Lake Svetloyar where. Lake Svetloyar is a Russian looking glass. Nature, history of occurrence, rest. Hypotheses on the emergence of Lake Svetloyar

One of the most beautiful reservoirs in the world is Lake Svetloyar. The Nizhny Novgorod region can rightfully be proud of this natural site. It is located in the Volga region, about one hundred and thirty kilometers from the regional center and a kilometer from the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district.

This reservoir is the seventh miracle of the Volga region, as well as a nature monument of federal significance.


Svetloyar Lake is a deep hollow with two girdle terraces at a depth of seven and twenty meters, respectively. The upper terrace stores the remains of the once-growing coniferous forest.

Nizhny Novgorod Lake Svetloyar has an oval shape with a size of five hundred by three hundred meters, is located at an altitude of more than one hundred meters above sea level and has the greatest depth of forty meters. Pure and clear water of the lake is determined by the presence of bottom springs. A pond with an area of \u200b\u200btwelve hectares never overgrows with mud.

Nizhny Novgorod Lake Svetloyar has a double located near the village of Ozernoye. It has a similar shape, great depth and the same water level as the Svetloyar because of their communication with groundwater.

The unusualness of the lake is also manifested in its hydrochemical features. The water taken from it is stored for years, without losing its purity and taste. Due to the transparency of the water, springs spouting from the bottom of the lake can be observed even from the shore. Unfortunately, recently the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake began to decrease, and over the past half century has decreased by four hectares. Due to the change in runoff regime, a change in vegetation occurred in the coastal zone: meadow plants gave way to wetland plants, which indicates a slowdown in lake runoff. Swampiness caused the drying of some tree species.

Origin of the lake

Lake Svetloyar still keeps the secret of its appearance. At the very beginning of the twentieth century, a version of its volcanic origin was put forward. Later, assumptions were made of meteorite, neotectonic, glacial, karst and other versions of the appearance of this amazing reservoir. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the result of a study of the space hypothesis, namely, the meteorite origin of the lake, was published. Convincing facts speak in her favor:

  • geological structure;
  • the correct shape of the lake;
  • great depth due to a strong meteorite impact on the ground;
  • molten rock;
  • the presence of a glassy black mass as evidence of high temperatures;
  • structure of nearby hills.

Due to the complexity of the bottom topography, a version of the neotectonic origin of the lake was considered. According to this theory, the central basin was formed one thousand two hundred years ago. At first it was a small lake up to twenty meters deep. When the lower terrace plunged into the water seven hundred years ago, the lake acquired its present form.


The history of Svetloyar Lake is foggy and mysterious. It was formed during the ice age. However, the great glaciation did not reach Svetloyar, while all the lakes that were in these parts turned into peat deposits.

The first written historical document appeared at the turn of the 17-18 centuries among the Old Believers. It was called "Kitezh chronicler." This is a book about the saint, since the founder of Kitezh, Prince George Vsevolodovich, is counted among the saints.

Legends and wonders

Full of secrets and mysteries, it was called in ancient times a little differently - the holy lake Svetloyar. This is a kind of Russian Atlantis, which went under water, leaving behind itself the legend of the city of Kitezh.

Old Believers said that in ancient times, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich built a city on the Volga, called the Small Kitezh. Later, the prince, seeing Lake Svetloyar, ordered to build the city of Bolshoy Kitezh on its banks. Three years later, a stone city with many Orthodox churches grew up.

When the armada of Batu Khan captured Small Kitezh, the prince with the remnants of his squad had to hide in the forests near Big Kitezh, waging an unequal battle with the invaders. After a series of betrayals, Batu Khan entered Bolshoi Kitezh through the city gates, which the three Russian heroes, who were patrols, could not defend with battles, blocking the path of the enemy. At the place of their death, the spring of Kibelek is now beating.

After the death of the prince and the inability to protect the city, the inhabitants of Kitezh turned to the Lord in prayer to avoid enslavement and abuse. And at the time when Batu Khan went on the offensive, water sources clogged from the bowels of the earth, flooding the city. The Mongol-Tatars retreated, and the city of Kitezh went under water.

