Dmitry Komarov about the underside of his last trip to Nepal. The world inside out (all episodes) watch online Broadcasting the world inside out with Dmitry Komarov Nepal

Do you love traveling, but don't have enough money to travel around the world? Don’t be upset, Dmitry Komarov’s project “The World Inside Out” will take you through the most beautiful corners of the planet. You will be presented not only Beautiful places and attractions. You will be able to learn in detail about the life, everyday life, and habits of the inhabitants of a particular country. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy the spectacle.

The idea of ​​the project is not to advertise hotels and shops, but to show life from the inside. The viewer can find the ideal country for himself, and in 45 minutes he can feel like a hot-tempered Italian, an incendiary Brazilian or a wise Japanese. The film crew of this program consists of only two people - Dmitry himself, who undertook not only to organize, but also to lead the project, and the cameraman. One country is not filmed for a day or even a week. Each piece of Earth is allocated several months. This is done in order to really see the inner world of the country, and not the feigned beauty. The program has already captured wonderful footage in Cambodia, India (which received the most episodes), Africa, Vietnam and Indonesia. And Komarov is not going to stop there.
Genre: TV series, Russian TV series

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The world inside out in Nepal is the unforgettable adventures of Dmitry Komarov and Alexander Dmitriev in the new season. New season“The World Inside Out” will begin its journey from the capital of Nepal, from the city of Kathmandu.

What will we see in season 8 of “The World Inside Out” and what is Komarov’s route in Nepal?

We will be able to watch in “The World Inside Out” season 8 how Dmitry and Alexander will begin their journey from the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, to go to the foot of Everest, where the Sherpas live - local residents, to find out how they live and see the rising sun behind Everest - a symbol the beginning of a new day. "The World Inside Out" goes to Everest. After this they will return to Kathmandu to continue their trip to Upper Mustang. It is an administrative region of Nepal that still retains royal authority. Pokhara is the next stage of Dmitry Komarov’s route, there is an aviation club with Ukrainian aviators here, they will help show Everest from a bird’s eye view.

Mosquitoes in the World Inside Out will visit the Chitwan jungle

As we know in The World Inside Out, all episodes of this show show that the presenter is not afraid of any danger, that there are no obstacles for him, this trip is no exception. Komarov was taken by helicopter to a local hospital right from the foot of Mount Sagarmatha. After the assistance was provided, he again went on the road to film the program. The famous Chitwan jungle, or rather National Park, Dmitry Komarov will not bypass and show all the shades of green, all the beauty of this jungle and the exotic animals that live in this area. I also met Dmitry Komarov here New Year By local customs, visited the most beautiful mountain town of Namche Bazaar, appreciated how important it is to take out good insurance, because there is danger here at every step, and met Tulsi, a two-year-old elephant who left an indelible impression on the host of the World Inside Out program. The head of the Book of Records of Ukraine also flew to them, watch and you will find out what record Dmitry Komarov registered together with the World Inside Out program. Watch and discover the world with Dmitry Komarov.

Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov is a popular journalist and photographer, author and TV presenter of the extreme travel show “The World Inside Out” on the Ukrainian channel “1+1” and the all-Russian “Friday!”, winner of the title “Telepress Favorite 2013” ​​(2nd place among the best television programs ), winner of the “Viva! The most beautiful 2017."

He is also known for creating the “Cup of Coffee” charity project, in which he campaigns to give up everyday small expenses like buying a glass of coffee on the way to work and transfer this money to the treatment of children. Over the course of a year and a half, with the help of his subscribers, he managed to pay for expensive surgeries abroad for five children.


The future traveler and journalist was born on June 17, 1983 in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, and became the first-born in an ordinary Soviet family. His parents are very modest and not public people. In addition to Dmitry, they raised and raised two more children: a son and a daughter. According to Dmitry, despite the difficult financial situation in the 1990s, they managed to create a friendly, strong family and give all three of them a happy childhood.

The makings of a future profession and ability for literary creativity appeared in Dmitry very early. By his own admission, he began writing articles for periodicals while still in junior school. And at the age of 17, he was already seriously involved in journalism, getting a job at the editorial office of Telenedel, where he enthusiastically edited exclusive materials of the popular Ukrainian-Russian weekly.

Career development

After school, the young man became a student at the National Transport University. While studying at a technical university, he continued to write articles for a number of print publications, including men's glossies EGO and Playboy. Later he worked as a special correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine.

In his 3rd year of study at NTU, he finally realized that what interested him most was journalism, so at the same time he continued to study at the University of Culture and Arts. As a result, the young man received two diplomas: an engineer and a public relations specialist.

