Legion: Monk Artifacts. Legion: Artifacts of the Martial Artist Monk

The blade for the right hand is named Al "burk(eng. Al "burq), and for the left - Alra"ed(English Alra "ed). The seething power of the elements, which was contained in the artifacts, was so great that it destroyed the whole city in Uldum, where Irmaat lived.

For a long time, the Fists of Heaven were considered lost, but legends about them spread across Azeroth. When a new invasion of the Burning Legion began through the Broken Isles, the head of the Order of the Fallen Temple went in search of the blades and managed to take them from the djinn Typhoonius.


The source of information in this section is the supplement Legion to World of Warcraft.

When Iron Ponshu asked the master of the Order of the Fallen Temple to choose an artifact, he chose to go in search of the Fists of Heaven. The monks learned about this weapon from travelers who were returning to the Wandering Island from their travels. They shared rumors about the existence of two ancient hand blades that endowed their owner with the power of a storm. There was almost nothing about this weapon in the order's archives, which meant that it was not from Pandaria. Ponshu sent a master to Li Li Stormstout, who traveled the most among the island's pandaren. If anyone would know about the artifact, it would be her.

The hero found Li Li at the Laughing Crane, a local tavern near the Temple of Five Dawns. Li Li was sitting here with her father and brother, who were devouring huge quantities of the broth. She complained about how bored she was on the Wandering Island. The hero asked if Li Li knew anything about hand blades, and she nodded. The girl heard this legend when she traveled around the world with Uncle Chen. One night they found themselves in Booty Bay and stopped at the Old Mariner Tavern. There Li Li met a huge creature who called himself tol'vir. They got to talking, and he told about his homeland - the sand-covered lands of Uldum.

This area was familiar to the hero. Li Li said that she heard the legend when she visited Uldum herself. Many thousands of years ago, a blacksmith named Irmaat lived there. He was known throughout the region for his impressive creations - magical weapons associated with air spirits. They said that he best job there were hand blades that contained the essence of pure air. The legend also said that Irmaat tried to summon Al "Akir himself to fill the blades with his power. This ended badly for him: the Lord of the Wind was angry and decided to play a cruel joke with the blacksmith. Al "Akir filled the weapon with his purest essence, knowing that Irmaat there is no chance of curbing such power. The blacksmith named his creation the Fists of Heaven and raised them to the sky, admiring his work. A huge funnel of sand and wind immediately began to spin in front of him, and Irmaat could not control it. The whirlwind carried away the blacksmith's blades and buried his house in the desert sands.

Hearing that the master believed in the existence of blades, Li Li was delighted and stated that he would definitely be able to cope with their power. She wanted to go on a trip, but her father forbade her to leave the village without protection. The hero promised that he would protect the girl, and the two of them went to Ramkahen, the capital of the Tolvirs in Uldum. Li Li flew on the Crane, her pet, and the hero used her kite.


At Ramkahen they met King Faoris, the local ruler. Faoris knew the legend of Irmaat well and promised to help if the hero helped his people. According to legend, the blacksmith's home was the city of Amtul, now buried under the desert sands. Not long ago, strange storms began to appear over the ruins, and Ramkahen began to receive reports of a certain elemental Nader attacking the tol'vir. Faoris wanted the monk to find this elemental and destroy it. Perhaps indications of who is behind all this.

The ruins of Amtul were located in the northwestern part of Uldum. Arriving there, the master found Nader absorbing the power of the whirlwind and summoning angry storm elementals. When the hero attacked Nader, he shouted that he would bring the insolent head to Lord Typhoon. But the monk turned out to be stronger and took the essence of the vortex, light and weightless, from the remains of the elemental. He returned to Ramkahen and allowed King Phaoris to examine the mysterious stone.

Faoris suggested that the elemental forces inside the stone are echoes of magic directed against Irmaat. The hero had to go outside and lift the stone to the heavens to release the essence in sight of the mighty vortex. If the whirlwind turned out to be strong enough, then the master and Li Li could fly on it to the very heights of Heaven - the Abode of the Elements, where the air elementals lived. Faoris hoped that the hero would be able to find the blades created by Irmaat. Everything happened exactly as the king of the Tol"virs described: a whirlwind of stone brought the monk and Li Li to Heavenly Heights, where aggressive elementals were already waiting for them. A projection of Typhoonius also appeared in front of them, who ordered his servants to destroy mortals.

