Departure of trains from Orsha to Tolochin. Railway tickets for the Orsha - Tolochin train. Sale and delivery of railway tickets

According to the latest data, the train schedule for the direction Orsha - Tolochin as of today consists of 11 trains (diesel engines or commuter trains) that are divided into morning, afternoon and evening routes.

To save time - we offer the fastest train on this route, number 7003. She makes a departure from the railway station Orsha-Tsentr. at 5 hours 4 minutes and arrives at 5 hours 35 min. to the terminal station Tolochin. The whole journey will take a total of 31 minutes.

If there is enough time left or the duration of the trip is not particularly important - you can opt for the train from the Orsha-Center message. - Minsk-Pass., Under the number No. 6033. In this particular case, the travel time is 1 hour, since the electric train leaves at 20 hours 20 minutes according to the schedule. and arrives at the terminal station Tolochin at 21 hours 20 min. .

All trains on the route from Orsha to Tolochin make stops where you can get out and change if necessary to a local train that goes in the other direction.

The timetable presented on this page corresponds to the online scoreboard of the railway stations along the route Orsha - Tolochin. Due to the constant updating of information, this schedule is relevant, but since small operational changes are possible, you can check all the details with the dispatcher at the nearest station, where you can also purchase tickets for a local train by following Orsha - Tolochin.

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must specify the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults).

How much is:

The average cost of electronic train tickets in this direction is 594 rubles.

Suite: 1048-1473 rubles
Sedentary: 459-473 rubles
Reserved seat: 514-629 rubles
Total: 447-479 rubles

Sale and delivery of railway tickets Orsha-Tsentralnaya - Tolochin:

Service "TravelBileti" provides the opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book tickets for the train following the route Orsha-Tsentralnaya - Tolochin.

Tickets are delivered timely  Courier in Moscow.

You can place an order for e-ticket followed by receipt of the code by mail. The code, in turn, changes to a classic railway ticket at the ticket office or terminal.

Electronic registration  - when placing an order, you indicate the passport data that is entered in the current list of passengers. Landing is based on the list of passengers (without a ticket).

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must specify the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults). Children under 5 years old travel for free, but without a seat.

How much is:

The average price of electronic train tickets Orsha - Tolochin is 594 rubles.

Suite: 1048-1473 rub.
Sedentary: 459-473 rub.
Reserved seat: 514-629 rub.
Total: 447-479 rub.

Sale and delivery of railway tickets:

Many services provide the opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book train tickets for the Orsha - Tolochin route.

The price often includes courier delivery, which should be clarified upon purchase.

There is also a very convenient service. e-ticketwhen you are given a secret code that you change to a real ticket at the station.

Electronic registration  even easier, you just board the train with your ID. But unfortunately this is not possible on all trains.

At the moment, the schedule of trains and trains between the settlements of Orsha - Tolochin includes 11 electric trains or trains and also 60 long-distance trains.

The first train No. 249Б leaves at 2 hours 4 minutes. and arrives in Tolochin about 2 hours 40 minutes. (located in the path of 36 minutes). The first train number 7003 goes from Orsha-Tsentr station. at 5 hours 4 minutes and arrives after 31 minutes to the destination - Tolochin at 5 hours 35 minutes. .

The last passenger train, number 634Ф, is from Orsha-Tsentr station. at 20 hours 55 minutes and after 34 minutes he arrives on the platform of the Tolochin station - at 21 hours 29 minutes. . The last train number 6033 is on the way for 1 hour. Departing from the station Orsha-Center. at 20 hours 20 min. and arriving in Tolochin at 21 hours 20 min. .

Please note that in the online schedule for trains and electric trains Orsha - Tolochin there may be flights that are held on certain days of the week. When planning a trip, see the schedule for the desired date in advance. Scheduled data on our website are constantly updated, so our visitors receive relevant information. If you have any questions along the route Orsha - Tolochin - you can contact the nearest railway ticket office where the employees of the railway station will help and advise you. On the spot, you can also immediately buy a ticket in the right direction.

The train and train schedule Orsha - Tolochin at the moment includes long-distance trains - 24, trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) - 8. The first train leaves from Orsha station at 02 h 04 m at night and arrives at the terminal station at 02 h 40 m. The last train leaves from Orsha station at 20 55 hours and arrives at the destination in the evening. According to the schedule, the average travel time from the Orsha departure point to the Tolochin arrival point is 0 h 35 m: the fastest train travels 0 h 25 m, the slowest one travels 1 h 0 m.
Some trains from Orsha station to Tolochin station run on separate days (have a special schedule).
Trains following the route Orsha - Tolochin pass through such stations and settlements as: Kokhanovo.
Schedule of trains and trains on the route Orsha - Tolochinshown here is regularly updated and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Orsha - Tolochin train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.