Moss lake, Sinyukha mountain, white river. Sinyukha Mountain in the Altai Territory There are bears near Sinyukha Mountain

Mount Sinyukha

Natural attraction
information updated: 05/17/2010

Property information Altai Territory, Kurinsky district, village. them. March 8

View of Mount Sinyukha On the top of the mountain

The mountain is located 56 km from the regional center of Kurya, 8 km east of the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 March. This is the most high mountain Kolyvansky ridge, it is located at the northern end of the ridge. Its height is 1210 m above sea level.
The mountain got its name not by chance: from a distance, the fir forest covering the slopes of the mountain really appears blue.

Description of Mount Sinyukha
The top of the mountain is represented by rocks, devoid of any vegetation due to weak rocky soil, on which young trees do not take root well. The mountain is dominated by round, dome-shaped shapes, and rocky outcrops are common. A beautiful panorama opens from the top of the mountain. A series of low spurs of eastern and southern strike, cut by small rivers, diverge from the main Sinyukha massif. The western end of the ridge goes far into the steppe with small ridges. Through the efforts of water and winds, the most unexpected and interesting forms of relief have been created on Sinyukha: sometimes these are arches, sometimes columns, sometimes fantastic animals. The slopes of the mountain are occupied by a fir forest; the flora of Mount Sinyukha includes 541 species of higher vascular plants, 18 of which are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.
The mountain has always attracted scientists not only from Russia, but also from the whole world with its plant and animal riches and climatic features. Famous scientists and travelers visited the slopes of the mountain: K.F. Ledebour, A. Bunge, K. Mayer, D. Messerschmidt, G.F. Miller, P.N. Krylov.


Mount Sinyukha has long been considered
place of pilgrimage. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with what many believe to be holy water. A holy spring flows on the northern slope of Mount Sinyukha. Many people, to this day, come here to drink from the holy spring.
At the beginning of the 20th century. located at the foot of the mountain convent, now in its place stands a worship cross, installed by believers in 1997. Here, after the holiday of Trinity, it is broken annually camping. Traditionally, pilgrims from the Rubtsovsky, Aleysky and Barnaul dean districts of the Barnaul-Altai diocese arrive to climb the mountain. Participants in the ascent are parishioners of Orthodox parishes, mainly young people, and, of course, the clergy.

Lake on top of Sinyukha Mountain Sinyukha

Climbing to the top of Sinyukha does not require skill or equipment - there is a comfortable gentle path to the top, surrounded by picturesque rocky outcrops of bizarre shapes. The only significant obstacle may be the typical daring wind. From the top of the mountain a beautiful panorama opens, surprising with natural contrasts: on the one hand - the Kulunda steppe, on the other - snow-capped mountain peaks. At the foot of the mountain there is a pine forest among granite placers, lakes Beloe and Mokhovoe, and the Charming rock. There are also interesting objects for fans of archaeological tourism: the settlement "Podsinyushka" (II-III centuries BC) and a group of mounds on the shore of Lake Bely (1st century BC).

In the vicinity of Mount Sinyuhi, tourists can stay at the Gornaya Kolyvan tourist center, the Bogomolov recreation center, the Kolyvan-tour tourist center, the Skala dispensary, the Zagis tourist camp.

The mysterious Mount Sinyukha will reach a height of 1210 meters with its rocky slopes covered with dense forests.

This one is the highest mountain point The ridge is under state protection in the Tigirek Nature Reserve and its name - Mount Sinyukha - is fully justified by the blue-tinged slopes on which dense fir forests grow. The top of the mountain is completely “bare” - here, due to the rocky soil, the seedlings cannot strengthen their roots to the ground, but, despite its gloomy appearance, the peak provides the traveler with the opportunity to enjoy a fantastically beautiful view of the snow-covered peaks of the majestic Altai mountains, see Lake Protocolnoe hidden by a blue haze and the endless Kulunda steppe stretching in the west.


Mount Sinyukha among amateurs natural beauty Our planet is famous for the ornateness of its relief forms, which for centuries have been created in these places by strong winds and water. In the southern and east direction Low spurs diverge from the mountain massif, cut by the mountain rivers Kamenka, Belaya, Podsinyushka and Loktevka, and it is here that fancy stone arches grow, columns created by nature rise, fantastic creatures freeze in their rock cover.

Scientists, especially botanists, are attracted by the richest plant and animal world, and climatic features Sinyukha Mountains. Here grow relict plants that have been preserved since ancient times, such as maral root, Pallas's mertensia, pink radiola, and Krylov's forget-me-not. Eighteen species of plants growing on the slopes of Mount Sinyukha are listed in the Red Book. There are corners of the mountain that botanists from all over the world consider to be a great secret. natural world our planet, unexpected discoveries that are exciting for scientists are still being made here.

