Information for passengers of Pobeda Airlines LLC. Where to write a complaint about an airline Hotline where airline customers can contact

Airlines around the world operate quite efficiently and responsibly, because the area of ​​their specialization will not tolerate any other attitude. Despite this, in terms of service and the overall quality of some services, these organizations often exceed their authority or violate.

In such a situation, people who have suffered from poor quality services provided by the airline have every right to complain about it, and in some cases, even compensate for the damage received. We will talk in more detail about the procedure for filing complaints against airlines and filing them in their name in the article below.

Filing a complaint is the right of every airline customer

Making claims against the airline is a special right of any client of this organization. It is important to understand that this right can only be exercised if the citizen has actually suffered from the company’s activities. Otherwise, if the claims are extremely subjective and unfounded, they should not be presented, because such an event is a waste of time.

The most common example of an unfounded claim against an airline is a situation in which a client who has purchased a flight ticket returns it to the ticket office on his own initiative and demands a refund, but in turn, the money is not returned.

Please note that such circumstances are not a reason to file a complaint, since the legislation of the Russian Federation allows not to return the cost of air tickets if they are returned by the client on his own initiative.

However, in addition to the previously presented reasons for filing claims with the airline, there are also well-founded ones. For example:

  • flight delay;
  • failure to fulfill the company's obligations to provide citizens with normal conditions of stay during a flight delay (lack of soft drinks, hot food, etc.);
  • various types of abuse of power on the part of employees of the organization - boorish behavior, failure to provide the necessary things, and the like;
  • denial of flight due to illegal circumstances;
  • flight cancellation;
  • changing flight times without notifying customers;
  • other types of violations in the airline’s activities that violate the rights of customers.

It is worth noting that the claim will be considered justified if there is evidence that the client is right: a note on the ticket about the flight delay, testimony from other participants in the events and other evidence that can be presented by the citizen. In the absence of such, defending rights will become much more difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

The procedure for drawing up a claim and its sample

Airline claim - official document

As you can see, making and submitting a claim to the airline is not that difficult. The main thing in this procedure is to adhere to the previously presented order and act in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. We hope the article provided answers to your questions. Good luck in defending your rights!

This video will tell you what to do if your luggage goes missing at the airport:

Reading time: 8 min

A complaint should be filed against the airline if its actions violated the rights of the passenger, caused him inconvenience, or the airline violated the legal procedure or did not comply with operating procedures.

Dear readers! Each case is individual, so check with our lawyers for more information.Calls are free.

The most common reasons for filing a complaint against an airline are:

  1. Unreasonable refusal to check in for a flight.
  2. Refusal to return a ticket.
  3. Poor quality services.
  4. Incorrect statements and unlawful actions of employees airlines.
  5. Lost and damaged luggage.

To know your rights, passengers should refer to the Federal Aviation Regulations. These rules apply not only to regular flights, but also to charter flights.

According to Art. 99 rules, in the event of a flight delay, the airline is obliged to:

  1. Immediately send passengers with children under 7 years of age to the mother and child room.
  2. For more than 2 hours: Provide the ability to make at least 2 calls and send 2 emails. Passengers must also be provided with refreshments.
  3. If there is a delay of more than 4 hours Passengers should be served hot meals. This is not regulated by the rules; what menu the company will provide remains at its discretion. If the delay situation has not been resolved, then hot feeding is then required every 6 hours during the day and 8 hours at night.
  4. With a delay of more than 6 hours at night and 8 hours during the day passengers must be taken to a hotel or hotel and accommodated there.

It is worth considering that all these services must be provided free of charge. The airline must provide security for baggage during the delay. In this case, the above services must be provided regardless of the reason for the delay: it could be the airline’s fault, unfavorable weather conditions, technical problems, etc.

According to Art. 69 rules, in case of loss of a ticket, a passenger can receive a duplicate ticket. To do this, he needs to contact the ticket office, provided that previously lost tickets could not be restored, and the money for them was not returned.

