Characteristics of tourism development in different countries. Features of the tourism industry in different types of countries Countries without concessions for tourists

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Features of the tourism industry in different types of countries


  • 1.1 In developed countries
  • 1.2 In developing countries

1. Features of the tourism industry in different types of countries

In this paper, we will look at the features of the tourism industry in different types of countries and find out which type of countries is most represented in the tourism services market.

1.1 In developed countries

Let's look at the structure of the tourism industry using the example of Finland, Great Britain and the USA.

Finland has recently become a popular tourist destination, and Russians make up the largest group of tourists in the country. The share of Russian tourists in the summer tourist flow in 2010 was 40%. In total, 1.4 million tourists from Russia visited Finland last year, ranking first in terms of number of arrivals. In second place after the Russians are the Swedes with a result of 420 thousand, while their number has decreased compared to 2009. General statistics of tourist arrivals to Finland can be seen in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Statistics of arrivals of foreigners to Finland in 2009-2010 (persons)

2009 all year

Other countries

The total foreign tourist flow to Finland in 2010 reached 3.6 million tourists. Revenues from the tourism industry increased by 25%, amounting to 1.2 billion euros.

Transport: Maritime transport plays a significant role in the transport of passengers. This is facilitated by the presence of large river and lake networks, as well as sea coasts. Most tourist transportation is carried out by small ships with a good level of service. The main ferry company is Viking Line.

The national company Finnair has a wide network of both international and domestic flights. This company is recognized as one of the best airlines for customer service.

Finnair's operating revenue in the third quarter of 2010 was 42 million euros (last year the airline suffered a loss of 33 million euros in the same period). The company's turnover increased by 26% to 551 million euros. In the first 9 months of the year, Finnair carried 5.5 million passengers on scheduled and charter flights.

Accommodation: Finland has a highly developed hotel industry. Thousands of well-equipped hotels and cottages provide comfortable conditions for different types of tourism.

Entertainment: The entertainment industry is actively developing in Finland, for example, in the summer, dozens of international music and theater festivals are held, new recreation parks and water parks are opening. In winter, you can go skiing or travel on snowmobiles. This type of vacation attracts many tourists from all over the world.

In the summer, the country hosts dozens of international music and theater festivals.

tourism industry country service

In winter, in Finland there is the opportunity to engage in all types of skiing, take part in dog or reindeer sled safaris, and travel on snowmobiles.

Great Britain.

Great Britain, the country of origin of tourism, has always been characterized by a high level of its development, firmly occupying fifth or sixth place in the world in terms of key indicators of arrivals and income from tourism. However, in the last decade there has been a stabilization, and then a slight decrease in the quantitative indicators of the industry’s development, as well as significant qualitative changes associated with a change in priority travel destinations, vacation spots and types of tourism in the country. This caused natural concern in the UK and increased attention to the problems of tourism development, the search for new directions for its development, and maintaining the country’s image in the tourism market.

The UK is most interested in the industry's reaction to the changes taking place in it, in particular, the analysis of the industry's vulnerability to external influences, the study of factors causing changes in the industry, as well as new trends in the development of tourism in the country that arise in connection with this.

The importance of tourism in the UK economy is very great.

The largest airline in the UK is British Airways, its passenger traffic for 2008-2009 amounted to 33.2 million people, and its revenue amounted to €10.31 billion.

The main problems of the hotel sector are high prices for accommodation and poor service, which leads to a decrease in the number of tourists. The cost of accommodation is calculated not based on the occupied room, but on the number of people. Guest houses are very popular among tourists because... have a price significantly lower than a hotel, but have a more limited number of services.

In the UK, the International Association of Youth Hotels also operates, the main task of which is the development of youth tourism.

Restaurants, like hotels, are not famous for their cheapness and quality of services.

The main influx of tourists to the UK came from two events, such as the royal wedding and the release of the latest film about the boy wizard - Harry Potter.

Tourists who came to watch the wedding brought about 400 million pounds into the UK economy. People were willing to pay over £350 per night to see this event. Many of those who arrived watched

attractions, went shopping, which also brought in a lot of money.

