What to take on a seaside holiday. Let's go to the sea! What to take with you? Other useful things to take with you at sea

Hurray, it’s done - a long-awaited trip to the sea awaits you! What to take with you, how not to forget what you need and not to overload yourself with unnecessary things? A pre-compiled list of the most necessary things will help - from documents to a first aid kit. We have selected the best option for a trip to the seaside - plan your trip wisely!

We're going to the sea - what to take with us?

Documents and money

If you forget your favorite shorts or sunscreen, nothing bad will happen. But you can’t go far without a ticket or passport.

Therefore, we start the list of things for the trip with the most important. Prepare your documents, children's birth certificates, health insurance, driver's license (if you are going to rent a car).

We are talking about a holiday in our own country; if you are planning a trip abroad, the package of documents will be more impressive. Check with your tour operator for a list of everything you need.

Make photocopies of documents just in case - it won’t hurt.

Decide in advance how much money you take with you in cash; you will need it in any case. You will buy water, all sorts of goodies on the beach, fruits at the market. Check that you have sufficient funds on your bank card.

Clothes and shoes

The most controversial part of the list is wardrobe items. I would like to take more outfits, but in fact, out of all the heaps of things we take with us, we usually don’t wear even half of them to the sea.

Let's not forget the main thing, and how to add to the optimal list of things, everyone will decide for themselves.

So, on the sea coast, your main activity is swimming and sunbathing. On the beach you will need swimsuits, preferably at least two, maybe three, so that you can change into dry ones as needed. Men need a pair of swim trunks too.

At least three sets of underwear, pajamas or a nightgown, a robe or a light lounge suit - don’t forget to put all this in your suitcase.

We take with us a pareo, a light tunic with sleeves. They will help out in different situations and protect from the bright sun in the first days of a sea holiday.

How many shorts, skirts, T-shirts to take with you? Minimum! It is better to select those things from which it is easy to make different sets.

Then a pair of light T-shirts, a skirt, shorts, summer trousers and a sundress will be quite enough.

It can also be cool at sea, so bring jeans and a jacket (sweater).

Evening outings will require an elegant dress; choose one of your favorite cocktail dresses.

Don't ignore the hat - in the midst of the summer heat you can't do without it. Choose in advance something to your liking - a hat, scarf, bandana, panama, cap.

It is better to take a beach bag with you from home, but it is not necessary - you can buy it on the spot, like other beach holiday items.

Take at least two towels - separately for the beach and for the shower.

Sunglasses – you can’t live without them on the seaside. Every family member should have them.

Now about shoes: someone can easily get by with comfortable flip-flops for every day, but you can take another pair, some of which you will wear to the beach, others - around the city.

Many fashionistas cannot do without a pair of elegant shoes for evening outings. Just some beautiful sandals will be enough!

Surely you are going to not only lie on the beach, but also go on excursions, make tourist excursions - which means you need to take some hiking shoes: sneakers, sneakers, ballet shoes, moccasins. Experts recommend ballet flats; they are comfortable, lightweight and take up less space in your suitcase.

A little jewelry won’t hurt—you want to be especially beautiful on vacation.

An excellent solution is a flash tattoo, this hit of the season is simply a godsend for a beach holiday. Take a set of stickers with you and decorate yourself with fashionable patterns.

Don't forget about hair clips and elastic bands.

Packing a children's suitcase

Be especially careful when making a list of your child's belongings:

  • several sets of underwear and socks, a pair of pajamas;
  • at least 4-5 T-shirts, shorts;
  • a pair of warm blouses and trousers;
  • at least two hats and two swim trunks per shift;
  • comfortable sandals, beach flip-flops, sneakers.

Your child will need all this during a holiday at sea.

Don't forget about swimming accessories - arm sleeves, a circle, a vest. Many parents recommend armbands; it is easier to learn to swim in them, there is more freedom of movement than in a vest, but the baby can slip out of the circle.

You need to take your child’s bedding with you, thick, but made of quick-drying fabric.

It is not always possible to sit under a canopy on the beach, so your child will need a sun umbrella.

Don't forget about children's toys: the baby needs a ball, buckets, strainers and scoops.

