The most beautiful lakes and rivers of Altai. Mountain Altai. Chuysky tract

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over the globe rush to these places to enjoy beautiful views high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

Check-in Altai Territory started
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and celebrations that can attract thousands of tourists from different regions Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralnik”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

Beauty and health

Officially. Useful flora region has 1184 plant species. The largest group of drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

Altai is the land of thousands of lakes. They are located throughout its territory. Most of the Altai lakes are located in the Kulunda Lowland and on the Priob Plateau.

Lakes Kulundinskaya The lowlands are the remnants of an ancient sea that existed on the site of the plains. The most big lake in the region - Kulundinskoe. Its banks are flat, low-lying, merging with the flat surface of Kulunda. Kulunda Lake is shallow, fed by the waters of the Kulunda River and groundwater. To the south of Kulundinskoye there is Lake Kuchukskoye. In terms of regimen and nutrition, it is similar to Kulundinsky. These lakes were connected by a channel, now it is blocked by a dam.

Lakes of the Ob Plateau They have an elongated shape; they are located in the hollows of ancient drainage, in place of old channels that were deepened as a result of the activity of flowing waters that arose when the ancient glacier melted. Many lakes are connected to each other by channels and rivers in long chains. Fresh lakes give rise to the Kasmala, Barnaulka and other left tributaries of the Ob.

Lakes of the Biye-Chumysh Upland small in size, fresh. On the floodplains of lowland rivers, in ancient and modern valleys, oxbow lakes are found.

Lakes of Gorny Altai differ from lowland ones in origin, depth, nutrition, regime and composition of water. By origin they are divided into tectonic, glacial, dammed and floodplain. is a tectonic graben processed by glaciers. The shores of Lake Teletskoye are the slopes of the mountains surrounding it and rising 2000 m above the surface. Almost everywhere, sheer cliffs plunge into water for tens of meters.

Glacial lakes are small in size; they fill the lakes with cold water. In the high mountainous part of Altai, lakes are formed when valleys are dammed by moraines and give rise to rivers. Some of the lakes are located in depressions of moraine deposits - on the Chulyshman plateau, along river terraces, on leveled surfaces of ancient peneplain, on flat areas of watersheds.

The Ablaikit (Sebinsky) lakes are located in the southwestern part of the Ulagansky district of the East Kazakhstan region, near the southern spurs of the Koktai Mountains. They are located in steps, descending from east to west: Kashkerbai, Alka, Ulmeis, Duisen, Istykpa. They lie in the southern part of the Koktau intrusive massif. The Ablaikit lakes are confined to radial faults cutting through the Koktau massif. The basins of the lakes, closed on three sides, open to the southeast, where...

Lake Ayir is located in an intermountain basin at the northwestern foot of the Monastyri (861 m), Airtau (1003 m) mountains and stretches from southwest to northeast. The southeastern shore of the lake is rocky and rises steeply. The southwestern, western and northeastern shores are flat, open, and turfed. The lake is fed by spring snowmelt, groundwater runoff and liquid precipitation. Maximum depth 7 m, average 3.2 m; transparency...

The basin of modern Lake Ak-Khol is small in size: from north to south its length is 4.0 km, from west to east - 4.0 km. In the center of this small depression there is Lake Ak-Khol and the small lake Kara-Khol, connecting to the first channel. These lakes are the remnants of a once larger lake reservoir, similar in size to the modern Lake Hindiktig-Khol, located 12 km to the northeast...

Akkem, Ak-kem, Akkem lake, Akkem glacier (river, ravine, year, glacier) - “White water” Akkem lake is located at an altitude of 2050 m in the valley of the Akkem river. The length of the lake is 1.5 km, width - up to 600 m, maximum depth - 15 m. The shores of Lake Akkem are low, the surrounding slopes are covered with larch and cedar forest. The white water of the lake reflects the peaks of Belukha and the sheer, almost two-kilometer northern wall, called the Akkem Wall. The Rodzevich glacier descends into the lake...

Altai is famous for its pristine nature, the beauty of mountains and lakes. One of the most beautiful is Lake Aya. In the middle of the forest, on the left bank of the Katun, lies Lake Aya - a deep depression filled with crystal clean water, which warms up in the summer. Small, but very picturesque, it has been attracting thousands of vacationers for many years. The lake is warmed by the sun and is suitable for swimming. In the middle of the lake, on the island, there is a gazebo where you can retire and spend an unforgettable evening. If you...

Lake Belenkoe is located in the central part of the Kulunda alluvial plain at an absolute height of 107.1 m. The lake basin is flat with very gentle slopes. The bottom is flat, covered with a layer of silt deposits 0.5-0.9 m thick. The area of ​​the water surface is 4 sq. km. Average depth reaches 3 m. Total area The catchment area is 477 sq. km. The lake has no tributaries and no runoff. The water is a sulfate brine.

