Train schedule green dol lazarevskaya. Buy train tickets Lazarevskaya - Zeleny Dol. Availability and prices for train tickets Lazarevskaya - Zeleny Dol

This train schedule for the Zeleny Dol - Lazarevskaya route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Zeleny Dol - Lazarevskaya

At the moment, the Zeleny Dol Lazarevskaya train schedule consists of 3 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 3. These are flights 140N, 491E, 023G - the fastest of them is 491E Kazan-Pass. Adler, which overcomes the distance along the Zeleny Dol Lazarevskaya route in 1 d 19 h 30 min, travels most slowly on the 023Г Kazan-Pass train. Adler, departure at 18:59. The number of stops on the Zeleny Dol Lazarevskaya route ranges from 27 to 35 depending on the train schedule and averages 31. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 103 minutes. From the Zeleny Dol station, trains leave in the morning - 06:27, 08:07 and in the afternoon - 18:59. All trains leave from Zeleny Dol stations, and arrive at Lazarevskaya stations.

Currently, the train schedule board in the direction of Zelyony Dol - Lazarevskaya consists of 20 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Zeleny Dol, Lazarevskaya), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by rolling stock between these stations is 47 hours 34 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning and night. The first passenger train that leaves at night on the Russian Railways Barnaul-Adler route number 140N runs at 6 hours 27 minutes. from Zeleny Dol station and at 3 hours 21 min. he arrives at the Lazarevskaya station. For example, the morning train number 140N follows from the Zeleny Dol station at 06:27:00 and arrives at the platform at 03:21:00 at the Lazarevskaya station. Evening and last, in turn, the long-distance train goes under number 023Г. Departing from Zeleny Dol at 18 hours 59 min. and accordingly arrives at 5 hours 55 min. to the Lazarevskaya station.

Our site has the correct online timetable for Zeleniy Dol - Lazarevskaya at the moment. Due to possible changes in the schedule of Russian Railways trains along the Zelyony Dol - Lazarevskaya route, we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

The route of train No. 492С chosen by you starts from the Lazarevskaya station and ends with the Zeleny Dol station. Approximate travel time 0. In this railway direction, 3 trains run, including 492С and 594С. According to the schedule for 2019, the Lazarevskaya Zelen Dol train passes through such large cities and stations as:.

According to the train schedule for the Lazarevskaya-Zeleny Dol route, there are 0 stops at the following stations:


Lazarevskaya Departure:

Duration: 0 "\u003e Green Dol

Green Dol Arrival:
  On the way: 0

Train schedule Lazarevskaya Zeleny Dol

To find out if there are trains running on your route, use the Flydex service. On the search form, indicate the city of departure and arrival, as well as the date. In response, you will receive possible trains that pass along your route. The information received will contain the train number, departure and arrival times, availability, ticket price. Thus, certain information will be available to you regarding the timetable of trains Lazarevskaya - Zeleny Dol. You can also find out all the stations and the duration of stops throughout the route.

Availability and prices for train tickets Lazarevskaya - Zeleny Dol

From the informational issuance of trains on the date you specify, you will find out the availability and cost of train tickets Lazarevskaya Zeleny Dol for each type of car. The system will display you the price of train tickets depending on the class of car: reserved seat, coupe or seated. Interactive wagon schemes will help you choose the best place.

How to buy train tickets Lazarevskaya - Zeleny Dol

Flydex service offers a convenient way to buy train tickets for the Lazarevskaya Zeleny Dol train. Choose a suitable train, class (compartment or reserved seat) and seats in the car. Pay for a train ticket in a way convenient for you. After payment, the ticket is delivered to the customer’s email electronically.

  1. Set the date of departure.
  2. According to your requirements, choose the best train to Zeleny Dol from the schedule.
  3. Knowing the full cost of the ticket, select the lower or upper shelf of a male, female or mixed compartment and reserve a place in a common, reserved seat, compartment or CB carriage.
  4. Fill in the passenger details and pay for the selected seats using a credit card.
  5. If you want to buy round-trip tickets, create two search queries and place an order first in one direction and then in the other.
  6. Use the "pass electronic registration" function. Print the form with a barcode or save it on your mobile device.

When boarding, show the conductor a barcode of your boarding pass on paper or on your smartphone.

Using the additional services upon purchase, you can take out life insurance or passenger luggage.

