A short presentation on the topic of London. Presentation on the topic: “All about London.” London is the city and capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Now lives in London. Sights of Great Britain and London

Architecture of London Architecture of City is very various. London Tower reminds about middle ages. Most old buildings were destroyed by the Great London fire (1666 year), bombing and post-war alteration. But the cathedral of Saint Paul, Royal exchange, great number of the churches built by famous Christopher Ren, remained. And alongside are modern sky-scrapers, for example, look like a cucumber tower of Mary- Ax or 230-meter Tower of Nero. At this City saved the medieval street planning.

London eye London Eye is one of the largest wheels in the world, which is located on the south bank of the River Thames in the London borough of Lambeth. Wheel height of 135 meters (approximately as 45 storey building) and a diameter of 120 meters. It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and as a result is the most popular tourist attraction in London and the UK as a whole. Every year more than 3.5 million people visit the London Eye.

Madame Tussauds - Wax Museum in London n Wax Museum in London, created 200 years ago by the sculptor Marie Tussaud. In 1777, Marie Tussaud creates her first wax figure - Voltaire, followed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. In 1802, Marie Tussaud moved to London. In connection with the Anglo-French war Marie Tussaud and her collection can not return to France, and she was forced to travel to the UK and Ireland. Over time, the collection is enriched with figures of people who became famous in other areas, such as Admiral Nelson, Walter Scott. In 1884 the collection moved to a new building on Marylebone Road. In 1925, a fire destroyed many of the figures. Since the forms were not injured, managed to reconstruct the figures.

The East End was formerly the center of London's docks and heavy industry. The area was heavily bombed during World War Two. Today the east end is an area with numerous small offices, factories and workshops that are mixed up with the houses. The East End


Slides: 13 Words: 0 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

INVITE. LONDON. Will you go with me? Tower of London. a raven - the guard of Tower. TRAFALGAR SQUARE. the heart of London. Buckingham Palace. The Queen's residence. Paul's Cathedral. Westminster Abbey. PICCADILLY CIRCUS. James" Park. Speaker"s Corner. We like our city, and you? My Documents. Lesson. knowing. London. Start testing. Crossword London. - London.ppt

London city

Slides: 26 Words: 919 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

LONDON. FULL STEAM AHEAD FOR THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME! Presentation "London" __________________________. HISTORY. That was before the Romans came. Today London covers a vast area, with millions of inhabitants. GLOSSARY. Patch – building CITY OF LONDON. Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is the financial and business center of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted. THE COUNTRY OF LONDON. Then there is the Country of London. It is composed of about thirty boroughs in addition to the City. GREATER LONDON. - London city.ppt

City London

Slides: 35 Words: 578 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

The best place in the world! London. Its population is about 7 million people. The West End. The best places of the West End. Buckingham Palace. Kensington Gardens. St. James "s Park. Here are the historical places as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker"s Corner is also here. The Queen"s Residence. The 1700’s the Queen"s Residence was a gift from Henry Ford. Big Ben. Paul"s by William III. The East End. To the east the large area called the East End. This is London's poorest part. Tower of London. Tower Bridge. The City of London. Museums and art galleries of London. Tate Gallery. - City London.ppt

Welcome to London

Slides: 21 Words: 1143 Sounds: 1 Effects: 34

Welcome to London. Flag. The flag of the UK. Flag of the Great Britain. London. London. The city. City. St. Paul Cathedral. Westminster. Westminster. Westminster Abbey. Big Ben. The West End. West End. The East End. East End. The House of Parliament. Restaurant. - Welcome to London.ppt

The capital of Great Britain

Slides: 17 Words: 527 Sounds: 0 Effects: 80

London is the capital of Great Britain. London. Museum. What do you know about London. Read correctly. Try to read. Trafalgar Square. "Bloody" Tower. Catholic monastery. Historic area. Westminster Abbey. Big Ben. Westminster and Trafalgar. Last Summer. Today. - The capital of Great Britain.pptx