And now, they say, in calm weather, righteous people hear the ringing of bells and human voices from the depths of Svetloyar. Sometimes in the waters of the lake they saw domes of churches and monasteries. The legend of the sunken city of Kitezh was a tool for paintings by artists such as Roerich, Nesterov, Vasnetsov. Prishvin, Korolenko, Rimsky-Korsakov, Melnikov-Pechersky, Korovin, Glazunov wrote about Svetoyar. Nowadays, the lake is an object of scientific research.

Here, unexplained miraculous cases of the recovery of cancer patients were recorded.

According to psychics, this is a place that draws energy from space.

During wars, the prayers of mothers and wives helped sons and husbands to stay alive at war at the front.

Before the baptism of Rus, a tribe of Berendey lived in the lake area. In those days, there were numerous islands on the island, where there was a center of the cult of the god Yarila. During the adoption of Christianity, by the will of Christ, the bottom of the Svetloyar opened, and the pagan temple was hidden by water.

The value of Svetloyar Lake

Being the habitat of numerous species of animals and plants, the lake is of certain scientific value. Protected plant species grow on its shore:

  • oatmeal cane;
  • longest rest;
  • yellow capsule;
  • lezel's orchid;
  • lapland willow;
  • tundra shrub;
  • english sundew.

Planktonic organisms that cleanse the reservoir inhabit Lake Svetloyar.

Nizhny Novgorod region is the habitat for the water muskrat. You can find this rare animal in the vicinity of the reservoir.

Current status

Since 1965, Lake Svetloyar, whose photo does not go from the pages of newspapers and magazines, has become a natural monument. It received federal status in 1997. In the Nizhny Novgorod region this is the only monument of this status.

The protected area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is an associative type of landscape that keeps a memory of world historical events and personalities with whom history is associated. The pond is an object and cultural landscape. Lake Svetloyar keeps legends, myths, living traditions of the people.


As a project, the authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region adopted the concept of socio-economic development of the territory of the Vladimir administration, where a natural monument is located - Lake Svetloyar, reviews of which have spread throughout Russia. The ideology of the concept itself is that Svetloyar is the holy place of the Russian Earth. But the fundamental goal is to revive the Russian village as a spiritual and social center of self-development and self-preservation.

In 1998, a bridge over an asphalt road was built for the natural flow of lake waters. Previously, a dam with a pipe blocked the flow from the lake to the Lunda River.

Role in public life

Each hill of the lake has its own purpose and name, for example:

  • Annunciation Hill - the elevation on which stands the church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Assumption Hill, where the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located.

In 2004, cathedral prayers of the Old Believers resumed on Assumption Hill. At different times people came to the lake, different in their religious beliefs: Baptists, warlocks, Old Believers, Orthodox, Tolstoyans. They were united by one goal: the desire for Kitezh. The opinions of believers about this holy place impress with their sincerity. Many note the healing properties of blessed water, coupled with fervent prayer.

How to get to Svetloyar Lake

So, you decided to visit Svetloyar Lake. How to get from Nizhny Novgorod?

  • By car: we drive about 120 kilometers along the Novgorod-Kirov highway to the village of Bokovaya, where, turning right, we reach the village of Vladimirsky. Having passed through the whole village to the parking lot, we walk 700 meters to the lake.
  • By train: we go by train "Nizhny Novgorod - Semenov" to Semenov, then by bus "Semenov - Voskresenskoe" we get to Vladimirsky.
  • By bus: we go from the Kanavinskaya bus station on the Novgorod-Voskresenskoye route. We leave at Vladimirsky. The ride time is 2 hours.

The route "Svetloyar (lake) - Nizhny Novgorod" is similar.

How to get to Svetloyar Lake from Nizhny Novgorod
To Svetloyar by bus or train + bus

By bus Nizhny Novgorod - Voskresenskoye from the Kanavinskaya bus station. Before reaching Voskresensky, get off at the village of Vladimirskoye. Travel time to Vladimirsky is 2-2.5 hours.

