What versions exist regarding the creation of the pyramids. Theory of the pyramid. Pyramids - journey to the truth

Pyramids disturb the minds and hearts of many people - from serious scientists who have put their whole lives to study mysterious buildings, to conspiracy theories who are convinced that the pyramids could not be created by human hands. Oddly enough, but so far there is not a single version of the origin of the pyramids that could satisfy both sides.


A medieval monk named Bernard made an amazing (for that time) trip to Egypt. Upon returning, he presented contemporaries with an exceptionally rational theory explaining why the pyramids were built. The devout researcher was sure that the pyramids were designed as a huge granary. An indirect confirmation of this is in the Bible book of Genesis: Joseph, the son of Jacob, predicts Egypt's hunger and persuades the pharaoh to build towers for storing supplies. Many still believe in this theory - despite the public cemeteries located near the pyramids.


Another, generally dubious version, has a huge number of supporters. Herodotus described a “lost city” in which many saw Atlantis. The Atlanteans who survived the disaster migrated, supposedly, to Egypt. It was they who built the pyramids - as a monument to the lost continent.

But this theory really deserves attention. The British mathematician John Legon suggested that the pyramid contains a huge amount of information accumulated by previous civilizations. It is recorded by the very form of construction. In support of his guesses, the scientist makes quite reasonable arguments: the ratio of the base of the pyramid to the height is exactly 2Pi. From this we can conclude: the pyramid is a cartographic projection of the Northern Hemisphere, made on a scale of 1: 43200

Alien beacon

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the most odious idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the pyramids. Proponents of the existence of "Zone 51" sincerely believe in the cosmic origin of these monumental buildings. Alien civilization, allegedly, uses the pyramids as transmitting information centers that are still functioning. I wonder if the aliens are tired of considering the countless crowds of tourists in Giza?

Development pyramid

Development Pyramid  - This is a decision-making tool, where each reference point is one or another sense. The meanings in the pyramid are layered according to hierarchy and connected by levels. The novelty is that we were able to collect groups of meanings from different areas and, using the amplification method, combine what used to seem fragmented.

What is the problem in modern thinking?

The problem in modern thinking is that everyone focuses on giving exact meaning to words. And no one can agree on the exact meaning of words, because behind each exact wording there is still the possibility of one or another judgment. This is the first.

Secondly, the problem of modern thinking is the fragmentation of schools. And in this sense, each unique school sets itself the task of disconnecting from the general field of thinking in order to maximize its worth. And from the point of view of pragmatism - this is understandable, from the point of view of the tasks of upholding basic theories / concepts of schools - this is also understandable, but from the point of view of the tasks of an ordinary consumer (thinker) who uses thinking for applied purposes, that is, who needs solutions, thanks to this thinking, he probably would have liked something more. That is, to use thinking widely, and not narrowly sharpened.

A smart person is always looking for optimization of the process of thinking, decision making, time consumption, dialogs. People are looking for the exact tool so that they can come to an agreement, to remove the conflict, both within themselves and the conflict with other people. In this sense, we use several principles in our pyramid.

1 principle. The principle of hierarchy. We found out that man is a seven-level being. A person’s perception is arranged in such a way that in any field of the sensory sphere, and hence the intellectual one, a person is able to divide reality into seven shades, into seven layers. This is how a person works.

Why - we do not know. But there are some physical theories that also say that all reality, energy can be divided into seven levels. From the grossest to the thinnest. The method of amplification as such allows you to look at things broadly. We collect a set of hierarchical systems. Any field of thinking, any context of human activity can be considered from the point of view of hierarchy. Everywhere there is a hierarchy. The world is organized in a hierarchical manner.

2 principle. Secondwhat we use is amplification - in essence, it is a search for synonyms in other contexts. If a synonym for an adjective is an adjective, then if you look at a synonym in verbs, it’s kind of like finding a similar word by meaning or vibration, but generally from another field of meanings. And this is what allows us to say that words of a certain level, even if they lie in different contexts, in different fields of meanings, have something in common.

In this case, we can also call them metaphorically synonyms. We can say that words from different fields of meanings, but of the same level are responsible for the same level of energy, simply reflect it in different contexts. When we say that this is a pyramid of resources, we say that the energy of resources is distributed across seven levels and lies in different fields of meanings. Our pyramid is a tool that allows you to move to resources hierarchically and in different fields of meanings, and has sufficient tools to correctly transfer from one level or another or from one field of meanings to another field of meanings.