Lake Beloye is located in the Kurinsky district of the Altai Territory, 5 km north of the mountain Sinyuhi (1210 m), peaks of the Kolyvan ridge. The absolute level of the lake is 530 m. The area of ​​the mirror is 2.9 sq. km, the length is 2.4 km, the width is 1.2 km, the average depth is 4.5 m, the greatest is 7.4 m. The area of ​​the pool is 14.2 sq. km. A stream flows into the lake. Ozerny and a stream without a name, the Belaya River flows out. Mountain-steppe vegetation is widespread in the surrounding area...

Big Poplar Lake is located in the north-west of the Altai Territory, near the border with the Novosibirsk region and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Burlinsky district. The absolute level of the lake is 99 m. The area of ​​the water mirror is 76.6 km2, length 13.4 km, width 8.2 km, average depth 2 m, maximum depth - 2.5 m. The maximum area of ​​the water mirror at a high lake level - 113 sq. km. In some years the lake can dry up completely and at such times...

The lake is located 7 km from Slavgorod and 3 km west of the railway connecting Rubtsovsk and Omsk ( Omsk region). The lake occupies a deep basin. In a section of the steppe 3-4 km south of the lake, there are elevations above 130 m, and the water level in the lake is at an altitude of about 79 m. At this level of the lake, the water area is 70 sq. km, with an average depth of 4-4 ,25 m. On the lake there are depths of more than 6 m, and the lake bottom marks are less than 73 m. This is...

Burlinskoye Lake is located 18 km northwest of the city of Slavgorod. The lake basin is round in shape, up to 20 m deep, the slopes of the basin are gently inclined towards the lake and in the lowest elevations are covered with salt marshes, and in some places swampy. The soils in the lake are represented by medium and light loamy rocks. Under a layer of silt up to 0.5 m thick lies a thick layer of Glauber's salt. The shores of the lake rise above the flat bottom of the basin with an approximately meter-long ledge. Along the main shore of the lake there is a sandy...

Lake Gorkoe is located in the system of lakes of the Barnaul ribbon forest in the Novichikhinsky district of the Altai Territory. The length is about 25 km, the maximum width is about 3.8 km. Bitter and salty.  ...

Gorky-Isthmus Lake is located in the Yegoryevsky district of the Altai Territory. It is represented by two drainless, bitterly salty lakes. Both have elongated basins located in the ancient valley of the Barnaulka River and are connected by a short channel. The absolute level of the southern lake is 216 m. The shores are low, swampy in the northern and northwestern parts. At the bottom and in the bays there are reserves of healing silt mud. The water in the lake is alkaline. The Lebyazhye resort is located on the northeastern shore.

Dzhulukul, Dzhyulyu-Kol, Eylukal (river, lake, source of the Chulyshman River) - “Warm lake”, “lake with a river flowing from it”. The largest of the high-mountain lakes lies at the tip of the Shapshalsky ridge, at an altitude of 2000 m, its length is 10 km, width 3 km, depth up to 9 m. The water warms up well. The heating of water in summer is quite high (18-26°C). Due to frequent and strong waves, mixing of water layers occurs to the bottom, hence its low transparency (1.6-2.8 ...

Located at the foot of the northern slopes of Dubygaly (749.3 m). Its area is 1.84 square meters. km, length 2.4 km, maximum width 1.2 km, length coastline 6.8 km. The lake is closed and located at an altitude of 343.7 m above sea level. The lake occupies a shallow basin, apparently of deflationary origin, and extends from southwest to northeast. The banks are low, composed of gray sandstone mixed with loam, but in some places there is...

On the northeastern slope of the South Chuya ridge, in the upper reaches of the river valley. Elangash (the left tributary of the Chuya River) are the Elangosh lakes. The lower one is located at an altitude of 2500 m. The upper one is slightly higher. Both lakes are oval in shape, the greatest width is 1600 m. The water is clear. On the shores of Lake Superior in summer time There is often a lot of ice.

Mirror Lake is located southwest of Lake Bakhmatovskoye in the Barnaul ribbon forest. It extends from southwest to northeast. Water surface area 18.54 sq. km, coastline length 40.8 km, tortuosity coefficient - 2.6. The length of the lake is 11.7 km, the width is 2.4 km, the maximum depth is about 8 m, the average is 1.7 m. The hollow of this lake is more pronounced compared to others. The deepest part of the depression is located in the eastern half of the reservoir, where the largest...

Lake B. Itkul is located on the border of the Troitsky and Zonal districts of the Altai Territory on the ancient above-floodplain terrace of the Ob River, at an absolute altitude of 216.4 m. Its area is over 10 square meters. km, length 10.8 km, width 1.5 km, average depth 3.4 m, greatest depth 10.5 m. About 1/3 of the lake area is occupied by semi-submerged aquatic vegetation. The bowl of the lake has a lobed shape. The lake is flowing, the river flows into it. Bulanikha, and the river flows out. Itkul...

