The Witcher 3 the heart of the forest to kill or not. Heart of the forest. How to kill the ancient goblin in the quest “Heart of the Forest”

South. Faroe Islands.
. Northwest. Speakerog .

Witcher orders:
Center. Ard Skellig .
North. An Skellig .
East. Hindarsfjall .
Northwest. Speakerog .

Treasure Hunt:
Center. Ard Skellig .
North. An Skellig .
South. Faroe Islands.
West. Undvik.
Northwest. Speakerog .

Skellige Map

On Skellige (level 16)


In Novigrad we go to the port quarter. We visit three large ships: on the first - a female captain refuses to sail to the islands; on the second - the captain is not there, he is getting drunk somewhere; on the third - the captain in glasses says that he has a different route, but tells him where to look for the captain-drunkard.

In the "Golden Sturgeon" we find Captain Wolverston, he agrees to take us for 1000 crowns. We are sailing on the ship "Atropos".

On the shore

At sea, the ship is attacked by island pirates. We fight off the enemies, but at this time the ship crashes against the rocks.

We regain consciousness on the shores of Ard Skellig. We learn from a local resident that Yennefer is in the capital city of the islands. We can respond to the resident’s rudeness about Yennefer:

1. “Sorceresses are like that.” (We manage without a fight).

2. “And for this you will get in the face.” (Hand to hand combat with a person).

After this, we search the broken off bow of the ship. Behind him lies the corpse of the captain, from whom we can take the 1000 crowns given to him.

Kaer Trolde

We get to the main city, participate in funeral ritual local residents. The deceased King Bran is sent to the next world on a burning boat. We meet Yennefer in the crowd. Deciding what to say:

1. "Did you know Bran?"

2. "You smell good." (+1 to attitude).

1. "Will you go to the feast with me?" (Yennefer doesn’t like such feasts, but she definitely has to go).

2. “I don’t want to go to the feast.”

3. “I wish I could run away and be alone.” (+1 to attitude).

The king is dead - long live the king (level 16)

Royal feast

Let's go to the tavern. In Yennefer’s room, we take two sets of exquisite clothes from the chest and put on black and white clothes. We go back a little, climb the rock, and go to the Kaer Tolde fortress. (On the way, we can buy maps of all the islands from the merchant so that new marks will open on the game map).

During the feast, we meet the contenders for the royal throne of Skellige. The king's daughter offers to take part in the competition:

1. "I will take part in the competition." (We leave the fortress. We need to overtake Keris, be the first to reach the top of the rock and grab Hjalmar's ax. After that, we return to the feast).

2. "Another time." (+1 attitude towards Yennefer).

We refuse to drink and leave the table with Yennefer (If we drink, this will slightly reduce our relationship with Yennefer). On the way out we communicate with the clan leaders. Deciding how to respond to the girl’s insult:

1. "You went too far, Lugos." (We take part in a hand-to-hand duel with Lugos. He has level 30, but defeating him is quite easy).

2. "Let's calm down." (Avoid conflict).

Stealing the Mask

We quietly make our way into the laboratory of the archdruid Mousovur to take the Ouroboros Mask. We go out the window and move along the balcony to the druid. In the room with stuffed animals we fight with reviving animals.

In the next room we see a statue with an outstretched hand. We search the room and select the item that needs to be put in our hand. The correct option is a glass of wine.

We enter the opened secret tunnel, Yennefer takes the mask, after which we need to fight the Earth Elemental. After victory, a new test is poison gas. Quickly choose a thought:

1. “We will suffocate and die.”

2. "Ian, I want to kiss you." (+1 attitude towards Yennefer).

In the place with the sorceress, we teleport to the safe room.

Yennefer's room

We need to return to the feast, but Yennefer is delayed to sew up her dress. We can use this case:

1. “I would like to see this...” (We spend the night with Yennefer, but not on the bed, but riding on a unicorn).

2. "Let's go back to the feast." (This way we'll miss the opportunity and get right back to business.)

A little later we return to the feast. We communicate with Krah, negotiate with him so that the druids will let us through to the site of the magical explosion. In exchange, we must help the children of the Collapse (additional quests “Chosen of the Gods” and “Lord of Undvik”).

Echo of the past (level 13)
The Witcher 3 Walkthrough

Let's go to eastern part islands. We meet the druid Myshovur, he has already learned about the theft of the mask. In a conversation with him, we understand that this is a mask for looking into the past, but its use can cause cataclysms.

While we were talking, Yennefer went down into the forest and used the mask. We find her below, fight off the fog monsters. We use the mask to see the silhouettes of people from the past. We see how Ciri and the elf fought off the Wild Hunt. From this place, Ciri teleported to Velen (and we already know the rest of the story). We find the body of the Wild Hunt rider.

Myshovur catches up with us and tells us that most recently an attack by the Wild Hunt was carried out in the village of Lofoten. We need to check out this place. We can immediately teleport to the target together with Yennefer.

Missing person (level 15)
The Witcher 3. Wild Hunt. Walkthrough

We get to the village. Local residents bury the dead, and Ian begins to interrogate them. We learn that one person knows about the attack of the Wild Hunt. He did not fight his enemies, and now he is not called by name, but is called Coward. You need to look for this person in sacred grove.

Witcher 3 Walkthrough

A cursed werewolf lives in the sacred grove. The coward came here to kill the werewolf to clear his name of shame, so we need to get inside and find him.

We climb up, examine the large tree, and find the blood of the Coward. Then we follow the trail and go down. We go in a circle to the right, we find the bodies of killed people. The tracks lead to a locked door. Now we go in a circle to the left, along the invisible ladders on the wall we climb to a hill.

At the top we turn the gateway control mechanism. We press the right lever several times to move the wooden post to the central position, then we press the left lever, this will open the desired gateway.

Let's go down water channel We sail under the gateway and find ourselves in a closed part of the grove. Here on the right we enter the house and fight the werewolf.

After the victory, we learn that the werewolf is cursed with eternal hunger, and it is impossible to kill him (we receive the additional task “In Wolf's Clothing”).

We leave the house, go to the left side of the garden, and find a well. Let's jump down into underground cave we find the dead Coward, raise his body to the surface. Yennefer uses necromancy to revive this only witness, we listen to his story about Ciri.

Ciri's Story: The Calm Before the Storm
The Witcher three. Walkthrough

Ciri and the elf teleported to the shore of the island. The coward, whose real name was Skjaall, was nearby and helped Ciri. The elf did not wait for Ciri to recover and went in search of transport.

We regain consciousness in Skjaall’s house, together with his sister Astrid we go to the bathhouse to recover. Inside, at the mirror, we change clothes and enter the steam room. We answer questions about ourselves, and then we change clothes in the same way and go out.

We go to Skjaall’s stable to leave, but just at that moment the Wild Hunt attacks. For some time we try to fight off the knights and hounds. Then we get on a horse and ride off with a local resident.

Skjaall sent Ciri and the elf out to sea on a boat, but the next day the boat washed ashore, and there was only one freak in it, Uma.

The search for Ciri on the Skellige Islands is over. Yennefer asks you to help her solve her case on the islands (additional task "The Last Wish"). After this, you can return to Velen for the freak who ended up with the baron.

Additional tasks. According to the plot
Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3

Add. task: Mysterious passenger (level 14)

(The quest appears after completing all the story quests on Skellige, but it needs to be completed only if we have not yet completed all the story quests in Velen, and therefore have not seen the freak Uma. If all the affairs in Velen are completed, the quest "The Mysterious Passenger" will appear and will be executed automatically immediately).

We sail to the eastern island of Hindersfjall to the village of Lavrik, enter the house near the forge, and communicate with Jarl Donar. He will tell you that he sold the freak found in the boat to a merchant who sailed to Novigrad. After this, the quest ends.

Add. task: Last wish (level 15)

On eastern island Let's go to the village of Lavrik. We meet Yennefer at the local tavern. She asks you to help her find the sunken remains of a gin specialist. We go to the pier and get on the boat.

We just need to dive into the water and look for special objects. The air supply is unlimited, thanks to Yennefer's magic. We can use the “cat” or “killer whale” potion to see better under water.

The wrong ship turns out to be in the first place, and in the second too. We sail into a perfectly round bay between the islands. Here at the bottom we find the desired ship, we find half of the medallion.

Yennefer teleports us to the second half of the ship - to the top of a snow-capped mountain. We go down to the lower deck, lift the cabinet, under it we find a dead specialist and the second half of the medallion.

Boss: Genie

Yennefer folds the medallion, now we need to defeat the genie that has appeared. You can hide from its lightning behind the central mast. We use a protective sign and many quick attacks.

Having won, we make a wish that cancels the magical connection between Geralt and Yennefer. After this, we can confess our love to Yennefer.

Add. task: Chosen of the Gods (level 17)

We receive the task from Collapse on the central island in the capital.

We arrive on an island in the northwest. We walk around the village and ask about Keris. We can interview a woman, a grandfather on the second floor, a girl. Outside the village we see a fisherman hiding on a rock, we kill the drowned people below. We learn from the fisherman where to look for Keris.

In the destroyed house on the rock we find Keris, she is trying to lift the curse from Udalrik, and to do this we need to find the Brokvar sword in the basement.

