Hangout spots for stylish young people. Youth "parties" and subcultures. Go - go bars... Crazy Pattaya


on the topic: Youth “parties” and subcultures


Moscow 2010

Very often, when we walk down the street, ride the subway, or simply “sit” on the Internet, we hear and see the phrase “subculture.” The concept itself arose back in 1950. American sociologist David Reisman coined the following concept of the term “subculture”: “... is a group of people who deliberately choose the style and values ​​​​preferred by a minority.” In turn, Dick Herbidge conducted a more in-depth analysis of the subculture phenomenon. In his book Subculture: The Meaning of Style, he suggests that subcultures are groups of people with similar tastes who are not attracted to generally accepted values ​​and standards. Sociologist M. Brake, at one time, believed that subculture is norms that contribute to the preservation of a certain way and style of life in society.

Personally, I find my definition of the term “subculture” these days is a group of people united due to similar interests in music, which subsequently, due to its influence, or the influence of the lifestyle of the artists, gives (and then only in rare cases) a unique worldview. As a recent participant in the “subculture” phenomenon, I would like to say that recently subcultures are increasingly losing their meaning, as they were given by their original sources. My personal opinion, based on personal experience, is that subculture these days is, in some cases, just a way to get rid of personal complexes.

There are fewer and fewer people left who support and recognize the original idea of ​​​​the emergence of various subcultures. In the 60s - 80s, the main period of time when subcultures emerged, any youth “get-together”, as subcultures are sometimes called, necessarily had its own ideology, and people “joined the ranks” of certain subcultures, as ideologists, and now the ideology of the subculture either becomes distorted beyond recognition or ceases to exist altogether. A simple example of the perversion or lack of ideology of a subculture is the Nazi skinheads.

Initially, this subculture was formed from a group ordinary people working-class districts, wearing rough boots, cheap khaki jackets, and plaid shirts. They did not recognize differences based on race or any other. As soon as the movement became widespread (by that time it had already reached Russia), it split into several groups, one of them - Nazi skinheads. This group is the most wide-ranging, their idol is Adolf Hitler, from music they no longer listen to Ska (a rather calm genre of music that came to America and Europe from Jamaica), like the founders of the “skinhead” movement, but music of the Oi-punk genre - the most aggressive genre in punk music. Nazi skinheads support differences based on race, cannot tolerate representatives of sexual minorities and are trying in every possible way to eliminate the above, including those few skinheads who support the original idea of ​​the movement. This is one of the most striking examples of the gradual eradication of the original ideology.

Before moving on to the differentiation of subcultures according to various characteristics and factors, I consider it necessary to introduce the matter by giving brief characteristics of each of the main subcultures: skinheads, punks, emo, goths, bikers and metalheads, hippies. I already briefly talked about the rather radical “skinhead” movement a little higher, so I’ll start, perhaps, with the “punk” subculture, because this movement generalizes many subsequent ones.

So, punks are a subculture that arose in the early 70s in the USA, England and a number of other countries. People involved in this subculture are very critical of society. The tendencies of punk politics include anarchy, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-nationalism, and protection of animal rights (the latter is observed quite rarely). The musical preferences of punks are extensive - punk rock, anarchic punk, and other branches of the punk genre.

Next in line for description will be the “emo” youth movement. There is an erroneous opinion, the consequences of which were extremely unpleasant for people supporting this “party”, or people who, due to a combination of circumstances or by naive chance, were in any way similar to the followers of the above-mentioned subculture. So, that same erroneous opinion was that emo are whiny boys and girls prone to suicide or all kinds of bodily harm. I would like to say who emo really is, so that there is no wrong stereotyping. Emo is a subculture whose name comes from the adjective emotional. The boys and girls of this subculture are called, respectively, emo-boy (from English, emo-boy) and emo-girl (from English, emo-girl), or, to generalize, emo-kid. Indeed, emo kids are quite emotional, and perhaps overly sensitive, but this does not give people the right to say that they are “suicidal and suicidal.” Their hairstyles are quite strange - oblique, torn bangs, usually black, hanging directly over their eyes. Very often there is makeup, both on the faces of girls and boys. The preferred colors are black (everything bad, negative, sad, unfair) and pink (reflects the joyful moments of an emo kid’s personal life). The main ideology of emo: focusing around a person’s internal emotions and sensations. Sadness, longing, love and other emotions are often expressed in musical compositions, emphasized by some specific singing techniques, such as “scream”, which is translated from in English means "cry". Despite all this, if a person wears side-swept bangs, listens to alternative rock (the main genre of music preferred by emo kids), and wears tight jeans with sneakers, this does not mean that the person is an emo kid. Many components of the daily life of an emo kid are similar, for example, to the components of the daily life of a skateboarder (torn bangs, tight pants, sometimes alternative rock).

