Garbage monster vs Doctor Reed: how to defeat the first strong boss in Vampyr. Juratod: strengths and weaknesses

R. L. Stein


Why do we have to go there? - I moaned from the back seat of the car. - Why?

Gretchen, I’ve already explained to you three times why,” Dad sighed. - Mom and I urgently need to go to Atlanta. On business!

“I know that,” I answered, leaning over the back of his seat. - Well, why can’t we come with you? Why should we stay with our grandparents?

"Because we said so." As soon as these fateful words are spoken, the dispute can be considered settled.

I leaned back in my seat.

Mom and Dad had some pressing business in Atlanta. They were called there this morning.

So unfair, I thought. They will visit a cool city like Atlanta. And Clark and I - this is my half-brother - will have to go to Mud-Grad.

Mud-Grad. Well, in fact, of course, it’s not called Gryaz-Grad. But the name is most appropriate. Because it's a swamp. Grandma Rose and Grandpa Eddie live in South Georgia - in the swamps.

Can you imagine?

In the swamps.

I stared out the window. We drove along the highway all day. Now we were moving along a narrow road through a swamp.

The day was approaching evening. And the cypress trees cast long shadows on the marsh grass.

I leaned out of the window. A wave of hot, humid air hit my face. I pulled my head back and turned to Clark. He sat with his nose buried in a comic book.

Clark is twelve - we are the same age. He is much shorter than me. Much lower. He also has curly brown hair, brown eyes and tons of freckles. He looks a lot like his mom.

I'm quite tall for my age. I have long, straight blond hair and green eyes. I look like my father.

My parents divorced when I was just two years old. So are Clark's parents. My dad and his mom got married right after our third birthdays, and we all moved into a new house together.

I love my stepmother. And I think Clark and I get along quite well. Sometimes he acts like a jerk. Even my friends say so. Well, their brothers probably act like idiots sometimes too.

I stared at Clark.

I watched him read.

His glasses slid down to the tip of his nose.

He corrected them.

Clark... - I started.

Shhh,” he waved me off. - I'm in the most interesting place.

Clark loves comics. Namely, horror films. But by nature he is a coward, so he finishes reading them barely alive from fear.

I looked out the window again.

I looked at the trees rushing past. On branches covered with long gray cobwebs. It hung from every tree like gray curtains. Because of this, the swamp looked especially gloomy.

Mom told me about the gray web this morning when we were packing. She knows a lot about swamps. She believes that the swamps have their own charm - albeit somewhat creepy.

Mom said that gray web is actually a swamp plant that grows right on trees.

“The plant grows on the plant. Strange, I thought. “Damn weird.”

It's almost as weird as grandma and grandpa.

Dad, how come my grandparents never visited us? - I asked. - We haven't seen them since they were four.

Well, they're a little eccentric. - Dad looked at me in the rearview mirror. - They don’t like traveling. They almost never leave their home. They live in the depths of swamps, so getting to them is not easy.

Well great! - I said. - We'll live with a couple of eccentric old hermits.

Smelly, eccentric old hermits,” Clark muttered, looking up from the comic.

Clark! Gretchen! - Mom was indignant. - Don’t you dare talk about your grandparents like that.

And they are not mine. They are hers. - Clark shook his head in my direction. - And they really stink. I still can’t forget.

I hit my brother on the arm with my fist. He was right though. Grandparents really stink. A kind of mixture of mold and mothballs.

I leaned back in my seat and yawned loudly.

It seemed like we had been traveling for several weeks. In addition, the back seat was too crowded - Clark, Charlie, and I were huddled together like sardines in a barrel. Charlie is our dog, a golden retriever.

I pushed Charlie aside and stretched.

Stop pushing him towards me! - Clark was indignant. His comic book fell to the floor.

“Sit still, Gretchen,” Mom muttered. - I know, we should have placed Charlie for a while.

“I tried to get him into a shelter,” Dad said. “But at the last minute no one could take it.”

Clark pushed Charlie off his lap and bent down to pick up the comic. But I grabbed him first.

“Oh, brother,” I groaned when I read the title. - “Creatures from the mud”? How can you read such trash?

And it’s not trash at all,” Clark snapped. - This is great. Much better than your stupid nature magazines.

What is it about? - I asked, flipping through the pages.