The field of meanings is a given context that defines a hierarchy, defines vocabulary, and defines meanings. That is, in general, determines the flow of reasoning.

Each face of the pyramid is a field of meanings. Each Pyramid is a separate field of meanings. Logical levels are a set of meanings that lie in such a field.

The problem is that usually one stream of reasoning does not converge in any way with another stream of reasoning. That is, people who think metaphysically and for whom thinking at the level of the chakras is quite real and valid are not at all like those people who think at the level of needs or at the level of internal logic.

We have the opportunity to unite these people and say that everything is one, and when people talk about some level of need, they at the same time talk about some level of chakras, or about some level of logic, or about some level of influence. And in general, everyone speaks different languages, but about the same thing.

The Pyramid of Development makes it possible to raise the level of conversation.

If a person understands that these things are parallel, and these things are lower in level, and these are higher, then he begins to classify, conversation, argument, argument, where it comes from. And the whole question is simply how fast a person is guided in these parallel realities. By and large, this is the Pyramid of Development - it is a tool for transition from one plane of thinking to another. The idea of \u200b\u200bparallel realities is good. Because everyone means by this that there are live drums that make noise in the refrigerator at night, and then write off everything to the brownie.

The pyramid is the first device for thinking.

Who will benefit from this tool?

The pyramid will be useful to any person who is looking for effective solutions, so that the reflection becomes more clear and accurate. It happens that insight comes in the morning, and by the evening the thread of thought is lost. So, in order not to get confused, you can somehow write down: “Okay, I was thinking like this in the morning, and in the evening to return to this and continue from the same point.”

Relying on the Pyramid of Development as a road map, one can think alone, together, for example, in a family, three, department, etc. - the size of the group is not limited.

It is clear that in any thinking or in any process, an operator is required - a person who knows the system of thinking. In this case, he knows the device. Our task, in particular, is to train specialists who own such a device, although in general everything is clear on such a device. You just need to possess the sum of knowledge in the fields of these meanings that lies behind these words. Decoding of concepts. That is, a certain dictionary / glossary is required for this pyramid.

The Pyramid of Development is needed by a professional facilitator, a professional coach, manager, a person who works in the field of thinking, in the field of decision-making. A person who is focused on thinking, as a tool. To search, make decisions, to determine meanings. This is for people who set meanings and control meanings.

The Pyramid of Development is needed in order to conduct an examination, to become an expert, to think expertly on specific topics or for a specific task. We can say that this is a pyramid of expert thinking, but there is a special thinking in it, since it contains special algorithms. Each facet is a specialty. NLPer well understands the Dilts pyramid, manager - the Maslow pyramid, the analyst - the pyramid of consciousness, someone - the pyramid of influence. Each pyramid individually is a whole specialty. And seven faces are seven years of education. This is how specialties are linked. It is like an expert tool.

An expert is not the number of books read, but a way to move from one reality to another, from one field of meanings to another, the ability to transfer bridges between fields. These bridges we give. Here is the architecture of thinking, its algorithm.

How to work with her?

You can work either with yourself, or you can work one on one in a coach session, or work in a group and use the pyramid as a facilitation tool for group thinking and for group decision-making.

If a person has some kind of request, then there is a wording for the request. And since there is a wording for a request, it means that a person immediately understands in which field of meanings he has a misunderstanding, or where he has lost a resource, why he does not move up, why he does not have a solution. Somewhere there is an obstacle to the process of thinking, to the process of energy movement. When we determine where the barrier is, that is, we choose in which context of those that we have on the pyramid, the client’s request is located. Well, or our personal request, if we work with ourselves.

When we have a point at which we say - "I don’t understand here." This is the point on the pyramid that corresponds to my problematic, unresolved problem - we immediately, firstly, determine the context in which the person is, and secondly, we immediately determine at what level of the seven he has the request. And when we understand what level it is at, we have different options:

    Look at this query horizontally using the amplification method: what does this word mean in other contexts of reality. And just by the fact that we stop looking very directly and exit the “enchantment” of concrete thinking, a field appears for us to expand our meanings. The meaning of the word extends horizontally into different contexts of reality. Sometimes, simply because of the expansion of the meaning of the word, we immediately find the answer. Through parallel realities, synonyms. Sometimes, if the request lies in the meaning of logic, then the solution may be in the field of physiology. But we know exactly where it is.

