Alan – Goa in his historical homeland. Edge by the water

The ARD portal provides an appeal from a Buryat politician to his fellow countrymen:

in the photo: Alamzhi Syrenov, Chairman of the Tunkinsky District Council of Deputies

“Currently, our republic, like the whole country, is going through difficult times. Good times. The tense international situation and the economic recession in Russia are causing political instability in Buryatia. We feel all this, as they say, on ourselves. At the same time, in the republic as a whole and among the Buryat people in particular, there is a steady trend towards revival national culture, the identity of the people and the definition of the role and place of the Buryat nation in Russia.

In this difficult period for the country, such unity of the people around their traditions is one of the most important factors in the sustainability of society. The revival of traditions strengthens the centuries-old friendship of the Russian and Buryat peoples and, with the right attitude towards it, shows the future path of development. As we know, any crisis is the beginning of a new round of development.

In this regard, I take the initiative to build a monument to the legendary foremother of all the great Mongol khans, the Khori-Tumat queen Alan-Goa in the Tunkinsky region of Buryatia. I believe that this can further strengthen Russian-Mongolian relations and give a significant impetus to the development of Buryat-Mongolian culture. At the same time, the Alan-Goa monument will contribute to the development of pilgrimage and ethnographic tourism in Buryatia.

The image of Alan-Goa, having a deep philosophical meaning of reconciliation and chastity, will help strengthen friendship between peoples and countries," - written in the address of the Chairman of the Tunkinsky District Council of Deputies Alamzhi Syrenov.


The medieval history of the Buryat ancestors is full of turbulent events that also influenced the history of neighboring regions and peoples. Tribes of the Buryat mountains, taiga and steppes participated in military-political activity in Central Asia and Southern Siberia, were involved in trade, economic and cultural exchange.

By the 10th century, the Khori-Tumats - one of the largest peoples of that time - occupied a vast territory between Khubsugul and Baikal, along the Angara, Lena rivers and their tributaries. The southern branch of the Khori-Tumats settled in the harsh mountainous region in the Tunkinskaya valley, the mountainous Oka and along the banks of Khubsugul. “The Secret History of the Mongols” reports that in the area “Arig Usun in the Khori-Tumat land Alan-goa was born.” She was the daughter of Khorilartai-mergen, one of the Khori-Tumat leaders, who decided with a group of his supporters to move to Onon. This decision was epoch-making. The ancestors of the Buryats united with the Eastern Mongols and a new community was formed - the Nirun Mongols.

The Mongolian tribes known from the chronicles - Borjigins, Tayjiuts, Barulases - attributed their origin to Alan-goa. The famous Persian chronicler Rashid ad-din, who recorded the history of the Mongol rulers, wrote about her descendants: “Those tribes that belong to the family of Alan-Goa and her sons are divided into three parts in the following division. The first is those that come from the family of Alan-Goa until its sixth generation, in which there was Kabul Khan. All these people from among the sons, nephews and their clan are independently called nirun. In the same way, the brothers of Kabul Khan and their clan are called nirun. , although they are Niruns, they are called Kiyat. They are a tribe that descends from the sixth generation of Alan-Goa, from the family of Kabul Khan the Third - those who, although they come from the Nirun-Kiyat tribe and the pure family of Alan-Goa. and were born from her direct descendant in the sixth generation, Kabul Khan, they are called Kiyat-Burjigin." Genghis Khan came from the Kiyat-Borjigins, and Tamerlane from the Barulas.

The image of Alan-goa remained in the memory of the Mongols as the image of a ruler who showed her children, future khans, the strength of unity using a simple example - a bunch of arrows that is difficult to break. At the Nine White Yurts in Ordos, the center of the cult of Genghis Khan, the Mongol rulers performed rites in honor of Alan-goa, calling her Sutu-khatan ("Queen of Majesty") or Eshi-khatan ("Queen of the Root"). The historical role of Alan-goa is that it cultivated in the Mongols the desire for unity and respect for their ancestors.