In Art. 226-241 rules, possibility of return is provided cash for a ticket in full for the following reasons (they apply only to regular flights):

  1. In case of flight delay.
  2. If the airline changes the route of the aircraft.
  3. If the plane sold more tickets than were available or instead of business class, the client is offered economy class.
  4. If a passenger has time to check-in, but does not have time to board due to problems with baggage check-in or security screening.
  5. If a passenger suddenly or died.
  6. If there is an error in issuing a ticket which was made by the seller.

Air transportation is subject to the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Law No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Legal acts allow you to appeal against almost any violation on the part of the airline or its individual specialists. Although your defense may include filing a claim or lawsuit, filing a complaint against the airline may be a more effective way to bring pressure against the carrier.

The relationship between the passenger and the air carrier is regulated by a civil contract. Typically, an analogue of a contract is paper or electronic travel document(tickets, itinerary receipts, other forms).

Such documents contain only a minimum list of air transportation conditions, however, the rights of the passenger will be protected:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of civil air traffic;
  • regulations in the field of consumer protection;
  • internal rules of the airline, which apply to all its passengers.

Reference! An air ticket is in the nature of a public contract. As soon as a passenger purchases a ticket, he will be subject to the uniform rules of transportation approved by the company. Local regulations may provide for different conditions for certain categories of passengers.

If the airline complies with its obligations in good faith, there are no grounds for filing claims, complaints or lawsuits. However, even in case of minor violations on the part of the carrier, its structural divisions or specialists, any legal means of defense can be used.

A complaint can be filed in the following cases:

  1. in case of refusal to sell a ticket, or presentation of illegal demands when issuing a travel document (for example, if in order to issue a ticket for a domestic flight within Russia they are required to present a foreign passport);
  2. for refusal to check in for a flight if the passenger has fulfilled all the required conditions (arrived at check-in on time, presented a travel document and passport, does not carry prohibited substances, etc.);
  3. for flight delay, i.e. violation of the aircraft delivery deadlines at the departure airport (the departure date is always indicated in local time, which must be taken into account by the passenger);
  4. upon presentation of illegal demands for the collection of additional fees not provided for by the airline’s rules or the law;
  5. to refusal to carry baggage within the limits determined by federal rules and local regulations of the carrier;
  6. for inadequate quality of service during your stay at the airport, during the flight, checking in and receiving baggage.

Since the Consumer Rights Act applies to air travel, the carrier will not be able to evade the consideration of claims, otherwise he will face a fine. Therefore, file a claim and complaint immediately. This allows you to quickly eliminate violations and pay compensation.

If a violation is identified, you can try to resolve the conflict directly with the airline. For this purpose, not a complaint is drawn up, but a statement or claim. Most airline market leaders understand the consequences of filing a complaint. Therefore, even if you disagree with the passenger’s requirements, a decision can be made in his favor. This will have a positive impact on the carrier’s reputation and will eliminate lengthy litigation.

If the airline does not respond to complaints and statements, a complaint can be filed:

Only a statement of claim can be filed in court. Complaint to judiciary does not apply to the airline, since it belongs to private (commercial) structures. However, illegal decisions of carrier officials may be subject to appeal.

Another option for protecting your interests is filing a complaint with the Consumer Rights Protection Society (CPS). This non-profit public organization has representative offices in all regions of the country. It’s difficult to get real help with acute illnesses. Even if the complaint is considered in your favor, this structure cannot take any effective measures.

It is advisable to complain about the illegal actions of an air carrier in writing, although the law also allows for oral complaints. However, if a citizen has to file a lawsuit, having a written complaint and a response to it will help prove the legitimacy of the claims. If the passenger decides to make a verbal complaint, you need to make sure that it is properly registered. Typically this is done by sending a notification via email or SMS.

1. How to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office?

The powers of the prosecutor's office include monitoring compliance with the law. Therefore, the list of violations for which you can file a complaint with the prosecutor is very limited.

