The largest waterfall in the world. The most famous waterfalls. The most powerful waterfalls on the planet Which waterfall is the largest in the world

You can look at the flowing water endlessly. And if the water falls from a great height, then even more so. Fortunately, nature spoils us with such gorgeous views, scattering waterfalls here and there around the world. Any ledge in a river where water falls from a height of more than a meter can be called a waterfall or threshold. Both of them have always attracted many travelers. One of the most famous waterfalls in the world is Niagara Falls, although it is not that high at all, and there are many rapids wider than it. But even water falling from just 50 meters simply fascinates tourists. But less known are the more inaccessible high waterfalls, some of which were discovered relatively recently.

As for such natural wonders as waterfalls, Europe has not been very successful with them, because the most enormous in power are located on other continents...

1. Angel, Venezuela (979 m)

It is, undoubtedly, the highest waterfall on Earth, located in the distant Venezuelan tropics, where it falls from a fantastic height of 979 meters. When water falls from a dizzying height, it breaks into millions of small splashes, so clouds of dense fog always hang below. This waterfall was discovered by pilot James Angel, who was flying over the local jungle while doing geological exploration and accidentally noticed this waterfall. This was in 1933, and 4 years later Angel, his wife and several other people decided to go to the waterfall to explore its source in more detail. But the plane they were flying on had an accident, and he miraculously landed on this very peak. As a result, the travelers had to wade through the jungle for 11 days to get home. Returning, Angel revealed to the world the secret of the existence of the waterfall.
In 1994, the waterfall, along with the surrounding area of ​​Canaima, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Although the Venezuelan president decided to rename this waterfall in 2009, returning it to the name Kerepakupai-meru, used by local residents, such a complex name did not take root for the rest of the world, and it remained Angel Falls.

2. Tugela, South Africa (948 m)

Another waterfall, Tugela, is only slightly inferior in height to Angel Falls. It is located in South Africa and consists of five cascades that fall down. The highest cascade has a height of 411 meters, but in total all its steps add up to almost a kilometer. But this waterfall cannot be called very powerful - it is nowhere wider than 15 meters, and the per second flow of water in it does not exceed 400 cubic meters. It is fed by the Tugela River in Natal National Park, where it tumbles down from the Drakensberg Mountains.
This waterfall looks especially impressive during sunset or after a heavy rainfall. The rays of the setting sun make the streams of falling water sparkle. The river itself is very short - it begins just a few kilometers from the cliff. The water in it is so pure that it is quite suitable for drinking.
In winter, the waterfall often freezes, turning into pillars of ice and making the surrounding area look fabulous. Many tourists traveling around South Africa strive to get to the waterfall. Two paths about seven kilometers long lead to it. It will take about 8 hours to climb them to the waterfall and about the same time on the way back.

3. Three sisters, Peru (914 m)

In the Peruvian Andes there is one of the highest waterfalls in the world, called the Three Sisters. It consists of three cascades of powerful water flows. The waterfall is very narrow - only 14 meters. It is surrounded by lush green tropical jungle, some of which grow up to 30 meters tall. The surrounding area is so beautiful that it resembles paradise. This is the region of Ayacuccio, remote from civilization.
The world discovered the Three Sisters Waterfall relatively recently and, in general, by accident. A group of photographers went to shoot another waterfall - Katarata, which has a falling height of 267 meters, however, making their way through the jungle, they came across a much more spectacular miracle of nature.

On our planet, only 14 mountain peaks have a height of more than 8000 meters. Most of the peaks are located in the Himalayas and are known to everyone under the name "...

4. Olopena, USA (900m)

Even in the United States, the above-mentioned Niagara Falls is far from holding the record for height. There is a waterfall in this country that is much higher, but you shouldn’t look for it on the mainland of the country - you’ll have to fly to the Hawaiian Islands. Among them is the island of Molokai, where the Olopena waterfall is located. But not everyone expects to see such a grandiose waterfall on these remote islands, because it is very difficult to get to. Therefore, most of his photographs were taken using aerial photography.
The waterfall is surrounded on both sides by mountains of volcanic origin. The stream of the waterfall is quite weak, and as it falls it falls from ledge to ledge many times. She doesn’t even fall, but rather slides along an almost vertical rock, rushing into the waters of the ocean. The waterfall cut deep into the rock, which is why it could not be discovered or photographed for so long. The best view of it is from the ocean, so many local travel companies organize tours to it. True, you can only fly there in stable good weather.

5. Umbilla, Peru (895 m)

This is another high waterfall, relatively recently discovered in Peru. It is located in the Amazon basin, and regarding its height, there is still debate among scientists regarding its exact characteristics. Some data give 870 meters, while others give 895.4 meters. The waterfall consists of many cascades along four steep slopes. The Ministry of Tourism of Peru was very happy about the discovery of another beautiful waterfall in its country, after which it decided to organize a two-day tour of the most significant waterfalls in the country.
This waterfall boasts height, but not the power of the stream. Of the entire trajectory of its fall, only about 600 meters remain visible. You cannot get to the waterfall without a local guide, since there are no signs installed here. And its inaccessibility became the reason for the small number of available photographs.

