Beshtau is the highest mountain in the Caucasian Mining Waters region. Mount Beshtau: routes and mysteries The height of Beshtau from the foot

The highest in the Kavminvod region and protected among the landscape natural monuments, Mount Beshtau is the center of Pyatigorye. In the 19th century, at the very beginning of the development of local resorts, the Russian translation of its Turkic name, consisting of the words “besh” (five) and “tau” (mountain), helped give the name to one of the cities built at the foot of the city - Pyatigorsk, and became widespread as a beautiful definition for the entire picturesque area.

The Kavminvod Mountains are unique in many respects. Firstly, approximately 8 million years ago they failed to become volcanoes, since over hundreds of thousands of years of geological activity, magma only raised the earth’s crust, but did not lead to real eruptions.

Such mountains are called laccoliths, and there is nothing else like this on the territory of the Russian Federation. Secondly, there is no other place in the world where, in a fairly modest area, there would be many laccoliths, which, moreover, differ from each other in geological structure. Thirdly, the local mountains are rich in healing mineral waters.

The main peak of Beshtau is at an altitude of 1.4 km, and the diameter of the extensive base of this multi-headed laccolith is 8 km. In addition to Pyatigorsk (See article “”), nearby there is another resort town with a fairly solid history - Zheleznovodsk (See article “”), and the relatively young town of Lermontov; They are all connected by a railway.

Having climbed to the top, you can quickly forget about fatigue, because the panorama that opens from there is fabulously beautiful: in good weather, in the absence of haze, you can see not only the cities at the foot, but also all the fellow mountains, and the Caucasus ridge.

From the 1820s to the present day, countless vacationers have had the opportunity to visit Beshtau and other laccoliths - this has already become a tradition, without which it is difficult to imagine a stay in Pyatigorye. And at the beginning of the last century, R. Leitzinger, who founded the Caucasian Mountain Society, spoke of the peaks of the Caucasus Mining Waters as a real school of mountaineering, since there are climbing routes of varying degrees of difficulty.

Description of the five-headed mountain

From the main mountain, called Big Beshtau, spurs diverge in different directions; they are separated from each other by rather deep gullies. The ridges of the spurs form four other peaks, called Maly Beshtau (1.25 km), Goat Rocks (1.17 km), Lisiy Nos (1.12 km) and Lokhmata (1.08 km).

The gentle foothills can meet travelers who stray from the beaten path with forest thickets, ravines and streams. Gradually the slopes become increasingly steep, with rocky soil and giant boulders lying randomly. In many places - at the foot of cliffs, in crevices - there are scree stones.

A little about the past

Now this seems like an amazing fact, but from the late 1940s almost until the early 1980s, Mount Beshtau was a “closed” territory: it was protected in connection with the mining... of uranium-containing ore carried out there. The city of Lermontov owes its foundation precisely to these developments. They worked in the mines; The length of the adits inside the mountain reaches 150 km.

After the mines were closed, the entrances were blocked and concreted. Local residents say that there are many voids inside the mountain, and the mines go to a depth of up to 400 m below sea level, while its foot is 500 m above this level.

And in the 1990s, a radio station appeared on the top of Beshtau, the purpose of which is difficult to find reliable information about. Construction was carried out with the help of helicopters that delivered the necessary materials. The shifts of current station workers last for several days; getting here on foot, they bring food with them. The surroundings of this building attract radio amateurs: from here they can communicate with the most incredible distances.

Flora and fauna

As you climb the mountain, the landscape changes. First come the forests, in which more than fifty species of trees and shrubs grow, the main massif consisting of beech, oak, ash and hornbeam; there are a lot of mushrooms here (champignons, mushrooms, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, etc.). Then the so-called crooked forest begins, where cold-resistant species of birch and mountain ash grow.

Further, to the very top, subalpine meadows stretch, the vegetation of which also reminds of the proximity of steppe areas. Many plants are listed in the Red Book. The fauna of Beshtau is represented by wild boars, foxes and hares, and the local bird kingdom is inhabited by pheasants and birds of prey, the number of cuckoos, blackbirds and woodpeckers is gradually increasing.

Mineral water deposits

The two mountain slopes (southwestern and eastern) and the upper part of the mountain are of great value in terms of reserves of mineral waters - there are 4 types of them, two of which are somewhat similar to those of Zheleznovodsk. Part of the water resources formed in the depths of the peak sections of Beshtau passes through large areas of granite rocks, which increases the radon content in the water.

A special mineral water line has been installed for it, leading to the Pyatigorsk health resorts. Beshtaugorsk reserves are also used in Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk.

Climbing Beshtau

All peaks are accessible, you just need to correctly calculate your strength: you will have to walk a lot, under your feet there will be not only the road and trails, but also thickets, uprooted tree roots, and screes. This is not a reservation - there is also a road (dirt) that encircles the entire Beshtau Mountain, and it passes at an altitude of approximately 0.8 km, sometimes climbing higher and then descending.

It can be reached from the cities of Pyatigorsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk and the village of Inozemtsevo (See article “”). In addition to natural beauty, travelers will see a memorial inscription carved on a stone about the construction of this ring road in the 1920s, and on the rocks - biblical quotes and a large image of a cross.