It's about such terrible monsters. Half-human, half-beast. They set traps to catch people. And then they hide in the quagmire. “Near the surface,” Clark explained. He snatched the comic from my hands.

What then? - I asked.

They are waiting. They wait as long as necessary - until people fall into their traps. - Clark's voice trembled. - And then they drag them deep into the swamps. And they turn you into slavery!

Clark shuddered. Looked out the window. I looked at the ominous silhouettes of cypress trees with long gray beards.

It was getting dark. The shadows of the trees slid across the tall grass.

Clark slid down the back of his chair. He has a wild imagination. He seriously believes in any nonsense he reads. Then he gets scared - just like now.

What else are they doing? - I asked. I wanted Clark to tell me more. He really scared himself.

Well, at night monsters crawl out of the quagmire,” he continued, sliding further down the back of the chair. “And they drag children out of their beds.” They drag them into the swamps. They are dragged into the quagmire. Nobody sees these children anymore. They disappear completely.

Clark was already quite a bit scared.

There really are such creatures in the swamps. “I read about them at school,” I lied. - Terrible monsters. Half human, half alligator. Everything is covered in swamp slurry. And underneath they have prickly scales. If you touch such a creature, it will strip you to the bone.

Gretchen, stop it,” Mom warned.

Clark pulled Charlie close to him.

Hey! Clark! - I pointed out the window, to the narrow old bridge ahead. Its wooden planks sank. It seemed like it was about to fall apart. “I bet a swamp monster is waiting for us under this bridge.”

Clark looked at the bridge from the window. And he hugged Charlie even tighter.

Dad carefully drove onto the dilapidated wooden deck. The boards rumbled and creaked under the weight of the car.

I held my breath as we slowly rolled forward.

“This bridge won’t support us,” I thought. “It won’t hold up for anything.”

Dad drove the car very, very slowly.

It seemed like we had been driving like this for an eternity.

Clark cuddled up to Charlie. He stared out the window, not taking his eyes off the bridge.

When we finally reached the end, I let out a long sigh of relief.

And then she almost suffocated - the car was rocked by a deafening explosion.

Nooo! - Clark and I screamed as the car skidded sharply.

The car lost control.

She crashed into the railing of the bridge, easily breaking through the rotten wood.

We...we are falling! - Dad shouted.

I closed my eyes as we plunged into the swamp.

We landed hard, with a loud “BOOM!”

Clark and Charlie were thrown up in their seats. When the car finally stopped, they were both sitting on top of me.

If you have only taken the first step towards peace Monster Hunter World, you will probably find the first few hours of the game very difficult. How many monsters are in the game, how to kill them, what rewards will be given for this, and everything like that - our guide contains answers to all these questions.

Before we begin describing all the monsters, I would like to highlight a few details. Firstly, all the monsters in the guide are presented in random order (not in the order in which they appear in the game). Secondly, the text contains minor spoilers. Thirdly, the developers promise to expand the list of monsters with the release of future additions, and therefore the article will be supplemented with new information.

Anyanat: strengths and weaknesses

Anyanath is a completely new monster to the world of Monster Hunter. In appearance, this monster resembles an ordinary tyrannosaurus from the movie “Jurassic Park”. At first, this monster will be presented as some of the most dangerous creatures in Ancient forest, but as you progress, you will understand that Anyanat is only a small part of what the hunter will experience. Please note that Anyanat has a good sense of smell, and therefore can find you even in the bushes. In addition, he runs fast, which makes escaping him quite problematic.

Fortunately, Anyanat also has several weaknesses: his tail and his head. At the beginning of the fight, hit the monster on its tail or the top of its head. By the way, the tail of this enemy can be cut off if you hit it with several strong blows. Read more about this in our previous guide.

  • Anyanat skin;
  • Anyanata scales;
  • Bridge of the nose anyanata;
  • Anyanata tail;
  • Anyanata plate;
  • Large monster bone;
  • Flame Iron;
  • Anyanat skin+ (at high rank);
  • Anyanatha Scales+ (at high rank);
  • Bridge of the nose anyanata+ (at high rank);
  • Huge Monster Bone+ (at high rank);
  • Infernal Iron+ (at high rank).

