Ob Bay Sabetta jobs and jobs. Vacancies at Yamal LNG. Shift work on Sabetta. Mechanical assembly mechanic

Working in the Far North is not an easy task. You have to work in difficult climatic conditions: extreme temperatures, constant winds, and mountains of snow. All this is familiar to residents of the village of Sabetta, who are working on the construction of the Yamal LNG plant. We have shown large-scale construction more than once, but how is the life and leisure time of workers organized?

One of the work shifts has come to an end, and those who worked are rushing to the hostel as quickly as possible. It’s still frosty here, in the evening it’s down to minus twenty outside, and there’s a lot of snow. In this white desert, the orange and blue village looks like a bright spot. And here is the store, also decorated in these colors. It's crowded here in the evening. However, there are always enough visitors.

Although it is crowded here, the range of goods is pleasing to the eye. Products are delivered to the village in large quantities by water, and delivered to the store every other day. Treats and drinking water are what are most in demand among local customers.

“There are not enough sweets here. I've been here for a very long time - about 4 months, and I can say that it tastes delicious. Prices, of course, differ from those on the ground, but in terms of assortment, everything is excellent,” says Denis Kharchenko.

Seller Yulia has been working here on a rotational basis for two years. I came to Sabetta from Omsk. They work with their partners with virtually no rest. But they love their work. They recognize almost everyone by sight and remember the gastronomic preferences of their customers.

“Everyone wants something tasty, imagine - constantly eating in the canteen, you don’t want to. Some people cook it themselves. They buy a lot of chickens, and now we sell vegetables. They take a lot of vegetables - they constantly ask, and we order. The men take multi-cookers with them and cook,” shares seller Yulia Parakhuda.

Home-work, work-home. Life in a workers' settlement is not very diverse. But for hard workers, they tried to make everything as comfortable as possible. Comfortable dormitories, spacious dining rooms, and for leisure - a large gym. Those who still have energy left after work can go to the gym or kick a ball. Living conditions for people here are decent.

A village of 15 thousand inhabitants in the middle of a snowy desert is another proof that people in our country not only think big, but also do big things. Construction of the century - this is how the Yamal LNG plant can now be called. Well, all these people are just grains of sand in a large-scale project. It is impossible to build the Arctic, but it is possible to create it - with its permission.


Sabetta is a rotational camp located on the eastern shore of the Yamal Peninsula (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) near the Gulf of Ob in the Kara Sea, a stronghold of the Yamal LNG project.

The name of the village is derived from the name of the Sabetta-yakha river - translated from Nenets as “river in a cap”. However, there are several more versions of the origin of the name: from the name of the Soviet trading post that existed here, converted into Nenets, to the name of the Sabe clan - Samoyeds (Nenets) who lived in this area.

During Soviet times, the village was a base for geologists. Members of the Tambay expedition landed in Sabetta in the early 1980s. At that time, the village had only a few wooden buildings, typical of ordinary northern villages of the late 20th century. There were a lot of them back then. Several dozen geologists were engaged in exploration, drilling wells, and conducting research.

There are no weekends or holidays in Sabetta; every day is a working day. But, as elsewhere, on New Year’s Day a large festive tree is traditionally erected here on the main square, and on the first Sunday of September a concert is held in honor of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers. In September 2016, an Orthodox church appeared in the village, which was personally consecrated by Patriarch Kirill.

During the implementation of the Yamal LNG project, all the necessary infrastructure for the construction workers’ accommodation was created in the village, auxiliary facilities of the life support complex were erected: a boiler room, four canteens, a cafe, a hospital, baths, a large sports complex, an administrative and amenity complex, a hotel, shops, sewerage and water treatment facilities, food storage warehouses.



It was the first time in Russian practice that an international airport was built at such a latitude. When designing the runway and the airport building complex, the difficult natural and climatic conditions in the Sabetta area were taken into account: permafrost, swamps, lakes, rivers. In such climatic conditions, prestressed airfield slabs were used as the runway surface.

December 4, 2014 The first technical flight took place, as a result of which the airport received a certificate of airfield fitness and a certificate of state registration.

In January 2015, Sabetta Airport received certificates of conformity in the following areas: aviation security, airfield flight support, navigation support, passenger and baggage services for domestic air transportation.