The lakes are located on the northwestern slopes of the Iolgo ridge in the upper reaches of the Karakol River, the left tributary of the river. Elikmonar, which flows into the Katun at an altitude of 450 m. The lakes are located in glacial carts and have a glacial tectonic origin. The cars are arranged in steps at different heights, forming a kind of chain of cars. There are a total of 7 lakes in this chain. All lakes are connected to each other, the water flow is regulated, so the daily...

The large island lake is located in the Mamontovsky district of the Altai Territory. The Kasmala (southern) river flows through the lake. Partially overgrown. Located at an altitude of 205.5 m. The mirror area is 28.6 sq. m. km, average depth 1.8 m, greatest 5.6 m. Drainage basin area 892 sq. km, 63% is plowed, 8% is forested, 3% is swampy. The lake basin is well defined and is located in the ancient valley of the river. Kasmala. The coastline has a complex configuration, the shores are mostly low and swampy.

Lake Kemirkol is located in the central part of the Kurchum district of the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan. Its area is 1.72 sq. km, length 2.3 km. The width is 1.1 km, the length of the coastline is 6.8 km, the height above sea level is 839.7 m. The lake is located in the western spurs of the Kurchum ridge and occupies a deep basin of complex shape. Northern and southern coast high, steep, eastern and western flat. The bottom of the lake is sandy and hard. Lake...

The lake is located on the right bank of the river. Ob, in the zone of junction of the so-called pine forest terraces with the fourth terrace of the Upper Ob at an absolute height of 220 m. The lake has a complex configuration. Its area is about 20 square meters. km, length (from northwest to southeast) about 3.7 km, width about 2 km. The lake is fed by both surface and groundwater. Drainless. According to biological properties, it belongs to an intermediate type between oligotrophic...

Kucherla (river, locality), Kucherlinskoye Lake - “A place where there is salt marsh.” It lies at an altitude of 1790 m, elongates 5 km in length with a width of up to 1 km, depth - up to 55 m. Filled with ice water of a very beautiful green-blue hue. All around, the peaks of the spurs of the main ridge rise to a kilometer height above the lake, and stone screes descend straight into the water. The slopes of the valley are overgrown with dense coniferous forest, in which there is a lot of cedar; Closer to the right edge, the wild Kucherla River runs out of the lake. Akkem...

The lake is located at an altitude of 98.4 m and is a paleo-bay of Kulundinsky Lake, currently separated from the latter. The area of ​​the lake is 181 sq. km. The basin of Lake Kuchuk is well defined, round, the eastern and southeastern shores of the lake are steep, up to 10 m high. eastern shores the bottom is silted, and in the middle it is covered with a layer of mirabilite (up to 2-2.5 m). The greatest depth of the lake is 3.3 m. The total catchment area is 3240 square meters. km. It flows into the lake...

Raspberry Lake is located in the Mikhailovsky district of the Altai Territory, 10 km south of the village of Mikhailovskoye, near railway line Kulunda-Rubtsovsk. Drainless, bitterly salty. It belongs to the group of lakes Mikhailovsky (Tanatar). The unique color of the water is a crimson hue, which is created by bacteria living in the lake. The surface area of ​​the lake is 11.4 square meters. km. On the shore is the village of Malinovoye Ozero, where a chemical plant operates using local raw materials.  ...

The lake is located in the central part of the Kulunda alluvial plain, near eastern border Altai region. The area of ​​the water surface is 35.2 square meters. km. The maximum mirror area can be increased to 36.2 square meters. km and even more. The lake has a deep, rounded basin of regular shape. The banks are steep and steep, from 2 to 6 m high, often cut by short ravines. The bottom of the lake is sandy, the thickness of silt deposits is 0.1-0.2 m. The total catchment area is 1010...

Manzherok (river, settlement), Lake Manzherok - “Watch Hill, Foggy Hill” Located near the village of Manzherok, on an ancient river terrace. The length of the lake is a little more than a kilometer, width - up to 400 m, maximum depth 3 m. In summer, the water warms up to +20 - +22°C. The relict water chestnut chilim grows in the lake. On the territory of Altai, chilim is also found in Lake Kolyvan (Gornaya Kolyvan) and several small lakes. Rich in useful substances, it was previously used as food, served...

Lake Marlier or Shepherd Bai is located at an altitude of 1718 m above sea level. It lies in an eroded fold (valley) of tectonic origin, later cluttered with landslides and glacial sediments. The area of ​​the lake is 2.1 sq. km, the depth is about 4 m. Coastal sediments are represented by clayey and sandy swamp soils, silted sands, pebbles, and at the sources - boulders. This structure of the banks probably indicates old age...

Lake Markakol is the largest mountain lake Altai region. It is located in the far west Altai mountains at an altitude of 1449 m on the territory of the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan. Its length is 38 km, width - 19 km, coastline length - 106 km, area - 445 km2. The maximum depth is 27 m. The lake is located in a basin between the Azutau ridges from the south and the Kurchumsky ridge from the north. Oval basin...