Barrot: strengths and weaknesses

Barroth is first encountered in the Wildlands. This monster is a prototype of the Brute Wyvern from Monster Hunter 3, and therefore it will be familiar to series veterans. Barroth's body is covered in mud armor, so you're better off using the water element or crossbows against this enemy. Depending on the state of this monster, fire and ice can also help you.

Barroth's weak points are his front legs and tail. Hit these places to cause the most damage to the enemy.

  • Barrota Ridge;
  • Barroth Hide;
  • Barroth's Claw;
  • Barrot scalp;
  • Medium Monster Bone;
  • Fertile mud;
  • Barrota Ridge+ (at high rank);
  • Barroth Claw+ (at high rank);
  • Huge Monster Bone (at high rank);
  • Wyvern Stone (at high rank).

Diablos: strengths and weaknesses

Diablos is a classic monster that appeared in the original Monster Hunter 2004. This monster is a flying wyvern and resembles a typical dragon in appearance: small hands with claws on its wings, horns and a hammer-shaped tail with which it can strike.

This monster is very aggressive in wildlife and will fiercely defend its territory if a stranger enters it. Diablos is very weak against the ice element.

  • Diablos Ridge;
  • Diablos skin;
  • Diablos Fang;
  • Diablos Brain;
  • Crowded horn;
  • Big monster bone+;
  • Dash Extract (at high rank).

Dodogama: strengths and weaknesses

Dodogama is a completely new creature that first appeared in Monster Hunter World. In appearance, this monster resembles a huge crocodile, capable of spitting various projectiles at the hunter. Be careful when Dodogama starts swallowing rocks, as he will then spit them back at you. You can meet the monster in the Hollow of the Elders.

When the monster attacks you from afar, try to shoot at it with various projectiles, and then hit it in close combat. Dodogama's weak points: head and tail.

  • Dodogama skin+;
  • Dodogama jaw;
  • Dodogama scales+;
  • Dodogama tail;
  • Dodogama Claw;
  • Large monster bone;
  • Nourishing extract.

Big Girros: strengths and weaknesses

Big Girros is another newcomer to the world of Monster Hunter. This monster belongs to the class of fanged wyverns, which is confirmed by its huge fangs, which should be feared most of all. If Big Girros poisons you, your character will be temporarily damaged, so try to take an antidote with you into battle. When fighting a monster, try to use weapons with elements such as water, fire or ice. Also beware of packs of monsters and try to kill them first.

It is best to hit the Greater Girros in the head area, tail (can be separated) and front paws. In these places the monster will get greatest number damage It is also easy to put the monster to sleep, so use a palico with this effect, or take any sleeping pill with you.

  • Great Girros Fang;
  • Great Girros Hide;
  • Large Girros Scales;
  • Shell of a large girros;
  • Great Girros Tail;
  • Great Girros Hide+;
  • Large Girros Scales+;
  • Shell of a large girros+.

Great Jagras: strengths and weaknesses

You will meet the Great Jagras at the very beginning of the game. The monster may seem difficult at first, but in fact it is one of the weakest. The monster belongs to the class of fanged wyverns and lives in the Ancient Forest. Tracking the monster is quite easy, just look at the habitats indicated on the map.

When entering a battle with a Large Jagras, try to strike in the stomach area (if the monster has recently eaten, the damage will be increased). You can also safely attack the monster’s head and front paws. The Great Jagras is most afraid of fire, thunderstorms and ice.

  • Great Jagras Hide;
  • Large Jagras Scales;
  • Great Jagras Mane;
  • Great Jagras Claw;
  • Iron ore;
  • Small monster bone;
  • Shell of a large girros+.

Juratod: strengths and weaknesses

Yuratod is Barroth's direct competitor and often engages him in battle. Sometimes this can help you kill one of them. The monster belongs to the class of ichthyovyverns and lives in the southern part of the Wild Mountains in places with large accumulations of dirt and in swampy areas. Mud protects Juratod's skin from damage, so use water to destroy the armor early in the battle. Then it is best to use the thunderstorm and try to stun the enemy.

The most vulnerable places of Yuratod are his head and tail (damaged). When fighting with an enemy, try not to get into the water and avoid mud so as not to slow down your movement.

  • Juratoda skin;
  • Jurathoda scales;
  • Juratoda Fang;
  • Juratoda fin;
  • Medium Monster Bone;
  • Water gland.

