A giant crab appeared off the coast of Great Britain. On Google maps they found “sea monster Crab on Google maps coordinates

Looking at photographs of our planet taken from space, you can find many intriguing and sometimes inexplicable things, especially if you use your imagination while viewing.

The publication AdMe.ru collected mysterious objects and places that users discovered on Google maps.

Wasteland Guardian

In November 2006, Lynn Hickox discovered on Google Maps a geological formation located in the Canadian province of Alberta that resembled a Native American head with an earphone in its ear. This image appeared as a result of long-term soil erosion, and the wire from the earphone and ear is the road leading to the oil rig, and the derrick itself.

Blood Lake in Iraq

In 2007, near the Iraqi city of Sadr, it was discovered blood red lake. Versions of the origin of the anomaly were very different - from sewage to waste from a nearby slaughterhouse. But the reason for this color of water has never been established. Today the lake looks the same as the others.

Heart shaped island

Galeshnyak Island , belonging to Croatia, was discovered on satellite maps in 2009. The island quickly became popular, not only on the Internet, but also among travelers - the previously uninhabited part of the land turned into a place of pilgrimage for lovers from all over the world.

Maze shaped like a fingerprint

A labyrinth in the shape of a human fingerprint, made of limestone tiles, is located in Hove Park in Brighton, UK. It was created in 2006 from a sketch by artist Chris Drury.

"Murder scene" on a lake in Almere, the Netherlands

A satellite image taken in 2009 in the Netherlands was discovered by one of the Reddit users. The scene seemed similar to a murder, and there was a heated discussion on the site about what it really was.

However, no bloody crime was recorded in this photo. Almere resident Jacqueline Quenen identified the cruel “killer” as her golden retriever, who, according to her, loves to swim. And what was mistaken for traces of blood was actually just water that had drained from the dog’s fur.

Building in the shape of a swastika

The building, shaped like a swastika, belongs to the US Navy and was noticed by Google users in 2006. The Navy command stated that the resemblance to this figure was discovered only at the construction stage, when nothing could be changed.

In 2007 $600 thousand was allocated to change the landscape and install solar panels in such a way that they hide the shape of the building. As of 2017, thanks to solar panels, the building no longer resembles a Nazi symbol.

People in dove masks

This street photo was taken in the Japanese town of Musashino in March 2013. This “composition” was built specifically - by the users and the site team Daily Portal Z, having learned that the streets would be photographed for Google, decided to immortalize herself on the map.

Ship overgrown with trees

This abandoned and tree-covered ship was captured by satellite on the Parramatta River near Sydney, Australia. The ship called SS Ayrfield was launched in 1911. It was decommissioned in 1972, and since then the ship has been moored at the mouth of the river.

UFO in Romania

An object similar in shape to a UFO from science fiction films was discovered on one of the abandoned farms near the Romanian city of Timisoara. The discovery gave rise to a lot of rumors about a visit to Earth by an alien ship. In fact, a flying saucer is abandoned water pump, which previously supplied Timisoara with water.

Desert Breath

Strange circles in the Sahara Desert were created in 1997 by the hands of people who are members of the creative association D.A.S.T. The sculpture is made of two spirals emanating from the center, one of which is created from cones that expand as they move away from the beginning, and the second is created from recesses constructed according to the same principle.

According to the creators, the spiral should disappear over time under the influence of erosion. However, even now, 20 years later, it is clearly visible even from space.

Military aircraft cemetery

Davis-Montain Air Baseis located near the city of Tucson in the USA and is perhaps the largest aircraft preservation site in the world - about 4,400 aircraft and 40 spacecraft are laid up here. Every year about 400 pieces of equipment arrive here and the same number are sold or destroyed.

Strange creature from Loch Ness

25-year-old Jason Cook, looking at satellite images Lake Loch Ness, noticed a creature swimming in its waters. And although there is no reliable evidence of the existence of the famous monster, many believed that it was the Google satellite that captured it.

A group of Internet users engaged in describing creatures and phenomena unknown to science discovered a strange monster on Google maps. The monster resembles the legendary Kraken - a giant mythical squid (or octopus) from Scandinavian folklore.

According to conspiracy theorists who discovered the monster, it lives off the coast of Antarctica. You can see the “Kraken” for yourself. Just open Google maps in satellite mode and enter the coordinates into the search (63° 2’56.73″S 60°57’32.38″W). Or follow this link.