Sights of London

Slides: 45 Words: 514 Sounds: 0 Effects: 21

“Fascinating travel to London.” Let's go sightseeing in London!!! What do you know about London? What do you know about London? London is the capital of Great Britain. London - Capital of the UK. Do you know what parts does Great Britain consist of? Do you know what parts Great Britain consists of? As we know, London is the capital of Great Britain… London is located on the banks of the Thames. Many visitors come to London and go sightseeing about it. Are you ready to start our journey??? Are you ready to start our journey??? Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London. - Sights of London.ppt

Places in London

Slides: 37 Words: 627 Sounds: 0 Effects: 83

Lesson. London Attractions. The best place in the world. London is the British capital. London. The City. The West End. Buckingham Palace. Kensington Gardens. St. James's Park. Historical places. The Queen's Residence. Henry Ford. Big Ben. Westminster. The East End. Tower of London. Crown Jewels. Tower Bridge. River Thames. The City of London. Museums. London is very rich in museums and art galleries. Henry Tate. Drawings. The British Museum. Museum. Collection. The famous places in the London. Globe Theatre. Trafalgar Square. The Cathedral of Saint Paul. Statue on the border of the city of London. - Places in London.ppt

Places of interest in London

Slides: 13 Words: 375 Sounds: 0 Effects: 42

Places of interest in London. Big Ben. The Palace of Westminster. London eye. Westminster Abbey. Buckingham Palace. Tower of London. Christopher Wren. A square in central London. Tower bridge. British museum. Piccadilly circus. - Places of interest in London.pptx

London Attractions

Slides: 8 Words: 125 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

The Houses of Parliament. The heart of London is the City. The center of London is Trafalgar Square. In the middle of square stands a monument to Admiral Nelson. The National Gallery. The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. The Victoria and Albert Museum. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. - Sights of London.ppt

Big Ben Clock

Slides: 52 Words: 1674 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Big Ben. Big Ben is not the name of the tower, but of the 13-ton bell that rings inside. In 1844 By decision of Parliament, a commission was created to build Big Ben. Big Ben's clock was opened on May 31, 1859. The mechanism that powers the hammer of Big Ben. Big Ben has only one bell. The clock on the tower of the United Kingdom Parliament is heard all over the world. BBC radio microphones broadcast Big Ben's clock chime every hour. The height of Big Ben is 61 meters (not counting the spire); The clock is located at a height of 55 m from the ground. Big Ben's clock has long been considered the largest in the world. Tourists are not allowed into Big Ben. - Big Ben.ppt

Big Ben clock

Slides: 6 Words: 417 Sounds: 3 Effects: 14

BIG BEN. A modern picture of "Big Ben". The clock and dials were designed by Augustus Pugin. The surround of the dials isgilded. At the base of each clock dial in gilt letters is the Latin inscription: Nickname. The origin of the nickname Big Ben is the subject of some debate. Significance in popular culture l. - Big Ben clock.pptx

London Eye

Slides: 14 Words: 333 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

London Eye. Systematize the acquired knowledge. The London eye. The London Eye was opened on New Year's Eve. It is 135 meters high. The London Eye has 32 capsules. Singapore Flyer. Star of Nanchang. The height of the wheel is 73 meters. Southern Star. Name. Ferris wheel rating. - London Eye.ppt

Westminster abbey

Slides: 17 Words: 361 Sounds: 0 Effects: 27

The House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The House of Parliament. King Edward the Confessor built a place beside the River Thames in the 11th century. His successors made the palace their main residence. Gradually Westminster became the center of government. At first Parliament was organized to help the monarch rule the country. In the course of centuries, power gradually passed from the monarch to Parliament. Another tradition is that the Queen is not allowed to enter the house of Commons. Westminster Abbey. Opposite the House of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. A church has stood here since Saxon times, when it was known as West Monastery (Westminster), because of its position to the west of London’s centre. - Westminster abbey.ppt

London Zoo

Slides: 25 Words: 34 Sounds: 9 Effects: 10

Extracurricular activity in English. "Journey to London Zoo." Let's go. A monkey. A tiger. An elephant A crocodile. A parrot. A horse. A wolf. An ostrich. A squirrel. A camel. -

The best place in the world!

