Deportation of foreign citizens from Russia: what it is and how

Executive authorities for many years, unfortunately, are unsuccessful trying to fight illegal migrants. We often have to hear about caught offenders, to which the extreme measure of administrative punishment is applied - deportation. Unfortunately, only she helps to fight foreign citizens who do not comply with migratory legislation, which do not have other prescriptions, notifications. So what is deportation and how it is done, learn, reading this article to the end.

Every year thousands of foreign citizens, especially from the less prosperous countries of the near abroad, come to Russia in search of work. Most of them do not consider it necessary to issue permits for this, and simply get to work illegally, living in the country without the necessary registration. It makes tremendous damage to the Russian economy, not to mention the fact that they are illegally exporting billions of rubles from the Russian Federation.

So what is deportation? It can be said that this is a forced expulsion from the country accompanied by convoy. A foreign citizen is given a few days for voluntary departure from the Russian Federation. And in case of non-fulfillment of prescription, the court shall be made to apply this extreme measure.

It should be noted that deportation from Russia applies only to foreigners or apartam (stateless persons) and cannot be threaten to citizens of their country. The process itself is regulated by the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" of July 25, 2002.

But not only illegal employment can entail an expulsion from the country. Consider the most common other reasons for such emergency measures.

The reasons

Deportation of foreign citizens from Russia can occur for several reasons, among which:

  • Illegal crossing of the border with the Russian Federation.
  • The lack of a migration card confirming the purpose of the visit and the term of finding in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Violation of the timing of temporary stay, in the absence of reasons.
  • Cancellation of permits for residence in the territory of the Russian Federation (RVP, a residence permit).
  • Repeated and serious violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Accommodation on fake documents.

It should be known that this process does not apply to some foreign citizens:

  • Foreign citizens who have received political asylum.
  • Persons who filed an application for the assignment of refugee status (as long as the petition is under consideration).
  • Foreign citizens who have lost refugee status, which threatens the danger and persecution in their homeland.
  • Employees of consulates, diplomatic institutions.

Deportation procedure

As already noted, before deporting a person from Russia, he is given time to do it voluntarily.

According to the legislation:

  1. If a foreigner has overdue a permitted period of residence or temporary stay, he must leave the Russian Federation for 3 days.
  2. If a foreign citizen has been revoked by a temporary stay or residence permit, then he is given 15 days to leave from the country.

If foreign citizens did not fulfill these obligations, they are subject to forced expulsion. How does the deportation process, we suggest familiarize yourself.

Who is carried out

According to the law, the process is carried out by the executive authorities and their regional departments in the field of migration. It is they who deliver a person to be deported, first to the place where the migrant expects a court decision, and then to the point of pass through the state border.

At whose expense is carried out

Deportation costs lie:

  • On deported.
  • At the inviting person (in the event that he was hired with violations of labor legislation).
  • A diplomatic representation or consulate of the country whose citizen is deported (if funds cannot be obtained from the receiving person and the intruder himself).
  • On the Russian Federation (when it is impossible to establish an inviting person).

As happens

The process itself occurs in several stages:

  1. The federal executive body in the field of migration shall notify the executive authority, which is in charge of foreign issues.
  2. He, in turn, informs about the consulate deported or diplomatic representation of the country whose citizen is a foreign person.
  3. Then the person to be deported is placed in a special institution where a court decision is waiting for a period not exceeding 48 hours.
  4. After accepting a positive decision, accompanied by convoy for 3 days is delivered to the border crossing point.
  5. Deportible sent from the country.

It should be said that the person to be deported may appeal the decision of the court into the higher authorities if I do not agree with him. It is given 10 days.

Is it possible to cancel

Cancellation of deportation from Russia is a rather complicated process and requires the help of a good lawyer. The only way to avoid deportation is - appealing the decision of the court to the superior instance. To cancel it, it is necessary to provide indisputable evidence of its innocence. There are cases when the decision on the cancellation was carried out when the following serious circumstances were found:

  • A foreigner has in the country of relatives of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • A foreign citizen is married to the Russian Federation.
  • If an application was filed for the provision of work permit, RVP or a residence permit.
  • If a foreign citizen entered one of the universities of the country.
  • When the deportes needs treatment, which is impossible to implement in the homeland.

The presence of these circumstances does not give 100% guarantee cancellation of the decision on deportation.


After a foreign person was expelled from the Russian Federation, he is made a ban on re-entry for several years.