What dollars to take to Bali. Currency in Bali – the monetary issue of a holiday in detail. What you need to know about local currency when traveling to Indonesia

The national currency in Bali is the Indonesian rupiah (IDR). Within the country, on price tags it is usually designated as Rp, and locals call the money “perak”, which translates as silver.

The national currency in Bali is the Indonesian rupiah (IDR). Within the country, it is usually denoted on price tags as Rp, and locals call the money “perak”, which translates as silver.

Commonly used paper banknotes are in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 IDR, as well as coins of 100, 200 and 500 IDR. There are also smaller ones, but in practice it is almost impossible to meet them. One rupee is equal to 100 sen, but the issuance of sen was discontinued due to inflation.

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What money to take with you

In tourist areas you can pay in both rupees and dollars, but the exchange rate in this case will be extremely unfavorable. It is better to bring foreign currency with you and purchase local currency in Indonesia.

It is most profitable to take dollars with you, it will be easier with them here. The quote may change several times a day, but usually fluctuates slightly. Fresh, clean and unwrinkled 50 and 100 USD bills issued after 2004 are especially popular.

Euros can also be exchanged everywhere, but their exchange rate is usually slightly less favorable compared to American currency. But difficulties may arise with rubles, so it is better to prepare in advance and travel with foreign currency.

Where to change currency

The most reliable place is banks, followed by official exchange points, but you should not trust unofficial points and especially street money changers. There are a lot of exchangers in tourist places in Bali, they are also at the airport, but the exchange rate there is usually not the most favorable, so first you need to buy only a few rupees to get to your destination.

At the bank, no one will try to cheat travelers; along with the money, they will issue a check, which must be kept until leaving the country. There is usually no commission, or its amount is indicated next to the exchange rate, usually a small amount of approximately 200 IDR, regardless of the amount. Banks are usually open from 8:00 to 15:00.

At authorized exchange points, everything is also legal, but if you go to a random cash desk, the risk of being deceived is very high. Some similar establishments charge a commission of up to 30% on top, others take advantage of the fact that banknotes in Indonesia are similar to each other and are not particularly familiar to tourists.

When exchanging money, you cannot give money in advance, even if it is supposedly asked to check for counterfeitness; you must carefully recalculate the amount received and check it with a calculator.

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Sometimes travelers prefer to withdraw money from a credit card. This is especially convenient if you have a dollar card. The rate when withdrawing cash at bank offices is usually the same as when exchanging at a cash desk, but a small commission of 50–100 IDR is charged. You should not use street ATMs, as the currency ratio there can be unpredictable.

The national currency of the island of Bali, as well as throughout Indonesia in general, is the Indonesian rupiah. Its code is IDR. It is in Indonesia that you can feel like a real millionaire, since the amounts amount to thousands and millions. In many stores you will see prices listed in dollars. Yes, this makes it possible to pay in foreign currency, but you will be given change in local rupees and certainly not at the rate offered by the official bank. Therefore, it is better to always have national money with you.

The Indonesian rupiah consists of multi-colored banknotes depicting politicians or other significant persons of the country. They are divided into notes in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000 and 100000 rupees. The front and back of the banknote always indicate what denomination it has.

There are also 1000, 500, 200 and 100 rupees coins in circulation. They differ in size. The higher the denomination of the coin, the larger it is. The color of all coins is silver.

Indonesian rupiah exchange rate

The local currency exchange rate changes regularly and depends on the chosen exchange location. I’ll give an example of an average rate to make it easier for you to navigate:

  • 1 dollar – 13.8 thousand rupees;
  • 1 euro – 16.9 thousand rupees;
  • 1 ruble – 241 rupees.

What currency should I take with me?

I recommend taking a small amount of cash in dollars or euros with you. As for American currency, make sure that the year of issue on your bills is after 2004, since many stores and exchange offices refuse to accept older bills. And all because in the 90s of the last century there were a huge number of cases of counterfeiting currencies.

As for cash Russian rubles, you should not take them. Since it is not always possible to exchange them and the rate is too low.

Keep the rest of the money on a bank card in national currency. Just check that the card is in international format (visa, mastercard). You can withdraw money from any ATM, and in stores you can pay by card.

How much money should I take?

It is difficult to answer this question, since everyone has their own concepts of relaxation and comfort. Bali is an island with good infrastructure, a developed transport system, and a huge selection of entertainment and attractions. This means there are more than enough options on where to spend your savings. In addition, the amount depends on how much time you are going to spend on the paradise island.

As practice shows, for those who know how to save and travel on a voucher, $500 is enough for 2 weeks. And if you value comfort and prefer restaurant food, it is advisable to have $750-1000 with you for this time (per person).