If you look closely, from the “head” to the “tail” it is really 30 meters. But in general, the “tail” looks like it is the middle of the body of a giant squid. So, taking into account the tentacles, it can be longer than 60 meters

However, there are also those who do not consider the unidentified object to be a “kraken” or even a living creature. True, the skeptics’ versions look no less conspiracy-theological. Thus, a certain UFO specialist told UFO Sightings Daily [specializing in news about the paranormal] that the object in the photo could almost be a flying saucer.

If you look closely at the photo, you will see that this is clearly an artificially made object, an underwater UFO emerging from the depths of the ocean.

The Kraken is a fictional mythical monster of gigantic proportions that attacks ships. The name of the monster comes from the Icelandic language. It is believed that it was Icelandic sailors who were the first to see and describe this creature.

Scientists are skeptical about stories about the Kraken. Although in nature there really is a genus of giant squid, some individuals of which reach 15 meters in length.

Google Maps users often find something interesting on them. So, in December last year, in the panoramas of Melbourne there was a photograph of a corpse, which the service did not bother to “cover up”.

Incredible facts

However, as stated Paul Clark(Paul Clark), expert from Natural History Museum in London, this the photograph is nothing more than a hoax.

The largest crabs

He makes the following arguments:

1. The largest crab in the world counts Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), which can grow to the size of a small car.

With a leg span it can reach 4 meters. However, these crabs live in the deep, cold waters near Japan and have a completely different shape.

2. Another crab whose shape is similar to the one in the picture is giant Tasmanian crab (Pseudocarcinus gigas). These are the heaviest crabs in the world and live in the southern waters of Australia at depths of 20-820 meters.

3. Also, this crab does not belong to the species pocket crab (Cancer pagurus), which has a slightly different shape and grows up to 30 cm.

4. The crab is most similar to the representative grass crab (Carcinus maenas), which was placed onto a satellite image using Photoshop. These crabs grow to only 5 cm.

5. Also, several users pointed out that the image of the harbor was taken from Bing Maps, where there is no crab.

Drawings in the Peruvian Nazca Desert

Looks like an unidentified object flying down the river in Buenos Airos— click on the picture to view.

Well of course it's not UFO, but what is it, look for yourself.

And what is this a figure that looks like a flower, or maybe this is a landing site for a spaceship?

Indian head in the mountains of the USA— click on the picture to view.

Atacama, Giant Inca drawing— click on the picture to view.

Coordinates 40.458779,93.313129 Airplane site

Chinese pattern

Another chinese pattern


And when was this one applied?

Is there anything to hide behind these? black rectangles?

In addition to black squares, there are also

The famous Area 51, where UFOs and aliens are allegedly hidden
37°14"13.39"n, 115°48"52.43"w

There are also such closed colorful zones in cities.
52°14"55.40"n, 4°26"22.74"e

Who needs a compass at an altitude of 2 kilometers?
34°57"14.90"N 117°52"21.02"w

Arrows on the underwater bottom that are only visible from above.
32°40"36.82"n,117° 9"27.33"e

The rocket flew and did not reach
38°13"34.93"n, 112°17"55.61"w

Ground drawing of some animal
31°39"36.40"n, 106°35"5.06"w

UFO landed in a grove
45°42"12.68"n, 21°18"7.59"e

A sight measuring hundreds of meters
37°33"46.95"n, 116°51"1.62"w

Colorful lakes on the outskirts of Baghdad
33°23"41.63"n, 44°29"33.08"e

33°51"3.06"s, 151°14"17.77"e

Rock paintings in Oregon, visible from a height of 1.5 km
+42° 33" 48.24", -119° 33" 18.00"

Another triangle
-30.510783, 115.382303

Apparently leftovers ancient civilization under the water. Pay attention to the size of the building and the height of the shooting...
31°20"23.90"n, 24°16"43.28"w

Türkiye, Noah's Ark

The anomaly near Mount Ararat is a geological formation of an unusual shape. It is located at an altitude of 4725 meters above sea level and has a length of almost 183 meters. To date, there are three main versions that explain its occurrence - it could be a geological formation, a glacier, or... the remains of Noah's Ark.
Among local residents There are legends about a huge old ship on the top of a mountain near Mount Ararat. Writer Charles Berlitz in his book “The Lost Ship of Noah” cites the testimony of the Armenian George Hagopian.
Georgiy Khagopyana said that in 1905, as an 8-year-old boy, he was on Mount Ararat with his grandfather. And that they found the ark and visited inside. On the upper deck, Georgy saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone.
The American magazine New Eden in 1939 published an interview with a former pilot of the Russian tsarist army, Lieutenant Roskovitsky, who allegedly discovered an object resembling an ark back in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Roskovitsky reported to the tsar, and Nicholas II equipped an expedition of 150 people. It took them two weeks to reach the site. According to Roskovitsky, the ship resembled both a giant barge and a freight car, and inside there were many rooms - small and large. Moreover, the small rooms were covered with metal mesh.
But the first significant evidence of the existence of an unknown object on the top of the mountain is considered to be photographs taken by American pilots in 1949. A few years later, something resembling a ship covered with snow was seen by Turkish soldiers. The object was then photographed two more times: in 1973 by the American spy satellite Keyhole-9 and in 1976 by the reconnaissance satellite Keyhole-11. CIA workers processing satellite images in the 70s found it difficult to interpret the data obtained. Porcher Taylor, who worked for the CIA at the time, says the picture was quite unexpected. But he was unable to clarify what exactly was there, because the materials collected by Keyhole-9 and Keyhole-11 are still classified.
Coordinates: 39.440628,44.234517