Toddlers will need a sippy cup, bottles, baby food, a potty, and diapers.


You are unlikely to forget to take your mobile phone, but many people leave chargers at home.

Make a list of all the equipment you plan to take with you:

  • camera (video camera);
  • laptop or tablet;
  • player;
  • e-book (not required, but you can take it).

And don't forget to charge each device.

Cosmetics and hygiene products

We definitely include sunscreens, including children’s, in our list of cosmetics.

Don't forget mosquito repellents either. The child needs products appropriate for his age.

What else should you take with you:

  • shampoo (more convenient in bags);
  • soap;
  • deodorant;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • a minimum of decorative cosmetics;

  • makeup remover;
  • depilatory products;
  • toothpaste and brushes;
  • combs;
  • feminine hygiene products;
  • wet wipes;
  • manicure set;
  • brush (pumice) for feet;
  • men's shaving accessories, shaving cream (foam) and aftershave lotion.

First aid kit

Medicines can be purchased at your local pharmacy. But you must take the most necessary medications. If you constantly take any medications, for example, for blood pressure, do not forget to put them in your first aid kit.

List of medications that are recommended to be taken on a trip to the sea:

  • activated carbon or other effective sorbents;
  • hydrogen peroxide, iodine;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • anti-diarrhea medications;
  • “Rescuer” ointment is useful in different situations;
  • painkillers;
  • antihistamines;
  • for a child: thermometer, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, remedy for bloating, drops for the runny nose, medication for burns, remedies for indigestion and motion sickness.

What you should not take with you to the sea:

  • hairdryer - give your hair a rest at least at sea;
  • iron - we hope this doesn’t occur to anyone; hotels and rental property owners have such a household appliance;

  • a boiler is already a relic of Soviet times; it is better to use an electric kettle in your room or rented apartment;
  • dishes are also a habit ingrained over the years, but you will find plates and cups in place;
  • food - some thrifty vacationers carry sausage, stewed meat, canned food and other edibles with them;
  • jewelry - why would you risk losing a ring or chain at sea;
  • books - as a rule, a volume of novels will remain lying at the bottom of the suitcase; guidebooks and atlases are on sale at local kiosks.

We tried not to forget anything and make a complete list for the trip to the sea.

Start packing for the trip in advance, carefully select what you absolutely need to take, try to pack it all compactly.

So you will understand whether it is really necessary to take two whole evening dresses and three sundresses, your child’s favorite car and a heavy cosmetic bag.

Prepare for the seaside wisely and with pleasure!

What things to take to the sea? Many lucky people are looking forward to their upcoming vacation at sea. Relax in comfort, gain strength, capture all the wonderful moments - this is what vacationers are waiting for. When the cherished date is already approaching, the question arises: what things to take with you on the road? I didn’t want to pack heavy suitcases, but at the same time I didn’t want to be left without something I needed.

List of things to do at sea

You should prepare for the upcoming trip in advance, especially if you have a long journey to an unfamiliar place. For each vacationer, the list of things will be individual. It’s one thing when you have a vacation in Turkey and the whole journey will take about 2–6 hours by plane. And it’s completely different when you travel to the Black Sea resorts by train for 3-4 days from Siberia. Traveling in your own car also has its own characteristics.

The best way to calmly prepare for your vacation is to make a list. Many people write it 3-4 weeks in advance so that they have time to buy the necessary things. For convenience, all the items you will need on your trip can be divided into several groups.

Documents and money

This is where any holiday by the sea begins. For these items, it's best to plan where to put them. These include:

  1. Civil and international passport (if holiday abroad) and their photocopies.
  2. If children are traveling - children’s birth certificates, consent to take the child abroad (required when only one parent is going on vacation).
  3. Insurance policies and their photocopies.
  4. Plane, train, bus tickets.
  5. Hotel voucher, visa (for selected countries).
  6. Insurance from the tour operator (if the tour is booked at an agency).
  7. Money, bank and discount cards.

In some cases, if excursions and airport parking are booked in advance, you need to take a printout of these documents.

