The safest countries in the world. The safest countries in the world The safest country in Europe

This rating reflects the crime level in countries around the world for the first half of 2016. For reference, the table shows the safety rating in countries. Who calculated this rating and how?
This crime ranking in countries around the world is calculated according to data from In the regions of the country, surveys of residents are conducted; the survey includes a number of questions for which it is proposed to give a rating from -2 to +2. Then, according to the algorithm, the general questionnaire receives a certain coefficient, which is expressed in a 100-point system.

An assessment of the crime rate, in general, can be characterized as follows:

  1. less than 20 points - very low crime rate
  2. from 20 to 40 points - low crime rate
  3. from 40 to 60 points - moderate level of crime
  4. from 60 to 80 points - high crime rate
  5. over 80 points - very high crime rate

The safety index reflects the safety of living in a country - the higher the index, the safer the country is to live in.

Table with crime rates in countries around the world for the first half of 2016:

Place in the ranking Country name Crime rate Safety factor
1 Venezuela 84,92 15,08
2 Papua New Guinea 81,93 18,07
3 Honduras 79,45 20,55
4 South Sudan 78,18 21,82
5 South Africa 77,49 22,51
6 Nigeria 72,97 27,03
7 Salvador 71,5 28,5
8 Trinidad and Tobago 70,9 29,1
9 Brazil 70,64 29,36
10 Bangladesh 67,43 32,57
11 Syria 67,15 32,85
12 Dominican Republic 66,03 33,97
13 Kenya 65,96 34,04
14 Jamaica 65,73 34,27
15 Malaysia 65,56 34,44
16 Puerto Rico 65,47 34,53
17 Angola 64,64 35,36
18 Peru 63,8 36,2
19 Argentina 63,1 36,9
20 Namibia 62,16 37,84
21 Tanzania 62,12 37,88
22 Somalia 61,7 38,3
23 Guatemala 59,97 40,03
24 Bolivia 59,58 40,42
25 Mongolia 58,24 41,76
26 Costa Rica 56,76 43,24
27 Libya 56,47 43,53
28 Egypt 56,46 43,54
29 Pakistan 56,39 43,61
30 Iraq 55,76 44,24
31 Zimbabwe 55,41 44,59
32 Mauritius 55,06 44,94
33 Vietnam 53,45 46,55
34 Uruguay 53,13 46,87
35 Cambodia 52,72 47,28
36 Panama 52,22 47,78
37 Thailand 52,16 47,84
38 Iran 51,88 48,12
39 Ecuador 51,17 48,83
40 Colombia 50,7 49,3
41 Mexico 50,37 49,63
42 Indonesia 49,51 50,49
43 Ukraine 49,43 50,57
44 Algeria 49,24 50,76
45 Lebanon 49,18 50,82
46 United States 48,68 51,32
47 Montenegro 48,64 51,36
48 Ethiopia 48,35 51,65
49 Chile 47,99 52,01
50 Russia 47,36 52,64
51 Moldova 47,33 52,67
52 Ghana 47,24 52,76
53 Kazakhstan 47,23 52,77
54 Morocco 46,92 53,08
55 Ireland 46,38 53,62
56 Maldives 46,36 53,64
57 Albania 45,97 54,03
58 Sri Lanka 45,79 54,21
59 Sweden 45,14 54,86
60 Italy 44,97 55,03
61 Belgium 44,87 55,13
62 India 44,81 55,19
63 Jordan 44,04 55,96
64 France 43,39 56,61
65 United Kingdom 42,37 57,63
66 Australia 42 58
67 Bulgaria 41,95 58,05
68 Lithuania 41,58 58,42
69 Bosnia and Herzegovina 41,43 58,57
70 Nepal 40,89 59,11
71 Hungary 40,76 59,24
72 Serbia 39,95 60,05
73 Tunisia 39,8 60,2
74 Canada 39,53 60,47
75 Türkiye 39,46 60,54
76 Greece 39,4 60,6
77 Norway 39,37 60,63
78 Philippines 38,99 61,01
79 Macedonia 38,5 61,5
80 New Zealand 37,79 62,21
81 Latvia 36,66 63,34
82 Bahrain 35,3 64,7
83 Luxembourg 35,06 64,94
84 Brunei 34,7 65,3
85 Portugal 34,55 65,45
86 Kuwait 34,27 65,73
87 Germany 32,7 67,3
88 Poland 32,62 67,38
89 Spain 32,12 67,88
90 China 31,51 68,49
91 Israel 31,35 68,65
92 Czech Republic 31,33 68,67
93 Slovakia 31,23 68,77
94 Netherlands 30,9 69,1
95 Azerbaijan 30,79 69,21
96 Romania 30,53 69,47
97 Iceland 30,47 69,53
98 Cyprus 30,14 69,86
99 Armenia 29,02 70,98
100 Croatia 28,72 71,28
101 Belarus 27,25 72,75
102 Finland 26,5 73,5
103 Malta 26,31 73,69
104 Estonia 25,93 74,07
105 Oman 25,85 74,15
106 Saudi Arabia 25,52 74,48
107 Slovenia 24,83 75,17
108 Switzerland 24,4 75,6
109 Denmark 23,54 76,46
110 United Arab Emirates 22,19 77,81
111 Austria 21,67 78,33
112 Qatar 20,41 79,59
113 Hong Kong 20,31 79,69
114 Japan 19,98 80,02
115 Taiwan 19,52 80,48
116 Georgia 19,26 80,74
117 Singapore 16,49 83,51
118 South Korea 14,99 85,01

Wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, terror on the streets of North America. Riots, violence, rising prices, murders...
Sometimes it seems like the planet is going crazy. Faced with all this chaos, many of us want nothing more than to run and hide somewhere where we can be safe. But where can you escape from this horror called the modern world?

Every year, the Legatum Institute releases its Global Prosperity Index. Among other indicators such as GDP and level of democracy, they rate every country on Earth on how safe they are.

The liberal bastion in Northern Europe, Sweden, is one of the safest countries on the planet. In 2015, there were only 90 murders here in a population of about 10 million.

To be fair, crimes do sometimes occur in Sweden. Pickpocketing is common during tourist months. Rape cases are also being filed. Since 2005, Sweden's rape law has become the most feminist in the world.

This small European country of beer and sausages was once home to one of the world's greatest empires. The Habsburgs ruled huge chunks of Europe in Germany, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Bosnia. Although the dynasty collapsed after World War I, their imperial capital of Vienna is still one of the greatest cities in the world. With a population just 1 million fewer than Sweden, Austria has about 40 murders a year.

The first thing you will notice about Switzerland is that the country is absolutely awash with weapons. The Swiss love guns, just like the Texans. The country has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world. But what we do know so far is that shootout crimes are incredibly rare in Switzerland. In 2014, Switzerland, with a population of 8 million, had only 41 murders.

Germany is the most populous country in the EU, with almost 15 million more citizens than any of its closest rivals (France and the UK). In addition, more than one million refugees from Syria and other Asian countries have recently arrived in the country. Despite all this, however, crime rates in almost every category have fallen steadily since reunification in the 1990s. 2,100 murders in a population of 80 million is still very good.

Norway's population is surprisingly small, only 5 million people. Do you know how many of those five million modern Vikings were killed in 2015? Twenty one.

Denmark is such a safe country that even residents of Norway probably feel that they can relax there. There are the fewest murders here in Europe. Street crime is almost unheard of. Interestingly, despite all this, Denmark is considered a prime target for al-Qaeda and ISIS. However, there have been no mass casualties of Islamist terror here yet.

In January 2017, a young woman in Reykjavik was tragically kidnapped and murdered as she walked home from a bar. In Iceland this resulted in public mourning. 24-hour prayers and vigils were held by candlelight. Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets in protest. The entire population of the country came together to commemorate this senseless death. By doing so, they showed the world why Iceland remains one of the safest countries. The people there really, truly, deeply care about each other. With a population of just 323,000 people, Iceland is one of the most remote and least populated countries. There are no armed police patrols on the streets here, and people leave their doors unlocked at night - and that's true. If there is more than one murder in a year, then it is a really bad year.

An island nation of 127 million people, Japan is renowned for having an ultra-strict work culture, with even yakuza gangsters refusing to carry guns. The murder rate is the third lowest in the OECD. Japan is a very safe country. 2015 marked the lowest levels for each type of crime since 1945. Tokyo is recognized as the safest city in the world. Osaka is ranked 3rd safest in the world.