By suburban train Nizhny Novgorod - Semenov or Nizhny Novgorod - Uren to Semenov, then by bus Semenov - Voskresenskoye to the village of Vladimirskoye.

To Svetloyar by car

On the Kirov highway. Drive to Semenov, get to Bokovaya station (a busy place, there are a lot of trucks, a cafe, a motel), then turn right at the sign for Vladimirskoye and Voskresenskoye, get to the village of Vladimirskoye (turn right), drive through the village to a large parking lot. Further - on the birch alley on foot. The distance from Nizhny Novgorod is 130 km.

Directions Nizhny Novgorod - Lake Svetloyar

You can combine a trip to Lake Svetloyar with an excursion to the Levashovs estate in Galibikha, to the village of Troitskoye, in to Yurino.

Museum of the Epoch and Rosenikhinsky fortification

If you drive further from the village of Vladimir towards the village of Voskresenskoye, you can call in Epoch Museum. Between v. Vladimir and v. Voskresensk there is a left turn with a pointer to Tekun and the Epoch Museum. The museum is located 7 km from this turn in the village of Rusenikha (there are signs along the way).

IN Museum of the Epochit contains expositions devoted to the history of the Vetluzh region, including the existence of a mysterious creature that once lived in these parts - the “Vetlugugosaurus”, as well as exhibitions of paintings by local artists. Excursions are held for any number of comers. Near the museum are the remains of the ancient Rosenikhinsky fortification and an observation deck with a wonderful view of the Vetluzhskie Dali. The museum itself is in an ordinary village house. Near the museum and on the observation deck there are stands with a description and a route map of the ethno-ecological trail, which you can go if you wish.

Museum working hours  (data for 2014): Tuesday-Friday from 11 to 17 hours (lunch 13-14 hours), Sunday from 14 to 16 hours. Saturday and Monday are weekends.
   Phones 8-908-7213166, 8-904-9097875.

Excursions to Svetloyar from Nizhny Novgorod

  What to see on Svetloyar

  History of Svetloyar Lake

Svetloyar is one of the most legendary and mysterious lakes in Russia: scientists still have not come to a consensus on its origin. The legend of the miraculous immersion of the city of Kitezh in its waters, which did not surrender to Batu Khan, formed the basis of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia", served as material for the paintings of Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Roerich.

The legend of the city of Kitezh

Once upon a time, even before the advent of the Tatars, Grand Duke George Vsevolodovich built the city of Maly Kitezh (present-day Gorodets) on the Volga, and then, “crossing the quiet and rusty rivers Uzolu, Sandu and Kerzhenets”, he went to Lunda and Svetloyar to “perfectly fine »The place where the city of Kitezh Bolshoi set. So on the shore of the lake appeared glorious Kitezh-grad. In the center of the city towered six heads of churches. And the Great Kitezh was great and famous.

But the black year has come - the invasion swept across Russia. In 1238, after the ruin of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, Khan Batu set up a camp on the City River. After another unequal battle, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with the remnants of his troops retreated to Small Kitezh. However, Batu took it by storm, and the prince with the remnants of the army miraculously managed to hide in Big Kitezh. The Mongol-Tatars burned the small Kitezh, poured blood, and tortured the prisoners: where is the Big Kitezh, in which the prince took refuge, how to find the way there? One of them could not stand the torment - led the enemies through the Volga taiga. But Kitezh, when he was surrounded by enemies, did not surrender to them: his inhabitants prayed to God, and he protected them. The city sank down, and it was covered with earthen caps - hills and a lake. Horror gripped the enemies, and they fled away from this miracle.

Now there is a path to the lake, which is called the Batuyev Trail. It can lead to the glorious city of Kitezh, but not everyone, but only those who are pure in heart and soul. Since then, the city has been invisible, but intact, and especially righteous people can see the lights of the processions in the depths of the lake and hear the sound of its bells.