Multa (river, settlement), Multinskie lakes - “Where the bird cherry grows.” The Multa River basin has more than a dozen large lakes at altitudes from 1700 to 1860 m. Nizhneye Multinskoye has a length of 2400 m, a width of up to 900 m, a maximum depth of up to 22 m. Separated from the Middle Multinskoye, which lies 300 m higher, by a moraine isthmus, which water breaks through, forming a beautiful Shuma roll. The most remote (and most beautiful) is Lake Poperechnoye in the eastern part of the valley. Lakes...

Located at the northwestern border of the Altai Territory, in the river system. Burly, at an altitude of 114.0 m in the Burlinsky district of the Altai Territory. The area of ​​the water surface is 26.1 square meters. km, length about 8 km, width about 4 km. The lake basin has a gentle shape. The shores of the lake are steep, 3-4 m high. The average depth of the lake observed in years of high humidity is 4.1 m, the minimum is 1.6 m. The bottom of the lake is sandy. The total catchment area reaches 7660 square meters. km, 54% plowed...

Lake Petukhovo is located in the Klyuchevsky district of the Altai Territory at an absolute height of 145.7 m. Drainless, soda. The surface area of ​​the lake is 4.1 square meters. km, length 3.7 km, width 1.6 km, average depth 1.7 m. Pool area 29.4 sq. km. The lake basin is well defined, surrounded by deforested sandy hills. The northern and northwestern shores have relative height 4-5 m, eastern and southeastern - up to 16 m. In the middle part of the lake, silty deposits reach a thickness of 2 m. On the mineral...

Rakhmanovskoye Lake is located in the blue valley of the river. Arasanka, the left tributary of the river. Belaya (basin of the Bukhtarma river). The lake is located at an altitude of 1725 m above sea level. It occupies a small trench-shaped dammed basin and extends from northwest to southeast. Its length is 2.6 km, width 0.6 km, coastline length 5.6 km, area 1.14 sq. km. The water of the lake is a beautiful greenish-blue color, transparency is 7.8 m.

Lake Svetloye or Swan is located in the Sovetsky district of the Altai Territory. Located on the first terrace above the floodplain of the left bank of the river. Katuni. Length 1 km, maximum width 0.4 km, maximum depth 1.5 m. The river flows from the lake. First Koksha, where a trout farm is located. The lake has abundant ground water (spring), the water is clear, the bottom is clearly visible. Hence the first name - Light. The lake doesn't freeze in winter...

The middle lake is located in the river system. Barnaulki, in the Barnaul ribbon forest. It extends from southwest to northeast. The area of ​​the water surface is 7.07 square meters. km, coastline length 13 km, tortuosity coefficient - 1.6. The length of the lake is 6 km, width 1.5 km, maximum depth - 1.7 m, average - 1.5 m. The lake is shallow and quickly warms up to the bottom. The temperature in July at the surface and at the bottom reaches 20-26°C. The lake bed is leveled and heavily silted. Bottom sediments are almost entirely...

Lake Taimenye (Talmenye) is located in the narrow valley of the Ozernaya River, in the western part of the Katunsky Range near Kholodnye Squirrels. The lake is about 7 km long. From the northeast, the Taimenka River flows into it, in the upper reaches of which there are several small beautiful waterfalls.

In terms of depth, Lake Teletskoye ranks fifth after Lake Baikal, Caspian, Issyk-Kul and Sarez lakes. In clear, clean water, objects at a depth of up to 12 m are clearly visible. The volume of water in the lake is so large that the lake affects the climate of the surrounding areas: it warms in winter and autumn, and cools in summer. Teletskoye Lake is flowing. Chulyshman flows into it from the south, providing the bulk of the water. Another 70 rivers flow from the slopes of the mountains in turbulent streams or cascade over waterfalls. In the north from Teletskoye...

Tenginskoye Lake is located at an altitude of 1106 m. It has a length of 1650 m, a width of 1300 m, an area of ​​14,750,000 m2, and a shoreline length of 5,200 m. The depth of the lake in its eastern part is 1.0-1.5 m, in the western part - more deep-sea - about 5 m. The basin of the lake is of tectonic origin. It was formed as a result of fault tectonic movements. A small river, Tenga, flows out of the lake. The lake is fed...

Lake Hindiktig-Khol is located southwest of the lake. Julukul at an altitude of 2305 m above sea level. It is located on the border of the Altai and Sayano-Tuva mountains. Its length is 14.9 km, maximum width is 8.6 km. The lake occupies a small basin, which is almost completely occupied by lake waters. There are two islands in the lake, composed of bedrock outcrops. It is of moraine-dammed origin: in the southwestern part it is dammed by a terminal moraine...

Lake Khomutinoe is located in the Burlinsky district of the Altai Territory at an absolute altitude of 114.1 m. The Burla River flows through the lake. Water surface area 18.7 square meters. km, length about 8 km, width about 3 km, average depth 2.2 m, maximum - 3.6 m. Pool area 7370 sq. km. Of these, 54% are plowed, 5% are forested. It is located in a river valley in a gently sloping basin. The banks are mostly swampy, the southern ones are steep, 4-6 m high. Bottom sediments are up to 0.5 m thick. It is used...

