What chip is in the Shanghai transport card. Shanghai metro - map, diagram, photo, opening hours and tickets. I'll start with basic information

The healing properties of maple sap have been known since time immemorial, and in many countries around the world this drink is widely used today. It is used to prepare not only various medicines, but also the famous maple syrup, which is rightfully considered an excellent dessert.

You can prepare maple sap yourself; it stores well and can be an excellent help in solving many health problems. The thing is that this drink is rich in organic substances that are so necessary for the body of any person.

Composition and benefits of maple sap

This drink is primarily famous for its high content of glucose and sucrose, which is responsible for the rich, sweet taste of maple sap. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, including ascorbic, succinic, fumaric, malic, abscisic and acetic. Vitamins A, B and C are also present in the juice, so including it in the diet in the spring is beneficial. best option in order to take care of your own health. It is also worth considering that maple sap contains micro- and macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium, silicon and calcium. Plus, this drink is rich in natural antioxidants, which promote regeneration of the body at the cellular level and help maintain youth.

Who should drink maple sap?

By and large, both adults and children who have no special contraindications should include this drink in their diet. After all, the benefits of maple sap are very great, taking into account its chemical composition. Well, don’t forget about the excellent taste of this drink, which successfully replaces lemonade for kids, and for adults their favorite tea and coffee.

However, it is recommended that maple sap be consumed primarily by people with weakened immune systems. This drink is especially good during or after a cold., during the rehabilitation period after injuries and surgery. In addition, those who have problems with the pancreas should definitely include juice in their diet. The thing is that abscisic acid, which is part of it, is a natural hormone that is similar to that produced by this organ. Therefore, in cases of pancreatic dysfunction, maple sap can be an excellent alternative to medications.

This drink is famous for its excellent diuretic and choleretic properties. In addition, maple sap contains active substances that are considered natural antiseptics and even antibiotics. Therefore, drinking juice is useful for various viral and colds. In addition, it can be used to treat wounds and cuts, which will not only be disinfected, but will also heal much faster thanks to the regenerating qualities of this drink. For the same reason, maple sap is very useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

It has been proven that regular consumption of maple sap prevents the formation of blood clots and helps cleanse the blood of toxins. Plus, the drink has a very beneficial effect on brain function and is often used as a prophylactic for Parkinson’s disease. It is also known that the drink has a very beneficial effect on the kidneys, so it is often used as an adjuvant in the treatment of hepatitis.

Maple sap is a less common drink in our country than birch sap, although it is not inferior to it in taste and beneficial properties. But Canada, famous for its maple forests and groves, has put the production of this natural nectar on stream, actively using the generous gift of nature. The benefits and harms of maple sap should also be of interest to us, since this vitamin extract has recently become increasingly popular.


Maple sap is an intercellular woody liquid of clear or pale yellow color with a pleasant, sweetish taste. Maple sap is unique in its rich vitamin-acid composition. Used as a refreshing, tonic drink and as a basis for the most popular in Canada and North America maple syrup.


The product contains a lot of elements necessary for the body, which, if consumed regularly, will bring great benefits.

  • Vitamins: A, E, C, PP, group B.
  • Microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sodium, manganese.
  • Organic acids: fumaric, acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic.
  • Calorie content: 12 kcal per 100 grams.

It’s not for nothing that all of Canada values ​​this beautiful tree so much; maple provides a nutritious and healthy product with valuable properties.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

The presence of tannins, aldehydes, lipids and carotenoids in the composition also makes maple extract not only a tasty drink, but also a medicinal product wide range actions. It is useful in different situations.

For the body.

It has a strong diuretic effect, cleanses of salts and toxins. Being a natural anesthetic, nectar has an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect; when drunk, it fights inflammatory processes from the inside, and if wounds, cuts and ulcers are treated, it flushes out pathogens from them and speeds up the healing process. During the peak of colds and various acute respiratory infections, maple extract will serve as a prophylactic.

For the venous system.

For diabetics.

