How to say thank you in Czech. Vacation in the Czech Republic: how to explain yourself without knowing the Czech language. Signs and other inscriptions in the city

The Czech Republic is a state with a long history. On the territory of the republic there are more than 2 thousand ancient castles and all kinds of medieval buildings that attract tourists from all over the world. After another exciting excursion, you will be able to drink a glass of the best beer in the world, for which the Czech Republic is famous. This country also has excellent ski resorts and mineral springs, Karlovy Vary water is especially popular among tourists. The people here are very kind and responsive, and having a phrase book at hand, you can easily talk with passers-by and learn a lot of interesting things about the Czech Republic from them.

You can download such a phrasebook on our website. It consists of several topics, with translations of the most common words and phrases.

Necessary phrases and expressions – a topic that includes words and phrases that are important for a tourist.


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Hello (good afternoon)Good daygood dan
Good eveningDobry vecergood evening
Hello, good morning)Dobre earlygood early
Good nightDobrow nocgood news
Best wishesMet se hezkymneite se geski

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Thank youDekujiDecui
Thank you very muchMockrat dekujimotzkrat dekui
I'm sorryOmlouvam seomlowam se
Do you speak Russian?Mluvite rusky (anglicky, cesky)?mluvite ruski (English, Czech)?
Unfortunately I don't speak CzechBohuzel, nemluvim ceskyboguzhel nemluvim cheski
I don't understandNerozumimunreasonable
Where is…?Kde je…?where the f...?
Where are...?Kde jsou...?Where is ysou...?
What is your name?Jak se jmenujes?what do you call it?
What is your name?Jak se jmenujete?yak se imenuete?
My name is …Jmenuji se…ymenui se
This is Mr. NovakTo je pan Novakthat is Pan Novak
Very niceTesi meplease me
You are very kind (kind)Jste velmi laskav (laskava)yste velmi laskav (laskava)
This is Mrs. NovakTo je pani Novakovathat is Mrs. Novakova
Where were you born (where are you from)?Kde jste se narodil(a)?where is ste se born?
I was born in RussiaNarodil(a) jsem se v Ruskuborn ysem se in russka
Where are you from?Odkud jste?odkud yste)?
I'm from RussiaJsem z RuskaYesem Z Ruska
Very good. And you?Velmi good. A vy?Velmi is kinder. and you?
How are you doing?Jak se mas?yak se mash?
How are you doing?Jak se mate?yak se mate?
How old are you?Kolik je ti let?Kolik e ti let?
How old are you?Kolik je Vam let?How old are you?
Do you speak Russian?Mluvite rusky?mluvite ruski?
Do you speak English?Mluvite anglicky?Mluvite English?
I understandRozumimLet's understand
I don't understandNerozumimneurological
You understand?Rozumite?rozumite?
Does anyone here speak English?Mluvi tady nekdo anglicky?mluvi tada negdo englitski?
Can you speak slowly?Muzete mluvit pomaleji?muzhete mluvt pomaleyi?
Please repeat again(Zopakujte to) jeste jednou, prosim(zopakuite then) eat ednow we ask
Could you write this for me?Muzete mi to prosim napsat?muzhete mi then we ask for napsat?
Give it to me please...Please ask me...please give me
Could you give us...?Nemohl(a) byste dat nam, prosim...?Can you please give us a quick date?
Please show me …Ukazte mi, please...please indicate...
Could you tell me...?Muzete mi, prosim rici...?muzhete mi ask for a laugh?
Could you help me?Muzete mi, prosim pomoci?muzhete mi ask for help?
I would like to…Chteel bych..xtel bykh
We would like…Chteli bychom..hteli byhom
Give me please…Dejte mi, mi please
Give it to me pleaseDejte mi to, prosimdate mi then we ask
Show me…Ukazte mi…tell me

At customs

In public places

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where can I get a taxi?How about a taxi?Where can I get a taxi for my husband?
How much will it cost to get to the airport (to the metro station, to the city center)?Kolik bude stat cesta na letiste (k metru, do centra mesta)?Kolik will be a stat cesta on letishte (to the master, to the center of the place)?
Here is the address where I need itTady je adresa, kam potrebujiTady e adresa kam potřebui
Take me to the airport (train station, hotel)Zavezte me na letiste (na nadrazi, k hotelu)zavezte me na letishte (na nadrazi, to gotel)
rightdopravaadditional rights
Stop here pleaseZastavte tady, prosimZastavte then, please
Could you wait for me?Nemohli byste pockat, prosim?Could you please give me a quick delivery, please?

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Do you have rooms available?Mate volne pokoje?mate wave alone
How much does a room with shower cost per night?Kolik stoji pokoj se sprchou za den?colic stand rest se sprhou for dan
Unfortunately, we're busyLituji, mame vsechno obsazenolitui, mame vshekhno obsazeno
I would like to reserve a room for two in the name of PavlovChtel bych zarezervovat dvouluzkovy pokoj na jmeno Pavlovhtel bykh zarezervovat dvouluzhkovy peace on ymeno Pavlov
room for onejednoluzkovy pokojednoluzhkovy peace
cheaper numberlevnejsi pokojlevneyshi peace
not very expensivene moc drahene mots drage
For how many days?Na jak dlouho?how long?
for two days (for a week)na dva dny (na jeden tyden)for two days (for eden tyden)
I want to cancel the orderChci zrusit objednavkuHtsi destroys the food
It is far?Je to daleko?Is it far away?
It's very closeJe to docela blizkoit's so close
What time is breakfast served?V kolik se podava snidane?v kolik se poda snidane?
Where is the restaurant?What about restaurace?where is the restaurace
Please prepare an invoice for mePripravte mi ucet, prosimprshipravte mi accounting please
Please call me a taxiZavolejte mi taxi, pleaseplease take a taxi



In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Could you give it to me?Muzete mi prosim dat tohle?muzhete mi ask dat togle?
Please show me thisUkazte mi prosim tohleplease tell me please
I would like to…Chtel bych…I wish...
Give it to me pleaseDejte mi to, prosimdate mi then we ask
Show me thisUkazte mi tohleindicate mi togle
How much does it cost?Kolik to stoji?How long are they worth?
I need…Potrebuji…potršebui
I'm looking for…Hledam…cool
You have… ?Mate...?mate...?
It's a pitySkodaSkoda
This is allJe to vsechnothat's wrong
I don't have any changeNemam dropnenemam drobne
Please write thisWrite to askwrite then please
Too expensivePrilis drahepršiliš dragė
SaleVyprodejsell it
I would like a size...Potreboval(a) bych velikost …demanded velikost
My size is XXLMam velikost XXLmom velicost x-x-el
Don't you have another color?Nemate to v jine barve?nemate to in yine barve
Can I try this on?Muzu si to zkusit?Will my husband eat it?
Where is the fitting room located?Kde je prevlekaci kabina?where is prševlekatsi cabin
What do you wish?Co si prejete, prosim?tso si prsheete we ask
Thanks, I'm just lookingDekuji, jen se divamdekui, en se divam


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 nulazero
1 jedenyeden
2 dvatwo
3 tritrshi
4 ctyrichtyrzhi
5 petdrinks
6 sestshest
7 sedmsadm
8 osmosum
9 devetdaviet
10 desetdeset
11 jedenactedenatst
12 dvanactdvanatst
13 trinacttrshinatst
14 ctrnactfourteenth
15 patnactpatnatst
16 sestnactsixteenth
17 sedmnactsedumnatst
18 osmnactosumnatst
19 devatenactdevatenatst
20 dvacettwenty
21 dvacet jednadvatset edna
22 dvacet dvatwo-set dva
30 tricettršicet
40 ctyricetchtyrzhitset
50 padesatpadesat
60 sedesatshadesat
70 sedmdesatsedumdesat
80 osmdesatosumdesat
90 devadesatdevadesat
100 stoone hundred
101 sto jedenone hundred eden
200 dvestetwo days ago
300 tristathree hundred
400 ctyristachtyrzhista
500 pet setdrinks set
600 sestsetshestset
700 sedmsetsadmset
800 osmsetosumset
900 devetsetdevetset
1 000 tisictisits
1 100 tisic stotissits hundred
2 000 dva tisicetwo tisitse
10 000 deset tisicdeset tisits
100 000 sto tisicone hundred tisits
1 000 000 (jeden) million(eden) million

With the help of this topic, you will find the right words to call someone for help, ask how to get to a place you are interested in, apologize, thank, and much more.