The gothic subculture now does not resemble the original source at all. The Gothic youth movement first appeared in Great Britain. It is directly related to the Gothic style in literature, music, and architecture. The clothing style of the Goths (this is the name given to people who go side by side with this subculture) is a combination of punk style, medieval style, and sometimes Victorian or Renaissance clothing is also found. All this is usually done in black, including makeup and hair. The general trend is sad, sometimes even mournful motifs in music and appearance, veneration of literature of the nineteenth century. Today's Goths consider it obligatory to come to cemeteries at night, drink alcohol there, and sometimes organize some mystical rituals, reminiscent of the rituals of Satanists, only associated, as a rule, with vampires and werewolves. The goths of “our time” no longer revere 19th-century literature, but director Tim Burton, known for his sad animated films, which feature eternal sadness, “grayness.” They no longer perceive old gothic music, but rather listen to a pitiful semblance of this genre - gothic rock.

However, bikers and metalheads have quite similar movements, which recently can no longer be called youth (very often, especially in the USA, there are biker groups consisting of people whose age is over 50 years). Both subcultures appeared at the dawn of the 60s. Bikers love motorcycles and everything connected with them. Professor-sociologist S.A. Sergeev called this movement romantic-escapist, which emphasizes their frantic love for roads and traveling on motorcycles. The items of clothing are not very diverse or creative - leather jackets or denim vests (on the back, as a rule, the symbol of one or another group to which the biker belongs, if any, is sewn), on the legs are ragged ash-colored jeans and heavy boots.

Metalheads, like bikers, prefer hard rock and metal as their favorite music. Unlike punks and emo, metalheads do not have a special ideology, their entire lifestyle is concentrated around music, but the peculiarity of the lyrics is the glorification of independence and self-confidence. Clothing style - long hair, leather jacket or vest, jeans or leather pants, a bandana on the head, and all this is accompanied by metal inserts everywhere.

And finally, the hippies. Their culture is one of the most ancient and lasting of all movements. Hippies are famous for their gentleness. The first appearance of hippies was in the 60s. They called on humanity not to fight, to love each other. They were the first to begin expanding consciousness in all ways: from meditation to LSD. It is because of the latter that their appearance was accompanied by serious scandals. Elements of clothing can be absolutely anything, but all elements, most often, should “give freedom of action”; headbands and sandals often appear. The music that accompanies them through life is very different: from The Doors (punk band) and The Beatles to Allen Ginsberg and Bob Marley.

Now we can move on to the next point related to the topic of “subculture” - classifications. As for the classifications of youth “parties,” opinions differ. There are only 4 main typologies of subcultures. One of them belongs to the Russian sociologist Mikhail Topalov, who differentiated subcultures according to the following characteristics:

1) passion for modern youth music;

2) aspiration for law and order activities;

3) people actively involved in certain sports;

4) sports-related activities (fans);

5) philosophical and mystical;

6) environmentalists.

However, I think his classification is not entirely accurate, because one of his points is “near-sports activities,” and he cites fans as an example. This cannot be a type of subculture, because if we talk about “subculture” as the original purpose of the phenomenon, then we are pointing to a certain ideology, and the fans do not have it, except for the fact that they all support their idols and favorite teams .

Professor Z.V. wants to introduce us to another well-known typology. Sikevich. He suggests that groups of people united in subcultures can be divided according to the quality of connection with one or another aspect:

1) connection with a way of spending time (music and sports fans, metalheads, lubers, possibly Nazis);

2) connection with social position (eco-cultural youth “parties”);

3) connection with lifestyle (“systematics”);

4) connection with alternative creativity (unrecognized painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, writers, etc.). They are also called "underground" figures.

In my opinion, such a typologization cannot even be presented for consideration, because here Professor Sikevich, almost unites all existing subcultures into one aspect, indicates that their activities are connected with the way they spend their time, and all other people who cannot be called subcultures in essence their own (although music and sports fans, cited as examples of the first aspect, are also not essentially subcultures).

The following classification belongs to Professor S.A. Sergeev. He argues that all subcultures can be divided into romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, Indianists, Tolkienists, bikers); hedonistic-entertaining (so-called majors, ravers, rappers, etc.); criminal (“Gopniks”, “Lubers”); anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist subcultures) or radically destructive. I would call his typology the closest to our time.