Together with Keris we return to Udalrik, we learn that he is tormented by the voices of the “gods”. With him younger brother There was an accident, you need to return the sword to calm your brother's spirit. We swim into the sea to the marked point, dive to the bottom, leave the Brokvar sword. But this doesn't help at all.

We find out that Udalrik is actually under the control of the ghost Him. Let's decide how to get rid of this monster:

1. “You can act like a witch.” Let's go to damn house, we illuminate the entire room, placing four torches, and wait for the night. Boss: Chem. In battle we use a protective sign. Having lost half his health, Khim will go down to the basement, we quickly catch up with him and finish him off.

2. "You can try to deceive him." We go to the damned house, Cerys brings a child. We need to quickly decide:
1. Give the child to Udalrik (nothing will happen, and you will have to act like a witcher).
2. Throw it into the oven (the spirit will come out of Udalrik into Geralt, but then disappear after learning the deception).

Add. task: Lord Undvik (level 17)

We receive the task from Collapse on the central island in the capital. In the capital, we visit the tavern and ask the visitors at the far right table about Hjalmar’s campaign.

Let's sail on big island in the southwest. On the island we find a huge ship, a giant walks around it and feeds the local harpies. When the giant leaves, we climb into the ship and find a surviving person. We find out where Hjalmar's detachment went.

The tracks diverge in two directions.

1. On the right - into the mountains. We follow the tracks, find a dead warrior, and take the Horn of Hornval nearby. We go into the cave, go along the middle tunnel. We see how the ice trolls want to boil the surviving person. We play riddles with them. The correct answer to their riddle is "Troll". They won't be able to solve our riddle. We take a man named Folan with us, he will help us like a good archer.

2. On the left - to the lake with a boat. On the way we find many corpses. Near the lake we enter a cave. Inside we jump off the cliff into the water. We climb up to the second floor. We go out onto a cliff with a harpy tree. Let's climb even higher. We go through the tunnels to the top of the mountain. Here in the giant's building there is a storage room with human bodies.

(In the same place you need to find tools for the “Master Armorman” task. We look at the signpost, enter the cave to the right of it. Kill the level 26 ice troll. Take the tools from the chest).

Together we enter the giant's cave. Inside, one captive Vigi man sits in a cage; he asks for help, but Hjalmar does not advise letting him out.

1. "Let's let him out." You need to go get the key to the cage, it lies in the long chest on the left. We walk carefully (holding the "Ctrl" key) and only on bare ground, do not step on the snow. The freed Vigi will awaken the giant, and we will have to fight.

2. "Let him sit in a cage." If we don’t let him out, Vigi will scream and the giant will wake up. As a result, Vigi will be killed when the boss takes the anchor.

Boss: Frost Giant

The giant moves slowly and is very easy to dodge. But sometimes you have to bounce away from him when he kicks the ground. Having lost some of his health, the boss will take the ship’s anchor and begin to hit it, from the blows we bounce to the left, under the boss’s arm.

After the victory, we decide with Hjalmar who killed the giant:

1. "Thank you. Let's go."

2. “The honor of killing the giant belongs to you.”

We can leave with the squad, or stay to clean out the cave.

Add. task: Queen's Gambit (level 18)

We come to a feast at the Skellige Palace, where a new ruler of the islands is chosen. After listening to the conversation of the Kraits, we can take part in fist fights with the local highlanders - the Wildkaarls. The reward will be the sword of Hjalmar.

We communicate with Krakh, suddenly we hear screams, return to the hall and see how the guests are attacked by bears. We kill animals. There are only three surviving candidates for the throne: Keris, Hjalmar, Svanrige. Deciding what to do next:

1. "I'll help you, Cerys." (Investigation)

We examine any dead bear, pots of honey, and find the source by smell. We find out that the magical drink turned the berserkers into bears.

With Cerys we go to the cellar, we find a barrel with modified booze. But at that moment someone sets fire to the cellar. We break the barrels and the door with the Aard sign, we exit through the cave.

We examine the main door to the cellar, find traces, a piece of clothing. We figure out that it was Arnvald who arranged the poisoning and set the fire. We catch up with him on horseback and knock him down with one blow of the sword.

At a meeting of island leaders, we catch a woman from another clan lying. We bring Arnwald as a witness. (This will make Cerys a top contender for the crown).

2. "I will go with Hjalmar." (Revenge)

We automatically get to the village of Fornhala, where highlanders live who turn into bears. There are no residents. At the top we find and examine the only corpse. We read the inscription on the stone under the statue. We follow the smell up the mountain and find another corpse. Inside the house we find dried merry mushrooms. We follow the tracks to the next house, in it, under a bear skin, we find a hatch into the dungeon.

Below we find the leader of the Vildkaarls, we fight with him, in battle he turns into a bear. Deeper in the cave we find the druid Arits, he knows everything about the conspiracy, but does not want to tell anything. We fight with him and the summoned bear.

We return to the fortress and tell the council of jarls about everything. (This will make Hjalmar the main contender for the crown).

3. “I see that you can handle it yourself.” The quest ends immediately. (Later in the epilogue we learn that without our intervention, Svanrige Bran will take the throne; he will arrange a war between the various clans of Skellige).

Add. task: Coronation (level 18)

The quest is completed automatically when we complete the quest "The Queen's Gambit". We are participating in the coronation ceremony of the new ruler of Skellige.

1. If we helped Keris, she will be elected ruler. The girl plans to unite all the clans and avoid war with Nilfgaard.

2. If we helped Hjalmar, he will be elected ruler. He will conduct constant raids on Nilfgaardian troops.

Additional tasks. Central Island
The Witcher 3. All quests

Add. task: Credit of trust

In the port of Kaer Trolde, one man asks for 150 coins to sail back to Novigrad. If we give him money, he will thank him and leave.

A little later, on the southern road from the port, we meet this man again, his name is Johann Boner. He asks for money again. We expose his deception and take the money.

Add. task: How long does the rope not curl?

From the "Village of Boxholm" we go southwest to the burning statue. We find two people nearby, one of them broke his leg. We can help him by giving him the Swallowtail grass. For this we will get 50 experience.

Add. task: Very valuable horn (level 12)

Port of Holstein (in the south of the island). On the western peninsula with a lighthouse, we clear the bandits’ camp and find the required horn in their chest. We return the item to the owner.

Add. task: Beyond the seven seas (level 13)

Between the central and eastern islands there is a small green round island. We get to it from the Redgill Village by boat. We find a dead sailor on the island and read his diary. We learn about the crash of one of the ships transporting the royal family. Near the island there is a ship's mast sticking out of the water, we jump into the water in this place, at the bottom we find a chest, and in it there is a ship's log and letters. Let's read them.

We can find out the fate of the second ship in another location - south of Novigrad, near the Ursen Village. In the village we see that some man is looking for a foreigner here. We go along the coast from the village to the north, we find the wreckage of a ship on the shore. We examine the ship's coat of arms and follow the traces found. A foreigner will start running away from us, we run after her, she will lead us to the “Widow’s Grotto” point. Here the man who was looking for the woman catches up with us and tries to take her royal child. Deciding what to say:

1. "I will not allow them to be offended." We fight with one warrior. After the victory, the woman offers us the gift “Stone Medallion” (plot item). We can take the item or refuse the gift.

2. "They are yours." The quest ends. The hunter pushes the woman away and takes the child home.

Add. task: Niting (level 14)

Village of Rannveig. We go to the house in the north of the village, we find out that a curse was placed on the child using niting - a dried horse's head. To ward off the curse, you need to find out the name of the envious person.

We inspect the niting, follow the tracks into the forest, find the lost shawl, follow its smell and go back to the village. We ask local residents whose shawl it is. Only the girl in the house in the southeast near the coast will answer the question. We take the shawl to its owner, the herbalist Yona. We learn from her why she cast the curse.

We return to the customer. We can refuse the task or reflect the curse back on Yona.

Add. task: Cave of Dreams (level 14)

On south coast islands we find the drakkar Lugos. We get on board by fighting the guard or using Axii. Together with Lugos’s detachment, we enter the cave, take herbs, and go to conquer the fears of each participant in the hike.

Uwe Silent. At Krayt's feast, a man repeats his insults to the king, and we enter into battle with Krayt's ghostly warriors.

Jorulf Wolverine. We meet ghostly sirens and fight.

Lugos Blue. After a flash of lightning, his father Lugos the Mad appears to the leader, we fight with him.

Geralt of Rivia. The ghost of Eredin, the leader of the wild Hunt, appears to us. This is the final battle in the cave.

Add. task: Armed attack (level 15)

From Rannveig Village we go to separate house in the southeast. We're knocking on the house. Three bandits attack us from behind. We kill them, and from one we find a letter from Lugos. We knock on the house again, a resident comes out and says that it was the soldiers of Lugos who attacked. We gain experience.

Add. task: Ancestral sword (level 15)

Port at Kaer Trolde. We search several bandit camps, in each we find a letter from one of the bandits pointing to the next camp. In the end, we find the Kuliu sword on the northern coast of the island in the bay of whales. We take the sword to Olaf, who is standing on high bridge near Kaer Trolde.