Greetings and politeness formulas - thanks to this topic, you can start a conversation with a passerby, ask where this or that person is from, say where you are from, and also politely answer any question.

Seeking mutual understanding - words that will help you communicate with local residents. You can ask to speak more slowly, ask if the person speaks Russian or English, and similar words and phrases.

Standard requests – translation of the most common requests and their pronunciation.

Passport control and customs – answers to the most common questions during passport control and when going through customs.

Hotel – words and answers to frequently asked questions when checking into a hotel. In addition, using this theme you can order food to your room, ask for room cleaning, etc.

Taxi – a list of phrases that will be useful to you in a taxi. By opening this topic, you can order a taxi, explain where you need to go and find out how much the trip will cost.

Shopping - not a single tourist can spend his vacation without buying something as a souvenir. But in order to purchase something you need to know what it is and how much it costs. This list of questions and phrases will help you cope with the purchase of any product, from food to souvenirs.

Inscriptions – translation of frequently encountered signs, signs, inscriptions and the like.

Chip flights

Any trip begins with searching and purchasing tickets - this is something you can and should save on!

When searching for cheap air tickets during our travels, we use search engines such as Aviasales and Momondo.

Some rules for finding cheap air tickets can be found in this article.

Cheap housing

Every traveler, of course, wants to optimize their costs and find good hotel(or apartments) in terms of price/quality ratio. Thus, the more options you are offered, the more likely you are to find the best one. Therefore, your search can be greatly facilitated by the Hotellook service, which searches for the best accommodation booking systems.

You don't need to compare prices on different services yourself - Hotellook will do it for you!


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Transfer from airport

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They say that living in Russia today is unfashionable and expensive. Many brave and desperate people go to live and work abroad in distant countries, but many of us, possessing a certain sentimentality and fearing nostalgia, prefer to leave, but not far away. Where? That's right, to Europe! They choose a country closer to them, and preferably a Slavic one. One of these is the Czech Republic.

Do you need to know them?

Having arrived here, you need to say something, but how? Is it difficult to learn at least a minimum of Czech phrases? By the way, Czech is one of the richest Slavic languages ​​in the world. For comparison, the Russian language today has about 130 thousand words, and the Czech language has more than 250 thousand. Phrases in Czech are intuitively understandable to us Slavs, although many words have a certain insidiousness. For example, the Russian word “beautiful” sounds like “terrible” in Czech, the word “fresh” sounds like “stale” and the like.

But not only those who left their homeland will have to pore over a Czech textbook. Today, learning this language has simply become a fashionable trend among Russians. For those who know another Slavic language, it will be even easier to understand the Czechs and learn a few phrases in Czech.

Many go to the Czech Republic to get an education. This is one of the few countries in Europe where you can study for free, and the quality of the knowledge gained will be at the highest level on a global scale. Therefore, future students are required to know basic phrases like no one else.

Where will they come in handy?

The Czech language will be needed by everyone who deals with translations - guides, diplomats, translators working both in the country and abroad.

For tourists, learning a few phrases in Czech will not be difficult. Both the service staff in the hotel and the waiter in the restaurant will be pleased to hear the phrase in native language. And if, God forbid, you get lost in the city, general phrases will help you understand how to get to the right address, because the language will take you to Kyiv. But the Czech language is not at all difficult, and learning it is not only easy, but also fun, especially in a friendly company!

For those going on vacation to the Czech capital, it will be very useful to read our detailed manual, available at the link, which details how to properly organize your trip to Prague so that it is interesting, safe and does not go beyond your budget. In the few minutes it takes to read this article, you will learn how to save a significant amount of money without straining yourself.

Will Czechs understand Russian?

The Czech Republic is one of the most popular destinations for Russians, and most Czechs living in tourist areas will understand us perfectly. And in other cities there should be no problems... The opening of borders after the collapse of the Soviet Union contributed to the influx of emigrants to the Czech Republic, and many Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians went to live in this country. So Russians will be understood in a restaurant, in a store, and on the street. The main thing when communicating is not to forget that goodwill and a smile on your face are a disarming tool for starting absolutely any communication.

No tourist can spend their holiday without communicating at least minimally with the locals. Traveling around the Czech Republic used to be easy, since Russian was taught in schools. Now everything is different, Czechs study English and German. But it doesn’t matter: if you remember the basic Czech words for tourists, your vacation will be successful.

Our Russian-Czech phrasebook with translation and transcription includes the most necessary phrases in Czech so that you can easily communicate in a cafe, hotel, store, exchange currency or purchase the necessary tickets or services.

Russian-Czech phrasebook: standard phrases for communication

The Czech Republic is a European country with a Slavic soul; our tourists find it pleasant and comfortable to travel around the Czech land. Let's learn a minimum set of Czech words so that your holiday in Europe goes on a positive note.

The phrasebook includes the most necessary Czech words for tourists with translation and transcription. Our goal is to learn as many words as possible, so that any of your communication will be in public places happened without problems.

  • Hello (Good afternoon) – Dobry den (good day)
  • Good evening – Dobry vecer (good evening)
  • Hello (Good morning) – Dobre rano (good early)
  • Good night – Dobrou noc (good night)
  • Bye – Ahoj (agoy)
  • All the best – Mete se hezky (mneite se geski)
  • Yes – Ano (ano)
  • No – Ne (ne)
  • Please – Prosim (we ask)
  • Thank you – Dekuji
  • Thank you very much – Mockrat dekuji
  • Sorry – Prominte (prominte)
  • I beg your pardon – Omlouvam se (omlouvam se)
  • Do you speak Russian? – Mluvite rusky? (mluvite ruski?)
  • Do you speak English? – Mluvite anglicky? (mluvite English?)
  • Unfortunately, I don't speak Czech – Bohuzel, nemluvim cesky (bohuzel nemluvim cesky)
  • I don’t understand – Nerozumim (unreasonable)
  • I understand - Rozumim (let's understand)
  • You understand? - Rozumite? (rosumite?)
  • Where is…? – Kde je...? (where the f...?)
  • Where are...? – Kde jsou...? (where is ysou...?)
  • What is your name? – Jak se jmenujes? (how do you name it?)
  • What is your name? – Jak se jmenujete? (yak se imenuete?)
  • My name is... – Jmenuji se... (ymenui se)
  • This is Mr. Novak - To je pan Novak (that is, pan Novak)
  • Very nice – Tesi me (Tesh me)
  • You are very kind (kind) – Jste velmi laskav (laskava) (yste velmi laskav (laskava))
  • This is Mrs. Novak - To je pani Novakova (that is, Mrs. Novakova)
  • Where were you born? – Kde jste se narodil(a)? (Where did ste se give birth?)
  • I was born in Russia – Narodil(a) jsem se v Rusku (narodil(a) jsem se v Rusku)
  • Where are you from? – Odkud jste? (okkud yste)?)
  • I am from Russia – Jsem z Ruska (ysem z Ruska)
  • Very good. And you? - Velmi good. A vy? (Velmi is kinder. And you?)
  • How are you doing? – Jak se mas? (yak se mash?)
  • How are you doing? – Jak se mate? (yak se mate?)
  • How old are you? – Kolik je ti let? (koli e ti let?)
  • How old are you? – Kolik je Vam let? (how old are you?
  • Does anyone here speak English? – Mluvi tady nekdo anglicky? (mluvi tada negdo anglitski?)
  • Can you speak slowly? – Muzete mluvit pomaleji? (muzhete mluvt pomalei?)
  • Could you write this for me? – Muzete mi to prosim napsat? (muzhete mi then ask for napsat?)
  • Give me, please... - Prosim vas, podejte mi... (we ask you, podejte mi)
  • Could you give us...? – Nemohl(a) byste dat nam, prosim...? (what can we ask for a quicker date?)
  • Show me, please... – Ukazte mi, prosim... (indicate mi we ask...)
  • Could you tell me...? – Muzete mi, prosim rici...? (muzhete mi asking for a laugh?)
  • Could you help me? – Muzete mi, prosim pomoci? (muzhete mi ask for help?)
  • I would like... – Chteel bych.. (would like)
  • We would like... – Chteli bychom.. (chteli bychom)
  • Give me, please... - Dejte mi, prosim... (dejte mi we ask)
  • Show me... – Ukazte mi... (point mi)

Czech words for tourists to clear customs

The Czech Republic is part of the Schengen countries. Foreign citizens can freely import and export Czech and foreign currency, but amounts over CZK 200,000 must be declared.