In other words, a tourist with average needs will spend $50-100 per day, while a modest traveler will be able to reduce his spending to $30-50.

note! Rented transport is a great opportunity to save on taxi costs. And to order a tasty and satisfying dish, you don’t have to visit an expensive restaurant. There are a sufficient number of budget cafes within the island with decent service and a rich menu. For those who are on a budget, I recommend visiting inconspicuous cafes for locals. There you can order a hearty dish (fish, rice with chicken, etc.) for 20,000 rupees.

How to withdraw money from a card?

The most popular cards with the Visa and Mastercard payment systems. A large number of ATMs allows you to withdraw a certain amount if necessary, the process is similar to our countries. However, on the island, each ATM charges a different fee for the same transaction, and sometimes these amounts are quite impressive. It is better to withdraw money from the card at an ATM located on the bank's premises. Since fraud is common on the island, and at a single ATM they can copy your card details and steal all your money. Also, try not to carry all the money with you on one card; it is better to distribute it among different ones.

Today, holders of a Citibank plastic card have the most favorable service conditions on the island. There are several branches of this bank in Bali (including within the airport), which allows you to withdraw cash with a minimum commission.

Another nuance when withdrawing money from ATMs. As a rule, they are loaded with bills of 50 or 100 thousand. The ATM will not dispense more than 30 bills per withdrawal, which means you can withdraw either IDR 1.5 million or IDR 3 million. To make it more clear, this amount is equivalent to no more than $200. If you need a larger amount, you will have to perform a similar operation several times, therefore, you will be charged a commission for each withdrawal. And some ATMs generally have a limit on one-time withdrawals, for example, 1.2 million. I don’t recommend using them at all, since you will lose a lot of money on commissions. Finding out the limit is easy, just insert your card and information with the maximum amount for withdrawal will appear on the screen.

Many large supermarkets or shopping centers have introduced cashless payments. If you wish, you can pay for purchases with your bank card, the maximum commission will be 3%.

How to change currency?

Immediately upon arrival on the island, you may need a certain amount of local money, for example, to pay for a taxi or to buy water. The exchange rate at the island's airport is one of the most unfavorable, so if necessary, try to exchange a small amount: just enough to get to the nearest bank branch.

There are a huge number of currency exchange offices concentrated in resort areas, but the exchange rate there is also far from the most favorable. It is better to exchange money at points called authorized money changer or no commission. These are some of the safest places with a more or less favorable exchange rate, however, do not forget to count the money given to you in such places.

You can often find street money changers on the island who attract you with the most favorable exchange rate. It is better to stay away from such people, as the likelihood of being deceived is high.

Analyzing all of the above, we can confidently note that it is better to take part of the money for a vacation in cash, but at the same time have a certain reserve on the card. Use only trusted exchangers and ATMs. And don't carry large amounts of money with you, as theft is common in Bali.

How much money to take to Indonesia

Prices in Indonesia are quite affordable and the amount of money needed for a holiday in this country depends only on the level of goods and services that the tourist will use.

The purchase of expensive imported goods, as well as an active excursion program (provided that there are almost no free places to visit), spa treatments and surfing lessons popular at beach resorts can raise the cost of a holiday in Indonesia by several orders of magnitude.

When answering the question about the specific cost of daily expenses during a holiday in Indonesia, you can take into account an amount of $50 per day per person, excluding the cost of accommodation.

What currency to take to Indonesia

When choosing the currency that is preferable to take to Indonesia, you should first of all focus on US dollars. Please be aware that $100 Series H notes issued before 2006 are not accepted in Indonesia, and any notes issued before 1999, as well as dirty or worn out notes, may have problems.

Credit cards in Indonesia

In large hotels, shops and popular resorts in Indonesia, it is common to pay for services in cash, dollars, euros, currencies of Southeast Asian countries, tourist checks, as well as credit cards (Master Card, Visa). Village shops only accept cash.

When going to remote areas of the Indonesian islands, you should remember that many of the tribes living there do not use money - there, as in ancient times, natural exchange reigns.

ATMs are ubiquitous in Bali resorts and other popular tourist destinations. However, many of them have a limit on the maximum amount of currency issued, usually 1-1.5 million ind. Rs. The commission for withdrawing such an amount of cash can also reach a significant percentage.

Many experienced tourists advise that when going on vacation to Indonesia, in addition to the card, you should have a cash supply of at least $1,000 per person. Another way to save on bank interest in Indonesia is to get a bank card (n/a Citibank), which has branches in the country.