Super-rich Luxembourg is one of the small countries in Europe. This state is so small that Holland looks like a giant with it. Violent crime, in fact, does not exist here.

The reasons for all this may be related to the high standard of living and extremely low level of poverty in the country. Luxembourg has the 6th highest GDP per capita, and consistently ranks high in quality of life.

This is the safest country on Earth. Tiny Singapore is home to 5.3 million people crammed into an area almost four times smaller than the state of Rhode Island. With such insane levels of overcrowding, only 16 people were killed here in 2011. In 2015 and 2016, all forms of violent crime and theft reached 20 year lows.

Experts from the World Economic Forum (WEF) have compiled a ranking of the safest countries in the world for tourists. According to news agencies, Finland took first place on the list.

The second position is in the UAE, and Iceland is in third place. The top 10 rankings also included Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland, Rwanda and Qatar.

In turn, Colombia (136), Yemen (135) and El Salvador (134) were recognized as the most unsafe countries in the world.

In total, the list includes 136 countries. When compiling the rating, criteria such as the level of crime, terrorist threat and the presence of armed conflicts were taken into account.

World map of the safest countries in the world

Experts from the medical service company International SOS have compiled an interactive map of the world, which marks the most dangerous and safe countries for travel in 2017.

On the map, which can be found on the company’s website, countries are marked in different colors depending on the degree of risk that awaits the visiting tourist.

The most dangerous are indicated in dark red: Libya, Mali, South Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Central African Republic, Afghanistan and Venezuela.

This also includes some areas of Congo, Somalia and Sudan and others, RIA Novosti reports.

States that are slightly safer for tourists are highlighted in orange. This list includes some states of Mexico, border areas of Colombia and Ecuador, Nigeria, Pakistan, part of India and others.

Experts classified Ukraine, in the east of which there is an ongoing armed conflict, Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Egypt and a number of other countries, as states with a medium level of danger for tourists. These countries are indicated in yellow.

Russia, along with Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan and some other countries, was classified as a country with “rapidly developing variable risks.”

“Green countries”, the level of risks in which were considered insignificant, are the USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Denmark.

The map took into account factors such as terrorism, politically motivated unrest and war, social unrest, crime rates, reliability of transportation infrastructure, the effectiveness of security and emergency response services, and the country's vulnerability to natural disasters.

The safest countries in Europe for tourists from Russia have been named

The safest countries for tourists are Estonia, the Czech Republic and Germany, Izvestia reports.

The insurance company SG SOGAZ conducted a study, according to which Estonia turned out to be the safest for Russian tourists. This is where Russian tourists are least likely to seek medical help.

It is believed that most insurance cases occur in Bulgaria, Thailand and other popular resorts among Russians. However, this is a very rough estimate, since most Russians travel to these countries. And in this case, the principle works - the more people there are, the more unpleasant incidents there are. The SOGAZ company for the first time tried to assess the safety of certain countries based on the frequency of requests for medical insurance policies from those traveling abroad.

In the first half of the year, the insurer recorded 560 cases of claims from tourists due to illnesses, poisonings, injuries and other medical reasons. Policies with worldwide coverage were not taken into account in the calculations. The final list of the study included 25 states, in which a total of 17 thousand policies were sold in the first half of the year.

According to the study, tourists who vacation in the Baltics are least at risk. Estonia became the safest country for Russian tourists. Only 0.5% of tourists (that is, one person out of 200 vacationers) sought medical help in this country. The Czech Republic took second place in the ranking, where the risk barely exceeds 1% (1.13%). An almost similar situation is in Germany, which closes the top 3 safest tourist countries - only 1.22% of tourists seek medical help. And this despite the fact that these states are among the most popular destinations among Russian tourists.

The list of countries with a low risk for Russians also includes Slovakia (1.40%), Portugal (2.05%), Serbia (2.37%), Norway (2.86%), Switzerland (3.15%), Italy (3.32%). Hungary closes the top ten safest countries for Russians in the Old World, where the frequency of calls is 3.49%.

According to Dmitry Yanin, Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, there are four factors that influence the traumatic nature of vacations. Hygiene in the host country (quality of food and water), national cuisine, which may have an unusual taste, hot climate and plenty of sun, as well as alcohol have an influence.

