Train ticket snake glazovka. Waiting for train tickets zmievka - glazunovka. Route Zmievka - Glazunovka on the map

  Moscow time is indicated for all Russian stations in accordance with Russian Railways rules. All other stations in the schedule are local time. Keep this in mind when planning your trip.

Train schedule

    Route / train



Route Zmievka - Glazunovka on the map

The route Zmiivka - Glazunovka runs 1 train (s), of which branded: 1.

Cost and availability of train tickets Zmievka - Glazunovka:

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must specify the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults).

Sale and delivery of railway tickets Zmievka - Glazunovka:

Service "TravelBileti" provides the opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book tickets for the train following the route Zmievka - Glazunovka.

Tickets are delivered timely  Courier in Moscow.

You can place an order for e-ticket  followed by receipt of the code by mail. The code, in turn, changes to a classic railway ticket at the ticket office or terminal.

Electronic registration  - when placing an order, you indicate the passport data that is entered in the current list of passengers. Landing is based on the list of passengers (without a ticket).

The current train schedule Zmievka - Glazunovka includes 5 trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, evening. We recommend the fastest train (local train), which leaves at 18 h 49 m from Zmievka station and arrives at Glazunovka station at 19 h 08 m. If you need to spend the longest time on the way, you should choose the train number 6341 in the schedule with the message Eagle - Ponyry, in this case the trip will take 0 h 20 m. Between the stations Zmievka and Glazunovka this electric train passes 2 stops. On this page you can always find the schedule of trains Zmievka - Glazunovka, including seasonal, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Zmievka Glazunovka route, first read the timetable on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Zmievka - Glazunovka train can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest train station.

This train schedule for the Zmievka - Glazunovka route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Zmievka - Glazunovka

Currently, the Zmiivka Glazunovka train schedule consists of 4 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 4. These are 097M, 233SC, 721CH, 723M flights - the fastest of them is 721CH Moscow-Kursk Kursk, which travels along the Zmievka Glazunovka route in 0 d 0 h 15 min, the 097M Oryol Kursk train travels most slowly, departing at 05:38. The number of stops on the route Zmievka Glazunovka ranges from 1 to 1, depending on the train schedule and averages 1. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 17 minutes. Trains depart from Zmievka station in the morning - 05:38, 05:57, 12:48 and in the afternoon - 22:03. All trains leave from Zmievka stations, and arrive at Glazunovka stations.

The train and train schedule Zmievka - Glazunovka at the moment includes long-distance trains - 4, trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) - 5. The first train leaves from Zmievka station at 05h 38m in the morning and arrives at the terminal station at 05h 57m. The last train leaves from Zmievka station at 22 h 03 m and arrives at the destination in the evening. According to the timetable, the average travel time from the departure point of Zmievka to the arrival point of Glazunovka is 0 hours 18 meters: the fastest train travels 0 hours 15 meters, the slowest - travels 0 hours 20 meters.
Some trains from Zmievka station to Glazunovka station run on separate days (have a special schedule).
Trains following the route Zmievka - Glazunovka pass through such stations and settlements as: 429 Km Stop Point.
Schedule of trains and trains on the route Zmievka - Glazunovkashown here is regularly updated and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Zmievka - Glazunovka train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train only at the ticket office of the station.

According to the latest data, the Russian Railways train schedule in the direction Zmiivka - Glazunovka as of today consists of 8 trains (diesel engines or commuter trains), which are divided into morning, afternoon and evening routes.

To save time - we offer the fastest train on this way, number 6339. She departs from the railway station Zmiivka at 18 hours 49 minutes. and arrives at 19 hours 8 min. to the terminal station Glazunovka. The entire road will take a total of 19 minutes.

If there is enough time in the reserve or the duration of the trip is not very important - you can choose the train from the Orel-Ponyri message, number 6341. In this particular case, the journey time is 20 minutes, as the scheduled train leaves at 21 hours 22 minutes and arrives at the terminal station Glazunovka at 21 hours 42 min. .

All Russian Railways trains on the route Zmiivka - Glazunovka make stops where you can get out and make a change on demand for a commuter train that goes in the other direction.

The timetable presented on this page corresponds to the online scoreboard of the railway stations along the route Zmiivka - Glazunovka. Due to the constant updating of information, this schedule is relevant, but since small operational changes are possible, you can check all the details with the dispatcher at the nearest station, where you can also purchase tickets for a local train by following Zmiivka - Glazunovka.