    You can hierarchically solve certain problems. If the task lies on the third level, then its solution is on the fourth. Another thing is that we can define this fourth level not only in the same space of meanings in which the task lies, but also in parallel spaces by simply shifting the task to another field of meanings.

The solution is always at a higher level, and the foundation is always at a lower level.

Often an obstacle to moving up to an absolute resource is a misunderstanding of a higher level, that is, what is leading us, or a lack of resources at a lower level.
  We can always check the point of movement up the hierarchy, down the hierarchy, or left-right.

We have a documented algorithmized process of thinking - something that is so lacking in modern discussions, when people say some words from the unconscious, based on their slurred competence. That is, there is competence, but no one can say how the decision comes, people just exchange ideas. If a person is more authoritative, for some reason his ideas are accepted with greater enthusiasm than the ideas of one whose authority is less. It turns out that this is a struggle of authorities, a struggle of influences, and not a struggle of thinking.

In this case, we can log each step of thinking: from here we went here, from here we went there, and then the thought becomes recorded as a chess game, we can examine each move. And if you go back two steps into the process of thinking? You can go into thinking somehow differently. And we have an ideal device for facilitation, because all together they can reflect on one process. Or lead the process of thinking. And it turns from spontaneous predictions / ideas into an algorithm of thinking. What I have never seen before.

Every year dozens of new theories appear about who built the Egyptian pyramids, but the main versions have long been strengthened among historians and scientists.

For centuries, people have been trying to solve the greatest mystery of history and determine who, after all, built the Egyptian pyramids. There are dozens of different versions, each of which may seem delusional to someone, and to someone very reliable.

Today in Egypt you can find 35 complexes of pyramids. The basis is the three largest pyramids of the Giza desert, whose history goes back centuries. The rest of the pyramids are small, since they were built much later in the form of tombs for the pharaohs, but even they carry great historical significance.

The official version of Egyptologists

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote a lot about the pyramids. It is his explanation of the appearance of the pyramids in Egypt that is considered the most reliable and official. Pharaoh Cheops ordered the slaves to build the tallest pyramid in history. In order to get to work, people had to first build a road from the rocks to the construction site. It was planned to move large rocky blocks along this road, which were the main element of the construction. The road was laid for ten years, and the construction of the pyramid was completed in another twenty.

Workers changed every three months. One hundred thousand workers created a pyramid with a height of 147 m and did not even suspect that one day it would become a wonder of the world. Presumably, the Egyptians raised the blocks with home-made installations resembling cranes. Hand power and bull power were also used.

This information is considered official, but even it cannot be completely genuine, since Herodotus lived long after the Egyptian civilization was completed, and he received his knowledge from the ancient priests. One way or another, the pyramids were built by people, the question is how exactly they did it. Scientists still cite new versions of what happened and are looking for answers to questions: how did people who did not have any equipment at hand break off huge blocks from the rocks and do this as smoothly as possible? What was used to raise these blocks to the highest levels of the pyramid? These and other questions still remain unanswered.

Other theories

People who believe in gods and spiritual power are convinced that the pyramids are the work of the saints who were venerated in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in spirits and constantly said prayers and mantras, creating a kind of psychic energy. It was this energy that created the force that was able to move the mountains. One can compare today's psychics who believe that they are able to move objects with the power of thought, have the gift of telekinesis. But, even if we assume for a second that such an option is possible - the granite blocks from which the pyramids are built weigh so much that you need to have tremendous strength to create such large-scale structures from them.

Another theory put forward by scientists who refuse to believe that the ancient Egyptians were able to build structures of this magnitude without the use of any technology. The theory of a highly developed civilization is not accepted by the world community as official, but it is the only one that has at least the slightest scientific explanation. The pyramids were built with such incredible accuracy that it was necessary to have devices or tools that even in our time are not so easy to create. The slabs were huge, and at that time there were no materials for their processing, since the hardest metal discovered at that time was bronze - it could not crack a granite slab, and it was impossible to give a perfectly even appearance. Hence the theory that in those days the Egyptians possessed highly developed technology, which helped them to create today's wonder of the world.

The most incredible versions

Thousands of scientists, psychics and historians from different countries have been trying for years to solve the riddles of the pyramids. In the process there are many versions that seem ridiculous and absurd. People, having been inside the pyramids and making sure that these structures are superior to many modern buildings at times, cease to understand what is happening. Most often, they refer to some otherworldly forces, they say that the Egyptian miracle of the world is the work of extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens. People are looking for answers to their questions, without even knowing how ridiculous some versions look.