The less sun, the fewer problems. In Asia, food is a risk factor. There are problems with both its quality and the quality of water. In addition, in hot countries there are quite extreme beach activities. In Estonia there is little sun, the cuisine is close to us, such a favorable situation, and most importantly, there is no all-inclusive system with alcohol. If you drink less, you get injured less,” explained Dmitry Yanin.


10th place - Slovenia

Slovenia opens the top ten safest countries in the world. The country has received very high UN security ratings. These estimates took into account the number of internal conflicts, public attitudes towards crime in general, and the number of police and security personnel per capita.


9th place - Japan

Japan is famous for its culture, but few people can imagine that in this country the murder rate is 0.44 per 100,000 people, while in Russia the murder rate is 8.6. In addition, in Japan, thefts and robberies are a very rare occurrence; on the contrary, there is a developed network of lost and found bureaus, where they will also help you find lost things.


8th place - Canada

In this country, the government is much more concerned about current security issues than even the US government. This country received the best scores in terms of arms exports and their availability, and the perception of crime in society.


7th place - Switzerland

Switzerland is a country with many nations, it has 4 official languages. And this country is a good example for other multinational countries, because they have peace and order around them. The murder rate is 2.2 per 100 thousand inhabitants, and the cities of Zurich and Geneva are among the safest cities in the world.


6th place - Czech Republic

The country that became home to the bloody Velvet Revolution is now considered one of the most peaceful in the world. The country ranks sixth thanks to low military spending and low levels of violent crime.


5th place - Portugal

In Portugal you can forget about terrorism and crime for a while (1.2 murders per 100 thousand people per year). She ranks fifth in the ranking.


4th place - New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country with beautiful landscapes of mountains, lakes and sea coasts. Due to isolation from other states, harmony and tranquility reign in the country, even despite the constant influx of tourists. The murder rate in the country is about 1.8 per 100,000 people and this is the only negative indicator; nothing else threatens the lives of citizens.


3rd place - Austria

Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. The capital of Austria, Vienna ranks sixth in terms of safety out of 215 cities. The murder rate is one per 100,000 people. Tourists can feel safe in both small towns and rural areas, including in nature.


2nd place - Denmark

Denmark regularly ranks at the top of the list of the happiest countries in the world, and now experts have rated it as the second safest. Last year, this country did not stain itself with anything other than a conflict with Canada over an uninhabited island.


1st place - Iceland

She has held this position for the sixth year. This Scandinavian nation scored low in homicides, crime rates and terrorist incidents. In addition, the country's island position gives it a bonus in terms of conflicts with neighbors. No neighbors - no conflicts.

This page presents the most peaceful and calm countries for 2018. Previously, it was decided not to create a new page each time, but just change this one. I have already published ratings of countries around the world for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, followed by the long-awaited rating of the next year, 2018.

Or the most peaceful countries are ranked from first to last and criminal, respectively. The ranking was taken from the Vision of Humanity website, which is compiled by humanity from all over the world. In parentheses, each country indicates how many steps it has risen or fallen since the previous year. The safest countries are the countries of Scandinavia and Europe, however, as always :) This year, many countries have soared sharply, some up and some down. The African Gambia was especially surprised: it rose by as much as 34 steps, as well as the African Togo: it fell by 36 steps. But Russia is still close to 10th place in terms of the most criminal countries, and has not distinguished itself much since last year. However, over the past 25 years it has always been like this... And Ukraine remains inferior to Russia, from the moment Poroshenko came to power. I wonder what it will look like in the future? Wait and see.