Food for the road

Those who travel several hours to the sea can safely skip this point. In such cases, you can take any familiar products - they will not spoil in a short period of time. But on long trips it is better not to take perishable foods: in the heat they quickly spoil. Or they must be eaten on the first day. Suitable for long journeys:

  • stewed meat and canned fish;
  • instant dry products - Doshirak noodles, Big Lunch, Rollton puree and others;
  • semi-smoked, smoked sausage;
  • bread, buns;
  • fruits (apples, oranges, grapes);
  • tomatoes cucumbers;
  • cookies, gingerbread;
  • pistachios, chips, nuts, dried fruits;
  • tea, coffee, chocolates;
  • sugar, salt;
  • water, juice (preferably not too sweet).

Helpful advice: Boiled foods (meat, potatoes, eggs) will last longer if you wrap them in foil. Many vacationers appreciate the convenience of a cooler bag - you can put any food there and keep it just like at home. But you need to take into account its weight.

Clothes and shoes

The main thing is not to overdo it with these things, especially for women. Most often, clothes that are taken “in reserve” remain untouched.

At the same time, you need to take into account the climate on the coast; for example, in the countries of Southeast Asia it can rain for weeks. And on the Black and Azov Seas in May and September the evenings are already cool. It is also necessary to have an idea of ​​the type of holiday at sea. If it is passive: lying on the beach and rarely leaving the territory of the hotel or boarding house, then a minimum of clothing and shoes is required. And if hiking or excursions are expected, then you need to be prepared for this.

To a woman

In most cases, the rest lasts 10–16 days. In order not to pack a lot of things, every woman should first take into account what she wears every day. A sample list would be as follows:

  1. T-shirts or tops – 2 pcs.;
  2. pareo;
  3. swimsuits – 3 pcs. (it’s better to take 2 open and 1 closed);
  4. hat;
  5. underwear – 2 or 3 sets;
  6. skirt – 1 or 2 pcs. (short and long - depending on the weather);
  7. jeans;
  8. shorts;
  9. slates;
  10. sandals or ballet shoes (what to wear on the street);
  11. pajamas;
  12. sneakers (on excursions);
  13. socks;
  14. long sleeve jacket (in case of cold weather).

To a man

Most men are unpretentious when it comes to their belongings and take only the essentials. A sample list is as follows:

  • panties – 2 pcs.;
  • socks – 3 pairs;
  • T-shirts or short-sleeved shirts – 3 pcs.
  • jacket or sweatshirt;
  • swimming trunks - 2 pairs;
  • shorts or breeches;
  • cap or hat;
  • jeans or sweatpants;
  • tights (to wear in the room);
  • sneakers (if there are excursions);
  • slates;
  • sandals.

To kid

Much will depend on the age of the child and what he will do on vacation. The list should include:

  • T-shirts – 2 pcs. boys or top+skirt (or dress) - 2 sets for girls;
  • Panama hat;
  • jeans;
  • shorts;
  • panties – 2 or 3 pcs.;
  • swimming trunks – 3 pcs.;
  • slates;
  • sandals;
  • sneakers (if necessary);
  • pajamas (if the child sleeps in them).

If you are going to the sea with an infant, you can take several panama hats and an additional set of casual clothes. Teenagers should refer to the adult list.

Some of these items may be available if you are planning a vacation at a hotel or boarding house on a package tour. If they are vacationing as “savages,” then you need to clarify the availability of all household items.

A sample list would be as follows:

  • means for tanning and after it (creams, sprays, lotions);
  • shampoo, shower gel, soap;
  • shaving kit for men and cosmetics (enough mascara, lipstick and lip gloss) for women;
  • washing powder;
  • toilet paper;
  • large and small towel;
  • swimming goggles, mask;
  • Sunglasses;
  • inflatable flotation devices (circles, armbands, mattress - if necessary);
  • handkerchief;
  • comb, crab;
  • set for manicure and pedicure for women;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • mosquito repellents (sprays, liquid);
  • wet wipes;
  • feminine pads, tampons - for women.

Helpful advice: You can reduce the weight of some items (shampoo, washing powder) by pouring or pouring them into a separate small container.