February 2, 2015 Sabetta Airport received its first passenger flight. Regular communication has been organized with five cities of Russia.

In 2016, Sabetta Airport began accepting international flights.

On May 26, 2017, the international airport of the Yamal LNG project received a “geographical passport”.

The airport complex includes an ICAO category I airfield, a 2704 m x 46 m runway, hangars for aircraft, a service and passenger building, including an international sector. The airport can accommodate aircraft of various types IL-76, A-320, Boeing-737-300, 600, 700, 800, Boeing-767-200, as well as MI-26, MI-8 helicopters. The airport operator is a 100% subsidiary of Yamal LNG OJSC – Sabetta International Airport LLC.

During the operation of the airport, more than 490 thousand passengers and almost 6 thousand tons of urgent cargo were transported.

On July 20, 2012, the ceremonial laying of the seaport took place, located 5 km northeast of the village. INIn October 2013, the first cargo ships moored at the port pier. On July 25, 2014, the seaport of Sabetta was included in the register of seaports of the Russian Federation.

In March, the ice along the Northern Sea Route reaches its maximum thickness. Nuclear and diesel icebreakers help deliver cargo to Sabetta over heavy ice. Thanks to the Yamal LNG project, cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route has doubled. Since the beginning of active construction of the project (since 2012), delivery of construction materials and equipment has been carried out on a year-round basis; icebreaker support is used in winter.

The Sabetta seaport is a key growth point in the development of the Northern Sea Route. In total, more than 13 million tons of cargo have been delivered to the port since 2012.


In June 2014, construction began on the first two (of four) LNG storage tanks. In permafrost conditions, each tank is built on a foundation of 948 piles 24 meters deep, with a thermal stabilizer installed next to each of them. The concrete walls of the tanks, more than 50 meters high, were erected in a short time, in just 21 days.

The diameter of one tank is 80 meters, designed to store 160 thousand cubic meters. m of gas at a temperature of -163 degrees. For comparison, the tank can fit two Airbus 380 aircraft stacked on top of each other.

All four reservoirs have now been built and hydrotested. The main platforms of pumping equipment are installed on the first two tanks.



An LNG plant with a capacity of about 16.5 million tons of LNG is being built directly at the South Tambeyskoye field on the shore of the Ob Bay.

The construction uses a modular installation principle, which significantly reduces construction costs in Arctic conditions and optimizes the project implementation schedule. The production complex will include three gas liquefaction lines with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year each. The first phase is planned to be launched in 2017.

In conditions of low average annual temperatures in the Arctic, less specific energy is required for gas liquefaction, which allows achieving higher volumes of LNG production compared to projects located in southern latitudes and using similar equipment.

After the plant is launched, the hydrocarbon mixture from the wells will be supplied through gas collection networks to a single integrated complex for the preparation and liquefaction of natural gas.

Separation will take place at the entrance facilities of the complex - separation of mechanical impurities, water, methanol and condensate from the gas. The inlet structures include methanol regeneration and condensate stabilization units.

The separated gas will be supplied to liquefaction lines and subsequently undergo purification from acid gases and traces of methanol, drying and removal of mercury, extraction of ethane, propane and heavier hydrocarbon fractions. Next, the purified gas will be supplied for pre-cooling and liquefaction. LNG will be supplied for storage in special closed-type isothermal tanks.

The integrated complex will also include liquefied petroleum gas fractionation plants, stable condensate and refrigerant storage parks, a 376 MW power plant, plant utilities and flare systems.


At the beginning of 2013, drilling of production wells began at the South Tambeyskoye field. Production drilling is carried out using advanced technologies. The field development project involves drilling more than 200 directional production wells with horizontal completion from 19 well pads.

ARCTIC drilling rigs were developed and manufactured especially for the project. The units are designed to operate in the difficult natural and climatic conditions of Yamal; they are fully protected from winds and low temperatures, which ensures comfortable working conditions for personnel and continuous drilling throughout the year.

The resource base for the implementation of the Yamal LNG Project is the South Tambeyskoye field, discovered in 1974 and located in the northeast of the Yamal Peninsula. The license for the development of the South Tambeyskoye field is valid until December 31, 2045 and belongs to Yamal LNG OJSC.

Proven and probable reserves of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field according to PRMS standards as of December 31, 2014 amount to 926 billion cubic meters. m of gas. The potential level of gas production to meet the needs of the LNG plant exceeds 27 billion cubic meters. m per year.


