured with a mixture of vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and spices.
  2. The fish is cooked and the olives are pitted.
  3. Pasta is boiled, tomatoes are washed and cut. The pasta must be cool.
  4. Finally, all ingredients are mixed together.

Pink salmon under a fur coat

The dish will perfectly fit into any celebration. For its preparation, the following products are prepared:

  • Two medium sized salmon fillets.
  • Young onions - 2 pieces.
  • Any mushrooms - 300 grams.
  • Young potatoes - 4 pieces.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, lemon and spices to taste.
  • Greenery.

Cooking steps:

  1. First of all, a baking dish is prepared. It is lightly greased with a piece of butter.
  2. The pink salmon fillet is rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper, and also poured with lemon juice and placed on the bottom of the mold.
  3. Onions with mushrooms are cut into pieces and fried in a pan, after which the fish is sprinkled with them.
  4. The potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater and laid out on top of the mushrooms.
  5. After that, everything is salted, peppered, decorated with dill, and hard cheese is rubbed on top.
  6. In conclusion, the dish is smeared with mayonnaise and sent to the oven for 45 minutes, heated to 180 degrees.

Such fish as pink salmon is the starting product for preparing a variety of dishes, such as cold appetizers or hot dishes, both first and second. It can be fried, boiled, baked, as well as marinated and salted. In its raw form, it is the most useful, and when fried, it is also harmful, because it becomes heavy on the stomach. Any dishes can really be prepared at home, without any problems and without inaccessible ingredients.

Dishes from red fish, and especially salads and cold appetizers, have always been in demand at the festive table. Moreover, it is not only tasty, but also useful. It is enough to eat a small piece of pink salmon meat in a day and you can replenish your body with vitamins and microelements. At the same time, eating fish in excess of the norm will not bring a positive effect: the body will take exactly as many nutrients as it needs.

Pink salmon: benefits and harms, nutritional value, composition, contraindications

Pink salmon is considered a real delicacy, although it is valued much lower than chum salmon, salmon and other representatives of the salmon family. But nutritionists recommend regularly introducing pink salmon into the menu - it has a rich composition, is notable for its low calorie content and is therefore valued by medicine.

Nutritional value of the product 100 g of the product:

  • proteins - 20.5 g,
  • fats - 6.5 g,
  • water - 71.8 g,
  • cholesterol - 60 mg,
  • ash - 1.2 g,
  • saturated fatty acids - 1.1 g.


  • A - 0.03 mg,
  • PP - 4.5 mg,
  • B1 - 0.2 mg,
  • Show full list »

  • B2 - 0.16 mg,
  • C - 0.9 mg,
  • E - 1.5 mg,
  • PP - 8.1 mg.

Macro- and microelements:

  • calcium - 20 mg,
  • magnesium - 30 mg,
  • sodium - 70 mg,
  • Show full list »

  • potassium - 335 mg,
  • phosphorus - 200 mg,
  • chlorine - 165 mg,
  • sulfur - 190 mg,
  • iron - 0.6 mg,
  • zinc - 0.7 mg,
  • iodine - 50 mcg,
  • copper - 110 mcg,
  • manganese - 0.05 mg,
  • chromium - 55 mcg,
  • fluorine - 430 mcg,
  • molybdenum - 4 mcg,
  • cobalt - 20 mcg,
  • nickel - 6 mcg.

The composition of the considered representative of the salmon family is very rich, but protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered the most important. The protein in pink salmon meat belongs to the category of easily digestible, which is why this product can and should be consumed by all people, even if they have problems in the functioning of the digestive system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the functionality of almost the entire organism, in particular, the central nervous system.

The calorie content of pink salmon is only 140 kcal per 100 grams of the product, but it is noted that it can quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger. The "secret" lies in the protein - its high content determines this fact. Nutritionists often include this type of fish in the diet of those people who want to lose weight.

Useful properties of pink salmon

The considered type of fish is not medicinal, but it has a great impact on health.

Firstly, pink salmon saturates the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which allows you to correct and normalize lipid metabolism. Thanks to this, the skin of the face acquires an even color and a velvety surface, becomes more elastic, and its elasticity increases.

Secondly, pink salmon “supplies” a sufficient amount of calcium to the body, and this determines the health of nails and bones of the skeleton. This type of fish is recommended for use by those people who have a delamination of the nail plates, a tendency to fractures and joint diseases.

Thirdly, pink salmon improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and the central nervous system. Some doctors recommend using it regularly during adolescence and menopausal changes in a woman's body. It is enough to eat 150 grams of pink salmon meat to stabilize the emotional background.

In addition, the considered representative of the salmon family has a beneficial effect on:

  • metabolic processes in the body - metabolism occurs within the normal range;
  • blood sugar level - with minor deviations from the norm, pink salmon can act as a stabilizer of indicators;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines - the appearance of erosion on their walls is prevented.

Pink salmon does not contain saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, carcinogens in its composition, and that is why this fish brings maximum benefit to humans.