In fact, the great depth of Lake Svetloyar (up to 36 m), its oval shape with a funnel-shaped bottom, and the purity of the water make the origin of this lake mysterious and were the basis for a widespread opinion about its karst origin. However, studies conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloyar by the geological survey party of the Gorky Exploration Expedition did not confirm this. An almost 300-meter well drilled near the lake showed that there are no rocks prone to karst to a depth of about 250 meters. This quarter-kilometer stratum is represented mainly by rocks such as loams, clays, sandstones, marls. And the deeper limestones, gypsum, anhydrite are not affected by karst processes. Studies of the expedition led to the conclusion that Svetloyar is the remainder of the ancient channel of the Lunda River (the right tributary of Vetluga), half a kilometer from which it is located. The lake has a drain to Lunda and abundant spring food, which explains the purity and freshness of its water.

Cybelek's key and the grave of three saints

Having risen to the church on the hill, you will see the path to the right of the church and the sign "Key Kibelek". The path will lead to the barrier. Behind the barrier you need to go right on the road. A road through the field leads to the forest. Then go to the forest along the same road. There are pointers along the way. Soon the road will end and there will be a path. Walk along the path - on the path should be a platform. Follow them all the way to the spring. The distance from Lake Svetloyar to the Kibelek key is about 2 km. The water in the spring of Cybelek is holy.

The story of the key of Cybelek and the graves of the three saints

According to legend, in this place there was a battle of the Kitezh squad with the Tatars. Three Kitezh heroes died here in an unequal battle, protecting the Russian land.

There is still a well, the water from which is also considered holy, and next to it are three crosses in memory of the fallen soldiers. A little further, in the forest, there is a clearing with three graves of warriors. From these graves, believers take the earth, which helps to heal from various ailments.

Lake Svetloyar (Nizhny Novgorod region) is one of the most fantastic corners of the Voskresensky district, located in the village of Vladimirskoye. A nature monument of federal status attracts tourists from all over the world. The area is 12 hectares, and the depth reaches 36 meters. This is a mysterious and mysterious place, about which there are many controversial stories. Scientists also can not determine the exact origin of the object. One of the legends is the mysterious immersion of the city of Kitezh, which stubbornly opposed the troops of the khan. By the way, this story served as an inspiration for a large number of artists. Among them was Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Roerich.

How to get there?

Family Suitcase company conducts excursions to the lake in the summer.

You can make a fascinating tourist trip here by contacting professionals for help or getting on your own. A bus runs regularly from Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Voskresenskoye. You can also come on a tour by train, which has a Kirov direction.

  It is also convenient to arrive by car. From the city to the village, your journey will be 130 kilometers. On the birch alley there are special parking spaces for vehicles. Address - Nizhny Novgorod region, Voskresensky district, s. Vladimirskoe. Highways are of high quality.

General information and legends

If you believe the legend, then Prince George Vsevolodovich set up a small Kitezh on the lake. Subsequently, he received another name for Gorodets. Soon, the prince made the crossing to the other side and found a more suitable place there. Near Londa and Svetloyar Big Kitezh was created. This city was the largest. He was in high demand in his center was a six-domed temple. The prosperity of the city in Russia lasted until the attack of Batu. The conqueror established his camp on the river Sit. Unfortunately, the forces were unequal. Small Kitezh was taken, the prisoners had a hard time. One of the prisoners, under the burden of torture, nevertheless agreed to lead the enemy troops through the taiga. Residents defended the settlement for a long time and tried to save it. And when the forces were running out, a miracle happened. The city seemed to go down. From above, as if a huge cap formed hills and a lake. The Mongols retreated, frightened by the extraordinary phenomenon.

  The reservoir was systematically subjected to research by scuba divers. It periodically revealed a variety of anomalies. There are all sorts of terraces under the thickness of the stream, similar to stairs. Gentle slopes are combined with excessively steep. This fact suggests that the formation of the reservoir went in parts. From time to time, objects from wood or metal from the 18th century are found at the bottom. So far, no other imprints of civilization have been revealed.

  From time to time, various sounds emanated from the recess. At full moon and before sunrise, a strange, babbling sound was sometimes heard. Believers, they say, in this segment can see incredible beauty snow-white temples with golden domes.