Add. task: Bride for a bard (level 15)

From the “Druid Camp” we gallop south along the road. A dead-end road to the east will lead us to the entrance to the cave. Inside we find a troubadour suffering from unrequited love. We go further into the cave and find a water woman. She asks to read her a poem. There are two possible answers, but in any case you will have to fight with her. And at the exit we will no longer find the bard.

Add. task: Shock therapy (level 24)

On the central hill we find a Druid settlement under a huge tree. We are asked to cure a mute druid, and to do this we need to scare him.

We find the necessary druid, there are several active objects around him: bells, a fire, a beehive. We use the Aard sign on all three items, after which the druid will become indignant and speak. It turns out that he took a vow of silence, and other druids sent us to complicate his task.

Add. task: Exercises in higher alchemy (level 24)

In the center of the island, north of the point "Oak Gaydinate" we find the druid alchemist Gremist. In order for him to share his knowledge, three of his requests must be fulfilled.

We go to the village of Blandare, we find the druid Fridtjof. We help him make it rain, protect him from the fogs during the ritual.

We come to the clearing for the Kuroslep flower. We see that all the flowers have been picked. With our witcher's sense we notice hoof prints and follow them to a hill. We find a peasant and a naked succubus.

1. "You're right. She needs to be killed." ---

2. "She's not dangerous." We go with the succubus to her cave, take one of her collected flowers.

We get to an abandoned distillery in the mountains. Inside we kill the Cyclops. We find the distiller's notes with the recipe. We go to the alchemical apparatus, climb up the stairs to the second floor, take a bag of malt. Below we transfer the malt into a large vat and light the fire. From the side we press the right and then the left lever. We take the resulting alcohol.

We return to the alchemist and hand over the ingredients. We wait a day. After this, we go to the drunken alchemist, the task is completed.

Add. task: Abandoned sawmill (level 24)

From the center of the island, where the Gedineid Oak stands and the Druids live, we go southwest. We discover an abandoned sawmill. We examine it with the help of instinct, we find 4 pieces of evidence:

1) a logger's diary in the eastern house, 2) a sawmill owner's diary in the northeastern house, 3) a druid's letter in the western house, 4) woodcutter's bones in front of the central building.

In the documents we read correspondence between lumberjacks and druids with mutual accusations, but from the bones we find out that the real culprit of the attacks is the goblin. After finding all the evidence, the goblin immediately appears, we kill him.

Add. task: Found, not stolen (level 24)

On the northeast coast, near the Giant's Foot point. From the point we go north, sail to a small island with a broken ship. We kill bandits. We examine the chests, from which it becomes clear that the bandits intercepted the Drakkkar of the Brokvar clan. We take the sword from the box.

We go to the western island to the village of Svorlag, where we need to find a merchant. In a conversation, we find out from the merchant about the ship and the sword, and give him the found item. We receive words of gratitude and 55 crowns.

Add. task: Disturbed peace (level 25)

From the “Fork in the Road” we go to the northern dead end. Two women stand in front of the cave entrance, asking them to destroy the ghosts inside so they can enter.

The cave is home to several level 23 ghosts and a level 25 night owl. (In one place we can find a break in the wall, we break it with Aard, behind the break lies the recipe “Improved Dancing Star”. There is also another exit from the cave).

Returning to the women, we get 50 experience.

Add. task: Kidnapped in her youth (level 25)

On southeast coast of the central island on the map we see a lonely boat off the shore, we get to it. In this place we help the islander fight off two bandits. After talking with the man, we find out that he is looking for his sister Kurisu.

You can find your sister on the eastern island of Hindarsfjall in the temple of the priestesses. Having found the sister, we return to the islander and inform him about this. We gain experience.

Add. exercise: Sad story Grossbart brothers (level 26)

Near the Blandare Village point on the road we meet the bounty hunter Django Frett. You need to visit the Grotto on the southeast coast of the island. Inside we simply kill three bandits. We divide the reward and part with the hunter.

Fists of Fury: Skellige (lvl 30)

We need to defeat Grim, Valgard, Einar.

We use the same tactics as in Novigrad: when the enemy is in the block, we move away from him, he will run towards us and open up to deliver a strong blow, at this moment we run at him ourselves and deliver two or three strong blows. Having carried out this technique several times, we defeat the next opponent.

In the final battle we will have to fight Olaf. This is a huge bear that can kill us with a couple of blows of its paw. In battle it is useless to block, you need to dodge. We move to the side to hit the bear in the side. If the bear turns in our direction, we move further or quickly run away. Again we hit from the side, and so on until victory.

Gwent: A Game of Skellig

The collapse of an Krayt with a monster deck. Card: Draug - strength 10, hero, monsters.

Mouseman with a deck of monsters. We get the card: Goblin - strength 10, hero, monsters.

Druid alchemist Gremist. Card: Mysterious Elf - strength 0, hero, spy, neutral.

Sjusta is a merchant in Kaer Trolde. Card: Yaevin - strength 6, warrior-shooter, Scoia "tael.

Lugos the Mad. Card: Vampires: katakana - strength 5, double, monsters. Emhyr var Emreis is the leader card.

Add. task: Stranger among strangers

After completing the “Ghost from Eldberg” order, we return to Arinbjorn’s tavern. Two local fighters go into conflict again, and Jorund comes to our aid. Deciding what to do:

1. "Calm down."

2. “It’s more fun to fight with two people.” We first participate in a hand-to-hand fight, and then with the use of swords. We kill two bullies, and Jorund dies. For killing locals, we are sent to prison in the Caer Muir quarry.

In the cell we call the guard, use Axii, the man takes us to trial before Lugos the Mad. Lugos pronounces a sentence - death by strangulation, or the opportunity to pay off in silver according to the weight of each killed. We answer that we do not have that kind of money, Lugos says that he will pay off this debt himself. After asking about the strange generosity, he explains that he did it for our help to his son in the Cave of Dreams (quest "Cave of Dreams"). We are going free.

Order: Ghost from Eldberg (level 17)

The village of Arinbjorn. 260 coins.

In Arinbjorn's tavern we come into conflict with two local warriors. Jorund prevents the fight; he invites us to the table and gives us his task.

We go to the western peninsula with the lighthouse and knock on the house. Inside we find the lighthouse keeper Mikkjal, take the key from him, and go look for evidence at the lighthouse. On the second floor of the lighthouse we find a letter to Mikkjal from the bandits. At the exit we look at the wall of the lighthouse and see runes on it. We return to the man, send him to light the beacon, and fight off the ghost ourselves.

Boss: Penitent

For a while you just need to dodge. When the keeper lights the beacon, we can begin to beat the repentant. A couple of times the boss will disappear and leave ordinary ghosts in its place. We use a magic trap.

Having won, we can drive away the caretaker or forgive him for deliberately sinking the ships. We return to the customer.

Order: Sea Devils (level 18)

Port near Kaer Trolde, sailor Bjorg. We take 260 coins.

We interview two residents who saw the monsters. We go to inspect two places on the shore where we saw drowned people. We examine the body, detect the smell, and then swim after it. In the center between the two search zones the smell stops, we dive in this place and see traces on the bottom. We follow the tracks into an underwater cave.

Inside we go into the middle tunnel, examine the corpses of people and animals. We determine that a water woman lives here. On the alchemy tab, create a “Potion of Drowned Pheromones”. We are waiting for the monster. The water woman's name is Abaya. We kill her and return to the city for a reward.

Order: Heart of the Forest (level 22)

Quest on the notice board "Port at Kaer Trolde". We arrive in the village of Ferlund on the northern coast of the western part of the island. Here young Sven argues with an elder named Harald.

We examine the tracks of the monster in the forest, find a dead dog, nicks on trees and stones. At the place where the tracks end, we look to the left bank, there we find a dead man in the roots of a tree. A little further on in the swamps there are still traces. We read in the bestiary information about the Spirit of the Forest.

We return to the village and tell everything. We have two options: act on the advice of the elder, or kill the devil on Sven’s order.

1. Harold offers to undergo the hunter's ritual. We come to a clearing with a large oak tree and fight with white wolves. After the victory, we place five wolf hearts on the rock near the tree, after which the Spirit of the Forest will calm down.

We go to the elder and receive a reward from him. But the young warriors of the village attack the old man, trying to get rid of the spirit in their own way. We can protect Harold, or not interfere, then he will be killed.

2. Sven wants to pay for the destruction of the spirit. We examine the entire village and find out that the Spirit of the Forest is attached to the girl Hilda (she is standing near the westernmost house). We tell Sven to drive her out of the village, although she is his girlfriend.

We go into the forest, break three totems of the devil, kill white wolves on the way. We find the devil by the sound. We attack him with the Igni sign, do not stand still so as not to get caught in the emerging tree roots.

After the victory, we return to the village, we see that Sven and his friends killed all the elders. We can condemn him or just take our reward and leave.

Order: Missing Miners (Lv. 27)

We find an order in the “Village of Blandar” on the notice board. We go to the headman's house on the hill, he asks to inspect the mine north of the village.

We go to the miners' camp. We find corpses and follow the tracks into the cave. The mountain troll Hryas-khryas, who killed the miners, lives inside. Let's start the fight. After receiving several blows, the troll begins to speak. He will tell you that he killed the miners because they themselves disturbed his peace.

1. “This will not be in vain for you.” We fight until the monster dies. We take the trophy. We return to the headman, we receive 280 crowns and 200 experience.

