Passport through public services - registration, step-by-step instruction

The State Service portal provides registered users with the ability to submit an application for registration of a passport online. Now you can get this document without a grueling stay in long-term queues.

How to issue a passport through state services

In order to apply online with your personal account on the official website. will need the following documents: Passport, Laborbook, photo in JPEG format and old "Log" (if available).

Passport through public services - Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. The first thing you have to do is log in in your account on the portal and choose the service service of the passport from the list available. To do this, go to the main page, we go to successful authorization and in the section "Popular on the site" we find the service "Registration of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation".

If you can't find, use this link:

For example, we will consider the design of the passport of the new sample through the official site of Gooseluga. Please note that when designing online and payment of state duty through the Public Services portal is provided with a discount of 30%.

Step 3. At the next stage, we choose one of the three points - to issue a passport on an adult, to a child under the age of 14 and a minor from 14 to 18 years. Select the desired item and go to the next step - filling information.

On the example, we will fill out information on the citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age.

Step 4. Familiarize yourself with the basic information and order, deadlines and instructions for registering passports through state services.

On the same page, click on the "Get Service" button and wait until the page is loaded to make information about the applicant.

You will need to specify personal information (in most cases, the fields are filled automatically, since you are in your account).

Be careful if you find a discrepancy with current documents, then the error must be corrected.

In the event that you make up for the first time, you must put a tick in the appropriate field. But if you lost passport and want to restore it, then you will have to specify all the data of the old document.

Depending on what option of obtaining you choose: in place or remotely, the deadline will depend on the place: until the 1st or 4 months, respectively.

Fill in the fields of secret information: data on constraints, criminal record, military service, etc. In addition, it will also be necessary for you to indicate what you have been doing the last 10 years (this refers to professional activities).

The last stage is to download the photo. Be careful, the image must be qualitative and comply with the standards (read the rules).

And yet, before sending a completed statement, you need to note the check box with SMS - notifications. So you will own information on which stage your request is.

What will required when drawing up an application for a child?

In principle, the process itself is not significantly different from the previous one. First of all, you need to choose the corresponding category. In addition, such documents will be needed as a birth certificate (or a new sample passport) and documentation confirming the rights of a child as a legal representative. Also, accelerate the process can documents for urgent design (if any).

Otherwise, everything happens, as in the above-described version for adults.

How to provide all the necessary paper?

Despite the fact that the application is provided online, you still have to visit the relevant organizations, since the electronic feedback on the site is not provided. However, you can do it out of turn, because after the approval of the application you authorize, the individual date and reception time will be appointed. Do not miss!

When you need to have the following:

  1. Photocopies identification documents (with a list you can read on the site);
  2. Military ID (only men from 18 to 27 years old) and certificate from the Commissariat that you are currently not a conscript lists at the moment.
  3. Help from the workplace or place of study for students or for parents, drawing up a passport for a child.
  4. 2 photos of the appropriate sample made in the studio.

In addition, you need to pay the state duty provided for this procedure - this can be done in a bank or through the FMS terminal. Receipts must be attached to the collected documents.

If we pay for state duty through the official website of Gousuluga, then you will be given a 30% discount.

More specifically, with a list, you can read in the message you get immediately after the approval of your electronic application.

How to get a passport passport through public services?

If you have successfully completed all the items described above, after twenty days later you will receive a message that "Log" is ready. Now, everything that you stay is to visit the UMVF statement with its civil passport. Here you have yet to put a few signatures and on this all - the procedure can be considered completed.