Thousands of people came to watch the premiere of the latest film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II. The county of Pembuqueshire alone, where the scenes at Shell Cottage were filmed, attracts 4.2 million tourists, generating revenue of about 620 million euros. Tourists are also interested in the Oxford University library and King's Cross station.

The USA is a recognized leader in the global tourism market. But international tourism is only a small part of the tourism market.

Spending by foreign tourists in the United States in May 2011 amounted to $12.6 billion, which is 12% higher than in 2010. This was reported by the tourism department of the country's Ministry of Commerce. The figure has increased for the seventeenth month in a row. International tourists spent more than $9.6 billion in the United States in May, up 12% from a year earlier. The remaining $3 billion came from paying for the services of American carriers.

From January to May, tourists from abroad spent more than $61 billion in the United States. The positive trade balance for payments for tourism services in the first five months amounted to $16.6 billion and was 35% higher than in 2010.

1.2 In developing countries

Let's look at the structure of the tourism industry in developing countries using the examples of Argentina and Thailand.


The country's main airline is Aerolineas Argentinas, which operates both domestic and international flights.

Argentina has regular air connections with almost all countries in the Americas and many European countries. The main airline hub is Buenos Aires with two airports, Ezeiza Airport serves mainly international routes.

Medical tourism is becoming a prominent destination among Argentina's offerings. Low prices for medical services of the highest level attract a large number of residents of Europe and the USA, where the cost of similar consultations, operations and procedures is many times higher.

Over the past 10 years, Argentina has become a leader in South American tourism. A large number of people travel abroad, and tourists also strive to visit Argentina.

In 2009, Argentina was visited by about 2 million tourists, who generated income of about $2.8 billion. USA. The aviation industry has responded to the growth in tourism by increasing the number of flights both to and from the country.

In February 2011, entry into Argentina increased by 9.3% compared to February 2010 and amounted to 203 thousand people, according to a government report.

The National Bureau of Statistics reported that tourists spent 14.3% more than in 2010 - $265 million. About 235 thousand Argentines went on trips abroad.


Thailand is one of the world's top tourist destinations, with international tourism revenue accounting for only 7% of Thailand's GDP, yet generating almost $16 billion in revenue.

The transport system is developed at a high level in Thailand. To travel around the country you can use road, rail, or air transport; In cities, the most popular means of transportation for short distances among tourists are open three-wheeled taxis.

Transportation is carried out by two companies: "Thai Airways" and "Bangkok Airways".

Thai Airways operates ten flights daily from Bangkok to each of the country's main cities. Today, THAI airline serves 75 destinations in 35 countries, connecting 5 continents with its routes. Bangkok Airways is a private company that specializes mainly in flights to resort towns and other destinations that Thai Airways does not fly to. Due to flooding in Thailand, about 500 flights have been canceled this year. Which negatively affects the influx of tourists. The airline, to attract tourists fearing flooding, has reduced air ticket prices.

According to the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Thailand, the country's tourism industry lost about $340 million during the flood, the Tourism Authority of Thailand reports.

The water disrupted communications, causing the work of 143 travel portals in 30 provinces of the country to stop.

Measures to restore the country’s tourism industry will include preferential

loans for Thai tour operators, as well as money will go to support tourism-related organizations.

The number of foreigners who visited Thailand, according to Bangkok International Airport, can be seen in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2

Statistics of arrivals to Thailand in May 2009-2010

May 2010 (persons)

May 2009 (persons)

Thailand is distinguished by a wide variety of hotel services - from lost huts in the jungle to fashionable hotel complexes.

There is no official classification of hotels in Thailand. The categories of hotels indicated by us are conditional and are given taking into account the subjective assessment of the service of hotels and rooms.

Hotels belonging to international hotel chains are represented in Bangkok, Phuket and Koh Samui. The famous Thai hotel chain DUSIT is represented by hotels in Pattaya and Phuket. The prestigious group "The Leading Hotels of The World" includes the Dusit Laguna hotel (Phuket).

5-star hotels correspond to the highest level, while in Thailand the prices for such hotels are significantly lower than their European counterparts.

Thailand's restaurant business is famous for its variety of national cuisines and plays a large role in the country's tourism economy.

1.3 In countries with economies in transition

Let's look at the tourism industry in countries with transition economies using the examples of Russia and Estonia.