Possible harm to pink salmon

Doctors warn that you should not get involved in the consumption of this type of fish - you can eat 150 grams of pink salmon per day, and the frequency of its introduction into the menu should not exceed 3 times a week. The fact is that with too frequent use of pink salmon, too active production of hormones can occur, and this causes a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Contraindication to the use of pink salmon is only individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to such products. In addition, before using pink salmon, you need to consult a doctor if a person is diagnosed with chronic liver disease, an excess of iodine / phosphorus in the body.

During pregnancy, pink salmon can be safely introduced into the diet, but it should not be used as complementary foods for babies.

Pink salmon is a valuable product that can bring a lot of benefits to human health. It should be understood that with deep heat treatment, many vitamins and minerals literally evaporate from this fish, so preference should be given to salted pink salmon, or boiled with a minimum amount of spices.

What is useful or harmful pink salmon for health

Pink salmon is a well-known and beloved commercial fish of the salmon family. It lives mainly in the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean, but is also found in the lower reaches of the rivers belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin when it comes there to spawn. The name of the fish is determined by its certain feature: in males, just before spawning, when they are in fresh water, a “hump” appears on the front of the body. The rest of the time they are devoid of this unusual outgrowth.

The age of pink salmon is not long - a little more than 2 years, which is compensated by its highest fertility. The short lifespan also justifies the small size of pink salmon - the body length of the largest males is just over 70 centimeters.

Pink salmon meat is distinguished by a special reddish-pink tint, characteristic of fish caught in salty ocean waters before the spawning period. During this period, her meat is at the peak of saturation with useful substances.

What benefits can pink salmon bring to our health? Pink salmon meat has a unique composition and extraordinary taste. It is characterized by a high content of easily digestible protein, which is necessary for strengthening muscle and bone tissues.

The composition of meat contains almost all the necessary substances (vitamins and minerals), without which the normal functioning of many body systems is impossible. These are iodine, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, vitamins B 6 and PP, and of course, omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin PP (aka nicotinic acid) has a very beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems; high sodium content activates water-salt metabolic processes; iodine is indispensable for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland; fluorine promotes hematopoietic processes and accelerates the restoration of bone tissue; phosphorus compounds, along with potassium, zinc and sodium, help strengthen bone and muscle tissue.

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Fatty acids regulate blood sugar levels and at the same time serve as an unsurpassed antioxidant. They protect tissue cells from external and internal influences, being part of cell membranes. The beauty and smoothness of the skin, hair, nails, as well as the health of the eyes and reproductive organs depend on these most useful fats. Polyunsaturated acids have a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, significantly slowing down the processes of external and internal aging.

The wonderful taste of pink salmon allows you to combine it with many products, which makes it indispensable for compiling a diet menu. Pink salmon meat contains surprisingly few calories (about 150 k / cal per 100g), so it is impossible to get better even from a large portion of the product.

Usually, this is not necessary: ​​a sufficient amount of protein makes pink salmon meat a fairly satisfying dish. Unlike other breeds of red fish, pink salmon has a fairly dense meat, which does not create difficulties in its preparation.

It is important to remember: the preparation of pink salmon does not provide for strong and prolonged heat treatment.

Otherwise, many unique compounds are destroyed or converted into a slightly different form, not so useful, and sometimes simply harmful. The optimal time of temperature exposure to the product is no more than 15 minutes.

Pink salmon has no serious contraindications, except in cases of severe allergy to fish in general. The only caveat is that pink salmon is harmful in chronic diseases of the digestive system and liver, as well as in case of intolerance to iodine and phosphorus preparations, care should be taken when introducing pink salmon meat into the diet.

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Canned pink salmon - benefits and harms

Along with pink salmon in the form of fresh carcasses and cuts, canned salmon from various manufacturers is widely represented on sale. There are two types of canned pink salmon: in its own juice and with oil. Despite the fact that pink salmon meat is subjected to heat treatment during canning, it retains absolutely all the properties characteristic of a fresh product, and the content of useful and nutritious substances remains unchanged. Canned pink salmon meat is used in the preparation of many dishes, including dietary ones, which gives unlimited freedom to the culinary imagination.

The restrictions on the use of canned pink salmon are the same as when using a fresh product: it is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, as well as from intolerance to iodine- and phosphorus-containing drugs.

Allergy sufferers should completely exclude pink salmon from their menu. It follows that the benefits and possible harms of canned pink salmon are identical to those of a fresh product.

Pink salmon has long been recognized by doctors. Studies have shown that the regular use of this healthy and tasty product significantly increases the rate of metabolic processes in the human body, as well as lowers cholesterol, rejuvenates and prevents various types of tumor diseases.

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The benefits and harms of pink salmon or king fish for a diet lover

Greetings! Do you consider fish as a dietary product? Actually worth a look. Today, in our review of pink salmon, the benefits and harms of its meat for the body. It is she who can now rightfully be considered the king-fish for diet lovers. Why? Let's find out more in our post.

Pink salmon belongs to low-calorie foods. Dishes prepared from this inexpensive commercial fish are suitable for those who care about a slim figure. They will allow you to diversify the menu on the table as much as possible. Pink salmon can be fried and smoked, served cold or hot, satisfying the tastes of the most demanding gourmets and diet food fans.