Kirin: strengths and weaknesses

Even though Kirin is an ancient dragon, appearance he is more like a unicorn imbued with the power of thunder. It is quite difficult to track down Kirin, as he is a very rare monster in the game. However, if you manage to find the monster's trail, be prepared for a fierce battle. It's worth noting that Kirin can only be encountered in certain quests, one of which is Gone with the Flash.

When fighting a monster, use the elements of fire, water and ice. Do not use thunderstorms under any circumstances, as Kirin has protection against this element. The enemy's most vulnerable spot is his horn - hit this area.

  • Kirin skin;
  • Horn of the Kirin;
  • Kirin mane;
  • Kirin tail;
  • Medium Monster Bone;
  • Crystal of light.

Kulu-ya-ku: strengths and weaknesses

Kulu-ya-ku belongs to the class of feathered wyverns and lives in the Ancient Forest and Wilderness. Judging by its appearance, we can say that Kulu-ya-ku is half bird, half dinosaur. In fact, the monster is quite calm and only fights if you enter its territory and attack it.

Please note that Kulu-ya-ku uses stones for protection, so try to knock them out of his hands with a crossbow. Use water against the monster to deal more damage to it. The monster is also afraid of other elements. Also, try to hit the head area.

  • Skin of kulu-ya-ku;
  • Kulu-ya-ku scales;
  • Feather kulu-ya-ku;
  • Beak kulu-ya-ku.

Kushala Daora: strengths and weaknesses

Kushala Daora belongs to the class of ancient dragons and is familiar to fans of the Monster Hunter series, starting from the second part. The monster will actively use the ice element against you, so stock up on appropriate armor against this type of attack. He also uses his wings to push hunters back. The dragon lives in the area of ​​the elders.

It is best to use the elements of dragon and thunder against the monster. Strike the monster in the area of ​​the head, front paws and tail (separates). Do not use the elements of ice and water against the monster. The dragon is also susceptible to poisoning.

  • Daora Dragon Scales+;
  • Daora's shell;
  • Daora's Claw+;
  • Ancient Dragon Bone;
  • Blood of an ancient dragon.

Lavasiot: strengths and weaknesses

Lavasioth is an ichthyovyvern that is made entirely of molten lava. In appearance, the monster resembles a fish, only instead of the usual scales, its body is made of stone. For the battle with Lavasioth, it is better to first stock up on armor with fireproof protection.

Use the element of water against the monster to inflict the most damage on it. Also try to hit the monster's head and belly.

  • Lavasioth Scales+;
  • Lavasioth Shell;
  • Lavasioth Teeth+;
  • Lavasioth Fin+;
  • Hell's Gland;
  • Wyvern Stone.

Bazelgis: strengths and weaknesses

Bazelgis is another additional monster in Monster Hunter World, classified as a flying wyvern. You can find the monster in the Wild Mountains, but be careful, it uses fire attacks.

Among the weak points of the monster, it is worth highlighting the head, back and tail (separated). It is best to use weapons with elements such as thunder, ice and dragon.

  • Baselgis shell;
  • Baselgis scales;
  • Baselgis Claw;
  • Baselgis wing;
  • Baselgis tail;
  • The hard bone of a monster.

Legiana: strengths and weaknesses

Legiana is a new flying wyvern class monster. In case of danger and critical health, the monster flies far up to its nest, so be sure to have a cover of wind to quickly be able to get to it. Try to dodge the freezing attack as often as possible.

A weapon with a thunder element is best against Legiana, but fire is also a good choice. Never use ice against a monster, since the monster has protection against this element. Strike the head, back and tail (separates).

  • Legian leather;
  • Legiana scales;
  • Legian Claw;
  • Legian Wing;
  • Baselgis tail;
  • Large monster bone;
  • Hard Bone of a Monster;
  • Ice gland.

Nergigante: strengths and weaknesses

Nergigant is a completely new monster belonging to the class of ancient dragons. As its name suggests, the Nergigante is a very large monster, capable of terrifying even the most determined hunters. The monster has four legs, two wings and a row of spikes with which it stabs. This is a very dangerous monster, so be well prepared before hunting it down. The monster can be found in the Wildlands and the Great Gorge.