Walking along the road through the forest is a great pleasure: on the left hand is the rising slope of the mountain, on the right - going down, there are many flowers around, picturesque ruins of stones, and in the gaps between the trees you can see an ever-expanding panorama of the surrounding area. Two paths lead up from the road - from Lermontov and Zheleznovodsk. Depending on the composition and physical fitness of the group of tourists, the entire journey will take 2 - 3 hours.

Part of the road from Pyatigorsk to has an asphalt surface. If you continue your journey to the mountains from here, then along a dirt road after about 2 km you can reach Mount Shaggy, which in itself is unremarkable, but it offers a wonderful view of the mountain with the strange name Sheludivaya (0.9 km) and three cities immediately - (in the distance), Pyatigorsk (left) and Lermontov.

Continuing further, hiking enthusiasts reach the Eagle Rocks, the main one of which looks like a sitting eagle, and the bravest ones climb onto its “head”. From these rocks you can head to Maly Beshtau. There are simply paths running in this direction, and all around there is a wonderful sunny expanse, clouds very close, butterflies on wildflowers, the chirping of grasshoppers in the grasses, in a word, grace.

The northeastern slope of Beshtau is famous for the fact that on a large ledge of rock there is the so-called Temple of the Sun, or rather what remains of it from Scythian times.

No one has yet proven that this is not just a beautiful legend, but many come here specifically to be closer to the great luminary on a rocky platform with randomly scattered boulders, to climb into a small grotto recess in the lower part of the main stone itself and to feel the special energy there. The distant and near views from this rock are simply mesmerizing, and the forests below it seem like a rippling green sea.

Everyone chooses the most convenient route for exploring Beshtau, based on where he is staying and whether he is able to visit all the peaks, but having taken the trouble to climb, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the natural splendor.

Probably, the wonderful mood of people during this journey is one of the reasons that many greet each other when they meet. Mount Beshtau, a photo of which vacationers are sure to take with them, will beckon on their next visits here.

Mount Beshtau, like any mountains, requires attention and caution from tourists. When going on a hike, you should not take its preparation lightly, especially if there are children in the group. Be sure to take water and something edible with you to refresh your strength. Do not consider it difficult to stock up on mosquito repellent, warm clothes and a first aid kit with bandages, cotton wool, alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and analgesics.

You will definitely need a camera on this day to capture both the different stages of the ascent and the eternal, divine grandeur that will be revealed to your eyes from the peaks. There you will want to have binoculars on hand, but not everyone has this item, and some will decide that it is an extra burden.

What else to see in Beshtau

Mount Beshtau is famous not only for its natural beauty: there are two more objects that are worth seeing, one of them has a particularly large flow of tourists, both on foot and arriving by various means of transport (buses, cars, bicycles).

On the southwestern slope are the buildings of the Second Athos Monastery, which look very unusual against the backdrop of the mountain landscape. There are always a lot of people here who want to pray, receive a blessing, or explore the monastery and communicate with the brethren. On the territory there are: the Temple of St. George the Victorious, a building where monks and novices live, small administrative buildings and a church shop.

There is also an open area for worship, on which the icons are simply arranged in a semicircle - it is used in the presence of numerous pilgrims. The monastery is gradually being revived after decades of oblivion.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, Athonite monks founded 4 monasteries in the Caucasus, one of which - on Kavminvody - became known as Second Athos. The monastery on Beshtau was founded in 1904. Before the revolution, he lived meagerly and difficultly, kept a herd of cows and supplied milk to Pyatigorsk (this was the condition of the authorities when allocating the site), but the strict regulations were fully observed.

Pilgrimages were made here, and the church became a parish for several surrounding villages. In 1906 - 1911, a school operated at the monastery courtyard in Pyatigorsk, where 70 boys from the poorest families studied. During the First World War, the wounded were treated in the monastery and opportunities were found to help the front financially.

In 1927, an attempt was made to close the monastery, but this was done only two years later. Its buildings were given first to a sanatorium, then to a society of proletarian tourists, and before the war to an orphanage where the children of Spanish communists were brought.

However, during the occupation of Kavminvod (August 1942 - January 1943), few of them were saved from the Nazis. After these events, the semi-damaged monastery buildings became ownerless and simply collapsed.

In 1991, a campaign to revive the Second Athos Monastery began, and Mount Beshtau again heard the sounds of a prayer service - it was served at the former site of the monastery. In 1997, a worship cross was installed there, and the Cossacks from Pyatigorsk, who brought with them tents and a trailer to live nearby, cleared the place and prepared a pit for a new temple.

The Church of St. George the Victorious was consecrated in 2001, among its shrines are particles of the relics of the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer and the Venerable Kiev-Pechersk Fathers.

Not far from the monastery, a lake has been preserved since the beginning of the last century - then the monks built a dam here and drove the dairy herd to watering. Just above the lake there is a spring that feeds it, the clear water of which has a mineral taste.

There is fish in the reservoir, but the banks, overgrown with reeds and tall grasses, are not suitable for fishing. Rather, here you can see tourists simply enjoying the view of the lake with wonderful huge water lilies on its surface.