Heavenly heights

The hero protected Li Li from the elementals, and they moved on. Many tornadoes blocked their path, but Li Li dispersed them by spinning with her staff according to Uncle Chen's technique. Rising upstairs, they saw new elementals that were strengthening themselves with the help of electrified sfet. Destroying the spheres allowed the monk to easily destroy the enemy. A projection of Typhoonius reappeared before them, promising that nothing would save the mortals in his kingdom. He called upon the generation of his forces, but the hero dealt with this obstacle. Typhoon's other servants, including the three reincarnated Keled, Na'sera and Melezan, were also destroyed.

The storm dragon Zaurak, summoned by Typhoon, was greatly weakened by the monk. The weakened dragon was forced to deliver the hero directly to Typhoon. Li Li caught up with him on her kite. Typhoon, who turned out to be a giant genie, promised that he would deal with the insolent people personally. The master, in front of Li Li's eyes, defeated the genie and was able to take the artifact from his body, which turned out to be the very Fists of Heaven. It's time to return to the Wandering Isle. Li Li, who was taken straight to the tavern by the hero, stated that it was a fantastic trip that definitely needs to be repeated.

Only the most experienced heroes of Azeroth can face the invasion of the Burning Legion, armed with legendary artifacts. The power of this magnificent weapon grows along with yours. You yourself determine its properties, appearance, sounds and behavior in battle. Transform your artifact into the perfect weapon of war and lead your faction in these trying times!

Having become one of the greatest monks of Azeroth, you have earned the right to wield a weapon that is endowed not only with power, but also with its own name.

Martial artists

Monks can choose one of three specializations: Brewmaster, Mistweaver, and Windwalker. The uniqueness of each of them is reflected in the choice of artifact weapons.

  • Brewmasters will find it useful Fu Can, the Wanderer's Companion. Hewn from wood harvested from the ancient forests of Pandaria, this staff was gradually imbued with the incredible power of its wise owners.
  • Shay-lun, Staff of Mists, went through many trials in battle, protecting the lands of Pandaria. In the hands of a skilled Mistweaver, he can decide the outcome of the battle with the Burning Legion.
  • And armed With the Fists of Heaven A wind dancer is capable of defeating any enemy in a duel. Filled with pure elemental power, these artifacts will make their owners literally invincible.

Each artifact is the embodiment of the power of the monk who owns it. There is power in names - remember them, because this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle against an enemy more dangerous than you have ever met.

Brewmaster - Fu Can, the Wanderer's Companion

As Guardian Freya began to fill Azeroth with life, one of the first seeds fell in Pandaria. From it grew the first forest, Fu Tsang, and from it all the other forests originated. Freya made a staff from a branch of this forest. She subsequently gave the staff to Yu-long, the Jade Snake, and then it ended up in the possession of an extremely cunning hozen known as the Monkey King. Hozen loved the staff so much that he still carries it to this day.

Mistweaver - Shay-lun, Staff of Mists

During the time of the last Pandaren Emperor, there was a prophecy: the Burning Legion would come to Azeroth and leave it in ruins. To save his people, Emperor Shaohao underwent trials, in which he was helped by his faithful staff Shei-long. With the help of the acquired knowledge, he transformed himself, separated Pandaria from the rest of the land and covered it with mists. The staff lost its owner, but the monks of the Tian monastery found it. Since then it has been kept on the Terrace of Eternal Spring.

Windwalker - Fists of Heaven

Many thousands of years ago, the famous Tol'vir blacksmith Irmaat forged a pair of magnificent shock blades. Not satisfied with his work, Irmaat tried to obtain the essence of Al'Akir, the Lord of the Wind, to strengthen the blades. Al'Akir was not happy. To spite the arrogant blacksmith, the Lord of the Wind filled the blades with unbridled fury of the elements. When Irmaat tried to release this power, a huge whirlwind destroyed his city and carried away the blades.

In the archives of the order, a mention of powerful weapons was found. However, there was almost no other information, which meant that it was not from Pandaria. Kaya consulted with Master Ponshu, who advised her to learn something from Chen and Li Li Stormstout, who traveled the most among the pandaren. If anyone would know about the artifact, it would be them.

Kaya found Li Li at the Laughing Crane, a local tavern near the Temple of Five Dawns. Li Li complained about how bored she was on the Wandering Island. Kaya asked if Li Li knew anything about the Fists of Heaven, and she nodded. The girl heard this legend when she traveled around the world with Uncle Chen. One night they found themselves in Booty Bay and stopped at the Old Mariner Tavern. There Li Li met a huge creature who called himself a tol'vir. They started talking, and he told about his homeland - the sand-covered lands of Uldum.