On August 26, 2016, sea trials of the Arc7 LNG tanker began in the waters between the coast of South Korea and Tsushima Island. For the first time, all ship equipment was tested under real operating conditions. The vessel's performance has been fully confirmed.

The first tanker is named Christophe de Margerie. The Arc7 tanker is a high-tech LNG carrier of the highest ice class, specially designed to meet the needs of the Yamal LNG project. The design of a gas carrier, a three-fuel diesel-electric power plant, a propulsion complex consisting of three Azipod-type rudder propellers, design features of the hull and mechanisms in an arctic design (ice class Arc7 according to the RMRS classification and a set of equipment for operating in conditions of low temperatures down to –52 °C ) - all this gives the vessel serious competitive advantages and makes it unique.

"Christophe de Margerie" was built in the shortest possible time by the DSME shipyard (South Korea), which is one of the leaders in the field of world shipbuilding. Leading Russian and foreign research organizations participated in the development and implementation of the project.

At the end of March 2017 Ice class tanker Arc7 arrived at the port of Sabetta. The mooring ceremony was observed in a straight line from Arkhangelsk by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If we act in the same vein and at the same pace, which is even, frankly speaking, somewhat surprising for me, then, of course, Russia, without any doubt, not only can become, but will become the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world . We have every reason to think so, to think so and to achieve this result.”

Vladimir Putin also thanked the foreign partners of the Yamal LNG project. “They believe in this project, actively participate in it, support both technologically and financially. This is very important if we keep in mind that the weather is not the best on global energy markets, but we assume that the need for energy resources will increase. We are working for the future,” the head of state emphasized.

The President noted that the ship that arrived at the port today was named in honor of the deceased “our great friend, the former head of Total, Christophe de Margerie”: “This is very symbolic, it will strengthen our relations even at such a spiritual level.” Christophe de Margerie has led Total since 2007. In October 2014, he died in a plane crash in Vnukovo.

Well, dear friends, I rested a little after air travel and various official chores, poured a glass of fresh Shcherbakovsky (this is important!), so sit back and tell me how I suddenly found myself in the Arctic Circle :) After thinking carefully, I decided that the post It will be under lock and key - I didn’t seem to give any subscriptions, but you never know...

It should be noted that I had no intention of flying there (that is, it seemed like there was a conversation that some work needed to be done, but it seemed like it would have been possible without us and lordd will cost while we are busy with other projects - but it didn’t work out :) Therefore, we were planning urgently and did not really prepare, in particular, I did not pack my favorite thermal mug, in the end I had to scrounge and drink tea from random dishes :)

As is usual with us, the work had to be completed yesterday, so they rushed us - my Lena was on a business trip in Magnitogorsk until the end of the week, I finally got to work on the car, but nope - they called and said that you were flying out right through three hours via Ekat.

That is, we were unable to buy tickets for any of the numerous Moscow flights flying from Balandino - we had to take a taxi to our distant suburban airport Koltsovo and from there fly to Domik by plane from S7.

In Moscow, we again had to take a taxi and drive to Vnukovo (on the way the taxi got a broken tire on the Moscow Ring Road), from where in the morning we took a Uteir flight on an exotic Boeing 767-200 to the airport with the almost French name Sabetta. Well, we spent the night in hard chairs in Vnukovo, tasted all the delights of airport food in Mu-mu and Kroshka Potatoes at completely ungodly prices compared to general Moscow prices.

However, everything was compensated by the wonderful view from the window when we flew over Yamal :)

Well, we arrived and went through a strict inspection (various things cannot be transported into the territory of the South Tambey gas field, including photographic equipment, and, of course, alcohol-containing materials - so we left without a bottle of isopropyl alcohol for cleaning optical fibers, we needed it issued on the spot :))

Having passed through the cordons, we came out to the square - and there were shift vehicles, smaller jeeps (we will talk about them separately), as well as pneumatic "Trackols".

We called the host, they told us which car to get into and where to go - we got to the village of Sabetta, and there we got a bed in a dorm. Later we were given cards with which we can pay for food in canteens (not all of them - there are either 4 or 5 of them on the territory), as well as buy all sorts of goodies in the store, like sweets :)

The next day we went through all sorts of instructions (dozens of little “no’s”, the violation of which is followed by various sanctions both to the violator and to the organization that sent him, and the fines for a legal entity are absolutely enormous) - and it works, comrades, at least I in all my time I saw only one person who risked bringing a bottle of cognac here, with which he was tied up at the airport.