Lake Cheybek-Kol ( Dead Lake) is located in the valley of the Chibitki River at an absolute altitude of 1949 m. The lake is called “dead” due to the lack of flora and fauna in it. Its length is 2735 m, the length of the coastline is 6400 m, the area is 592500 sq.m., the volume of water is more than 9 million cubic meters. The lake is fed mainly by the Chibitka River, as well as groundwater and atmospheric precipitation. The water flow is determined by the river flowing from the southern side, also called Chibitka. The water in the lake is fresh, odorless and tasteless...

Lake Chernovoe or Kaumysh is located in a small basin, carved out by water flows, and later the former bed of an ancient glacier. The lake is located at an altitude of 1915 m above sea level. Its length is 2 km, width 900 m, depth 8.5 m. The color of the water is dark brown, transparency is 3.5 m. The water temperature at the surface is +18°, at the bottom the temperature is 9°C. The shores of the southwestern half of the lake are sandy and pebble with individual boulders; at its northeastern end there is a shore...

Shavla (river), Shavlinskie lakes - “young tree”. The high-altitude Shavlin lakes (about 2000 m), located in the North Chuysky ridge in the upper reaches of the Shavla River, are considered one of the most picturesque in the Altai Mountains; This is a traditional tourist destination. On the banks, near the border of the forest, you can set up an excellent parking lot; Usually people come to the lake for 7-10 days, so that they have enough time to relieve fatigue after the climb and take radial walks to neighboring lakes and the glacier. Despite the considerable height...

Lake Yazevoe is located at an altitude of 1685 m above sea level, in a fold along which one of the branches of the Katunsky glacier ran. Its length is 3 km, width 800 m, depth up to 10 m. The color of the water is yellowish-green, transparency is 4.2 m. The banks are composed of sand, pebbles and boulders. Two small nameless tributaries and springs flow into the lake, and the Yazevaya River flows out.