2. “Okay. They asked for it themselves.” The troll will give us 50 crowns and 2 silver ores. The headman will not be happy, and will pay only 50 crowns and 100 experience.

Order: Dragon (level 28)

The village of Firsdal (in the south of the island).

We go to inspect the site of the monster’s attack, we find a dead cow, there are bloody footprints on a stone nearby. Following the tracks we come to the forktail nest on the observation tower.

We return to the customer and ask for a sheep for bait. It is not necessary to herd the sheep, as the peasant explains. We use the Axiy sign on the sheep, and it will run after us.

We kill the flying monster and go for the reward. If we say that it was not a dragon, but a forktail, we will get only half the amount.

Order: Lost Son (Lv. 29)

Village of Rannveig. Customer Oyen. 300 coins.

We go to the ruined fortress, there we find a huge demon.

Boss: Morwoodd

We constantly use the protective sign. Without a shield, the striped demon can kill us the first time. When Morvudd stops and the screen starts to shake, we run up to the enemy and hit. If we don’t stop him at this moment, then everything will go dark in our eyes for a while.

Having lost health, the demon will run away to its lair. We get down from the fortress, examine the traces on the bridge, and follow the monster. We find his lair in other stone ruins and finish off the enemy. After the victory, we find the body of the missing son and go for the reward.

Treasure Hunt: Praise Freya! (level 4)

In the center of the island there is big lake, we follow the northern road from this lake from the “Village of Blandare”. We find a dead man on the road. We read his Notes of a Traveling Trader. We go to the shore, kill a flock of swamp creatures, dive into the lake, and find the desired chest far at the bottom.

Treasure Hunt: Thread and Needle (Lv. 12)

From the "Village of Blandare" we go to the lake in the south. To the northeast of the lake we find a lonely building, go inside, examine the skeleton, find the key and mysterious map. After viewing the map, we go to the point that appears near the western villages of Ferlund and Boxholm. Under the marked waterfall we find a treasure chest.

Treasure Hunt: Family Fortune (Lv. 13)

In the south of the island at the “Tavern Ruins” point, we kill the harpies, enter the house, and take a letter from the chest. We sail south, to the wrecked ship. We find the chest on the flooded part of the ship's deck.

Treasure Hunt: Pearls of the Coast (Lv. 13)

On the central island on the western peninsula with a lighthouse, we clear the bandit camp, find and read the letter. We dive into the water near the broken ship and find treasures in the chest below.

Treasure Hunt: Inheritance (Lv. 14)

On the central river of the island in the "Village of Boxholm" there are many destroyed buildings. Near one of the buildings we find a killed bear and a dead body of a man, we examine it, read the old yellowed letter that was found. We examine the floor in the destroyed house to the right of the body; we find treasure in the chest.

Additional tasks. North Island
Walkthrough of The Witcher 3

Add. task: Path of the warrior (level 16)

In the east of the island, the Road to Ingvar's Fang. Before entering the rocks we meet a man. he tells us the way of testing local warriors. We can take this path, which consists of two roads.

In the northern part of the island there are ancient ruins on a cliff. You can get there only along one road with many precipices. Having climbed to the very top, we examine the Totem of Ingvar’s Fang and find the Sign of a passed Test of Agility.

In the center of the island we find a cave leading under water. We use the Killer Whale potion, dive into the water, swim to far point cave. At a dead end under the water we find a chest, in it lies a sign of a passed test.

We return to the old man, show both icons. We receive a reward.

Add. task: Spirit of freedom (lvl. 13)

We sail to the small island of Snidhall north of Ard Skellige. On the beach we see a quarrel between two people. You need to quickly save the victim, otherwise the quest will not happen.

The rescued Ivar explains to us that he seduced the attacker’s sister, and moreover, she is a priestess of Freya who has taken a vow of celibacy. According to him, they love each other, and he hopes among the religious rules to find an exception for his love Irma in order to free her from priestly vows. Ivar asks us to find books on this topic.

You need to look for books yourself; there is no index. We look for them from traders. 3 books - in Novigrad, 1 - in Vronnitsy, 1 - in Zalipye.

We bring them to Ivar, listen to his conclusion on what we read, and receive a reward. (When handing over books, a bug is possible; to avoid it, we hand over books 1-2 pieces at a time, and not all at once).

Order: Tower from nowhere (level 30)

It rains constantly over the village of Urialla. The reason for this is the tower, which one day appeared out of nowhere. Local residents ask to save them from the curse and find the people who entered the tower.

We find a portal in the tower. Inside is a guard golem and several magical prisons. Having defeated the golem, we speak with the imprisoned magician in the right cell, his name is Zigo Bunz. Let's find out what needs to be done with the tower. We go to the left corridor, through the water we get to the laboratory, and take the key from the box. Underwater, we open the door to the library, find the book “Gottfried’s Global Unlocking,” and take it to the magician. We protect the magician for some time from the appearing monsters.

The magician turns off the tower and teleports it to its original location, and we move back to the village. We can choose whether to take a reward from the peasants, or report that we have already been paid. We also decide whether to talk about the death of the peasants in the tower or not.

Treasure Hunt: Nilfgaardian Treasures (Lv. 13)

On south coast Islands in the wrecked ship we find a body, we find a note “Inventory of cargo” on it. We dive into the water, on the second half of the sunken ship we find this treasure chest.

Treasure Hunt: Loser's Treasure (Lv. 48)

From the central island of Ard Skellig we sail north to the largest of the secondary islands (the task “Spirit of Freedom” is also completed here). You need to kill the deadly level 48 arch-griffin. In his nest we will find a map of the location of the treasure.

Additional tasks. East Island
The Witcher 3. Walkthrough

Add. task: In wolf's clothing (level 15)

We need to get rid of the immortal werewolf in the sacred grove.

In the grove we cross the canal, in the north-eastern part we enter the cave. The werewolf Morquag interrogates the skeleton, trying to find out where the key is. We enter and kill the werewolf again. On the right on the ground we find a crevice leading to the lower tier of the cave, but we can’t get through there.

We return to the grove to the mechanism, switch the column to the central position, and open the central gateway. We jump into the canal, dive into the water behind the gateway under the waterfall, and swim into the flooded part of the cave. Inside we find the body of another robber, take his key.

In the grove we rise to the upper platform and enter the house. Use the key to open the left room, and in the chest we find Morkvag’s diary. It turns out that there was another person in the robber’s gang, Todar, he is still alive and pretends to be an ordinary sailor.

Let's go to Todar, he is on the northern coast near the village of Larvik. We do not conflict with the former robber in a conversation, and he says that in fact it was he who cast a spell on Morkvag using a special claw.

We take the claw, return to Morkvag’s cave, kill him once again, and put the claw on him. The werewolf will turn back into a human. We can decide what to do with the bandit:

1. Let him go and take the reward.

2. Kill. In this case, we will take the reward from the priestesses in the temple in the east.

(The task can be done much easier:

After the first victory over the werewolf, we can promise him to lift the curse. After this, it becomes possible to feed him various foods. We kill the werewolf, pick up the werewolf meat from him. The second time we defeat the werewolf, we feed him with our own meat. The curse will be lifted, but the werewolf will die. Let's go and take the reward from the priestesses).

Add. task: For honor and glory (level 15)

Southwest of the village of Larvik. We communicate with two Vikings, together with them we clear the cave of ghouls and one aigul. We get 60 coins.

Add. task: Daredevil Races

In the village of Larvik we take a horseshoe from old woman Svan, after which we can participate in horse races on all the islands.

Daredevil Race: Ferlund

Daredevil Race: Fyrsdal

Daredevil Race: Kaer Trolde

Daredevil Races: For the Glory of the Goddess!

Order: Bestia (level 16)

In the village of Larvik, man Thorleif. We are asking for 580 coins.

The monsters on the road ambushed and killed the local people. Let's go find out what happened. We examine the cart, the human body, the traces. We go into the forest opposite the cart and find a cave. We kill the Neckers inside.

Boss: Hagubman - leader of the Neckers

The leader of the monsters is hiding in the ground. When he jumps out at us, we quickly dodge the powerful blow, and then we hit him. After a couple of hits, the boss will disappear again, and regular neckers will come out. This will happen several times before Hagubman can be killed.

Additional tasks. South Island
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Walkthrough

Add. task: Flesh for sale (level 12)

On the northern coast of Faroe Island we find a pirate settlement. The pirates mistake us for Nilfgaardians and offer to buy slaves sitting in cages.

We enter into battle with the pirates. After the victory, we search the bodies, and from one of the pirates we find the key to the cage and the key to the chest. We open the cage and release the girls into the wild. We are told that in the house opposite the pirate has valuable things in his chest. We search this house and find the Karabella relic sword.

Add. task: The price of honor (level 14)

In the village of Harviken, the blacksmith Timmon asks to find his relatives on the shore. We walk along the island to the north-eastern shore and find the girl’s body. We use a magic lamp and listen to the conversation of two spirits. Following the tracks found, we go into the forest to a tall tree. We find two dead bodies, take a note from them, find other evidence on a tree and on a stone nearby. We return to the blacksmith and give him the letter.

Add. task: Iron Maiden (level 19)

To the northeast of the village of Harviken we climb a high mountain and find a fighting arena at the top. Here the champion is the girl Jutta an Dimun. To fight her, you first need to prove that you have fighting qualities.