Actually, there’s nothing more to write about - for two weeks we went to the airport in the morning and solved various production problems :) Since going to lunch meant wasting precious time, we switched to two meals a day - a hearty breakfast in the morning (porridge, main course, bread with butter and cheese, tea) and dinner upon return from the site (with soup, main course and salad). So, in fact, there is nothing special to write about - although I will separately note a few points, especially since few people know about them.


Almost everyone moves into dorms - new and quite modern. From three to six people live in the rooms (this is an ordinary black bone, a permanent composition - shift workers who, for example, work at the airport, are better arranged :)). There are two toilets on the floor, which are constantly kept clean and tidy; on the ground floor there are showers, as well as a kitchenette with a thermospot, and something like a red corner with a TV. Toilets and floors are washed and cleaned by cleaners, mostly middle-aged ladies of Bashkir appearance:)

By the way, about ten percent of the total number are women.

Smoking is permitted only in designated areas

There is a church in the middle of the village - Kirill himself flew in to consecrate it


Three hundred rubles is enough for a day - the prices are quite reasonable. The portions are large, everything is quite tasty and varied

Here in the store the assortment is quite poor and the prices are inadequate,

You can pay either by card within the limit, or by cash, or by bank card. All feeding, cleaning and garbage removal is carried out by an office from Noyabrsk, all security is from Novy Urengoy

Health and treatment

As a rule, on the second or third day, almost everyone, except perhaps those who are constantly on shifts, falls ill in a mild form - snot, cough, some have a low temperature. That is, you need to come here with a set of antiviral agents, vitamins and packaged herbs for brewing (chamomile, sage, hawthorn). In principle, there are health centers where they give out medicines and exempt us from work - but we, for example, had to finish our work as quickly as possible and return home.

A four-wheel drive medical gazelle drives around the territory; once a medical Mi-8 flew in; apparently, someone was completely unwell.

Motor transport

Everyone is transported by shift workers on the chassis of all-wheel drive KAMAZ and Ural trucks, sometimes I come across a Sadko chassis. Accelerating passenger cars - UAZ-Patriot; mid-level bosses drive a Mitsubishi L200, less often a Toyota HiLux. Other brands and models are found in homeopathic doses. There are a number of all-terrain vehicles on pneumatic rollers from the Trekol company. Trucks - different

Alas for me, I didn’t photograph the fire department - both the village and the airport (the latter are armed with KAMAZ trucks,
two of them are from Vargashin, hear, chaga ?)


I really liked it - new, beautiful and modern, the buildings are all on legs, and where this is not possible, with a cooling system - that is, under the buildings there are pipes in which ammonia circulates, so that the foundation does not float in the summer (it was hot this year, they say up to plus 30). From 2 to 6 planes arrive a day from Moscow and Novy Urengoy, mostly Yamal airlines (who would have thought!), sometimes UTair and also helicopters, including border ones. We also saw An-12 and An-24. One time an SSJ-100 flew in with a polar bear on its tail. The staff are almost all from Samara, we liked working with them :). Well, in general - it’s cool at the airport: D


they work very differently - there are a lot of comrades from Bashkiria, for example :) There is also a Serbian company "Velesstroy" and a Turkish company Rega JV - of course, they have a lot of Russians working for them, but there are also natural Serbs and Turks. And so people fly in from everywhere - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk, Volgograd, I also saw a couple of Indians.

I saw the Nentsev once - they were selling venison and fish, and there was also a stall of the Yamal Reindeer company located on the territory of the village. However, the reindeer stew in it is from Kurgan :)

Arctic foxes periodically run through the territory - approaching them (let alone feeding them) is prohibited. Catching too, only Nenets can do that :) And they gave special instructions about polar bears - but God had mercy, I didn’t meet them. Well, screw him.

The Gulf of Ob is nearby - but we didn’t go to it, nor to the port. A gas plant is being built, and our office has a facility there, but we managed to get out of it - people come here for a month, and we were not interested in hanging around here.