Alan-goa came from the Hori-Tumat people, whose descendants today are the modern Hori, Hongodor and Shosholok. The descendants of Alan-Goa in Buryatia are also tribes from the clan of Genghis Khan. Her personality unites representatives of clans living in different parts of Buryatia. Alan-goa was born on the land of that Khori-Tumat branch that inhabited the mountainous regions a thousand years ago, so her memory should be perpetuated primarily near her small homeland. The Tunka Mountains are a worthy place to erect a monument to the beautiful Khatan, the daughter of the Buryat people and the ancestor of the Mongols.

Secrets and mysteries of the country of Arich-Usun

One of the decisive stages in the formation of the Mongolian peoples was associated with the birthplace of the Great Mother of the Mongols, Alan-gua, writes the author of the article, Evgeniy Khamaganov.

A necessary remark: the question of why the Tunka Valley should become the place where the Alan-gua monument will be erected has recently begun to acquire an increasingly opportunistic connotation. Many rushed to accuse, reproach, point out, condemn...

What, they say, is the relationship between Alan-gua and the Khori-Buryats to Tunka, the Hongodors to the Khori-Buryats, and so on.

I would not like to engage in the construction of sacred bastions and other pillars, but to look at the area where it all began...

So, according to § 8 of the “Secret Legend”, Alan-gua was born from Khorilartai (Khoridoy) mergen and Bargudzhin-goa, daughter of Bargudai mergen in the area of ​​Arich Usun (Arig Us).

Edge by the water

Since strife began in this Khori-Tumat land over hunting grounds, Khoridoy migrated towards Burkhan Khaldun near the Onon River, where Dobun Mergen, a descendant of Borte Chino, married her.

Many previously agreed that Arig Us is the traditional place of nomadism of the current Hori-Buryats in the Selenga valley, almost the place where Ulan-Ude now stands. This error has long been debunked by historians.

Historian Nikolai Abaev believes that the area “Arikh-Usun” still exists on geographical map modern Tuva in a slightly different dialect version “Aryg-Uzuu”.

The Us River is located in the Upper Yenisei region, and, according to some sources, the reserve headquarters of Khan Arig Bug was located here.

But the second word “usun” from the word “us” - “water”, clearly makes us think about a body of water, and such that it is worthy of mention.

Since Baikal has already been named, only the area of ​​the Khubsugul region remains. Why Arig Us was located here is evidenced by the fact that here was the country of Khotogoito, which was inhabited by the descendants of the Khori-Tumats. The Tsaatns live here - the southernmost deer-owning people. Most likely, they are descendants of the Tunguska substratum Goa-Maral, the wife of Burte Chino.

The word “Arikh” speaks of the northern region - “arai”, which, in principle, this area was for the Mongols of the 13th century, the time when “SSM” was written.

Not far from the village of Khuramsha, Ivolginsky district of Buryatia, there is a structure of clearly artificial origin, which the locals call “Oboo Oelun-ehe” - a place of worship for the mother of Genghis Khan, which was erected on his orders. Nearby there is also an obo dedicated to the Piebald Wolf - Burte Shono.

So, we have two landmarks by which we can determine the approximate boundaries of Arikh Usun. South - Prikhubsugulye, East - Oriole. Where is the West?

Land of the Great Ban

The Oka Valley in a number of sources is listed as the area where the Hori tribe went from the civil strife of the Early Middle Ages. Allegedly, there are even traces of the road along which they escaped. Other sources say that this road was paved by Jochi warriors when they went to conquer the “forest peoples.”

One way or another, this area can be called the Western landmark of the country of Arig Us. At one time, Genghis Khaan imposed on her the most stringent part of Their Khorig - the Great Ban. Not only that, on pain of death, it was not allowed to cut down forest or hunt or live at all.

The center of this triangle Khubsugul-Ivolga-Oka was the Tunka Valley, the supposed birthplace of Alan-goa, the mother of all Mongols. Therefore, the Great Khaan established a reserve here in memory of his great ancestors and for future generations.