World Seed Bank on Spitsbergen
78°14"23.12"N, 15°27"30.19"E

Neftegorsk is a ghost town, completely destroyed in 1995 after an earthquake of 9-10 magnitude
52°59′45″ n 142°56′41″ e

Another strange structure in the desert

An anomalous place near the city of Osoyoos in Canada - Lake Khiluk
49° 4"42.70"N 119°33"58.79"W

Ushtogai square
50 49"58.38N, 65 19"34.54E
- represents geometric figure consisting of 101 mounds in the form of mounds. The side length of the square is 287 meters! Approximately 112 m from the north-west corner, three rings with a diameter of 19 meters each are located diagonally.
On the opposite side, at a distance of 112 meters from the south-eastern corner, there is an embankment with a diameter of 18 meters. If the square, rings and mound are a single figure, then the length of the figure is 643 meters!

Obviously not natural origin building in Antarctica. Dungeon entrance
-66.603547, 99.719878

Four strange balls in Peru
13°33"39.26"s, 75°16"05.80"w

UFO in the Area 51 area?


Chanquillo, Spanish Chankillo is an ancient monumental complex on the desert coast of Peru in the Casma oasis in the department of Ancash, Peru. Among the ruins are the hilltop Fort Chanquillo, the Thirteen Towers solar observatory, living quarters and public meeting areas. It is assumed that the Thirteen Towers Observatory was built in the 4th century. BC e. The area of ​​the monument is 4 square meters. km. It is assumed that it was a fortified temple.

“Mandala” is the most mysterious geoglyph of the Palpa plateau, located 30 km from the more famous Nazca plateau. In addition to it, there are many geoglyphs on the plateau; it’s a pity that they cannot be clearly seen in Google Maps (and Earth). The geoglyph “Mandala” or Estrella (i.e. “star”), as the locals call it, is definitely the most amazing of them. According to scientists, it was created in the 2nd century AD. Nazca civilization. The composition of two drawings has a size of about two hundred meters and the mystery, as you may have guessed, is how in ancient times people were able to create such a geometrically correct drawing, which is entirely visible only from a bird's eye view. It is believed that the geoliths of the Nazca and Palpa plateaus carry information encoded in mathematical form from their creators, be they people or someone else.

Several videos on this topic

Earthquake, plane crash, fire, Russian geoglyph, crop drawings and others interesting places planets. The coordinates of all places are given. In some places, you need to change the date to see what's in the video (where Google frequently updates photos).