  The path that goes to the lake is called Batyev’s trail. There is such a legend about him that only a person who has pure thoughts can go along such a road. The hail is invisible. And only the righteous have the opportunity to consider the lights at the very bottom. Psychics believe that this is the place where the spirits come from.

Features of Origin

There are many hypotheses about how the lake appeared. Most of them are just legends. The depth of the pit is 36 meters. The bottom has a funnel-shaped structure. The shape of the recess is an oval, as close as possible to the circle. Expeditions by geologists indicate that the lake is of karst type origin. Researchers also believe that the reservoir is a former element of the ancient river Lund. It is powered by a spring. In this regard, the water is extremely clean.

There is religious information about the appearance. It is believed that this is a holy place. Believers come here from all over the planet, as well as people who are not indifferent to the mysteries of nature. A chapel is organized here in the name of the Mother of God of Kazan. There is also a grave of three saints, a spring with healing water and a monument with a trace of the Virgin.

  The territory is used to celebrate Ivan Kupala. The event is held July 6-7. You, too, if you wish, can take part in this event. The pagan holiday is filled with a variety of ancient rites.

Conservation area

Arriving here, you will immediately see a well-groomed alley in front of you, which opens up an amazing view of the pond. A small oval formation has a well-equipped shore. There is even a small beach. Water is clean, soft. Local residents say that it is able to be stored in a vessel for a long time and not deteriorate. Her palatability is excellent.

  If you come here, then take on the armament that moment that this zone is a protected area. Therefore, try not to litter and clean up after a picnic. It is forbidden to make bonfires and put up tents. The place is special and is under guard. Therefore, you must comply with the established rules.

  If you rise a little higher, you can consider the Church of Our Lady of Kazan. The shrine is made of wood, has a small size. Nearby there is a stone with a trace of a stack of the Virgin. If you like to take walks in the forest, then you have the opportunity to walk to the Kibilek spring. The source is organized nearby. The water in it is holy. Therefore, when setting off, do not forget to bring a container with you to collect. According to the legend, the warriors who were the defenders of the lands from Batu Khan were buried in the key.

Around the pond you can see the wooden flooring. He appeared here not by chance. In past times, believers walked around the tank, praying for help. Everyone asked for something of their own.

By the way, this tradition exists at the present time. On the feast of Ivan Kupala, to fulfill a wish, a circle must be completed three times, while holding a lit candle in your hand. During the festival, boys and girls jump over bonfires, lower wreaths into the water.

  In the ancient period, water was not used for swimming. It was used only for washing and cooking. Today, such a ban does not exist. Anyone can plunge or go diving.
This is a cozy, beautiful and especially picturesque place. If you are tired of the bustle of the city or from a beach holiday, then you need to come here.

  Walking in the local surroundings, you will see a chic daisy field. At the edge of the stands is a pointer. It is necessary to rely on it in order not to go astray. This is the Pilgrim Trail. Also during the trip you may come across a variety of estates and benches for relaxation. The probability of getting lost is small.

Mysterious facts

An expedition of the Literary Newspaper was conducted. During its implementation, drilling of natural sludge was carried out. This procedure made it possible to discover one amazing find - particles of solid wood with oblique slices. Probably the cut was the result of exposure to an ax or knife.

  In the future, another anomaly was discovered - naturally formed silt of a special composition. At the bottom, a section was found that did not have the ability to transmit sound.

Divers diagnosed the bottom. Regarding the result of the survey, two opinions were obtained - the presence of a double bottom or its complete absence. Both assumptions did not find exact confirmation.

  Locals also tell a lot of interesting stories. They say that Svetloyar lives under the hills. If you attach to the ground with your ear in the dark, you can hear the ringing of bells.

There is also a legend about the magic fish. It is incredibly large and scares people at night. In addition, they say that Adam Olearius, traveling in Russia, compiled the annals. During his adventures, he came across unusual tribes and once stumbled upon a deity in appearance resembling a crocodile.

  The most modern hypothesis of the appearance of water accumulation is a meteorite fall. No scientific evidence found. But this thought, like others, has an equal right to exist. After all, there are two other lakes in the area that are similar in configuration to this one. After all, a huge meteorite could break into several pieces, forming huge holes in the ground.