This is how a Mongol sculptor imagined the image of Alan-goa in the 20th century.
The monument stands on the banks of the Arig River in the Chandman-undur soum
in Khubsugul aimag. Locals the Uriankhians consider her their countrywoman,
since the “SSM” says that Alan-goa was born in Arich-Usun

This is evidenced by the fact that only very few tribes of Soyots and Tsaatns, close in language and clearly consanguineous, lived in these places in post-Genghis Khan times. In turn, close to the Uriankhians. Namely, it was to them, the fellow tribesmen of Subede-bagatur, that Chinggis Khaan ordered to guard the territory of Their Khorig.

The fact that no one lived here is evidenced by the fact that the Hongodors, being an offshoot of the ancient Khori-Tumats, appeared in the areas of Zakamna and Tunka already in the 16th-17th centuries, and did not meet anyone anywhere until the area of ​​the Irkut River. Thus, the Terte and Shosholok, closely related to the Hongodors, lived in the Angara region.

Ivolga also began to be populated by newcomers Ekhirites and Bulagats around this time.

It turns out that the Tunkinskaya Valley, rich and abundant in springs, was empty for several centuries (!). But when they came here, the Hongodors knew where they were going. They return to the land of their great ancestors, preserved for them at the behest of Genghis Khan.

The last khan of Arich Usun

The great khans were buried here,” researcher Galdan Lenkhoboev, who once studied Oelun, wrote about Arig Us. He did not say that Genghis Khan’s mother herself was buried here, pointing only to the place of her worship.

But, according to him, somewhere here lies Arig Buga, the youngest son of Tolui and Sorkhokhtani-beki.

The fact that it was called that way - “Buga, (i.e., wapiti), from the area of ​​Arig” is clearly not accidental. Perhaps his parents were on a trip to this area, since the youngest son of Genghis Khan Tolui owned the Root Ulus of the Mongol Empire, which included Arig Us.

While his older brothers Mongke and Kublai were fighting with China, Arig Buga gathered around himself traditionalists who believed that the Mongols had nothing to do in China. They say they destroyed it and that’s enough. And it’s better to destroy everyone than to fall under their corrupting influence.

When the Great Munhe Khaan died, Arig Buga laid claim to the Golden Throne. Kublai had already openly become the Chinese emperor and abandoned Karakorum, which for the time being suited Arig Bug, who settled in the old capital.

In 1260, two kurultai were held at once different places, who proclaimed both brothers Great Khaans.

After several battles, tired of looking for allies among the other grandchildren of Genghis Khan, Arig Buga surrendered. According to the chronicles, he suddenly fell ill and died in 1266, thereby allegedly freeing Khubilai from deciding his fate younger brother. But perhaps Arig Buga was simply exiled to Arig Us, where he was subsequently buried.

Perhaps his father Tolui-otchigin also lies somewhere here. Or maybe the Great Genghis Khan himself?

On July 22, in the vicinity of the village of Galbay, Tunkinsky district, the laying of the first stone of the monument to Alan-gua, the foremother of the Mongols, took place.

Meditative reconstruction of history

“You, girl, quiet in heart and eyes, did you know that evening when you sat down
on the sand, that the sleepy child holding your dark nipple is the same Mughal,
about whom the earth will never forget?"
*In the Horde*. Bunin.

"The last slaughtered Scythian in Tatar rags
If he buries himself, then he’ll get used to mortal wanderings.”

"Will they return us to Crimea, to the vineyards in the dark fire"

"Selected passages from correspondence with Brodsky"
Yakov Esepkin.

A year has passed, I again lowered the whip into the green grass.
Our Men-gu tribe roamed south of Baikal.
At night, silver smoke penetrated through the chimney into our yurt,
like a ghost... but the young man slipped out to Morning.

On a high horse, the guest was not at all like us.
They called him the yellow dog, he lived with us in the camp for five years.
I have three brothers, three sons - from the Blue Heavens of Alan-Goa. (to mom)
A new family of Borjigins is coming - blue-eyed Mongols!

Their mother gave birth to them in a squatting position, honoring the laws of the steppe.
The Mongols added a white bone to the black bone.
The Desht-Kipchak Polovtsians are their tributaries, those Komans,
having escaped from their owners, they set up camps near Kyiv.