Jutta offers to defeat an ordinary fighter. We return to Harviken and find the fighter Gundar in the local arena. We fight with him with swords. To win, it is enough to push him out of the arena circle.

(A second version of the test is possible, when Jutta offers to bring her the sword of Hoskuld the Old from a sunken ship west of Faroe. We swim to the designated place, fight off the echidnas, dive and get the sword from the chest).

We go to Yutta again and fight with her. (You cannot use witcher signs, elixirs, or bombs in battle, otherwise the task will fail.)

After defeating Jutta, we can agree to her invitation. We meditate until night time, we arrive at Jutta’s house. Having agreed again, we can spend the night with her.

Treasure Hunt: Ironside Treasure (Lv. 13)

From the large southern island we sail north, reaching a paw-shaped island, near which there are three tiny islands. On one of the islands we find an overturned boat and a skeleton, read Notes on Treasures. We dive into the marked place and take out things from the chest.

Treasure Hunt: Secrets of the Deep (lvl. 31)

On the southern coast of the island we find the dead body of a sailor and read his note. There is an underwater grotto nearby. We swim into the cave. we dive under the water, and emerge in secret. Here we kill the poisonous head-eyes and take the treasure.

Additional tasks. West Undvik Island
The Witcher 3. Walkthrough

Additional tasks. North West Island
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Walkthrough

Order: Missing Groom (level 19)

In the village of Svorlag we speak with a man, he is looking for his sister’s missing fiancé. We go to sister Britta on a high cliff opposite the village. The girl says that the guy was carried away by a flying monster.

We go to the southwest of the island, enter the cave, and climb to the top of the cliff. We find the dead groom. We are attacked by an echidna - a stronger harpy.

Boss: Melusine

Unlike the harpy, the echidna cannot be shot down with one crossbow shot; it always remains in the air. You need to dodge her attacks, and constantly shoot with a crossbow, it won’t come to close combat.

After the victory, we return to the village and tell everything to the customer. We decide whether or not to tell Britta about the fate of her fiancé. If we tell you, we can get additional coins.

Add. task: Arena Master (level 14)

In the village in the eastern part of the island we enter the fighting arena and meet the spirit of Ulle the Loser. We fight with him, he loses in the battle.

We go to the guards in the tower in front of the arena, they ask us to get rid of the spirit of the arena. (For the spirit to appear again, we leave the village and return to it by quickly moving around the map). We return to the arena, fight with the spirit again, but this time we succumb to it - we stand and do not hit. The spirit will defeat us and disappear.

We take the reward from the guards. A little later you need to return here to receive interest from the arena's income.

Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions (level 11)

Having won all the battles in Velen, Novigrad, and Skellige, we accept an invitation to take part in the final battle with the main champion.

We leave for Skellige on the northwestern island. In the eastern village we can take part in a battle with the champion. Our opponent is the stone troll. If we hit from the side or from behind, we will smash our fists on the stone skin and lose health. His weak spot is only in the front. If we hit the troll and he puts a block, then we will also lose health from this. To win, you need to dodge rare attacks and deliver one or two blows to the revealed troll in time.

Having won, we receive the title of absolute champion in fist fighting.

Treasure Hunt: Not Just Eagles (Level 10)

From the “Village of Svorlag” we sail south, to where we had to throw Udalrik’s sword in the story quest “The Chosen of the Gods”. On a small island we find the body of a man, examine it, read the letter. We dive into the water, find a curved beam on the slope, the desired chest is located below it, almost at the bottom.

Witcher Antiquities
The Witcher 3. Walkthrough website

Witcher Antiquities: Griffin School Equipment III (level 26)

On the central island, from the southern “Elverum Lighthouse” we go north to the fork in the road. There is a cave entrance nearby. At the end of the path we find the drawing “Excellent steel sword of the Griffin School.”

On the northern island we go northwest. At the end of the road there is a stone, behind it in the chest there is a drawing “Excellent silver sword of the Griffin School.”

On the central island on the northeast coast, from the “Giant’s Feet” point, we go north, destroy the bandit camp, then another camp. In the boat on the left behind the rock we find 4 drawings.

Witcher Antiquities: Bear School Equipment (level 20)

On western island from the “Village of Svorlag” we go southwest, enter a cave on the coast. Inside, through the left tunnel we climb to the second floor, in the chest we find a letter (the location of the witcher antiquities), and a drawing of the “Bear School Crossbow”.

On the northern island from the "Road to Ingvar's Fang" we go west, climb into the fortress, go down into the dungeon, go up to the central room, here we find a letter with the location of antiquities, and 4 drawings.

Witcher Antiquities: Bear School Improvement I (level 30)

In the main city of Kaer Trolde we go up to the castle, from the royal blacksmith we buy a map with the location of the witcher antiquities. He has maps of all the improvements to the Bear School.

From the central island, from the Eldberg Lighthouse, we sail west to the small pirate island of Kaer Almhuld. We go up to the fortress, on the right fortress wall there is a drawing “Improved steel sword of the Bear School.”

(To collect treasures in Kaer Almhuld, after passing through the gates of the fortress, turn right into the nearest destroyed tower, go down it to the basement. We remove the key from the leader of the bandits, open the cameras, collect treasures from the chests).

On the central island from the “Village of Fornhala” we go south. Just below the place of power we find the entrance to the cave. Three trolls live inside: Jesse, Joe, Dodger. We fight and take the “Improved Pants” blueprint from the chest.

On the central island from the “Firsdal Village” we go east to the “Grotto” point. Inside we find a chest, take the drawing “Improved armor”.

Witcher Antiquities: Bear School Equipment II (level 12)

On the central island from the "Rogni Village" we go northeast to the tower by the road, near the beginning mountain river we find the drawing “Improved gloves of the Bear School”.

On the central island east coast from "Giant's Stop" we go to the castle in the southwest. Inside we find a flock of alghouls and a drawing of the “Improved Silver Sword of the Bear School.”

On the southwestern island from the Marlin Quay, we sail north to a small curved island. We swim into the grotto, in the chest we take the drawing “Improved Pants of the Bear School”.

Witcher Antiquities: Improvements to the School of the Cat VI

On south island from the "Village of Trottheim" we go south. On the coast we find a breeding ground for monsters and enter a cave. In the left tunnel near the wall, from the chest we take 4 drawings “Master gloves, pants, boots, armor of the Cat School.” Here in the cave you can turn 4 statues with levers. Their correct position is indicated by the color yellow with Witcher Senses. We enter the opened doors, break through the wall, take the treasure.

Witcher Antiquities: Wolf School Improvements III (level 29)

We buy a map from a merchant in the southern part of the central island.

From “Firsdal Village” we go to the arena in the west. At the entrance, we look at the ceiling of the arch and find the symbol of a wolf. On the left side of the tent we jump onto the fortress wall, in the chest we find the drawing “Excellent armor of the Wolf School”.

From the “Village of Sund” we go southwest to the round stone buildings. We go down to the basement, in the chest we find the drawing “Excellent silver sword of the Wolf School.”

On the eastern island from the “Lofoten Village” we go southwest, enter the ruins on the hill, jump into the dungeon. Inside, using the Igni sign, we set fire to the poisonous gas, quickly search the chests, and find the drawing “Excellent steel sword of the Wolf School.”

Witcher Antiquities: Wolf School Improvements VI (level 34)

In the main city of Kaer Trolde we go up to the castle, from the royal blacksmith we buy a map with the location of the witcher antiquities.

On the southern island, under the arena where you need to fight the Iron Maiden, we find a breeding ground for monsters, inside the chest there is a drawing for a “Master’s Silver Sword”.

On the northwestern island in the "Old watchtower"In front of the entrance we find the symbol of a wolf. To the right of this symbol there is a destroyed wall, we climb onto it, at the top in a small chest there is a drawing of "Master Armor".

On the southwestern island in the settlement "Ruins of Dorve" we go to the southern ruins. Behind one of the side walls we find the drawing “Workshop Boots”.

On the central island in the "Village of Boxholm" we go north to the ruins of the castle. At the top we kill a unique demon, and from the chest we take the “Master’s Gloves” drawing.

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Finally, the time has come to leave the continent and go to the islands of Skellige, covered with an aura of gloomy splendor - a rocky archipelago covered with virgin forests, consisting of six large islands and many small ones.

It is extremely difficult to get to these islands from the continent; rarely do ship captains dare to set a course for Skellige, the reason for this is the bad reputation of the islanders as sea pirates who do not know the pity that is ingrained in the heads of people living on the continent. However, we manage to find a captain in Novigrad who is ready to take us to the islands for a substantial fee. And so, having reached the archipelago, not without adventure, we have the pleasure of contemplating the incredible and harsh beauty of the local landscapes. But we didn’t come to Skellige to paint pictures, so it’s time to get down to witcher work.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Client: Bjorg

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Bjorg posted his announcement on the board in the port at Kaer Trolde, we'll take it there. Or you can immediately turn to Bjorg, who at the port will simply pester you with the phrase “Hey, witcher, are you looking for work?”, because we will have to pass by him more than once, or twice.