These amazing flowers rise from the water and, having begun to bloom with the first rays of the sun, finish this action by noon. Then the opposite happens - the flower gradually folds its petals and in the evening, taking on the appearance of a bud, again hides under the water. It can also close if the sun goes behind the clouds. The lake is also very beautiful in the spring, when numerous streams flow here from Beshtau.

Beshtau- a mountain of magmatic origin in the center of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The highest of all 17 remnant mountains of Pyatigorye is 1401 m. The name of the mountain has Turkic roots and literally means “five mountains” (“besh” - five, “tau” - mountain). The mountain gave its name to the surrounding area and the city of Pyatigorsk.

Mount Beshtau is a small natural planet that has everything: feather grass expanses, ancient broad-leaved forests, narrow paths and country roads, hills, rocks, cliffs, eagles, wild boars and alpine vegetation. Beshtau is a small life that any Beshtau lover is happy to live.

The lower part of the mountain is quite flat; the slopes are composed of deposits of marl and clay. In many places the slopes are dissected by deep ravines and ravines. Above 800 m above sea level, rocky outcrops of beshtaunites begin, which form a highly rugged terrain with rocky outcrops and entire stone massifs.

It is customary to identify and designate five peaks of Beshtau:

  • Big Tau (1401 m)
  • (1254 m)
  • (Fox Nose) (1124 m)
  • Goat Rocks (1167 m)
  • (1080 m)

In fact, on the northern slope of Beshtau between Big and Small Tau there is another nameless peak. Sometimes tourists ironically call it Kochka Tau. Goat Rocks are a long ridge of rock on the eastern side of the mountain. They have several officially named peaks.

Big Tau from the slopes of the summit Two Brothers

On the southern slope Beshtau Not far from the Second Athos Monastery and the Monastery Pond, near the ring road, there is a rock that is called “Devil’s Fingers”, and sometimes - “Bring the Lord”. In the western part of the mountain range on the slope of Maly Tau there is the Eagle Rocks rock massif. Not far from the Eagle Rocks there is the Kukla rock, the outlines of which have an anthropomorphic appearance. On the northern slope of Maly Tau there is a small nameless rock. In general, the slopes of this peak were once covered with screes, which suggests that in ancient times there were extensive rock massifs of the mountain.

Sunset over Mount Beshtau. View from

Minerals in Beshtau

The main wealth of Beshtau is its mineral waters. There are two deposits here: Beshtaugorskoye and Inozemtsevskoye. Warm and hot springs are similar in chemical composition to Zheleznovodsk mineral waters. The rocks that make up Beshtau enrich the mineral springs with radon, a decay product of radium, which is found in large quantities in granites. Therefore, Beshtaugorsk sources are considered highly radioactive. Their water is supplied through a special radon pipeline to a hospital in Pyatigorsk.

Back in the 19th century, stone began to be mined for construction needs on the slopes of Beshtau. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Trachit partnership was organized, which began the industrial development of stone. It was used for paving roads and in construction.

One of the peaks of the mountain - Two Brothers

In the middle of the 20th century, Mining Administration No. 1 was formed, which began to develop a uranium deposit in Beshtau. Over a quarter of a century, more than 100 km of tunnels were built in the mountain - adits, two mine shafts, and a powerful mining base was created. In addition to the oxides and hydrous uranium phosphates contained in the ore, some rare earth minerals were mined: davidite and lermontovite, found only at Beshtau.

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Animal and plant life

The flora of Beshtau has a pronounced altitudinal zone. The lower part of the mountain is covered with broad-leaved beech-oak-ash-hornbeam forest. It forms the basis of the Beshtaugorsky forest up to an altitude of 1100 m. Above this level, crooked forests begin with warty birch and Caucasian mountain ash. On the main peak of Beshtau there is a clearing with an area of ​​more than 460 hectares. It presents subalpine vegetation. Among the plants, many endemics grow here, for example, bract poppy.

Small Tau. There are always a lot of tourists on the mountain

The fauna of the mountain is also diverse. Due to the large number of tourists and proximity to urban settlements, animals often suffer. Despite this, quite large animals live in the forests: wild boars, wolves, foxes, hares and various birds of prey.

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How to climb to the top of Beshtau

The question of routes to climb Beshtau worried everyone who had climbed this mountain at least once. Much has been written about this now. Each route has its own characteristics and climbing difficulties. Due to weather conditions, some trails become impassable and dangerous.

Goat Rocks
To the top of Beshtau by car

By car you can only reach the ring road. It was laid in 1927 around the entire mountain range. In the 2000s. its small part from Pyatigorsk to the Second Athos Monastery was paved. Now it is available for all types of cars. The rest of the ring road can only be traveled by four-wheel drive vehicles.

Snowy main peak

It is impossible to climb to any of the peaks of Beshtau by car. Although attempts were made several times to climb the main peak, they ended badly. Lighter vehicles have visited the peaks of Beshtau: bicycles, motorcycles and ATVs.

To Beshtau by bicycle

A bicycle is an ideal form of transport available for getting around in Beshtau. It causes minimal harm to nature, but is most beneficial for human health. It is convenient to ride a bicycle along the ring road in one daylight. In some places the road has a steep rocky slope where you need to be careful.