Nergigant is very aggressive and rarely runs away from the battlefield. Use a thunderstorm or the element of a dragon against the monster. Strike the front legs, lower jaw and head.

  • Eternal Dragonscale;
  • Nergigant's Claw;
  • Nergigante plate;
  • Nergiant's Shell;
  • Nergiant's tail;
  • Nergigant horns.

Odogaron: strengths and weaknesses

Odogaron is a very dangerous opponent who lives in the Ancient Forest and attacks, as a rule, at unexpected moments. If the monster manages to drive its razor-sharp fangs into you, be prepared for the character to bleed (health will decrease as you move). There are two ways to remove the negative effect: eat meat the Astaire style, or sit down and take a break.

Odogaron is immune to the dragon element. It's best to use ice or thunderstorms. Try to attack first on the tail to cut it off, and then on the head and front paws.

  • Odogaron tendon;
  • Odogaron scales;
  • Odogaron's Claw;
  • Large monster bone;
  • Odogaron tail;
  • Nourishing extract.

Paolumu: strengths and weaknesses

Paolumu - outwardly at first does not cause any hostility, but as soon as this enemy gets angry, you will immediately understand the monster’s intentions. Beware the moment when Paolumu takes in air. In such situations, the monster will fly and be able to attack more quickly. Hit the monster in the lung area to weaken it. You can find Paoluma in Coral Highlands.

As often as possible, strike the neck area. Use fire and thunder against this enemy. Do not attack the enemy with water under any circumstances, as he is immune to this element.

  • Paolumu scales;
  • Paolumu shell;
  • Paolumu skin;
  • Paolumu membranes.

Poki-poki: strengths and weaknesses

Poki-poki is a flying wyvern that lives in the Ancient Forest and, despite its harmless appearance, is a rather harsh monster. Before fighting the monster, stock up on the antidote, as Pokey-Pokey will spit poison at you, causing serious damage.

Using water against Poki-Poki is practically useless. It is better to use weapons of thunder, fire or ice. Strike the monster in the area of ​​the head, wings or tail (separates).

  • Pokey-pokey shell;
  • Poki-poki scales;
  • Pokey-pokey feathers;
  • Poki-poki iron;
  • Small monster bone.

Radobaan: strengths and weaknesses

Radobaan is a very ferocious bone wyvern that runs and gores its prey like a mad bull. Radobaan's bones are not part of his body, but were collected by this monster from the monsters he killed. They also serve as weapons and protection at the same time. You can track the monster in the Rotten Valley, but be careful, because when you first meet the enemy, it is very difficult to defeat him.

It is best to use the dragon element against Radobaan, but ice is also good. Try to hit the monster on its front legs and the top of its head. Don't forget to use bombs against the monster - it is very susceptible to explosions.

  • Radobaan shell;
  • Radobaan scales;
  • Radobaan brain;
  • Sleep gland;
  • Small monster bone;
  • Radobaan Shell (at high rank);
  • Radobaan Scale (at high rank);
  • Radobaan bone marrow (high rank);
  • Sharp Monster Bone (at high rank);
  • Coma gland (high rank);
  • Wyvern bones (at high rank).

Rathalos: strengths and weaknesses

Rathalos is the most dangerous predatory monster of the fire wyvern class, also known as the “King of the Sky.” With the help of its wings, the monster is able to rise above its victim in the air, and then deliver a sharp and very powerful attack. At such moments, try to shoot down the monster with a bomb or crossbow. The monster can attack you with its tail, teeth and fiery breath.

Use the dragon element or thunderstorm against Rathalos. The monster is immune to fire. It is better to strike at the tail (separates), wings and head of the monster. You can also send Rathalos to sleep, stun him and paralyze him.

  • Rathalos Plate;
  • Rathalos Scale;
  • Brain of Rathalos;
  • Rathalos Tail;
  • Membranes of Rathalos;
  • Rathalos Shell.

Rathiana and Pink Rathiana: strengths and weaknesses

Rathiana and Pink Rathiana are flying wyverns and are actually females of the Rathalos group. They are very ferocious monsters, capable of poisoning a hunter with their tail. Rathians are also capable of breathing fire, and therefore you cannot do without armor with protection against this element. If you steal Rathian's egg, be prepared for her to be extremely aggressive. Monsters live in the Wild Mountains and the Ancient Forest.

