Bus schedule old roads - salihorsk. Schedule of trains Salihorsk - old roads Schedule of trains Salihorsk old roads

According to the latest data, the train schedule for the direction Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi as of today consists of 5 trains (diesel engines or suburban trains) that are divided into morning, afternoon and evening routes.

To save time, we offer the fastest train on this route, number 6524. She departs from the Soligorsk railway station at 12 hours 55 minutes. and arrives at 15 hours 4 min. to the terminal station Old Roads. The whole road will take a total of 2 h 9 min.

If there is enough time in the reserve or the duration of the trip is not particularly important - you can choose the train from the Soligorsk-Osipovichi-1 message, under number 6526/6540. In this particular case, the travel time is 2 hours and 30 minutes, since the scheduled train leaves at 16 hours 17 minutes. and arrives at the terminal station Old Roads at 18 hours 47 min. .

All trains on the route Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi make stops, where you can get out and change if necessary to a local train that goes in a different direction.

The timetable presented on this page corresponds to the online scoreboard of the railway stations along the route Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi. Due to the constant updating of information, this schedule is relevant, but since small operational changes are possible, you can check all the details with the dispatcher at the nearest station, where you can also purchase tickets for a local train by following Soligorsk - Starye Dorogi.

Administration: Belarusian Chygunka (CU)
Country: Belarus
Belarusian railway, Mogilev branch
Line Osipovichi I - Baranavichy-Polesie (42.778 km)

Current local time at Stari Dorogi station: 20:09:16   (GMT + 3)

National Name: Old Darogі  (Belarusian language)

Train timetable for the station Starye Dorogi

Schedule of trains of regional economy-class lines and city lines at Stariye Dorogi station
(Schedule of former commuter trains at Stariye Dorogi station)

Train numberRouteArrivalDepartureCruising Days
6520 Salihorsk - Osipovichi-1 05:55 05:56 mon, Sat, Sun
6520 Old Roads - Osipovichi-1 05:56 tue, wed, thu, fri
6522 Salihorsk - Osipovichi-1 09:39 09:41 daily
6523 Osipovichi-1 - Salihorsk 09:38 09:42 daily
6525 Osipovichi-1 - Salihorsk 13:05 13:06 fri, Sat, Sun
6524 Salihorsk - Osipovichi-1 15:04 15:06 daily
6527 Osipovichi-1 - Salihorsk 15:37 15:39 daily
6526/6540 Salihorsk - Osipovichi-1 18:47 18:48 fri, Sat, Sun
6529 Osipovichi-1 - Salihorsk 19:20 19:21 daily
6528 Salihorsk - Osipovichi-1 21:16 21:21 daily
6531 Osipovichi-1 - Salihorsk 22:24 22:25 fri, Sat, Sun

Schedule of passenger trains at the station Old Roads

Links to materials about the station Old Roads

Commercial Operations at Stari Dorogi Station

1   Acceptance and issuance of wagon consignments permitted for storage at open stations.
3   Reception and delivery of goods by wagon and small shipments, loaded with whole wagons, only on access roads and public places.
4   Receiving and issuing carload shipments requiring storage in covered warehouses of stations.
B  Sale of tickets for all passenger trains. Reception and baggage claim are not made.
  Data source:

The train and train schedule Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi currently includes long-distance trains - 3, trains (commuter trains, diesels) - 5. The first train leaves from Salihorsk station at 03 h 37 m at night and arrives at the terminal station at 05 h 55 m The last train leaves from Salihorsk station at 19 h 01 m and arrives at the destination in the evening. According to the schedule, the average travel time from the departure point Salihorsk to the arrival point Starye Dorogi is 2 h 10 m: the fastest train travels 1 h 56 m, the slowest - travels 2 h 30 m.
Some trains from Soligorsk station to Starye Dorogi station run on separate days (have a special schedule).
Trains following the route Salihorsk - Starye Roads pass through such stations and settlements as: Stroitel, Glyadka, Kozlovichi, Urechye.
Schedule of trains and trains on the route Salihorsk - Old Roadsshown here is regularly updated and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

This train schedule for the route Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi is informative and does not contain any operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Salihorsk - Starye Dorogi

Currently, the Soligorsk Stary Dorogi train schedule consists of 3 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 3. These are 614B flights - the fastest of them is 614B Salihorsk Moscow-Belorusskaya, which travels along the route Salihorsk Stary Dorogi in 0 d 1 h 56 min, the slowest train is 614Б Salihorsk Mogilev-1, departure at 14:24. The number of stops along the route Salihorsk Starye Dorogi ranges from 5 to 5, depending on the train schedule and averages 5. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 23 minutes. Trains depart from Soligorsk station in the afternoon - 14:24, 14:24, 14:24. All trains leave from Soligorsk stations, and arrive at Starye Dorogi stations.