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6. Vinnufossen, Norway (860 m)

Norway is home to the highest waterfall in Europe, Vinufossen, which is formed by the fall of the Vinnu River from the top of Vinnufjellet, which then flows into another river, Driva. Winnu is fed by meltwater from the Winnufon glacier, which melts from the sun's rays. It is curious that the root “vinnu”, which is present in the name of the mountain, glacier, river and waterfall, is no longer present in the current language of the Norwegians.
This is a cascading waterfall, its largest step is 420 meters. There are other attractions near Vinnufossen that are interesting for tourists. Also nearby (only 39 kilometers) is the Dovrefjell National Park.

7. Balaifossen, Norway (850 m)

There is another tall waterfall in Norway - Balaifossen. It becomes especially full-flowing towards the end of spring. The waterfall is 6 meters wide and is fed by the Bala stream, flowing from a mountain lake. This waterfall has three steps, after the last of which the water falls into the sea. The highest cascade reaches 452 meters. But it is not very interesting for tourists, since the volume of its spillway is quite small, and at some moments it even dries up. As soon as the warm summer begins, Balaifossen turns into a barely noticeable trickle, and all thanks to its low-water source.
Since the waterfall is completely dependent on melting snow, its power depends on the weather, time of year and characteristics of the season, and therefore is an extremely fickle thing. If you travel around Norway in July and plan to look at the Balaifossen waterfall, then when you get here you can see a stone and completely dry riverbed. The general warming of the world's climate has the most negative impact on this waterfall. The glacier above it is gradually decreasing in size, and is less and less able to provide water for the autumn replenishment of this waterfall, so after some time it may completely disappear.

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8. Puukaoku, USA (840 m)

On the small Hawaiian island of Molokai, there are two waterfalls that are among the ten highest in the world. It is at its fullest during the rainy season, which lasts here from November to March. And in this case, the water from the waterfall flows directly into the Pacific Ocean. By the way, it is best seen from the water. In many ways, this waterfall repeats its taller brother Olopen, since it also does not give the picture of a free fall of water, which slides along almost vertical rocks. Since the surrounding slopes are inaccessible to the average person, few people were able to photograph this waterfall.
There are many dense thickets growing along the slopes, which, on the one hand, hide the waterfall from view, and on the other, holding weakly in the loose volcanic soil, they are a very unreliable support, at least for a person loaded with additional equipment. But it’s quite easy to look at it from the sea - you just need to buy a ticket for a boat, which is provided specifically for this by various travel companies. By sea you can get so close to the place where the water falls that you will find yourself immersed in a cloud of fog that always surrounds this place.
An even more impressive picture opens up when you look at the waterfall from a helicopter. Sometimes, when a strong wind blows from the ocean, the gusts of water do not fall into the ocean, but are picked up by the wind. But tourists, as a rule, cannot see such a unique spectacle either from helicopters or boats, since such a trip becomes too dangerous in bad weather.

9. James Bruce, Canada (840 m)

This tallest waterfall in North America was named after the famous traveler, Scotsman James Bruce, who distinguished himself by reaching the source of the Blue Nile. Bruce Falls itself is located in British Columbia, in the Princess Louise Marine Park. It is not too wide - only 5 meters, and it is fed by two streams generated by mountain glaciers, one stream is constant, and the other dries up in the summer. Therefore, the largest spillway is observed at this waterfall in autumn or rainy winter.

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10. Brown, New Zealand (836 m)

Brown Falls is located on the South Island of New Zealand, within Fiordland National Park. With a width of 12 meters, it discharges 3 cubic meters of water every second, but when the water level in the lake that feeds it is at its maximum, the flow increases to 14 cubic meters. This is a very long waterfall, the water flows in it at an angle of 42 degrees, so it reaches its lowest point after covering 1130 meters horizontally from the start. We can say that this is one large cascade, where the maximum drop is 244 meters high.
Brown Falls is surrounded by typical New Zealand rainforest. It feeds on water from the alpine lake of the same name. At the end of its journey, the water enters the fjord, which is part of Arm Bay. The waterfall and lake were named after the aerial photographer Victor Brown, who first discovered them when he flew over local lands in 1940.

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There are many joys in nature. One of the many joys provided by nature - for example big waterfalls.. Stories at the waterfalls are happy and sad. Some of them remained untouched, far from tourist excursions, while others were destroyed in the name of human interest. With that said, here are the ten largest tall waterfalls in the world, great ones and some of the ones that still survive:

No. 10. Niagara Falls

What list of waterfalls would be complete without Niagara Falls? Many waterfalls are impressive in their height. But this is not about Niagara Falls. At only 167 meters high, it is not even included in the top 100 tallest waterfalls. Niagara Falls is actually famous for another reason; that it is the world's largest waterfall by volume. Niagara Falls is actually a combination of three waterfalls that form the end of the Niagara Gorge. Every second, more than 2,407 cubic meters of water overflows the crest line, making it number one among all non-flooded waterfalls. To give you a little perspective, Dettifoss ranks 9th among waterfalls in terms of flow speed, with an average of 193 cubic meters per second. This means that Niagara has a flow rate almost 13 times that of Dettifoss. All other waterfalls on this list rank well below Dettifoss in terms of flow speed. And it is not at all surprising that Niagara is one of largest waterfalls in the world, and also one of the most visited.