One such version is surprisingly popular. Esotericists around the world are sure that the pyramids were built long before the emergence of Egyptian civilization by the Atlanteans - half people, half gods. According to the theory, the Atlanteans were so powerful that they were able to call on the power of the gods and take from them the natural energy to create large-scale structures - the pyramids. After the demigods felt the power that fell into their hands, they began to abuse the energy given to them and use it for their own purposes. The gods became angry and submerged Atlantis with the Atlanteans. The only thing left untouched is the pyramids. They outlived their creators, and the Egyptians did not build them, but only engaged in reconstruction.

The riddle of the pyramids is incredibly interesting. You can think and reflect on it endlessly, not without reason scientists spend their whole lives studying this topic and trying to get closer to a solution. None of the theories presented is completely real - there will always be questions for each of them, but also each of them gives us incredible food for thought.

The fact that the great pyramids of Giza are by no means the tombs of the pharaohs, as textbooks of falsified history are trying to instill in us, many scientists are now beginning to speak. Moreover, on the pyramids themselves, unlike many other structures of Ancient Egypt, there are no inscriptions talking about who, when and why they erected.

  And it is very good that physicists have also joined in the studies of the physical properties of these amazing megalithic structures of antiquity. So, physicist A. Sklyarov quite reasonably makes the following conclusion:   "I can say absolutely precisely and clearly about the purpose of the pyramids: unequivocally, the Great Pyramid was not intended for the burial of Cheops.

Its internal structure with this granite plug refutes this. Everything above this cork is a tightly sealed section of the pyramid. And in order to bury the body of a pharaoh there, it was necessary to put him in the sarcophagus at the construction stage of the "king’s chamber" and only then to complete the whole thing. This would be the only option and it is clear that this is completely illogical from the point of view of burial. The corridors, again, it’s completely incomprehensible why they had to be made then. "

I agree with this statement and another Russian scientist - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor S. Siparov, who gives the following information about the Egyptian pyramids: "There are several versions of the origin and destination of the pyramids. I want to list them:

The first version is the official one. Pyramids are places of worship. The civilization of the Egyptians of that time had the technical knowledge and capabilities that were then lost, allowing these pyramids to be erected. The construction of mastabs, funerary structures of the ancient Egyptians, which were quite sophisticated, partly speaks for such a point of view ... In addition, construction theory is proposed in this theory - all kinds of ramps there.

What is against? Against the fact that, for example, these mastaba have a completely different design. It does not resemble the construction of the pyramids. In the mastabas, the rooms where the tombs themselves are located are carefully decorated, and the moves - anyhow. In the pyramids, the passages are very finely finished: do not stick a knife or piece of paper between the slots. The parameters of these moves are not suitable for people: there is neither to pass, nor to pass, nor to drag. Very uncomfortable.

In addition, there is a “corridor of tests” - this is such a place near the Great Pyramid of Cheops, in which at first those few moves were made, which were then made in the thickness of the pyramid itself. Outside, in the thickness of the rock, an inclined course was made at the same angle and with the same parameters. It is associated with an upward stroke with the same parameters and the same angle. There is an exit to the "Queen’s chamber", there is an exit to the "Tsar’s chamber". All angles are met. But why build such a complex geometric structure if I build a religious building? It must have a purpose, even if it is a religious building. "

Scientists see the point of scientific research in looking at the pyramids with an open mind and trying to understand how possible it was for the pharaohs to build them. Therefore, physicists, unlike historians, decided not to proceed from any assumptions, but simply take measurements and analyze the results. And the results of these studies were more than interesting.

Thus, instruments installed at the top of the pyramids measuring radiation in different ranges gave interesting results with respect to seismic vibrations of the Earth's surface. Here is how A. Sklyarov comments on these research results:   "Geophysicists traveled with us. Now, if you look at what the Earth’s crust is like, it’s not absolutely solid. It constantly somehow shifts a little during earthquakes, when tidal forces, etc. It creaks and crackles small, permanent, this is called seismic noise.