Sunrise over Beshtau

The situation is more difficult with climbing a bicycle to one of the peaks of Beshtau. There are known cases where extreme sports enthusiasts were lowered by helicopter to one of the peaks, and they were already sliding down the trails. It will be very difficult to lift the “iron friend” up steep slopes. The trails are not intended for driving, and numerous tourists will be in the way along the way.

Walking to Beshtau

Climbing Beshtau is a pleasure. You can choose a walking route that is suitable for people with varying degrees of fitness.

One of the most picturesque routes is a walk around Beshtau along the ring road. Its length is more than 13 km. Along the entire length there are many panoramic points for exploring the surrounding area. Most of the route is closed to vehicles, but sometimes they still occur. There are many in the Beshtau forest that are available for family hikes.

Along the Beshtau roundabout

The closest approach to the ring road is from the city of Lermontov. At the end of the street There are residential buildings on the border of the mountain forest. You can drive there by private car or taxi, and from there start the route counterclockwise - towards Pyatigorsk, or clockwise - towards Zheleznovodsk. It is preferable to choose the direction of movement depending on the time of year. In winter, the northern slopes of Beshtau (the path to the left of Lermontov) are distinguished by their harsh character. In those places, snow often remains until March. In the summer, it is very hot on the southwestern and southern slopes of Beshtau (the road turns right).

At the crossroads on the Lermontov side, the trail to the top of the Big Tau begins. First, it leads to the pass between the Big and Small Tau, where the tourist decides where to go.

The ascent to Beshtau from Zheleznovodsk begins near the railway station. Behind the station complex, in the forest, the ancient road “Trachite” begins, about two kilometers long. Crossing the ring road the road soon turns into a trail. The ascent begins, which is less steep than from the side of the city of Lermontov.

The climb to Beshtau from the village of Inozemtsevo is less popular among tourists. It starts from a clearing at the end of Sovetskaya Street. You need to walk the entire clearing in the direction of the Goat Rocks. Next, focusing on the treeless hills on the right, begin the ascent to the ring road. Further ascent to the main peak can be done. This route will require effort and is contraindicated for people with acrophobia (fear of heights).

There are many places to stay overnight in Beshtau

The climb to the main peak of Beshtau from Pyatigorsk is considered the longest. You will have to go through a long climb about three kilometers long from the city to the ring road. From there you will need to walk along a rather steep, but very beautiful road, which was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by members of the Caucasian Mountain Society. In some places, to climb, you will have to grab the roots of trees and climb the stones as if on steps.

People with babies and older people climb to the top of Big Tau. , running for 40 minutes, ordinary tourists in sandals slowly rise. The ease of lifting only seems so. There are many cases where careless tourists complained about their health or were injured. Before planning a hike to Beshtau, you need to practice - climb.

Winter views from Beshtau

Beshtau is the highest and most majestic mountain of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. From its top, which rises at an altitude of 1400 meters, a colorful all-round panorama of the entire resort region opens. In clear weather, all the laccolithic mountains, the legendary Elbrus, and the Caucasus mountain range are clearly visible. The diameter of this mountain is eight kilometers! The name "Beshtau" can be translated as "five mountains". Despite this, from almost everywhere the mountain looks three-headed. However, in fact, seven spurs diverge radially from its main pointed cone, which are separated by very deep beams. On the crests of these forts rise the battlements of Goat Rocks, Small Beshtau, Fox Nose, Two Brothers, Cape Verde, and Shaggy. All of them, together with Big Beshtau, form five main peaks.

How did the mountains appear...

Research by paleogeographers has proven that the intrusions of Pyatigorye began to form in the Neogene 8-9 million years ago. At that time, the Pyatigorye region was a kind of isthmus between the Ancient Stavropol land, lying in the lowlands, and the mountainous Caucasus island. They were washed by the waters of the warm Late Sarmatian Sea. The plains and mountains were covered with tropical forests and savanna, whose inhabitants were exotic animals. And some of them, in particular, the ancient proboscis mastodons, the ancestor of bears - Amphicyons, the ancestors of horses - Hipparions, which are now extinct, and others - rhinoceroses, giraffes can now be found only in hot countries. These animals could have continued to live a completely serene life in these parts, but the Pyatigorsk volcanoes began to actively erupt. And the most important of them was Beshtau, with its powerful vent. Animals began to escape the destructive heat. They rushed to the remote corners of the peninsula. All this, most likely, contributed to the emergence of peculiar cemeteries of vertebrate animals on the Ancient Stavropol land. An example of this is the Kosyakinsky courier near Stavropol. Scientist V. Gnilovsky called it an “underground zoological museum.”

In the middle of the Neogene, the center of volcanic activity began to shift towards Elbrus. Since then, wind and water began to have a destructive effect on the mountains of Pyatigorye. And gradually sediments were removed from the top of Beshtau. Also, as shown by the construction of special geological sections, there are approximately 200 meters of igneous rocks. By the way, the underground heat has remained in the depths of Mount Beshtau to this day. At first, hydrothermal solutions were actively released from the solidified magma, the temperature of which was +400 °C! From these solutions, calcite, quartz and many other minerals, including boron and uranium compounds, were deposited along the cracks. This is exactly how the legendary Lermontov uranium deposit arose.