Sooner or later, the boat master will get the witcher’s attention and immediately dump the whole heap of bad news on him. It turns out that local residents are being harassed drowners. Just drowners. No big deal for a witcher. According to Bjorg, these drowners are extremely vicious, attacking even warriors at any time of the day.

Information about this weapon is as good as a sword, and there is still little information, so it is necessary to talk to witnesses to the attacks. Bjorg will advise us to contact his student Rurik and to Tuve, whose husband was killed by drowners. But first of all, let's talk about rewards.

You can bargain: Bjorg consistently agrees to 280 CZK.

Now you can question the witnesses. We will start with the boat master's apprentice, fortunately he is very close to the customer. Rurik will tell us about the death of his brother, when they were pulling crab traps from the boat, and about his miraculous salvation, after the drowners turned the boat over and Rurik found himself in the water.

Well, we already know one location of the attack, so we can immediately move there. Or maybe we’ll also ask Tove. We decide that it would be nice to also listen to the widow. You can find it right there in the port.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The drowners attacked Tove's husband when he once again, out of anguish, came to the Kjerag rocks to look out for the boat of his son, who had not returned from fishing. Now we have another place where the drowners attacked.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

1. The site of the drowning attack on Tove's husband.

2. The place where the drowners attacked Rurik's boat.

Choose first place (1) and explore the area, casually destroying a couple of drowners who are interfering with our investigation. We find it near the shore body another victim that smells like drowning a mile away.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

We go, and then we swim in the wake of the stinking smell, we dive into the flooded tunnel and sail in the footsteps of the drowners.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

In order to swim through the tunnel, there should be enough air, but for insurance you can take a sip of the elixir "Orca". Having overcome the tunnel, we find ourselves in a stinking cave. Silt and carrion are direct signs that the drowners' lair is somewhere nearby. Along the way, we destroy the drowners hanging out in the cave (they will hang around right in the cloud of flammable gas, so you can throw bombs at them or fry them with a sign "Igni"). After walking a little more, we find ourselves in the lair.

You can get to the lair using second way (2). Once there, we notice crab traps, from which it smells of the same drowners.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Let's go by smell and we find ourselves in the same cave, only on the other side (unlike the first path, we don’t have to swim underwater) and we find the femoral bone with traces of long sharp claws. Strange, such traces are not typical of drowners.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

We kill the same drowned drug addicts who cheered themselves up while in a cloud of poisonous gas, and we come across a lair.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

However, this is not a den of drowners. We will come to this conclusion if we examine the cave in which we find deposits stored in reserve. animal carcasses And piles of boards, ropes and sails- the monster decorated his home in fashion style, and also corpses with signs of strangulation. Everything suggests that this is a lair water woman.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

However, while the witcher is in the lair, the water woman will not come there, so we decide to cheat, since the water woman tolerates drowners near her, so why not start smelling like a drowner. For this we will make "drowned pheromone potion"(his recipe will automatically be added to our Alchemy section).

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

All the ingredients needed to make the elixir can be found in the cave. Dwarven alcohol is in the dead-end tunnel in the woman's lair in chests.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Having made and used the potion for its intended purpose, and also smeared the silver sword oil against corpse eaters, let's hide near those very chests, waiting for our woman, who is not alien to aesthetics. She will appear, and not alone, but accompanied by two gentlemen who will in every possible way interfere with our “communication” with the water woman, so we need to get rid of the ethics that have taken root first of all. For this sign "Igni" fits best. And the woman herself rarely refuses to get a tan. There is not enough space in the den, so we move intensively, since at any moment we can catch with our face a lump of dirt thrown by a woman, and while we are wiping ourselves off, the drowners will give us a couple of blows. Therefore, for insurance we use "Quen".

Having killed the escort, and then the woman, we will take it from her corpse trophy and among other things relic steel sword “Day Star”*

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

*required level, damage and cost may differ from yours.

Having arrived at the port of Kaer Trolde, we report to Bjorg about the completion of the task. Here we will have a choice:

    We can put pressure on the master to get a greater reward, because we accepted an order for drowners, but had to fight with a water woman. Bjorg, of course, will not like this development of events, but under pressure from the witcher he will give us all the money he had (instead of 280 crowns, he gave me 420).

    We can just take the reward and go home.

Let's leave Ard Skellig for a while and go to the ancestral island of the Brokvar clan Speakerog.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Client: Kevan

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

In the village Svorlag we come across an order on a notice board. The customer is located nearby on the seashore. We should ask him about everything. Maybe we can get more from him complete information. However, nothing new Kevan won’t tell us, he still doubts that a monster is to blame for the disappearance of his sister’s fiancé. In general, the story is confusing and it’s unclear what our investigation will lead to, what if Nils actually ran away and we’ll have to run after him across all the islands, so it’s a good idea to raise the price for our services.

You can bargain: Kevan consistently agrees to 279 CZK.

Now it would be nice to talk to Briton, maybe we can get more from her detailed information. We'll find the heartbroken girl in a little while north of the village on the shore of the bay - before Nils disappeared, this was their favorite place.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Britt will tell us that she saw with her own eyes how her fiance was dragged away to the caves in the south islands, some kind of winged creature of impressive size. Draconid? Quite likely. To find out for sure, you just need to look into those caves. We go there by land or by sea, taking a boat from the village.

The cave will not be uninhabited at all. Our old “acquaintances” will meet us there in quite a decent number. The time is not right for fraternization, so we meet the drowners with a silver sword drawn. Having introduced the first batch of cyanotic scum to our sword, we examine the cave and find traces of not a draconian, but overgrown sirens.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

We follow the trail and find an impressive looking statue, near which drowners rub. This statue definitely needs to be examined, but the crappy corpse eaters will interfere with us here too, which means they will have to share the fate of their deceased comrades.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

It looks like Britt was right, evidence of which we will find when we get out of the cave and find dead body poor Nils. Damage to the body will tell us about the cause of death - a fall from a great height.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

In battle we will mainly use crossbow, That's why oil against hybrids It is not necessary to smear it on the sword, but if you really want to, you can. Unlike other flying beasts, Melusine will not fall to the ground when hit by a crossbow bolt, she will only hover in place for a short time. This time should be enough to shoot another crossbow bolt into her, and another, and another, and so on until victory. Echidna will always attack us from the air, diving and delivering a blow, which, along with causing damage, will also cause poisoning, so before the fight it would be nice to take a sip of the elixir "Oriole" or keep a sign ready "Quen". When the echidna starts diving at us, we can use the signs "Aard" or "Igni". Having fallen under the influence of these signs, the creature will fall to the ground and we will have the opportunity (if we are lucky) to stab it with one blow of the sword. "Horn of Hornval"(if you have already acquired one by this time) in a battle with Melusine it is completely useless, its sound is not scary for her.

Having defeated the echidna, we take away trophy and we go back to the village to Kevan to present proof that Britt is right.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Kevan will be greatly embarrassed because he did not believe his sister and will ask the witcher himself to tell Britt about Nils’ fate. We choose what to do:

    1. "Okay, I'll tell her"- we collect the reward for the order, go to Britt and tell her about the bitter fate of her lover. The girl will offer us a reward of 25 CZK. To take it or not to take it, that is the question.

    2. "Tell her yourself"- Kevan should talk to Britt himself to atone for his mistrust. We receive a well-deserved reward from Kevan and we are free.

We return to Ard Skellig, because all remaining orders will be waiting for us there.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Approaching the body, we immediately find ourselves drawn into a conflict between young hunters and elders. The first ones wanted to destroy the Spirit of the Forest, considering it an ordinary monster, while the elders considered the Spirit the patron saint of the village, now punishing its inhabitants for violating the ancient foundations, the murder of which would entail indescribable troubles. It is useless to ask about the beast; the local residents will not provide us with any meaningful information.

Before you take someone's side, you need to inspect the forest and determine what kind of Forest Spirit it is.

Having examined the area near the body, we find traces going into the forest. We'll have to follow these tracks into the thicket.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

Having walked a short distance along the tracks, we come across dead dog with wounds inflicted by thin and very sharp claws.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher orders. Skellige Islands

The Heart of the Forest is a side quest in, the completion of which is optional. However, for completing the task you can gain experience, as well as - depending on the result - a mutagen from an ancient goblin, used to prepare an effective decoction, and magic boots. From this review you will learn everything about completing the task, how best to proceed and the consequences of your choice.

Walkthrough of the “Spirit of the Forest” quest in “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”

There are two ways to receive a witch order for a forest spirit: take a contract on the notice board in the port of Kaer Trolde or by entering into dialogue with local residents in the village of Ferlund.

This is where the drama unfolds: Harald and Sven argue about a corpse caught in the roots of a tree. Harald claims that the spirit of the forest killed the unfortunate man because the villagers turned away from the old path and no longer respected traditions. Sven is sure that the cause of death was an ordinary monster, which had already killed five hunters.

Naturally, he will offer his services as a witcher, because hunting evil monsters is his craft. Pull out more useful information Harald and Sven will not work out, so you will have to conduct your own investigation.

Where to find traces of the forest spirit on the map in The Witcher 3

First you need to explore the forest using your witcher's senses. At the first point marked on the map, you will find the carcass of a dog with traces of sharp claws. Further along the route you can find a corpse with broken ribs. To kill a person in this way requires enormous force.