Today, research has ceased, as many attempts have failed. Moreover, with those who tried to solve the mystery, all sorts of troubles periodically happened. So, a hydrobiologist descending to a depth sharply raised the temperature. He turned to doctors for treatment, but they could not make an accurate diagnosis. Soon the disease itself went away without treatment.

Once, in a local planting, a villager was picking mushrooms. The mushroom picker did not return home. Relatives began an active search, but to no avail. The police set to work. A few days later, the lost person returned back, explaining the case by the fact that he just accidentally got lost and unexpectedly lost his memory. But after a certain period of time, the wanderer admitted in a conversation with a friend that he was given a drink of the elders. The mushroom picker took out a small loaf of bread with which the old men treated him. This piece instantly turned into stone in the palm of your hand.

  There is still a letter in the Old Slavonic language. It is stored in one of the museums. It contains information from son to father. Its content is that the young man got to Kitezh in a strange way, he is alive, healthy and asks not to bury him ahead of time.

Where to stay for the night?

As for organizing an overnight stay, there are many interesting options. The right solution can be found on any budget. In tents you will not be allowed to spend the night on the shore, as this is a protected area. It is recommended to book a hotel in advance in Nizhny Novgorod or Vladimirsky. Prices are quite affordable.
  There are many obvious and incredible facts about the amazing place. There is such a legend that a pioneer camp was once organized here. The most diverse land transport could freely pass here. Almost everyone wanted to visit the unusual site and no costs were stopped before this goal. During the Great Patriotic War, various pilgrimages were conducted for those who left to bravely fight for their homeland.


The territory is quite picturesque. Lots of plants and animals. Growing cane, water lily, egg-capsule, orchid Lezell's elk, shrubs, sundew, etc. Worms and plankton are found in the reservoir. Earlier it was possible to meet a desman. Today, hedgehogs, cranes, owls, kites, hawks, owls, quail, wolves, foxes, hares, lynxes, bears, moles and others live. Among reptiles there are an adder, a toad, a lizard, a frog. Fish also swim - pike, catfish, ruff, crucian carp, roach. Recreational fishing is allowed. Hunting is also in demand. But bonfires cannot be made.

  There are practically no meadows here, mainly forests, wetlands and taiga. Coniferous trees predominate. Mixed forest - birch, spruce, pine, larch.
The air is incredibly clean. It is especially comfortable to relax in the summer and spring, when the vegetation comes to life. The reservoir serves as entertainment for those who like swimming, diving, picnics in nature. Against the backdrop of amazing landscapes, you can take photos with high artistic value. If you plan to travel along trails, just in case, take a map with you. Signs are made around, but the risk of getting lost is possible.

  Arriving in Nizhny Novgorod, be sure to visit this holy and mysterious place. Perhaps you can discover something new or find confirmation of existing conjectures.


One of the most famous and mystical places of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Located near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district. At present, Svetloyar is a natural monument of federal significance.

The area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloyar is about 12 hectares, length - 410 m, width - 315 m, the greatest depth - about 29 m.

The legend of the city of Kitezh

Svetloyar is one of the most mysterious and legendary Russian lakes. Even scientists have not yet reached consensus on its origin. There is a famous legend about diving into the wonderful lake city \u200b\u200bof Kitezhwho did not surrender to the troops khan Batu. The story inspired the artists Vasnetsov, Roerich, Nesterov, and also inspired the musician Rimsky-Korsakov to write the opera "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia."

According to legend, in ancient times, Grand Duke George Vsevolodovich first erected Small Kitezh on the Volga, later renamed Gorodets, and then, crossing several rivers and finding a good place near Lynda and Svetloyar, Kitezh the Great also built. Kitezh-grad was very large and famous, in its center a six-domed church towered, and the inhabitants of the city prospered.