As throughout the European Union, the import and export of meat and dairy products, including canned food, is prohibited. The exception is baby food, as well as dietary food (subject to the appropriate medical certificate). To avoid problems during customs control, learn Czech words for tourists to communicate at the border.

  • Passport control – Pasova kontrola (pass kontrola)
  • Here is my passport - Tady je muj pas (tady e muj pas)
  • I'm here to relax - Jsem tu na dovolene (ysem tu na dovolene)
  • I’m here on business – Jsem tu sluzebne (yesem tu sluzebne)
  • Sorry, I don’t understand – Prominte, nerozumim (prominte nerozumim)
  • Customs – Celnice
  • I have nothing to declare – Nemam nic k procleni (nemam prostrate to procleni)
  • I only have things for personal use – Mam jen veci osobni potreby (Mam jen veci osobni potreby)
  • This is a gift - To je darek (that is, darek)

How to explain yourself without knowing Czech in public places

Knowing even a few basic phrases in Czech will enrich your travel experience. You will find that locals are very supportive of tourists who try to speak Czech.

  • Input – Vchod (input)
  • Output Vychod Output
  • Entry is prohibited – Vchod zakazan (entry denied)
  • Closed – Zavreno (closed)
  • Open – Otevreno
  • Free – Volno (wave)
  • Attention – Shame
  • Doesn’t work – Mimo provoz (passing transportation)
  • To yourself – Sem (sam)
  • From myself – Tam (there)
  • Where can I get a taxi? – Kde muzu sehnat taxi? (Where is the taxi for my husband?)
  • How much will it cost to get to the airport (to the metro station, to the city center)? – Kolik bude stat cesta na letiste (k metru, do centra mesta)? (how long will it be stat cesta on letishte (to the master, to the center of the place)?)
  • Here is the address where I need to go - Tady je adresa, kam potrebuji (tady je adresa kam potrebuji)
  • Take me to the airport (to the station, to the hotel) – Zavezte me na letiste (na nadrazi, k hotelu) (zavezte me na letiste (na nadrazi, to gotel))
  • To the left – Doleva (doleva)
  • To the right – Doprava (doprava)
  • Stop here, please – Zastavte tady, prosim (zastavte tady, we ask)
  • Could you wait for me? – Nemohli byste pockat, prosim? (Could you please give me a quick delivery, please?)
  • Help! - Pomoc! (help!)
  • Call the police – Zavolejte policii (zavolejte police)
  • Fire! – Hori! (gorgee!)
  • Call a doctor – Zavolejte doktora (zavolejte doktora)
  • I'm lost - Zabloudil jsem (I got lost)
  • We were robbed - Byli jsme okradeni (were ysme okradeni)
  • Where is the nearest exchange office? – Where do you go from here? (where is the nearest one)
  • Do you accept traveler's checks? – Prijimate cestovi seky? (prishiimate tsestovni sheki?)
  • I want to exchange one hundred dollars – Chtel bych vymenit sto dolaru (I would like to exchange one hundred dollars)
  • What's the rate today? – Jaky mate dnes kurs? (Where is the nearest place?)
  • Give me, please, larger banknotes - Prosil bych vetsi bankovky (I asked for old banknotes)
  • It doesn’t matter – To je jedno (that’s the same)

Numerals in Czech

Without knowledge of numerals, it is difficult to explain yourself in a store, ticket office, cafe, restaurant or exchange office in any country in the world. Here the slightest misunderstanding can lead to problems, so keep a notepad and pen handy so that you can write the required numbers on paper if necessary.

  • 0 – Nula (null)
  • 1 – Jeden (yeden0
  • 2 – Dva (two)
  • 3 – Tri (trshi)
  • 4 – Ctyri (chtyrzhi)
  • 5 – Pet (drinks)
  • 6 – Sest (shest)
  • 7 – Sedm (sedm)
  • 8 – Osm (osum)
  • 9 – Devet
  • 10 – Deset (deset)
  • 11 – Jedenact (edenatst)
  • 12 – Dvanact (dvanatst)
  • 13 – Trinact (trshinatst)
  • 14 – Ctrnact (four times)
  • 15 – Patnact
  • 16 – Sestnact
  • 17 – Sedmnact (sedumnatst)
  • 18 – Osmnact (osumnatst)
  • 19 – Devatenact (devatenatst)
  • 20 – Dvacet (double)
  • 21 – Dvacet jedna (dvacet jedna)
  • 22 – Dvacet dva (dvacet dva)
  • 30 – Tricet
  • 40 – Ctyricet
  • 50 – Padesat (padesat)
  • 60 – Sedesat (shadesat)
  • 70 – Sedmdesat (sedumdesat)
  • 80 – Osmdesat (osumdesat)
  • 90 – Devadesat (devadesat)
  • 100 – Sto (one hundred)
  • 101 – Sto jeden (one hundred eden)
  • 200 – Dveste (dvieste)
  • 300 –Ttrista (three hundred)
  • 400 – Ctyrista (four zhista)
  • 500 – Pet set (drinks set)
  • 600 – Sestset (shestset)
  • 700 – Sedmset (sedmset)
  • 800 – Osmset (osumset)
  • 900 – Devetset (devetset)
  • 1 000 – Tisic (tisits)
  • 1 100 –Ttisic sto (tisits one hundred)
  • 2,000 – Dva tisice (two tisice)
  • 10,000 – Deset tisic (deset tisits)
  • 100,000 – Sto tisic (one hundred tisits)
  • 1,000,000 – (Jeden) milion ((eden) million)

Czech phrases for a hotel

It's great if you have a translator app on your phone for real-time communication. With it, there is no longer any need to learn even basic Czech words. For tourists without the ability to speak foreign languages, this is a real lifesaver. There can be no problems in hotels, since the staff mostly speaks Russian.

  • Do you have rooms available? – Mate volne pokoje? (mate wave alone)
  • How much does a room with shower cost per night? – Kolik stoji pokoj se sprchou za den? (kolik stand rest se sprhou for dan)
  • Unfortunately, everything is busy with us - Lituji, mame vsechno obsazeno (Lituji, mame vsechno obsazeno)
  • I would like to reserve a room for two in the name of Pavlov – Chtel bych zarezervovat dvouluzkovy pokoj na jmeno Pavlov (chtel bych zarezervovat dvouluzkovy peace on ymeno Pavlov)
  • Room for one – Jednoluzkovy pokoj (Jednoluzkovy peace)
  • Cheaper room – Levnejsi pokoj (levneyshi peace)
  • Not very expensive – Ne moc drahe (ne moc drage)
  • For how many days? - Na jak dlouho? (how long?)
  • For two days (for a week) – Na dva dny (na jeden tyden) (for two days (na jeden tyden))
  • I want to cancel the order – Chci zrusit objednavku (chci destroys objednavku)
  • It is far? – Je to daleko? (is that far?)
  • It’s very close - Je to docela blizko (that’s very close)
  • What time is breakfast served? – V kolik se podava snidane? (v kolik se poda snidane?)
  • Where is the restaurant? – Where do you restaurace? (where e restaurace)
  • Please prepare an invoice for me – Pripravte mi ucet, prosim (Pripravte mi ucet, prosim)
  • Please call me a taxi – Zavolejte mi taxi, prosim (zavolejte mi taxi we ask)

Czech phrases for shopping

Let us repeat that Czechs really appreciate it when a foreign tourist tries to pronounce phrases in their native language. Don't worry: you will never be interrupted or made an object of ridicule.