Russia has enormous potential both for the development of domestic tourism and for receiving foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

According to the Discovery research group, for 2008-2010, in Russia the share of tourism in GDP is 2.5%. The blow that tourism market participants had to cope with during the global economic crisis turned out to be brutal. In 2009, the Russian inbound tourism market shrank, according to conservative estimates, by 15-20%; a similar situation was observed in the outbound tourism market. After the crisis, domestic tourism has not yet recovered.

In 2010, the main interest in terms of attracting tourists is from developed countries, such as Germany, the USA, Finland, because they are the main suppliers of tourists to Russia in 2010 (Figure 2.1)

Fig 2.1 Countries supplying tourists to Russia in 2010.

The largest Russian airline is Aeroflot. Byresults2010 of the year Aeroflot's passenger turnover amounted to 34 billion 777.1 million passenger kilometers, which is 33.8% higher than the results of 2009. The number of passengers transported by the company increased by 28.9% and amounted to 11 million 285.8 thousand passengers. The percentage of passenger occupancy also increased to 77.2%, which is 7.7 percentage points higher than last year. Commercial load was 63.2%, which is 7.3 percentage points higher than last year.

Over the past five years, Russia has seen rapid development of the hotel business. International hoteliers are coming to large cities, the number of small private hotels is growing, and old Soviet hotels are being reconstructed.

In St. Petersburg, such a direction of the hotel business as mini-hotels, which provide comfort and service to vacationers at a low cost of living, is actively developing. Mini-hotels in St. Petersburg are famous and attract tourists with their homely atmosphere and comfort. It seems to me that a flexible pricing policy has a favorable situation in the tourism sector of St. Petersburg.

Today Moscowrestaurantmarket are distinguished by high growth rates: at least ten new restaurants open in the capital every month, and, according to experts, this growth trend will continue for five years. However, there are still not many catering establishments in Moscow compared to other world cities. Let's say in Paris there are 17 thousand restaurants, bars and cafes, in New York - 20 thousand.


The current year for Estonia has become one of the best in terms of the number of tourists in recent times. During the first half of 2011, approximately 1.2 million tourists visited Estonia. In just six months, approximately 800 thousand tourists arrived in the country, the rest were residents of Estonia. In September, 212 thousand tourists visited Estonia, of which 151 thousand stayed in hotels, according to the Department of Statistics. The number of tourists from Great Britain and Russia has increased the most.

Based on this, one can see that both external and internal tourism are well developed in the country.

Estonia, despite its small territory, has a developed transport network.

AS Tallink Grupp (TG) is the leader in the water transport sector. It is one of the largest passenger and cargo shipping companies in the Baltic Sea region.

Revenue for the twelve months of the 2010/2011 financial year (01.09.2010-31.08.2011) reached 897 million euros, 10% compared to the previous financial year. The number of passengers carried during twelve months increased by 8%, i.e. up to 9.1 million passengers. Gross profit amounted to almost 187 million euros, 11% compared to last year. In the fourth quarter of the 2010/2011 financial year, passenger volume increased by 5% to 2.98 million passengers.

In the field of air transport, Estonian Air can be distinguished.

In September 2011, 915 placements were successfully operating in Estonia, which is 16% less than last year. In total, tourists were offered 18.5 thousand rooms and 42 thousand beds. Hotel occupancy rates decreased by 19% compared to July. Hotel rooms were 44% occupied.

It seems to me that developed and developing countries play the main role in shaping the tourism market. Countries with economies in transition are better represented in the domestic tourism market than in the global one.

The main problems in the field of tourism development are the safety of tourism provision, the high cost of the tourism product, as well as poor quality of service, etc.