No. 9. Dettifoss

This waterfall is not very high, only 45 meters. But don't let this fool you. This Icelandic waterfall is considered the most powerful in Europe, its flow speed is 193 cubic meters per second. The falls were extremely difficult to reach until 2011. However, with the advent of a new road, you can simply drive by and admire.

No. 8. Yosemite Falls

This gem of Yosemite National Park is highest waterfall in North America with a height of 739 m. This multi-level waterfall is divided into three: upper falls, middle cascades and lower falls. The upper waterfalls reach a height of 440 meters. The middle cascades are 206 meters. Lower waterfalls - 98 meters.

No. 7. Keitur

This big waterfall is located in the little-known South American sovereign state of Guyana. The speed of falling water is about 633 meters per second. He ranks 123rd in the ranking highest waterfalls, its height is 226 meters. According to the World Waterfall Database, it is ranked 26th among the most scenic waterfalls in the world. If you ever visit this waterfall, try to get to the middle cascades. It is in this part of the waterfall that a beautiful view of the miracle of nature opens up.

No. 6. Waihilau Falls

It is a popular tourist attraction for those visiting Hawaii. This waterfall is 792 meters high. This valley was abandoned in the 1940s. Thus, the valley became one of the few natural sites on the island untouched by man. If you are ever in Hawaii, you should definitely visit this place, especially if you are a tourist who appreciates beautiful scenery.

No. 5. Langfossen

Langfossen is another big waterfall in Western Norway. At no more than 600 meters high, it is not as tall as Rämnefjellsfossen. However, many argue that its beauty far surpasses Rämnefjellsfossen. In fact, CNN chose Langfossen as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. This waterfall is located near the European highway E134; you can just arrive, park your car on the side of the road and enjoy. Simply by virtue of its beauty, it deserves to be on this list.

No. 4. Utigard

It is located in Norway and is considered the third of tallest waterfalls in the world among famous publications. However, this is not official, since according to other sources he is even outside the top ten. Whether he ranks third or not, Utigard certainly deserves a mention on this list. This waterfall has three rapids (the largest reaches 600 meters), it is located on the Jostedalsbreen glacier and flows into Lake Lovetnet. To admire the falls up close, you will have to pay a nominal fee for a ticket to the observation deck. This small contribution will go towards maintaining the waterfall viewing platform.

No. 3. Kukenan Falls

It is the second highest waterfall in Venezuela (after Angel Falls), and is regarded as one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. It has one rapid, 674 m high, and flows down the Kukenan Tepui mesa. Although it is one of the tallest waterfalls in the world, it is not as popular as Angel Falls.

No. 2. Tugela Falls

This is South African big waterfall 948 m high, it is the second highest waterfall in the world. The longest rapid is just over 400 meters. Even though the waterfall is in a relatively accessible location, getting there is a different story. Depending on your level of training, you will spend from 4 to 8 hours on the road. However, the good news is that you will be hiking through the Amphitheater cliff face, one of the most imposing geographic features on Earth. But to begin your hike, you will have to drive at least an hour to get to the trailhead. After all, getting to the falls is a full day of adventure.

No. 1. Angel Falls

If only height is considered, Angel Falls is largest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls reaches a height of 979 meters. The highest threshold (out of 47) is at an altitude of 807 meters. Although the falls are located in Venezuela, they are named after American aviator Jimmy Angel because he was the first to fly (accidentally) over the falls in 1933. Before this, he was relatively unknown outside of Venezuela. As you can imagine, the waterfall is now a famous tourist attraction in the country. But if you want to visit it, you must be warned; There may be some minor problems with this. Because it is in the jungle, in undeveloped areas, and you will have to fly to Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolivar to get to where the raft leading to the waterfall will be waiting for you.

Waterfalls - a wonder of the world

Among all the wonders given to man by nature, waterfalls are perhaps the most popular. Their beauty fascinates tourists, their power inspires admiration. “Falling water”, as the most majestic phenomenon of nature, has long attracted people with its unique beauty. It has been noticed that any waterfall, with its thunderous peals for many kilometers, serves as a guide for birds during migration.

A very interesting pattern: all the largest waterfalls in the world in width are located on the border of two or even three states. And this, apparently, is not accidental - wide waterfalls represent insurmountable natural boundaries along which boundaries were established.

There are entire clusters of “water diamonds” on our planet. In the Caucasus, on the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve in the gorge of the river. Salynngan (a tributary of the Kizgych River) is the valley of the “Thirty Waterfalls”. In Japan, in the Honshu Island National Park, 100 waterfalls fall into the Osugidani Valley. And Norway is even called the Land of Waterfalls. But few people know that the small highland kingdom of Lesotho in Africa on the territory of South Africa is a unique intricacy of 3,000 waterfalls.