However, a tragic year came when Batu attacked Russia. In 1238, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was devastated, and Batu Khan set up his camp on the Sit river. The forces of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich were unequal, and after a difficult battle, he retreated to Small Kitezh, which was soon taken by attack. The prince with the remnants of his army was able to hide in Big Kitezh, and the Mongols who captured Small Kitezh tortured the prisoners and demanded to indicate the way to the city. One of the residents, who could not stand the torment, agreed to lead the enemies to the city through the Volga taiga. However, Kitezh, surrounded by enemies, was not going to give up, and people prayed to God for protection. Soon the city sank down, and on top of it a cap covered the hills and the lake, and the Mongols were frightened of such a miracle and disappeared.

Scientific research of Lake Svetloyar

Scuba divers explored Svetloyar and discovered natural anomalies there: underwater terraces like stairs, steep underwater slopes alternate with horizontal sections of the bottom. This suggests that the lake was formed in parts. At a depth of 20 meters, they found small objects made of wood and metal from the period of the 13th century, probably remaining from some ancient settlement. No more traces of civilization were found.

The lake was investigated and instrumental. Using a hydrophone, scientists heard strange sounds like an echo of thunder during a storm. Geophysicists involved in the experiment said that these sounds come from a wave of magnetic disturbance that passes through water and creates such an effect.

In some places the lake "screamed", in others there was silence. Also, a low buzzing sound was recorded with a hydrophone, the lake made it until sunrise and the full moon. According to legend, righteous people are given the chance to see the walls of a snow-white city with the golden domes of temples at that time.

Mystery of Svetloyar Lake

The modern path that runs to the lake is called the Batuy trail, and along this road pure in heart and thoughts, and a person can come to Kitezh. The city is invisible, although the righteous can see the lights of the religious processions at the bottom and hear the bells ringing in the temples. Psychics say that the lake is a place of strength.

Origin of the lake

The origin of the lake is also mysterious, as it has a depth of up to 36 meters, its shape is oval and even almost round, and the bottom is funnel-shaped. There is an opinion about the karst origin of the lake, and even a geological expedition was equipped for its study. A well 300 meters deep was drilled near the lake, and it showed that there are no karst rocks up to 250 meters deep, but there are only sandstones, clay and loam, marls. Anhydrites, limestones and gypsum go deeper, however, they are not affected by karst processes. According to the researchers, Svetloyar is a remnant of the ancient channel of the Lunda river, and due to the spring food and runoff to the river, the lake is very clean, and the water in it is fresh and does not deteriorate for a long time. Some researchers believe that the lake was formed as a result of a meteorite.

The religious significance of the lake

The lake is a holy place, especially revered by the Orthodox, but not only pilgrims come here, but people who are interested in the mysteries of history and nature. There is a lake chapel in the name of Our Lady of Kazan, stone with the footprint of the Virgin  and holy spring Cybelek  and grave of three saints.

Svetloyar Lake is the center of the holiday Ivan Kupala  every year from July 6 to 7. Anyone can become a member of ancient rites. However, it is worth adding that the Orthodox Church does not approve of the celebration of the pagan holiday.

How to get to Svetloyar Lake from Nizhny Novgorod

Svetloyar Lake is one of the most significant sights of the region, therefore excursions from Nizhny Novgorod are held there. However, you can get there on your own.

By public transport

By bus Nizhny Novgorod - Voskresenskoye and before reaching the final stop after turning to Voskresenskoye, get off at the village of Vladimirskoye. Or take the Kirov train to Semenov, and then take the bus Semenov - Voskresenskoe (railway and bus station are combined). This option may be the fastest due to traffic jams on the outskirts of the city.

By car

Distance Nizhny Novgorod - Vladimirskoe - Lake Svetloyar - 130 kilometers.

By road Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov go towards Semenov. After Semenov, after ~ 30 kilometers, turn right onto Voskresenskoye and drive another 10 kilometers before turning to Vladimirskoye (on the right).

In the village you need to leave the car in a special parking lot and then walk through the birch alley for about a kilometer. Motor access to the lake is prohibited.

Svetloyar Lake, Nizhny Novgorod Region (Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and video.

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Full of mysteries and secrets, Svetloyar Lake is from ancient times the holy lake of Rus, a small Russian Atlantis, spread 130 km from Nizhny Novgorod, on the edge of the village of Vladimirskoye. On its banks in ancient times, rituals were held in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila. Hence the name - Svetly Yar.