After complete crystallization of the magma was completed, Beshtau became the cradle of mineral waters. Radon waters began to form in the body of the beshtaunites, which has high radioactivity. They are now supplied through pipelines to Pyatigorsk hospitals and effectively treat many ailments. On the eastern slope of Beshtau there is the Inozemtsevskoye deposit of Zheleznovodsk type springs, in the southwest there is the Beshtaugorskoye deposit of carbon dioxide hot waters of a rather complex composition with a temperature of +75 °C.

In the Quaternary period, an unusual natural complex of an island type with vertical zonation appeared on the mountain. Glaciation played a key role in its occurrence. During this period, Beshtau was covered with a never-melting cap of snow.

Flora and fauna of Mount Beshtau

A relict, that is, unparalleled, island biogeocenosis with altitudinal zonation has been preserved on the mountain. Up to approximately an altitude of 1000 meters, the mountain slopes are covered with beech-oak-ash-hornbeam forest. It predominates in the Beshtaugorsky forest, which consists of more than six dozen shrub and tree species. About 177 hectares of beech trees occupy here. There are surprisingly many hawthorns here.

Broad-leaved forest in the subalpine zone is replaced by crooked forest, where mainly cold-resistant warty birch and Caucasian mountain ash grow. Somewhat higher there is a zone of steppe subalpine meadows, which forms a clearing measuring 461 hectares on the main peak. On it you can meet representatives of plants traditional for the subalpine zone - Wilhelm's grass, lovely primrose, yellow rhododendron. Also known among the endemics of Beshtau is the poppy bract, which is distinguished by its very large flowers. The local forest abounds in mushrooms, especially lamellar mushrooms - chanterelles, champignons, trumpet mushrooms, umbrellas, milk mushrooms. In addition, the forest is home to a large population of wild boars. Birds of prey nest in the forest and on rocks.

If you go to the southwest along the Pyatigorsk - Lermontov road, you can see how the hilly foot stretches. It is covered by forest-steppe and old forest plantations. This is where pheasants like to nest, foxes and hares live. About fifty years ago, the mountain was declared a state natural monument. Hunting on the mountain is strictly prohibited.

Minerals of Beshtau

In the 50-70s, a uranium ore deposit was developed here. It became known as Lermontovsky and is associated with the intrusion of beshtaunites. The enrichment and mining center is located in the town of Lermontov. The composition of these ores is rich in hydrous phosphates and uranium oxides. Much less common is the uranium-containing mineral davidite, as well as the aqueous phosphate of uranium, calcium and cerium, discovered only in Beshtau, lermontovite. Associated minerals are chalcedony, quartz, fluorite, calcite, datolite, limonite, and pyrite. It is no secret that when developing the uranium mine, officials used prison labor. The archives preserve orders for the transfer of prisoners from the St. George prison to the area of ​​Mount Beshtau.

But the most important wealth of this majestic mountain is, naturally, its healing springs. They form two deposits and one production area. In the southwest, the Beshtaugorsk deposit was formed, which contains two types of sources: hot carbon dioxide with a high content of hydrogen sulfide and silicon, still close to the Zheleznovodsk ones, as well as weak carbon dioxide calcium-sodium ones. In the Upper Cretaceous limestones in the east of Beshtau, the Inozemtsevskoe deposit of sodium carbonate waters of the Zheleznovodsk type was explored. But in the upper part of this North Caucasian mountain, cold calcium radon waters pour out. They are part of the Beshtaugorsky production site, its reserves are estimated at 300 cubic meters per day. Many springs are well-maintained. The healing waters of Mount Beshtau became part of the resource potential of the resort cities of Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki. Radon water is supplied through mineral pipelines to Pyatigorsk hospitals.

Top of Mount Beshtau

A ring road was built around Beshtau back in 1927 at an altitude of 800 meters. The easiest way to climb the main mountain peak is along one of two paths that lead to the mountain saddle from opposite sides: one of them is from the side of Lermontov, and the other is from the side of Zheleznovodsk. From the last city to the top of Beshtau you have to walk more than six kilometers, while the altitude difference is 760 meters. The ascent will take at least three hours. From the top, a person will have a magnificent all-round panorama. Often an excellent view is hampered by a slight haze that hides the surroundings. If this haze is absent, then, looking south, you can see Elbrus in the distance.

In the nineties, a radio transmitting station was built on the top. According to some information, it previously served cellular networks. But according to other sources, this station is a special-purpose facility. It is used by the Ministry of Defense and intelligence services. During its construction, the necessary building materials were delivered by helicopter. Station keepers work in shifts, for several days at a time. They climb the mountain on foot, carrying a supply of food for the duration of their duty. Local radio amateurs often gather at the top near the radio station. Here they establish contact with various parts of the planet.

Beshtau is shrouded in many mysteries. Local residents noticed mysterious luminous balls near the mountain. Most likely, there is increased anomalous activity on this mountain. They try to explain this by the high concentration of radon and its effect on the human body. In addition, interesting reports appeared in newspapers about meetings in these places with Bigfoot himself. By the way, at the foot there is a monastery. It was recently revived. And it was founded in the 20th century by monks from Old Athos. Here, according to the monks themselves, God’s presence is surprisingly more clearly felt.

