Yugorsk get the schedule. Distance Yugorsk - gain. Closest airports to Yugorsk

Distance Yugorsk - Priobye on the highway is 218 km, in a straight line - 178 km. In countries with an English system of measures, the length of this route is 136 miles on the road and 111 miles on the straight. The trip Yugorsk - Priobye by car will last approximately 3 hours 6 minutes.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs next to 3 settlements. To plot the route Yugorsk - Priobye for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

To find out what traffic jams are on the Yugorsk-Priobye road now, check the "Traffic jams" box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Yugorsk to Priobye by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a roadmap in a convenient format, click.

Exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used to build the route and calculate the distance. We do not guarantee absolute accuracy and are not responsible for the route built.

Using our site you can get directions Yugorsk - urban-type settlement Priobye both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google service maps. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you could find out how to get by car from the point Yugorsk (Russia) to the urban-type settlement Priobye (Russia).

Distance between Yugorsk and the township Priobye

If you travel by car, the distance between Yugorsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Oblast and the urban-type settlement Priobye, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Oblast is 331.1 km.

  • Travel time

    7 hours, 9 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and meals

  • Fuel consumption

    at a rate of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight distance

    the distance between the centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Road distance

    according to Yandex Map service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start of route
4 minutes - 2.4 km
the village of Vandymsky Lesoastastok, 4 minutes 2.4 km
1 minutes - 1.1 km
energetikov village,  Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Tyumen Oblast, Russia 6 minutes 3.5 km
10 minutes - 8 km
Nyagan  Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Tyumen Oblast, Russia 16 minutes 11.5 km
7 minutes - 5.6 km
unyugan village,  Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Tyumen Oblast, Russia 23 minutes 17.1 km
5 hours, 26 minutes - 254.4 km
nyurich village,  Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Tyumen Oblast, Russia 5 hours, 50 minutes 271.5 km
1 hours, 19 minutes - 59.5 km
garden plots Green Zone,  Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Tyumen Oblast, Russia 7 hours, 9 minutes 331.1 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several flight options for this route. Search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy a cheap flight Yugorsk - Priobye urban type or on another route, please follow the link.

Train tickets

Looking for cheap train tickets to Priobye or Yugorsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

Bus tickets

Do you need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses to the urban-type settlement of Priobye or to Yugorsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Nearest airports to Urban Settlement Priobye

Closest airports to Yugorsk


Need to choose and book a cheap hotel in the urban-type village of Priobye or in Yugorsk? Our site has a convenient resource for online hotel reservation. Just follow the link.

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