A minimum set of home first aid kit is a must. In some resort areas, pharmacies are not located close and there are often queues. It is especially necessary to check the list of medications if children are traveling: their immunity is weaker and adaptation to a new climate is not always painless.

The minimum set includes:

  • bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Activated carbon;
  • spasmolgon, analgin;
  • balm “Rescuer”;
  • paracetamol or antigrippin;
  • noshpa, mezim;
  • brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide;
  • antiallergic drugs (claritin, fexofenadine);
  • faringosept or strepsils;
  • furazolidone or phthalazole;
  • aeron or diazepam (anti-motion sickness medications).

If you have chronic diseases, you need to have the appropriate medications with you.

Electronic devices

People go to the seaside primarily to relax, so it would be nice to have a short vacation for their favorite gadgets.

The list may include:

  1. mobile phone,
  2. flash drive,
  3. camera,
  4. wired and wireless chargers,
  5. player,
  6. batteries,
  7. laptop,
  8. tablet,
  9. eBook,
  10. 3G modem,
  11. favorite children's toys.

Most people get by with a mobile phone and a camera. Helpful advice: if you plan long excursions and a large number of photos and videos, then a wireless charger will be useful. Businessmen usually take a laptop or tablet with them.

Other things

This group of things can be either very large or consisting of several items. It all depends on individual preferences and vacation goals. The list may include:

  • binoculars;
  • atlases, maps, route diagrams;
  • board games (backgammon, checkers);
  • boiler;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils;
  • compass;
  • flashlight;
  • watch;
  • backpack;
  • diapers, potty, feeding supplies and baby food - for infants;
  • book, crosswords, newspapers for the road.


You can buy many things at the resort. There are hardly any people who can resist the temptation to buy at least a refrigerator magnet as a souvenir. And if there are children on vacation, then shopping costs are guaranteed to increase. Therefore, perhaps you should buy some things on the spot and calculate the volume of your bags and the weight of your luggage.

There are people who “sit on their suitcases” waiting for big discounts from tour operators. They will find out about the departure date literally 1–3 days in advance. In such cases, you need to pack your things very quickly in order to catch the plane. If tickets were purchased in advance, then it is better to start packing early: maybe some things need to be purchased or brought into working condition.

The main thing you need to take with you on any vacation is a good mood!

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Summer time is vacation time. We are all looking forward to seeing the sea, the gentle rays of the sun and white sand. When going on vacation, girls often think about what clothes to take with them. I always want to be stylish, but I have absolutely no desire to carry around an overflowing suitcase. In this article we will tell you how to put together a versatile set of clothes for a beach holiday.

The best online stores

Packing your suitcase

Often, girls take so many clothes with them that they don’t even take most of them out of their suitcase.

Another common mistake is that ladies simply throw the first summer clothes they come across into their bag, without paying attention to how well they go together.

Before packing your suitcase, you should answer a few questions:

  • How long will the vacation last?
  • What are the climatic conditions there?
  • What events will you attend there? (Concerts, exhibitions, excursions)
  • Will your vacation be active or will you spend most of your time lying on the beach?

The answers to these questions will help you choose the right items for your vacation in the right proportions. Now let's talk about the most necessary clothes.


Girls in dresses always look very feminine and attractive. And therefore, it is better to take several of these wardrobe items on vacation.


A pair of light T-shirts and T-shirts are always useful, as they go with any skirts and trousers.

You can also take several elegant tops that are suitable for visiting exhibitions, concerts or discos. Will fit lace tops, or, for example, plain drop shoulder top.



In cooler weather or in the evenings, you may need warmer clothing. universal. It will suit any look, so feel free to take it with you on vacation.

To create a more elegant evening outfit, you will need jacket.

You can also take a light cape. During the day it will protect you from the scorching sun, and in the evening from the cool breeze. Particularly relevant this season cape-kimono.

Swimsuit and beachwear

What's a beach holiday without a swimsuit?! It's better to take several of them. You will need pair of bikinis with different types of ties for a more even tan.

Beach accessories

Accessories you will need Beach bag, where you can put your things when going to the coast.