Eagle rocks on Beshtau

On the southwestern mountain slope there is a very wonderful place. It is called Eagle Rocks. If you look at this place from the side of Maly Beshtau, then the outline of one of the rocks is very similar to the profile of an eagle. And the remaining rocks with a large V-shaped opening form a kind of wall of stones. Zheleznovodsk can be seen through it. From this place the west of the resort town is clearly visible. To the left, from behind the slope of Small Beshtau, a mountain called Shaggy is visible. A little ahead you can see Mount Sheludivaya. It is at its foot that the city of Lermontov lies. A kind of “eagle wing” forms a small semi-grotto with a rounded vault-window of natural origin. There are many very interesting climbing routes along the rocks. In terms of free rock climbing, the nearby Mount Kukla is also interesting.

Temple of the Sun

On the northeastern mountain slope there is a rocky outcrop that juts out sharply. There are the ruins of the Sun Temple from the Scythian times. This temple is a rocky platform on which various boulders are piled. In the “heart” of the site lies a massive stone standing on three abutments. There is an opinion that if you lie down on the stones in this small domed grotto, and you simply cannot stand there, you will feel quite strong energy. You definitely need to be in this place!

Beshtau impresses everyone. This mountain is truly majestic in every sense of the word. It's worth climbing or at least seeing in person!

Assumption of the Second Athos Beshtaugorsky Monastery

Russian monks settled in this monastery during the reign of Ivan the Terrible and lived there for subsequent centuries. It was from here that monks from Athos came to Mount Beshtau at the beginning of the 20th century to found a new monastery at the foot of this Caucasus mountain. The monk Gerasim played a key role in this. This is how the Assumption of the Second Athos Beshtaugorsky monastery appeared on the slope of Mount Beshtau. The monks did not choose the North Caucasus by chance. This place is known for its beauty, the power of the mountains, the blueness of the sky close to God, and many healing springs.

Beshtau is a natural monument, the highest peak in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. Tourists from different countries dream of touching the miracle and seeing the famous five-domed laccolith (unformed volcano).

M.Yu. sang the beauty of the majestic mountain in his works. Lermontov. Beshtau, like a magnet, attracts travelers, naturalists and admirers of marvelous landscapes. A visit to the picturesque slopes will not leave anyone indifferent.

General information

Mount Beshtau is located in the central part of Pyatigorye. From the top in clear weather you can see a magnificent panorama of the resort area. From a height of 1400 m, you can see the mountain ranges of the picturesque Caucasus Range, Elbrus, covered in legends.

“Five Mountains” is how the name Beshtau sounds in translation from the Turkic language. It is no coincidence that the resort town, lying at the foot of the famous laccolith, is called Pyatigorsk.

The diameter of Beshtau is about eight kilometers! The ancient massif consists of mountains with original names:

1. Big Tau is the main peak in the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid.

2. Mount Fox Nose or two Brothers.

3. Small Tau.

4. Mount Shaggy.

5. Goat rocks.

Paleogeographers have found that in the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineral Waters, active volcanic activity took place millions of years ago. The result is the formation of unusual landscapes that have survived to this day.

The unique geological monument is formed by igneous rocks. The height of Beshtau above sea level is 1400 m.

There are two roads leading to the main mountain peak:

1. From Zheleznovodsk.

2. From Lermontov’s side.

Any of the peaks can be reached on foot. The landscapes around are amazing!

Natural resources of Beshtau

In the middle of the last century, uranium ores were mined in the area of ​​magmatic laccolith mountains. Other minerals and minerals have been discovered in the area.

Mineral springs brought worldwide fame to this unique natural formation. In different parts of Mount Beshtau, deposits with rich reserves of healing waters have been developed.

Mineral springs at each site have certain characteristics:

1. Eastern part. Inozemtsevo carbon-sodium mineral waters of the Zheleznovodsk type.

2. Southwestern section. Beshtaugorskoye field. Two types of mineral waters. Calcium-sodium springs with a small amount of carbon dioxide and hot springs with a high concentration of silicon and hydrogen sulfide.

3. Upper part of Beshtau. Cold radon waters with high calcium content.

A landscaped area has been created around many springs. Water with a unique composition is used by health resorts in Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk. Through special pipelines, radon waters from the upper part of the mountain enter the hospitals of Pyatigorsk.

Every year hundreds of thousands of guests come to the picturesque resort region to relax and improve their health “on the waters”.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Beshtau are characterized by species diversity. On the slopes of the mountains there are relict forests with majestic oaks, beeches, hornbeams and ash trees. Yew berry grows on the rocks. In the subalpine zone, Caucasian mountain ash and hawthorn delight the eye with bright colors.

At the top of the famous Beshtau mountain there is a luxurious subalpine meadow. Dozens of rare plant species listed in the Red Book were discovered here. Some of them are preserved only in this region.

In spring and summer, the meadow is covered with a flowering carpet. They grow here:

1. Bract poppy with large petals.

2. The primrose is lovely with beautiful purple flowers.

3. Luxurious yellow rhododendron with a wonderful aroma;

4. Mytnik Wilhelm with bright inflorescences.

It is easy to find champignons, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and other mushrooms in the forest. At the hilly foot in the direction from Pyatigorsk to Lermontov there is a forest-steppe. Old forest plantations have been preserved in these places.