Travelers will be delighted by the sight of yellow poppies, showered with white juniper flowers, over which in the summer many brightly colored butterflies flutter and the air rings with the melodious buzzing of beetles.

The bizarre relief of Sinyukha surprises with its natural formation: tightly fitting stones cover the top and high powerful walls in two semicircles, as if they created a temple, next to which there is a granite hemisphere in which water accumulates. This miraculous bowl of regular round shape has a diameter of about one meter and a depth of about 50 centimeters. Since ancient pagan times, the water in the bowl has been considered healing, capable of healing any wounds and healing from any disease. If the water is completely scooped out of the bowl, then after a little time it will again be filled with the purest water.

Ancient pagans, and in subsequent times Christians, chose Mount Sinyukha as their place of worship. An Orthodox women's monastery was built under the mountain, in which nuns lived until 1930 - that year the monastery was destroyed.

At a time when the atheistic worldview was actively promoted in Russia, the Orthodox communities of Kazakhstan and Altai gathered on the top of the mountain, this tradition has not lost its relevance today: after Trinity, believers, together with the clergy, climb Sinyukha and set up a tent camp there. Orthodox believe that if you wash your face with prayer and drink water, which is considered holy, from a granite bowl, and also bow to the cross on top, then the year will pass without illness or sorrow.

Not far from the top there is a spring, pure water who was also declared a saint. Next to the source there is an icon and signs with prayers.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

The climb to Sinyukha is not difficult, but the ascent is made difficult by the constant change of weather - the heat can quickly disappear under gusts of fierce cold winds and strong thunderstorms. The ascent is carried out in two routes:

  • Along the northwestern slope, through the Kolyvanstroy tract, not far from Lake Mokhovoy. Open on the route beautiful views, you can see a granite quarry long abandoned and abandoned by people. This route is difficult.
  • Along the north-eastern slope the route leads along a forest path from Lake Belye, where anyone can catch crucian carp. This route is characterized by a long climb. Not far from the lake you can see a group of mounds dating back to the 1st century BC, the settlement "Podsinyushka" - an archaeological site of the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC.

Special equipment and professional skills are not required to climb the mountain. The ascent can take travelers the whole day.

Where to stay

Tourists near Mount Sinyukha are hospitably greeted by the comfortable tourist centers “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolov”, you can have a good rest at the “Zagis” camping site, and the professional medical staff offers to improve your health at the “Skala” dispensary.

How to get to Mount Sinyukha

Mount Sinyukha is located in the Kurinsky district, two kilometers from the settlement of March 8, and from this settlement a dirt road leads to the foot, past lakes Mokhovoye and Beloe. You can drive along this road with any vehicle in dry weather.

Any mountain peak in Altai has unique history. Each one is surrounded by extraordinary beauty, looks powerful and mysterious.  Mount Sinyukha has long attracted attention, especially from adventure seekers. If you visit it at least once, you will want to plunge into it again. local beauties and you will certainly feel it as a sacred place.

Mount Sinyukha, Altai Territory

The mountain is the most highest point Kolyvansky ridge. Locals simply call it Sinyukha. If you look at it from afar, it gives off a slight blue color. That is why it received such a name.

Mount Sinyukha, Altai Territory, has long aroused interest from researchers. Nowadays people come here from all over the country. These are mainly geologists and natural scientists involved in the study.

Not far from it there is a stone-cutting factory. The fact is that back in the 18th century, rocks that were highly valued were mined here. I would like to hope that the mountainous hills will not lose their attractiveness due to the abundant work of the plant.

The height of the mountain is 1210 meters. It is located in the southernmost part of Altai. This explains its amazingly diverse world of vegetation. Here you can find plants that cannot be seen anywhere else.

Land of pilgrims

If you pay attention to the photo of Mount Sinyukha, you will be amazed by its beauty. However, she is famous not only for this. This is a place of pilgrimage for thousands of Orthodox Christians. Some believe that Mount Sinyukha is a temple located far from civilization. Here you can easily plunge into deep thoughts and think about the meaning of life.

About twenty years ago, the top of the mountain was changed - a cross was installed on it. Very close by is a kind of natural bowl. It’s not for nothing that the mountain is called sacred. The fact is that the water in the bowl has powerful energy. It is always fresh, clean and tasty.

The rocks that crown the peak have bizarre shapes. From a distance it may seem that they are made in the form of walls and columns. Therefore, people close to hoaxes and religions tell legends about deities who once lived in this area.

Every year, pilgrims head here immediately after the end of Trinity. Anyone can climb the mountain to cleanse the soul and drink water from a source that is considered holy. Many are sure that this will help get rid of diseases and be healthy throughout the coming year.