10 UNUSUAL AND BEAUTIFUL LAKES OF ALTAI, WHICH ARE WORTH SEEING AT LEAST ONCE WITH YOUR OWN EYES! 1. Lake Teletskoye. The largest in area and depth in Altai, very beautiful and picturesque. The length is 77.8 km, the average width is 2.9 km, the maximum width is up to 5.2 km, the maximum depth of Lake Teletskoye is 325 meters. The indigenous Altaians call it “Altyn-Kol”, which means “ golden lake» The name Teletskoye Lake was given by the Kuznetsk Cossacks because of the tribes inhabiting the shores - Telesov. The lake is included in the list of the largest lakes in Russia and is of glacial-tectonic origin. Along the lake, along its entire length, walks large number large and small pleasure boats, as well as a ferry used to transport cars and large cargo. 2. Lake Yarovoye. Big Yarovoye Lake is located in the Slavgorod region of the Altai Territory, in the west of the Kulunda Plain. The length of the lake is 11.5 kilometers, width - 8 kilometers. The greatest depth of the lake is about 7-8 meters. This unique lake famous for its healing brine - water with many healthy salts, as well as healing silt mud. The lake is inhabited by the crustacean Artemia salina, which contributes to the formation of these healing muds. The air around the lake is also beneficial. Inhaling air saturated with substances evaporating from the lake, including bromine, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Lake water with properties not inferior to water Dead Sea in Israel, is effective in the treatment of certain skin and neurological diseases. Lake mud treats gynecological, andrological diseases, and joint diseases. 3. Lake Svetloye (Swan). Lake Svetloye (Swan) is located in the Sovetsky district of the Altai Territory, near the village of Urozhainoye. The lake is a natural monument; a state natural complex reserve "Swan" in order to preserve the only wintering site of whooper swans in Altai. The reserve is located on the Pre-Altai Plain in the area of ​​meadow steppes of Northern Altai and the ancient terraces of the Katun. Its area is 38.2 thousand hectares. There are only two reserves in Russia where whooper swans spend the winter: One of them is located on Lake Svetloe. The water in the lake is clean and transparent throughout its entire depth, hence the name Svetloye. Due to the abundance of springs gushing from the bottom and feeding the reservoir warm water, the lake does not freeze in winter. Even in 40-degree frost, the water temperature does not drop below plus 5-6 C. Every year in December, a snow-white flock flies into the swan reserve and remains to spend the winter on the non-freezing lake, hence the second name of the lake - Swan. 4. Geyser lake. In the Ulagansky district of the republic, 7 kilometers from the large village of Aktash, near the tourist base “Mena” there is a small thermal lake, with an amazingly beautiful turquoise color of water and a bottom of bright blue silt and sand. Against the backdrop of the dark coniferous taiga, Blue Lake looks surreal. This kind of thermal lakes are found throughout Yellowstone. national park USA, the more surprising is the location of such a reservoir in the old, by geological standards, Paleozoic Caledonian-Hercynian Gorgo Altai. The diameter of the mountain reservoir is about 30 meters and the depth of the lake basin is approximately 2 meters. Thermal springs give it a bizarre and very colorful appearance by changing the picture of the muddy bottom, raising bright blue silt from the depths of the earth. At the bottom of the reservoir there are many fallen trees covered with emerald green moss. In the reservoir there is also a distortion in the picture of the bottom and surface of the water. Here, as nowhere else, you can observe the unique impressionism of Mother Nature. The rarest beauty of the Geyser Secret Lake, the only one in the Altai Mountains, which has no analogues in these mountains. The lake does not freeze even in harsh winters. 5. Blue Lakes (Eyes of Katun). A real miracle of Altai are the Blue Lakes or “Eyes of Katun”, which are located in the Chemal region, along the left bank of the Katun River, not far from the village of Uznezya. They were formed at a time when in place of the Altai Mountains there was the Kurai Sea, which occupied an area of ​​180 by 110 kilometers. At that time, movements of the earth's crust occurred, which destroyed the natural dam and turbulent volumes of water, accelerating, pushing huge boulders into the valley, which knocked out three deep depressions. Nowadays, the “Eyes of Katun” are two or three beautiful lakes. Their exact number is unknown because how many of them will appear will depend on the water level in the Katun River. They mainly appear closer to autumn and remain as lakes throughout the winter. With the beginning of spring, they are filled with melt water and merge with the waters of the Katun River. The total area is about 400 m. The depth reaches 18 meters. IN winter time The Katun River freezes, and the “Eyes of Katun” remain lakes, since due to warm springs the water temperature in them is maintained at +10C°. The lakes shimmer with an amazing turquoise color and you can even see the bottom through their crystal clear waters. 6. Raspberry Lake. Raspberry Lake is located in the Mikhailovsky district of the Altai Territory, about 10 kilometers from the regional center of Mikhailovskoye. Near the lake there is a village of the same name. The area where the lake is located is called the Soleno-Lake Steppe tract and is surrounded on all sides by a beautiful pine forest. The tract contains dozens of large and small lakes, some of which also have pinkish water. Raspberry Lake is the largest of them, with an area of ​​about 11 square kilometers. The color of the water is especially beautiful in spring. At all, best time Visiting the lake is considered to be from June to September. Closer to autumn, the color of the water becomes brown. Raspberry Lake has a very high concentration of salt, so salt deposits form along the shores of the reservoir. The lake has not only unusual look, but also has healing powers. The salt concentration in the water is almost the same as in the sea. Water can easily keep the body on the surface; in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The sulfide-silt mud contained in Raspberry Lake is of particular value. Mud baths will help in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, neurodermatitis, rheumatism, muscle and joint pain. The procedures are recommended for hair loss. This magical mud perfectly cleanses the skin of excess fat and dead skin cells. It helps the skin renew itself and slows down the aging process. Those who regularly make masks from this mud have noticed that small wrinkles disappeared, but new ones did not appear. 7. Lake Tut-Kush. One of the most unusual lakes is Tut-Kush. The lake is underground; it is located in the cave of the same name at a depth of 240m. IN the lake grotto there are 3 lakes, they are stretched out in a chain along the cavity, ranging in size from 3 to 20 m. The largest one ranks first among the lakes, underground karst systems of Altai. Its length is 20 m, maximum width is 7 m, and depth is 2.5 m. It contains more than 300 cubic meters. water. The lake is fed by karst waters. The water temperature is constant, about 8 degrees. The regime of the lake has not been studied. Over the past 10 years, it has disappeared and reappeared three times. 8. Lake Akkem. Lake Akkem (from the Altai Ak-kem - “white water”) is located at the foot of northern slope Belukha Mountains in the territory Ust-Koksinsky district Republic of Altai. It feeds on the melt waters of the Akkem glacier. The length of the lake is 1350, the width is 610 m, the average depth of the lake is 7.8 meters. The color of the water of Lake Akkem is muddy, gray-white. The lake is less than a meter transparent due to the suspension of solid material carried by the Akkem River from the glacier, so fish do not live here. The bottom of the lake is formed by glacial silt. In calm weather, when there are no ripples on Lake Akkem, the reflection of the snow-white peaks of Mount Belukha can be seen in the calm water. The water temperature in Lake Akkem does not exceed +4.5 °C. The Akkem weather station is located on the northwestern shore of the lake. The weather station is one of the oldest in Altai, observations have been carried out on it since 1932. On the left bank of the lake there is the Belukha mountain camp and the base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Search and Rescue Service of the Altai Republic. There are several beautiful natural sites around Lake Akkem, worthy of attention: lakes of the Akoyuk valley, Akkem glacier; the valley of the Yarlu River with the so-called " Stone town, Lake of Mountain Spirits, chapel of the Archangel Michael with a memorial plaque about dead climbers and tourists. 9. Lake Darashkol. High in the Altai Mountains there is an alpine lake Darashkol (translated from Altai “Dyarash Kol” - “Beautiful Lake”). Darashkol is located on a kind of step between the highlands and lowlands in the upper reaches of the Ioldo-Ayra valley, the left tributary of the Kucherla River. The height of the lake above sea level is 2200 meters. Above the lake there are only rocks and snow, and below the lake there are already dense forests. The lake stretches from east to west for approximately 1 km and is carefully surrounded by an amphitheater of pointed rocks. The length of the lake is 890 meters, width - 330 meters. The emerald surface of Darashkol is surrounded by variegated mountain peaks, glaciers cascading waterfalls of turquoise water. Along the shores the lake is surrounded by: rocks, heaps of stones and centuries-old cedars, a picturesque malachite-colored valley with a peninsula cutting into the lake, favorite place for tourist stops. Around the lake there are thickets of lingonberries and blueberries. The lake is quite inaccessible, you cannot climb there. The path to the lake is difficult, you will have to climb up the river. At the same time, the trail is very picturesque - many waterfalls, rocks covered with moss, trees fallen by a storm, thick willow trees. The descent from the lake is steep, there is a sharp drop in height, the river in those places turns into roaring waterfalls, a breathtaking sight. In general, the walking part of the route to Lake Darashkol is 41 kilometers. 10. Lake Aya. The picturesque warm mountain lake Aya is located near the village of the same name, 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk, a little away from the Chuysky tract on the left bank of the Katun River. The length of the shoreline of the lake is 1410 meters, the maximum depth is 21.7 meters, the surface area is 93 hectares. The temperature of the surface layer of water is -16 C, the maximum in July is 22-26 C. The lake level exceeds the level of the Katun River by 49 meters. Translated from Turkic "Ay" means "moon", the lake has the shape of a crescent. Lake Aya, located as if in a hollow, among green mountains, is characterized by clear and warm water. No river flows or flows into the lake; water exchange occurs due to underground currents. The water in the lake is bluish in color, fresh, odorless and tasteless, transparency is 8-9 m. In the center of the lake there is a small island - the gazebo of Love, to which romantics can swim. There is a beach on the shore of the lake, and rental of catamarans and boats is organized. There is a cafe next to the lake. In the vicinity of Lake Aya there are picturesque mountain landscapes and pine forests on the left bank of the Katun. This is one of the few places in the Altai Mountains where you can swim. Read about accommodation and excursions in the Altai Mountains in the group