And if you ask someone a question: what is the largest waterfall on our planet, rest assured, the majority will answer: Niagara. Some will remember the Victoria Falls, discovered in Africa by the famous traveler David Livingstone in 1855. And only a few, specialist geographers, will ask: what is meant - width, height or power, since the term “largest” in relation to waterfalls sounds very vague.

Angel and Con

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, and the highest in Russia is the Talnikovsky waterfall. You can read about these two waterfalls and the height of the tallest waterfalls in the world in our article - The highest waterfall in the world.

The widest in the world waterfall - Kon waterfall(Khon) on the Mekong River, on the border of Laos and Kampuchea (12-13 km). The width of its drainage area is more than 12.5 kilometers.

Kohn was discovered in 1920 by researcher E. Khokhan and was named after him.

Kon Falls is a cascading structure that includes many waterfalls flowing from different levels of the Mekong Plateau. The beauty of this waterfall comes from the vibrant colorful flowers growing along its banks.

Kon waterfall is good for health

Kon is also a well-accessible spot for observation. Its viewing area is well landscaped. Tourists appreciate this.

This waterfall is the most tranquil of all the waterfalls. His disposition is most favorable to sick people. The power of this waterfall is aimed at a calming effect, it has magical energy. Many people who visited the Kon waterfall were convinced of its positive effect on the human body.

Kon Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. It is protected by a national reserve and is recognized as a national treasure of the Earth.

The most powerful waterfall - Iguazu

The most powerful waterfall in the world - Iguazu(“Devil’s Throat”), whose height is only about 80 m.

A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700 thousand cubic meters per minute.

The roar of this powerful waterfall can be heard for many kilometers.
Iguazu - 275 cascades in one system - this is the most beautiful panorama on our planet. It was opened to Europeans in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Alvaro de Veca. Crossing the Brazilian Highlands with his squad and hearing a distant rumble, he came to a waterfall. The religious Spanish conqueror, who exterminated the aborigines with fire and sword, was so shocked by the grandiose grandeur of Nature that he did not find a better name for the waterfall than “leap of St. Mary” - “the mother of God”. And the border between Brazil and Argentina along the “Devil’s Throat” was finally established only in 1928.

It is impossible to take in the entire front of Iguazu Falls from one point - the cascades are interspersed with rocks, and the tropical forest gets in the way. Therefore, at the service of numerous tourists from all over the world, 2 kilometers of bridges have been laid here, connecting the “rock-islands” protruding from the boiling foam at the crest of the abyss. Several hotels, bars and restaurants, and an airfield have been built nearby (the nearest railway station is 400 km away).

The greatest waterfalls in the world

In the Iguazu National Parks (180 thousand hectares in Brazil and 55 thousand hectares on the Argentine side) palm trees and Quebracho ironwood grow, the fauna is diverse, hummingbirds and rare butterflies the size of a saucer, the most unimaginable colors, live.

The greatest waterfalls in the world:

NameHeight, mWidth, mWater consumption, cubic m/s Location
Con21 12500 8700-45000 r. Mekong, border of Kampuchea and Laos (Eurasia)
Guaira40 4800 9000-13000 r. Parana, Brazil and Paraguay (South America)
Iguazu80 4000 1700-12000 r. Iguazu, borders of Brazil and Argentina (South America)
Victoria120 1800 1400-7500 r. Zambezi, border of Zambia and Zimbabwe (Africa)
Niagara50 1200 1350-6000 r. Niagara, US-Canada border (North America)

The most famous waterfall is Niagara Falls

A "most famous" Niagara Falls- only 50 meters high, and inferior in power to Iguazu and even Victoria.

And for some reason, many people believe that Niagara belongs to the United States. This is not entirely true. Niagara, at the very ledge, is divided by Goth Island into two streams: the left, Canadian - 914 m wide and the right, American - 305 m wide.

But the Americans skillfully present the miracle of nature. They installed dozens of multi-colored floodlights here with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW. As soon as it gets dark, their rays are directed onto the continuously moving wall of the waterfall, creating a fabulous illumination.

For the convenience of tourists, bridges were built above and below the waterfall, and around there are hotels, motels, 100-meter-high observation towers, and a cable car. There are adits on both banks, their lifts lower tourists down to the very base of the waterfall. Standing on concrete platforms a meter away from the giant wall of the collapsing elements (on the other side), tourists experience awe at the unbridled forces of nature.

Based on materials from and

Large waterfalls climb over several ledges before they hit the ground. They are of the cascade type. The fastest flows of water in the world crash down mountainsides into lakes or into fog. Some have remained untouched and inaccessible to travelers, others have become real attractions.

The largest waterfall in the world is not easy to determine; scientists are constantly debating. All indicators are taken into account: height, width, flow speed and volume of falling water. The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel. A large stream of water falls from a height of 979 m of free fall.

List of large waterfalls:

  1. Niagara Falls connects 3 waterfalls. It is not the largest, but it has the largest volume. Approximate age: 12 thousand years. The cause of its occurrence was a glacier, from which, as it melted, streams of water formed. According to scientists, the waterfall continues its movement and in a few thousand years will connect with the lake and become one large reservoir. The discovery of the waterfall occurred at the beginning of the 17th century. Samuel de Champlain. While mapping the rivers, local residents told him about a small water ledge. 40 years later, the creation of nature was called “a waterfall of terrible height.” Extreme entertainment in the waters of the waterfall gained popularity in the 19th century. – descent in wooden barrels. Daredevils were injured or lost their lives. Now the descent is prohibited and is punishable by a fine.