Approximate prices in Indonesia

  • Loaf of bread - 16 thousand ind. rupees (43 rub.)
  • Milk 1 l - 14 thousand ind. rupees (38 rub.)
  • Bottled water 1.5 l - 8 thousand ind. rupees (21 rub.)
  • Rice 1 kg - 10 thousand ind. rupees (27 rub.)
  • Eggs 12 pcs - 17 thousand ind. rupees (46 rub.)
  • Fruits 1 kg - 10-17 thousand ind. rupees (27-46 rub.)
  • Cheese 1 kg - 110 thousand ind. rupees (RUB 297)
  • A cup of coffee in a cafe - 28 thousand ind. rupees (RUB 75)
  • A pack of cigarettes - 10 thousand ind. rupees (27 rub.)
  • Beer 0.5 l - 20 thousand ind. rupees (54 rub.)
  • Wine 0.7 l - 130-200 thousand ind. rupees (RUB 351-540)
  • Lunch in a restaurant with alcohol 400-500 thousand ind. rupees per person (RUB 1080-1350)
  • Entrance to the temple territory - 1 thousand ind. rupees (3 rubles)
  • Gasoline 1 l - 6.5 thousand ind. rupees (17 rub.)
  • Scooter rental - 50 thousand ind. rupees per day (RUB 135)
  • Car rental with driver - 500 thousand ind. rupees per day (RUB 1,350)
  • Massage - 80-400 thousand ind. rupees for 3 hours (RUB 216-1,080)
  • Towel and umbrella on the beach - 200 thousand ind. rupees (540 rub.)
  • Room in a 5* hotel - 1.5 million ind. rupees per day (RUB 4,050)

Currency exchange in Indonesia

Currency exchange in Indonesia can be done at bank exchange offices, which can be found at airports, major train stations and city main streets. Currency exchange is carried out in many large hotels in Indonesia. Another legal (and safe) way to change currency in Indonesia is to use a government-licensed street exchange office, as indicated by the green PVA Berizin (Pedagang Valuta Asing Berizin) logo on the sign or window of such establishment.

Banks in Indonesia

Banks in Indonesia are open from 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Thursday and from 08:00 to 13:00 on Fridays. Indonesian banks are closed on weekends. Bank branches located in hotels usually work much longer, and ATMs are open until late in the evening.

Major banks in Indonesia

  • Mandiri Bank is Indonesia's largest bank, with over 1,700 branches and over 11,000 ATMs throughout the Indonesian archipelago.
  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia is the oldest bank in Indonesia, which began its activities in the 19th century. Today, the bank has more than 4,000 branches throughout the country and is among the largest financial institutions in Indonesia.
  • Bank Negara Indonesia is a state-owned Indonesian bank, which also has branches in world capitals such as Tokyo, Singapore, New York and London.
  • Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali is a bank owned by the Bali government and has more than 50 branches throughout the island.

Tipping in Indonesia

Leaving a tip in Indonesia is considered good manners among visitors. They usually make up 5-10% of the total cost of the service. Taxi fares are rounded up to 500 ind. rupees, and the cost of porter services can be estimated at 2-5 thousand ind. Rs. For services officially included in the cost of service (room cleaning, porter services), tips in Indonesian hotels are not accepted.

In restaurants in Bali, tips are often included in the final bill, which is indicated in the smallest letters on the receipt.

Locals often accept tips as payment for the provision of various small services - a short tour of a location, a “fee” for free parking. Usually it is a small amount of 2-3 thousand. Rs.

Bali, as you know, is part of the Republic of Indonesia, and therefore the Indonesian rupiah is used on the island. Bali's money can be confusing at first - most of our compatriots have not seen so many zeros since the 90s. However, very soon measuring prices in thousands and millions of rupees becomes commonplace. If locals tell you that flip-flops cost 30 rupees, feel free to multiply that by a thousand (and divide by two, since in many places haggling is not prohibited).

Money Bali. Acquaintance

Bali money is represented by banknotes and coins. Banknote denominations:

  • 100 thousand rupees
  • 50 thousand rupees
  • 20 thousand rupees
  • 10 thousand rupees
  • 5 thousand rupees
  • 2 thousand rupees
  • 1 thousand rupees

Bali money in the form of coins is pretty useless for most calculations, but we will list them anyway:

  • 1 thousand rupees
  • 500 rupees
  • 200 rupees
  • 100 rupees

Also, sometimes you may come across coins with holes in the middle. Such Balinese money is of Chinese origin. In the past they were used for small purchases, but now they have only religious significance - they are used for a wide variety of ceremonies as offerings to spirits and gods.

