Leps concert program for the year. History and achievements. Leps's discography is the singer's creative pride

In 1995, Leps, having moved from Sochi to Moscow, released the song “Natalie” and “God Bless You” as part of his first album. The compositions immediately became hits. Two years later, a second record was released entitled “The Whole Life,” which included the well-known hits “Gololed”, “Chizhik”, “The Whole Life”, “Jock”. Already in 1998, Grigory took part in “Christmas meetings” with A. Pugacheva.


In 2000, the artist’s third album, “Thank you, people...”, was released, and Leps’s first official website was created. Grigory records several songs in a duet with I. Allegrova. He is invited to speak at International festival“Star Blizzard” with the compositions “Rustle”, “ Good night", gentlemen." The fame of the vocalist by this time had already equaled the popularity of M. Krug, S. Trofimov, M. Shufutisnsky. In 2001, Leps performed in concerts and was nominated for the “Chanson of the Year” award for the hit “Tango of Broken Hearts.”

2002 - release of the 4th album “On the Strings of Rain...”, which included the famous songs “A Glass of Vodka on the Table”, “I Believe, I’ll Wait”, “Angel of Tomorrow”, “Domes”. During this period, Leps was invited to perform in almost all popular competitions, he recorded videos, and became a guest on television talk shows.


The album “Labyrinth” began a new stage in Leps’ career. “Labyrinth” consisted of only 9 compositions, among which were the hits “Blizzard” and “She”. Videos were shot for the songs, which subsequently occupied the top positions of the charts. At the end of the same year, the 7th album, “In the Center of the Earth,” was released.


Leps continues to actively engage in creativity, experiment, and record duet compositions with equally popular performers. In 2007, the collection “I am alive!” was published, in which the best song was “My whole life is a road...”. A collection of compositions by V. Vysotsky “The Second” is published. For the biggest album sales in 2008, Leps was awarded the Record Prize.

The singer takes part in the closing of the competition " New Wave-2008" Starring in the program “Two Stars”. In 2009, the album “Waterfall” was released. In 2010, the songs “Turn Around”, “Two at the Window”, “Betrayal”, “Leave Gracefully”, etc. were released.


Leps opens his own karaoke bar “Leps”, his own production center; The 10th studio collection of compositions is released. The artist has already become a regular guest of the shows “New Wave”, “New Year’s Light”, “Golden Gramophone”, etc. He records songs in a duet with S. Piekha, V. Meladze, V. Ilyinskaya, A. Rosenbaum, Timati. Becomes the winner of the awards “Best Duet of the Year (2011), “Best Artist of the Year (2012)”, “Best Song (2013)” from RU.TV.


Grigory Leps is one of the respected vocalists of Russian show business, a favorite of the audience and a welcome guest at any cultural events. His name and work are known abroad. In addition to her career, she is engaged in the development of young talents, taking part in the jury of the “Voice” project.

Leps has high demands not only for his team, but also for himself. Therefore, all his concerts go off with a bang, not only emotionally, but also from an organizational point of view. The singer is a harsh critic of himself and his work. It took the artist many years and a colossal amount of effort to please his audience, to win his love. Therefore, you need to be demanding of yourself so as not to lose the accumulated values, but to increase them over the years and with growing life experience.

Order tickets for the Grigory Leps concert in concert hall You can visit Crocus City Hall on our website right now.

The pop star comes from Sochi

Grigory Leps was born in the bright and warm city of Sochi. There he received a musical education and worked in restaurants and rock bands. Even then he earned himself some fame. People recognized his voice and people came from other cities to listen to him.

And at the age of thirty, Grigory Leps comes to conquer Moscow. He came for fame. And she smiled at him, but, alas, not right away. Life presented a difficult test: few people were interested in him as an artist, so he began to drink and use drugs. Worked in restaurants in Moscow...

But still there were those who sincerely believed in Leps’ talent and voice. And in 1995, Leps’s first album, entitled “God Bless You,” was released. Everything seemed to be starting to get better, but then new blow- a serious illness took Leps out of life for half a year. Since then, the singer has led a healthy lifestyle. Fate gave him a second chance and he uses it with dignity.

In 1997, Leps’s second album “Whole Life” was released, which contained the songs “Ice”, “Whole Life”, “Chizhik”, “Kachek”, ... Every year he gave us new Leps albums, consisting of hits and simply beautiful songs, permeated with warmth and skill of their performer.

Grigory Leps speaks and they talk about Leps...

« ... Leps for me is a whole planet, says Anna, the singer’s wife. If you managed to look inside this planet, you will stay with it forever».

« I am my own censor, says Leps. – It took me a long time to get the audience to like me and I don’t intend to lose them. Some people like the artist Grigory Leps, others don’t - this is a normal phenomenon, a matter of taste. Every artist, and just a person, has his admirers and detractors.»…

After the performance of the anthem song “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” in 2002, the media wrote about Grigory Leps: “ Today Leps - last stronghold masculinity on stage...»

“Waterfall” is part of my life, and I hope that in the new album everyone will find something they like,” says Grigory Leps.

