Railway tickets for the Novokuybyshevsk - Tikhoretsk train. Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya train schedule Train ticket Novokuybyshevskaya Tikhoretskaya

This train schedule for the Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya

Currently, the Novokuybyshevskaya Tikhoretskaya train schedule consists of 15 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 15. These are 461Y, 345E, 545U, 249N, 487Y flights - the fastest of them is 545U Orenburg Novorossiysk, which travels along the Novokuybyshevskaya Tikhoretskaya route in 1 d 3 h 11 min, the 487J Samara Sukhum train travels most slowly, departing at 18:27. The number of stops on the Novokuybyshevskaya Tikhoretskaya route ranges from 16 to 28 depending on the train schedule and averages 22. On the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 86 minutes. Trains depart from Novokuybyshevskaya station in the morning - 01:10, 01:10, 01:10 and in the afternoon - 16:07, 16:07, 16:07. All trains leave Novokuybyshevskaya stations, and arrive at Tikhoretskaya stations.

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must specify the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults).

How much is:

The average cost of electronic train tickets in this direction is 1482 rubles.

Reserved seat: 1482-1482 rubles

Sale and delivery of railway tickets Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya:

Service "TravelBileti" provides the opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book tickets for the train following the route Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya.

Tickets are delivered timely  Courier in Moscow.

You can place an order for e-ticket  followed by receipt of the code by mail. The code, in turn, changes to a classic railway ticket at the ticket office or terminal.

Electronic registration - when placing an order, you indicate the passport data that is entered in the current list of passengers. Landing is based on the list of passengers (without a ticket).

Currently, the train schedule board for the direction Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya consists of 58 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Novokuybyshevskaya, Tikhoretskaya), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by rolling stock between these stations is 29 h 30 min.

All trains can be divided into morning, afternoon and night. The first passenger train that leaves in the morning on the route RZD Nizhnevartovsk - Sochi at number 345E goes at 1 hours 10 minutes. from Novokuybyshevskaya station and at 6 hours 11 min. he arrives at Tikhoretskaya station. For example, the night train number 345Е follows from Novokuybyshevskaya station at 01:10:00 and arrives at the platform at 06:05:00 at Tikhoretskaya station. Night and last, in turn, the long-distance train goes under number 545У. Departing from Novokuybyshevskaya at 23 hours 52 min. and accordingly arrives at 4 hours 18 min. to the station Tikhoretskaya.

Our site has the correct online timetable for the time period Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya. In connection with possible changes in the train schedule for Russian Railways on the route Novokuybyshevskaya - Tikhoretskaya, we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.