Currently (March 2016), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate is approximately 13 thousand per US dollar and about 15 thousand per euro. In order to navigate the prices, you can approximately take 10 thousand rupees for one dollar or 1 thousand rupees - 5.5 rubles. In order not to bother yourself with calculations, follow the rupee exchange rate daily on this website https://www.calc.ru/kurs-IDR-RUB.html

How to get the coveted rupees: ATMs and exchange offices

If you are going to Bali, you will need to decide how you will receive Indonesian Rupiah. As you can guess, there are two ways to get money in Bali. Bali money can be withdrawn from local ATMs or foreign currency can be exchanged. Each method has its own nuances, which we will tell you about.
If you plan to come to Bali with cash and change it on the spot, there are a few things you should know. Firstly, rubles are practically not exchanged here. Even if you find an exchange office where Russian currency is accepted, the rate will be such that you will begin to consider even Sberbank a stronghold of humanism and humanity. So bring dollars or euros with you. There is an exchange office, but the rate there is far from the most favorable, so we advise you to exchange only the amount necessary for transfer from the airport to the place where you have booked accommodation. Try not to buy Bali money from street money changers - their exchange rate may seem more favorable, but they will almost certainly try to shortchange you. If you decide to make such a deal, check your money at least twice. Keep in mind that in many exchange offices the rate depends on the denomination of the banknote. So, many places will give a little more Balinese money for one hundred dollar bill than for five ten dollar bills. Also, not everywhere you can exchange American dollars issued in 1996 and older.
If you decide to come to Bali with a bank card, you also need to know a couple of nuances regarding Bali money. Finding an ATM in most tourist areas of Bali is not difficult. Whatever the denomination of your bank card - ruble or foreign currency - ATMs dispense money in Indonesian rupees. Some of the machines are loaded with 100 thousand rupees notes, others with 50 thousand rupees notes. It is best to take with you a card linked to an account in a freely convertible currency (US dollars or euros). This will help minimize commissions when withdrawing money from your account. The average commission is about 3%. As in many other Asian countries, in Indonesia, including Bali, the MasterCard payment system is more widely used than Visa. Keep in mind that the amount that can be withdrawn from your card at one time is limited to Rs 3 million at best.

Important!!!Do not withdraw money from ATMs located on the street! Because you risk returning home and discovering that someone in Indonesia has withdrawn all your money from your card. You need to withdraw money in secure places: banks or supermarkets.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about using money in Bali. You may be confused at first by the clutter of zeros, but the adjustment period will take a very short time. Welcome to the land of rupee millionaires!

The flow of tourists increases annually by 15-20%. Accordingly, the number of people who want to live at the expense of careless holidaymakers is growing. Some tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers and thieves.

Currency exchange

Never change money in Bali in suspicious places. In all tourist areas there are signs with a clearly inflated exchange rate, often with two nines at the end (for example, 13699 with an average rate of 13120). In such an exchanger, you will definitely be deceived by local magicians. But you can go on a tour out of curiosity.

Licensed exchangers are always air-conditioned premises with large display cases and monitors that show currency exchange rates.

Some large or chain stores have branches of the most famous exchanger in Bali, Central Kuta Money Exchange. Change money at exchangers with the same name, but do not forget to count it without leaving the cashier.

Credit cards

Indonesia is included in the list of Frodo-dangerous countries with an increased risk of fraud in transactions with bank cards. Before traveling to Bali, notify your bank about your trip to Indonesia so that your card is not blocked after the first transaction.

Never store money on a card. For this purpose, a special account is provided from which, immediately before withdrawing cash or another transaction, the required amount can be transferred to the card. If your bank does not provide such an opportunity, it is better to change the bank, it is hopelessly outdated.

Never give your card to anyone. For scammers, sometimes it’s enough just to remember the card details (owner’s name, number and CVV code). Before withdrawing cash, make sure there are no foreign devices on the ATM (read about skimmers on the Internet). After withdrawing cash, do not forget to transfer the balance from the card back to a special account.

Crime in Bali

In general, the criminal situation in Bali is quite favorable, but, unfortunately, the Bali authorities and police were not prepared for the influx of crime (including international crime) into tourist areas. Please be vigilant, especially at night. Inexperienced tourists are sometimes robbed of their bags by motorcycle thieves or ordinary pickpockets try to pick them off.

There have also been cases of robberies committed by groups of people guarding their drunken victims in hot spots.

Do not leave things unattended in cafes and on beaches, do not leave keys in the bike and things in the trunk, and do not carry bags on your right shoulder (from the side of the road).


You only need a passport in Indonesia to enter and exit the country, as well as to extend a visa or receive money transfers. The rest of the time, keep documents in a safe place, preferably separately from money. There is no need to carry your passport with you; in Indonesia, even for domestic flights, just a copy is enough. In case of loss of your passport (loss/theft), you will have to return to your home country to restore the documents. But before that, you will go through all the bureaucratic procedures to obtain permission to leave and prove the absence of overstay.

Be sure to make a copy of your passport (the main page and the page with the visa and entry stamp into Indonesia) and send it to your Email.

We hope that problems will pass you by and you will not join the list of people who have had a bad experience while traveling in Indonesia.

With best wishes, managers and experts of our team.

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