London is the British capital and

one of the biggest cities in the world.

London is situated upon both banks of the

River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain

and one of the largest in the world.

Its population is about

7 million people.

The best places of the West End

Here are the historical places as well

as the famous parks.

Hyde Park with its Speaker"s Corner is also here.

The Queen's Residence

The Queen's Residence was built in

1870 for Samuel Barnard, a vice president

of the Paper Company.

the Queen's Residence was a

gift from Henry Ford.

He name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower

itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within.

The bell was named after the first commissioner

of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster,

it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III.

Before returning to Westminster to hang in it

present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858.

The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the

connected to Broadcasting House.

To the east the large area called the East End.

This is London's poorest part.

The very large riverside in the East End

make London one of the three largest parts in the world.

Founded nearly a millennium ago and

expanded upon over the centuries since,

the Tower of London has protected the city

It has been the seat of British government

and the living quarters of monarchs,

the site of renown political intrigue,

and the repository of the Crown Jewels.

Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames

in London since 1894 and is one of the finest bridges in the World.

The City of London

The City extends over an area of ​​about

2.6 square kilometers in the heart of London.

It is the financial center of the UK with many banks,

offices and Stock Exchange. But the City

is also a market for goods of almost every kind,

from all parts of the world.

Museums and art galleries

London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you"ll go to the Tate Gallery.

A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate

founded it in 1897.

There are about 300 oils and

19000 watercolors and drawings.

The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. The present building was built in 1852.

By law a copy of every book, periodical

and newspaper, published in Britain

must be presented in the British museum.

This collection is so vast that

only a very small percentage of it is

on show to the public.

The original Globe Theater was built

in 1599 by the playing company

Statue on border

the city of London

Cleopatra's Needle

Project by Kate Shabalina. 10 - b

London Hello! Today I'm your guide. I want to tell you about London. London is the capital of the UK. London is a very big and beautiful city. London has many places to visit: museums, art galleries, theatres, cinemas, stadiums, parks. Let's begin our excursion.

Big Ben We begin our excursion from Big Ben. Tourists in London has always wanted to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell and you hear it every hour. You can hear it's deep tone on the radio. Now let's go to Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded by St Peter himself. We know that Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. The funeral service for Diana, Princess of Wales, took place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997. Now we are going to the Houses of Parliament.

Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament stand near the famous clock Big Ben. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament. The men and women there are the voice of British people. Now let's get on the bus. We are going to Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its courtyard. The palace was built in 1703 by Duke of Buckingham. Now let's get on the bus, we are going to Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square. Now we are going to Tower by bus.

Tower You can see Tower of London from the river Thames. The Tower is very old. Now the King and the Queen of Britain don’t live in the Tower. Let's walk to MOMI and enjoy London's streets and avenues.

MOMI The Museum of the Moving image was a very interesting museum in London last century. Every one enjoyed their visit to MOMI. There were hundreds of clips from films and TV programs. Visitors took an active part. You can act in Hollywood Western, select a film to watch, or even aw own cartoon film. During your visit you could also meet characters from the past. It was both interesting and good fun. Now let's go to Madame Tussaud's.

Madame Tussaud’s It is one of the sights of London. It’s the famous waxworks museum which has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world. You can meet great characters of history and art. Here actors, film stars, pop singers, and sportsmen come face to face with famous politicians. There is a special place for the Queen’s family: the Queen, her husband, their children and other members of the Royal family. I hope you enjoyed my excursion.

Thanks for attention!