The abscisic acid included in the composition has a positive effect on the pancreas and improves insulin production. Together with other substances, it helps improve the condition of diabetes and related obesity.

For immunity.

A lot of vitamins and microelements makes this natural drink an indispensable energy drink that will strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and provide energy. Nectar will perfectly replace artificial vitamin complexes, and will be absorbed much better. Considering that it is being mined early spring, when there is still no fresh herbs (Turkish pesticides do not count), no vegetables, no fruits, it will support the body and cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency.

As a barrier agent.

It’s not for nothing that pragmatic northerners fell in love with maple sap, like maple syrup, in addition to its nutritional value and medicinal properties, it is also an effective antioxidant. It will not be able to completely protect against cancer, but it is quite capable of reducing the likelihood of tumor occurrence if you make it part of the diet.

How to get

In our climate zone, sap is extracted from Norway maples, and in the North, several varieties of “sugar” trees, distinguished by liquid with a high content of sucrose, are used for these purposes. In order for the drink to be as useful and effective as possible, it must be collected correctly, taking into account the specifics.

    Collection area - in order not to get an extract of carcinogens instead of a valuable drink, collection must be carried out away from busy highways, railway tracks, factories and factories.

    When to collect - active movement of sap begins in March, when daytime temperatures rise to a couple of degrees Celsius. The collection of sap continues for several weeks, but as soon as the buds begin to swell on the tree, it becomes meaningless for humans (the sap loses its beneficial properties) and dangerous for the tree.

    The tree is an adult maple with a spreading crown and a trunk with a girth of more than 20 cm.

    The location of the hole is at a height of about 0.5 meters above the ground, on the north side of the trunk.

    Collection time is during the day, during the thaw, especially when the sun is warm.

    Hole - a longitudinal cut or cylindrical recess made with a drill or punch at a slight angle, up to 4 cm deep.

    Volume - the tree itself needs liquid, you shouldn’t abuse the gift of nature, it’s better to collect a couple of liters from several trees than to strain a dozen from one and guaranteed to ruin it.

    Preservation - after harvesting, the hole or cut is covered with garden varnish or plugged with moss to prevent loss of juice.

How to store at home

Like birch, maple is rich in sucrose, which quickly starts the fermentation process, this shortens the shelf life of freshly collected liquid. In a cool place outside, at minimum temperatures or in the refrigerator, the strained nectar can be kept for about two days. After this period, it must be frozen, preserved or turned into kvass. Proper storage is also important for other products, so pomegranate juice during breastfeeding should be as fresh as possible.

Canning Recipes

Although most of the vitamins are lost during canning, this is the only option to preserve the juice for a long period. The easiest way to do this is in the following ways.

    Pasteurization. The liquid is heated to 80°, poured into prepared jars, pasteurized for about half an hour, and rolled up hot. The cooled jars are put away in the basement or pantry.

    Boiling. Sugar is added to the juice, 50 grams per liter; for taste, you can add sprigs of mint, lemon balm, rose hips or lemon slices. The mixture is brought to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved, poured into jars and rolled up. Storage is the same as in the first recipe, but due to boiling, the benefits of such a drink are somewhat less.

    Maple syrup. This is a concentrate obtained by evaporating maple sap. A completely natural product is obtained by long-term simmering over low heat, as a result of which all the water is removed from the juice, and a small part of the original volume remains; from 30 - 40 liters you will get about 1 liter of syrup. The viscous substance is also poured into a glass container and sealed hermetically.

Recipes for consumption

Delicious, sparkling drink that can be stored long time, this is kvass - it will refresh you in the heat, give you vigor, and provide you with vitamins. And for a change, it’s a good idea to learn how to drink carrot juice correctly.

Kvass from maple sap:

  • Juice – 3 liters.
  • Rye crackers – 200 grams.
  1. For better fermentation, the juice is slightly heated and poured into a container, crackers are added, covered with a thin cotton cloth or gauze and placed in a warm place.
  2. After a day, the drink is filtered, it is ready for use. To enrich the taste, you can add dried fruits or rose hips.