If you want to climb the mountain, you will have a lot of fun. Three centuries ago, pioneers began to describe the slopes. If earlier the routes were quite difficult, now they are noticeably simplified and accessible to many.

First you should get to the village of Kolyvan, or the village of Eighth March. Then choose one of the routes – northwestern or northeastern.

The local population is of the opinion that everything around is subordinate to the spirits of nature who live on the top of the mountain. This is probably why the mountain has a capricious disposition, as if it were a woman. It can be clear and sunny, but after a few minutes it turns cold and gloomy. Then, towards evening, it regains its radiance.

Each of mountain peaks Altai is unique. They combine pristine beauty and mysterious power. Mountain Malaya Sinyukha has attracted not only travelers since ancient times. Those who have visited it are sure that the peak is sacred. Why is this happening? What secret does Sinyukha (mountain) keep? We'll talk about this further.

general information

The highest point of the Kolyvan ridge in the Kurinsky district is popularly called Sinyukha. It’s not difficult to guess what this name is connected with. At an altitude of 1210 meters the air is already a little thin. Therefore, from a distance, a high hill covered with virgin forest takes on a slightly bluish tint.

Interest in the summit has been shown more than once. And now she hosts people of various classes. First of all, these are naturalists and geologists. Near the mountain there is a famous stone-cutting factory. Since the beginning of the 18th century, it has been known that the rock mined here is of particular value. They began to actively process it.

Mount Sinyukha (height - 1210 m) is located in the very south of the Altai Territory, which explains its unusually rich vegetable world. The fabulous relief never ceases to amaze. And you will not see those trees and flowers that are found on the slopes anywhere else. Most of them are very rare. They are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Land of pilgrimage

But the most big secret Sinyukha hides in its depths. The mountain is a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of Orthodox believers. This is a kind of temple open air, allowing you not only to touch the heavens, but also to think about existence, admiring the surroundings from above.

In 1997, a holy cross was installed on the top. Here the rock protrudes in such a way that it forms an unusual granite bowl of regular round shape. The real Grail! And since the mountain is considered sacred, the water here has colossal energy. Despite the fact that it feeds on melted snow and rainfall, being in a stagnant state, the liquid never deteriorates or goes out. The granite bowl is large. But thanks to the crystal purity of the water, you can see its most hidden depths.

At the top, the rocks, under the influence of the wind, acquired a completely unusual shape. From a distance it seems that these are real walls and columns. Some clergy even retell the legend of a deity who lived in this dilapidated “house”. Now the pilgrimage to the peak is carried out annually after the holiday of the Holy Trinity. Everyone, together with the clergy, climbs the mountain to cleanse the soul and drink from the holy spring. It is believed that after this there will be no illnesses for a whole year, and your soul will feel lighter.


Sinyukha boasts stunning flora: the mountain simply amazes with its vegetation. We can say that it has come to us since prehistoric times. Somewhere between the era of dinosaurs and the Ice Age, all of Altai was covered with forests like those on the slope of Mount Sinyukha. These are unusual green areas. There are no usual larch and cedar here. But bird cherry, rowan, galangal and even the beautiful viburnum sprout in abundance. It is surprising that it is in this part that plants from that ancient era have been preserved. Now they are considered relict and need special protection. These are Pallas's mertensia, Krylov's forget-me-not, Rhodiola rosea, and poppy.


Mount Sinyukha (Altai Territory) is attractive at any time of the year. Descriptions of its slopes are found in the works of pioneers back in the early 18th century. Now the routes are quite simple and do not pose much difficulty. You can get to the beginning of the walking path from the village of Kolyvan (8 km) or the village of 8 March (2 km). Then there are two route options - along the northwestern or northeastern slope. Mount Sinyukha (Altai) is located in the Kuryinsky district. How to get to the nearest villages? Arrive by bus or car. You can stay overnight at the “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolets” camps. The Zagis campsite is located on the lake.

Northwestern route

The first path is considered more interesting. The route passes along several attractions. The Kolyvanstroy tract is the first to be encountered. The first factory specializing in copper smelting was located here in the 18th century. It existed until the 60s of the last century, mining tungsten and molybdenum. Further along the path there is beautiful lake Mokhovoe. Even higher is an abandoned granite quarry. Here tourists definitely take a break, because from this place you can admire the black taiga growing on the slopes of the mountains. The first path is very colorful. First you need to walk along an abandoned road, and then make your way along a narrow forest path through majestic trees and dense thicket.