At the last point, the witcher will find a stone with scratches from sharp claws. Having compared the evidence, he will come to the conclusion that the suspected monster is an old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years. In order to learn more about him, you need to open the bestiary and find a note about the ancient goblin.

From the note, the witcher learns that the monster chose one of the local residents, marking him with its seal. As long as this person is alive, the goblin will not die either, and after death he will be reborn again. After talking with Sven and Harold again, Geralt will be faced with a choice.

Apparently, the goblin has already planned the next harvest. Sven suggests first finding a person with the mark of a monster and only then acting according to the circumstances. Harold offers to appease the monster by proving that local hunters continue to honor the behests of their ancestors and have not deviated from the old path. It will not be possible to come to an agreement to please everyone at once - you will have to make one of the possible decisions.

How to proceed in the quest “Heart of the Forest” in “The Witcher 3”

It would seem that the right choice is to deal with the ancient goblin and put an end to the series of murders. However, not everything is so simple: Elder Harold assures that it is only thanks to the proximity to the spirit that the local forests are so rich in game, which provides food for the entire village, local women are very fertile and always give birth to healthy children, and hunters are considered the best in all of Skellige.

It is unknown what will happen to the residents when they lose such powerful support. Killing the devil or passing the test is a difficult moral choice. However, the player has to do it. Yes, there are no easy solutions in this game.

How to place an offering on the altar in the Witcher 3 mission “Heart of the Forest”

If you decide to follow Harold's advice and appease the ancient goblin, you will have to pass the test of hunting. Unlike the ancestors of the local residents, who hunted animals with a knife and spear, he acts as befits a witcher - he uses steel and witcher signs.

To pass the test, you must kill five white wolves and place their hearts on the altar. It is not difficult to find the place on the map, since there is a road leading there. Although the monsters are strong, it is not difficult to fight with them - in fact, they are ordinary wolves, so in a fight you can use it to be safe from a missed attack, or to stun the animals. Try to stay during the battle so that there is only one wolf in front of you - this will not allow other predators to come in from the flanks.

After making an offering to the altar, you can return to Harold for your reward. He will say that judging by the behavior of the ravens, the goblin accepted the gift, and now everything will be as before. During the dialogue, Sven will suddenly appear accompanied by several friends. They are sure that it is the headman who bears the seal of the devil, so they intend to deal with him.

Depends on the replica further fate old man: he can not intervene, allowing the men to kill Harold, or stand up for him, but then he will have to fight Sven and his associates. In the first case, Sven himself will become the headman of the village, in the second, everyone will have to be killed.

Where to find a person marked as a goblin in The Witcher 3

If you decide to fight the spirit of the forest, first you need to find a person marked as a goblin. He will be a girl named Hilda, for whom Sven has tender feelings. You can find her using your witcher's senses, talking with other women not far from the forge. The consequences of the investigation will be fatal for Hilda - she will either have to be killed, which Sven’s people will quickly do, or expelled from the village, which also does not bode well.

Then you will have to destroy the totems of the goblin, which will be protected by wild animals and plant roots. You can quickly destroy each totem by hitting it or using the Igni sign, causing a fire. When the last totem is destroyed, he will hear the roar of the monster that is nearby and will be able to fight it.

How to kill the ancient goblin in the quest “Heart of the Forest”

Anti-relic oil, which should be applied to a silver sword, will help in battle. To be on the safe side, you can use it to burn the monster with fire, or alternatively use it to take less damage. Throughout the fight, wolves will come to the aid of the monster. It is better to immediately deal with them as they appear and attack the devil when he is left alone.

The monster has the ability to dissolve in the air and attack from afar using roots. While casting, use rolls to take less damage. If you manage to defeat the monster, on its body you can find the hunting trophy Heart of the Goblin and the mutagen from the Goblin, used in alchemy.

Returning to Sven, as a reward, in addition to money, you will also receive Assassin's Boots. As in the previous case, Sven will decide to deal with Harold, or he may stand up for the old man or not interfere.

How does a decoction of an ancient goblin work in The Witcher 3?

This unique component can be used to prepare a powerful decoction. You will need the following components (1 piece each):

  • Krasnolyudsky alcohol;
  • Mutagen from goblin;
  • Senzhigron;
  • Mousetail.

All herbs can be bought from an alchemist or collected during travels - you often come across them on Skellige. Krasnolyudsky alcohol is sold in any tavern.

When using a decoction, using witcher signs in battle generates energy. Its use is effective in combat tactics based on combining sword strikes and signs. Like any decoction, reserves are restored during meditation if you have Alkahest in your inventory.

Bug in The Witcher 3 in the mission “Heart of the Forest”

An interesting bug was discovered related to completing the task. Some players do not receive any drops from his body when killing Sven. After wandering around the village for a while, you may find Sven unharmed, minding his own business. He will not enter into dialogue with him, but behaves like an ordinary NPC added for the background.

Consequences of choice in the Witcher 3 mission “Heart of the Forest”

Each option has advantages and disadvantages. After killing the goblin, you will receive a unique decoction, which can be a good help in battle, and works especially effectively in combination with medium armor. By performing the ritual, you guarantee the prosperity of the village in the near future.

In any case, it is better to kill Sven. Although defeating such an enemy is not a great achievement for a seasoned monster hunter who can single-handedly deal with an entire Keiran, it is better for the entire village that Harold remains the headman. Sven, despite some charisma, in most cases behaves like an obvious bandit, which sometimes befits a warrior, but never befits a sedate elder. And since the quest is a “double-edged sword,” a failed point is inevitable: it will not be possible to fulfill the conditions of all parties to the conflict.

Video of the quest “Heart of the Forest” on Skellige in “The Witcher 3”

This video will introduce you to the “Heart of the Forest” mission. Like the video and subscribe to the channel!

And most importantly, they are very kind and approach their work with an open heart.

Monday, December 30, 2019

While waiting for our city to finally be fully decorated, we decided to visit the capital of our homeland, Moscow.
It’s such a pity that we weren’t able to dress up the city for the opening of the project, but we really wanted to a whole month to look forward to the New Year's mood, especially in such grey, nasty weather, when nothing makes you happy. Well, okay, let’s head to Moscow to get in the New Year’s spirit.

Moscow is also still in the process of preparing for the New Year, but the main sites have already been decorated and are fully operational. The scope of New Year's celebrations in Moscow is, of course, a masterpiece. We decided to draw some kind of parallel, and friends, indeed Ryazan in some ways already resembles the capital of our homeland.

For example, the forest park is decorated with exactly the same trees as on the boulevards of Moscow. And the balls near the Kremlin are very reminiscent of Nikolskaya Street near GUM. By the way, this street attracts a lot of Instagrammers))).

New Year's installations in the shape of balls, we also have these! Let's go for holiday photo shoots!
And our Christmas trees are no less beautiful than Moscow beauties, despite the lack of excessive pathos. We even have an exhibition of original Christmas trees from leading companies in the city, like in Guma!

In some ways it’s even more interesting than the Moscow one, because in GUM we didn’t see any Christmas trees made from radio components! If you want to go to a beautiful skating rink, please, we also have one, and it is almost as beautiful as the skating rink on Red Square, it’s a pity that the entrance to it is paid! Don't forget to take your skates! But don't take the horse)))

We also have Christmas markets. Their big advantage over Moscow ones is that you can easily pamper yourself with wonderful New Year’s souvenirs from Ryazan. After all, the price is much more affordable than in the capital! As well as cafes and restaurants where you can treat yourself to delicious reasonable prices. Of course, the capital shines and shimmers; it’s hard to resist and remain indifferent to this spectacle. But while we were away, the city finally turned on the illumination of the streets, it was transformed, and also became very beautiful! We invite you to Ryazan!

Friday, December 13, 2019

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday for all people, of any age.
This year, Ryazan residents were especially looking forward to the New Year, because Ryazan was declared the New Year's capital 2020.

The opening of the New Year's capital took place on December 8 with a large procession of many Santa Clauses. The beautiful, bright spectacle was overshadowed by a long wait in the cold for the start, and by the Christmas tree, which the country's main Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug could not light because they simply did not have time to decorate it.

But Ryazan people are a people with an excellent sense of humor. At first they were indignant about how the tree was not lit, and then the Internet was filled with jokes on this topic.

This even aroused intense interest among tourists in our city - there are practically no empty rooms in the city’s hotels, and almost all restaurants are also booked. As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

As part of the New Year's Capital 2020 project, many events are planned for children and adults. The most detailed information about them in the appendix.

There are also discounts in various shops and cafes in the city. But they are insignificant 1-5 percent, somewhere around 10.

Although not everyone had time to dress up and decorate for the opening, the city is gradually filled with lights, and the degree of festive mood rises in the air. Great place The Lesopark park is suitable for family walks.

This place is especially noteworthy for children, because it is here that the residence of the main wizard of the country, Santa Claus, is located. Here you can write a letter to your grandfather, wish for a gift, ride the slides, and admire the lights. When all this is dressed up to the end, it will be very cool!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Travel sites are full of offers to celebrate the New Year “over the hill.”
But why go somewhere far and pay huge sums, because you can perfectly meet and spend this wonderful holiday in the New Year's capital of 2019-2020 in Ryazan!