Today, as in antiquity, hundreds of pilgrims, both Orthodox and pagan, come to Svetloyar Lake. Every year on July 6, around Svetloyar, on the feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Christians make a religious procession. In the evening, a pagan action begins with bonfires, wreaths on the water and a detour around Svetloyar with candles, because on the night of July 6–7 it was Ivan Kupala's holiday.

According to legend, a wish made this night will come true if you triple around the lake.

During the Great Patriotic War, mothers offered prayers for the survival of their husbands and sons fighting at the front.

The legend of the city of Kitezh, narrated by the Old Believers, also narrates about Svetloyar. Once upon a time, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich sailed on the ship along the Volga mother. And he built Small Kitezh. It is believed that this city is today's Gorodets. Then, Yuri Vsevolodovich, passing the rivers Uzolu, Sandu and Kerzhenets, saw Lake Svetloyar. Captivated by his charm, the prince gave the order to erect on the shores of the lake the wonderful city of Bolshoy Kitezh. Three years (1165-1168 gg.) It was built, and a stone city arose with many Orthodox churches.

In 1239, the troops of Khan Batu, godless and wicked, went to Russia. And they captured Small Kitezh. The prince with his retinue hid near the Big Kitezh in the woods. But he was betrayed by Grishka Kuterma, who was captured by Batu and could not stand the torture, he showed the way to the wicked thieves to the great hail. The Batu hordes found shelter of Yuri's squad and killed the prince. And on the eve of Baty’s attack on Yuri Vsevolodovich in Kitezh, three heroes carried a watch, and for a long time they blocked the way to the Khan’s army. And where they stood to the death of their city of Kitezh, the holy spring of Cybelek still beats, next to which is the grave of three holy elders.

Three heroes of the inhabitants of Kitezh warned of the attack, but they could not defend themselves against the cruel heap, and they turned with a fiery prayer to the Lord God not to give the opportunity to enslave them and terrible murder. And God heard them. As soon as the troops of Batu rushed on the offensive, suddenly numerous sources sprang from the ground and began to flood the city of Kitezh. And in horror, the Tatar-Mongols retreated. And the city of Kitezh plunged under the water, like Atlantis, only one dome of the cathedral was visible above the surface of the lake, but it soon disappeared.

They say that in calm, clear weather, the especially righteous can hear the sound of bells flying from the depths of Svetloyar and the long, sad singing of people.

And in the clear lake water you can see dummies of monasteries and churches.

A huge number of unsolved mysteries and mysteries contains Lake Svetloyar, whose water has healing properties. Countless pilgrims come here to recover physically and spiritually, to remove damage. Indeed, miraculous inexplicable cases of recovery were recorded here. Many psychics claim that the lake is a strong place, drawing its energy from space. On the shore of the reservoir, scientists found plant species (about 29) that no longer grow anywhere in this area.

This lake is a perfect oval - the largest (length - 410 m, width - 315 m) and deep (maximum depth - about 36 m) in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Its area is approximately twelve hectares. The water in Svetloyar is very clean, not overgrown with mud, can be kept in vessels for years, while maintaining its purity, transparency and taste.

Svetloyar is a natural monument in the reserve of the same name, protected by UNESCO, where it is strictly forbidden to set up tents (there is a special tent camp nearby) and to light a fire.

Many all sorts of unusual and inexplicable stories told by local residents. Visitors to these places listen and believe in them. Want to figure out where the truth is, and where is the fiction, come here, enjoy the beauty of the surroundings of the lake and recharge its energy.

How to get to Svetloyar Lake

You can get to Svetloyar Lake by bus from the Kanavinskaya station (Nizhny Novgorod) to the village of Vladimirskoye or by electric train from Nizhny Novgorod to the city of Semenov with a change to a regular bus. By car, you can get along the Kirov highway to the Bokovaya station by driving through Semenov, then on the right follow the signs to the village of Vladimirskoye, and through it to the parking lot. Well, then walk along the birch alley.