Also take with you hat. It will protect you from overheating. This season, straw hats are more relevant than ever.

As for jewelry, you can take a couple with you bracelets to make your outfits more interesting and individual.

Don't forget stylish frames.

With the onset of summer, many families go on vacation to the sea, and often parents take small children with them, at this moment the important question arises of what to take with them to the sea with children. There is a whole list of things that not only parents, but also the baby may need.​

You will have to think through not only a list of what is needed on the vacation itself, but also think about what things you should take for the period of the trip or flight to the vacation destination. Not many parents know what documents, products, medicines and essentials they may need during their vacation. We will try to create a complete list of what you need so that there are no problems during your vacation.

Clothes and shoes

It’s worth starting from this point, because clothes and shoes are very important for young children. You shouldn’t take a lot of things for your child, because it will only take up extra space and in the end may not even be useful. A list of things will make it possible not to take anything unnecessary, but also not to forget something important and necessary. The most necessary items of clothing and footwear include:

  1. Underwear for parents and baby. For themselves, parents can take as many sets as they need, but the child will need about five sets of T-shirts and panties.
  2. Bathing suit. Boys should take two swimming trunks, girls two, two sets are needed so that you can use a spare swimsuit.
  3. Hats. It is best to buy a Panama hat or a cap for a child made of natural material; in such a headdress, the baby’s head will not sweat. It is worth taking two caps so that you can replace the headgear if necessary. A Panama hat may be needed not only on the beach, but also during a walk in the park.
  4. Shoes. The child may need different shoes; for sunny weather, sandals are taken; in case of rainy or cloudy weather, it is worth taking light closed shoes. Beach shoes are purchased separately; it is best to pay attention to slates if you are going to a sandy beach. If the beaches are pebbly or rocky, you should buy your child rubber slippers that have thick soles.
  5. Warm clothes. Even if the weather forecast at the resort promises warm and sunny days, do not forget about warm clothes, since the weather can change at any time, and in the evenings the sea can be cool. The child may need a warm jacket, sweatshirt or tracksuit.
  6. Basic clothing. A boy may need at least five T-shirts and three shorts. Girls should take sundresses, dresses, skirts and T-shirts in the same quantity. It is better not to take jeans and jackets with you, as they will only take up extra space in your suitcase with clothes.

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of what to take with them to the sea with children, you should also include a nightgown or pajamas for the child in the list of things.

Documents and money

You can hear many stories from friends that all their things were collected, and upon arrival at the airport, vacationers realized that they had not taken some important documents. It’s worth taking care of preparing documents and money first, so that you don’t have to return home for the essentials later.

To avoid problems before departure or on vacation, you should collect the following documents:

  • tourist insurance policy, which is issued by a travel company;
  • For each family member they take Russian passports or international passports;
  • a child’s birth certificate is required, especially if the child is not included in the parents’ passport;
  • printed electronic tickets, or original tickets;
  • if the vacation is on a package tour, then vacationers must have a voucher in their hands;
  • when vacationing in Russia you should take with you;
  • when holidaying abroad you need currency;
  • You should also take Russian money with you.

    Do you make a list of necessary things before going to the sea?

First aid kit for the road

We have sorted out the list of what you need to take with you to the sea with children from clothes and documents, now we will describe the list of things that may be additionally needed on the trip. It is simply impossible to purchase some medications abroad, and on vacation in Russia, prices for medications can be significantly higher. For this reason, it is worth packing some medications with you on your trip.

Recreation packages should include:

  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of a child;
  • medicine to reduce fever (Nurofen, Paracetamol);
  • antiviral drug;
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial drug;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • spray for or lozenges for resorption;
  • medication to restore bowel function;
  • a means for preparing a solution for poisoning (Regidron is the most popular);
  • medicine against diarrhea (Smecta or Enterofuril);
  • essential medicines (bandage, cotton wool, brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and more);
  • remedies for insect bites and after insect bites;
  • drugs against allergic reactions.

It is better not to buy candles on the road to reduce the temperature, as they may melt during the trip and cannot be used. You can also purchase an antiemetic for your child.