And by starting a conversation in Czech, you will immediately start earning “bonuses”. In the shop, mall, in the market they will offer you the best product, give you a discount, and advise you what is better to choose. What is not an argument to start learning basic Czech words for tourists?

  • Could you give it to me? – Muzete mi prosim dat tohle? (muzhete mi ask dat togle?)
  • Show me, please, this - Ukazte mi prosim tohle (indicate mi prosim tohle)
  • I would like... – Chtel bych... (I would like...)
  • Give me this, please – Dejte mi to, prosim (dejte mi we ask)
  • Show me this - Ukazte mi tohle (indicate mi tohle)
  • How much does it cost? – Kolik to stoji? (how long are you standing?)
  • I need... - Potrebuji... (potrebuji)
  • I'm looking for... - Hledam... (hledam)
  • You have… ? – Mate...? (mate...?)
  • Sorry – Skoda (Skoda)
  • This is all – Je to vsechno (that’s vsehno)
  • I don’t have change – Nemam drobne (nemam drobne)
  • Please write this - Napiste to prosim (write this, we ask)
  • Too expensive – Prilis drahe
  • Sale – Vyprodej
  • I would need a size... – Potreboval(a) bych velikost... (potreboval(a) velikost)
  • My size is XXL – Mam velikost XXL (mam velikost x-x-el)
  • Don't you have another color? – Nemate to v jine barve? (nemate to in yine barve)
  • Can I try this on? – Muzu si to zkusit? (will this bite my husband?)
  • Where is the fitting room located? – What about prevlekaci kabina? (where is the prševlekatsi cabin)
  • What do you wish? - Co si prejete, prosim? (tso si prsheete we ask)
  • Thank you, I’m just looking – Dekuji, jen se divam (dekuji, en se divam)
  • Bread – Chleba (bread)
  • Cigarettes – Cigarety (cigarettes)
  • Water – Voda (water)
  • Milk – Mleko (milk)
  • Fresh squeezed juice – Čerstvě vymačkané šťávy
  • Beer – Pivo (beer)
  • Wine – Vína (wines)
  • Tea/coffee – Čaj/káva (tea/kava)
  • Instant coffee – Instantní káva (instant kava)
  • Sugar/salt – Cukru a soli (cukru and salt)
  • Meat – Maso (maso)
  • Fish – Ryba (fish)
  • Chicken – Kuře (kurzhe)
  • Lamb – Skopové maso (skopové maso)
  • Beef – Hovězí maso (govezi maso)
  • Potatoes – Brambory (brambory)
  • Rice – Rýže (lower)
  • Vermicelli – Špagety (twine)
  • Bow – Cibule (cibule)
  • Garlic – Česnek (garlic)
  • Fruit – Ovoce (ovoce)
  • Apples – Jablka (apple)
  • Oranges – Pomeranče (pomeranian)
  • Lemon – Citron (citron)
  • Grapes – Hrozny
  • Bananas – Banány (banana)

Czech words that are funny to us

To prevent funny situations from happening to you in the Czech Republic, let’s remember funny Czech words. Funny - from our point of view, or more precisely - how they are translated. Whether to add them to your personal mini-dictionary of Czech words for tourists or not is, of course, up to you to decide, but you need to familiarize yourself with them in order to avoid misunderstandings.

  • Barák (barrack) – house
  • Bradavka (bradavka) – nipple on the chest
  • Bydliště (bydlishte) – place of residence
  • Cerstvé potraviny (stale potravini) – fresh products
  • Chápat (hapat) – to understand
  • Čichat (sneeze) – sniff
  • Děvka (girl) – prostitute
  • Kalhotky (tights) – panties
  • Letadlo (letadlo) – airplane
  • Matný (matte) – matte
  • Mátový (matte) – mint
  • Mraz (maz) – frost
  • Mýdlo (thought) - soap
  • Mzda (bribe) – payment
  • Nevěstka (daughter-in-law) – prostitute
  • Okurky (cigarette butts) – cucumbers
  • Ovoce - fruit
  • Pádlo (bastard) - oar
  • Pitomec (pet) – fool
  • Počítač (pochitach) – computer
  • Pohanka (toadstool) – buckwheat
  • Policie varuje (police varuje) – police warn
  • Shame (shame) - attention
  • Prdel (pretense) – female fifth point
  • Rychlý (loose) – fast
  • Sklep (crypt) – basement
  • Škoda (Skoda) – loss
  • Bydlo (cattle) - life living
  • Skot (cattle) - Scotsman
  • Šlapadlo (slapadlo) - catamaran
  • Sleva (left) – discount
  • Sranda (sranda) - joke, joke
  • Strávit (strikes) – to hold
  • Stůl (chair) – table
  • Určitě (rumble) – definitely, definitely
  • Úroda (freak) – harvest
  • Úžasný (terrible) – beautiful, charming
  • Vedro (bucket) – heat
  • Voňavka (stink) – perfume
  • Vozidlo (driver) – car
  • Vůně (vune) – aroma
  • Záchod (entrance) – toilet
  • Žádný (greedy) – none
  • Zakázat (order) – prohibit
  • Zápach (smell) – stench
  • Zapomněl (remembered) - forgot
  • Zelenina (green) – vegetables

Experienced travelers, even at the stage of planning their vacation, compile their mini-dictionary in Czech. They make a Russian-Czech phrasebook with transcription on cardboard cards with exactly those phrases in Czech that they may need. This helps you quickly remember the words, but this is the twenty-first century, so download all the necessary translators to your smartphone and travel in comfort. Good luck!

Updated: February 17, 2020 Views: 17836

The Czech language belongs to the Western subgroup of Slavic languages. Its linguistic structure is in many ways reminiscent of Russian: free construction of phrases, the presence of case endings, etc. This makes it easier to understand what is being said.

Quite a lot of words sound the same, or very similar. For example, most numerals sound the same in both Russian and Czech. If they tell you: “třista dvacet”, then you will understand it absolutely correctly.

Features of pronunciation and spelling

The stress in Czech always falls on the first syllable. All unstressed vowels are pronounced clearly, just like stressed ones.

Short and long vowels. Their presence is a distinctive feature of the Czech language. Short vowels: [a], [o], [u], [e], [i], [y]. Long vowels: [á], [ó], [ú], [ů], [é], [í], [ý].

Short vowels are similar in pronunciation to the corresponding Russian stressed vowels. And long vowels last twice as long as short ones.

Consonants. There are 25 consonants in the Czech language, which are divided into two groups:

soft: [ď], [ť], [ň], [ž], [š], [s], [č], [ř], [j] hard: [b], [d], [f] , [g], [h], , [k], [l], [m], [n], [p], [r], [s], [t], [v], [z]

Consonants n, t, d.

If in the Russian language almost all consonants can be both soft and hard, then in the Czech language this rule is valid only for the consonants n, t, d, the softness of which is indicated by the letters ě, i, í, while the letter u indicates a hard pronunciation. At the end of a word and in combination with a, o, and, as well as with consonants, softness is indicated directly on the letter itself by the superscript “tick” or the already familiar “”.

Consonant sound h.

The consonant h is a voiced guttural sound, reminiscent of the Ukrainian [g].

Consonants with, š, ž.

The sound s corresponds to the Russian ts.

The consonants š and ž are similar to the Russian consonants sh and zh. Only Czech consonants are pronounced much softer. The sound č is soft, but pronounced a little harder than in Russian.

Consonant ř.

This sound can be pronounced both loudly [rzh] and dull [rsh]. It is pronounced loudly at the beginning of a word, between two vowels, after and before voiced consonants. Voiceless ř is pronounced at the end of a word, before and after voiceless consonants.