    The largest waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls.

  2. Dettifoss. Water consumption (average) – 193 cubic meters. m/s., during high tides - up to 600 cubic meters. m/s. There was no approach to the waterfall, but 8 years ago, after the construction of a road, tourists gained access to it. Thanks to the waterfall, a large number of travelers come to Iceland to look at the creation of nature. The water stream is located in a picturesque place, in a national park. The river it falls into is surrounded by vertical rocky cliffs. The water is brown and turns black at high tide. The most favorable time to watch this fascinating spectacle is the end of spring - the beginning of summer. The waterfall reaches 100 m in width and 44 m in height. A huge stream of water falls with a deafening roar. Tourists, standing at the very edge of the waterfall, can feel slight vibrations under their feet. The road to it is not equipped, so visitors follow the edge of the cliff, and may get wet due to the large amount of splashes.
  3. Yosemite Falls, 739 m high, consists of 3 cascades; located in America's National Park. Its founder, Galen Clark, rests near the waterfall. The river from which the stream of water appeared originates high in the mountains, passes through a valley 16 km away, or falls from a cliff. The largest amount of water is recorded in the spring, when melting glaciers fill the river; in summer and autumn it practically dries out. The age of the waterfall is more than 5 thousand years. It appeared as a result of melting glaciers. One of them divided the valley, and rocks appeared along which streams of water flow today.

  4. Kaieteur. The waterfall is located in a picturesque place; The middle cascade offers breathtaking views. The flow rate is 633 m/s. For a long time, the public did not know about the existence of the waterfall, since it is located in a place inaccessible to humans. At the end of the 19th century. one of the geologists discovered a creation of nature. The waterfall was named in honor of the Kaya Indian leader, who crossed the river in a canoe to save his people. The waterfall is located near Venezuela and is considered one of the highest in the world (height 226 m, width 105 m). This natural wonder is located in the National Park of the same name.
  5. Victoria. The widest waterfall in the world (1800 m) first became known in the mid-19th century. A scientist from Scotland discovered a creation of nature and was stunned by what he saw. There is no other waterfall in the world this wide and with a continuous flow of water. He gave the name of Queen Victoria to the creation of nature. At the beginning of the 20th century. work began on the construction of a railway across the Zambezi River, this contributed to an increase in the number of travelers. Since that time, many people have had the opportunity to see the waterfall with their own eyes. In the 80s XX century South Africa became independent and the number of travelers increased to 300 thousand people/year. On the surface of the river from which the water falls, there are several small islands that divide the waterfall into several parts. Below, the water flows into a narrow stream, which stretches 120 cm. The “devil’s font” is of great interest to tourists. This is a small area near the cliff of the waterfall, where the current weakens and there is a small rocky fence. This creates a small pool. There are known cases of fatalities when travelers were carried over the edge of the pool.

  6. Langfossen. The stream of water, 612 m high, occupies the western part of Norway. The waterfall is of the cascade type. Flowing from the mountain peak, the water enters the Akra fjord. The tourism business is well developed in the vicinity of the waterfall. Hotels and holiday homes have been built for travelers who want to enjoy the breathtaking mountain scenery and water flow views. Norway's main city, Oslo, is 396 km away. Tourists get to the area by bus, which follows a highway located at the foot of the water stream.
  7. Gullfoss. The name of the creation of nature means “golden waterfall”. There is no exact version of where this name came from. It may be related to the rainbow that is constantly present at the waterfall. The reason for this is the large number of water droplets in the air. Streams of water rush down along 2 cascades, which are located 90˚ relative to each other. At their junction, a natural observation deck has been formed, from which tourists can enjoy the view of the waterfall and the surrounding area. Representatives of the flora: lichens, mosses and dwarf trees. In sunny weather with good visibility, tourists observe the glacier-covered peaks from the northeast side. The waterfall is protected by the state. In Iceland, a sightseeing tour is organized for travelers lasting one day. It includes a tour of the Valley of Geysers, a national park and a waterfall. Travelers get to the observation deck along a narrow path, which is constantly wet due to the large amount of spray. Equipped parking, shops and cafes are located near the observation deck.

  8. Kukenan. A special type of mountain in Venezuela, tepuis, from which a stream of water flows, is part of the highlands. It existed at a time when the continents of Africa and Latin America were one.
  9. Tugela. The waterfall consists of 5 cascades (the highest is 411 m). To get to its base, tourists pass through a gorge, dense forest and boulders. Water flows from the cliff of the Drakensberg Mountains.
  10. Angel. The water falls from such a height that it becomes fog before it reaches the ground.

The largest waterfall in the world is named after the pilot who flew over it in the 30s. XX century Travelers reach a natural site only by air or water.