Maple sap itself is unlikely to cause any harm to health; it can completely replace the liquid you drink per day, but you should be careful in the following situations.

  • If you are prone to allergies.
  • If it is collected in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Maple juice is a good opportunity to diversify your diet and introduce a healthy drink that is necessary for the body, instead of store-bought lemonades with preservatives and flavors.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “maple”? Definitely Canada, the Land of the Maple Leaf. The local residents not only chose this tree as their state symbol, but also adapted to exploit it as much as possible. One of the traditional crafts is collecting maple sap and preparing all sorts of healthy and tasty things from it. Echoes of this Canadian know-how have reached Russia. Although still in our country of birch calico, a spring trip for birch sap is a folk tradition, and its maple analogue is in demand only among certain enthusiasts. One of them is Oleg Chukhlinsky.

Maple sap will give a head start to the well-known birch sap in many respects. If it's quite primitive, it just tastes better, but if from a more scientific point of view... Let's take a look at its composition.

Of course, the main part of maple sap (like birch sap) is water. But besides it, this tree blood contains much more. Its main organic component is sucrose, the concentration of which in maple sap is most often 2–3% (although, depending on the conditions in which the tree grows, it can reach even 10%). That is why this sap is much sweeter than birch sap.

In addition, maple sap contains glucose and natural dextrose (D-glucose) - a carbohydrate that is used by our body to produce energy, is carried by the blood to all cells and parts of the body, and is responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It is easily digestible dextrose that plays a leading role in supporting the functioning of the brain. Maple sap also contains vitamins B, C, PP, E, carotenoids, organic and polyunsaturated acids, lipids, aldehydes, tannins...

- Readers will probably have a question: what helps?

Write down: this miracle juice has antibactericidal, antimicrobial, diuretic and choleretic properties. It can be used externally to speed up the healing of wounds and burns. And as an internal remedy for colds, vitamin deficiency, anemia, liver diseases, low immunity... This juice normalizes the functioning of the pancreas. In addition, it is a wonderful preventative against pathologies of cardiac activity, the formation of blood clots in blood vessels... Finally, some researchers have come to the conclusion that regular consumption of maple sap slows down the development of terrible diseases - Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

However, some contraindications should also be noted. One of the disadvantages of maple sap is that it is a product of a tree that very readily collects heavy metals from the soil and air. It is clear that there are many of them in environmentally unfavorable areas, for example, near busy highways, industrial enterprises... Naturally, it is better not to “milk” the maples growing in those places.

In my practice, there have been cases when a beginner, inspired by stories about miracle juice, immediately began to drink liters of it and, as a result, received an unpleasant allergic reaction from the body as a response. Therefore, I advise you to introduce yourself to this drink gradually, starting with small doses: a cup, a glass.

- Another burning question: when is the season for collecting maple sap?

Maple is one of the first trees to come to life in the spring. The circulation of sap in its trunk resumes 2–3 weeks before flowering. This happens 10, 15, sometimes 20 days earlier than the birch tree begins to release sap: in our central Russian regions already at the end of March - beginning of April, when average daily temperatures still remain below zero, and in many places there is still snow. The main external sign of a tree’s readiness for such human exploitation is the noticeably increased size of the buds on the branches. The season for industrial collection of sap from maples usually lasts one and a half to two weeks. The most active juice secretion occurs on warm sunny days. For those who go maple farming to ensure the most successful results and the highest quality product, remember the rule: the sugar content of the sap (and therefore its taste) is much higher in those trees that grow on mineral-rich and well-drained soil. moist soil. The collection technology is the same as in the case of birch sap. Use a knife or, better yet, a drill to make an inclined (approximately 45 degrees to the ground) hole in the bark, insert a groove, and place an empty container under it. You need to drill the bark at a distance of about half a meter from the ground, and the depth of the hole should not be more than 5 cm (naturally, after completing the procedure, the wood wound you inflicted should be repaired with varnish, putty, or at least clay). It is better to choose mature trees as a “donor” - with a trunk diameter of at least 20–25 cm. Up to 2 liters of juice can drip from one such hole in a day. Externally, it is a slightly golden liquid.