SOURCES 1. http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text= big ben& uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw-968-fh-516-pd- 1 2 . http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text= Westminster Abbey& uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 3. http://images.yandex. ru/#!/yandsearch?text=houses of parliament&uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 4. http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text = Buckingham Palace& uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 5. http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text= Trafalgar Square& uinfo =sw-1 0 10-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 6. http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text= tower& uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw- 785-fh-516-pd-1 7. http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text=momi&uinfo=sw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 8 . http://images.yandex.ru/#!/yandsearch?text=madame tussauds&uinfo =sw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 9. http://www.orangesmile. com/destinations/london/city-maps.htm

summary of presentations


Slides: 12 Words: 176 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

London Attractions. Fundamental Question: Why is London considered unique? What are the most popular attractions in London? What attractions can you see in London? Problematic question: A look at London. S. Johnson. Big ben - shows the exact time since 1859. Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace) - the working office of the monarchy. Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey) is the place of coronation of English monarchs. The Abbey demonstrates the noble, military, political and aristocratic history of England. Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square). At the top of the 145-foot tall column is a figure of Admiral Nelson.

- London.ppt

City of London

Slides: 11 Words: 486 Sounds: 0 Effects: 35

Presentation. London Attractions. So let's start our journey with the City. One of the outstanding buildings in the City of London is St. Pavel. The building rises 111 m high. At the base of the dome there is the “Gallery of Whispers”, famous for its acoustic effect. At the eastern gate of the City rise the towers of the Tower. The ceremony of “handing over the keys” is associated with the Tower. The Tower guards are dressed in Tudor costumes. -And one more tradition. Crows have always lived in the Tower. This is where the famous “Poets’ Corner” is located. The clock tower - Big Ben - is 98 m high. -From the Houses of Parliament it is easy to get to Trafalgar Square.

- City of London.ppt

Capital London

Slides: 5 Words: 582 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

London is a city of contrasts. The project introduces students to the capital of Great Britain, London. Students are divided into 3 groups. At the conclusion of the project, the projects will be defended with the invitation of the administration and subject teachers. Teacher Kickoff Presentation: Project Planning Section. Getting to know the capital of Great Britain. Problem questions: What is the capital of Great Britain? Where is England and London? Why are we studying London? Lessons 3-4 Topic: London is a city of contrasts. Goal: posing guiding and fundamental questions, dividing into groups. Problem questions: How many tourists visit London?

Great Britain. England Scotland Ireland Wales. Geographical position. Great Britain is an island state in Western Europe, the form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. The capital is the city of London. Britannia is a Briton tribe. Palace of Westminster. You can approximately enjoy the educational seventy-minute excursion during September. The tour runs daily in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Tower. The Tower serves as a reminder of Britain's bloody past. Guards. The palace "Ravenmaster", or Raven Keeper, cares for a flock of black ravens.

- London in Great Britain.ppt

History of London

Slides: 8 Words: 344 Sounds: 2 Effects: 2

Cognitive English. London History Sights Funny traditions About the author. London general information. London... London is the capital of Foggy Albion - Great Britain and Northern Ireland. General information. London's population is constantly growing and is approaching 8 million people. Story. Attractions. Photoshoot. Funny traditions. The British have long been considered a reserved and even, one might say, prim people.

- History of London.ppt

Attractions in London

Slides: 31 Words: 1058 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Sights of London

Slides: 16 Words: 782 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Topic: “Sights of London.” Subject areas: English, history, geography, computer science. Stages of work on the project: No city in the UK can compare with London in terms of diversity of opportunities. London Attractions. 1.Tower Bridge. Tower and Tower Bridge. You should definitely pay attention to the Tower guards standing in luxurious uniforms. 2.Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. The visit to the palace begins from the Ambassadorial Courtyard. The semicircular window of the Music Room offers an attractive view of the garden and surrounding area.