General characteristics of waterfalls:

Name Location Height, m Width, m Volume of falling water, m³/s
Niagara Canada, USA 53 792 5700
Dettifoss Iceland 45 100 600
Yosemite North America 739 137 746
Kaieteur Guyana 226 90-105 663
Victoria South Africa 120 1800 980
Langfossen Western Norway 612 76 322
Gullfoss Iceland 32 109-130
Kukenan Venezuela 610 54 556
Tugela South Africa 933 15 1
Angel Venezuela 979 107 300


The largest waterfall in the world is located in the National Park in Venezuela; it is more than 15 times the size of Niagara Falls. Mount Auyantepui serves as the starting point for the water flow. It is penetrated by several layers of sandstone; It is in them that water accumulates after tropical downpours. This contributes to the existence of the waterfall.

The name of the hill means “devil’s mountain.” This name was given by local residents due to the impenetrable fog that accumulated around the mountain. Such hills are characterized by a smooth flat top, a vertical cliff and a high height. The mountains, which are characteristic of the Guiana Highlands, were inaccessible to humans due to their topography for many centuries.

Rare plants grow here and unprecedented animals live.

Many centuries ago, local residents knew that there was a waterfall in the country, but the public learned about it only at the beginning of the 20th century. American pilot James Angel in the 30s. XX century flew over a hill. Together with his group, he went in search of ore and diamonds.

James's plan was to land on the top of the mountain, but an accident occurred during landing, due to which the group was unable to take off and return home. They had to make their own descent from the mountain. It lasted about 10 days. After a dangerous adventure, James Angel and his group became famous throughout the world, and the waterfall was named after the pilot (Angel - Angel).

For more than 30 years, the plane was on the top of the mountain, and then it was evacuated. In the 50s and 90s. XX century American scientists made a trip to the waterfall. In 2005, Russian climbers went to him. In 2009, the ruler of Venezuela issued an order to change the name of the waterfall, since it could not be named after a foreigner.

This change applies only to Venezuela; on world maps the waterfall remained under its previous name. The largest waterfall in the world is visited by tourists in the spring, summer and autumn months. They get to the waterfall by water or air, since there is no road to it. Inns, hotels and restaurants for vacationers have been built in the nearest village.

The planes operate regular or private flights (tickets cost $110-350). Visitors pay a small amount for entry to the National Park. Cloudy or foggy weather can prevent you from enjoying a picturesque place.


The waterfall is second only to Angel in size; located in Africa in the Natal National Park. It consists of several cascades, the largest of which is more than 400 m. The river with the same name originates in the Drakensberg Mountains, from which the waterfall originates. The water flow is narrow, no more than 15 m, even in the rainy season. Only during the dry season does the water flow decrease.

The waterfall is clearly visible after rain or at sunset. Tourists reach the natural wonder along a path from one of the parking lots, and then climb a rickety hanging staircase. There is a road of over 7 km from the National Park, which passes through forest, boulders and a suspension bridge.

Travelers book sightseeing tours with guides or take a walk on their own. Information about the excursion can be obtained from any hotel in Africa.

Information about the waterfall:

  1. A group of scientists from the Czech Republic recorded the height of the waterfall at 983 m in 2016. This means that it is the highest in the world.
  2. The name of the waterfall translates as “sudden”. The local people gave this name to the water flow due to the fact that during rains the speed of the water increases several times.
  3. The mountainside along which the water flows is covered with snow during the winter months.
  4. There is very little information about the waterfall. Encyclopedias of the Soviet Union and Great Britain give a brief description of it. Wellington's book on Africa contains the most detailed information.

Three sisters

The waterfall is located in South America, on the territory of the state of Peru. The miracle of nature was discovered by chance. A group of photographers came to photograph another waterfall (Katarata). While working, they accidentally discovered the Three Sisters.

Its name is explained by the fact that it consists of three separate waterfalls: 2 of them are clearly visible to tourists located near the waterfall, and 3 is a large pool into which water flows. The waterfall occupies a picturesque place, surrounded by trees rising more than 30 m. Height - 914 m.


The waterfall is located on one of the Hawaiian islands, Molokai. Its height is 900 m. It is located in a mountainous area, surrounded by volcanic hills. Due to the fact that the stream of water is narrow and located in the recess of the mountain, it could not be discovered for a long time.

The water does not fall down like other waterfalls, but flows down the rock.

Tourists vacationing in the Hawaiian Islands book guided excursions to the waterfall and its surroundings. A helicopter is the most common means of transport to access the water stream.


The waterfall is located on the territory of the state of Peru. The water flow falls from the eastern side of the Andes mountain range and belongs to the Amazon basin. For a long time, there was debate among scientists about the height of the waterfall, but laser measurements by geographers determined the figure to be 895 m. The waterfall was discovered in 2007 by researchers from the Peruvian Geographical Institute.

They showed photographs and information about the water flow, and it was then broadcast by the media internationally. The name of the waterfall means "heartfelt love." Many centuries ago, local residents knew about the existence of a creation of nature and gave it such a name because one of the cascades looks like a heart. Researchers are also arguing about the number of cascades: 4 or 5.