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Moscow, August 8 - “News. Economy". Globalization and the development of travel opportunities have led to the fact that the number of tourists traveling to foreign countries is growing every year. Accordingly, the incomes of countries receiving tourists who spend money are also growing. Some countries are more popular with tourists than others, but not all countries are equally dependent on tourist flows. The map above shows what percentage of GDP comes from tourism in different countries around the world. In countries marked in red, tourism accounts for 7% of GDP or more. In countries marked in pink, tourism accounts for between 5% and 7% of GDP. In countries marked in blue, tourism accounts for between 2% and 5% of GDP. And in countries marked in blue, tourism accounts for less than 2% of GDP. Countries with the largest GDP in the tourism industry include the following: 1. USA - $488 million2. China - $224 billion3. Germany - $130.8 billion4. Japan - $106.7 billion5. Great Britain - $103.7 billion6. France - $89.2 billion7. Mexico - $79.7 billion8. Italy - $76.3 billion9. Spain - $68.8 billion10. Brazil - $56.3 billion However, strange as it may seem, these countries are not the most dependent on tourism. Most of the countries most dependent on tourism are poor countries with relatively low populations and therefore small GDPs, a large share of which comes from tourism. Below we will talk about these countries. 1. Malta - 15%

Malta is an island state in the Mediterranean Sea, on the Maltese archipelago. Malta's main economic sector is tourism. The flow of tourists to Malta is constantly growing. Malta is one of the world's largest English language centers and welcomes students from all over the world. Due to the wide variety of urban and natural landscapes, Malta is a popular location for filming feature films. Crafts Village is a souvenir market popular among tourists, consisting of many pavilions where you can buy Maltese folk crafts. Malta is famous for its handcrafted colored glass products. In workshops located next to the trading floors, craftsmen can make a small vase or a small rabbit in just a few minutes. All kinds of dishes, vases, figurines of animals, birds, “sleeping woman” (Maltese Venus), flowers, magnets, tiles, jewelry, lamps, watches, photo frames and mirrors can be purchased at factory prices. Products with paintings by world famous artists (Vincent Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt) transferred to them cost several hundred euros. 2. Croatia - 15%

Croatia is a state in the south of Central Europe, partly in the west of the Balkan Peninsula. Croatia's Adriatic coast and numerous islands are a popular international tourism destination. The tourism industry in Croatia is well developed and is one of the important components of the Croatian economy. The Adriatic coast is a popular destination among yachtsmen, divers and windsurfers. The tourist season on the Adriatic lasts from the second half of May to the beginning of October. In regions far from the sea, the most popular among tourists are the Croatian capital Zagreb, the city of Varazdin with a well-preserved baroque ensemble and the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Seven sites in Croatia are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and another 15 are on the tentative list. There are 8 national and 11 natural parks in the country. 3. Thailand - 9.3%

Thailand is a Southeast Asian country located in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and in the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. Tourism in Thailand is one of the main sectors of the country's economy. Tourism revenue accounts for a significant portion of Thailand's GDP. The Tourism Authority of Thailand was the first organization to actively promote Thailand in global tourism markets. There are currently about 29 local Tourism Board offices in Thailand and more than 21 representative offices around the world. Today Thailand is one of the main tourist centers in Southeast Asia. Tourists from Asia are primarily attracted by the historical, cultural and natural attractions in and around Bangkok, while residents of Western countries prefer the southern part of Thailand with its beaches and islands. A feature of tourism in Thailand is the ever-increasing number of people coming from northern latitudes for long-term “wintering”. They usually stay in Thailand from November to April, which is the most climatically favorable time of the year. 4. Jamaica - 8.9%

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What places do tourists visit most often? Journalists from Travel Leisure decided to find out. Based on data provided by the institutions responsible for tourism in different countries, a list of the most visited tourist destinations in the world has been compiled. Which place turned out to be the most popular among tourists? Find out on FullPicture.


