Staraya Russa - Vyshny Volochek train schedule. Distance from Vyshny Volochek to Staraya Russa Vyshny Volochek Staraya Russa

Using our website, you can plot the route Vyshny Volochek - Staraya Russa both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Vyshny Volochek (Russia) to Staraya Russa (Russia).

Distance between Vyshny Volochok and Staraya Russa

If you drive along the road by car, the distance between Vyshny Volochek, Vyshny Volochek urban district, Tver region and Staraya Russa, Starorussky district, Novgorod region is 260 km.

  • Travel time

    4 hours, 3 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • Tell friends
Start of the route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Vyshny Volochek, Vyshny Volochek urban district, Tver region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
9 minutes - 5.3 km
Boriskovo village, Vyshnevolotsky district, Tver region, Russia 9 minutes 5.3 km
1 minute – 1.3 km
Poddubye village, Firovsky district, Tver region, Russia 11 minutes 6.6 km
48 minutes – 54.6 km
urban-type settlement Ozerny, Tver region, Central Federal District, Russia 59 minutes 61.3 km
2 minutes - 1.8 km
Lipnyagi village, Demyansky district, Novgorod region, Russia 1 hours, 2 minutes 63.1 km
1 hours, 11 minutes - 81.2 km
urban-type settlement Kresttsy, 2 hours, 13 minutes 144.2 km
Less than 1 minute - 1.1 km
Pogorelka village, Krestetsky district, Novgorod region, Russia 2 hours, 14 minutes 145.3 km
31 minutes - 35.9 km
village of Suchki, 2 hours, 45 minutes 181.3 km
32 minutes – 34.7 km
Shchechkovo village, Parfinsky district, Novgorod region, Russia 3 hours, 18 minutes 215.9 km
11 minutes - 12.5 km
Sobolevo village, 3 hours, 30 minutes 228.5 km
33 minutes - 31.5 km
Staraya Russa, Starorussky district, Novgorod region, Russia 4 hours, 3 minutes 260 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several air ticket options for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account price and departure time. If you want to buy an inexpensive air ticket Vyshny Volochek - Staraya Russa or on another route, then follow the link.

    (LED) St. Petersburg → (PKV) Pskov

    (MOW) Moscow → (CEE) Cherepovets

    (MOW) Moscow → (PKV) Pskov

    (LED) St. Petersburg → (CEE) Cherepovets

    (CEE) Cherepovets → (LED) St. Petersburg

    (MOW) Moscow → (LED) St. Petersburg

    Belavia Belarusian Airlines

    (MOW) Moscow → (LED) St. Petersburg

    Ukraine International Airlines

    Check price / Buy

  • Tartu, Tartu County, Estonia.

Closest airports to Vyshny Volochek

  • Cherepovets, Cherepovets urban district, Vologda region, Russia.
  • Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia.
  • St. Petersburg, Northwestern Federal District, Russia.
  • Vologda, Vologda urban district, Vologda region, Russia.


Need to select and book inexpensive hotel in Staraya Russa or Vyshny Volochyok? There is a convenient resource on our website online booking hotels. Just follow the link.

The Staraya Russa Vyshny Volochek train schedule currently contains 2 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 5 hours 20 m, and the number of stops on this route is 7. Trains running on the Staraya Russa Vyshny Volochek route most often stop at Parfino stations, Pola, Knevitsy, Lychkovo, Valdai, the schedule for which is also available on our website. Trains by this direction For example, they depart at 22.50 from the Staraya Russa station, and they arrive at the final destination Vyshny Volochek at 05.22, 02.59, respectively, local time. The small number of designated trains on the Staraya Russa Vyshny Volochek schedule is a sign that this route is not popular among passengers. The train schedule Staraya Russa - Vyshny Volochek is designed so that you can leave in this direction in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Staraya Russa - Vyshny Volochek train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.

The distance Vyshny Volochek - Staraya Russa along the highway is 254 km, in a straight line - 190 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 158 miles by road and 119 miles as the crow flies. The trip from Vyshny Volochyok to Staraya Russa by car will last approximately 3 hours 37 minutes.

The route Vyshny Volochek - Staraya Russa runs along the following route:

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs near 4 settlements. To plot the route Vyshny Volochek - Staraya Russa for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations along the route are shown on the map. The total number of gas stations is 15, including:

    Lukoil: 6

    Gazprom Neft: 4

    Rosneft: 2

    Shell: 2

    Tatneft: 1

To find out what kind of traffic jams are on the road Vyshny Volochyok - Staraya Russa now, check the “Traffic” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Vyshny Volochyok to Staraya Russa by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map diagram of the road route in a convenient format, click.

To plot the route and calculate the distance, precise satellite coordinates of roads and settlements. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the route constructed.