There are plenty of pheasants, foxes and hares in protected areas. But you won’t be able to wander around with a gun - hunting at the foot of the mountain is prohibited.

What is next to Mount Beshtau

Not far from the unique five-domed laccolith is the city of Pyatigorsk. One of the best resorts in the Caucasian Mineral Waters offers guests excellent relaxation and quality treatment.

Advantages of the popular resort:

  • wonderful landscapes;
  • fresh air;
  • springs with healing mineral water;
  • dozens of natural monuments;
  • picturesque parks and squares;
  • the famous “Lermontov places”;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • pleasant climate;
  • many sanatoriums, boarding houses, health centers;
  • comfortable hotels.

Many attractions near Mount Beshtau are associated with the names of famous personalities. Lake Proval is located in the Pyatigorsk region. It was here that the master of original combinations, the well-known Ostap Bender, tried to collect the entrance fee.

Tourists will enjoy a fascinating excursion to the places visited by the great poet M.Yu. Lermontov. They make a strong impression:

  • Diana's grotto;
  • house-museum of M.Yu. Lermontov;
  • Mount Mashuk;
  • obelisk at the site of the fatal duel.

Pay attention! It is convenient to explore the surroundings of Pyatigorsk from the cable car. There is a ring road around Beshtau. Branches lead to the village of Inozemtsevo, the cities of Pyatigorsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk.

Cultural and religious significance

On the picturesque slopes of Mount Beshtau, tourists will be interested in historical, cultural and natural monuments.

This corner of the North Caucasus attracts pilgrims from Russia and other countries. An ancient monastery has been preserved on one of the slopes.

Temple of the Sun

Amazing stories and legends are associated with the northeastern slope. The rocky ledge, which juts out sharply, attracts many tourists. Travelers hope to feel the mystical influence of this place.

During the excursion, be sure to visit this part of Beshtau. The Sun Temple is a large rocky area with buildings made of boulders of various sizes. The remains of unusual structures have been preserved since the time of the Scythians.

A huge stone on three abutments is the heart of the ancient temple. They say there is a strong energy here.

Eagle Rocks

It is no coincidence that this picturesque place on the southwestern slope is named so. Climb Maly Beshtau and look towards the Eagle Rocks. You will truly see the profile of a proud bird.

Other rocks form a V-shaped opening. Zheleznovodsk is visible through it. A semi-grotto with a rounded arch is located near the stone “wing”.

Eagle Rocks are a favorite place for climbers of all skill levels. Mount Kukla, located nearby, is suitable for rock climbing.

Dormition Second Athos Beshtaugorsky Monastery

The holy monastery is located in a picturesque place at an altitude of 850 m. Russian monks and monks settled in the mountains in the dark times, when Ivan the Terrible ruled the state.

For several centuries, hermit monks lived and prayed in the monastery. Gradually the monastery fell into decay. At the beginning of the 20th century, under the leadership of the monk Gerasim, a new monastery was founded at the foot of Beshtau.

The monks believed that these places were filled with beneficial energy. Healing springs, azure skies, high mountain peaks create the right mood and bring you closer to God. The monastery is visited by many believers and tourists.

Did you know that:

1. The age of the five-domed laccolith mountain is almost 9 million years.

2. In the poems of M.Yu. Lermontov mentioned the majestic mountain more than ten times. The height of Beshtau made it possible to overlook Pyatigorye and experience the heady feeling of flight while standing on the top.

3. Beech plantations in the Beshtaugorsky forest cover an area of ​​177 hectares.

4. In some parts of the forest there are trees that are 170 years old.

5. The first monks settled in the rock monastery during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

6. Near a unique geological monument, strange luminous balls sometimes appear.

7. Local residents claim that Bigfoot was once seen in these places.

Mount Beshtau is a symbol of the greatness of nature. A visit to a wonderful corner of the North Caucasus will give you many vivid impressions. The photo album will be replenished with hundreds of colorful photographs. Have a nice trip!

The highest mountain in Pyatigorsk is Beshtau. Its height is 1401 m above sea level. The rest of the mountains of Pyatigorye are scattered around Beshtau like guards around their master.

When did the first information about the main mountain of the Caucasian Mineral Waters appear? Probably, the first mention is lost in the mists of time, when the first traveler drove here, admiring the main mountain, which for many was a reliable beacon, visible from several tens of kilometers away. Mentions of Beshtau are found in various sources; the ancient Greeks - Ptolemy and Agatamar, the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta, who passed through these places in the 14th century, and the Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi - wrote about it. Ibn Batuta wrote:

“... From Azov I went to the city of Mazhar and from the above city I and my companions gathered at the headquarters of the Sultan (Uzbek Khan), located four days away, in an area called Bishlag. On this Pyatigorye there was a spring of hot water.”

The first scientific information appears from the end of the 18th century, when the vast territory of the Caucasus was annexed to Russia. The first scientists were I.A. Guldenshdedt, P.S. Pallas, G.V. Abikh.

In the book of the French naturalist “Journey around the Caucasus” Frederic Dubois de Montpere it is written: “Vast plains begin here, in the middle of which Beshtau rises, like a beacon in the desert. Mount Beshtau has always been a bait and a place of concentration for peoples who roam the steppes separating the Black Sea from the Caspian Sea; the fertile plains surrounding it were often disputed and passed from hand to hand, especially since all the miraculous Caucasian springs flow near this mountain.”