Slavic princes gave maidens to them as wives.
they are making mud huts, all of them are baptized.
And with a burner they turn men away from women in a brotherly way.
And the Slavs flee to the north, abandoning Slavic Kyiv.

Then the Mongols appeared, interrupting the Polovtsian dances...

The story is told from the perspective of a girl, the daughter of Alan-Goa, from her husband.

*Alan-Goa - ancestor of the Borzhdigins - blue-eyed Mongols-Mughals (where Genghis Khan is from) widow, gave birth to an unknown " yellow dog" - a white young man with three sons. The husband's children kicked the eldest Bodonchar out of the tribe. These were called “People of Long Will.” The clan that gave birth to Genghis Khan was founded.
In ethnogenesis, the blood of the Iranians is assumed - the Czechs (Scythians) and the Mengu tribe from the Onon River, a mixture of Turks

**Russian-Polovtsian peace at Sakov in 1101. Polovtsy-Kipchaks are Turkic-speaking.
*** 1240 - the Mongols took Kyiv.

Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, grandson of Monomakh and son of Yuri Dolgoruky and the Polovtsian princess, her father Aepa Osekovich, nicknamed China or Kitan at home, together with the Polovtsians returned Kyiv in 1169, plundering it, taking revenge on the people of Kiev for the poisoning of Yuri Dolgorukov's father, the legal heir to the throne.
Andrei Bogolyubsky moved the capital of Rus' along with the patriarchal throne to the north, to Vladimir.

Gumilyov: “Zhao Hong reports that in the 12th century the Mongols (Turks) did not yet have a 60-year cycle,
and counted down “one year when the grass is green.” Their ethnogenesis began in the 11th century, with the son of Alan Goa - Bodonchar. In the "Secret History" the first exact date is the year of the Hen -1201, while the Turks of China used a cyclic calendar already in the 8th century. This speaks of a complete break in tradition, that is, the beginning of a new ethnogenesis, hinting that these were Turkits (where Alan-Goa is from), a cross between a white tribe and a yellow one, and not true Mongoloids; the true Mongols were the Tatars. The Kazan Tatars adopted this name as a sign of respect, in fact they are Bulgars (Turks)
******The coins of the Golden Horde depict a double-headed eagle

The self-name of the valley, according to researchers, originates from Bargudzhin-Tukum - as the birthplace of a married woman. In mythology, the name appears -Bargudzhin-Goa, she was the first wife of Khorida -mergen from the marriage that gave birth to Alan-Goa, the ancestor of the golden family of Genghisids. The origin of Alan-Goa is indicated by the Mongolian chronicle “The Secret History of the Mongols” - “Paragraph 8. And regarding that tribal group it turned out like this: Bargujin-goa, the daughter of Barkhudai-Mergen, the ruler of Kol-Bargujin-Dogum, was married to Khorilartai-Mergen, noina Khori-Tumatsky. The name Alan-Goa was the daughter who was born to Khorilartai-Mergen from Bargujzhin-goa in the Khori-Tumat land, in the area of ​​Arich-Usun.” Mongolian sources under the term Arig Us, as is known, meant Lake Baikal.

According to shamanic beliefs, the mistress-spirit of the Boloon-Tumer lakes is Bargudzhin-Goa. This was reflected in shamanic invocations and oral folk art.

Historical sources and Mongolian mythology indicate that Alan-Goa is the foremother of the clan of Genghis Khan. Her son became the head of the tribe he conquered and was the ancestor of Genghis Khan.

Some consider Barguzhin-Goa to be the “master spirit” of the source of the Barguzin River, others consider Sagan-baatar Khaan. According to local beliefs, the timeliness and abundance of rain depend on them” - in his research work“Cult places of the Barguzin Valley” is stated by the candidate of historical sciences B.Ts. Gomboev. This is also mentioned by K.M. Gerasimova (Gerasimova, 1969). K.M. Gerasimova also noted that when naming the owners of the area, informants first mention either Barguzhin-Goa alone, or add Bator Sagaan-Khan after it. Timely and sufficiently abundant rains depend on the owners of Boolen-Tumer.” (Gerasimova, 1969).