Pink salmon or salmon?

Pink salmon belongs to the numerous and well-known salmon family. Already in appearance, one can understand where the fish got its name from: the male has a certain growth on its back, right behind its head, that looks like a hump. In everyday life, it is called "pink salmon", but officially it is Pacific salmon.

How to choose quality fish?

The life of pink salmon is short. In two years, it grows 65-78 cm in length, no more than 3 kg. The male can weigh more, reaching 5 kg. This fish lives in the oceans, goes to spawn in freshwater rivers. The fish has the greatest nutritional value before the start of migration. Unfortunately, in river fresh water, pink salmon meat almost completely loses its taste, it becomes whitish in color. If you buy frozen fish, then pay attention to the fact that the fillet of pink salmon caught in the sea is of a soft pink hue.

Among other representatives of salmon, it is the most budgetary. Easy to harvest, rarely reaches maximum values ​​​​more than 350 rubles in its raw form. Caviar is considered a delicacy, which is not inferior in nutritional value to salmon. It differs only in the smaller size of the eggs. She's cheaper. If you are lucky, having bought an uncut carcass of a female fish in the market, you can find caviar and cook it yourself at home.

The benefits and harms of pink salmon

The benefits of Pacific salmon combined with a delicate, delicate taste are invaluably high: vitamins PP, E, group B, a high percentage of trace elements necessary for humans.

Among the most useful properties are:

  • positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system;
  • acceleration of regeneration in nerve cells;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • prevention of disorders in the process of blood circulation;
  • regulation of the emotional state.

A balanced composition of fish is useful at any age.

Despite everything, Pacific salmon must be consumed with some caution. Contraindicated for those who have an allergic reaction to seafood, iodine and phosphorus. In pregnant women, this fish product can cause swelling. It is undesirable to eat at night and in large quantities.

fish calories

100 grams of raw product contains 140 kcal, which is especially valuable for those who are trying to keep fit. With such a low calorie content, it is quite nutritious. Due to the large amount of protein, this fish will allow you to quickly get enough, because digestion in the gastrointestinal tract is slow, hunger will not arise quickly.

What can be cooked from pink salmon?

Salmon is easy to cook. The tissue of the fish is dense, delicate, easy to process and fillet.

For example, for soup, you can use the head and tail parts, fins, cook fish soup, which is suitable for diet food.

Pink salmon can be salted, smoked, fried, boiled and baked. There is an opinion that when cooking, the calorie content of the product changes. Is it really?

Pay attention to the table, which shows the calorie content of dishes from this fish.

The ratio of cooking methods and caloric content of pink salmon in 100 g of the finished product

Pink salmon / calories kcal per 100 gr

What can be cooked?

As we can see, the most high-calorie dish is fried pink salmon. In addition, such fish should be consumed with caution by those who are on a diet, who have problems with the digestive tract. To cook it, you need to cut it into portions or cut the carcass in several places. Preheat the pan, salt a little, add spices to enhance the taste. Then you can roll the pieces in flour and fry over low heat, periodically turn over. The most important thing in the process of frying is not to overdry, not to overexpose on fire.

You can also use a frying pan with a “grill” coating, which will give not only an exquisite taste, but also an aesthetic appearance of the finished product. At the end of frying, pour lemon or white wine over the fish. So it will be juicier. You will find all the secrets of cooking pink salmon and recipes in this video.

Of course, the taste of smoked pink salmon surpasses many types of fish. Keep in mind that it contains 196 kcal, which is also a lot. Smoked fish is prepared in a special apparatus. If you put alder chips on the bottom, then there will be no strong soot from it, the color of the fish will acquire a golden hue. In the sun, the finished product will shine and delight gourmets.

Salted pink salmon contains 169 kcal, but you should not get carried away with it. Also use such pink salmon as a snack for beer, which increases the calorie content by 3-4 times.

The recipe for making salmon from the Pacific Ocean at home is very simple. To do this, you need 1 part salt and 2 parts granulated sugar, 2 parts butter. It is advisable to fillet first, so the salting process will be much faster. You can also add spices for fish to enhance the taste. Put in a warm place for a day - salted pink salmon is ready. It should be warned that it is undesirable to eat salted salmon meat for people prone to diseases of the liver, pancreas, and urolithiasis.

How to reduce the calorie content of pink salmon dishes?

Steamed pink salmon and boiled pink salmon will allow you to satisfy your hunger and not gain calories. This is the way to a healthy diet, and you can cook in a double boiler or slow cooker with the addition of rosemary and dill branches.

Each housewife, having made a decision on how to bake fish, should carefully consider the side dish for such a dish. It is quite clear that if we bake salmon on potatoes, generously lubricated with mayonnaise, then the calorie content of such a dish will increase many times over. You should not get carried away as a side dish with boiled rice, it will increase calories. Instead, you can garnish with fresh or boiled vegetables, in which the maximum benefit.

The excellent taste of steamed fish cakes is guaranteed. For juiciness, you need to add a little lard to the minced meat, after mixing the egg with milk and bread.