Superscripts are used to indicate some sounds:

- čárka (charka) - used to denote long vowels: vráska (wrinkle), fér (honestly, decently), úřad (state institution), móda (fashion), červený (red);

Kroužek (krouzhek) - means long [and] in the middle and at the end of words: průkaz (document, identity card), vůle (will), růže (rose);

Háček (gachek) is written:

Above sibilant consonants: čaj (tea), šanon (folder), řeka (river), žádný (none);

Above the vowel “e”: softens the previous consonants: anděl (angel), několik (several), naspěch (hastily), květina (quetina);

The syllable mě is read as “me”: měsíc (month), měna (currency).

Features of personal appeal

To denote the profession and position of women, feminine forms are used, parallel to the masculine forms: doktor - doktorka, inženýr - inženýrka, ředitel - ředitelka, učitel - učitelka. Women's surnames are formed from men's surnames using the suffixes -ová, -á: Brandl - Brandlová, Holeček - Holečková, Novotný - Novotná, Bílý - Bílá.

When addressing in the Czech language, unlike Russian, the form of the so-called vocative case is used. On the street, in a store, at a train station, etc., when addressing a man, they say: “Pane!” (mister), to a woman: paní! (madam), and to young girls: slečno! (young woman).


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Russian-Czech phrasebook for tourists

What language do you speak

Do you speak (understand) Czech? (Mluvíte (rozumíte) český?) Mluvite (rosumite) cheski?

Do you speak Russian (English, German)? (Mluvíte ruština (anglicky, německy?))- Mluvite Rushtina (English, German)?

I don’t understand (Nerozumím) - Ne rosumim

Please repeat again (Řekněte to ještě jadnou, prosim)- Rzheknyete to ishtye ednow we ask

Yes, I (a little) speak (understand) Czech Ano, trochu mluvím (rozumím) český. Ano, trohu mluvim (rosumim) cheski

Unfortunately, I don't speak Czech. Bohužel, nemluvím česky.

Boguzhel is unlovable I speak Russian and (a little) English (German).

Já mluvím rusky a (trochu) anglický (německý). Do you speak Russian (English, German)?

Mluvíte rusky (anglicky, německy)?

What does this word mean? Co zanmená toto slovo?

What is it called (in Czech)? Jak se to jmenuje český?

How is this in Czech? (Jak ten to česky?) - Yak ten to česky? Show me this word in the dictionary!

Ukažte mi to slovo ve slovníku!


Hello! (Good afternoon!) (Dobrý den!) - Dobrý den!

Good morning! (Dobré early!) - Dobre early!

Good evening! (Dobrý večer!) - Good evening!

Goodbye! (Na schledanou!) - Na schledanou!

Thanks a lot)! ((Moc) děkují!) - Mots dekují!

Best wishes! (Mněte se hezky!) - Mněte se hezky!

How are you/are you doing? (Jak se mate / maš?) - Yak se mate / maš?

Thank you, good (Děkuji, dobře) - Děkuji, kinder

Dating - poznaní Let me introduce you to Mr. Novak.(Dovolte abych Vám představil pana Nováka)

- Dovolte abykh introduced you to Mr. Novak

Hello, very nice (Dobrý den, těší mě) - Dobrý den, please me

My name is... (Jmenují se...) - Jmenují se...

What is your name? (Jak se jmenujete?) - Yak se jmenujete?

Where are you from)? (Odkud pocházíte?) - Where does pocházíte come from? I am an engineer (doctor, businessman, teacher, journalist, student, housewife)(Jsem inženýr (doktor, podnikatel, novinář, student, žena v domácnosti))

- Isem engineer (doctor, podnikatel, novinarzh, student, wife at home)

I'm in the Czech Republic on business. (Jsem v Cechách sluzebně) - Isem in Czech service

I am traveling (Jsem na cestách) - Isem na cestách

At the hotel - V hotelu Can I stay at your hotel?(Můžu se ubytovat ve vašem hotelu?)

- Did your husband want to lose money?

Yes, sure. (Ano, ovšem) - Ano, ovšem A single (double) room has been booked for me under my last name... (Pro mě je zarezervovaný Jednolůžkový (dvoulůžkový) pokoj na jméno...)

- For me, the single-meadow (double-meadow) peace is not reserved for me...

I booked a room with you (Mám u vás reservaci) - Mom, you have a reservation

Your passport (Váš pas prosím) - We ask for your pass

Here is my passport (Tadzje můj pas) - Tady ye muj pas

Choosing a hotel room

Do you have any available rooms? (Mate volné pokoje?) - Mate volné pokoje?

What number do you need? (Jaký chcete pokoj?) - What kind of khcete peace? I need a double room(Potřebují pokoj na dvě osoby)

How much does a room cost? (Kolik stojí pokoj?) - Kolik stand still?

Eat Double Room? (Máte volný dvoulůžkovy pokoj?)- Mate, are you free to rest in peace?

With a balcony (S balkónem?) - With a balcony

With shower and toilet (Se sprchou a WC) - Se sprchou a vetse

What is the room rate per night? (Kolik stojí pokoj na noc?) - Kolik stojí pokoj na noc?

With breakfast? (Se snidani?) - Se snidanim?

Can I have a look around the room? (Mohu se podívat na pokoj?) - Can I se podívat na pokoj?

Is there another room? (Máte ještě jiný pokoj?) - Máte ještě jiný pokoj?) - Máte ještě jiný pokoj?

Does the room have a bathroom (telephone, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning)? (Je v pokoji koupelna (telefon, lednička, televize, klimatizace)?)- Isn’t it in the chambers of the capital (telephone, icebox, televise, air conditioning)?

Do you have a cheaper room? (Mate levnější pokoj?) - Mate levnější pokoj?

Useful phrases in the hotel

Where can I park? (Kde mohu parkovat?) - Where can I park?

Bring my luggage please (Můžete donest moje zavazadlo na pokoj prosím?)- Muzhete mi donest my zavazadlo ask for rest?

I'm leaving in... a day (Odjíždím za... Dny) - Let's go behind... days

By what time do you need to check out? (Do kolikáté hodiny je třeba vyklidit pokoj?)- Until the end of the year, will trzeba call for peace?

Can you wake me up at... o'clock? (Můžete mě vzbudit v... hodin?)- Will Muzhete wake me up in... time?

Where's the pay phone? (Kde je telefonní budka?) - Where is the telephony booth?

How can I call Moscow (Russia)? (Jak můžu zavolat do Moskvy (do Ruska)?)- How will my husband be transported to Moscow (to Ruska)?

Where can I change money? (Kde můžu vyměnit peníze?)- Where will my husband get panise?

Where and when do you have breakfast (lunch, dinner)? (Kde a v kolik hodin je u vás snidaně (oběd, večeře)?)- Where and in Kolic Godin ye have you snidane (lunch, evening)?

Does the hotel have a restaurant? (Je v hotelu restaurace?) - Je v hotelu restaurace?

I would like to pay (Chtěl(-a) bych zaplatit) - Chtěl(-a) bych zaplatit) - Chtěl(-a) bych to pay

In the restaurant - V restauraci

restaurant (restaurace)

tavern (hospoda) - gentlemen

wine restaurant (vinárna)

cafe (kavárna) - kavárna

bar (bar) - bar

breakfast (Snidaně) - Snidanje

lunch (Oběd) - Obied

dinner (Večeře) - Viečerře

Czech cuisine (česká kuchyň) - Czech cuisine

Chinese cuisine (činská kuchyň) - Chinsk cuisine

European cuisine (evropská kuchyň) - European cuisine

Russian cuisine (ruská kuchyň) - Russian cuisine

I'm hungry (Mám hlad) - Mom is hungry

I'm thirsty (Mám žízeň) - Mom's life

I would like to eat at a Czech (Italian, Chinese) restaurant. (Chtěl(-a) bych se najíst v české (italské, činské) restauraci)- Khtel(-a) bykh se nayist in Česk (Italsk, Chinsk) restauraci

How many of you? (question from a waiter in a restaurant) (Kolik vas je?) - Kolik vas je?