30th place. Universal Studios Japan amusement park in Osaka, which opened in 2001. 10.1 million people visit it annually. (Photo: [email protected]/
29th place. Disney's Animal Kingdom amusement park in Florida is the largest of all the amusement parks owned by Walt Disney World Resort. It is also the second largest amusement park in the world. 10.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Ana Paula Hirama/
28th place. Disneyland Paris, which opened in 1992, is located on the outskirts of Paris, in Marne-la-Vallee. 10.4 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Cristian Bortes/
27th place. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, which is located on the picturesque hill of Montmartre in Paris. Its bell tower houses one of the largest bells in the world. This cathedral attracts 10.5 million people annually. (Photo: Son of Groucho/
26th place. The Great Wall of China (Wanli Changcheng) is the largest building structure of ancient China, consisting of defensive fortifications erected at different times in order to protect the northern borders of the country from the nomadic peoples of the North. 10.7 million people visit it annually (Photo: Shutterstock).
25th place. St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, which has 11 chapels, 45 altars and countless statues, was created by the greatest architects and artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. 11 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Chris Yunker/
24th place. Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This amusement park, located on an area of ​​12 thousand hectares, is one of the largest entertainment complexes in the world. 11.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Evan Wohrman/
23rd place. San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. For a long time this embankment was unkempt and overgrown with weeds. However, the city authorities decided to change this, and by investing 72 million dollars, they created the most picturesque place in the city, which attracts thousands for tourists and local residents. Every year 11.5 million people come there. (Photo: jjsala/
22nd place. South Seaport Street in New York. The cobblestone streets, buildings and waterfront that formed New York's 19th-century waterfront area, known as the "Street of Sails", have now become one of the city's most popular attractions. Every year this tourist center is visited by 12 million people. (Photo: Patricia Hallstein/
21st place. Balboa Park is the largest tourist destination in San Diego. There are a large number of museums and historical buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries, built in Spanish style and with colorful gardens. More than 12 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Osbornb/
20th place. Golden Gate Park is located in San Francisco and covers an area of ​​4.1 square kilometers. It is visited by 13 million people a year. (Photo: Mila Zinkova/Wikimedia).
19th place. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, is visited by 14 million people every year. (Photo: Shutterstock).
18th place. Tokyo Disney Sea is an amusement park whose main theme is various myths and legends associated with the sea. More than 14 million tourists visit it every year. (Photo: JoshBerglund19/
17th place. Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. This is an ideal place for a picnic and just relaxing among the greenery. 14.2 million people come there every year. (Photo: Frank Schulenburg/
16th place. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the former residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and contains about 800 palaces. For five centuries the residence was closed to the outside world. Every year 15.3 million people come here. (Photo: Shutterstock).
15th place. Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Every year 16.2 million people have fun there. (Photo: HarshLight/
14th place. Tokyo Disneyland opened in 1983 and was the first Disney amusement park outside the United States. Every year it is visited by 17.2 million people. (Photo: fortherock/
13th place. Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston is a vibrant market where you can buy a variety of goods from around the world. About 18 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Masayuki (Yuki) Kawagishi/
12th place. Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, which opened in 1971, attracts 18.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: versageek/
11th place. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico is the largest shrine to the Virgin Mary in the world, with 20 million visitors annually. (Photo: Janothird/
10th place. Grand Central Terminal in New York is the largest train station in the world. 21.6 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Rob Young/
9th place. A total of 21.6 million people a year come to admire Niagara Falls from the Canadian and American sides. It’s not surprising, because this place makes a huge and lasting impression, regardless of the time of year. (Photo: Michael Muraz/
8th place. Senso-ji is the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo, built in 628. 30 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Wei-Te Wong/
7th place. Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo was built over 100 years ago in honor of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. Currently, it is visited by at least 30 million people annually. Despite such a large number of visitors, you can find peace and tranquility there. The temple is surrounded by a forest of more than 100 thousand trees. (Photo: Meiji Jingu/
6th place. The Las Vegas Strip is a section of Las Vegas Boulevard that is approximately 6.8 kilometers long. The Las Vegas Strip is home to nineteen of the twenty-five largest hotels in the world by number of rooms. The Las Vegas Strip attracts 30.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: David Stanley/
5th place. Washington DC's Union Station is ranked fifth among the most visited tourist destinations in the world. 40 million people visit it annually. (Photo: F Delventhal/
4th place. Central Park is the green symbol of New York. Every year, about 40 million people pass through its streets, for whom this is the best place to relax on the grass in a densely built-up city. (Photo: Abir Anwar/
3rd place. Times Square in New York has topped the list of the world's most visited tourist destinations for many years. In the latest ranking, however, he took only third place. This most famous square in the United States is visited by 50 million people every year. (Photo: MK Feeney/
2nd place. The Zocalo (Constitution Square) in Mexico City is one of the largest in the world. It was founded by the conquistadors in the 16th century on the site where the center of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan used to be. Nowadays it is a very busy square where people like to sit on benches, stone steps or high curbs. 85 million people visit it annually. (Photo: David Jones/
The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul took 1st place in the ranking of the most visited tourist places in the world. The Grand Bazaar is a huge labyrinth of thousands of shops, stalls, fountains and cafes, and a mixture of scents, colors and people. At the Grand Bazaar you can buy almost everything: clothes, trinkets, carpets, spices and even aphrodisiacs. Shopping here is a relentless bargaining experience and an interesting adventure. This is probably why the Grand Bazaar is the most visited place in the world. 91.2 million people shop there every year! (Photo: george ruiz/