We often hear from nutritionists about the benefits of fish, but often neglect their advice. Pacific salmon is an excellent low-calorie dietary product. Housewives need to take care of including it in the diet. Due to its properties, the quality of the finished product, inexpensive and healthy fish can take its rightful place in the menu.

Also read on our blog about the right five meals a day for weight loss and everything about the benefits and harms of diets for the body.

What do you think about the benefits and harms of pink salmon? Can you share the secret of your favorite fish dish?

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Pink salmon (lat. Оnсorhynchus gorbusсha) is an anadromous fish, a representative of the salmon family (Salmonidae). It is the smallest and most common representative of fish belonging to the genus Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus).

Description of pink salmon

Pink salmon or pink salmon is a fish that has an appearance quite characteristic of all representatives of the class Ray-finned fish and the Salmon-like order.


Ocean pink salmon has a blue or blue-green back, silvery sides and a white belly.. After returning to the spawning ground, the color of such fish changes. Pink salmon becomes a pale gray coloration behind, and the abdomen acquires a very clearly visible yellowish or greenish tint. Along with other salmonids, pink salmon has an adipose fin located in the area from the dorsal to the caudal fin.

This is interesting! The average weight of an adult pink salmon is about 2.2 kg, and the length of the largest known fish of this species was 0.76 m with a weight of 7.0 kg.

The main distinguishing characteristics of pink salmon include a white mouth and the absence of teeth on the tongue, as well as the presence of fairly large oval black spots on the back and a V-shaped appearance of the caudal fin. The fish has an anal fin with 13-17 soft rays. During the period of migration to spawning grounds, males of pink salmon develop a very clear and well-defined hump in the back area, thanks to which representatives of this salmon species got their unusual name.

Behavior and lifestyle

Pink salmon prefers relatively cold waters, so the most comfortable temperature for such fish to live is + 10-14 0 С. When the temperature rises to +26 0 C and above, mass death of pink salmon is noted.. Representatives of the Salmon-like order winter in places where the temperature of the water does not fall below 5 0 C. It is these conditions that characterize the zone of the warm Kuroshio current, located off the southern and eastern coasts of Japan. The migration of pink salmon is less extended than, for example, that of chum salmon, and adults do not rise very high in river water.

How long does pink salmon live

Too short life expectancy of representatives of the salmon family, not exceeding three years, is due to the fact that pink salmon reaches sexual maturity twenty months after rolling into sea waters, and after the only spawning in its life, adults die.

Range, habitats

Anadromous fish, which is currently one of the most famous representatives of the genus of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus), has become quite widespread in the coastal waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

This is interesting! In the middle of the last century, several attempts were made to acclimatize pink salmon in river waters near the Murmansk coast, but no significant success was achieved in this event.

Among other things, representatives of the salmon family live in the Great Lakes in North America, where a very small number of individuals were introduced quite by accident. In Asia, representatives of the class Ray-finned fish and the order Salmoniformes are fairly well distributed up to Honshu.

Pink salmon diet

As they develop and grow, pink salmon juveniles move from feeding on plankton and benthos to larger zooplankton and a variety of aquatic invertebrates, as well as all kinds of small fish. However, preference is given to:

  • chironomid larvae;
  • larvae of stoneflies and mayflies;
  • midges;
  • small copepods;
  • harpacticides;
  • cumaceans;
  • amphipods.

The food for adult pink salmon is mainly various crustaceans and growing juveniles of some fish species. On the shelf, adults can almost completely switch to feeding on larvae of benthic invertebrates and fish.

This is interesting! It should be noted that immediately before spawning, the fish stops feeding, which is due to the stoppage of the digestive organs and the inhibition of feeding reflexes.

Above the deepest water habitats, the traditional diet is usually squid, larvae, juveniles and small fish, including glowing anchovies and silverfish.

Reproduction and offspring

In the middle of summer, representatives of the class Ray-finned fish and the order Salmoniformes begin to actively enter river waters for spawning, which takes place in August. All the behavioral features of such a fish are characteristic of any salmon, therefore, before spawning, the female builds a nest in the form of a depression at the bottom. After the eggs are spawned, they are fertilized by males, and the eggs are buried, and the adult fish inevitably dies.

This is interesting! In the process of rolling towards the sea, a huge number of fry die and are eaten by predatory fish or birds.

The female manages to sweep approximately 800-2400 eggs. Pink salmon fry are hatched in November-December, and for the first time they use the substances contained in the yolk sac for their nutrition. In the last decade of spring or early summer, the grown fry leave their nest and slide into the sea with the help of the current of water. Their length at this moment is 3 cm, and the body is characterized by a uniform silvery color without the presence of transverse stripes characteristic of adults. Juveniles feed on a variety of plankton and benthos.

Pink salmon is a commercial fish belonging to the Pacific salmon family. She "owes" her name to the growth that appears in males during the spawning period. The habitat of fish is the cold waters of the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

Pink salmon meat is extremely useful for the human body, since it contains a wide range of essential substances (vitamins, protein structures, microelements, fatty acids). With the systematic use of fish (two to three times a week), the condition of the dermis improves, cerebral circulation is activated, mood rises, and bone tissue strengthens. In addition, the likelihood of developing stomach ulcers, hypothyroidism, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and allergic diseases is reduced.