Use the dragon element or thunderstorm against the monster. Rathians have protection against fire. At the first stage of the fight, try to cut off the monster's tail, and then attack the head or wings.

  • Rathian plate;
  • Rathian scales;
  • Wing with ratian claws;
  • Rathian membranes;
  • Rathian plate;
  • Rathian shell;
  • Small monster bone;
  • Flame Iron;
  • Hell's iron.

Teostra: strengths and weaknesses

Teostra belongs to the class of ancient dragons and first appeared in the second part of Monster Hunter. Hair grows at the tip of this dragon's tail, and the monster also has a mane, which makes it look like a giant winged lion. Teostra's most dangerous attacks are claw strikes, so try to dodge in time. The monster is also capable of breathing fire and is immune to this element.

Use water or ice against the monster. Both of these elements are ideal for fighting Teostra. The monster is also capable of easily stunning the hunter - remember this when you expose yourself to attack. Hit the monster on the tail (separates), wings and head.

  • Teostra mane;
  • Teostra stone;
  • Horns of Teostra;
  • Fire Dragon Scales.

Tobi-kadachi: strengths and weaknesses

Tobi-kadachi is a fanged wyvern that can quickly jump through trees, so before starting the battle, turn on automatic camera aiming. Tobi-kadachi is dangerous because it can accumulate an electrical charge in its wings, which causes a huge amount of damage. First, stock up on armor with protection against electricity. Secondly, do not let the monster accumulate charge by attacking it at certain moments.

Use water and ice against Tobi-kadachi. Strike the tail (damaged) and the head. The monster is very prone to poisoning, and therefore poison in a duel will not be superfluous.

  • Tobi-kadachi skin;
  • Tobi-kadachi scales;
  • Tobi-kadachi membrane;
  • Tobi-Kadachi Claw;
  • Medium Monster Bone;
  • Electric iron.

Tsitsi-ya-ku: strengths and weaknesses

Tsitsi-ya-ku is another newcomer to the world of Monster Hunter. In appearance, the monster is similar to Kulu-ya-ku and is a feathered wyvern. You can find the monster in the Coral Highlands, where it is encountered in the very first mission. Beware of the blinding effect of Tsitsi-ya-ku. When he starts to build up a charge, attack him immediately to reduce the blind area.

Tsitsi-ya-ku has powerful hind legs, with which he can deliver a serious attack. Keep this in mind when you fight the monster. Any element is suitable against this monster, but it is best to use thunderstorm or ice. The monster is also susceptible to any type of negative status, including poison, sleep, paralysis, explosion, and stun.

  • Skin tsitsi-ya-ku;
  • Claw tsitsi-ya-ku;
  • Photophore tsitsi-ya-ku;
  • Tsitsi-ya-ku scales.

Uragaan: strengths and weaknesses

Uragaan is a very cruel wyvern, an encounter with which any hunter will remember. Uragaan can resemble a hedgehog, as he is able to curl up into a ball and roll, causing damage to everyone around him. The monster likes to live in volcanic zones, and therefore does not like water very much.

Use water, ice or the dragon element against the monster. The blows are best applied to the head and belly area.

  • Hurricane's Shell;
  • Hurricane Scale;
  • Hurricane Brain;
  • Heavy Monster Bone;
  • Hell's Gland;
  • Firestone.

Vaal Hazak: strengths and weaknesses

Vaal Khazak is an ancient dragon native to the Rotten Valley zone. The monster delivers powerful blows with its claws from almost any position, so be extremely careful when approaching it closely. The monster is even capable of reviving other creatures from the dead, including Girros.

The Sewer Beast (or Sewer Beast, in the original) is, oddly enough, one of the toughest bosses in the Vampyr game. The beast is fast, very damaging and unpleasantly tenacious. Therefore, in order to defeat her, you need to work harder...

I admit, I did it the first time, but it was actually a miracle, and that was thanks to my pre-pumped up stamina.

For those who are not yet aware, let us explain just in case. Garbage monster awaits you in the second part of the game (it’s called “ White robe"), when, after communicating with Sister Crane, you have to visit the city sewers.

