The shortest river in the world - search on the map. One day in Abkhazia. The shortest river in the world What is the name of the shortest river in the world

Reply from N[guru]
Reprua is a river in the Gagra region of Abkhazia, which has the best reason to claim the title of the shortest river in the world. its length is only 18 meters. It is a powerful outlet of an underground karst river, which is fed by water accumulating in deep caves, including the deepest cave in the world, Krubera-Voronya.
As the ancient Abkhaz legend says, Reprua are the tears of the daughters of the underground spirit. The spirit had three daughters and one son, the spirit forged armor and weapons that made the Abkhaz warriors invincible. After the spirit died, there was no one to make weapons and the son, along with other warriors, died in battle with the enemies. Enemy warriors blocked the passage from the three caves in which the sisters lived. Realizing that their brother was dead, the sisters began to cry and the river Reprua and others began to flow from the entrances.

Answer from Serwak Smile[guru]
Google closed down right?

Answer from Masha 1[expert]

Answer from Maxim Shinkarenko[newbie]
Reprua, a river whose length is only 18 meters

Answer from Master of Answers[guru]

Answer from Adelina Gromova[active]
In ancient times, there lived in the Caucasus an underground spirit who forged magic swords that brought good luck in battle. Many times warriors saved Abkhazia with their swords. But the hour of death of the spirit came, and there was no one left to forge swords... the enemies came, they killed the only son of the spirit, and walled up the three daughters alive in the deepest cave... the girls cried so bitterly and for a long time that their tears became streams and washed the exit from the cave with three streams : this is how the rivers Reprua, Anykhamtsa and Bagerepsta appeared.
The smallest river
Bagerepsta and Anyyhamtsa are the two coldest rivers on the entire Caucasian coast. And Reprua is the shortest, smallest river in the world.
Reprua is a cold river, it originates in deep mountain caves, and the river’s waters are formed from melting snow. The length of the river is only 18 meters, the water in it is so clean that you won’t find anything like it in any spring...
The smallest river
Actually, the word “reprua” translated from the Abkhaz language means “jumping”. The word reprua also refers to the appearance of fresh water on the surface of the sea (submarine waters).
Facts: Two very short, small rivers flow in the United States. They are called Dee River and Row River. Their length is 37 and 61 m. Both of these rivers are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Answer from Niemand[guru]
The Kurkiyoki River in Northern Ladoga region is also one of the shortest: its length is 300 meters

Answer from Aibolit[guru]
Please note, dear users: apparently, the user Niemand is an anxious latent or simply a notorious homosexual. He cannot establish ordinary homosexual relationships due to his complexes, and therefore pesters men on the Internet, fantasizes about same-sex relationships, and tries to engage in psychological sadism (see link, link - 18+). This user has been stalking me for a long time, and when I write about this, he complains to the moderators - as if it’s the other way around, I’m annoying him.
Please be careful when communicating with inadequate maniacs.

Answer from Mikhail Abramov[newbie]

An interesting geographical fact exists in the area of ​​the resort town of Gagra, which is located in the Republic of Abkhazia. The curious thing here is that two opposites meet here. Namely, the city of Gagra is the longest city in Abkhazia, and it flows very close the shortest river in the world, which is called Reprua. This river flows into the Black Sea.

The length of this miniature river Reprua is eighteen meters, but from time to time it floods, and when it floods, the width of the river can reach ten meters. It is also interesting that such a small river supplies such a large city as Gagra with fresh water. The Reprua River is filled with waters coming out of the cave of the karst plateau, by the way, from deepest cave on earth, which is called Krubera-Voronya. Then it flows into the waters of the Black Sea.

Considering the fact that the water comes out from a very great depth, it is so cold that it has the right to be called the coldest water on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. And here’s the thing: with all large historical or geographical objects, people, as a rule, associate many legends, passing them on from mouth to mouth. And about the origin Reprua River, says only one legend, although it is worth ten.

It says legend that once many centuries ago, an underground spirit settled on the shores of the Black Sea along with his children, and he had four of them - a son and three twin daughters. The spirit was busy making swords, which it endowed with powerful power. His son, along with other warriors, took these swords and went to defend Gagra passage, along which the enemy could get into Rich Caucasian region– Abkhazia. And since the swords forged by the underground Spirit had magical powers, the defenders were practically invulnerable and invincible.

However, it so happened that the Spirit died, and there was no one to forge swords. At that moment, the enemy attacked Abkhazia, and without magic swords the defenders could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy. In this battle, the son of the spirit was killed. The daughters were captured. The enemies decided to get rid of the three twin sisters, and imprisoned them in a cave, and blocked the entrance with huge boulders. The sisters had no choice but to cry and grieve. Moreover, there were a lot of tears, so many that they accumulated in streams and made their way through the gates. This is how the three rivers Anykhamtsa, Bagerepsta and Reprua.

Many people know that the longest river is the Amazon. But who knows which is the shortest? Or at least where it is. Here we will answer these questions. So, get ready, the shortest river in the world is Reprua and it flows in Abkhazia. The length of the river is 18 meters with a width of 10 meters (imagine, smaller than a regular swimming pool).

Reprua River in Abkhazia

The name of the river translates as “submarine water” or “a manifestation of fresh water on the sea surface.”

The Arabica Plateau itself is approximately 12 kilometers away from the coast and is interesting because the deepest caves in the world are located here.
However, the record of the Abkhazian river is not included in the Guinness Book and therefore the official record is considered to be the Dee River in the USA near the city of Lincoln. Its length is 37 meters.