This area was familiar to Kaya. Li Li said that she heard the legend when she visited Uldum herself. Many thousands of years ago there lived a blacksmith named Irmaat. He was known throughout the region for his impressive creations - magical weapons associated with air spirits. It was said that his best work was his hand blades, which contained the essence of pure air. The legend also said that Irmaat tried to summon Al "Akir himself to fill the blades with his power. This ended badly for him: the Lord of the Wind was angry and decided to play a cruel joke with the blacksmith. Al "Akir filled the weapon with his purest essence, knowing that Irmaat there is no chance of curbing such power. The blacksmith called his creation the Fists of Heaven and raised them to the sky, admiring his work. A huge funnel of sand and wind immediately swirled in front of him, and Irmaat could not control it. The whirlwind carried away the blacksmith's blades and buried his house in the desert sands.

Kaya, having obtained information, went to Maya to consult with her. It was risky to take all the monks of the Order with you, because... The Tolvirs, the inhabitants of Uldum, may have misunderstood such a large delegation. It was decided to go together, but Haya and Li Li followed the two pandarens. After talking a little, the girls decided to go in just such a formation, and Maya, being the magician of Omnium, created a portal.

Once in Uldum, they met with King Phaoris, the local ruler. Faoris knew the legend of Irmaat well and promised to help if the sisters did him a favor. According to legend, the blacksmith’s home was the city of Amtul, now buried under the desert sands. Not long ago, strange storms began to appear over the ruins, and Ramkahen began to receive reports of a certain elemental attacking the tol'vir. Faoris wanted the monks to find this elemental and destroy it.

The ruins of Amtul were located in the northwestern part of Uldum. Arriving there, the Raven Shadows discovered a huge elemental that was absorbing the power of the vortex and summoning enraged storm elementals. One by one, the storm elementals fell at the hands of the three pandarens. And now only the giant elemental Nader remained in front of them.

When the sisters attacked Nader, he shouted that he would bring the heads of the insolent people to Lord Typhoon. Haya fired an explosive bolt at him, tearing out part of his armor. Then Nader raised a storm, but Kaya was able to hear the sounds of the discharges created by the elemental and attack it. After which Maya struck him to the ground, and Haya finished him off with a precise shot.

Kaya noticed and took a stone from the remains of the elemental, from which a noticeable wind was coming. The sisters decided to return to Ramkahen and find out from King Faoris what this mysterious stone was.

Faoris suggested that the elemental forces inside the stone are echoes of magic directed against Irmaat. The sisters had to go outside and lift the stone to the heavens to release the essence in the form of a powerful vortex. He must raise the pandaren to the abode of the genies, Heavenly Heights. The Raven Shadows decided to postpone this until the morning and gain strength.

Everything happened exactly as the king of the Tol"virs described: a whirlwind of stone brought the monk and Li Li to Heavenly Heights, where aggressive elementals were already waiting for them. A projection of Typhoonius also appeared in front of them, who ordered his servants to destroy mortals.

Kaya first dispelled one of the elementals with the help of a decoction of fiery breath given to her by master Ten'zo, and then demolished two more with a powerful blow from Xuen. Haya struck the last one, vaporizing him with an incendiary bolt. The girls carefully walked around the whirlwind raging in the center of the hall and moved using that mysterious stone to the next floating structure...

... And they were surrounded. The elementals surrounded them on all sides. Without saying a word, Maya and Kaya attacked. The mage summoned a wall of flames, and the White Tiger master used the “Gust of Jade Wind” technique, directing it with a horseshoe. As a result, the fiery tornado instantly evaporated the elementals, who did not even have time to do anything. The sisters moved on, Haya deftly vaporized another elemental with an incendiary bolt. And then they saw the genie Typhoon.

He absorbed the elementals standing around, saturated with their power, and the battle began. The sisters defeated the elemental, after which Kaya summoned Clanking Jade Lightning to break a piece of the balcony and drop it on Typhoon. However, he pulled them towards him with a gust of wind, and Maya was thrown back by a piece of debris, fortunately she managed to cover the omnipresent Li Li.

Kaya, using Chi as an impulse, flew up to Typhoon's face and knocked out his eye. The angry genie began to strike the pandaren with lightning, but she moved clockwise, remaining in the blind spot of the huge elemental. While Typhoonius was trying to hit the nimble little Kaya who caused him suffering, Haya came into play, loading an explosive bolt into the back of the genie's head. The giant elemental Typhoonium disintegrated, causing huge wave wind, which Kaya cut through using Xuen's strike. In place of the genie there were blades that the White Tiger master picked up. And the wind immediately died down, the Fists of Heaven obeyed the new owner.

Taking a breath, Maya teleported herself, Li Li and her sisters to the Wandering Island.

List of participating characters and desired reward.