As the researcher of shamanism B.D. Bazarov writes, the “master spirit” of Mount Bata-saagan noen is a blacksmith on the Eastern side with his residence on Mount Boolen-Tumer, directly adjacent to the lake of the same name, where the Barguzin River originates. Since ancient times, shamans called Lake Booolon-Tumer Khataalgyn-nuur, translated as “a trough in which iron is tempered.” Bata-sagaan’s wife noena, Bayan-bural khatan, is the patroness and hare of the Barguzin valley. Bata-sagaan noen, being a student of Bahar-har noen, was a member of his forge Bai-gal (B.V. Bazarov, 2000). Perhaps the message of Rashid-Ad-Din, which talks about the relationship between the ancestors of the family, belongs to this series and the iron mountain, the White Moon holiday and Genghis Khan: “as a result, people do not forget about that mountain, iron smelting and blacksmithing, the family of Genghis Khan has a custom and rule on that night, which is the beginning of the New Year (Tsagansar.B.Ts. Gomboev.) prepare blacksmith's bellows, forge and coal; they crush some iron and, placing it on an anvil, hit it with a hammer and stretch out into a stripe in gratitude for their liberation (Rashid-Ad-Din, 2002."

The holding of the III International Bargut Festival (2015) in the Republic of Buryatia, in the Barguzin and Kurumkan districts is a landmark event in the history of the Buryat people. It once again proves that the country of Bargudzhin-Tokum and its inhabitants, the Bargut tribes and many other tribes, played an important role in the creation of the Mongolian state, in the formation of the Buryat ethnic group. The III International Bargut Festival is a historical argument that the countries of Bargudzhin-Tukum, Borte-chino, Barga-Bator, Bargudzhin-Goa are known in the Mongolian world, and are important in the Mongolian world.

The name of Alan-goa - the ancestor of the Golden Family of the Genghisids, the foremother of Genghis Khan - is sacred to the Mongolian ethnic group. It has been established that the origin of the ancestors of Alan-Goa is connected with the country of Bargudzhin-Tukum, the center of which, according to scientists, was the Barguzin Valley. Taking all this into account, one of the main decisions of the III International Bargut Festival (2015) was the installation of the Alan-Goa monument in the Barguzin Valley, in the Kurumkan region.

In order to implement this decision, a discussion was held in the Kurumkan region this issue in the administration of the Kurumkansky district municipality (2015). An important problem was the choice of installation site for the Alan-Goa monument, which would correspond to the status and historical significance of the Foremother of Genghis Khan. Initially, the Shamanka area was considered, near Mount Deedey-babaai, which patronizes the upper reaches of the Barguzin River. But, due to the fact that this peak is located in the depths of the Kurumkan region, difficult to access for tourists and residents of the area, this option has become unacceptable. The issue of establishing a monument to Alan-Goa at the foot of the Barkhan-Uula peak, which is most associated with its ancestors, including Borte-Chino, was also considered. But even here there are conditions specific to the area - the place is surrounded by forest, there is a small overview of the monument and the terrain does not correspond to the installation of the monument. The most suitable area for installing the monument is the Khadagshan area, the foot of Mount Maryan (Bald Mountain), from where the majestic Barguzin Valley opens. But these proposals also require careful public discussion.

Resolving this issue requires quite a lot of time, as it is associated with land surveying land plot allocated for the monument, these areas belong to the Forest Fund. Further stages of construction of the Alan-Goa monument: planning of the land plot, design and ordering of the monument itself, installation of the monument in compliance with all traditions and customs provided for in these cases. The most important issue is finding sources of funding - sponsorship, patronage, within the budget, charity events.

According to the decision of the Bargut Festival, the Alan-Goa Monument should be installed in the Barguzin Valley, on ancient land Bargudzhin-Tukuma at the beginning of IV International festival Barguts in Choibalsan (Mongolia) in 2019. The presentation of the Alan-Goa Monument is presented to the festival participants as a report on the work done, which will be of international importance.

The Alan Goa Monument represents the memory of all mothers. The erected monument to Alan-Goa in the Barguzin Valley, in the Kurumkansky district will be a symbol of memory of all the mothers of the Barguzin Valley, all of Buryatia.