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Booking class is the letter designation of the quota of seats on a flight corresponding to a particular fare. The class of air ticket determines the service you will receive during the flight. If a regular dinner included in the ticket price is offered to everyone regardless of class, free alcoholic drinks will be provided only to first class passengers. However, if you are flying abroad, and especially to Europe, then it is hardly worth overpaying - even in the economy class of international flights there is quite high-quality service and comfortable conditions that meet European standards. Moreover, you will have to overpay a lot - prices for air tickets from the same company for the same flight can differ twice (if you compare first and economy class). For each fare, the airline has established a booking class N, V, R, M, K, H, B, Y and quotas of seats for sale in this subclass. Moreover, the cheaper the fare, the lower the quota of seats. It is clear that if you sell all the seats at the minimum fare, then the flight is unlikely to be economically justified. Therefore, there are always few cheap tickets. The airline determines in advance (purely technically) how many seats in a given price quota it will sell on the flight. Of course, the division of quotas varies on each flight in each season.
First grade
Р R - supersonic class
F R - premium first class
P F - first class
A A - first class with discount
Business Class
And J - premium business class
B C - business class
D D - business class with discount
Ш Z - business class with discount
S I - business class with discount
Economy class
Yu W - economic premium
C S - economy class
E Y - economy class
F B - economic with discount
C H - economic with discount
K K - cheap class (economy with discount)
L L - cheap class with discount (economy with discount)
M M - tourist class (economy with discount)
N N - economic with discount
I Q - economic with discount
T T - economic with discount
In V - economic with a discount (youth class)
X X - economic with discount
E E - shuttle tariff; reservations are not allowed; Places are confirmed upon registration
U is a shuttle tariff; no reservation required; places guaranteed
Г G - group class - reservation under certain conditions
O O - economic with discount
The level of service for Class C may be the same or higher than Class Y, but lower than Class J.
The level of service for class M may be the same or lower than for class Y.
When selling with seat numbers, only 16 subclasses can be used; when selling without seat numbers, 26 subclasses can be used.