And finally, the last typology that I would like to introduce in my work is the generally accepted classification on a socio-legal basis. This classification distinguishes three main types:

1) prosocial, or socially active type, the activities of this type are aimed at benefiting the state (environmental protection groups, etc.)

2) socially passive type, all activities of this type do not intersect in any way with the activities of the state. (football and music fans)

3) antisocial type (hippies, punks, drug addicts, etc.)

This typology, in my opinion, has nothing to do with the division of subcultures. If you close your eyes to the fact that drug addicts are certainly not a subculture, just like environmental protection groups, and music or football fans, then, in principle, I would say that classification can take place, but only as a differentiation of certain layers of the population by type of activity in relation to the state. And, moving somewhat away from the topic, if we consider this classification in general, then football fans absolutely need to be classified as asocial, because in connection with the modern approach to football “fanhood” (I use this term due to the fact that this is exactly the case these days called an activity in which football fans participate), the fans’ actions can only be called asocial.

This is where the well-known classifications of subcultures end, and I would prefer, as the leading one, the classification of Professor S.A. Sergeev. He surprisingly accurately selected concepts to describe certain youth “parties.”

I would like to say that the term “subculture” has already entered so deeply into our everyday life, like the phenomenon itself, that we no longer notice any innovations from the participants of this or that youth “get-together”, we only see and say: “Yesterday I saw a skinhead, shaven-headed, in huge boots and with his pants rolled up” or “We have punk skaters skating near our house, I’m tired of their boards.” All such things seem completely ordinary to us. From this I conclude that nowadays participants of subcultures, or informals, as they have been called since the times of the USSR (“Informal youth associations”), no longer shine with originality, and practically no longer stand out from the crowd. If a person enters a bus full of elderly people, and among them stands a man in a leather jacket and with raised green hair, we will, of course, immediately pay attention to him, but in the general mass of people, if we imagine it, then, be it punk, be it emo, be it skinhead, not a single subculture stands out anymore. But for ourselves, we still define the term “subculture” as something “different from the usual.”

And, in conclusion, I want to say that a person, a guy or a girl, is an “informal” until he understands for himself that by doing this he will not achieve anything, that a person is ruled by his social status, and the “subculture” as the phenomenon does not mobilize a person up the social ladder at all. Only by developing can a person transcend his belonging to a particular subculture. And when a person realizes this for himself, when he grows up morally, he ceases to be interested in all sorts of subcultural paraphernalia, all sorts of activities related specifically to his youth movement, all that remains is his love for the musical genre, at least for the next few years. However, having matured, a person is no longer so receptive to music, his worldview does not change radically, as it was when he was an informal person. Music is, perhaps, the only thing that remains of a person’s former commitment to one or another youth “party.”


1) Brake M. The Sociology of youth cultures and youth subcultures in America, Braitain and Canada. London: 1995, P. 8.

2) S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova. “Own” room as an artifact of youth subculture // Sociological Research. - 2003. - No. 3. - pp. 119-120.

3) Sergeev S.A. Youth subcultures in the republic // Social research. - 1998. - No. 11. - P. 95-102.

4) Sergeev S.A. On the issue of classification and some features of youth subcultures in Russia // Social knowledge: formations and interpretations. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Kazan: Fort-Dialogue. - 1996.- P. 43-50.

5) Sikevich Z.V. Youth culture: pros and cons. Notes from a sociologist. - St. Petersburg: 1990. - P.6

6) Youth culture: youth and problems of modern artistic culture: Sat. scientific works. - St. Petersburg: 1990. - pp. 8-9.

7) Krasavtseva I.N. NES "National Sociological Encyclopedia": [Electronic document]. -(

8) Slyusarevsky N.N. Culturology. Subculture as an object of research: [Electronic document]. - (

9) Dolinina Irina. UG "Teacher's newspaper". Lifestyle in society: [Electronic document]. - (

10) Shepitko M., Rylina S. Education Center “Junior”: [Electronic document]. - (

11) Shepitko M., Rylina S. Education Center “Junior”: [Electronic document]. - (

12) Shepitko M., Rylina S. Education Center “Junior”: [Electronic document]. - (

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Youth “parties” and subcultures

Bagirova Sabina

The modern world gives us many different manifestations of human social activity. One of them is youth subcultures and “parties,” the study of which is important from a sociological position.