There, in one of the underground halls, you will encounter a beast that looks like a werewolf from horror films. Here he is, the Garbage Monster, your first noticeably difficult boss in . And since you Googled this article, there are suspicions that you have not yet succeeded in defeating him. This is normal, so below - briefly about...

how to kill the Garbage Monster

So, as you probably already understood, the beast attacks very quickly and accurately. Then the first thing you need to do is to get the hang of dodging his paws. To do this, just go left or right, i.e. perpendicular to the side of the line of intended impact. You will have to come to terms with the fact that while you are applying yourself to the monster’s throws, you will inevitably miss a couple of attacks.

Point two: control your stamina and start attacking only if its level is at its maximum. By the way, note that after the very first attack, the Garbage Monster moves away and does not attack for some time. You need to catch this interval and attack yourself, using your strongest attack and trying to inflict the maximum allowable damage on the enemy.

Then just follow his movements, dodge blows, gain stamina, and then, in the same way, choosing the right moment, quickly attack and move away again. We repeat, if you don’t have enough stamina, it’s better not to attack. In addition, try to keep your distance, do not come close to the animal and do not let it get you. As you walk, your endurance slowly but increases. So, after each attack, move in a circle, but if possible not very quickly and so that the animal remains approximately in the center of the room and you have room to maneuver (do not run into the corners under any circumstances).

Well, of course, expect a stunning attack. She will definitely not be alone. The Garbage Monster uses it in conjunction with a subsequent throw and a series of blows, which can either knock your health points down to a minimum or even kill you. When he stuns you, still try to avoid the throw so that the beast does not jump on you. Then we try to hit/shoot, a “response” will immediately follow, we dodge and repeat the attack.

As for weapons, more knowledgeable and experienced comrades write that I work well against the Garbage Monster, for example, even old amputation knife(+5 blood absorption) combined with skills " Claws" And " Clotting“, plus the ability to carry out combo attacks. Like that:

The shovels against the wall were large and heavy. I grabbed one of them by the handle with both hands and tried it on.

I swung... and felt the floor shake under my feet.

I turned around... and heard a roar.

The roar of a swamp monster.

He didn't die.

The creature appeared in the doorway with a roar.

Clark and I screamed as the monster stepped into the room. His ugly head hit the doorframe with a grinding sound. However, he didn't seem to notice.

Clark and I pressed ourselves against the wall.

Charlie huddled in a corner, whining pitifully. From horror.

We were trapped.

There's no getting out of here.

There is nowhere to run.

The monster's gaze fell first on Charlie, then on me, then on Clark. He lingered on Clark for a moment. Then the monster raised its head and howled.

He... he will deal with me first! - Clark sobbed. - It was... in vain I threw a comic book at him... in vain I hit him on the head with a comic book...

He'll kill us both, you idiot! - I screamed. - Because we BOTH tried to KILL him!

At this point Clark had to shut up.

“I have to do something,” I thought. - I have to do something. But what? What?"

The swamp monster hobbled forward.

He opened his mouth with a click, revealing sharp yellow teeth.

Sharp yellow teeth dripping with saliva.

His eyes burned with red fire. He was getting closer. He came closer and closer.

I lowered my eyes and only then realized that I was still clutching the shovel in my hands. I picked it up with both hands and lunged forward. I poked and prodded it in front of me, trying to keep the monster away.

Back! - I screamed. - Come back! Leave us alone!

The monster growled.

Come back! Back! - I waved the shovel wildly. - Get out!

I swung at the creature.

She swung it and hit her in the stomach with a sickening “DUMP!”

There was silence in the room.

And then the monster threw back its head and burst into a furious howl.

He rushed forward. Knocked the shovel out of my hands. And he threw it out the door. He threw it away as easily as if it were a toothpick.

I almost choked when the shovel clattered across the kitchen floor.

I looked at the second shovel leaning against the wall. The monster followed my gaze.

He grabbed the shovel with both paws and broke it in half in one motion. Then he threw the debris back into the kitchen.

What should I do? I have to do something!

And then it dawned on me!

The second letter from grandparents is the one we still haven't opened!

Clark! Quicker! Second letter! - I screamed. - Maybe it tells us what to do! Read it!

Clark looked at me. Numb. And again he stared at the enraged monster.

Clark! - I muttered through my teeth. - Open... well... the letter. ALIVE!

He reached with a trembling hand into his jeans pocket. I fumbled with the envelope.

Hurry up, Clark! - I begged.