You can stay outside the city, in Solotch, just twenty minutes away, and enjoy the fresh air filled with the aromas of centuries-old pine trees. There is a bathhouse and delicious food here.

And when you want spectacles, go to the city! Take a walk around the ancient Russian city, explore its sights, immerse yourself in its history, and enjoy the festive decoration of the city.

Starting from December 7, New Year's celebrations will be held for residents and guests of the city for a whole month. Various shows, parades, fairs, and festivals will be organized for us. It definitely won't be boring!

Friday, September 6, 2019

A man living among smog, noise and bustle big city often strives for peace and solitude in the clean air. Meshchera forests are excellent for these purposes. Here there is nature untouched by man, an abundance of forests, beautiful picturesque lakes.

There is a lot of game in the forests, rivers and lakes are full of fish, many mushrooms and wild berries. Isn't this a paradise for fishermen, hunters and simply nature lovers? It is in such a paradise that the Polushkino recreation center is located. You can come here as a couple romantic getaway, and with children. You can rent a house and come with a group to celebrate some kind of celebration. You can even organize a banquet here! And what picturesque scenery there is for organizing an on-site marriage registration! Well, just a wonderful place.

The Polushkino recreation center is located in Spas-Klepiki, just an hour’s drive from Ryazan. And for more secluded relaxation The Polushkino VIP recreation center was built - a complex of cottages for a company, on the shores of lakes, with landscaped territory. Here you can feel like a real aristocrat in your own estate in wide open spaces.

If you don’t want to waste years of your life, then go to work! Only in the process of work will you be able to understand what you are drawn to and what you are not, you can change several professions, and only then will you understand what your calling is!

Not far from the village of Ferlund on the Skellige Islands in The Witcher 3 you can receive a task "Heart of the Forest" from the bulletin board.

Let's go to the village. A group of local residents discuss the death of one of them. The corpse, crushed by the branches, froze in an unnatural position with genuine horror in its eyes.

Headman Harald believes that one of the villagers angered the spirit of the forest and he took it out on the deceased. The villagers believe that there is some dangerous creature in the forest, and it needs to be tracked down and killed. Of course, ordinary men with pitchforks are unlikely to be able to do this, and Geralt was here just in time.

The village elder did not receive the monster killer very kindly, flatly refusing the order, but one of the villagers enthusiastically promises to come to an agreement, if only the witcher will finish off the monster.

Then you can ask people a little about the so-called spirit of the forest, or get to work right away.

The questions are not of particular significance and you won’t be able to find out anything really useful, the only thing that becomes clear right away is that the headman is being dark, perhaps he is hiding something. One way or another, he is the only one who is not eager to hire a witcher, believing that the spirit of the forest is simply taking revenge for disturbing his peace. Previously, the an Kraits hunted with a knife or a spear and were always well-fed - and the spirit of the forest approved of this...

Harald is interrupted by Sven, it was he who placed the advertisement for the order for the witcher. The guy says that they were simply slaves to their own fear - the creature from the forest had killed before, but because of the war there were fewer hunters, and the monster was more bloodthirsty. Sven wants to free the forest from the beast so that people can hunt in peace.

We've heard enough, it's time to start ordering.

First you need to look around near the place where the villager died. The Witcher will stumble upon a trail that we have to follow. First, a dead dog will come across, then there will be another poor fellow who, apparently, died the same death as the man on the outskirts of the village.

We continue moving until we reach a circle of stones, wolves will be waiting for us inside, we kill them and look around. There are many claw marks on the stones, after examining which Geralt will conclude that a goblin is operating here.

It's time to look into the bestiary. We need " forest spirit", which is located on the "relics" tab. It turns out that the local goblin has become so strong that he was able to mark the “chosen one,” one of the village residents. As long as this unfortunate man was alive, the creature could calmly be reborn near its lair.

Having learned this information and imagining what we have to deal with, we return to the village to talk with either the headman Harald or our customer Sven. Harald continues to stand his ground. It is only thanks to the spirit of the forest, he says, that the area is full of living creatures, women give birth to healthy children and their hunters are considered the best on all the islands of Skellige.

But we know that this is just a seasoned goblin, incredibly strong, but still killable, and Geralt is probably tough on him.

However, the headman has another option for stopping the terrible deaths. Harald suggests the “path of the spirit” - a kind of ritual that his ancestors performed. You need to go into the forest with a knife and a spear, hunt a strong beast, fight it in a fair fight, the Spirit of the forest should like this, and then, having bestowed gifts, you can reconcile with it.

Options for completing the quest “Heart of the Forest”

The “heart of the forest” order, like most tasks in the game “The Witcher 3”, has several options for the development of events.

After talking with Harald, we have to make a choice: agree with him and go to the “Path of the Spirit” or insist on killing the old devil and go to Sven.

Killing a monster

The man will be glad to know that the spirit is an ordinary monster and can be killed. Geralt will tell him that the goblin is very ancient and he is very dangerous not only for the villagers, but also for the witcher himself. Geralt will also tell you about the mark that one of the residents wears, Sven will point to Harald without hesitation.

It seems the riddle has been solved, the mark explains the suspicious behavior of the headman, but we need to know for sure, so it’s better to look around. As it turns out, the “marked” one will be the village girl Hilda.

We return to the customer to talk. Sven is sure that the “chosen one” is one of the elders and it seems that he is ready to personally tear him to pieces, because he is helping the monster. Geralt will tell you that the “marked” one often does not know that he is helping the devil, but this will not confuse Sven at all; he is determined to get rid of the monster and his friends in the village.

Again you have to make a choice: let the villagers deal with the “chosen one” or offer to drive him out of the village.

Kill the "Chosen One"

Sven will send his thugs to kill the village elders, but the witcher will stop him, because the “chosen one” is Hilda. Having learned this information, Sven will be very upset and even think for a second, because he is in love with the girl, but he will still decide to kill, because this is important for the whole village.

We have to go into the forest and destroy the totems of the goblin, of which there are only three, and two of them are guarded by wolves. By breaking them all, we will anger the devil. Now, with the help of the witcher's instincts, we follow the sound to meet the spirit of the forest.

In battle, the goblin will actively call on wolves and crows for help. Wolves are not difficult to deal with, and crows will only be a little annoying, causing minor damage to the witcher. Against the devil, relic oil and the “igni” sign will be useful.

Not the most difficult opponent, even though he takes very little sword damage. The fact is that the goblin, although ancient, is very vulnerable to ignition and fire damage, the “igni” sign will practically do everything for us, especially if it is enhanced by glyphs and bonuses from weapons.

Having finished with the monster, we take the trophy and return to Sven. In the village, we see that Sven did what he had in mind - he killed Hilda and several other poor fellows who, apparently, tried to protect her. Despite this, our customer is happy, he gladly accepts the trophy and says that he got rid of the monster’s allies, after which he gives the money.

We are again faced with a choice. Geralt can accuse Sven of murder or simply take the money and leave.

Almost nothing depends on this choice, except for a few remarks:

  • If you accuse Sven of murder, he will announce that he did it for the good, ridding the village of fear, because there are no more monsters here.
  • If you just take the reward and leave, Sven will tell people to disperse, there are no more monsters here.

In his own way, of course, he is right, but why are murderers better than a devil? Everyone knows perfectly well that there are no worse monsters than people. However, this is a completely different story...

Banish the "Chosen One"

Sven will send people to drive out the elders, but the witcher will also stop them and explain that the “marked one” is Hilda. Sven will drive her away, then you can ask why he doesn’t go with her? After all, Hilda seems to be important to the guy. To which he will answer that the witcher should not poke his nose into things that are not his own business and go kill the devil.

Then events develop according to the first option - we go to the forest for a rendezvous with the monster. Despite the fact that we offered to kick Hilda out, upon our return the same picture will await us, everything covered in blood and mountains of corpses. Sven decided to get rid of the allies of the spirit of the devil once and for all. There is no monster more terrible than a fanatic who believes that he acts for the benefit of all people, regardless of their lives...

REWARD - 60 crowns and relic killer boots.

"Path of the Spirit"

Finally, if we refuse to kill the spirit of the forest and agree with the headman, we will need to go into the forest to the altar he spoke about.

There will be a pack of wolves there, we kill them, collect hearts and put them on the altar. The crows will fly to the place of the offering, apparently they will make sure and report to their master about our intentions, it seems that we did everything right, the crows fly away, but all we have to do is return to Harald for the reward.

The headman is glad that we made the right choice and gives the witcher the reward. Before leaving, Geralt will disapprovingly tell the elder that because of these rituals, young guys who will try to become hunters will still die. Harald understands this very well and asks not to condemn local traditions. They survived like this for decades, and you shouldn’t meddle in someone else’s monastery with its own rules...

It seems that everything ends, but, as it quickly turns out, all this time Sven and his gang were killing the elders, considering them accomplices of the monster, and only Harald remained alive. Sven asks not to interfere - the men do not want their children to be taken by the monster and want to put an end to this.

The Witcher will have to choose again: protect the elder or give up and leave, leaving the locals to solve their problems themselves.

  • Having protected the elder, we will enter into battle, and we will have to kill Sven and his three friends.
  • If we decide not to interfere, the witcher will finally tell them all that they are worth each other - killing Harald, Sven will not change anything. But the guy thinks differently and there is no stopping him...