Toys and books

When the question arises about what to take with them to the sea with their children, parents do not always think about entertainment for the child. The list of necessary things should include toys, books and entertainment items for the baby so that he does not get bored during the trip.

Necessary things include:

  • two favorite toys of the child, this will help the baby quickly adapt to new conditions;
  • buy a new entertaining toy so that your baby doesn’t get bored during a trip or flight;
  • several interesting toys that can keep your child busy for a long time;
  • special sets of toys for the beach, the set includes a bucket, shovel, rake and various molds (you can purchase such a set on the spot);
  • toys for swimming in the sea or, these can be armbands, an inflatable ring, an inflatable ball or a pool for the youngest children;
  • various drawing supplies (album, coloring book, pencils and markers);
  • entertaining books with training;
  • books with stories and fairy tales for children, you can buy new ones or take already read ones to make it easier for your baby to fall asleep.

Necessary things for the flight

We told you what to take with you to the sea with children, now it’s worth describing in more detail the list of things that you may need during the trip:

  • juice for a child with a straw;
  • any cookies for your baby to snack on;
  • wet wipes to wipe your baby's dirty hands;
  • a pack of disposable handkerchiefs;
  • a spare T-shirt and shorts if the child gets dirty along the way;
  • for playing games or watching cartoons;
  • small blankets if the child gets cold or decides to sleep during the trip;
  • bottle of drinking water.

For a snack, you can use not only cookies, but also various fruits. You may also need toilet paper; if your baby is very small, you should take a few spare diapers with you.

In addition, it is worth taking with you on your trip toothpaste and brush, baby shampoo, as well as special children's sun cream. Don't forget about the charger for your tablet and phone.

Summer is a time for vacations and school holidays. Right now, many are thinking about trips to the seaside or are already actively packing their bags. The process of packing things for a long trip is always stressful. What to take on a seaside holiday? How not to forget anything important from clothes, medicines and household items? What might a child need on vacation? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Try to start collecting the necessary things in advance. Sometimes things to take to the sea, can simply fly out of your head. To make sure you don’t forget anything, you should make a list of the things you need. It is unlikely that you will remember all the necessary little things as soon as you take a piece of paper and a pen. It’s best to think about the things you need for a trip periodically over several days - this way you can gradually add new items to your list and definitely won’t miss anything important.

Once you have made a list, review it carefully. Perhaps some things there will be superfluous and can be crossed out. You shouldn't take several large suitcases with you if you're only going away for a couple of weeks. Moreover, if you suddenly forget an extra swimsuit, sunscreen or antibiotics, most of the necessary things can be bought right on the spot.

What should a woman take to the sea?

That's all the most necessary things to take to the sea:

  1. Sunscreen is essential when on vacation. Even if you are not going to sunbathe all day on the beach, your skin should be protected from the bright sun. This is especially important in the first days of rest. If you want a good tan, it's best to take several creams with different sun protection factors, starting with the highest protection and gradually moving down to the lower ones.
  2. You should also take a minimum set of medications with you. In emergency situations, there may not be a pharmacy nearby. In addition, if you are traveling abroad, many medications may only be available with a prescription. In these cases, a travel first aid kit will help. There must be painkillers, cold remedies, antiseptics and plasters.
  3. Of course, you need to take a swimsuit on vacation. It’s even better to take two - often the climate in the south is humid and things take a long time to dry. It's always a good idea to have a spare dry swimsuit with you.
  4. For the beach you will also need comfortable flip flops, a Panama hat, a towel, sunglasses and a beach bag. It might be worth packing a couple of books that you can read on the beach while you sunbathe.
  5. Take lightweight clothing that doesn't wrinkle and doesn't take up much space. Usually these are shorts, T-shirts and sundresses. If you are going to restaurants and parties, take a couple of dressy dresses.
  6. It is worth taking with you the shampoo, face wash and moisturizer that you usually use. On vacation, skin and hair need special care, because exposure to heat, bright sun and sea water is not very beneficial for them. Decorative cosmetics, on the contrary, should be taken in small quantities.
  7. You will also need a small manicure kit. A nail can break unexpectedly, so it’s always a good idea to have a nail file and strengthening nail polish with you.