And when they began to measure these seismic noise in relation to the pyramids, it turned out a completely unexpected effect. Geophysicists told us that if we measure, for example, the amplitude of seismic noise at the foot of the pyramid, we get one value. At the top of even a small pyramid in Dashur, the amplitude increases two dozen times. To attribute this to some random deviations is simply impossible. If there is such an effect, then it entails a whole host of consequences. At the very least, it can be assumed that the pyramids somehow concentrate seismic oscillations, just as a lens concentrates light. "

The pyramidal shape of these structures, which resembles a mouthpiece, as well as the location of internal passages and chambers, clearly contributes to this phenomenon of energy concentration. It turns out that the pyramids are a kind of ancient "power station". And, it is quite possible that they were used for wireless transmission of energy to various devices and structures. Indeed, according to legend, the antediluvian civilizations of Atlantis and Arctida-Hyperborea once possessed exactly the same technologies. It is possible that the lands of Egypt were a colony of one of these civilizations, which means that it is not surprising that similar structures were erected on these lands.

But in fact, many different ancient pyramids at different points on our planet have been discovered. Just Egyptian more fortunate. After the Great Flood, which erupted, presumably due to the world war between Atlantis and Arctida, they were buried for many centuries under the sands of the Sahara desert. Then they stumbled upon them during the already human dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs. And since the pharaohs showed interest in the artifacts of the "civilization of the gods," for more convenient research, the pyramids were cleared of sand. Therefore, the names of the pharaohs that were given to the Great Pyramids of Giza in fact do not relate to their construction, but to their restoration (cleaning of desert sand), which also required quite a bit of work.

But that’s interesting. It is possible that the pyramids of antiquity had a second purpose, i.e. in addition to concentration of energy, they quenched seismic waves. It is also possible that they extinguished other negative forms of natural energy. And that means - they protected and protected the territories from natural disasters.

There are ancient pyramids in the Far East that official science does not recognize. These are the so-called hills Brother, Sister and Nephew in Nakhodka, which used to have a regular pyramidal shape. However, back in Soviet times, the "Brother" hill, which is actually an ancient pyramid, was deliberately destroyed by the order of the Jewish Masonic "priests" from science under the pretext of using it as a building material. And most likely, so that people are not interested in this pyramid and do not get to the bottom of the technologies and artifacts of an ancient highly developed civilization.

  But the pyramids of Nakhodka, these are far from the only ancient pyramids discovered on the territory of Russia. Many of them are destroyed and do not fulfill their function of neutralizing the negative bursts of natural energies. In the same Nakhodka, old-timers claim that since the destruction of the pyramid on the local Suchan River, floods began. Now think: aren't too often floods occurring in our Far East? Of course, HAARP and natural climatic changes can be blamed for this, but if the ancient pyramids protected the area from all this, then why not restore them? Indeed, for sure, the costs of this will be significantly less than the total long-term damage from constant floods.

Perhaps it is precisely this knowledge that those criminal anti-human forces that provoke the growth of natural disasters in various parts of the Earth with the help of secret technologies will want to deprive us. Remember how the Japanese wanted to make a fairly cheap motorcycle with a magnetic propulsion? And where is he now? He disappeared without a trace. And all because the world "elite", interested in our use of obsolete hydrocarbon technologies, presented the ultimatum to the Japanese government. And when the Japanese got into a mess, then on March 11, 2011 they clearly demonstrated the capabilities of this same "elite" to artificially create an earthquake and tsunami. But it is well known that such experiments were conducted by Anglo-American empire back in the middle of the last century.

Droughts and floods that periodically hit Europe, the regions of our country and elsewhere on Earth can be of the same nature. At the very least, HAARP technology allows influencing the weather much more strongly than “dispersing clouds” in the Russian capital during public holidays. And such systems are located not only in Alaska.

But if with us (and with the whole world) the servants of darkness are conducting not only informational, but also climatic warfare using geophysical weapons, then why don’t we use for our protection the unique properties of the ancient pyramids to neutralize seismic waves and other negative natural energies , especially if they are provoked artificially?

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids to this day remains one of the most mysterious topics for humanity. There is much debate about who built these beautiful structures and how. So, on the issue of the origin of objects, several assumptions can be distinguished at once:

  1. The first and most common version is based on the thesis that numerous slaves were involved in the construction of the pyramids. They were forced to lift blocks to the top along specially constructed ramps. The stones, according to the theory, were processed with copper tools, and lifts were also used for transportation;
  2. The second version, like all subsequent theories, is an assumption with a fantastic bias. The point is that the pyramids are the result of the influence of the energy of the Atlanteans, which made the stones move only by the power of thought;
  3. The third hypothesis is, of course, connected with the activity of aliens who in ancient times built pyramids for their specific purposes;
  4. It is also said that during the construction of the pyramids there was a special human civilization in which all people were no less than 2.5 m tall.

