The distance of Rostov-on-Don is Lazarevskoye. Included in the price

The train schedule Rostov-Glavny Lazarevskaya currently contains 43 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 10 hours 46 m, and the number of stops on this route is 8. Trains running along the Rostov-Glavny Lazarevskaya route most often stop at Tikhoretskaya, Caucasian, Kurgan, Kushchevka, Armavir Tuapse, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave for example at 00.20 from the Rostov-Glavny station, but they arrive at the final point Lazarevskaya at 11.50 local time, respectively. A large number of shuttle trains in the schedule of Rostov-Glavny Lazarevskaya indicates that this direction is in demand among passengers. The train schedule Rostov-Glavny - Lazarevskaya is designed so that you can leave in this direction at night, morning, afternoon, evening.
You can buy tickets for the Rostov-Glavny - Lazarevskaya train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.

Distance Rostov-on-Don - Lazarevskoye on the highway is 480 km, in a straight line - 370 km. In countries with an English system of measures, the length of this route is 299 miles on the road and 230 miles on a straight line. The trip Rostov-on-Don - Lazarevskoye by car will last about 6 hours 52 minutes.

The route Rostov-on-Don - Lazarevskoye runs along the following routes:

Paid sections along the road Rostov-on-Don - Lazarevskoye:

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs next to 15 settlements. To plot the route Rostov-on-Don - Lazarevskoye for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations on the highway are displayed on the map. The total number of gas stations is 41, including:

    Rosneft: 7

    Gazprom: 12

    Bashneft: 3

    Lukoil: 14

    Gazprom Neft: 3

    Tatneft: 2

To find out what traffic jams are currently on the Rostov-on-Don – Lazarevskoye road, check the “Traffic jams” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Rostov-on-Don to Lazarevsky by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a roadmap in a convenient format, click.

Exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used to build the route and calculate the distance. We do not guarantee absolute accuracy and are not responsible for the route built.

Holiday Village "Rosto"

Location:   in the central part of Lazarevskoye at a distance of 750 m from the sea. Near the base: the central market (about 500 m), a concert hall, a youth room with color music and a “foamy” disco for a fee, a large park with attractions for adults and children, Dolphinarium (+ Dolphin Therapy), Oceanarium, Aquarium (4 stops), 2 large water park- (the first three stops from the base, the second four), excursions: Ashe Valley, 33 waterfalls, Mamedovo Gorge, Crab Gorge, rafting on the Mzymta River, trout farming, Ostrich Farm, Boxwood-Volkonsky Gorge, Tiger Cave, Krasnaya Polyana, panoramic Sochi, Evening Sochi, Abkhazia (New A background, Lake Ritsa), sea fishing, etc.

On the territory of the base at your service: a dining room - 50 meters, a cafe - bar, a sports hall - 354 square meters. m - a volleyball, basketball and mini-football ground (cover- wooden floor), a hall with table tennis (4 tables), a wrestling hall, an assembly hall (170 places), a guarded paid parking lot.


Capital 5th floor. case: 2-3-bed rooms with private facilities (TV, fridge, washing., shower, bathroom);

Two-room blocks with beats. 2x + 3-bed rooms (TV in each room, refrigerator, washing., Shower, bathroom with two rooms).

Beach:   750 meters.

Checkout time:   8.00 (check-out until 8:00, check-in from 8:00 to 9:30, depending on the availability of rooms).

The price is indicated per person for arrival, including travel by bus:

Arrivals Rooms with conveniences per unit (2 + 3) Rooms with conveniences (2kh-3kh local)

adult seat

Add. adult seat Add. a place

reb. up to 10 years

DOS adult seat DOS place reb. from 6 to 10 years Add. adult seat Add. a place

reb. from 6 to 10 years

09.06 – 19.06 14460 13270 11100 9800 15420 13340 11100 9800
16.06 – 28.06 14460 13270 11550 10150 15420 13340 11550 10150
25.06 – 07.07 15805 13640 11550 10150 16860 14490 11550 10150
04.07 – 16.07 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
13.07 – 25.07 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
22.07 – 03.08 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
31.07 – 12.08 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
09.08 – 21.08 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
18.08 – 30.08 16185 13950 11550 10150 17220 14780 11550 10150
27.08 – 0 9 .09 16485 15270 12000 10500 17670 15130 12000 10500

Included in the price:

  • residence
  • 3 meals a day in the dining room
  • use of the city equipped beach (sunbeds and umbrellas for an extra charge)
  • travel by comfortable bus Vologda - Lazarevskoye - Vologda
  • tour guide


  • children under 5 years old without a seat and without food (must be booked) - specify the price
  • children up to 5 years old with and without a seat (must be booked subject to availability) - specify the price
  • when booking 2 children under 5 or under 10 years old, the discount is given to only one child!