As American sociologist Neil Smelser notes: “A subculture is a system of norms and values ​​that distinguish the culture of a certain group from the culture of the majority of society” (1). We can say that a subculture is characterized by a worldview determined by its “specific” social values, norms, and rules of behavior. One of the most active social groups in society is youth, which can be characterized as a socio-demographic group of people aged 15-16 to 29-30 years old, with their own specific social and psychological traits, determined by the age characteristics of young people, the process of personality formation , the specifics of the social status of society. For young people, due to their certain socio-psychological properties associated with some kind of youthful maximalism and the desire to stand out from the rest, it is typical to participate in various subcultures. In addition, the youth subculture reflects the changes that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century, arising from social processes such as industrialization and from the socio-political events of the mid-20th century, which caused, for example, the emergence of such subcultures among youth as beatniks, hippies, etc. .d. In general, the youth subculture can be called an indicator reflecting life and changes taking place in society.

Researchers tell us that the formation of a youth subculture took place in the 50s of the twentieth century. For example, Omelchenko E. in his work “A Brief Review of Domestic and Foreign Theories of Youth” writes that “the history of the study of youth cultures of the 20th century knows several youth-generational labels: the “lost” generation - post-war, “baby boomers” in the USA 1950 -s years; “Generation X” - incomprehensible young people, and so on until “Generation Pi” - Victor Pelevin’s Pepsi fans” (3). And, before moving on to a more detailed consideration of the features of the youth subculture and “party”, I would like to note the main character traits of this social phenomenon. So, “according to the conclusions of youth culture specialist S.I. Levikova, the youth subculture is characterized by the following:

A youth subculture is a social community, each representative of which considers himself a member of it; members of such a community can form both direct contact groups (companies, associations, parties) and virtual communication;

The entry of a young person into one or another youth subculture means his acceptance and sharing of its norms, values, worldview, manners, lifestyle, as well as the external attributes of belonging to this subculture (hairstyle, clothing, jewelry, jargon);

As a rule, youth subcultures arise around some “center”, an exponent of certain predilections for musical styles, lifestyles, and attitudes towards certain social phenomena;

Ideas and values ​​that are significant for a particular youth subculture receive external expression in the symbols and attributes of the group that are obligatory for its members” (4).

Levikova S.I. also notes: “Youth subculture is an urban culture created by young people for themselves; it is a culture aimed at the inclusion of young people in society; it is a partial cultural subsystem within the “official” system, the basic culture of society, which determines the lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality of its bearers” (5).

Having decided what this youth subculture is, I think it’s worth considering some of its representatives. It seems to me that one of the first subcultures that laid the foundation for this phenomenon was the beat generation (beatniks), which appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century - the Beat Generation, which can be translated as “broken generation”. It originated among writers and poets of that time and reflected new trends in literature, which later turned into a certain way of life - broken, bohemian, apolitical, to some extent romantic, associated with the revolution of American morals. Why American? - because the beatniks originated in the bohemian environment of New York. In 1948, the American writer and poet Jack Kerouac first used the term “beat generation,” “characterizing the social layer that arose after the “lost generation” of participants in the First World War, which had practically disappeared by 1948” (6). A kind of textbook on the beat generation is Keruk’s book “On the Road,” which reveals the lifestyle and socially significant features of the beatniks. In the late 1960s, most of this group underwent a transformation into the well-known hippie movement, which is also one of the oldest youth subcultures. As can be read in various literature and on the Internet, “the movement formed in San Francisco in the mid-60s. XX century as a protest against philistinism, against the war in Vietnam, against the policies of the American state. The hippie ideology was based on philosophical teachings associated with the “Jesus movement.” They adhere to pacifist views, profess the idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence,” and are prone to creativity” (7). Hippies are “flower children”, a subculture with the prefix “counter-”, counter - against, a kind of social protest, a protest against the existing foundations of society, the norms and values ​​of capitalism, a protest against the populist policies of the state. In the 1960s - 1970s - a movement popular among young people, promoting free love, creative activity, parties and traveling in painted vans or small buses. Hippies were exponents of social change in American society at a time when student riots took place in France - the first protests of the youth of a consumer society (a striking example is the unrest of 1968). But, returning to subcultures: in the late 1980s. One of the Vancouver magazines published an article by Canadian sculptor and designer Douglas Copeland about “Generation X”. And in 1991, Copeland’s book “Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Time” was published - to some extent a sociological guide, only in an artistic frame, on youth subcultures and parties. The creator of the term “Generation X” notes in his book that representatives of Generation X are the children of hippies who grew up and turned into ordinary Americans who represent the embodiment of the “American Dream.” Representatives of “Generation X” are not happy that their parents betrayed the ideals of their youth and therefore define for themselves a new way of life, style and values, abandoning the materialism of society. In my opinion, without Generation X, many modern youth subcultures would not have formed. And, in general, the generation described by Douglas Copeland in his works (“Generation X”, “Microsoft Slaves”, “Planet Shampoo”, “Miss Wyoming”, “There Are No Normal Families”, “Hey, Nostradamus!”, “Life” after God”, “While the girlfriend is in a coma”, “The Gum Thieves”, etc.) is the bearer of social changes in the modern world, reflects the social, economic, political processes taking place in society, shows the diversity of subcultures and parties among young people - the generation that is always the engine of social progress.