It would seem that we all know the answer to this question. The word “tourist” refers to countries that are interesting for travel. But we always evaluate this “interestingness” from our own point of view, without thinking that a country may be interesting to someone, but someone else will not see anything attractive in it.

For example, any Russian will immediately call Turkey and Egypt tourist countries. Everyone knows that Russians come here to the beaches of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Antalya, and everyone knows it.

But if you ask ordinary people about it, not everyone recognizes this country as a tourist country. However, more people come to Vienna each year to see it than live in Austria itself.

Or another striking example -. Twice as many foreign tourists come here every year as in Egypt. Many people want to see and. If you ask the average person in Russia, not everyone will call China a tourist country. Our fellow citizens associate this country with cheap smartphones and huge overpopulation.

Types of tourist countries

We divide all tourist countries into several groups.

The first group is the beach holiday countries. The leaders among Russians are Türkiye, Egypt and Greece. Further descending in the statistics of the tourism industry we will find Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, and. Almost all of these countries are described on our website with varying degrees of detail.

The second group is excursion holiday countries. These are Austria, China, Japan and other states. We are proud of our informative Keith section, which is already approaching the size of 100 articles.

Of course, on other sites you will find more pages about China, but our reviews are distinguished by their large volume, completeness of information provided and rich photographic material. We do not make small pages where only general information is given and some promises of a great holiday are published without any evidence. We describe everything in detail, we give specific and valuable advice. Just remember our articles “”, “” or “”.

We place special software modules on the website that provide the visitor with up-to-date information. In the article “” you can always see the current exchange rate of the Chinese currency, which is updated four times a day.

The third group is the countries of sports and extreme tourism. First of all, it is described with its famous tracking and. Many beach and excursion countries boast opportunities for sports and extreme sports. Remember Egypt, where it is an important destination for water sports. Popular for surfing in China. – one of the most interesting entertainments.

Which country should you choose for your holiday?

This is a difficult question that every tourist answers independently. We will try to tell you about our view on this problem.

Listen to yourself and ask yourself what exactly do you want? Do you want to just lie on the beach in a sun lounger, or do you want to watch? Follow your heart, and there will always be options for planning your vacation. The choice of a modern tourist is simply gigantic. You can buy a package tour, you can book a hotel and buy air tickets yourself. You can buy a cruise or go to the desired location by car. Just 50 years ago, our grandparents did not have such opportunities.

Having chosen the desired country and purpose of the trip, you need to decide on the form of purchasing services. Will it be a package tour or an independent trip? When we talk about package tours, we mean not only tours to beach hotels, which occupy an overwhelming position in the Russian market of tourism services. There are excursion tours that are loved by many travelers. Bus tours to Germany, Austria or Italy are very popular. It often turns out that on excursion holidays they can save a lot of money, although they will somewhat limit your freedom of movement.

Independent travel always means complete freedom of choice. But for this type of vacation it is desirable to know foreign languages, and this causes problems for many Russians.

Many are embarrassed that they do not know languages ​​well and are not confident in their abilities. In fact, you don't need to be fluent in English, German or French. Remember the film "Brother 2", how did Sergei Bodrov's character speak English? Barely, but that was quite enough.

Understand that no one will laugh at you if you speak badly. On the contrary, you will be encouraged. If you can say it in such a way that you are understood, that’s already good.

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MOSCOW, August 29 – RIA Novosti. On Monday, Indian Minister of State for Culture and Tourism Mahesh Sharma said that foreign tourists are not advised to wear skirts when visiting small towns. Later, representatives of Russian travel companies involved in the Indian destination, in a conversation with RIA Novosti, did not confirm this information.