Flying away from here is a special matter; lists are submitted in advance through the general contractor, paperwork is done for the removal of equipment, instruments and tools, otherwise you can drive away with only personal belongings. However, no one is immune from accidents - for example, ours submitted the wrong passport details lordd , we had to cut off the tubes and change everything on the fly - in the end we made it 10 minutes before the end of registration. We flew back again on the 767-200 to Vnukovo, and from there to Che - on the B-737-800 Pobeda. Well, what a minibus! Not even a minibus, but a train car - since there were a lot of students flying, it vividly reminded me of my youth and the Che-Zlatoust train.

In general, this is what it is, an exemplary construction project of capitalism! Will I go here again? Who knows, you need money :)... And it’s beautiful here, yes.

I saw the polar lights a couple of times :)

And recently I was brought beyond the Arctic Circle, to the village of Sabetta, which is located on the eastern shore of the Yamal Peninsula near the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. Just a couple of years ago there was practically nothing in this place, but now a modern airport has already been built, with the official status of “International”, a year-round seaport operates, the necessary infrastructure has been created, and this is: housing, roads, etc. Currently, more than 15 thousand people work in Sabetta. And this is all thanks to the largest and unique project of our time, the YamalLNG liquefied natural gas plant. Well, let's see how everything works here?

2. The flight to Sabetta from Moscow takes about 4 hours

3. This is my first time flying. “Gazprom Avia”, and they are already greeted like a king, and that’s without any heat.

4. By the way, I would like to express my gratitude to Gazprom Avia Airlines and the entire crew of GZP 9643 for an excellent, comfortable flight and attention; 8 hours (round trip) with you passed unnoticed.

5. And this is Sabetta International Airport

6. Sabetta International Airport is one of the world's largest northern airports. It is capable of receiving almost all types of aircraft. The airport complex includes an airfield that meets ICAO category I requirements, a runway measuring 2704x46 m, hangars for aircraft, a service and passenger building, including an international sector. The 100 percent owner of the airport is YamalLNG itself.

7. The first passenger aircraft Boeing 737 of UTair airlines landed at the airport on December 4, 2014, but this was still the first test flight. Regular flights began to operate on February 2, 2015. The next important date in the history of the airport was July 29, 2015, on this day, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the airport was opened for international flights and a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border was established there. At the moment, constant passenger air service has been organized with the cities of Novy Urengoy and Moscow; in the future, the route network should expand. Now the average passenger traffic is about 150 thousand people per year, but when the YamalLNG project requires more participation, the airport is ready to serve 300 thousand people.

9. We divide into groups and go to the village on rotations

10. The name of the village of Sabetta was given by geologists from the Tambey NGRE, who came here in the 80s of the last century. There are several versions why Sabetta. According to one of them, the name of the village comes from the name of the trading post that existed here, “Sovetskaya,” converted into Nenets. According to another version, it comes from the name of the local Samoyed clan who lived in the area - the Sabe clan. The third version is that Sabetta is the name of a woman’s headdress (in the Nenets language).

11. At first glance, taking into account the climatic and natural conditions, the village looks very decent. All conditions have been created here for builders and future plant workers. Several canteens are already operating, there is a hotel, a first-aid post, a bathhouse, a sports complex, a laundry, a number of administrative buildings, there is its own boiler room, sewerage and water treatment facilities, food storage warehouses, a fire station, a warm parking lot, etc.

15. And here is the headquarters of the future plant, but I’ll tell you about it next time. To be continued...

Many thanks to the entire press service of NOVATEK OJSC and personally to Larisa Dukhanina for organizing my visit.

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The first Arctic hub in Russia is Sabetta International Airport. It is located near the settlement of the same name in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. is of strategic importance for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region.


The Sabetta rotational camp is located in close proximity to the airport. The air harbor is located on the eastern shore near the Ob Bay, which belongs to the Kara Sea.

Infrastructure of the Yamal region

The Yamal region is quite difficult for the development and development of mineral resources. This is due not only to the harsh climate, but also to the underdevelopment of infrastructure. One of the key objectives of the Yamal LNG project is to solve this problem.

The closest air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was previously It was opened at the end of 2012 and is fully owned by Gazprom. The nearest railway station “Karskaya” is located at the same distance from the village. Therefore, the problem of transport infrastructure seriously hampered the development of the South Tambeyskoye field.