Interesting information about the waterfall:

  1. Compared to other waterfalls, Umbilla does not look as exciting due to the amount of water. During the dry season, the waterfall completely disappears.
  2. The creation of nature is located in a place untouched by man, so it is impossible to examine and study the waterfall in detail.
  3. Tourists need to hire an accompanying person during the excursion, since there are no equipped roads or signs here.
  4. The waterfall is surrounded by tropics with amazing and rare representatives of flora and fauna.


The waterfall (height 860 m) is located in Norway and is considered the highest in Europe. The water flow originates from the Vinnu River, then falls from a cliff and turns into a ghostly tail. Its length is 179 m.

Tourists, admiring the miracle of nature, remain enchanted by the spectacle, as the flow of water diverges into several waterfalls that intertwine with each other. They are separated by vegetation and rocks. As you approach the bottom of the rock, all the water flows unite. The widest section of the waterfall is at the bottom and is 152 m.

Tourists are interested in the immediate surroundings and attractions of the waterfall:

  • Trollheim mountain range (“house troll”);
  • Snøhetta is part of the national park. This is one of the mountains in the Dovrefjell chain;
  • the tallest wall in Europe, the Troll Wall;
  • Dovrefjell National Park.

To get to the waterfall, tourists arrive in Norway from Moscow or Bergen by plane, train or bus. When choosing a train, travelers will have to cover a distance of 500 km in 8 hours. Along the way you can see snow-covered mountain peaks, fjords and valleys. In one day, 6 trains transport tourists. There is an international route through Sweden.

The bus (No. 100) takes travelers from the train station and bus station to the city center for free. The bus journey from Oslo to Bergen takes 10 - 11 hours.


The waterfall, 849 m high and 6 m wide, is located in Norway, occupies the eastern side of the Åsa fjord, Ulvik municipality. The water flow begins from the Bala stream, which flows out of a mountain lake.

At the foot of the mountain slope along which the waterfall rushes down, there is a small village where local residents receive tourists. From here you have a breathtaking view of the natural wonder. It consists of 3 cascades, the length of the largest is 452 m.


The height of the water flow is 840 m. It is located on the island of Molokai (Hawaiian Islands). A distinctive feature of nature’s creation: it flows from the top of the mountain, and does not fall down like a rapid stream.

At any hotel in the Hawaiian Islands, tourists can book a sightseeing tour of the waterfall. It can be accessed from the air, since the waterfall is located in a place that humans could not reach, so the area is not equipped for visitors.

James Bruce

The North American waterfall is considered the largest on the continent and reaches a height of 840 m. The creation of nature is located in the Princess Louise National Park (Canada).

The water stream originates on the flat top of a mountain covered with snow and rushes down in several cascades. The waters of 2 streams, which are parallel to the waterfall, feed it. One of them exists regardless of the season; the other dries out during the summer months.

Brown Falls

The waterfall is the largest in New Zealand. It is located in the southern part of the country, near the Hall Arm fjord, within the Fiordland National Park. The water flow comes out of Brown Lake and rushes down in 6 cascades. Height – 836 m, angle of incidence – 42˚. This is a small degree compared to other waterfalls, so the spectacle of the water flow is not particularly impressive.

The width of the waterfall is 12 m. At high tide, the volume of water reaches 14 cubic meters. m/s.

In the 40s XX century aerial photographer Victor Carlile Brown flew over the fjord. During his journey, he discovered a lake named after him and a waterfall that flowed from the reservoir.

The largest waterfalls serve as the main attraction of the country, like in Iceland. They are protected by the authorities, who develop tourism businesses in the areas where they are located. There are several waterfalls left in the world that are impossible to reach, and they preserve their nature in their original form.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the largest waterfalls

The largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world:

Our beautiful planet amazes not only with the diversity of the animal world, but also with the beauty and grandeur of its natural landscapes. For example, waterfalls, the contemplation of this grandiose spectacle remains in the memory for a long time. The loud roar of the stream falling from a great height is breathtaking, and the streams of crystal clear water sparkle in the sun. Find out which waterfalls are considered the largest in the world.

The grandiose miracle of falling water is hidden behind the wall of the tropical forests of Venezuela and is under the protection of UNESCO. The discovery of the tallest waterfall in the world happened by accident in 1935 during a government expedition searching for new ore deposits. Pilot James Angel, while flying around the jungle, was lucky enough to fly over a future world landmark with impressive characteristics:

  • the total height of the mighty giant is 986 meters;
  • a continuous fall of water occurs from a height of 807 m;
  • the volume of the falling mass is 300 cubic meters per second.

No less famous is the Tepluy mountain range, from which huge streams of water lava erupt. This rock, called Devil's Mountain, is a type of flat top mountain called a mesa. The translation of the name of the giant “Angel” from the language of the local residents (Pemon tribe) can be associated with the designation of the deepest place.

Interestingly, it is not so easy for tourists to admire the tallest waterfall in the world. You can only get to the rock rising from the wild jungle by air, since there are absolutely no roads in the dense tropical forest.

Handsome Tugela

The second highest waterfall in the world is the Tugela Cascade, located in South Africa in the Natal National Park. The beautiful landmark of the African south owes its name to the river of the same name, and the amazing beauty of the spectacle to the five cascades of water falling down.