We have long called the Altai Territory Lake Region. In my opinion, this is an absolutely amazing phenomenon - so many different lakes in one region.

Each lake in the Altai Territory has its own water composition: some are fresh, some are salty, and some are alkaline. At the same time, sometimes such surprisingly different lakes coexist peacefully in walking distance from each other.

Absolutely different colorful lakes scattered around the edge, like scattered beads from different necklaces.

Approaching the largest lake in the Altai region - Kulundinsky - you just want to sing: “By the sea, by the blue sea”... The blue-blue Altai Sea, as it is also called, will really make you forget that you are on the Kulundinskaya Plain. Endless blue, sand, waves and salty wind - why not a seascape?

The two lakes, located so close to each other that they can easily be mistaken for one, are incredibly blue, they are not large in size, their uniqueness lies in something else. The lakes are spring-fed, have a constant temperature and do not freeze in winter, which is why wild swans chose them as a wintering place. Swans have been coming to these parts for the winter since 1967, when there were 1.5 dozen of them. In 2015, employees counted about 500 swans.

Lies at the foot of Mount Sinyukha - the most high point Kolyvansky ridge. The lake is very picturesque, with clear water and stone-encrusted shores. True, the name of the lake was questioned for a long time; the name “Blue” was more suitable, until by noon white clouds floated across the surface of the lake.

Another lake near the spurs of the Kolyvan ridge. Kolyvan Lake is surrounded by outlier rocks with the most bizarre shapes; at sunset the rocks are painted in reddish tones. The water in the lake is also unusual - despite its purity, it has a brown tint, and the shores are strewn with the rare water chestnut Chilim (Rogulnik). All together creates a picture more reminiscent of a Martian landscape.

The lakes described below also have unearthly beauty; there simply cannot be bodies of water with such a color on earth!

This lake is pale pink in color. In addition to its beauty, the lake is famous for its salt extraction using a unique method invented in Bursoli. Rails are laid along the bottom of the lake, along which special harvesters move, collecting salt from the bottom. Railway stretches straight to the middle of the lake. For the quality of local salt, Peter I called Bursol the main salt shaker in Russia.

The composition of the water in this lake is said to be similar to that of the Dead Sea. But as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water, the Altai Dead Sea turns dark pink. Kuchuk Lake is one of the largest mirabilite deposits in Russia, which lies in a thick layer at the base of the lake.