Some historical documents and ancient Russian chronicles also contain mentions of this mountain.

The great poet Mikhail Lermontov also paid attention to this beautiful mountain. In his poem “Ishmael Bey” there are the following lines:

“...And far away their five-headed, foggy, gray-blue king frightens them with his wondrous height.”

In ancient times, peoples called this mountain differently, but the meaning was the same. Bishdag, Yushkhi-Tau, Beshtau - five mountains.

Each of the five peaks has its own name: Big Tau - 1401 m, Small Tau 1253 m, Goat Rocks - 1167 m, Two Brothers (Fox Nose) - 1124 m, Lokhmataya - 1077 m. The Beshtau massif is also part of includes Wall-shaped massifs (mountains-dykes) Ostraya, Dupaya, Medovaya. The diameter of the foot of the mountain is 8 km; in addition to Pyatigorsk, near Beshtau there is a famous resort - Zheleznovodsk and the relatively young city of Lermontov.

The Beshtau forest consists of more than 60 species of trees and shrubs. Beech, oak, ash, and hornbeam predominate. Above the level of 1100 m, the broad-leaved forest gives way to cold-resistant birch and Caucasian mountain ash. Even higher is the zone of subalpine meadows. On it you can find lovely primrose, Wilhelm's grass, yellow rhododendron and azalea.

Main tree species: oak, hornbeam, ash, beech, linden, poplar, chestnut, acacia, wild pears, apple trees. Shrubs: rose hips, hawthorn, thorns, barberries, raspberries, etc. Herbaceous cover: plants of the steppe, forest and subalpine zones.

The fauna of Beshtau is represented by wild boars, foxes and hares, and among the birds you can meet pheasants and birds of prey, cuckoos, blackbirds and woodpeckers.

In the depths of Beshtau, 4 types of mineral water are formed, including unique radon water, which is supplied through the water supply to the hospitals of Pyatigorsk. Beshtaugorsk mineral waters are also used in Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki.

The attractions of Beshtau include the Eagle Rocks, which have long been chosen by climbers of various levels of training. If you look from Small Beshtau towards the Eagle Rocks, you can immediately see that one of the rocks strongly resembles a sitting eagle. Hence the name.

On the northeastern slope there is a rocky ledge that juts out sharply. There are the ruins of the Sun Temple from the Scythian times. This temple is a rocky platform on which various boulders are piled. In the “heart” of the site lies a massive stone standing on three abutments. It is believed that if you lie down on the stones in this small domed grotto, you will feel quite strong energy. Perhaps this is just a legend, but, in any case, no one will regret coming here. The views from this rock are mesmerizing.

At an altitude of 600 m, on the slope of Mount Beshtau, the Dzhemukha River originates.

On the south-eastern side there was, described by M.Yu. Lermontov, aul XIX in Adzhi-aul. Battles took place more than once at the foot of Beshtau, and in the middle of the 19th century. those dissatisfied with the Russian government were hiding there.

In 1951, when the ring road was being repaired, workers found a treasure that, according to archaeologists, had been there for about 3,000 years.

On the southwestern side, the Orthodox Second Athos Assumption Monastery was built in 1903, abolished in 1927. The revival began in 2002.

In 1926, radon waters were discovered in the area of ​​Goryachaya Mountain. In 1944, a specialized expedition explored uranium reserves on Mount Beshtau, and in 1949 the development of Beshtau uranium deposits began. For this purpose, “Village No. 1” was created a few kilometers from the Second Athos Monastery for miners, and later the “closed” city of Lermontov was built.

In 1985, the mine was completely mothballed, as almost all the uranium had been mined. During the existence of the mine, about 50 adits with a total length of 150 km were drilled. Today, all entrances to the adits are walled up or welded with thick metal sheets. The level of radiation, both on Mount Beshtau and in Pyatigorsk itself, fully complies with all standards and does not pose any danger to residents and guests of the city.

Both locals and travelers who come to this place love to climb to the top of the mountain. It should be noted that all peaks are accessible and their conquest does not require special skills or equipment. Depending on the composition and preparation of the group, the ascent will take 2-3 hours. Thanks to this, the history of the mass conquest of the peaks of Beshtau begins immediately with the foundation of the resort.

In 1981, the leadership of Pyatigorsk supported the idea and project of the chairman of the Pyatigorsk Tourism Federation A.G. Yevtushenko to conduct an ascent to the top of Beshtau in honor of the Soviet Army Day. This tradition has not been interrupted for a single year. During the period of mass ascents, more than 63 thousand people climbed to the top.

Several paths lead to the top. The easiest of all the climbs is from the Lermontov side. For pioneers and tourists with children, the most optimal route. This path is well-trodden, as watchmen and most tourists walk along it from the city to the tower located on the top of the mountain.

You can choose other routes to climb Beshtau.

And when you go up, you can admire the surrounding landscapes for a long time. From here you can enjoy a magnificent panorama of the entire surrounding area. The laccolithic mountains are like small hummocks below, and in the distance is the Greater Caucasus mountain range.