The main cascade of the most beautiful of the world's large waterfalls has the following parameters:

  • the total height of the water complex is 947 meters;
  • the maximum height of the main threshold is 411 meters;
  • The width of the water stream is 15 meters.

To see the cascading miracle, you will have to travel on foot, without turning off the main excursion path, which can be reached by transport. The short route to the top and descent from it will take 8-10 hours. But you can choose another trail starting in the national park. As you climb through the forest to a height of seven kilometers, you have the opportunity to admire the amazing creation of nature - the cliff of the Amphitheater cliff.

Lovely Three Sisters

Among the largest high-altitude cascades in the world, the third position is given to the Three Sisters Falls. An unusual water complex is located in the most picturesque area of ​​Peru. The cascade of streams was accidentally discovered by photographers who came to do a photo shoot of a completely different waterfall.

The uniqueness of the Three Sisters complex, surrounded by 30-meter trees, is a three-tiered drop of water, which reflects the name of the water miracle with the following characteristics:

  • water falls from a height of 914 m;
  • The width of the water flow is 14 m.

The three-tiered creation of nature is best admired from the air, when a full view of all three separately located tiers opens up. The rapid flight of two branches of the cascade from a dizzying height ends in the third section - a huge pool.

The third of the largest waterfalls in the world is located in the Otishi National Park (Ayacucho region). It is quite difficult for tourists to get to this magnificent spectacle, but scientists are actively exploring unique places, not forgetting about stunning photographs of the area.

Waterfalls: the most famous of the widest streams

Iguazu Falls complex

Among the picturesque nature of Iguazu National Park, on the border zone between Brazil and Argentina, stretches the cascade of the world's deepest Iguazu Falls. A large two-stage system of falling water mass was lucky enough to be discovered in 1541 by a Spanish conquistador who went in search of gold.

Local Indians from the Guarani tribe call the water miracle of nature “Great Water”. And this is quite consistent with the grandiose spectacle when millions of tons of water fall down with an eerie roar, raising water dust up many tens of meters. The complex of strongly seething streams surprises with the power of its size:

  • roaring lava falls from a maximum height of 80-82 meters;
  • the width of the water complex reaches 4 kilometers;
  • The volume of ejected water mass is up to 6000 cubic meters per second.

It is believed that the Iguazu Falls were formed at least 20 thousand years ago, and its discoverer called the falls the Devil's Throat because of the horseshoe-shaped shape of the natural phenomenon. It is no coincidence that Iguazu is called the deepest; about 270 independent sections have been recorded in the kingdom of waterfalls. The championship in width and size belongs to the water stream, designated by the Spaniard as the Devil's Throat.

Tourists who want to admire the rumbling monster can make their dream come true from the territory of each of the countries that own the deepest elements. There are special viewing areas equipped for viewing, where you can see other large waterfalls that are part of the Iguazu system, and the Devil's Throat appears in all its glory.

Waterfall in honor of the Queen - Victoria

The cascading complex of waterfalls, located on the expanses of the Zambezi River, belongs to two states - Zimbabwe and Zambia. The water attraction on the border of two African countries was discovered by David Livingstone, who in 1855 set out to convert the aborigines to Christianity.

The researcher gave the waterfall the name of the reigning queen - Victoria. However, to local residents, the natural cascade, the flow of which is shrouded in a fog of wet spray, is known as Thundering Smoke with the following parameters:

  • bubbling streams fall down from a height of 108 meters;
  • Victoria's water branches stretch 1800 meters wide.

Not at all times of the year the waterfall amazes tourists with the overflow of wet lava. If during the rainy season a large wall of water becomes solid, then during the dry season the powerful Victoria streams dry up and become less swift. In the vastness of the legendary river, tourists are offered extreme sports.

The crashing waters of Niagara Falls

To contemplate the majestic power of the falling jets, inspiring genuine fear due to the roar and fog, it is not necessary to storm the tropical thickets. It's easier to go to North America. There you can admire the most famous and mega-promoted object in the world - Niagara Falls.

The name itself, translated from the dialect of local Indians, corresponds to thundering water, since the element can be heard much earlier than seen. The location of the world-famous attraction is the Canadian province of Ontario, where the Niagara River gives tourists the contemplation of a water complex 53 meters high and 1200 meters wide, consisting of three large streams:

  • The American Falls is 323 m wide;
  • the width of the section called Horseshoe is 792 m;
  • Fata is the smallest and rather narrow stream.

Niagara Falls is rightly called the most powerful stream in North America with a volume of falling water of more than 5,700 cubic meters per second. The existence of the American miracle was told to the world by a traveling priest who discovered the waterfall in 1677.

The unusual color of the water of Niagara Falls is surprising. It sparkles with a greenish tint due to its enrichment with salts. The falling stream raises clouds of foam, the brown color of which is due to the clay soils at the foot of the complex.

The smallest miracle of nature is the Sarkyrama waterfall, located in the western part of Kazakhstan. Near the forest, nature erected a miniature water attraction with a height of only four meters. It is not difficult for tourists to get to the complex, since there is a small settlement nearby.