Valley of charm is a hot spring. Gateway to the Valley of Enchantment

Valley of Enchantment

The excursions described above are by bus. I would like to offer lovers of hiking a fascinating route to the Valley of Enchantment, lost in the spurs of the Dzhinalsky ridge.

When you drive through railway, then on the stretch between the Bely Ugol and Podkumok stations behind the former pioneer camp “Orlyonok”, on the left, a large gorge, densely overgrown with forest, goes into the bulk of the Dzhinalsky ridge. This is the Valley of Enchantment, where we are heading.

The journey can start from the Podkumok railway station. Passing the residential buildings of the village, we come out to the bank of the Podkumok River. Having walked downstream of the river, where it forms wide reaches, we choose a place to ford. Sometimes, after rains, the river becomes quite stormy, but crossing it is nevertheless safe. Here it is best to take the country road leading to the dachas and a small village. These are beautiful in summer Amazing places Pasture ridge. The air is filled with the aroma of flowering mountain herbs, and the sky literally rings with the iridescent songs of larks. sometimes floating motionless in the blue heights of the sky, sometimes rapidly diving towards the ground. Swallows, pigeons, and shrikes prefer to sit out in the summer heat on high-voltage wires, where a light breeze always brings pleasant freshness.

Here, on mountain pastures, housewives milk cows. Thin streams of milk jingle in the poisy boxes. The fluffy foam of fresh milk rises higher and higher. And you will never be denied a mug of milk, and even with good wishes for health. In even rows on the slopes lie mows of grass cut in the morning to turn into fragrant, vitamin-rich hay, which has absorbed all the smells of sunny summer. Thyme, oregano, tricolor violet, valerian - over two hundred species medicinal herbs but found at this time on the slopes of the Pasture Ridge. Collect, don't be lazy! Expanse has also begun for mushroom pickers. The round caps of champignons in the pastures have come out thickly to the surface of the earth, and small heads of summer honey mushrooms are hiding in the grass.

And here, finally, is a small river flowing through the Valley of Enchantment. It bursts into the valley of the Podkumok River with a waterfall up to 3.5 meters high. True, because outbuildings You can only approach it from above. A small path leads us further. For approximately one and a half kilometers, the stream cuts itself into a narrow gorge with steep sides. The walk is quite difficult, but interesting. Huge burdock leaves sometimes almost completely cover the path in the dense forest. Fallen trees block the way. The stream jingles merrily on the pebbles, hitting the banks composed of marls and shale at turns. You have to be careful in such places, as there are many small landslides. Further on, the path through the Valley of Enchantment is easier. The river either hides in a dense forest or runs out into sun-drenched clearings. The forest in Enchantment Valley is very interesting. The thickets of hazel, dogwood, hawthorn, rowan, elderberry, maple, and oak are dense and shady. Higher up the valley, among the hazel thickets, you can see small trees strewn with whole garlands of fancy large white flowers with a spicy scent, six fingers emerging directly from the center of the leaves. This is a eucomia native to China. It looks like cherry laurel and contains gutta - the raw material for the production of gutta-percha.

Higher up the valley, the path is blocked by rocks made of dense marl, from where the stream begins as a powerful spring. This is very a good place for a rest.

After rest, you can return the same way to Podkumok station, but, perhaps, the path further up the slope will be more interesting. The forest ends, the slopes become gentle. There is a good country road along which you can walk to the village of Bely Ugol. From the road there is a magnificent view of the Podkumok River valley. Walking down the road is quite easy, and after 3-4 kilometers you will reach the village where railroad station White Coal and city buses.

A picturesque place on the left bank of the Psekups River, a few kilometers south of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch and away from the federal highway "Don". You can get to the Valley of Enchantment by train Goryachiy Klyuch - Tuapse.

The Valley of Enchantment is distinguished by clean air, beautiful scenery and microclimate. In summer it is not hot here, and in winter moderate temperatures are combined with an almost complete absence of wind and atmospheric pressure with extremely small differences. A huge foothill clearing, nine kilometers long and two kilometers wide, overgrown with oak trees.

Near the Valley of Enchantment are the Bogatyrsky Caves.

The road to the Great Phanagorian stalactite cave and to the Main (Watershed) Caucasus Range passes through it. It is close to these places and quite accessible for excursions.

Based on materials from the guidebook “100 attractions of Goryachiy Klyuch” by V. Dyadyushenko

| YouTube channel- Hot Key video - if you want me to film a certain part of the city on video, write in the request channel. | - social infrastructure. Banks, Police, Administration, Hospital, Clinic, Police... | | . Schools, kindergartens, sports sections, clubs, leisure | | - healing factors hot spring, herbs, water, natural products. |

The very name of this excursion – a walk to the “Valley of Enchantment” – beckons you on the road. And truly in the Valley of Enchantment has its own waterfall , canyons very similar to those located in Colorado, only in miniature. If you film all this in a movie, you won’t be able to distinguish it from the original from a special perspective. It is also rich in waist-deep steppe grasses and rather impenetrable forest thickets.

Local residents call this place Chuguevskaya Balka, and under this name the Valley of Enchantment is described in Wikipedia. Now this place is nature reserve with a unique relict beech forest. At the bottom of the ravine flows a river of karst origin with many.

Amazing The Valley of Enchantment is described in the novel "Wolf's Milk" Andrey Gubin, who grew up in these places. This is probably why, from the pages of the book, it appears to us as a mysterious kingdom with “monsters, treasures and sorcerers who took the form of stumps and snags.” There “the forest road goes into the sky” and blue coolness creeps from the mountains. There, “stumps embedded in burdocks and lilies are captured, and the sharp cry of a jay pierces the consciousness.” Those who have visited the Valley of Enchantment cannot but agree with the writer, the impressions of visiting it are so strong.

Getting to the Valley of Enchantment is not easy; you have to walk along it, and it is blocked by many buildings and fences that make walking difficult. And in the valley itself, sometimes you can find not very pleasant traces of human activity, but if you don’t pay attention to these little things, consider the costs of modern civilization, an excursion to the Valley of Enchantment will turn out to be very exciting and will be remembered for a long time, if not for a lifetime.

I can offer you, both start at the Podkumok station - it is between it and the neighboring Bely Ugol station that the Valley of Charm is located. Only from White Coal the path to it is further and more difficult. You can also go along the highway, but just keep in mind that the traffic on the highway is too busy.

And so from Podkumok station to the Valley of Charm there are two ways.

How to get to the Valley of Enchantment - map.

The first is to cross the Podkumok River along suspension bridge and head left along the country road, which winds along the picturesque hillsides. This gives a moderate load to lovers of walking. Along the way, you can stop at the drilling site and drink a cold drink that is so similar to Narzan.

The second way - immediately from the station turn left and follow the road along the valley of the Podkumok river to road bridge. In the latter case, meeting with the Valley of Charm, hidden in the spurs of the Dzhinalsky ridge, will be more unexpected and especially pleasant. From an area thoroughly developed by man, as if by magic, you will find yourself in a fairy tale. All around there is silence, peace, solitude and the colorful variety of herbs of a flowering meadow, and behind it a shady thicket of the forest.

Gateway to the Valley of Enchantment.

Previously, two chalk rocks served as a kind of gateway to the Valley of Charm, between which a small river runs out to meet Podkumk. Walking through this pretty mini canyon , you could more clearly feel the difference in the terrain behind and in front of you. But today all approaches to the rocks are blocked by fences and buildings, and therefore you can only get to the Valley of Enchantment by crossing the nearest hillock.