General information

Pink salmon is the smallest and most numerous representative of the salmon family. The average length of an adult varies between 35 - 43 centimeters, and the weight is 1.5 - 2.2 kilograms.

Pink salmon is found in the rivers, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere. The natural habitat of the fish extends from the Siberian Lena River to the coast of the Honshu Islands and Korea, as well as from the Sacramento River (Northern California) to the Canadian Mackenzie reservoir. In addition, it is found in the American Great Lakes, where it has been successfully introduced from the waters of cold seas.

Interestingly, pink salmon is one of the few representatives of fish that can live in both salt and fresh water. This phenomenon is associated with the life cycle of salmon.

Mass spawning of pink salmon occurs in river reservoirs on riffles with sandy-pebble soil and a fast current from July to September. The fish comes to the breeding place in the "nuptial dress": the males grow a hump and teeth, the jaws increase, spots appear on the body. After spawning, the females die.

Hatched fry live in rivers until the beginning of summer. Then they migrate to salty waters, where their puberty occurs (within a year). In the middle of the next summer, adults return to fresh water bodies for spawning. After spawning, the pink salmon life cycle is repeated.

The appearance of salmon directly depends on the habitat. The typical color of fish living in the sea is silver or light blue. After entering the spawning ground, its color changes: the abdomen becomes yellowish-white, the body acquires a brown tint, the tail and fins turn black.

Chemical composition

Pink salmon is a source of easily digestible protein, micro and macro elements (sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, cobalt, iodine).

Table No. 1 "Chemical composition of pink salmon"
Nutrient name Element content in 100 grams of fish, milligram

However, fish meat should not be abused, since up to 60 milligrams are concentrated in 100 grams of pink salmon, which poses a danger to people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Beneficial features

Pink salmon holds the record for the content of omega-3 fats, which have anti-inflammatory, oncoprotective, bioregulatory, immunomodulating, hypocholesterolemic, antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective effects on the body. There are also fish in the fish that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Useful properties of salmon:

  1. Reduces the likelihood of developing malignant neoplasms, stabilizes the activity of cell membranes, prevents the formation of blood clots (omega-3 acids protect DNA cells from the action of free radicals, gene mutations and exogenous deposits sticking to the walls of blood vessels).
  2. Normalizes water-salt metabolism (due to the content of potassium, sodium and magnesium).
  3. Improves the appearance of skin, nails, hair (fat-soluble vitamins, essential lipids and trace elements prevent dehydration of the dermis).
  4. Supports the rheological parameters of blood (sodium, potassium, fluorine, zinc are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis).
  5. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, prevents the development of autoimmune diseases (this effect of pink salmon is due to riboflavin, zinc and polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  6. Accelerates the regeneration of intracellular structures, tissues and organs of the body (vitamins B, omega-3, iodine, sodium, zinc, selenium and phosphorus are involved in the formation of enzymes that accelerate the processes of rejuvenation of the body).
  7. Protects dental tissue from caries (fluoride strengthens enamel).
  8. Normalizes the work of the central nervous system, improves cerebral circulation, improves mood (due to the presence of B vitamins and magnesium).
  9. Stimulates the endocrine glands, prevents the development of iodine deficiency (due to the content of iodine, copper, selenium, zinc and manganese).
  10. Increases hemoglobin, saturates body cells with oxygen (because it contains iron and vitamin C).
  11. Strengthens blood vessels, prevents the formation of wrinkles (antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins increase the elasticity of connective tissue).
  12. Prevents the development of obesity (phosphorus stimulates chemical reactions in cells, as a result of which the metabolic rate increases).
  13. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract (due to the content of vitamin PP, thiamine, pantothenic acid and zinc).
  14. Accelerates the regeneration of bone tissue, strengthens the muscles, protects the skeleton from destructive changes (due to the presence of calcium, zinc and phosphorus).
  15. Regulates the concentration in the blood (chromium and polyunsaturated fats increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin).
  16. Potentiates the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the functioning of the body (zinc, vitamin PP, thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin, manganese, copper are “responsible” for the construction of hormones).
  17. Protects nerve cells from destruction, accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues (due to the presence of choline and).
  18. Stimulates the production of own collagen (due to the presence of sulfur, zinc and copper).

People suffering from autoimmune and iodine deficiency diseases, schoolchildren, students, pregnant and lactating women should increase fish consumption up to three to four times in 7 days.

It is interesting that for the inhabitants of the Far North, where there is a shortage of sunlight, pink salmon is an indispensable product, since it contains vitamins D and that prevent rickets in infants.

Fish consumption is limited when:

  • chronic pathologies of the liver;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • allergic reactions to seafood.

In addition, if a person has hyperthyroidism or fluorosis, pink salmon is completely excluded from the daily menu (due to the high content of iodine and fluorine).

Today, on the shelves of stores, fish is presented both as a whole and in a cut form. However, more and more often, whole carcasses are stored in improper conditions, and spoiled goods are hidden under the guise of steaks, fillets or backs.