Sabetta Airport (Yamal): construction

The construction of an air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was a large-scale Yamal LNG project. This project involves the construction of transport infrastructure for the South Tambeyskoye field, which is one of the largest in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in terms of natural gas reserves. It is also home to a liquefied natural gas plant. Work on the construction of transport infrastructure began in 2012, when the construction of Sabetta Airport began. In the same year, construction of the seaport began. The port is designed for navigation throughout the year. In the future, the Russian icebreaker fleet will be localized here.

The operator of the Arctic “air gate” is the limited liability company Sabetta International Airport, which, in turn, is owned by the Yamal LNG enterprise, which is implementing the project for the development of the South Tambeyskoye field. Among the shareholders of Yamal LNG:

  1. Independent Russian company Novatek (holds 60% of shares).
  2. French oil and gas company Total (20% shares).
  3. National oil and gas corporation from China CNPC (20% shares).

The total investment in the implementation of the Yamal CIS project, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to about $27 billion. During the year, natural gas production volumes reach 30 billion cubic meters. Gas is exported mainly in a liquefied state. The estimated volume of raw material reserves is about 492 billion cubic meters, and other liquid hydrocarbons - 14 million tons.

The construction of the Arctic hub involved the use of the latest technologies for the construction of structures on permafrost, water-logged soils. The project for the construction of a two-story airport terminal building was published at the end of 2013 on the Novatek Internet portal. At the beginning of 2014, the Yamal LNG enterprise reported that, according to preliminary estimates, the volume of investments in the construction of the air transport hub amounted to 150 million rubles.

The complex construction project involved two stages of work. The first included the construction of a service and passenger terminal located on an area of ​​36 × 42 m. The second included the construction of an international terminal on an area of ​​36 × 36.5 m and a building for the command and control tower. Thus, both terminals should be located on an area of ​​36 × 78.5 m. Initially, the opening of the first Arctic airport was planned for June 2015.

The airfield complex project included the construction of a runway and hangars for aircraft. Construction of the runway was completed by December 2014.

In July 2015, the airport management received a certificate of conformity for the operation of the airport. The air hub was also included in the state register. On October 5 of the same year, the Interstate Aviation Committee officially recognized the suitability of the airport for receiving and sending international flights. And on December 24, a checkpoint across the state border opened.

Sabetta Airport: opening

Despite the fact that the opening of the hub was planned for 2015, the first flight was accepted in 2014. On December 22, the first plane arrived in the village of Sabetta. It was a Boeing 737 from the domestic carrier UTair. The flight was primarily of a technical nature. Acceptance of aircraft and servicing passenger flights began on February 2, 2015. The airport opened for international air travel on July 29 of the same year. The reason for this was the order of the Russian government, as well as the installation of a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border. The first international flight took place on the night of March 4, 2016, which was operated on the route Beijing - Sabetta - Moscow. The aircraft arrived from the Chinese capital and delivered four passengers to Sabetta (Yamal region), after which it departed for Moscow.

Runway characteristics

Sabetta Airport has a runway made of reinforced concrete, which fully complies with the requirements of the first category of ICAO. The strip dimensions are 2704 m in length and 46 m in width.

Accepted aircraft types

The Arctic hub can receive and dispatch the following types of airliners:

  • "IL-76".
  • "Airbus A-320".
  • "Boeing 737-300".
  • "Boeing 767-200".

It is also capable of accepting lighter take-off weight aircraft and all types of helicopters.

Airlines, flights

Currently, Sabetta Airport handles regular rotational passenger flights operated by domestic companies UTair and Yamal.

UTair operates flights from Sabetta to Moscow (Vnukovo Airport), Novy Urengoy and Samara. The Yamal air carrier operates flights to Moscow (Domodedovo Airport) and Novy Urengoy.

Thus, the Sabetta Arctic Airport is of great strategic national importance. It was built as part of the Yamal LNG project, designed to improve the transport infrastructure of the South Tambey natural gas field. Construction of the hub began practically from scratch in 2012 and was completed by the end of 2014. V.V. Putin notes that the project is financed from private and public funds. General Director of UTair Airlines A. Martirosov believes that the opening of the airport will increase the level of transport accessibility of the Yamal Peninsula and will be an impetus for the development of north-west Siberia. The village of Sabetta has actually become the largest international air transport hub in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.