Verkh-neyvinsk - get a train schedule. Train schedule Priobye Verkh-Neyvinsk Priobye top neyvinsk

The train schedule Verkh-Neyvinsk Priobye currently contains 3 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 19 h 2 m, and the number of stops on this route is 22. Trains running along the route Verkh-Neyvinsk Priobye most often stop at Nevyansk, Communist, Konda, Pelym, Vonegan, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave, for example, at 14.16, 17.53, 22.55 from the station Verkh-Neivinsk, while they arrive at the final point of Priobye at 11.04, 18.04 local time, respectively. The small number of scheduled trains in the schedule of Verkh-Neyvinsk Priobye is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. The schedule of trains Verkh-Neyvinsk - Priobye is made up so that you can leave in this direction in the afternoon, in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Verkh-Neyvinsk - Priobye train ticket at the ticket office of the nearest train station, or online.

Currently, the train schedule board in the direction of Verkh-Neyvinsk - Priobye consists of 8 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Verkh-Neyvinsk, Priobye), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time that rolling stocks travel between these stations is 18 hours 48 minutes.

All trains can be divided into daytime and night trains. The first passenger train, which leaves in the afternoon on the route Russian Railways Novorossiysk - Priobye under number 522С, runs at 14 hours 16 minutes. from the station Verkh-Neyvinsk and at 11 hours 4 min. he arrives at the Priobye station. For example, day train number 522С follows from Verkh-Neivinsk station at 14:16:00 and arrives at the platform at 11:04:00 at Priobye station. Evening and last, in turn, the long-distance train goes under number 352Y. Departing from Verkh-Neyvinsk at 22 hours 55 min. and accordingly arrives at 18 hours 4 minutes. to the Priobye station.

Our site has the correct online schedule for the Verkh-Neyvinsk - Priobye direction for the time being. In connection with possible changes in the schedule of the Russian Railways trains on the route Verkh-Neyvinsk - Priobye - we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

This train schedule for the Priobye - Verkh-Neyvinsk route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Priobye - Verkh-Neyvinsk

Currently, the train schedule for Priobye Verkh-Neyvinsk consists of 3 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 3. These are flights 338Е, 522Е, 352Е - the fastest of them is 338Е Priobye Yekaterinburg-Pass., Which overcomes the distance along the route Priobye Verkh-Neyvinsk in 0 d 17 h 32 min, the slowest train is the 352Е Obye Ufa train, departing at 20:17. Number of stops along the route Priobye   varies from 23 to 29 depending on the train schedule and averages 26. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 46 minutes. From the Priobye station, trains leave in the morning - 13:06, 13:06 and in the afternoon - 20:17. All trains leave from Priobye stations, and arrive at the stations of Verkh-Neyvinsk.

Want a thrill? Then you are here: start, stop, like at a rally, it feels like you are driving off-road, the train cannot slow down smoothly and cannot get under way, you will ride on the bed back and forth day and night. As usual in all cars - in the corners of the unwashed mud for years. Of course, the conductors washed the floors, there are no complaints against them, but to climb into all the secluded places with passengers is not realistic, and for this it is necessary to devote more than one day to wash the car normally. Outlets in the corridor 4 pcs - normal. True, for some reason the conductors themselves do not have sockets, phones are charging like everyone else - in the corridor :-) Cond ...Read completely

The car had air conditioning, but it worked very poorly. It was very hot, especially when we were approaching Krasnodar. It was especially difficult for children in such a heat to ride in a carriage. The dry closet worked normally for the first day, but then there was simply no visible water, it didn’t wash off at all.

The train is old, there was no dry closet. The guide in our 13th carriage was very respectful. I watched the cleanliness in the car. But the car is old. Already need to move away from such cars. Air conditioning was not always on. It’s good that the car was not hot. It was not convenient that there were no sockets for passengers who were traveling on side seats.

Very old, dirty wagon. I don’t want to go to the toilet at all