Useful tips for choosing pink salmon:

  1. In fresh fish, the abdominal cavity is pink, and in the old carcass it is yellow.
  2. The gills of recently caught pink salmon are bright red (odorless). If greenish mucus is visible on the organs, this indicates that the carcass has begun to deteriorate.
  3. When buying whole or frozen fish, carefully inspect the tail, fins and head. These organs are the main indicators of product freshness.

Repeated freezing is indicated by a dry "weathered" tail (with a damaged structure), a parted mouth and sunken eyes.

  1. In a chilled carcass, the skin is clean, smooth, without damage, bends and spots, tightly adhering to the meat. The scales of such a fish are silvery and shiny, firmly attached to the body. If the skin easily moves away from the pulp - the product has been stored on the shelves for a long time, it is better to refuse to buy such seafood.
  2. The meat of fresh pink salmon is painted in a soft pink color. A whitened fillet "indicates" repeated freezing or improper storage of goods.
  3. The muscles and back of the seafood should be firm to the touch. If a dent remains when pressed with a finger, the fish is rotten.
  4. When choosing salmon, do not pay attention to the brightness of the eyes. In fish that have gone through at least one freezing cycle, they are always cloudy.
  5. Newly caught pink salmon always sinks in water and does not bend in the palm of your hand.

Remember, frozen fish simplifies the cooking process, speeds it up, but greatly complicates the ability to determine the quality of the goods.

Application in cooking

Due to its prevalence and low cost, pink salmon is successfully used in cooking. Fish meat is dense. It is ideal for boiling, frying, baking, stewing, marinating, pickling, canning and smoking.

Subtleties of culinary processing of pink salmon:

  1. To prepare first courses, it is better to purchase a whole fish, and to create side dishes, snacks, delicacies - a carcass without a head.
  2. Before frying, pink salmon is soaked for 20 minutes in olive oil, and then smeared with mayonnaise or your favorite sauce. This treatment will help prevent overdrying of the fillet.
  3. If, during the preparation of the fish, the carcass is sprinkled or with juice (2-3 times), the seafood will acquire a spicy citrus flavor.
  4. When processing pink salmon, it is important not to overdo it with spices (so as not to "kill" the exquisite taste of salmon). Seafood goes well with allspice, vegetable oil, lemon juice, sour sauces.
  5. Before cooking a whole carcass, the gills are removed from the head. If they are not removed, the product will acquire a bitter taste.
  6. Fatty varieties of pink salmon are baked without oil, and in lean varieties, on the contrary, it is added.
  7. Stewed or fresh vegetables are served as a side dish for fish.
  8. Pink seafood caught in the sea or ocean is used as food. During the spawning period, pink salmon meat turns white, losing its taste.

The calorie content of pink salmon varies from 140 to 200 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, depending on the method of preparation. So, the energy value of raw fish is 140 kilocalories, boiled - 150 kilocalories, baked - 160 kilocalories, salted - 169 kilocalories, fried - 200 kilocalories.

Due to its low fat content and low calorie content, pink salmon is considered a dietary product.

How to salt fish?

Light-salted pink salmon is an exquisite snack option for both everyday and festive tables. Currently, there are many recipes for salting salmon meat. Therefore, housewives often have a question: how to cook fish at home?

"Wet" method of salting fish

  1. Gut the carcass. To do this, the fish is thawed at room temperature for 5 hours. After defrosting, the product is cut: the head, tail, fins are removed, the skin is removed, the abdomen is cut open, and the insides are removed. Then the carcass is washed under running water and the fillet is separated from the ridge and bones.
  2. Cut the prepared meat into portions.
  3. Prepare a saline solution. To do this, pour 60 - 75 milligrams of coarse table salt (4 - 5 tablespoons) into a liter of cooled boiled water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Place the salmon fillet in the brine for 20-40 minutes. The length of time the fish is kept in the salt solution depends on the individual preferences of the family.
  5. Remove the salmon pieces from the brine and place on a paper towel.
  6. Place seafood in a glass jar and refrigerate.

The finished product is stored for no more than 5 days at a temperature of + 4 degrees Celsius.

To increase the shelf life, the fish is lubricated with vegetable oil.

Classic dry pickling recipe

  1. Divide the prepared pink salmon into 2 parts (without removing the film from the skin).
  2. Sprinkle the fillet with salt (at the rate of 45 grams of spice per kilogram of seafood).
  3. Lay both parts of the fish on a cotton cloth (meat inside).
  4. Wrap the carcass with material, and then place in an airtight container.
  5. Put the container with pink salmon in the refrigerator for 14 - 15 hours.

After salting, the fish is cleaned of salt residues and sprinkled with olive oil.

Recipe for dry salted pink salmon with spices


  • pink salmon - 1 kilogram;
  • coarse sea salt - 75 grams;
  • sugar - 30 grams;
  • ground black pepper - 5 grams;
  • fresh parsley - a sprig;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces.

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut the prepared carcass into 2 parts (without removing the film from the skin).
  2. Mix salt, sugar and black pepper.
  3. Rub both parts of the fillet with the seasoning mixture, and then place the fish in an enamel or glass container.
  4. Lay bay leaves and herbs on top of the seafood, pour over lemon juice.
  5. Cover one half of the pink salmon with the other.
  6. Seal the container and refrigerate for 48 hours.
  7. Turn fillets twice a day.