These are the basic things you will need during a holiday at sea. Most likely, your list will turn out a little different - it should be based on your individual needs and the characteristics of the place where you are going.

What clothes should you take to the sea?

What you should definitely take to the sea? Of course, the bulk of the suitcase will be taken up by clothes. However, very often we take more things than we have time to put on. On vacation, just a few sets of light clothing and comfortable shoes will be enough. Shorts, T-shirts, sundresses and sandals are suitable for almost any situation.

Try to ensure that your vacation clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and versatile. Make sure that you feel comfortable not only at sea, but also on the road - on a train, bus or plane.

To choose the right clothes for leisure, use the following tips:

  • Try to choose clothes made from natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. In hot weather, synthetic items will not be very comfortable; they can even cause irritation on the skin.
  • Choose clothes in light colors - they will be less hot during the day.
  • Be sure to bring at least one lightweight, long-sleeved shirt. If you get sunburned or simply want to avoid too much sun, you may find it comfortable to wear covered clothing. It is not always possible to apply sunscreen evenly to all areas of the skin. In addition, it needs to be applied regularly, so to avoid tanning, light, closed clothing will be a better option.
  • Try not to bring new shoes with you. Take only those sandals and shoes that you feel comfortable walking in.
  • If your beach has pebbles, you should take special swimming shoes. This way you don't risk stepping on a sea urchin or cutting your foot off on a sharp stone. In addition, walking along the beach in slippers will be much more pleasant.
  • To make your tan as even as possible, take two separate swimsuits of different styles and alternate them. It would be good if the top straps of swimsuits could be easily removed.
  • Take a hat or Panama hat to protect yourself from the hot sun.
  • If you are planning excursions to the mountains, it is worth taking comfortable sneakers and a jacket with you - in the mountains the temperature is usually much colder.

What medications should you take at sea?

On any long trip you need to take a travel first aid kit. Some medications may be needed urgently on vacation, some will be more expensive in local pharmacies, and some are not available at all without a doctor’s prescription. It's better to play it safe and take everything you need with you.

Make sure your travel first aid kit contains the following medications:

  • Antipyretics. They are necessary in case you catch a cold. To prevent illness from ruining your vacation, you should definitely have them in your first aid kit. It will be more convenient to use them in the form of tablets, however, if you have a kettle in your hotel, you can also take popular bags with different flavors.
  • Tablets for sore throat are also often needed during summer holidays. Usually, the throat starts to hurt from the temperature contrast - hot weather outside, cold sea water and rooms with working air conditioners contribute to the development of bacteria.
  • During a sea holiday, you may need remedies for poisoning and stomach pain. Unusual food, even if it is of high quality, often causes digestive problems during vacation.
  • It is worth taking skin care products after burns. If you've spent too much time in the sun, these medications will help minimize the effects.
  • Take repellents and ointments to treat insect bites. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, you may need them.
  • Take allergy medications. Even if you don't suffer from allergy symptoms at home, you may be allergic to flowering plants or new foods in a new place.
  • On the road, antiseptics for wounds and abrasions can be useful. This could be ordinary iodine, brilliant green, or more modern means. In addition, you should definitely take a set of plasters.
  • Take the pain pills you usually take - they can help you in many situations.

People suffering from chronic illnesses should take the medications they usually take at home. If you are purchasing health insurance for your holiday, be sure to carefully review what is included. If you have a mild cold or digestive problems, it may be easier to treat it yourself rather than calling a doctor. Therefore, try to ensure that your first aid kit has everything you need.

What's up Is it possible to take a child to the sea?

When traveling with a child, you need to take into account his needs. It will be most difficult to collect things for small children, and the list of things for a school-age child will be almost identical to yours.

If you are packing things for a child, you can use the following tips:

  • Bring motion sickness remedies that you may need when traveling by car, bus, or plane. You may also need lozenges on the plane to prevent ear pain.
  • Think about how to entertain your child. If he gets bored on the road, he will be capricious - so it is important to take care of what to do with your child in advance. The necessary things will depend on his hobbies - books, magazines, sketchbooks or mobile phone games are suitable. You can take a few of your favorite toys.
  • It is important to ensure that the child has comfortable shoes, as well as light clothing with long sleeves.

