Varna (Chelyabinsk region). Varna (Chelyabinsk region) Chelyabinsk Varna

Rural settlement Coordinates

Along with other villages in the south of the Chelyabinsk region (Chesma, Berlin, Paris, Port Arthur, Leipzig, Bredy, Ferchampenoise, Arsinsky, Kasselsky...) it was named in memory of the victories of the Russian army.



In Varna - a butter factory, a grain collection point (grain picking), OJSC "Varna Bakery Plant", DRSU, the enterprise "Selkhoztekhnika" (small-scale production of agricultural machinery). 15 km to the south are the Mikheevsky porphyry copper ore deposit and the Mikheevsky GOK.


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Excerpt characterizing Varna (Chelyabinsk region)

Having appeared before the regimental commander, having been assigned to the previous squadron, having gone on duty and foraging, having become involved in all the small interests of the regiment and feeling himself deprived of freedom and shackled into one narrow, unchanging frame, Rostov experienced the same calm, the same support and the same consciousness the fact that he was at home here, in his place, which he felt under his parents’ roof. There was no all this chaos of the free world, in which he did not find a place for himself and made mistakes in the elections; there was no Sonya with whom it was or was not necessary to explain things. There was no option to go there or not to go there; there were no 24 hours of the day that could be used in so many different ways; there was not this countless multitude of people, of whom no one was closer, no one was further; there were no these unclear and uncertain financial relations with his father, there was no reminder of the terrible loss to Dolokhov! Here in the regiment everything was clear and simple. The whole world was divided into two uneven sections. One is our Pavlograd regiment, and the other is everything else. And there was nothing else to worry about. Everything was known in the regiment: who was the lieutenant, who was the captain, who was a good person, who was a bad person, and most importantly, a comrade. The shopkeeper believes in debt, the salary is a third; there is nothing to invent or choose, just don’t do anything that is considered bad in the Pavlograd regiment; but if they send you, do what is clear and distinct, defined and ordered: and everything will be fine.
Having entered again into these certain conditions of regimental life, Rostov experienced joy and tranquility, similar to those that a tired person feels when he lies down to rest. This regimental life was all the more gratifying for Rostov during this campaign because, after losing to Dolokhov (an act for which he, despite all the consolations of his family, could not forgive himself), he decided to serve not as before, but in order to make amends, to serve well and to be a completely excellent comrade and officer, that is, a wonderful person, which seemed so difficult in the world, but so possible in the regiment.
Rostov, from the time of his loss, decided that he would pay this debt to his parents in five years. He was sent 10 thousand a year, but now he decided to take only two, and give the rest to his parents to pay off the debt.

Our army, after repeated retreats, offensives and battles at Pultusk, at Preussisch Eylau, concentrated near Bartenstein. They were awaiting the arrival of the sovereign to the army and the start of a new campaign.
The Pavlograd regiment, which was in that part of the army that was on the campaign in 1805, was recruited in Russia, and was late for the first actions of the campaign. He was neither near Pultusk nor near Preussisch Eylau, and in the second half of the campaign, having joined the active army, he was assigned to Platov’s detachment.
Platov's detachment acted independently of the army. Several times the Pavlograd residents were in units in skirmishes with the enemy, captured prisoners and once even recaptured the crews of Marshal Oudinot. In April, Pavlograd residents stood for several weeks near an empty German village that had been destroyed to the ground, without moving.
There was frost, mud, cold, the rivers were broken, the roads became impassable; For several days neither the horses nor the people were given provisions. Since delivery became impossible, people scattered across abandoned desert villages to look for potatoes, but they found little of that. Everything was eaten, and all the inhabitants fled; those who remained were worse than beggars, and there was nothing to take from them, and even little - compassionate soldiers often, instead of taking advantage of them, gave them their last.
The Pavlograd regiment lost only two wounded in action; but lost almost half of the people from hunger and disease. They died so surely in hospitals that soldiers, sick with fever and swelling resulting from bad food, preferred to serve, dragging their feet to the front rather than go to hospitals. With the opening of spring, the soldiers began to find a plant emerging from the ground, similar to asparagus, which they called for some reason Mashkin’s sweet root, and they scattered across the meadows and fields, looking for this Mashkin’s sweet root (which was very bitter), dug it up with sabers and ate it, despite to orders not to eat this harmful plant.

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 /   / 53.38056; 60.97889Coordinates :


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K: Settlements founded in 1843

Varna- village, administrative center Varna district, Chelyabinsk region Russia. Located in the south of the region, 217 km south of Chelyabinsk, on the river Toguzak(Nizhny Toguzak). Railroad station Tamerlane. The right bank territory of the village is also called Tamerlane.


The village was founded in 1843 as a military guard settlement of Tatar-Cossacks - post No. 30 Orenburg Cossack Army V Novolineiny district. It is named after the capture by Russian troops from the Turks in 1828 during Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829 Bulgarian Varna fortress.

Along with other villages in the south of the Chelyabinsk region ( Chesma , Berlin , Paris , Port Arthur , Leipzig , Brady , Ferchampenoise , Arsinsky , Kasselsky...) was named in memory of the victories of the Russian army.