A hit is a very strange thing, a song can be either very smart or absolutely stupid, like, say, “I don’t love you.” It’s kind of a ditty, but people like it.” - G. Leps

Leps concert 2018

To please the viewer and listener, you need to go a long way. And it is very important not to lose your fans. After all, from love to hate there is only one step. For Grigory Leps, each song is not just carefully thought out. It was born through suffering and sung in a unique signature style. That is why his work is so close in spirit to people. Therefore, every concert is a whole event for lovers of the work of Grigory Leps. Leps makes great efforts not to lose his listener and to find a new one. What is noteworthy is that Grigory Leps’ repertoire has been loved by more than one generation.

The idol and role model for Grigory Leps to this day is the “Voice of the People” Vladimir Vysotsky. Leps even released the disc “Sail”, in which Vysotsky’s songs received new life in a new version. This was a powerful boost in his musical career.

Tickets for Leps concert

You can order tickets for the Grigory Leps concert on our website. To do this, you need to call our phone number or leave an online application on our website. Our managers will contact you within a day and place your order by phone. From us you can also order tickets for the Leps concert with delivery throughout Moscow.

Leps's discography is the singer's creative pride

Reviews of Leps' concerts

“The concert is a truly significant event not only in the lives of the singer’s fans, but also in cultural life the capital as a whole took place in the largest concert hall in Moscow and Russia - in the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. The number of people who came to the concert numbered more than 18 thousand spectators. Leps' three-hour concert was dedicated to the presentation of his new album - Waterfall The artist himself spoke of it as an album of mood, an album of the soul, in which everyone can find something close and dear to themselves. But, as has already become a tradition, not only the masterpieces of the artist’s new collection were performed, but also everyone’s favorite hits. The 18 thousand-strong hall of fans, intoxicated by the large-scale and colorful spectacle, sang songs with inspiration along with Grigory Leps himself - “A Glass of Vodka”, “Rat”, “Words”, “Tell”, “Your Own”, “I Don’t Love You” , “Leave gracefully” and others. According to many critics and the Olimpiysky spectators themselves, the 2009 concert at the Olimpiysky is a loud, unique result of Leps’s creative era and the beginning of a new creative period in the singer’s life. The concert called “Waterfall” became one of the largest, brightest events of that year. But for the singer himself this is not just a big job - it is a joint work between him and his team. As Leps himself says, “much of what was planned worked out,” but also that he has “...the desire to organize the next concert better - there is no limit to perfection and I always have a desire to do better.”

“The concerts at Crocus City Hall were very sold out. At this series of events, Leps’ new album, “Pince-nez,” was presented. This concert differed from others in its truly surreal atmosphere, which was new to both the singer and his audience. But, I must admit, this idea was implemented with dignity. Not many people know that initially only 3 days of the concert were planned. But in the end, a fourth day was also organized, and all this thanks to numerous requests from fans and huge excitement: not everyone had enough tickets to Leps’ concert. And for those who came to Crocus City Hall these days, a seemingly ordinary concert became a real show, during which all musical actions were performed with the greatest taste and grace. And the incredibly infectious masculine energy and charisma of Grigory Leps brought enormous pleasure to all spectators. Thus ended the next stage in the artist’s musical creative life.

The future concert is a completely unusual concert. Don't miss out on tickets!

Videos (5)

Each new concert of Grigory Leps becomes a bright event in the world of modern Russian stage. This unique singer with a completely unique, well-recognized voice can turn a simple appearance on stage into a real show. His songs are real dramatic stories with a poignant and life-like plot. For this, as well as for his charisma, musicality, and artistry, the public loves this performer so much. This time, he will traditionally prepare for his fans his best hits, which have already been scattered into quotes. With state-of-the-art special effects, excellent sound and many surprises, the show promises to be truly unforgettable.

The performer's path to fame was quite long and thorny. He began his career in Sochi as a restaurant singer - which was quite common among pop stars in the 90s. The talented artist was quickly noticed and offered to move to Moscow. But the capital was not at first favorable to the new guest. Having gone through a series of life tests that largely changed his attitude towards life, Gregory presented to the public his first hits, which brought him fame. The song “Natalie” received many prizes and awards and for a long time remained at the top of all the leading charts in the country.

Soon the composition “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” was born, which had the effect of a real “bomb”. It was difficult to imagine a place where this hit could be heard. For the artist, his finest hour has come. Now he begins to actively publish records that sell in huge quantities. Both the singer's solo concerts and his bright duets with other pop stars - Irina Allegrova, Stas Piekha, Timati, Ani Lorak and others - enjoy great success among the audience of his fans.

Today, the name of the artist does not need any special introduction. He never ceases to delight and surprise fans with new, piercing compositions. Every listener can find in Leps’ songs something especially close to themselves, something that penetrates deep into the soul. Currently, the singer is the winner of many prestigious music awards. The concert will feature best songs artist - “The Best Day”, “Waterfall”, “I Raise My Hands”, “Lord, Give Me Strength” and many others. Many fans of the singer want to get to this show. Therefore, it is better to buy tickets for the Grigory Leps concert in advance.