Train tickets snigirevka. Train schedule and train tickets. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration

This page provides the current train schedule for the Ukrzaliznytsya formation at the SNIGIREVKA station.

The train schedule for the SNIGIREVKA station provides information on the number of trains, departure time and arrival time at the destination, travel time, train route and its frequency.

Number of trains at SNIGIREVKA station: 29

By default, trains are sorted by departure time. By clicking on the column heading you can sort trains by the required parameter: train number, arrival time at destination, travel time.

The train schedule for the SNIGIREVKA station is regularly updated to reflect changes in running and provide up-to-date information on trains.

In order to check the availability of train tickets for the train from the SNIGIREVKA station, fill in the “Where” and “Date” field at the top of the page and click on the “Search for tickets” button. The system will return a list of available train tickets for trains in the selected direction. Using our system you can buy train tickets without leaving home. The site allows you to choose the places suitable for you, pay with a card and get train tickets in 5 minutes. There is no longer any need to go to the train station or stand in line at the railway ticket office. Buying train tickets is easy!

The train schedule for the Snigirevka station, displayed on this page, is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Trains on the station Snigirevka

To date, the train schedule at Snigirevka station includes 24 railway long-distance flights, of which 4 are daily. The minimum train stop time is 0 h 2 m (train on the route Kiev-Pass. - Nikolaev-Pass.), And the maximum 0 h 12 m (flight on the route Kherson - Kiev-Pass.). Most of all in the train schedule, it arrives from the settlements: Kherson, Kiev, Nikolaev, Odessa at 16:43, 09:37, 20:16, 21:48 respectively. The trains departing from the Snigirevka station follow the routes - Snigirevka - Kiev, Snigirevka - Nikolaev, Snigirevka - Kherson, Snigirevka - Dnepropetrovsk departing at 20:18, 03:06, 09:39, 21:50 respectively. When planning a trip, you should consider that the schedule of some trains, such as 225K Kiev-Pass. - Nikolaev-Pass. (Arrival - 03:04, departure - 03:06), 161K Kiev-Pass. - Nikolaev-Pass. (03:04, 03:06), 317D Zaporozhye-1 - Odessa-Main (03:20, 03:22), 251D Dnepropetrovsk-Head. - Odessa-Main (04:39, 04:41) have a special timetable, so it is recommended to specify the schedule for a specific date.

Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find Russian Railways information on the availability of tickets and their cost. Select the appropriate train and place. Pay for your ticket in one of the proposed ways. Payment information will be immediately transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Can I pay with a card? Is it safe?

Oh sure. Payment takes place through the payment gateway of the processing center All data is transmitted over a secure Gateway has been designed to meet the requirements of the PCI DSS International Security Standard. The gateway software has successfully audited version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including for mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and quick way to get a travel document without a cashier or operator.When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train, you must either go through electronic registration or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. Then, to board the train, you will need the original ID and printout of the boarding pass. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket   it is possible at any time before the train leaves at the ticket office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it by SMS after payment) and the original ID.