This is not all existing assumptions, but the essence of the rest is not much different from the above.

As you can see, one can argue on the origin of the pyramids almost endlessly, since concrete evidence in favor of one theory has not yet been presented. However, no less interesting and controversial is the question of the technology of building Egyptian pyramids. There is also a certain discussion here, but all hypotheses are justified solely from a technical point of view, which allows, at least, not to doubt the possibility of their real existence.

In this article, we will consider the basic technologies for the construction of pyramids in ancient Egypt, noting the arguments cited in their favor, as well as the existing shortcomings. But first, we note the main features common to the vast majority of assumptions about a particular technology:

  • An indisputable fact is that the technology of the Egyptians improved over time. This is confirmed by real facts obtained during the study of the pyramids of various years of construction. It is established that for later designs a different, improved technology is characteristic;
  • The bulk of theories is based on the fact that for the construction of the Egyptians cut down blocks in quarries. In this case, mainly copper tools were used, for example, chisels, chisels, punches, etc.

In view of the latter circumstance, significant differences between theories are observed in the transportation of blocks and how to install them.

Now, let us consider in detail the specific technologies in accordance with which, perhaps, the pyramids of Egypt were built.

From Herodotus to the present day

The only source that contains at least some information about the construction of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt are descriptions of Herodotus. Actually, the first theory is based on these descriptions. So, the main provisions of this technology:

  1. Stones for construction were mined in quarries where they were hollowed out with tools;
  2. The stones were transported to the construction site using the manual power of slaves, having previously laid a wide, solid road to the destination;
  3. The direct construction of the pyramid was carried out in stages, with ledges. Initially, the lowest stones were stacked, which could be done without any additional devices. For all subsequent steps of the pyramid, wooden platforms were used. Moreover, the same platform at the end of the construction of one stage was simply transferred to the next stage.

Now let us dwell in detail at each of the stages of construction. First of all, let's talk about the material used.

About the stones

So, in accordance with the most common opinion about the technology of building pyramids, the materials used were stones mined in quarries. The composition of the blocks was mainly limestone, and, therefore, were quite soft. This allowed them to be processed with copper tools.

Together with materials from limestone rock, harder stones were also used: from basalt, quartzite, granite. They were processed with more powerful tools. So, the cutting of such stones and their drilling were carried out using abrasives (for example, quartz sand). And the hieroglyphs were applied through the use of quartz cutters. Interestingly, the granite, which is the most durable, was cracked using thermal shock. This happened as follows: a natural crack was found in the rock, the area around which was heated, and then sharply cooled. As a result, the breed split.

In favor of this theory, its supporters refer to the mass of stones from which the pyramids are built. The fact is that their weight, as a rule, is not more than a few tons. And this allows us to talk about a high level of their transportability.

By the way, adherents of the classical theory also justify the reasons for choosing the shape and size of blocks for pyramids. In their opinion, downsizing would significantly complicate the processing process.
However, there is a significant drawback to the assumption about this technology: if we agree that the construction of the pyramids was carried out in this way, it is impossible to imagine how laborious the whole process was. However, the construction dates for the Egyptian pyramids were really impressive: according to Herodotus, the only road for transporting stone blocks was built over 10 years.

About delivery

The fact of the incredible complexity of delivering building material directly to the site of the future pyramid is universally recognized. And it is precisely by the methods of stone delivery that the different directions of the classical theory of construction technology differ among themselves:

1. The first assumption is based on frescoes, often found in ancient Egyptian temples. They usually depict people dragging huge statues of certain rulers behind them. In accordance with this, some researchers have calculated the possibility of moving stone blocks in this way. The essence of this method is as follows: several people (the number depended on the mass of the stone) pull a large sled behind them, on which a block (or several blocks) is placed. It is believed that the Egyptians watered skids of such sleds with water to ensure sufficient glide.

In parallel with this, the followers of the hypothesis claim, a technique based on the use of commercials was also used. In Egypt, paved brick roads were quite developed, on which it was more convenient not to drag a sled with blocks, but to roll the blocks themselves on rollers.