Reprua River: a legend

According to Abkhazian legend, the river was formed from the tears of three twin sisters who lived in caves near the seashore. The enemies overpowered the local residents, among whom was his brother, and blocked the entrance. The sisters realized that their brother had died, and from their tears not only Reprua, but also the rivers Bagerepsta and Anyakhamtsa.

The longest city in Abkhazia is the resort town of Gagra. A shortest river in the world flows near this city, just two kilometers from its border. This is the Reprua River, which flows into the Black Sea.

The exact length of this river is not determined. For example, in the book “The Abkhazian Peacemaker” it is indicated that the length of the Reprua River is 18 meters. But other data can be found. The length of the river is 40 meters, writes one Abkhaz journalist in her article.

Even 40 meters is very little for a river. You can compare it with other objects to get an idea of ​​how much it is. For example, a swimming pool is 50 meters long. If we assume that the length of the river is 18 meters, then it turns out that shortest river in the world the pool is more than 2 times shorter. 10 meters is the width of the Reprua River.

And the city of Gagra, among other things, is also known for the culinary abilities of its residents. Many people from this town work as chefs at popular restaurants.

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Typically, large geographic features receive increased attention. As a rule, everyone knows what a given object is, when it was discovered and its history. Small objects are another matter. Their story is shrouded in mystery. Little is known about Reprua either. It is unknown when this short river was discovered, but one can easily say what it is like at the moment.

Let's start with the ancient Abkhaz legend.

A long time ago, on the coast of the Black Sea, there lived an underground spirit with his children - a son and three twin daughters. The spirit was busy forging swords that had powerful power. With these swords, his son and other warriors defended the Gagra pass, through which the enemy could attack Abkhazia. Such a sword had magical powers: everyone who picked it up became invincible. After some time the spirit dies. There is no one else to forge swords. And it so happened that Abkhazia was attacked by an enemy without powerful swords, the army failed, and the son of the spirit was killed. The daughters of the spirit were left alone. The conquerors planned to destroy the three sisters and blocked the entrance to the cave with huge stones, from where the girls came out onto the ground. The sisters grieved and cried for a long time. There were so many tears that they collected in streams and made their way through the stones. This is how 3 rivers appeared: Bagerepsta, Anykhamtsa and Reprua.

The first two rivers flow next to Reprua. And by the way, moving away from the legend, these rivers are always mentioned together and this is not by chance. But the fact is that throughout the entire territory of the Caucasian coast, and perhaps throughout the entire Black Sea, these rivers are considered the coldest. And Begerepsta translated means “cold river”. Why throughout the entire Black Sea coast? All sources say that it is on the Caucasian coast, but......

A small part of the water in the Reprua River comes from a canal that flows from the deepest cave in the world - Krubera-Voronya.

That's why it's a legend to be beautiful, but in reality Reprua is nothing more than an outlet of cave waters, and the water in the cave is formed after the snow melts in the mountains. There are many mountains, and even more caves, no one knows exactly how many caves are on the territory of Abkhazia, no one has yet been able to count their number, there is no such “dense” accumulation of caves in any country in the world. Of course, if we take France, for example, there are many caves of different sizes throughout the country, but it is the largest country in Europe in terms of territory, and Abkhazia is several times smaller. The mountain rivers of Abkhazia can compete for the title of “The Coldest Waters in the World”; the temperature on the surface and in the cave is not much different, but the water temperature fluctuates greatly.

The cold water of Reprua, in its purity and temperature, is compared with spring water (despite the fact that the stones with which the entire river delta is littered are overgrown with mosses), enters the Gagra water supply system. In the United Arab Emirates, water taken from these rivers was given the highest degree of purity.

What is Reprua?

The translation of the word “reprua” from Abkhazian is “jumping”. However, it is known that this name is not borne by one river, but by an entire natural complex, and the name does not carry any meaning.

The name is “a manifestation of fresh water on the sea surface” or “submarine waters”, which is why the Abkhazians call it “reprua”. The exits of some karst caves (caves with many water passages) are located in the sea, approximately at a depth of 5-10 meters, so fresh water reaches the surface (fresh water is easier than sea (salt) water). The reprua process can be seen in a simple example: we fill the bathtub with water, turn on the “rain” in the shower and lower it under the water, directing the stream upward.

Excerpt from the Guinness Book of Records

The USA is home to the 2 shortest rivers in the world: Row River And Dee River. The Roe River is 61 meters long and flows into the Missouri. The Dee River is 37 meters long and connects the Pacific Ocean and Devils Lake.

One day, while vacationing in Abkhazia, we came to a small stream. Thinking it was a mountain spring, I tried to drink some water from it. However, the guide hastily stopped me and called me over. That's how I found out that I was near the smallest river in the world, and drinking from it would be a stupid mistake.

Reprua - this is the name of this river, located near the most famous resort of Abkhazia, the city of Gagra. Its length is only eighteen meters. That is, you can go around the entire river in twenty to thirty seconds.

The width of this river does not exceed ten meters, and its depth is about thirty centimeters at its deepest point. It’s clear that we didn’t swim in it - it’s impossible on the one hand, and on the other hand, the water in this river is unusually cold.

Naturally, I asked myself: why does this stream-like stream of water have the status of a river? And I found out that this geographical object really has all the necessary characteristics:

  • It has a mouth, because through its eighteen meters it flows into the Black Sea.
  • It has a source - Reprua originates in one of the karst caves.
  • Functions of the river. In fact, it is the source of water in Gagra and nearby cities.

So, you can talk as much as you like about the advisability of calling Reprua a river, but the fact remains that at the moment it is the smallest such object in the world.

But I added to my list of visits, and was pleased: I splashed in the cold water and took a photo near the cave.