Is it possible to somehow increase the period of drinking maple sap, extending it beyond the mentioned one and a half to two weeks?

The simplest: juice without added sugar is heated to 70–80 degrees, poured into glass jars or bottles, pasteurized in them for about half an hour and sealed tightly with lids or stoppers. You can also prepare sweet maple water by first adding about 100 grams of sugar per liter of juice, bring the solution to a boil, and then pour it into glass containers and pasteurize, as in the option described above.

Canadians, who are fans of this natural product, have long ago adapted to making maple syrup, or, as it is also called, maple sugar, from the sap. The first Europeans who landed in America adopted this method from the local Indians. The procedure is simple: the collected fresh juice is poured into a pan and evaporated over low heat. As a result, what remains is a viscous sweet mass that looks like unhardened caramel. It is transferred to glass jars, stored in the cold and then consumed throughout the year. (Syrup is often served with meat dishes, pancakes, ice cream...) However, it should be borne in mind that the procedure for preparing syrup is very long, and the yield is small: from 20 liters of juice you will end up with about a half-liter jar of maple sugar.

- I’m afraid that few will be tempted by such a long process...

For the impatient, I can recommend a recipe for more quickly preparing a dessert from maple sap. I borrowed it from one of my colleagues in the hobby of klenotherapy. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 1 liter of juice, add 2-3 tablespoons of dried fruits and leave in a cool place for 15 days. It makes a wonderful compote.

Much has been said, but maple sap remains undeservedly forgotten.

Maples are common throughout most of Russia. The sap is collected from sugar, red and Norway maples. Sugar juice is sweet, but the last two have a specific taste.

Drinking maple sap will charge your body with energy after winter. The product can be used to make coffee, tea and beer. It gives drinks and dishes a subtle sweet taste. The most common use of maple sap is processing into maple syrup.

Composition and calorie content of maple sap

The benefits of maple sap are due to the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. There's a lot in it.

Composition 80 ml. maple sap as a percentage of the daily value:

The biochemical composition of maple sap varies depending on the season. At the peak, the content of potassium, calcium, manganese and sucrose increases.

Maple trees are dormant in winter. At the end of winter, daytime temperatures rise, at which point sugars move up the trunk to prepare to fuel tree growth and bud formation. Cold nights and warm days increase flow and “juice season” begins.

The calorie content of maple juice is 12 kcal per 100 g.

Maple sap speeds up metabolism, rejuvenates the skin and tones the body. Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals in its composition inhibit the development of cancer and inflammation, strengthen bone and nerve tissue.

The drink is rich in calcium and manganese, so it strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. Maple sap is especially useful for women during menopause, when the production of hormones is disrupted.

Maple sap for diabetes

Compared to maple syrup, maple sap contains less sucrose, but also increases blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. The glycemic index of the product is lower than that of regular sugar or sweet drinks. Compared to them, maple sap raises blood glucose levels more slowly.

Given the high content of vitamins and minerals, maple sap can be added to the diet of diabetics, but it is better to consult a doctor first.

Harm and contraindications of maple sap

The product can cause a severe allergic reaction, so add it to the menu carefully.

If the maple tree grew by the side of the highway or in the area of ​​an industrial enterprise, then you will not get any benefit from the drink. But the risk of poisoning by toxins will be high.

Maple sap collection time

Two to three weeks before the start of flowering, at the end of March, you can go into the forest, taking with you tools for making holes and a collection container. Swollen flower buds are a sign that you have chosen the right time, even if there is snow in some places.

Collecting sweet maple sap begins with drilling a small hole in the trunk at a distance of 30-35 cm from the surface of the ground. Its diameter should vary between 1-1.5 cm. A tube must be inserted into the finished cavity, through which the liquid will flow into the container.

The tree releases sap better on warm days when the sun is shining. On cloudy days, at night and during frosts, sap flow stops. As soon as the weather clears, the liquid will again flow abundantly into the placed container.