I am alone (Jsem sam) - Jsem himself

There are two of us (three, four, five) only men (Jsme dva (tři, čtyři, pět))- Ysme two (drink, shake, drink)

Please, menu (Jídelní listek prosím)

You choosed? (Máte vybráno?) - Will you entrust this?

I wanted something with meat (fish) (Chtěl bych něco z masa (z ryb))- Htel bykh netso z masa (z fish).

What do you recommend? (Co doporučujete?)

Do you have vegetarian dishes? (Máte bezmasá jídla?) - Mate bezmasá jídla?

Can I ask you to bring a fork and knife? (Mužů Vás poprosit přinést vidličku a nůž?)- The przhinist will ask you for a video for your husband, but what do you need?

Invoice, please (Účet prosím) – Account, please

The food was very tasty, thank you (Jídlo bylo velmi dobre, děkují)- The food was very tasty, thank you.


water (Voda) - Water

mineral water(Mineralní voda) - Minerania water

mineral water (minerálka) - mineral water

lemonade (Limonáda) - Lemonade

juice (orange, tomato, apple, pear) (juce (pomerančový, tomatový, jablečný, hruškový))- juice (orange, tomato, apple, pear)

orange juice (Pomerančova št’áva)

beer (light, dark) (pivo (světlé, černé)) - beer (light, black)

white/red/rose wine (Vino bílé/Červené/Růžové)- Wine Bile/Chervene/Ruzhove

tea (Čaj) - Tea

coffee (Káva) - Kava

with milk / sugar (S mlékem / cukrem) - With mlek / cukrem


bread (Chléb) - Bread

snacks (cold, hot) (předkrmy (studené, teplé))- przhedkrmy (studen, teple)

salad (Salát) - Salad

First meal

Soup (Polevka) - Polevka

Second courses

fish (Ryba) - Fish

meat (Maso) - Maso

meat (pork, lamb, beef, chicken, steak) (maso (vpřové, skopové, hovězí)- maso (veprzove, skopove, govezi)

poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) (druběž (kuře, kachna, krůta))- friendship (kurzhe, kahna, cool)

fish (salmon, carp, trout) (ryba (losos, kapr, pstruh))

fried cheese (smažený hermelin) - smeared with hermelin

garnish sauce (příloha) - przhiloga

fried potatoes (smažené brambory)

Vegetables fruits

vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce) (zelenina (zelí, brambory, mrkev, okurky, rajčata, salát))- greens (zeli, brambors, mrkev, cigarette butts, chat paradise, salad)

fruit (Ovoce) - Ovoce


dessert (desert) - detsert

ice cream (zmrzlina) - zmrzlina

cake (zákusek) – snack

cake (dort) - dort

Posta, telephone

Where is the post office? (Kde je pošta?) - Where is je pošta?

Where can I buy a postcard (envelope, paper, stamp)? (Kde můžu zakoupit pohlednici (obálku, papír, známku)?)-Where will my husband bury the polednitsa (balku, papir, badge)?

I want to send a letter to Russia (Chci poslat dopis do Ruska) - Chci poslat dopis do Ruska

I want to call Russia (Germany, America) (Chci zavolat do Ruska (Německa, Ameriky)- Htsi will reach Ruska (Germany, America).

Where can I buy a phone card? (Kde můžu zakoupit telefonní kartu?)- Where can my husband buy a telephone card?

Where can I buy a calling card? (Kde mohu dostat telefonni kartu?)- Where can I get a phone card?

Sorry for the late call... (Omlouvám se že volám pozdě...)- Omlovam se same oxen too late...

Excuse me, is this Mr....'s apartment? (Promiňte, je to byt pana...?)- Prominite, isn’t that the way of life of the master...?

Excuse me, please, Mr... at home? (Promiňte, je pan... doma?) - Prominte, je pan... at home?

Can I ask Mr....? (Můžu poprosit pana...?) - Should I ask my husband to pana...?

Who is speaking)? (Kdo je to?) - Where is this?

This (says) ... (To je ....) - That is ...

Wait a minute (Počkejte chvilku) - Počkejte chvilku

He is not at home (On není doma) - He is není at home

Should I tell him anything? (Mám mu něco výřidit?) - Mám mu něco výřidit?

It’s hard to hear you (Je Vás špatně slyšet) - Ye špatně can hear you

Call me back, please (Zavolejte prosím zpátky) - Please please

I'll call you later (Zavolám později) - To the factories later

My number... (the number is called by numbers) (Moje číslo je...) - My number is...

Busy (Obsazeno) - Obsazeno

Doesn't connect (Není spojení) - Není spojení

Walk around the city

Do they provide information to tourists here? (Je tu turistiká informace?)- Ie tu tourist information?

I need a city plan / list of hotels (Máte plan města / seznam hotelů?)- Mate plan for the place / I wanted to

When does the museum/church/exhibition open? (Kdy je otevřeny museum/kostel/výstava?)- Where are the museum/church/exhibition?

What interesting things can you see in the city? (So ​​je ve městě pozoruhodného?)- So ye ve mneste pozorugodnego?

I want to explore the city center (Chci prohlídnout center města)- Htsi proglidnout center of the place

Where can I buy a city map? (Kde můžu zakoupit mapu města?)- Where will the muse be buried by the mapa?

How do I get to...? (Jak se dostanu do...?) - Jak se dostanu do...?

Where is the (metro) station? (Kde je stanice metra?) - Where is je stanice metra?

Where is the bus stop? (Kde je autobusová zastávka?)- Where is the bus screensaver?

(In a taxi) Take me to the hotel (center, airport, train station), please (Zavezte mě prosím do hotelu (do centra, na letiště, na nadraží)- We ask you to bring me to the hotel (to the center, to Letishte, to Nadrazi).

(On the metro) How much is a ticket to...? (Kolik stojí jízdenka do...?)- Kolik wait yizdenka before...?

I got lost (Zabloudil jsem) - Zabloudil jsem

Please show us on the map where we are (Ukažte prosím na mapě kde jsme)- Please indicate on the map where you are

How can I call the Russian embassy (consulate)? (Jak můžu zavolat na velvyslanectví (konzulát) Ruska?)- Yak muse zavolat na velvyslanetstvi (consulat) Ruska?


Where can I find… ? (Kde dostanu... ?) - Where can I get...?

How much does it cost? (Kolik to stojí?) - Kolik then stand?

It's too / very expensive (To je moc / velmi drahé)- To ye mots drage

Don't / like (Ne / libi) - Ne / libi

Do you have this item in a different color/size? (Máte to ještě v jiné barvě / velikosti?)- Mate to yestje in ine barvier/greatness?

I take it (Vezmu si to) - Vezmu si to

Give me 100 g cheese / 1 kg oranges (Dejte mi deset deka sýra / jadno kilo pomerančů)- Deyte mi deset deka sira / yedno kilo pomeranchu

Do you have newspapers? (Máte noviny?) - Mate noviny?

Where is the department store (supermarket, clothing store, toy store) located? (Kde je obchodní dům (supermarket, konfekce, hračkářství)?)- Where ye go and think (supermarket, coffee shop, grachkarzhstvo)?

Sale (výprodej) - sell out

Gift (dárek) – darek

Where can I buy souvenirs? (Kde můžu Zakoupit suvenýry?)- Where will the muse bury the souvenirs?

Help me, please (Pomozte mi prosím) - We ask for help

Please show me this (Ukažte mi prosím tohle) - Indicate mi ask tohle

Can I try it on? (Můžu zkusit?) - Does it bite your husband?

Do you have anything cheaper? (Nemáte něco levnějšího (lacinějšího)?)- Nemate netso levneyshigo (lacinishigo)?

Where are discounted goods sold? (Kde se prodává zlevněné zboží?)- Where are you selling zlevnene zbozhi?