While still a student, Dmitry traveled a lot, visiting places that stood apart from the well-trodden hiking trails places, small towns and villages, getting to know the local people and their unique culture. It is interesting that he preferred to make his trips alone, considering loneliness a useful and important factor. In his opinion, this state allowed him to understand a foreign country and concentrate as much as possible on his feelings and thoughts. He took the flag of Ukraine with him on all his travels as a talisman.

While traveling, he began to become interested in photography, then making photo reports and exhibitions of the most interesting works. So, in 2005, he presented the “Africa” exhibition, including photographs from Kenya and Tanzania. In 2007, he organized an exhibition of photographs “Nepal. Year 2064”, in 2009 – the exhibition “Indosutra”, where he presented successful footage filmed in India. He was the first foreign photojournalist to receive permission from the authorities to film the cremation procedure on the banks of the Ganges. The trip itself, during which he managed to travel 20 thousand km in 90 days, was included in the Book of Records of Ukraine.

The world inside out

Soon Dmitry began taking a video camera on trips. At this stage, the idea of ​​​​creating an entertainment and educational program was born, where he could show viewers non-traditional tourist spots different countries, and exclusive materials about hard-to-reach and mysterious places, wild tribes, amazing animals, strange customs and shocking rituals. This is how his show “The World Inside Out” came about.

The premiere episode of the program, which he hosted, aired in 2010 on the 1+1 channel, was dedicated to Cambodia and was a stunning success. TV viewers were impressed by the footage of local residents eating poisonous tarantulas, the story about the life of a tribe of former cannibals, the Pnongs, and the appearance of brothels.

A year later, Komarov prepared a series of programs about India. Then, together with the cameraman, he visited Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Kenya in Africa, introducing viewers to the untouched corners of these countries and rare professions. local residents, vibrant culture.

The fourth season of the program was dedicated to Vietnam, the next - to Indonesia, where their main impression was the tree houses.

In 2015, Dmitry and his partner traveled around Mexico for several months, visited the house where Ernest Hemiway lived and worked, and the bar where he wrote his most amazing lines. They also visited Cuba and Bolivia.

The filming of absolutely all episodes of the project was carried out with the participation of only two people - the author and the cameraman. By 2015, their number reached 100 programs. This circumstance allowed him to get into the Book of Records of Ukraine in the category “the largest number of tourist programs filmed by a minimal crew.”

Dmitry Komarov conquered Everest

In 2016, Dmitry went to Nepal, the highest mountainous country on Earth, where he had the opportunity to visit the epicenter of a magnitude 5.5 earthquake. His main goal was highest peak planets - Everest. He talked about her conquest and other fascinating and even mystical moments. For example, about how he unexpectedly chose not the proposed plane, but a car to travel to one of the places in the country. They were later informed that the plane had crashed.

Personal life of Dmitry Komarov

The host of “The World Inside Out” is not married. He is completely dedicated to his project. Excessive busyness, a passion for knowing the underbelly of exotic countries, frequent and long business trips prevent him from starting his own family.

He admitted in an interview that he is very emotional and amorous, but takes romantic relationships very seriously. He hates the idea of ​​short affairs; he prefers long-term romances. In communication, he values ​​sincerity most of all. IN exotic countries he has met many beauties, but he considers Ukrainian girls to be the most beautiful girls in the world.

The young man is skeptical about alliances with foreign women. In his opinion, after a period of euphoria and love, only common interests and spending time together can save a relationship. But for people who grew up on different fairy tales, cartoons and books, who have absorbed completely different concepts and values, it is almost impossible to understand each other’s interests. In addition, no matter how well a person learns the language of another country, communication with a foreigner cannot be as deep as with a compatriot.

The girl to whom I propose to marry me and who agrees must understand the peculiarities of my work. Yes, she will have to wait for me from expeditions for several months.

Dmitry Komarov now

The adventures of the presenter in the “country” were interesting rising sun”, which he and the cameraman visited in 2017. In particular, he managed to get into the secret world of sumo wrestlers, who strictly guard their secrets, to reveal the reason for the high rate of suicide in a highly developed country and the secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, hidden in their diet, namely in the daily consumption of rare seaweed called mazuko.

Dmitry Komarov in Japan

In 2018, Dmitry announced the release of his new book. According to the extreme traveler, it will contain many photographs, tips for tourists, recipes for exotic dishes and exclusive information about the most unusual facts and points on the planet. He believes that his book will be of interest to readers of all ages, and can also be useful to schoolchildren as an alternative textbook.