23° 6"54.45"N 113°19"3.79"E Game center, China
35°38"6.01"N 139°44"40.63"E Tokyo, Reclamation Center
33°26"19.18"N 111°58"51.41"W drawing at the airport, USA
35°41"18.90"N 139°45"19.90"E Tokyo, flower
45°38"27.65"N 122°47"43.01"W drawings in the USA fields
52° 2"33.57"N 4°12"47.26"E Sundial, Netherlands
51° 3"16.04"N 1°58"42.45"W Medals, UK
52°31"15.93"N 13°24"34.08"E TV Tower Berlin
37°47"30.27"N 122°23"23.57"W Bow and arrow, San Francisco
35°46"52.68"N 139°35"59.27"E Note, Japan
54°56"30.29"N 59°11"35.85"E Geoglyph "Elk", Chelyabinsk
32°51"31.47"S 70° 8"31.76"W Highway, Chile
46°45"56.81"N 100°47"34.26"W Accident, USA
36°10"58.55"N 68°46"37.34"E Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
55°57"4.82"N 3°13"35.22"W Spiral, Edinburgh
23°38"44.11"N 57°59"13.14"E House in the shape of a heart with an arrow, Oman
34°55"29.03"N 139°56"32.84"E Rybka, Japan
52° 9"14.17"N 2°14"53.03"W Frog, UK
43°42"53.23"N 112° 1"4.04"E Geoglyph giraffes of Mongolia
43°27"25.38"N 3°32"39.48"E Dinosaur, France
29°10"32.51"N 34°42"6.29"E sand drawing, Egypt
50°41"53.40"N 3°10"8.99"E Car on the roof of a house, France
39°44"57.08"N 105° 0"23.02"W Pepsi Center, USA
42°54"6.25"N 22°59"31.76"E Medal, Bulgaria
35°42"13.37"N 140°50"21.12"E Consequences of the 2011 Japan earthquake
37.790699,-122.322937 Plane crash (only google maps!) plane crash - only google maps
42°19"59.78"N 83° 3"19.94"W drawings, America
43°17"25.51"N 80° 1"42.35"W Field in Canada
51°56"57.39"N 7°35"25.43"E Dinosaurs near the History Museum, Germany
56°40"45.06"N 12°48"42.85"E 3 hearts, Sweden
52°30"36.12"N 13°22"19.99"E Sony center, Germany
26° 6"57.47"N 80°23"48.39"W City on the water, USA
39°51"37.23"N 4°17"5.20"E secret place in Spain
69°10"36.03"N 33°28"27.51"E Overturned ships, Murmansk region
43°34"35.10"N 28° 9"4.00"E Pozhar, Bulgaria
52°32"15.37"N 13°34"28.10"E Labyrinth Germany
21°35"4.41"N 39°10"33.58"E "Space", Saudi Arabia
25°14"3.58"N 55°18"3.48"E balls, Dubai, UAE
33°36"6.59"N 111°42"38.98"W Fountain, USA
51°34"38.38"N 0°41"49.54"W Airplane takes off, UK
53°27"5.16"N 113°44"4.84"W fig. in Canada, Formula 1
12°21"55.53"N 76°35"41.31"E INFOSYS-inscription from residential buildings, India
53°48"49.58"N 3° 3"16.87"W Skull, UK (change date)
15°49"32.22"S 47°56"7.71"W Star, Brazil
51°58"14.47"N 4°12"1.03"E MiG 23, Netherlands
52°30"28.86"N 13°23"9.32"E Globe, Berlin
35°41"30.80"N 139°41"49.08"E Cocoon Tower Tokyo
55°24"0.17"N 10°23"7.93"E drawings, Denmark
40°35"44.02"N 141°24"27.53"E Fish, Japan
6°37"43.75"S 31° 8"10.10"E Hippopotamus Lake, Tanzania
47°16"52.49"N 0°50"51.44"W drawings in the fields of France
70°14"24.91"S 69° 6"25.56"E Strange object in the snow of Antarctica
33°49"46.31"N 130°28"4.68"E Sunken plane, Japan
59°57"16.63"N 30°20"15.96"E Cruiser "Aurora" St. Petersburg
25°11"46.30"N 55°16"36.87"E Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE, 828 meters. Burj Khalifa, Burj Dubai

3° 0"8.59"S 33° 5"24.30"E Tanzania market
66°17"50.90"S 100°47"7.55"E Ice began to melt in Antarctica
67°25"48.55"S 60°52"35.18"E "Hand" in Antarctica)
40°41"21.15"N 74° 2"40.34"W Statue of Liberty, USA
41°40"2.82"N 86°29"32.18"W Studebaker
41°45"39.13"N 86°16"9.39"W St. Patrick's Park, USA
44°58"1.39"N 124° 1"7.43"W bear
47°35"43.11"N 122°19"51.84"W Football match
48° 1"39.15"N 122° 9"50.93"W Labyrinth, Washington
21°50"21.11"S 46°34"3.04"W in Brazil
28° 0"21.90"N 86°51"33.79"E Camping at Mount Everest
29°50"36.13"N 47°50"49.45"E Fire
35°17"2.60"N 33°22"21.11"E Cyprus, flag
44°45"39.41"N 20°28"19.73"E name of the former president of Yugoslavia
44°34"54.07"N 38° 6"13.78"E Gelendzhik
48°48"18.82"N 2° 7"8.93"E Skeleton, Versailles
50° 3"8.21"N 8°36"51.04"E aircraft
50°56"17.25"N 5°58"40.80"E NATO headquarters Netherlands
52°19"36.22"N 4°55"11.33"E Newspaper parking lot, Netherlands
52°25"50.72"N 4°23"24.12"E Boat and plane
51°17"6.09"N 30°12"44.47"E Chernobyl-ship graveyard
69° 3"38.05"N 33°12"18.76"E Nuclear submarine "Kursk"