In Varna - a butter factory, a grain collection point (zagotzerno), OJSC "Varna Bread Products Plant", DRSU, enterprise "Selkhoztekhnika" (small-scale production of agricultural machinery). The Mikheevskoye field is located 15 km to the south porphyry copper ores And Mikheevsky GOK.


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Excerpt characterizing Varna (Chelyabinsk region)

And then Stella’s eyes began to widen a little, and understanding slowly but surely began to appear in them...
- Mommy, did she fly to us?!.. But how did she fly?!.. And how is she completely alone? Oh, she’s alone!.. How can we find her now?!
In Stella’s stunned brain, thoughts were confused and seething, overshadowing each other... And I, completely stunned, could not believe that what I had been secretly waiting for for so long and with such hope had finally happened!.. And now, Having finally found it, I couldn’t hold on to this wondrous miracle...
“Don’t kill yourself like that,” Fabius calmly turned to me. – They have always been here... And they always are. You just have to see...
“How?!..”, as if two stunned eagle owls, widening their eyes at him, we exhaled in unison. – How – always there?!..
“Well, yes,” the hermit answered calmly. - And her name is Veya. Only she won't come a second time - she never appears twice... Such a pity! It was so interesting to talk to her...
- Oh, so you two communicated?! – Completely killed by this, I asked upset.
- If you ever see her, ask her to come back to me, little one...
I just nodded, unable to answer anything. I wanted to sob bitterly!.. Well, I got it - and lost such an incredible, unique opportunity!.. And now there’s nothing to be done and nothing can be returned... And then it suddenly dawned on me!
– Wait, what about the crystal?.. After all, she gave her crystal! Won't she come back?..
- I don’t know, girl... I can’t tell you.
“You see!..” Stella immediately exclaimed joyfully. - And you say you know everything! Why be sad then? I told you – there are a lot of incomprehensible things here! So think about it now!..
She was jumping up and down happily, but I felt that the same single thought was annoyingly spinning in her head like mine...
“But you really don’t know how we can find her?” Or maybe you know who knows?..
Fabius shook his head. Stella sank.
- Well, shall we go? – I quietly nudged her, trying to show that it was time.
I was both happy and very sad - for a short moment I saw a real star creature - and I couldn’t hold it back... and I couldn’t even talk. And in my chest, her amazing purple crystal was tenderly fluttering and tingling, with which I absolutely did not know what to do... and had no idea how to open it. A small, amazing girl with strange violet eyes gave us a wonderful dream and, smiling, left, leaving us a piece of her world, and the belief that there, far away, millions of light years away, there is still life, and what can be Someday I will see her too...
- Where do you think she is? – Stella asked quietly.
Apparently, the amazing “star” baby was just as firmly entrenched in her heart as it was in mine, settling there forever... And I was almost sure that Stella did not lose hope of finding her someday.
- Do you want me to show you something? – Seeing my upset face, my faithful friend immediately changed the subject.
And “took” us beyond the last “floor”!.. It very vividly reminded me of that night when my star friends came for the last time - they came to say goodbye... And they took me beyond the boundaries of the earth, showing something that I I carefully kept it in my memory, but still could not understand...
And now - we were floating in “nowhere”, in some strange real, terrifying emptiness, which had nothing in common with that warm and protected, so-called, emptiness of the “floors”... Huge and boundless, breathing eternity and The slightly frightening Cosmos extended its arms to us, as if inviting us to plunge into the still unfamiliar, but always so strongly attracted me, starry world... Stella shivered and turned pale. Apparently it was still too difficult for her to bear such a heavy load.

Today will again be something to be proud of. We are in Chelyabinsk Varna. Not far from it is located the largest mining and processing plant, which was built from scratch at post-Soviet space. We tried to build the Mikheevsky GOK, which is our today’s hero, at an accelerated pace. The first stone for the foundation of the mining and processing plant was laid on May 29, 2012, and the ceremonial launch ceremony took place on December 17, 2013. Investments in the project amounted to more than 27 billion rubles. And we keep saying that our factories are standing still and nothing is being built. If everything continues at this pace, then it will not be far off when Russia will increasingly appear on the first lines in the world. In the meantime, I suggest you see for yourself what kind of metallurgy we have.

Lyoshka Chirkov and I had to get up at ten minutes to six. It was necessary to pick up the equipment from the trade pavilion before it opened. At the beginning of six, cars with goods should have already started arriving there.

They drove the equipment to the entrance to the hotel, leaned it against the lattice fence and connected it with cables. We returned to our room and settled down to get some sleep.

Yeah... Why did we agree to spend the night in an iron box? Firstly, they froze like dogs, and secondly, they suffocated from the oily stove. Anyway! But the morning turned out to be sunny and lightly windy.

At seven in the morning, farm workers arrived - mechanics who repair agricultural machinery. One guy unscrewed some components from the harrow and took them to the second, the second welded something to them. In general, they had no time for us. We, in turn, rummaged around with our belongings. We didn’t have a serious breakfast; we decided to eat frog legs in sweet and sour sauce at one of the Parisian bistros.

Lyosha Maleev decided to use the GoPro video camera he had taken with him. I attached it to the steering wheel of my bike and taught me the basics of video shooting with this unit. But I ended up constantly being stupid with her. When I turned on the camera and started shooting, it was supposed to emit certain signals, which I could not hear due to the noise of the wind. He pressed something, took something off, and then took it off altogether.