The youth subculture, like any culture, in the process of its development reacts to the changing internal and external conditions of its existence. It is closely connected with state policy, with the economic component of society, with the social, cultural, and spiritual spheres of society’s life. From here we can distinguish subcultures based on musical preferences, sports subcultures, role-playing, reenactment subcultures, criminal, entertainment, politicized, etc. Therefore, I would like to turn again to the sources: “There are a number of typologies of youth subcultures. The situation in Russia at the end of the twentieth century. quite accurately reflects the typology proposed by Kazan researcher S.A. Sergeev:

Romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, role-players, Tolkienists, with certain reservations, bikers);

Hedonistic-entertaining (“majors”, ravers, rappers);

Criminal (“Gopniks”, Lubers);

Anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist politicized subcultures of the “left” and “right” persuasion, which can also be called radical destructive).

The typology proposed by A. Tarasov at the beginning of the 21st century also deserves attention: “golden youth” in the capitals; drug subculture; criminal environment; "blue" party; neo-fascists and skinheads; “National Bolsheviks” (National Bolsheviks); football fans; "pop"; “old counterculture” (a subculture developing the hippie traditions of the 60s); Satanists; “new counterculture” (oppositional youth subculture that united the traditions of old hippies, national Bolshevism and leftist revolutionism).

Finally, the typology developed by S.I. Levikova and V.A. Babajo in 1996:

Groups that unite adherents of musical tastes and styles (metallists, Rolling Stones, breakers, Beatlemaniacs);

Groups whose value orientations have some political and ideological connotation (nostalgists, anarchists, pacifists, deviationists, “greens”);

Groups of apolitical, escapist nature (hippies, punks, people of the “system”);

Aesthetic groups (“Mitki”);

Groups professing the “cult of muscles” (“jocks”);

Criminogenic groups united on the basis of aggressiveness, rigid organization and illegal activities (“telyagi”, gopniks, lyubers)” (8).

I would like to emphasize that many subcultures came to our country from the West. IN Soviet time(50s of the twentieth century) there were dudes - representatives of “a shocking and countercultural group of urban youth, who became a kind of symbol of the “first wave” of “informals”. They dressed and danced “stylishly,” for which they received the contemptuous nickname “hipsters.” The main accusation that was brought against them was “admiration of the West.” The musical preferences of the “hipsters” are jazz, and then rock and roll” (9). After the dudes (1960s - 80s), the rock subculture began to emerge, which “gave” us informals - punks, metalheads, alternative subcultures. As the researchers note, they were characterized by: “apoliticality, internationalism, focus on internal problems. Russian “informals” sought to copy the character of the currents of Western youth subculture” (10).

Today - in Russia of the 21st century, on the streets of the city you can see representatives of various subcultures. These are hippies, Rastafarians, emo, goths, punks, straight edge (Straight edge is a philosophical offshoot of the punk movement), role-playing reenactors, mobbers (fans of flash mobs), representatives of the hip-hop subculture, ravers, roller skaters, parkour athletes, turnstile runners, hackers, football hooligans (fans), gopniks, etc.

Today a new subculture has appeared, or rather even a youth subculture. party" - hipsters (to be hip - to be in the subject). Again, it came to us from the USA, appeared in the 1940s and welcomes fans of jazz music into its ranks. Nowadays, hipsters are “wealthy urban youth interested in elite foreign culture and art, fashion, alternative music and indie rock, arthouse cinema, modern literature, etc.” (eleven). In my opinion, the hipster is a real representative of postmodern society.