Rating of countries of the world 2018

1. Iceland (0)
2. New Zealand (0)
3. Austria (+1)
4. Portugal (-1)
5. Denmark (0)
6. Canada (+2)
7. Czech Republic (-1)
8. Singapore (+13)
9. Japan (+2)
10. Ireland (0)
11. Slovenia (-4)
12. Switzerland (-3)
13. Austria (-1)
14. Sweden (+4)
15. Finland (+2)
16. Norway (-2)
17. Germany (-1)
18. Hungary (-3)
19. Butane (-6)
20. Mauritius (+2)
21. Belgium (-2)
22. Slovakia (+4)
23. Netherlands (Holland) (-3)
24. Romania (+1)
25. Malaysia (+4)
26. Bulgaria (+2)
27. Croatia (+4)
28. Chile (-4)
29. Botswana (-2)
30. Spain (-7)
31. Latvia (+1)
32. Poland (+1)
33. Estonia (+3)
34. Taiwan (+6)
35. Sierra Leone (+4)
36. Lithuania (+1)
37. Uruguay (-2)
38. Italy (0)
39. Madagascar (+5)
40. Costa Rica (-6)
41. Ghana (+2)
42. Kuwait (+16)
43. Namibia (+7)
44. Malawi (+4)
45. United Arab Emirates (+20)
46. ​​Laos (-1)
47. Mongolia (-1)
48. Zambia (-6)
49. Korea (South Korea) (-2)
50. Panama (-1)
51. Tanzania (+3)
52. Albania (+5)
53. Senegal (+7)
54. Serbia (+2)
55. Indonesia (-3)
56. Qatar (-26)
57. UK (-16)
58. Montenegro (+9)
59. East Timor (-6)
60. Vietnam (-1)
61. France (-10)
62. Cyprus (+2)
63. Liberia (+19)
64. Moldova (Republic of Moldova) (+2)
65. Equatorial Guinea (-4)
66. Argentina (-11)
67. Sri Lanka (+13)
68. Nicaragua (+6)
69. Benin (+10)
70. Kazakhstan (+2)
71. Morocco (+4)
72. Swaziland (+5)
73. Oman (+3)
74. Peru (+3)
75. Ecuador (-9)
76. Gambia (+34)
77. Paraguay (-9)
78. Tunisia (-9)
79. Greece (-6)
80. Burkina Faso (+11)
81. Cuba (+7)
82. Guyana (-1)
83. Angola (+17)
84. Nepal (+9)
85. Trinidad and Tobago (+13)
86. Mozambique (-8)
87. Macedonia (+15)
88. Haiti (-5)
89. Bosnia and Herzegovina (-4)
90. Jamaica (+2)
91. Dominican Republic (+8)
92. Kosovo (-16)
93. Bangladesh (-9)
94. Bolivia (-8)
95. Gabon (-8)
96. Guinea (0)
97. Cambodia (-8)
98. Jordan (-3)
99. Togo (-36)
100. Papua New Guinea (-3)
101. Belarus (Republic of Belarus) (+2)
102. Georgia (-8)
103. Rwanda (+10)
104. Lesotho (-14)
105. Uzbekistan (-4)
106. Brazil (+2)
107. Uganda (-2)
108. Kyrgyzstan (+3)
109. Algeria (0)
110. Ivory Coast (+11)
111. Guatemala (+6)
112. China (+4)
113. Thailand (+7)
114. Tajikistan (+4)
115. Djibouti (-8)
116. Guinea-Bissau (-6)
117. El Salvador (-2)
118. Honduras (-12)
119. Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) (0)
120. Armenia (-8)
121. United States of America (-7)
122. Myanmar (-18)
123. Kenya (+2)
124. Zimbabwe (+3)
125. South Africa (-2)
126. Congo (-2)
127. Mauritania (+1)
128. Niger (-2)
129. Saudi Arabia (+4)
130. Behrain (+1)
131. Iran (-2)
132. Azerbaijan (0)
133. Cameroon (-3)
134. Burundi (+7)
135. Chad (0)
136. India (+1)
137. Philippines (+1)
138. Eritrea (-2)
139. Ethiopia (-5)
140. Mexico (+2)
141. Palestine (New)
142. Egypt (-3)
143. Venezuela (0)
144. Mali (-4)
145. Colombia (0)
146. Israel (-2)
147. Lebanon (0)
148. Nigeria (0)
149. Türkiye (-3)
150. DPRK (North Korea) (-1)
151. Pakistan (0)
152. Ukraine (+1)
153. Sudan (+2)
154. Russia (-4)
155. Central African Republic (-1)
156. Democratic Republic of the Congo (-4)
157. Libya (-1)
158. Yemen (0)
159. Somalia (-2)
160. Iraq (0)
161. South Sudan (-2)
162. Afghanistan (-1)
163. Syria (-1)