  • Children most often get sunburned on vacation. You need a cream with a high sun protection factor to avoid this. In addition, do not forget to regularly apply the cream to your baby's skin.
  • Sunglasses and a bucket hat are especially important for children to protect their eyes from the sun.
  • If the child does not yet know how to swim, you should take an inflatable vest, mattress or arm pads with you.
  • Children are most susceptible to allergies, so be sure to take pills that relieve the main symptoms. Also, your child may need the same medications for colds and poisoning that you take for yourself.
  • Children on vacation may especially need remedies for bruises, abrasions and calluses. Just in case, take extra plasters and bandages with you.

What should you take on a trip abroad?

Traveling abroad sometimes requires special preparations. If you are traveling to another country, you should pay special attention to fees. Here are some recommendations to help you get ready for a long journey:

  • A pocket dictionary is always useful abroad. Sometimes the staff doesn't understand English well, and sometimes it's just nice to immerse yourself in the local flavor and try to communicate in the local language. A small travel dictionary will help even in cases where the Internet does not work.
  • Find out if the country you're traveling to requires an adapter for chargers for your phone, laptop, or other equipment. Adapters are much cheaper in Russian electronics stores than in tourist shops.
  • Make sure you take all the necessary documents for the child. When traveling abroad with one of the parents, a notarized consent from the other parent will be required.
  • Many medications that can be easily purchased in our pharmacy are sold abroad only with a doctor’s prescription. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the list of medications for the trip.
  • If you smoke, it may be worth taking cigarettes with you - in some countries they are much more expensive than in Russia.

Most often people travel abroad by plane. If you have a long flight, make sure you are comfortable on the plane and at the airport. An inflatable pillow, moisturizer and slippers in your hand luggage can help with this.

When going abroad, think about how much money you will need and how best to carry it. In some countries it is customary to pay in cash, and in others - with credit and debit cards. In any case, it is better to play it safe in advance so as not to be left without money in a foreign country:

  • It’s better to immediately exchange cash for local currency - you may need something already at the airport or on the way from the airport to the hotel.
  • Just in case, take several credit cards. Sometimes the bank regards transactions carried out abroad as suspicious and blocks the cards.

How to place things in a suitcase?

The hardest thing is to place everything you need to take on a seaside holiday, in a suitcase. If you have a lot of items, check with your airline or other carriers in advance to see how much free baggage you can carry on your ticket. If you chose cheap tickets, you may have to pay extra for heavy and bulky suitcases. However, if you have correctly compiled a list of things, you will see that there are very few truly necessary items for the trip.

Let's look at how to properly place things in a suitcase:

  • Most of your space will likely be taken up by clothes. If you're carrying any fragile items, such as a bottle of perfume or a baby doll, it's best to place them in the center and wrap them in clothing.
  • Heavy items should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase, and lighter items at the top.
  • To begin, lay out bulky items. You can always place medicines, shoes and other small items on the sides or in additional pockets.
  • Choose the right suitcase for the volume of things you have - they should fit well and tightly into it. If there are too many things, the zipper of the suitcase may come apart. If there are too few of them, they will fall inside the suitcase - this is how fragile things can break, and cosmetics and medicines can spill out of bottles.
  • It is better to always carry documents in your bag - do not leave them in your luggage. If your luggage suddenly gets lost, it will be difficult for you to settle in a new place without documents.
  • Divide the money into small parts and put them in different places: in your pockets, in your bag, in your suitcase. This way, if your wallet is stolen or if you lose your suitcase, you will still have at least some of the money.

When you're not sure what to take to the sea, list necessary things will help you navigate. When packing your bags for a trip to the sea, it’s worth finding out in advance what amenities your hotel provides, how long the journey will take, and what places you want to visit. Also, do not forget to consider your individual needs when choosing cosmetics and medications. If you think in advance about the list of things you need for the trip, you will be able to pack everything you need into one small suitcase and feel comfortable on vacation.

Video: What to take to the sea?