An appeal will be appropriate in the following cases:

  • if the rights and freedoms directly specified in the law are violated (for example, the purchase of a ticket or admission to a flight using a travel document was denied);
  • if the actions of the air carrier caused harm to the life and health of the passenger, damage to his property (in this case, we can talk about initiating a criminal case);
  • if the airline violates licensing rules (for example, carries out transportation without an operator’s license);
  • if the rights to protect personal data of passengers are violated;
  • in other similar cases when the legislation of the Russian Federation is violated.

In 2019, the prosecutor's office considered collective complaints against Pobeda Airlines. The carrier announced a major promotion to sell tickets at reduced prices. However, the promotion was actually disrupted, because when trying to buy a ticket, the company’s online service gave an error. Although a final decision on the complaints has not yet been made, the prosecutor's office has already announced that a violation of the rules for concluding public contracts has been identified.

A complaint to the prosecutor can be submitted in writing, at a personal meeting with the prosecutor, or through the department’s website. Electronic requests are considered in accordance with the general procedure. The applicant will be notified in writing about the results of the inspection and the measures taken.

2. How to file a complaint against an airline with Rospotrebnadzor?

Since any illegal action on the part of the airline violates consumer rights, a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor may be the most effective defense option. Here is just a small list of issues on which an appeal to the specified department will allow you to initiate an inspection:

  • Inadequate quality of service provision – flight delays, late arrivals, poor quality food;
  • refusal to provide services guaranteed by law and local regulations of the company - failure to provide hotel and meals in case of flight delay, refusal to return money for disruption of transportation, charging for the transportation of a newborn child, etc.;
  • Violation of deadlines for consideration of claims from passengers and payment of mandatory compensation.

Attention! If Rospotrebnadzor confirms violations when considering a complaint, an additional fine will be charged to the airline. In addition, the department is authorized to file appeals to the court in defense of an indefinite number of persons.

Among the most high-profile cases when Rospotrebnadzor acted in defense of passengers, we can highlight massive flight delays in the summer of 2018. Complaints were filed against Rossiya Airlines and Domodedovo Airport, and based on the results of the inspection, passengers were paid compensation in accordance with international standards.

You can send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor directly to this department, through the public services portal. When conducting an inspection, specialists from the Federal Air Transport Agency are usually involved, since serious violations may lead to suspension or revocation of the operator’s license.

3. Complaint to the Federal Air Transport Agency

The least effective way to protect yourself is to contact the Federal Air Transport Agency. A complaint to this structure will be justified if there was a violation of the terms of the transportation license:

  • if the company violates international flight standards;
  • if an aircraft that has not passed the security check is allowed on the flight;
  • if, through the fault of pilots or ground service specialists, harm is caused to the health and life of citizens;
  • if improper operation of the aircraft led to a disaster.

In other cases, the Federal Air Transport Agency may issue an order to the airline to eliminate the violations. Such a response measure will not entail real consequences, and to protect rights you will have to go to court.

A complaint to the Federal Air Transport Agency can be submitted by registered mail, at a personal meeting at service departments, or through the agency’s website or government services portal. The applicant will receive a response about the results of the verification by mail or through online services.

What is better, a complaint, a claim or a lawsuit?

In case of violations by the airline, the right to file a claim, complaint, or statement of claim arises.

The injured person independently chooses which document to submit to the carrier:

  • when filing a claim, you can expect to receive sanctions under Law No. 2300-1. If the company refuses to consider the claim, it is possible to recover through the court a penalty, a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount owed, and compensation for moral damage;
  • filing a complaint guarantees that the carrier’s activities will be checked by government agencies (when filing a claim or lawsuit, no check is carried out);
  • filing a claim in court is the most effective way of defense, since you can obtain a writ of execution and begin forced collection.

If the claim is of a property nature, it is better to immediately file a claim or statement of claim. If a passenger wants to hold the airline accountable under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and have the violations eliminated, then they need to file a complaint.