Experienced travelers know that in most countries of the world, especially in resort areas, tourists are treated quite loyally and do not require special adherence to rules in wearing clothing, even if local residents are obliged to follow them thoroughly. At the same time, in order to avoid troubles and not antagonize the local residents, before your trip you should inquire about their way of life and pay attention to their customs.

Countries without concessions for tourists

Some Muslim countries in North Africa and most countries in the Middle East are known for the fact that they not only require tourists to comply with the accepted dress code, but can also bring violators to administrative or criminal liability. At the same time, the main restrictions apply specifically to women's outfits.

© AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File

© AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File

European women will not be required to cover their faces, and it is not necessary to wear a full hijab, but they will have to cover their heads with a headscarf. There are times when police officers or simply vigilant citizens approach tourists and notice that the scarf has slipped onto their shoulders several minutes ago, and the lady is in no hurry to return it to its place.

It is interesting to observe how many women wear hats in Iran, where a dress code is required for everyone without exception. Their scarves and shawls sometimes do not cover their heads at all, but only indicate their presence, pinned with one pin somewhere on the back of the head.

In Iran, too, it is customary for women to wear clothing that covers their arms to the wrists and their legs to the ankles. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex move freely through the streets in leggings, but always with the lower part of their body covered. Among local fashionistas, trouser suits with long jackets and tunics are very popular, in which it is not at all embarrassing to appear at a party somewhere in a European hotel.

Countries with the strictest rules include Saudi Arabia and most of the United Arab Emirates. There, even men are not recommended to expose their arms, legs and necks. Tattoos and piercings are also not welcome, especially for women. There have been cases when tourists were simply not allowed into the country due to numerous punctures on the face.

In most Arab territories, ladies will not be able to get by with leggings and a long shirt - they will have to use a long cape or a skirt that goes all the way to the ground. During your stay in the country, you should also avoid wearing clothes with noticeable prints, especially if they depict any symbols or portraits of celebrities.

Legal measures may be applied to especially visible dress code violators, for example, expulsion from the country and a ban on entry, but more often, unreasonable tourists face aggression from the local residents themselves. Guests wearing inappropriate clothing may not be served in a store or not allowed into a restaurant, although harsher reactions have been reported, especially towards women.

But even in Muslim countries with strict rules, most restrictions cease to apply in resorts and hotels. There, for tourists, there is only a ban on completely exposing the upper part of the body while sunbathing.

In countries such as Iran, where men and women are in principle prohibited from sunbathing together, there are separate beaches for the fair sex, where the eastern Aphrodites can not only flaunt a bikini, but also go virtually without a swimsuit.

Countries of partial tourist loyalty

Yet in many Islamic countries, despite strict morals, tourists are treated quite patiently with their appearance. Perhaps hotel staff, waiters and retail workers have long been accustomed to the liberties of European guests, but, most likely, they are well aware that their government budgets will suffer greatly if tourists do not like excessive restrictions on their freedom on vacation.

In countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia or Morocco, it would not even occur to non-believers to cover their bodies from neck to toe, and they even cover their heads only to protect them from the sun. But even in such countries, tourists are not recommended to visit dubious areas on their own or to irritate local residents with the particular frankness of their outfits.

There are states where representatives of several religions live, which implies different rules of behavior. For example, in Indonesia, where on islands with a Muslim population, such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and others, in public places it is better to adhere to the clothing standards accepted there - do not wear short skirts and shorts. But on the islands of Bali and Lombok, where the locals are more inclined towards Hinduism, morals are much freer and few people pay attention to the clothes of tourists.

Tourists mostly encounter clothing restrictions in Muslim countries, but they won’t be able to completely relax in Christian countries either. There are practically no restrictions on the beaches in most European countries, but as soon as you approach a reputable hotel or a good restaurant, the reality of the dress code arises again. Who would let a tourist in shorts and beach shoes into a decent place? And there are also churches, museums, shopping centers, boutiques and other places where you can’t go in a swimsuit. Therefore, there is no need to talk about total loyalty to clothing anywhere.

However, no matter where on the globe a tourist chooses to relax, he should religiously follow simple rules. Always listen carefully to the recommendations of tour operators and local guides, respect the traditions of the people who provide him with hospitality, and do not provoke unpleasant incidents with your appearance or behavior - then even unusual clothing restrictions will not spoil your vacation.