- Sights of the city of London.ppt

Sights of London in Russian

Slides: 20 Words: 639 Sounds: 0 Effects: 65

London. Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Oxford. University city. College building. Oxford University. Courtyard of Christ Church College. View of the college courtyard from above. City view. The village of London. City of Oxford. Big Ben. Westminster Abbey. Houses of Parliament. Students. King's College Church. Sights of Great Britain. Royal Pavilion. Cathedral in Bristol. Windsor.

- Sights of Great Britain and London.ppt

Views of London

Slides: 24 Words: 951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

London. St Paul's Cathedral. London is attractive for its history. History of London. The rebirth of London. Westminster Abbey. London Bridge. Tower Bridge. Reign of Elizabeth I. London Underground. Famous buildings. Millennium Dome. Museums of London. Sherlock Holmes's house. British museum. A city with a rich history. Ferris wheel. London Eye. Views of London. Botanical gardens. London Aquarium. London Dungeons. London from above. London map.

- Views of London.ppt

Museums of London

Slides: 47 Words: 899 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Traveling around England. Map of England. Geographical position. A state in northwestern Europe, on the British Isles. The highest point is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m). The total area of ​​the country is 244.1 thousand square meters. km. Capital London. Buckingham Palace. Elizabeth II. Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Prince William. Prince Harry. Westminster Abbey. But the real graves of not all the mentioned poets are located here. Big Ben. Big Ben. Houses of Parliament. Tower of London. Be sure to pay attention to the Tower guards - Beefeaters - in luxurious uniforms.

- Museums of London.ppt

London parks

Slides: 14 Words: 669 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

London - Capital of the UK. Westminster. St Paul's Cathedral. The dome is decorated with paintings from the life of St. Paul. Massive defensive walls and other towers were added later. The Tower guards wear remarkable scarlet and gold uniforms. Tower of London. British museum. At first…. Sir Hans Sloane was the greatest collector. The British Museum was completed in 1948. The present building was designed in 1834 by William Wilkins. National Gallery. London... London is always changing. New buildings are being erected, and old ones are gradually being destroyed. Parks and gardens.

- London Buildings.ppt

Tate Gallery

Slides: 19 Words: 376 Sounds: 0 Effects: 20

Tate Gallery. National Museum. Founder of the British Art Gallery. British Tate Gallery. Modern Tate Modern gallery. Tate Gallery in Liverpool. Virtual tour of the Tate Gallery. William Hogarth. Children of the Graham family. John Everett Millais. Joshua Reynolds. Thomas Gainsborough. William Blake. Joseph Mallord William Turner. William Turner. Edouard Manet. Henri Matisse. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. John Singer Sargent.

- Tate Gallery.ppt

Big Ben in London

Slides: 20 Words: 730 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Big Ben. Development of independence. Bell Tower. The tower was erected in 1858. Name. Commission for the construction of the tower. Designer. Casting was done by George Mears. The bell is cracked. Bell. Clock on the tower. Tower height. Legendary bell. Interesting stories. Mechanism. Clockwork. Dials. In every area of ​​London you can find little Ben. Informational resources. Thank you for your attention. - Big Ben in London.pptx

London palaces

Slides: 18 Words: 355 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

London Attractions. The uniqueness of London. The city is also famous for its many ancient palaces and churches, which house the national shrines of the English people. Madame Tussauds and Westminay Abbey Planetarium. Madame Tussauds is famous all over the world for its life-size wax figures. Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the Queen's residence. Soundhenge. Trafalgar Square is named after the Battle of Trafalgar, which was fought by General Nelson, whose statue stands in the square. Royal palaces. Cathedral of St. Paul Cathedral of St.

Buckingham Palace. The Green Drawing Room contains perhaps the most excellent things in Buckingham Palace. After the Green Living Room comes the Throne Room, through which visitors enter the Picture Gallery - the largest room in Buckingham Palace.

- Buckingham Palace.pptx

Trafalgar Square

Slides: 5 Words: 235 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10