After two days, remove the remaining salt with a paper towel. The fish is ready to eat!

Note to housewives

Consider popular recipes for cooking fish dishes.

Pink salmon baked with tomatoes


  • pink salmon - 900 - 1000 grams;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • lemon juice - 15 milliliters;
  • tomatoes - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • ketchup - 15 milliliters;
  • mayonnaise - 45 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 15 - 30 milliliters;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut fish into steaks.
  2. Soak seafood in lemon juice for 10 minutes.
  3. Peel and chop the tomatoes and onions.
  4. Season the vegetables with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup.
  5. Grease a baking dish with oil.
  6. Lay pink salmon, tomatoes and onions in layers.
  7. Bake the fish for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Ready salmon is juicy with a crispy crust.

Fish baked in foil


  • pink salmon (whole carcass);
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • a mixture of freshly ground peppers - 5 grams;
  • salt, seasonings (to taste).

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut pink salmon: remove head, fins, entrails.
  2. Rinse the carcass under running water.
  3. Prepare the marinade: mix salt, pepper, seasonings, mayonnaise, lemon juice.
  4. Coat the fish with the mixture and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.
  5. Place lemon half rings inside the abdomen.
  6. Wrap the carcass with foil (tightly) and place in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

When serving, decorate the dish with herbs.


  • pink salmon - 1 piece;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • - 1 piece;
  • ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut and wash the salmon thoroughly.
  2. Cut fish into steaks. Remove the gills from the head. Cut the fillet from the ridge, salt and put in the refrigerator
  3. Prepare the broth. To do this, put the head, tail and fins of the fish in boiling water. Boil the broth for 30 minutes over medium heat, constantly removing scale. Ready fish broth is filtered through gauze or a fine sieve.
  4. Prepare vegetables and spices. Onions are peeled and cut into 2 parts, which are fried in a dry frying pan.

For fish soup, it is better to choose fragrant, rather than hot peppers (so as not to drown out the delicate aroma of fish).

  1. Peel and cut carrots and potatoes.
  2. Put the strained broth on the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. Add vegetables, seasonings, and, if desired, rice or millet to the fish stock. After boiling, salted pink salmon fillet is placed in the broth.
  4. Boil the ear over low heat until the potatoes are ready (15 - 20 minutes).
  5. Add salt 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Interestingly, the composition of the traditional fish soup includes only fish and broth (without the addition of vegetables, cereals and seasonings).

Stuffed pink salmon


  • pink salmon (whole carcass with head) - 1.8 kilograms;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • salt - 5 grams;
  • cheese - 100 grams;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut the fish (do not cut off the head), remove the gills, rinse the carcass thoroughly.
  2. Remove the costal bones through the hole in the abdomen (with a thin knife).
  3. Remove the ridge through the abdominal incision (cutting the bone at the tail and base of the head).
  4. Salt the fish inside the carcass.
  5. Prepare the filling. To do this, chopped tomatoes are combined with raw eggs, salt, spices. The mixture is poured into a shallow container (with sides) and placed in a well-heated oven (for 10-15 minutes). Lay thin slices of cheese on top of the finished omelette.
  6. Cover the abdominal cavity of pink salmon with chopped cheese.
  7. Roll the omelet into a roll and place it in the belly of the fish (on top of the cheese).
  8. Fasten the abdomen with toothpicks, lay the seafood on a baking sheet.
  9. Bake pink salmon at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 - 50 minutes.

You can add extra shine to the fish with vegetable oil, which is used to lubricate the carcass 20 minutes after the start of cooking.


Pink salmon is a storehouse of useful substances. It contains almost all the nutrients necessary for a person. Red fish is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fats, sulfur, zinc, iodine, chromium. These elements support the functioning of the immune system, brain, musculoskeletal system, visual organ, endocrine glands. Along with this, pink salmon contains a large number of protein structures, without which the correct synthesis of enzymes is impossible.

With regular intake of fish (twice a week, 200 grams), the appearance of the skin improves, ulcers on the mucous membranes heal, mood improves, efficiency increases, blood pressure normalizes, muscle and bone tissue strengthens. Pink salmon should become a regular guest on the table of pregnant and lactating women, since it contains polyunsaturated fats that play a primary role in the ontogeny of the nervous, hormonal and immune systems of the child.

Individuals caught from the salty waters of the seas or oceans have the greatest nutritional value.

Remember, the meat of fresh pink salmon has a soft pink color, the gills are red, the skin is tight to the meat, the scales are shiny without flaws, the tail and fins are moist with a solid structure, and the eyes are bulging.

Fishing is always great, especially if the exciting process ends with a long-awaited catch. Going for valuable trophies, both professional fishermen and amateurs dream of catching one of the most common representatives of the salmon family - pink salmon. What does pink salmon look like, how are they affected by the seasons when pink salmon spawn, and what kind of gear should be used to return with the desired prey?

