Distance from Balezino to Yurga

Currently, the train schedule board for the direction Balezino - Yurga-1 consists of 163 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Balezino, Yurga-1), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by rolling stock between these stations is 34 hours 12 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning, afternoon and night. The first passenger train that leaves at night on the route Russian Railways Moscow - Vladivostok at number 100Sh goes at 0 hours 1 min. from Balezino station and at 15 hours 11 min. he arrives at the station Yurga-1. For example, the night train number 100E follows from Balezino station at 00:01:00 and arrives at the platform at 15:11:00 at Yurga-1 station. The evening and last, in turn, long-distance train goes under number 068Ы. Departing from Balezino at 19 hours 47 minutes. and accordingly arrives at 9 hours and 15 minutes. to the station Yurga-1.

Our site has the correct online timetable for Balezino - Yurga-1 at the moment. Due to possible changes in the train schedule for Russian Railways on the route Balezino - Yurga-1, we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

Trukhina Lyudmila (): By train "Tomich" (038Н) we made a trip from Moscow to Novosibirsk. Poisoned from the capital on September 19. Wagon SV. We enjoyed the trip a lot. The last time I made such trips in Soviet times. And now - it’s like in another dimension. Clean, comfortable, high level service. We immediately got sets with slippers, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, even a sponge for shoes. On the table is a set with chocolate and water. tea bags press. The bedding is super, the blankets and pillows are the softest. Air conditioning worked, though it was a bit chilly. Free lunch on the second day. The conductor is very attentive. Toilets are always clean, toilet paper, paper towels, and disposable toilet lining are available. The compartment was cleaned 2 times a day. Everything's OK. We went back on September 26 on the same train (037Н). Everything was wonderful. The head of the train passed more than once on the carriage and was interested in problems. Very nice to travel on this train!

Kirill (): Goats such as Paul, bugs and carry out of their dwelling bomber! Great train and great service! Thanks for the trip!

Passenger (): While following my wife became ill. Many thanks to all the staff of the train, and especially the staff of car no. 3 for their sensitive, purely human attitude and care. GOD give you health !!!

This train schedule for the Balezino - Yurga route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Balezino - Yurga

Currently, the train schedule for Balezino Yurga consists of 13 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 13. These are 100SCHE, 100SCH, 100E, 056Y, 002SCH flights - the fastest of them is 002SC Moscow-Yaroslavskaya Vladivostok, which overcomes the distance along the route Balezino Yurga in 1 d 10 h 51 min, the slowest train is the 100Shche Moscow-Yaroslavskaya Vladivostok train, departure at 00:01. The number of stops on the Balezino Yurga route ranges from 8 to 26, depending on the train schedule and averages 17. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 172 minutes. Trains depart from Balezino station in the morning - 00:01, 00:05, 00:34 and in the afternoon - 16:35, 16:35, 17:01. All trains leave from Balezino stations, and arrive at stations Yurga 1, Yurga 2.

The train schedule Balezino Yurga currently contains 10 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 36 hours 56 m, and the number of stops on this route is 19. Trains running on the Balezino Yurga most often stop at the stations Omsk, Novosibirsk-Glavny, Ob, Vereshchagino, Kargat, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave, for example, at 00.01, 00.34, 10.08 from Balezino station, but they arrive at the final point of Yurga 1 at 15.00, 23.11 local time, respectively. A large number of shuttle trains in the schedule of Balezino Yurga indicates that this direction is in demand among passengers. The train schedule Balezino - Yurga is designed so that you can leave in this direction at night, morning, afternoon, evening.
You can buy tickets for the Balezino - Yurga train at the ticket office of the nearest train station, or online.

Distance Balezino - Yurga on the highway is 2398 km, in a straight line - 1934 km. In countries with an English system of measures, the length of this route is 1,490 miles on the road and 1,203 miles in a straight line. The Balezino-Yurga trip by car will last approximately 1 day 10 hours 15 minutes.

The Balezino - Yurga route runs along the following routes:

The time difference between Balezin and Yurga is 4:00 h. Consider the local time in Yurga when planning your route.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs alongside 38 settlements. To plot the Balezino - Yurga route for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations on the highway are displayed on the map. The total number of gas stations is 116, including:

    Lukoil: 25

    Rosneft: 34

    Gazprom Neft: 55

    Bashneft: 1

    Tatneft: 1

To find out what traffic jams are on the Balezino-Yurga road now, check the "Traffic jams" box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Balezin to Yurga by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a roadmap in a convenient format, click.

Exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used to build the route and calculate the distance. We do not guarantee absolute accuracy and are not responsible for the route built.