Tikhoretskaya Crimean. Train schedule Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya. Train schedule Tikhoretskaya - Krymskaya

The train schedule Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya currently contains 15 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 5 hours 51 m, and the number of stops on this route is 7. Trains running along the route Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya most often stop at the stations Krasnodar 1, Kavkazskaya, Grechishkino , Ust-Labinsk, Ilskaya, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave for example at 01.02, 06.49 from the Tikhoretskaya station, while they arrive at the final point Krymskaya at 08.15, 12.08, local time, respectively. A large number of shuttle trains in the schedule Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya indicates that this direction is in demand among passengers. The schedule of trains Tikhoretskaya - Krymskaya is designed so that you can leave in this direction at night, morning, afternoon, evening.
You can buy tickets for the Tikhoretskaya - Krymskaya train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.

This train schedule for the Tikhoretskaya - Krymskaya route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Tikhoretskaya - Krymskaya

At the moment, the Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya train schedule consists of 16 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 16. These are 377Ya, 249N, 545U, 453Y flights - the fastest of them is 249N Orenburg Novorossiysk, which overcomes the distance along the Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya route for 0 d 5 h 19 min, the slowest train is 377Я Moscow-Paveletskaya Novorossiysk, departing at 01:02. The number of stops on the Tikhoretskaya Krymskaya route ranges from 6 to 8, depending on the train schedule and averages 7. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 55 minutes. From Tikhoretskaya station, trains leave in the morning - 01:02, 06:49, 06:49 and in the afternoon - 16:56, 16:56, 16:56. All trains leave from Tikhoretskaya stations, and arrive at Krymskaya stations.

Complex reconstruction of the Kotelnikovo-Tikhoretskaya-Korenovsk-Timashevskaya-Krymskaya section bypassing the Krasnodar junction of the North Caucasus Railway

The construction of a bypass of the Krasnodar junction is included in the comprehensive investment project "Complex reconstruction of the Kotelnikovo-Tikhoretskaya-Korenovsk-Timashevskaya-Krymskaya section with a bypass of the Krasnodar junction of the North Caucasus Railway."

The main objectives of the project are:

1. Increase in freight traffic to the ports of the Azov-Black Sea coast and Crimea. At the federal level, the implementation of the Krasnodar Transit project will facilitate the uninterrupted processing of direct transit goods passing through the Krasnodar transport hub. The project will ensure inter-regional transport and economic ties between the industrial centers of the Urals and the Volga region with the regions of the North Caucasus and the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin (Novorossiysk, Tuapse, the Caucasus, Temryuk and Grushevaya) and the Crimea, as well as optimize the operation of the Krasnodar junction by switching cargo bypass to the Timashevskaya - Crimean section.

2. Removal of railways from the center of Krasnodar. Today, Krasnodar with its suburbs is a city with a million people, in which transport collapse has become daily. The city has almost exhausted the possibilities for expanding or building new roads. Thousands of tons of dangerous, combustible and explosive substances pass through the center of Krasnodar every day. The bypass project provides for the removal of railways from the center of Krasnodar, and the construction of a highway, light rail, etc. in their place. The construction of the bypass will help to deal with the transport problems of the city.

The design documentation provides for the construction of a double-track electrified railway line from the Kozyrki station to the Grechanaya station 65 km long, the construction of new Kirpili, Grechanaya and Beisuzhek stations.

The completion of the bypass of the Krasnodar junction is planned for 2018.

Within the framework of the title project "Comprehensive reconstruction of the Kotelnikovo-Tikhoretskaya-Korenovsk-Timashevskaya-Krymskaya section bypassing the Krasnodar junction of the North Caucasus Railway", from 2007 to 2013, 221.834 km of second tracks were built and put into operation on the limiting stages.
In the period 2014-2017. objects with a total length of 38.4 km were commissioned: the second tracks were built on the sections Repair - Gashun, Poroshinskaya - 4 km, the reconstruction of Poltavskaya station was completed.
  In 2018-2019 about 199 km of second tracks will be built and put into operation on the limiting hauls Gashun - Zimovniki, Manych - Shablievskaya, Forgotten - Polyvyansky, Razvilnaya - Peschanokopskaya, Poltava - Protoka) Eya - Rovnoye, Rivne - Poroshinskaya, Tikhoretskaya - Gazyr, Gazyr - Bursak, Bursak - Vyselki, Vyselki - Visors, duct - Sebedahovo, Sebedahovo - st. rzd. 9 km and complete the reconstruction of Tikhoretskaya station.
  The implementation of this investment project will ensure inter-regional transport and economic ties between the industrial centers of the Urals and the Volga region with the regions of the North Caucasus and the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin to ensure the delivery of goods to the ports of the Azov-Black Sea transport hub (Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Caucasus, Temryuk and Grushevaya) in the planned for settlement years, volumes and optimization of the Krasnodar junction with switching freight traffic bypassing the Timashevskaya - Krymskaya section.