Health care

I don't feel well (Čitím se špatně) - Tsitim se špatně

Please call a doctor (ambulance) (Zavolejte prosím doktora (saniku))- We ask the doctor (nurse) to please

I have a cold (Jsem nachazený(-ná)) - Jsem nahlaze-nu(-na)

I have a headache (throat, tooth, stomach, heart, ear, arm, leg) (Bolí mí hlava (krk, zub, břicho, srdce, ucho, ruka, noha))- Pain in my head (krk, tooth, heart, heart, ear, arm, leg)

I would like to measure my temperature (pressure) (Chtěl bych si změřit krevní tlak?)- Htel bykh si zmnerzhit krevni tlak?

I think I broke my arm (leg) (Zdá se že jsem si zlomil ruku (nohu))- Zda se same isem si angry hand (leg)

Seasons, climate, weather

Summer (léto) – leto

Autumn (podzim) - podzim

Winter (zima) – winter

Spring (jaro) – fiercely

Time of year (roční období) – rochni obdobi

It's cold today (hot, stuffy) (Dneska je zima (vedro, dusno))- Dneska ye winter (bucket, duster)

Today the weather is nasty (Dnes je ošklivé počasí) - Dnes je ošklivé počasí

It's raining (snowing) (Sněží) – snow

The wind blows (Fouká vítr) – fouka vitr

The rain will stop soon (Dešť zanedlouho přestane)- Dasht zanedlowo przhestane

Useful and everyday words and expressions

Welcome! (Vítejte!) - Vitejte!

Come in! (Poďtedal!) - Podte dal!

Sit down please! (Posaďte se!) - Posadte se!

Come to visit us (Přiďte k nám na návštěvu)- Come to us for Navshtevu

Yes (Ano) – Ano

No (Ne) – Ne

Yes, so (Ano, tak) – Ano, so

No, thank you (Ne, děkují) - Ne, dekui

Of course (Samozřejmě) – Samozřejmne

Good (Dobře) – Dobře

With pleasure (S potěšením) - With amusement

Unfortunately, we don't have time (Bohužel nemáme čas) - Bohužel nemáme hour

It is forbidden! (Není možné!) - Není možné!

Don't want! (Nechci!) - Nekhtsi!

I don’t know (Nevím) - invisible

Maybe (Možná) – possible

I need to think (Musím přemýšlet) - Musím přemýšlet

Sorry (Promiňte) - Prominte

Sorry to bother you (Promiňte že rušime) - Prominte we are ruining

Thank you (Děkuji) - Děkuji

Please (Prosim) - We ask

Who / what (Kdo / co) - Gdo / tso

Which (Jaký) - Yaki

Where / where (Kde / kam) - Where / kam

How / how much (Jak / kolik) - Yak / kolik

How long/when? (Jak dlouho / kdy?) - Yak dlouho / gdy

Why? (Proč?) - Other?

Can you help me? (Můžete mi pomoci?) - Muzhete mi pomoci?

Numerals and counting words

(for abstract account)

One (jeden) – eaten.

Two (dva) – two

Three (tři) – trzhi

Four (čtyři) – chtyrzhi

Five (pět) – drinks

Six (šest) – pole

Seven (sedm) – sadm

Eight (osm) – osm

Nine (devět) – deviet

Ten (deset) – deset

Eleven (jedenáct) – jedenáct

Twelve (dvanáct) – twelve

Thirteen (třináct) – thirteen

Fourteen (čtyrnáct) – fourteen

Fifteen (patnáct) - patnáct

Sixteen (šestnáct) - sixteen

Seventeen (sedmnáct) - sedmnáct

Eighteen (osmnáct) - osmnáct

Nineteen (devatenáct) - devatenáct

Twenty (dvacet) - dvatset

twenty-one (jedenadvacet) - jedenadvacet

thirty (třicet) - trzhitset

forty (třicet) - chtyrzhitset

fifty (padesat) - padesat

sixty (šedesát) - shedesat

seventy (sedmdesát) – sedmdesat

eighty (osmdesát) - osmdesat

ninety (devadesát) - devadesat

hundred (sto) - one hundred

two hundred (dvě svě) - two hundred

three hundred (tři sta) - three hundred

four hundred (čtyři sta) - four hundred

five hundred (pět set) - drinks set

six hundred (šest set) - pole pole

seven hundred (sedm set) - sedm set

eight hundred (osm set) - osm set

nine hundred (devět set) - devi se

one thousand (jeden tisíc) - jeden tisits

first (in order) (první) - prvni

(c) first time (poprvé) - poprve

first hour (první hodina) - prvni godina

first day (první den) - prvni den

first year (první rok) - prvni rock

second (druhý) - other

third (třetí) - third

fourth (čtvrtý) - fourth

fifth (pátý) - fifth

sixth (šestý) - sixth

seventh (sedmý) - seventh

eighth (osmý) - osmy

ninth (devátý) - devaty

tenth (desátý) - desaty

one person (jedna osoba) - jedna person

two people (dvě osoby) - two persons

three people (tři osoby) - three persons

four people (čtyři osoby) - four persons

five people (pět osob) - drinks especially

one year (jeden rok) - jeden rock

two years (dva roky) - two roky

three years (tři roky) - tři roky

ten years (deset let) - deset let

fifteen years (patnáct let) - patnáct let

twenty years (dvacet let) - twenty years let

twenty-one years (jedenadvacet let) - jedenadvacet years

twenty-two years (dvaadvacet let) - dvaadvacet let

thirty years (třicet let) - three years

one minute (jedna) - yedna

one hour (jedna hodina) - jedna hour

half an hour (půl hodiny) - pool of time

an hour and a half (hodina a půl) - hodina a půl

two and a half hours (dvě a půl hodiny) - two a půl hodiny

half past three (půl třeti) - pool of třeti

one day (jeden den) - jeden den

two days (dva dny) - two days

three days (tři dní) - three days

one week (jeden týden) - jeden týden

two weeks (dva týdně) - two thousand

three weeks (tři týdně) - three weeks

one month (jeden měsíc) - jeden mnesic

two months (dva měsíce) - two mnesice

for two months (behem dvou měsíců) - behem dvou měsíců

for one year (behem jednoho roku) - behem jednoho roku


Crown (koruna) - koruna

Coins (mince) - mince

50 galirzhi (padesát halířů) - padesat galirzhu

1 crown (jedna koruna) - jedna koruna

2 crowns (dvě kotuny) - two crowns

5 crowns (pět korun) - drinks korun

10 crowns (deset korun) - deset korun

20 crowns (dvacet korun) - twenty korun

Banknotes (bankovky) - banks

50 crowns (padesat korun) - padesat korun

100 crowns (sto) - one hundred crowns

200 crowns (dvěstě) – two hundred crowns

500 CZK (pětset) - drinks set korun

1000 crowns (tisíc) - yeden tisits korun

2000 crowns (dvě tisíce) - two tisits korun

Times of Day

morning (Ráno) - Early

day (in the afternoon) (den (přes den)) - den (Přes den)

evening (evening) (večer) - evening

night (at night) (noc (v noci)) - noc (in noci)

after lunch (Odpoledne) - Odpoledne

this morning (dnes ráno) - dnes early

tonight (dnes večer) - dnes večer

tonight (dnes v noci) - dnes v noci

Days of the week

Monday (pondělí) - pondels

Tuesday (úterý) - uteri

Wednesday (středa) - strředa

Thursday (čtvrtek) - chtvrtek

Friday (pátek) - patek

Saturday (sobota) - Saturday

Sunday (neděle) - week

Today (dnes) - dnes

Yesterday (včera) - yesterday

Tomorrow (zítra) - zitra

The day before yesterday (předevčírem) - przhedevchirem

The day after tomorrow (pozítří) - positive

this week (tento týden) - tento týden

last week (minulý týden) - past tyden

next week (příští týden) - příští týden

working day (pracovní den) - pracovni den

day off (den pracovního volna) - den pracovního wave

Today... (Dnes je...) - Dnes je...


January (leden) - leden

February (únor) - unor

March (březen) - brzezen

April (duben) – duben

May (květen) - kveten

June (červen) - cherven

July (červenec) - chervenets

August (srpen) - srpen

September (září) - zarzhi

October (říjen) - rzhien

November (listopad) - leaf fall

December (prosinec) - prosinets

In what month? (V jakém měsíci?) - V jakém měsíci?

