Railway tickets sarepta Novokuybyshevskaya. Timetable sarepta - novokuybyshevskaya

Currently, the train schedule board for the Sarepta - Novokuybyshevskaya direction consists of 45 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Sarepta, Novokuybyshevskaya), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time that rolling stocks travel between these stations is 18 hours 1 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning, afternoon. The first passenger train that leaves in the morning on the route RZD Imereti resort (Olympic Park) - Novokuznetsk at number 250N runs at 1 hours 50 minutes. from Sarepta station and at 20 hours 35 min. he arrives at the Novokuybyshevskaya station. For example, the night train number 546С follows from the Sarepta station at 01:50:00 and arrives at the platform at 20:35:00 at the Novokuybyshevskaya station. The day and last, in turn, long-distance train goes under number No. 456У. Departing from Sarepta at 12 hours 54 min. and accordingly arrives at 7 hours 19 minutes. to the Novokuybyshevskaya station.

Our site has the correct online schedule for Sarepta - Novokuybyshevskaya at the moment. Due to possible changes in the train schedule for Russian Railways on the route Sarepta - Novokuybyshevskaya, we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

The train schedule Sarepta Novokuybyshevskaya currently contains 11 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 18 h 15 m, and the number of stops on this route is 10. Trains running along the Sarepta Novokuybyshevskaya route most often stop at Volgograd 1, Verkhny Baskunchak, Elton, Volzhsky, Vladimirovka, a traffic schedule for which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave, for example, at 01.50 from the Sarepta station, while they arrive at the final point Novokuybyshevskaya at 20.35 local time, respectively. A large number of shuttle trains in the schedule of Sarept Novokuybyshevskaya indicates that this direction is in demand among passengers. The schedule of trains Sarepta - Novokuybyshevskaya is compiled so that you can leave in this direction at night, in the morning.
You can buy tickets for the Sarepta - Novokuybyshevskaya train at the ticket office of the nearest station, or online.

The car is not new, but clean, there is air conditioning, dry closet. The lower places, except for the side places, are equipped with sockets, which is just wonderful. They traveled all the way in comfort, despite the fact that this is a reserved seat car. Before the trip I read reviews and was already configured for the worst, but we were lucky with the car. To clarify: car 24 was trailed, Samara.

The car was trailed, maybe that's why it’s old. There were no charging sockets near the place. Passengers got tees to recharge the phones of everyone. We stood in line). Conductors are ordinary, not particularly sensitive to cleanliness and care for passengers, but not annoying. Toilets, although bio, are dirty. Some old ones. The air conditioning worked, thanks for which, otherwise we wouldn’t have arrived) Where are the new comfortable railway cars that were shown on TV? I hope that ordinary people will travel with amenities and at normal prices next summer.

I drove for three days, clean, not noisy, the toilet was clean, the car was washed, I was satisfied

Good evening. We drove in carriage 14. Everything is fine. The car is good. The guides are cool. Clean. The conder works. The toilets are working. Of course, if the passengers themselves do not clog. Everything was very good. Guys. Thanks to Tokarev Sasha and Usmanov Artem courtesy and cleanliness.

I drove in the second car, I liked everything, the conductor did a good job helping to catch the train, she thanks a lot. Now about the poor parking for two minutes, why there is no information anywhere that you can board any car and not rush headlong along the platform. Moreover, the guides stood and no one said that you can get into any car and silently watched me. In addition to the conductor of the second carriage, who was very surprised that no one put me in the carriage, especially a pensioner.