Dynamic ticket pricing. What determines the fare Lazarevskaya Zeleny Dol

To buy train tickets to Zeleniy Dol as profitable as possible, take care of buying as early as possible - this is the main principle of the dynamic pricing of Russian Railways. In 2019, sales for almost all trains open in 90 days, and the earlier you buy a ticket by the start of sales, the cheaper it will cost you. Yes, and another cumulative factor affecting the price is the number of seats left on sale on your train. That is, the less available seats, the higher the demand for this train and the higher the ticket price will be.

Thus, the price can change not only per day, but even per hour. Russian Railways applies a different pricing policy for each direction, section of the route (zone) and even a specific train number. Additionally, on our website, along with the purchase of a ticket, you can take out accident insurance. Such insurance will help to additionally insure the health of passengers or luggage carried with you. The cost of the insurance policy relative to the price of the ticket (and especially your health) is not high - only 200 rubles.

Also, downloading and installing our mobile application, you will receive an additional 150 rubles discount on each new order if you enter a special promo code. The list of valid promo codes and promotions is published on our pages on social networks VKontakte and Facebook.

You can pay for a train ticket purchased online using a bank card or electronic wallets such as Sberbank Online, Yandex Money, Qiwi and Webmoney. Now that you have familiarized yourself with the basic principles and rules of the FLYDEX website, buying cheap train tickets will be much easier and faster for you.

Children's train ticket Lazarevskaya Zeleny Dol

To calmly understand the tariffs and rules for transporting children by train, it is especially important when you are going on the road with your family. Today, Russian Railways provides a free ticket for travel on long-distance trains for children under 5 years old.

For children from 5 to 10 years, the ticket price will be with a 50% discount. For children and young people from the age of 10 to 21 years old, some routes have a special Junior tariff with a 30% discount. Also, students of schools during the training period (except for summer holidays) can issue a ticket at the "School" fare with a 50% benefit, provided that the conductor is presented with a certificate from the educational institution. All these discounts for children can be issued when shopping online.

Cards of Russian Railways Bonus. Benefits and discounts of Russian Railways on travel.

If you are an owner of the RZD Bonus bonus card, then when booking you can accumulate points or spend part of the ticket price reduction in Zeleny Dol. For those who download our mobile application and install Android or iOS on their smartphone, we give an additional discount on the purchase of a train ticket to Zeleny Dol. The mobile application is convenient in that useful information about the schedule and the ability to quickly purchase a train ticket will always be in your pocket.

As at any railway ticket office, when issuing a railway ticket for FLYDEX, you will receive the same discounts and benefits at the Junior, Senior and School rates. And those passengers who subscribed to our email newsletter or page on social networks will be the first to know about special promotions and seasonal sales.

On the trip, everything was fine, except for the custom menu. The breakfast menu (cereals, casseroles, etc.) is simply not provided. Poorly.

It was dirty paper napkins trash hair nasty

The car itself is very dirty and dusty. The walls in the compartment also need to be washed. Despite the fact that the conductor cleaned the toilets, their general appearance is terrible - dirty and old. There is air conditioning in the car, which is very good, but it is very cold, that half the drive reached the place with a runny nose and a sore throat. Throughout the road, the train rode and twitched, which created discomfort. As a result, pouring hot water, one of the passengers burned himself. For that kind of money it’s better to fly on an airplane.

I drove from Novosibirsk to Kanash. Wagon 9. There are many sockets in the compartment and next to the lower shelf and the upper one, but they do not work). Charge your gadgets in the hallway. The staff is polite. The head of the train constantly checks that the air conditioning is working, but there are always those who are dissatisfied with it, which is cold and therefore the air conditioning is often turned off. The toilet has toilet paper, disposable toilet seats, liquid soap. There is a restaurant car, a shower on the train. The shower is in the second car, its cost is 150 rubles. In general, everything is not bad, the sockets would be plugged in for complete happiness.

The train schedule Zeleniy Dol Lazarevskaya currently contains 3 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 49 h 6 m, and the number of stops on this route is 34. Trains running on the Zeleny Dol Lazarevskaya route most often stop at Khadyzhenskaya, Kurgan, Kanash, Belorechenskaya, Liski, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave for example at 06.27, 08.07, 18.59 from the Zeleny Dol station, while they arrive at the final point Lazarevskaya at 03.21, 03.37, 05.55 local time, respectively. The small number of scheduled trains in the Zeleny Dol Lazarevskaya schedule is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. The schedule of trains Zeleny Dol - Lazarevskaya is compiled so that you can leave in this direction in the morning, afternoon.
You can buy tickets for the Zeleny Dol - Lazarevskaya train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.