Numbers, dates

What date is today? (Dneska je kolikáté?) - Dneska je kolikáté?

first of January (prvního ledna) - prvniho ledna

second of February (druhého února) - another person of unora

third of March (třetího března) - třetího března

fourth of April (čtvtého dubna) - chvrtého dubna

fifth of May (pátého května) - pateego kvetna

sixth of June (šestého června) - sixth of the hearts

seventh of July (sedmého července) - sedmego července

eighth of August (osmého srpna) - osmego srpna

ninth of September (devátého září) - devatego zarzhi

tenth of October (desátého října) - desatego října

November eleventh (jedenáctého listopadu) - jedenáctého listopadu

fourteenth of December (čtyrnactého prosince) - fourteenth prosince

twentieth of January (dvacátého ledna) - twenty-ego ledna

twenty-third of February (třiadvacatého února)

At what year? (V kolikátém roce?) V kolikátém goce?

1998 (Rok jeden tisíc devadesát osm)- Rok eden tisits devadesat osm

2005 (Rok dva tisice pět) - Rock two tisice drinks


What time is it now? (Kolík je hodin?) - Kolik je hodin?

It's five o'clock (Teď je pět hodin) - Teď je pět hodin

ten minutes past two (za pět minut čtvrt na tři)- Drinks in minutes Thursday on Thursday

half past six (půl sedmé) - pool sedme

exactly nine (přesně devět) - przesne devet

five (o'clock) in the morning (pět hodin ráno) - drinks godin early

eight (o'clock) in the evening (osm hodin večer) - osm hodin vecher

five minutes (pět minut) - drinks for minutes

ten minutes (deset minut) - deset minutes

fifteen minutes (patnáct minut) - patnáct minutes

twenty minutes (dvacet minut) - twenty minutes

thirty minutes (třicet minut) - three hundred minutes

forty minutes (čtyřicet minut) - four minutes

fifty minutes (padesat minut) - padesat minutes

I'm expecting you at six o'clock. (Cekám na Vás v šest hodin)- Checks on you for six years

Meet me at... o'clock (Setkáme se v... hodin) - Setkáme se v... hodin

Lunch will be at... o'clock (Oběd bude v... hodin) - Lunch will be at... hodin

Departure at... o'clock (Odjezd je v ... hodin) - Arrival at... hodin

Buses leave every five minutes (Autobusy jedou každých pět minut)- Buses feed every minute

I'll be with you in 20 minutes (Budu u tebe za dvacet minut) - I'll be with you in twenty minutes

I'll call you back in 10 minutes (Zavolám zpátky za deset minut)- Zavolam zratki for deset minutes

You arrived on time (Přijeli jste včas) - Přijeli jste včas

We're a little late (Máme malé zpoždění) - Máme malé zpoždění

I came too early (Přišel jsem přilíš brzy)- Przhišel ysem przhilish brzy


Mother (Matka) - uterus

mom (appeal) (mami) - mami

father (otec; tatinek) - father

dad (appeal) (táti) - tati

parents (rodiče) - relatives

husband (manžel) - manzhel

wife (manželka) - manzhelka

brother (bratr) - brother

daughter (dcera) - dcera

son (syn) - son

grandmother (babička) - babichka

grandmother (appeal) (babi) - babi

grandfather (dědeček) - dedechek

grandfather (appeal) (děda) - grandfather

relative (příbuzny) - příbuzny

family (rodina) - homeland

friends (kamarádí) - kamaradi

Signs and other inscriptions in the city

Input (vchod) input

Output (východ) output

Left (doleva) doleva

To the right (doprava)

Toilet (záchod) (WC) entrance

No smoking! (Kouření je zakázáno!) Courting has been ordered!

Entry is prohibited (Vstup zakázán) Entry is ordered


Platform No. 1 (nástupiště číslo jedna) come one

Output number 1 (východ číslo jedna) output number one

Arrival (příjezd) przhiezd

Departure (odjezd) departure

Cash desk (pokladna) payment

Luggage storage (úschovna) Ushovna

Baggage claim (výdej zavazadel) baggage claim

Bus (autobus) - bus

Railway (železnice) - railway

Metro (metro) - metro

Escalator (eskalátor) - escalator

Taxi rank (stanoviště taxíků) – sign up for a taxi

Hot water(teplá voda) - warm water

Cold water (studená voda) - studená water

Restaurant (restaurace)

Bar (bar) - bar

Open (otevřeno) - otevřeno

Closed (zavřeno) - closed

Floor (patro) - patro

Souvenirs (suvenýry) - souvenirs

No photography allowed! (Photografování je zakázáno!)- Photography has been ordered!

Phrases useful in extreme situations

I'm lost/lost! (Zablodil(a) jsem!) Zablodil(a) jsem!

I lost my child! (Ztratil(a) jsem dítě!) - Spent (a) jsem dítě!

I lost my passport! (Ztratil(a) jsem pas!) - Spent (a) jsem pas!

I lost my ticket! (Ztratil (a) jsem letenku!) - Spent (a) jsem letenku!

I lost money! (Ztratí l(a) jsem peníze!) - Spent (a) jsem peníze!

I lost my room key! (Ztratil(a) jsem klíč od pokoje!)- I spent my cry for peace!

I'm thirsty (Chci pit) - Chci pit

I'm hungry (hungry) (Mám hlad) - Mom is glad

Give me water (Dejte mí vodu) - Give me water

I'm cold (Je mi zima) - E mi winter

Where is the toilet? (Kde je záchod?) - Where is the sunset?

Where is the entrance? (Kde je vchod?) - Kde je entrance?

Where is the exit? (Kde je východ?) - Where is the exit?

Where is my seat? (Kde je moje místo?) - Where is my misto?

Where is the help desk? (Kde je informace?) - Kde je informace?

Where can I get a taxi? (Kde můžu sehnat taxi?) - Where is the husband sehnat taxi?

Where's the phone? (Kde je telefon?) - Kde je telefon?

Call a doctor! (Zavolejte lékaře!) - Zavolejte lékaře!

I need a doctor/dentist (Potřebuji lékaře / zubaře)- Potršebui lecarže/zubarže

I got sick! (Jájsem nemocný(á)!) - I am nemocný(á)!

Call an ambulance (Zavolejte prosím zachrannu sluzbu)- Zavole we ask for protected service

Call the police! (Zavolejte policii!) - Zavolejte police!

Call the police (Zavolejte prosím policii) - Zavole we ask the police

Where is the police station? (Kde je policejní komisařství?)-Where are the police officers of the Commissariat?

We were robbed (Byli jsme okradeni) - Were ysme okra deni

They stole from me... (Ukradli mně...) - They stole my mne...

Could you help me? (Můžete mi prosím pomoci?) - Muzhete mi ask for help?

Stop! (Zastavte!) - Zastavte!

Wait for me! (Počkejte na mně!) - Počkejte na mně! - Počkejte na mně!

How can I call Moscow? (Jak mužů zavolat do Moskvy?)- How can I get my husband to Moscow?

Give me paper and pen, please! (Dejte mi prosím papír a tužku!)- Let me ask for papir and push!

Connect me to the Russian Embassy (Spojte mě sprosím s ruským konzulátem)- We ask you to sing to me with the Russian consulate.

Take me to the airport (train station, hotel) (Zavezte mě na letiště (na nádraží, k hotelu))- Zavezte to me on letishte (on nadrazhi, to gotel).

Where is the nearest exchange office? (Kde je Nejbližší směnárna?)- Where is the nearest distance?

Where is the bank/exchange office? (Kde je tady bank / vyméný punkt?)- Where is the bank/exchange point?

Where's the phone? (Kdye mogu telefonovat?) - Where can I telephone?


If you know of any words or phrases that you think should be added to the phrasebook, I would be very grateful if you write about it in the comments. I will be happy to use your tips to improve the phrasebook!