Finally, he managed to tear the corner of the envelope.

And then I screamed desperately.

The monster rushed forward.

He grabbed my hand. He pulled roughly.

And he dragged me towards him.

The monster pulled me close to him.

I stared at his disgusting face... and gasped.

His eyes were like deep, dark pools - tiny worms swimming in them!

I turned away sharply so as not to see those terrible, worm-like eyes.

The monster tightened its grip.

His hot, sour breath burned my cheeks.

He opened his mouth wide.

His mouth was swarming with insects! I saw them moving up and down his tongue.

I screamed. And with all her might she began to break free. But he held me too tightly.

Let me go! - I screamed. - Oh please!..

The monster roared in response, blowing its hot breath over me.

He smells like a swamp, I realized, trying to pull my hand away from his death grip. He is the swamp. He is the living embodiment of the swamp.

With my free hand I thrashed the creature on the wrist. And she almost choked when she felt the moss under her hand. His entire body was covered with a layer of damp moss!

Let me go! - I begged. - Well, please... let me go!

Clark rushed forward. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

Leave her alone! - he squealed.

Charlie jumped out of the corner and attacked the monster. He raised his lip and growled menacingly. And then he sunk his teeth into the monster’s shaggy leg.

Out of surprise, the monster recoiled to the side, dragging me along with it.

But Charlie didn't let go. Looking down, I saw that he was biting deeper and deeper into the creature’s leg.

Growling, the monster raised its leg. And in one violent movement, Charlie was thrown across the room.

Charlie! - I shouted. - Charlie!

I heard Charlie whine from across the room.

“He’s safe,” Clark said, gasping for breath. And he pulled my hand even harder.

Growling furiously again, the monster swung its paw at Clark. The blow threw him against the wall. Then the monster leaned forward and pulled me towards its ugly face.

He opened his mouth again.

A disgusting, insect-infested tongue lolled out.

And he LICKED me.

He slid his hot, lumpy tongue up and down my arm.

And then he lowered his head and prepared to chew off my palm.

Nooooo! - a desperate squeal escaped from my throat.

The monster's jaw dropped. The mouth opened wide. Insects swarmed over his yellow teeth. He looked at my hand.

And then he froze.

And he let me go.

He backed away, staring at me. Staring at my hand with wide eyes.

I also stared at my hand. She was covered in the monster's disgusting saliva.

The monster raised its paws and grabbed its throat. And he choked. He was choking on something.

He looked up at me with teary eyes.

Are you... are you human? - he squeezed out.

He can speak! - Clark gasped.

Are you human? Are you human? - the monster asked.

“Y-yes, I’m human,” I stammered.

The monster threw back its head and groaned.

Oh no. I'm allergic to people.

His eyes rolled back.

He staggered forward and collapsed on the door. It swung open with a bang under his enormous weight. Moonlight poured into the room.

The monster was lying on its belly. He didn't move.

I wiped my wet hand and stared at the motionless enemy.

Is he really dead now?

Gretchen! Let's go! - Clark pulled me towards the open door.

We stepped over the monster. For the last time I looked at the defeated monster.

His eyes were closed. He wasn't breathing. Didn't move.

LET'S GO, Gretchen! - Clark begged.

Was he really dead?

I looked at the swamp monster. I wasn't completely sure. But one thing I knew for sure was that I wasn't going to hang around here to find out.

Clark and I ran out the door. We met Charlie in the yard: he was already waiting for us. We rushed along the path - away from the house. Into the swamps.

I was very surprised to find that it was already dark. Have we really been fighting a swamp monster all day?

A pale moon hung over the cypress trees, illuminating them with an eerie light.

The swamp mud reached my ankles as we made our way through the muddy ground. Through tall weeds. Through a continuous curtain of fog.

My feet fell into puddles.

They tripped over uplifted roots.

I waved away the long gray beards hanging from the trees. I shook them off my face as we went deeper and deeper into the swamps.

When the house was completely out of sight, we stopped running. We stopped to catch our breath.

I listened into the darkness, expecting to hear footsteps.

Swamp monster steps.

There were no steps.

We did it! We killed the monster! - My voice rang enthusiastically in the night.

And we got out! - Clark rejoiced. - We are free! We survived!

Yes! - I cried. - We really did it!