Youth “parties” are closely intertwined with youth subcultures (one follows from the other). What is a “party”? " Party“- this is a kind of beginning of a subculture, or in other words, a community of interests, this is something that will later develop into a subculture, acquire its own values, rules and structure. But sometimes a large number of diverse subcultures mix and turn into multi-colored and motley " party" Based on my own experience and from observations of peers, I would like to note that today we can observe precisely the “party” type of organization among young people, when the boundaries between different subcultures are blurred, and it is no longer the norms and values ​​of one or another that matter most subcultures, but only some visual aspects - a certain appearance, manners, artistic images, that is, the outer shell, without a certain internal content. Hipster - representative of the youth " parties"at the end of the first decade of the 21st century - a young man who assembled his external image, like a mosaic, from various subcultural elements.

“Tusovka” is a social phenomenon, a meeting place for representatives of various subcultures. It seems to me that this transformation of the youth subculture into a “party” is connected, first of all, with the processes of globalization that are taking place in the modern world. The erasing of subcultural boundaries, integration - all this reflects modern social processes.

In conclusion, I would like to add that “parties” and subcultures play an important role in the process of socialization of a young person, the formation of his personality, familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, and therefore are relevant for study from a sociological point of view.

List of literature

youth subculture party

1. Smelser N. Sociology / N. Smelser. - M.: Phoenix, 1994. - P. 660.

2. Educational and methodological manual for studying the course “Sociology” / A.I. Veretskaya, A.P. Dyakov, Yu.B. Matyushina. - Voronezh: VSU, 2007. - P. 44.

3. Omelchenko E. Brief overview of domestic and foreign theories of youth / E. Omelchenko / Center for the Study of Youth “GENERATION.NET”. - (

4. Svechnikov S.K. Methodical manual “Youth and rock culture” / S.K. Svechnikov. - Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PK) With “Mari Institute of Education”, 2007. - (

5. See: ibid.

6. Bit generation / Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. - ( generation)

7. Youth subcultures / Municipal cultural institution “Centralized library system of the Ozersky urban district.” - (

8. Svechnikov S.K. Decree. Op.

10. Ibid.

11. Hipster (modern subculture) / Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. - (

11. Copeland D. Generation X / D. Copeland. - M. : AST: AST MOSCOW, 2009. - 357 p.

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Peace & love... Ibiza!

tours with flights from Moscow from 37,000 rubles/person

Are you a hippie at heart? Let's go to Ibiza, a haven for freethinkers, artists and artists. The epicenter of the world's party life with the most fashionable European clubs, the legendary Café del Mar, Mambo, Pacha is imbued with a positive atmosphere. And, for example, at the open airs of The Zoo Project club, which take place every Saturday, you can not only enjoy sets of famous DJs, but also dive into the pool like a sloth, hang on the necks of friends, feast on barbecue with the appetite of a lion... Complete freedom of expression :)

Ibiza is a sunny island in the Mediterranean Sea, overgrown with pine forests. There are 18 km of beaches with a narrow strip of sand and rocky shores. It’s worth visiting here for the delicious Spanish cuisine.

Foamy nights... Ayia Napa!

Tours with flights from Moscow from 26,000 rubles/person

In the center of the Cypriot city of Ayia Napa, wow, it’s very hot at night! Girls are treated to free cocktails in bars until 00:30. Dance clubs open around two. The exuberant English, German and Cypriot youth are rocking as if in their last summer on planet Earth. Endless foam parties, dancing on tables, wet T-shirt competitions - all this accompanied by exciting sets of famous British DJs, hip-hop, R'n'B, soul... The most fashionable clubs - Castle Club, Bedrock. Russians hang out at Red Square.

It’s also hot during the day in Ayia Napa! For example, on the most popular Nissi Beach, where there is such warm azure water, soft sand, competitions and dancing from dawn to dusk.

Gogo-bars... Crazy Pattaya!

tours with flights from Moscow from 26,200 rubles/person

The most party and hottest street of bars in Thai resort Pattaya Walking Street offers "adults only" entertainment. If you don’t mind going to strip bars, watching snake and fire charmers, colorful drag shows, getting a massage, the shocking resort of Thailand is waiting with open arms!

The sea here is not the cleanest, but there are still excellent sandy beaches. Pattaya is also located close to small islands. From Bali Hai Pier you can reach Koh Larn Island from snow-white beaches and clear turquoise water, where is a real paradise...

Let's swim and dance... Lorret de Mar!

tours with flights from Moscow from 24,100 rubles/person

An elegant European town on the rocky coast of the Costa Brava, Lloret de Mar, with its wonderful golden beaches, turns into a stream of crazy fun in the evening. British, Mexican, Irish bars, discos and nightclubs are opening. Young people (the main contingent under 25 years old) leave until dawn. Wildly popular establishments in the city: Tropics, Londoners clubs. Tiesto and Goldie played in Colossos.