The further into the Altai region, the richer the shades of red! The lake most likely owes its color to microscopic algae, which produce a pink pigment in salt-saturated water. And to admire the unreal color lake, you don’t have to fly to Australia or Senegal, but just drive 650 km along the highway from Novosibirsk.

When I saw with my own eyes that Lake Malinovoye in Altai is really raspberry-colored, I was confirmed in my decision to visit Lake Zolotoe. What if it really is gold? We found a lake with such an alluring name by chance on a map of the Rubtsovsky district and drove on, not even imagining what exactly awaited us. But what we saw exceeded all expectations! Yes, it's golden!

Returning from the Lake District, you always feel that you have accomplished trip around the world and visited a dozen countries, but not just one region!

Marina Tsurikova,

This year we went to the lakes again and realized how lucky we were the first time.)) We also didn’t dare to make our way to Zolotoe after the rains... And Raspberry Lake, it turned out, turns crimson once every 4-5 years, when the water level may be small, so the concentration of salt in the water reaches the required level.
The “stone oasis” we discovered is now marked as a landmark; it is called the stone canyon on the Kizikha River. Only they missed the location of the sign and placed it opposite the quarry, not the canyon.)) But you can focus on the river to find the canyon.

The Altai region is famous not only for its agricultural achievements, but also for perhaps the richest hydrographic map in the country.

There are about 13 thousand lakes in the region, large and small, fresh and salty, each of which is unique in its own way. Some are extremely picturesque: photos of Altai lakes fascinate with their unique beauty. Others are famous for their rare healing properties, while others are luxury resorts with hotels and water parks.

Lake on Red Mountain.

Lake Akkemskoye, Mount Belukha.

Gorny Altai. Lake Kuiguk.

Lake Srednemultinskoye

Lake Teletskoye is the largest lake in Altai.

Lake Teletskoe. The Altai name is Altyn-Kel, which means Golden Lake.

South of Lake Teletskoye, in the background is the Chulyshman Canyon. Taken from Bele cordon.

The most unusual lakes Altai

Thanks to the diversity of landscapes, each body of water in the Altai Territory is beautiful in its own way. For example, Lake Mirror, located in the Barnaul ribbon forest, is surrounded by light-coniferous relict forests, giving the coastline a special charm.

Altai, Lake Svetloe.

Lake Svetloye, also known as Swan Lake, is an amazing corner of nature where the water is crystal clear and transparent to the very bottom. Thanks to the abundance of springs, the reservoir does not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and the water temperature does not drop below + 5 - 6 degrees C. Therefore, ducks and swans spend the winter here, which can be admired from special viewing platforms.

Lake Beloe.

The small lake Beloye is surrounded by granite shores and has a regular round shape. In the center of the lake there is a small island where, according to legend, the famous Ural industrialist Akinfiy Demidov was engaged in the production of coins, bypassing the court of Empress Elizabeth. In 2010, the reservoir was given the status natural monument.

Raspberry Lake.

The bitter-salty Raspberry Lake has been known since the time of Catherine II. Unique Feature reservoir - pinkish-crimson color of water, which is obtained due to the vital activity of special planktonic crustaceans. Since ancient times, pink salt was mined from the bottom of the lake and delivered to the court, with which the empress surprised overseas guests.

Lake Gorkoye, Novichikhinsky district of Altai.

Lake Gorkoye in the Novichikhinsky district of Altai has the status of a natural monument and is famous for its healing mud and picturesque sandy beaches. The reservoir attracts not only those wishing to improve their health, but also kitesurfing enthusiasts.

On the shore of another lake, Gorkoye, located in the Yegoryevsky district, the popular Lebyazhye sanatorium has been hospitably welcoming vacationers for a hundred years. People come here to enjoy the healing silt mud, mild climate and mineral water, similar in composition to Essentuki 17.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is surrounded by an almost flat treeless plain, and part of the coastline is indented by deep ravines. Since 1972, spa treatment has been carried out here, and the popularity of this place is explained by the particularly healing water, similar in composition to the waters of the Dead Sea.

Lake Aya.

Freshwater Lake Aya is a favorite vacation spot for many, where you can stay at one of the camp sites, swim in the summer, sail on boats and catamarans, and skate in the winter. Lake Ai is located in one of the depressions of the Altai Mountains and, according to local legend, it was formed where the Moon descended to earth to save people from a terrible cannibal.

Kolyvan Lake or simply Savvushka.

Lake Kolyvan, which the locals simply call Savvushka, is surrounded by piles of small mountain ridges of the most bizarre shape, and the lake itself will remind a person with a rich imagination of a sapphire gem enclosed in a granite frame.

Kulunda Lake.

Kulundinskoye is one of the most large lakes Altai, with an area of ​​728 km2. Its depth is only 2.5 - 3 m, but the lake never freezes, and in the summer it warms up to 25 degrees. It is not surprising that thousands of lovers of nature and picturesque landscapes strive to come here.

Everyone who travels through Siberia is sure to bring with them numerous photos of lakes in the Altai Territory, which captivate with their original beauty and diversity.