Of the entire huge family, it is the fish of this species that is the smallest representative in size - it rarely grows more than 40 cm. The weight is also not impressive - it does not exceed 2-5 kg, but there is information that a lucky fisherman caught a trophy specimen weighing 12 kg. You can meet a sea beauty not only in salt waters - not so long ago she was launched into freshwater lakes, where she successfully took root.

The color varies from location: while the fish is in the cold waters of the ocean, it has a gray tint with a blue tint. After being sent to spawn, which usually occurs in nearby rivers, it becomes more light. The color of the belly is white, but when pink salmon migrates to fresh waters, it becomes yellowish. The scales are very small, easily removed.

The fins are short, there is also a “fatty” fin, rare for this species of fish. The head is slightly elongated, ending in a wide mouth. The description can end with a distinctive feature, which became the reason for the name. His pink salmon received thanks to males - it is they, unlike females, who have a large hump on their backs. Interestingly, the hump begins to grow only after being sent to spawn in fresh river waters.

The characteristics of the predator are similar to other salmon fish, but there are several differences. Pink salmon is often compared to chum salmon, another popular and numerous member of the family. What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon? Main differences:

  • size (keta is larger);
  • coloring;
  • caviar size (in pink salmon it is smaller);
  • habits of fry (after birth, chum salmon babies immediately go to the open spaces of the ocean, in pink salmon, young growth remains in river reservoirs until they grow up);
  • both chum salmon and pink salmon have useful properties, but differ in taste (pink salmon meat is tougher, with a large number of calories).

Another different feature is that due to the prevalence of fish, its cost is much lower than other varieties, despite the fact that pink salmon and salmon are the same family.

Where does it live, the main diet of fish

Pink salmon is an inhabitant of the depths of the Pacific or Arctic Ocean. The spawning family goes to the rivers. Both in fresh waters and in salty waters, it tries to stay near the surface, avoids great depths and pits.

Photo 1. Pink salmon goes to rivers to spawn.

Interesting! Pink salmon does not return to the depths of the sea, because after spawning it stops feeding. Having laid eggs, the fish dies - the spawning time is the last stage of a short life.

The diet of a valuable family consists of fry, young small fish, and crustaceans. Since the fish grows quickly, they need a lot of food, so pink salmon goes hunting at any time of the day. Thanks to this feature, even a novice angler will be able to successfully catch a predator.

Features of predator behavior in different seasons of the year

Photo 2. In a wedding dress.

Pink salmon is a fish that spends most of its life in migration. In winter and autumn, it prefers to stay in sea waters. At the age of two years, it goes to spawn, which takes place in the month of August (in Russia, spawning time may vary - in Kamchatka it begins in July, in Sakhalin - in June). During a long journey, females and males lose their caution, feeding heavily, and become easy prey for fishermen and animals impatiently waiting for a fish school in the mouths of rivers.

Interesting! Until now, even scientists cannot find an explanation for the fact that pink salmon returns to spawn in the river where it was born. There are many hypotheses - the predator feels a familiar smell, the bottom (its features), the consistency or composition of the water.

Having reached their goal, the fish prepare to lay their eggs. The female digs a small hole with her fins, after fertilization she lays eggs in it, after which, together with the male, she closes the nest with sand and stones.

It takes about three months for the fry to appear, but young fish are in no hurry to go to salty reservoirs. Only with the advent of spring (by this period, pink salmon grows up to 3 cm), fry migrate in large schools into the sea. The path is long and difficult - most of the river and sea inhabitants hunt young fish. Until the next year, pink salmon feeds intensively, after which it returns along the already familiar path to breed and die.

Catching pink salmon: when to go hunting for a valuable predator, and what gear is better to use

You can catch pink salmon in the river only before spawning (it is found there from spring to mid-summer), and it goes easily both for spinning and for an ordinary float fishing rod. The bait is usually red caviar, rolled up with a tight tourniquet. Of the spinners, a spoon is used to catch a predator, preferably a bright color. It reacts badly to spinners, preferring to swim past.

Important! You can make the bait more attractive for pink salmon simply - just attach it to the lure:

  • bright feathers;
  • threads;
  • strips of colored plastic.

The preferred color, which representatives of the salmon family actively go for, is bright blue, purple, orange.

A feature of the bite of males is that the bite is fast, sometimes almost not felt. After hooking, there are few jerks - often only 1-2. Several times pink salmon can jump out of the water, but this rarely happens. It is much more difficult to catch a female, having fallen on a hook, she begins to rush about wildly, often breaking loose.

During spawning, it is impossible to catch a predator with a fishing rod or spinning rod - the fish completely stops feeding and does not respond to baits. You can use nets or a tee (the so-called cat), but this catching option is prohibited by law and is punishable as poaching.

Photo 3. Fly fishing is a catchy way for pink salmon.

Pink salmon caught before spawning is of great value - the meat is elastic, has excellent taste. After spawning, the fish becomes loose and tough; in cooking, you can use it only in the form of minced meat. It is rarely caught at this time.

Pink salmon fishing is an entertaining process, and with the onset of the summer period, hundreds of professionals and amateurs go hunting for valuable prey. It doesn't matter if luck smiled, because the most important thing in fishing is to relax your soul and body, enjoying every minute.