At night in Lloret de Mar there are parties, during the day there are beaches, cafes and shopping. You can also go to Barcelona, ​​it’s very close!

"Second Amsterdam" - Hersonissos

tours with departure from Moscow from 11,400 rubles/person

Hersonissos – a restless city Greek island Crete. “Second Amsterdam”, because young partygoers come here from Holland. Both the Germans and the Irish loved it. There is a strip of bars and taverns along the coast. This is where the fun begins. Having refreshed themselves with grilled fish, meze and ouzo, closer to midnight everyone moves to Main Street, full of small clubs. The main must-sees are Status with glowing bar counters, Bio Bio with 80s music, New York on the beach.

The very concept of “incorporation” appeared a long time ago, and it meant “the opportunity to spend the night in a foreign city with strangers.” Fit into a house or apartment for one night. But now, if you hear this word in a conversation among teenagers, then know that we are talking about something completely different. “Vpiska is a party organized by complete strangers, most often found through VKontakte groups. It is not recommended to go on this alone.”

Simply put, drinking in an apartment or country house where there are no adults. Summer holidays- the hottest time for registration. Schoolchildren and students boldly go to a vacant apartment with strangers. And this became a typical pastime. Each city has its own Internet group: “Vpiski - Moscow”, “Vpiski - Yekaterinburg”, “Vpiski - Saratov” ... We now often learn how such parties end from news reports in the “rape” section. Recently, State Duma deputies turned to the prosecutor's office with a request to check these communities and, possibly, ban them.

Finding where and what time such parties take place is not difficult - just go online. A vigilant moderator will never add an adult to this closed online community. So, in order to get there, I had to create a wrong account.

The online community “Vpiski - Moscow” consists of 150,000 people!

Here are a couple of typical messages (we keep the spelling):

“We’re waiting for the girls, we’ll pick you up in a HUGE jeep from any area within an hour,” “Who wants to register at Rublyovka today? If you wish, please write to me in PM (personal message - Ed.)!", "Who wants to go to the cottage, area 600 sq. m (pools with slides, sauna, dance floor, jacuzzi), plenty of alcohol and the best mood. We will meet everyone at Novokosino metro station. Entrance is 1,500 rubles for guys, free for girls.”

“At this good hour I am Calling you to the open Party at the Sweet Potato on the Khata metro station Oktyabrskoye Pole, bring alcohol with you (and Olya).” “We have a 2-room apartment (the size of the rooms allows for a dance floor, but there is room for privacy) and a huge kitchen with a bar and hookah. You have an awesome mood, a drink and a desire to party all night.”

Parties in apartments and dachas happen almost every day. I fit into such a group and leisure is guaranteed every evening. But if in Moscow it is mainly students who go to registration, then in the regions the participants in dubious parties are high school students. 15-year-old Sveta K. from Tambov enthusiastically began to initiate me by correspondence into the world of “drunks and parties.”

Oh, you’re 16 and you’ve never been to a registration office before? - the teenager is surprised. “I can’t find a single classmate of mine, no matter who attended them, unless he’s a loser or a nerd.” What else is there to do? There are three bars and two clubs in the city, and entry until 6 pm is prohibited. So everyone hangs out either in shopping centers or in apartments.

Sveta enlightens me that the records have their own commandments. The most important thing is not to pass out first. Otherwise everyone will mock you. Therefore, experienced partygoers drink carefully and try to refrain from consuming an unknown potion. Another unshakable rule is to never open the door to the cops. For such mistakes you will be banned everywhere, you will not get into any more parties.

It’s easy to find out what exactly happens to those who pass out first. After all, after each party it is customary to post photos and video reports. Some videos cannot be called anything other than pornography: one is sleeping, others are immediately indulging in lovemaking. Taking a selfie in front of such a couple is good luck. In 99 out of 100 cases, these frames end up on the Internet. “Make a cool video” is generally a separate attraction for the participants of the entries. Young people are trying their best.

Oh guys, what are you doing? - the girl squeals in a drunken voice, she definitely looks under 18. She is lying on the sofa in a bra and jeans. I don’t know what exactly her friends at the registration persuaded her to do, but obviously not that they would now cut her clothes with a huge kitchen knife. - Guys, don't! We didn't agree that way. No need!