In principle, such assumptions are quite real and are feasible from the point of view of physics. However, there is one nuance that researchers do not take into account: in separate pyramids there are huge, powerful and massive stones, the mass of which reaches 300 tons. Their movement through dragging is absolutely impossible;

2. The following method for delivering blocks has been proposed relatively recently. It is based on the cradle mechanisms found during excavations of some shrines of a later time. It was experimentally proved that it is possible to move a block placed on four mechanisms by rolling.

However, so far no concrete evidence has been found that the Egyptians used the firecrackers specifically for the blocks. In addition, this hypothesis is characterized by the same drawback as the previous one: blocks that are large in mass cannot be moved using such mechanisms. In addition, even the lightest block (in comparison with other stones) cannot be rolled over the sand, but, meanwhile, they did not lead directly to the construction sites;

3. Finally, there is another point of view on one of the components of the pyramid construction process - on the delivery of materials. So, a number of experts believe that the stone blocks were moved by means of special platforms from which the road was built. These platforms were a quarter of a circle, due to which the center of gravity of the block is kept at the same level. This design makes it easy to transport even fairly heavy stones, especially when it comes to lowering them from a slope, for example, from a quarry.

About construction

How did the pyramids of Egypt appear: the construction was carried out exclusively at the expense of slaves or not? How did the Egyptians lift blocks to such a height? And today there is no unity in these issues, even within the framework of the classical approach.

Given the fact that the people of Ancient Egypt did not have all the modern means of lifting stones to an appropriate height, the most optimal way, according to most researchers, was to make a ramp. Of course, objectively, this was not the easiest method, since the ramp was needed long and high.

However, several years ago, another option was proposed for the construction of a ramp - inside the pyramid, which caused lively discussions. The essence of this method is that in the process of building the pyramid, an internal ramp was used, installed along its sides and gently sloping to provide the possibility of lifting the blocks. The internal construction of the pyramids is such that a similar method could be used, but a number of important reservations should be made:

  • only one ramp can be made inside, which means that the construction time of the pyramids should have been simply huge, because the blocks would have to be raised sequentially one after another, in a chain;
  • the use of an internal ramp makes it impossible to push the block from behind, only by pulling behind it, and this is very difficult when cornering;
  • the ramp creates the so-called tunnel effect, that is, in an emergency, all the people inside the pyramid would be doomed to certain death;
  • such a design requires sufficient lighting, and for this, either windows were required, or torches were required. But there are no windows in the Egyptian pyramids, and the use of torches in conditions of lack of proper ventilation is practically impossible;
  • finally, a significant drawback of the theory of the inner ramp is that it cannot be done at the very top, therefore, the last blocks were lifted in some other way.

Given these shortcomings, the already mentioned technology for the use of semicircular platforms was proposed. In accordance with it, for lifting the block it was enough only to pull it on the rope, and he, rolling on the platform, climbed to the required height. After completing one level, the platforms were moved to the next and so on to the very top.

It was concrete!

But we considered only one hypothetical construction technology. It is no coincidence that it is called classical, since it prevails among researchers. But we were able to make sure that the classical hypothesis about the construction of the pyramids is not holistic in itself, it consists of many multidirectional theories and ideas.

In contrast to the first technology, another hypothesis was put forward about 40 years ago, the main thesis of which was the statement about a completely different composition of stones: it was assumed that they consist of concrete (made from limestone) and stone chips.

With this in mind, the construction technology is changing significantly: for example, a rectangular formwork is being built on the very first tier, in which a kind of concrete is poured. Frozen blocks of the lower row act as formwork for blocks of the upper row.

Such a theory really demonstrates the possibility of creating pyramids of such sizes, and also explains why the individual blocks are so perfectly fitted to each other.

However, this theory has a lot of weaknesses:

  • first of all, the very fact of the possibility of making concrete by the Egyptians is called into question, since they basically knew gypsum mortar;
  • quarries were discovered in which traces of work on cutting down blocks were preserved;
  • finally, in the pyramid design itself, there are exclusively external flaws that are unacceptable when using concrete.


Of course, there are numerous other assumptions, but they relate mainly to individual aspects of construction, for example, issues of stone decoration or masonry features. In relation to the whole process, today there are two main and competing technologies, each of which explains some of the secrets of the construction of the pyramids, but does not correspond at all with the others. Whether a third technology will appear or one of the existing ones will be finally proved is a matter of time.