There's loud laughter behind the scenes, and in the foreground a teenager selflessly cuts his friend's jeans. This is where the recording ends...

A teenage boy is fast asleep. His friends start shoving a dildo into his mouth. Deeper, even deeper, until the teenager begins to gag. Everyone is laughing...

There are countless videos of drunken fights, lying on the floor, photos of apartments destroyed after parties.

The last big story happened in St. Petersburg in March 2017. The video, which was immediately dubbed “The entry was a success,” spread throughout the Internet in the blink of an eye and received several million views. The footage shows two teenagers having sex. Others pose and take pictures in front of them, one of them comments: “The registration was a success.”

As it turned out later, the girl who indulged in love games in front of everyone was only 15 years old. Thanks to the Internet, the whole school immediately learned about her adventures. Her fellow participants were not too lazy to even send the video to her parents. In a drunken stupor, under the approving cries of casual acquaintances, perhaps she was having fun. But the hangover turned out to be terrible.

And the whole country now knows the story of 16-year-old Diana Shurygina from Ulyanovsk. Diana was raped at the same registration. And there are more than one or two similar stories; it’s just that not everyone has the courage to contact the police, much less make the case public.

And these parties don't just involve alcohol.

Vanya and his classmates went to visit a friend in Engels,” Irina V. from Saratov told me. — He called me around 11 pm and asked me to stay. I wanted to go after him, but for some reason I thought that he was already an adult, I knew all his friends - great guys. Somehow I didn’t even worry about anything.

In the morning, the mother was woken up by police officers who reported that her son had died of a drug overdose. It turned out that there was a party at the apartment that night, someone brought drugs and offered to try it.

Later it turned out that it was some kind of terribly toxic synthetic drug of handicraft production,” continues Irina. — It killed 4 more people in the city that night. When my son became ill at this party (seizures, confusion, convulsions and foam at the mouth), everyone was wildly scared. They didn’t even call an ambulance right away. The doctors arrived when Vanechka was still alive, but did not have time to help him. His friends later told me that Vanya refused such a “treat” for a long time, but they still tried it, so he did too. As it turned out, this was not the first time that many schoolchildren took drugs that night. But for my son he was the first - and the last...


The largest parties are planned for last bells and graduations.

“Guys, who’s ready to chip in for a cottage and not stay out all evening after the last call at home? I already have a figurehead who is ready to arrange the lease for himself. Who's in on it?

Groups are full of such recordings - young people are already preparing for important events in their lives.

“So, let’s all agree at once, everyone comes without mobile phones. Otherwise you film again, and then you won’t be able to access the Internet. And our entry will turn into a Public Party.”

Public parties are another type of this kind of party. For example, the Volga registration on last call. This story thundered throughout Russia in May 2016. After the ceremonial events at school, the 11th graders went to celebrate the event at the camp site, where several rooms had been rented in advance. One of the girls—a quiet, excellent student—had too much alcohol and quickly passed out. They took advantage of her condition - they stripped her almost naked and painted her entire body with indecent pictures. Later the photos appeared on the Internet. The police were investigating the incident.

Another famous gang rape incident took place in Tyumen. In both cases, the parents made every effort to hush up the stories; none of the girls ever wrote a statement to the police.

By the way, many avid scribes are organizers of closed parties at rented apartments- they even dream of such nationwide fame. One of them, notorious in narrow circles, regularly posts videos on the Internet for public access.

I heard that the police are interested in my films, and teachers show them in class under the heading “what not to do,” the guy begins the next video. - Well, great. Then let them also like and subscribe to my channel.


Entries are divided into several categories.

Shuffle is a boring non-alcoholic hangout of nerds with a very small number of people, usually who like to play computer games.

Flat - (from the English flat - apartment) - a small company gathers in one apartment during the day and does one thing - for example, playing on a computer or listening to music.

Legion is one of the safest types of registration, as it is collected exclusively Good friends and acquaintances. As a rule, the exact number of guys and girls is selected in a ratio of 50 to 50. Many people consider the legion a boring event and are looking for something more fun.

Hustle is when so many people unfamiliar with each other gather that there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall. It is unlikely to organize a hustle in an apartment; more often they take place at dachas or in rented cottages.

A submarine is a serious event for which you prepare in advance. The owner of the hut buys cubic meters of alcohol and tons of yamka (food) and gathers a company of like-minded people. The point is that you cannot leave the “submarine” area until the party is over. These usually last from a day to three.

Vpiska is a sausage - a party where not a single girl was there.