Northeast route

This route begins its journey from Lake Beloye. The road immediately leads into a virgin forest. The difficulty can only be created by the long climb that awaits beyond the lake. But for those who are accustomed to difficulties, this is not a problem. But here you can see several mounds. Their age dates back to the 3rd-1st century BC. These are archaeological monuments of the first settlers who were engaged in the extraction and processing of metals in Altai. There was even the first village of artisans here.

In the Middle Ages, a convent arose on the site of the settlement. It lasted until Soviet times. And at the beginning of the last century it was destroyed. Now there is a memorial sign in this place. Another important monument sacred culture is a holy source. It is located a little north of the monastery. This point is a must for pilgrims.

The power of spirits

Local residents are sure that all natural forces are controlled by spirits living on a peak called Sinyukha. The mountain is capricious, like a woman. In one day her mood changes several times. One moment it is sunny and clear, and half an hour later it is already gloomy and cold. By evening the peak shines again, but a bad word or look - and it is already raging, sending gusts of wind towards the village and

Therefore, residents of adjacent settlements very superstitious. They are sure that before starting the ascent it is necessary to appease the mountain by turning to the spirits. If you choose this weekend route, remember that your success depends on the power of prayer. Light a fire, brew a delicious lunch and hot tea, sing a song about happiness. And then luck and good weather will become faithful and reliable companions.

The natural monument “Mount Sinyukha” was created in 1998. It is of interest for the protection of typical natural biogeocenoses, scientific research, for recreation (a place of rest and pilgrimage), and has great aesthetic significance.

The mountain is located 56 km from the regional center of the village. Kurya, 8 km east of the village. Kolyvan and 5.5 km south of the village. March 8. The area of ​​the natural monument is 453 hectares. The border of the monument runs along the base of the mountain along its entire perimeter through an altitude of 920 m.

Mount Sinyukha (1280 m) is located at the northern end of the Kolyvan ridge and is its highest point. When climbing to the top, a beautiful panorama opens up, allowing you to trace the various natural communities in its surroundings: on the one hand, the foothill steppe, on the other, the mountain black taiga. The upper part of the mountain slope is composed of outcrops of gray mattress-shaped granite, forming bizarre rock piles. On the slopes of northern exposure, colluvial loams are most developed; on the slopes of southern exposure, bedrock comes to the surface.

The slopes of Sinyukha are covered with a fir forest with an admixture of aspen, under the canopy of which there are relict plants of Miocene-Pliocene broad-leaved forests, including: European undergrowth (Sanicula europaea), fragrant bedstraw ( Galium odoratum), Krylov's bedstraw (Galium krylovii), forest cleaner (Stachys sylvatica), forget-me-not Krylova (Myosotis krylovii), forest shortleg (Brachypodium sylvaticum). Just below the peak, under the rocks, despite the low absolute height, subalpine meadows with broadleaf bitterweed are developed (Saussurea latifolia), maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides), Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea). In the shadow of the rocks cortuza altai grows ( Cortus altaica), and endemic and vulnerable species - Mertensia Pallas (Mertensia pallasii). At the top there are communities with species characteristic of high mountains: Altai snakehead (Dracocephalum altaiense), cold cinquefoil (Potentilla gelida), Serpukha cold (Serratula algida), two-flowered violet (Viola biflora), spring minuartia (Minuartia verna), false grayish poppy (Papaver pseudocanescens).

The flora of Sinyukha includes more than 550 species of higher vascular plants. 18 of them are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory (2006) (Athyrium distentifolium), mountain bladderwort (Cystopteris montana), Altai onion (Allium altaicum), long-involucre cape (Bupleurum longiinvolucratum), European undergrowth (Sanicula europaea), altai gymnosperm (Gymnospermium altaicum), eutrema entireifolia (Eutrema integrifolium), Mertensia Pallas (Mertensia pallasii), Siberian kandyk (Erythronium sibiricum), variegated tulip (Tulipa heteropetala), lady's slipper drip (Cypripedium guttatum), Baltic palmate root (Dactylorhiza baltica), Primrose Bunge (Primula bungeana); resource species include maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides), Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea), male shieldweed (Dryopteris filix-mas), evasive peony (Paeonia anomala), Altai rhubarb (Rheum altaicum). In addition, another unique species lives on the top of the mountain - Fischer's violet ( Viola fischeri), endemic to Western Altai (Red Book..., 2006).

Tourism has the most noticeable impact on vegetation cover. Two to three thousand people climb to the small peak of Sinyukha during the summer. Rare and beautifully flowering, unusual alpine plants on the top of the mountain are pulled out into bouquets and simply trampled. Golden and maral roots are dug up for medicinal raw materials.

Mount Sinyukha is revered in Altai as a shrine. The tradition of pilgrimage to its peak arose more than 250 years ago. After the celebration of Trinity, believers, reading prayers, climbed the mountain in the hope that this will help their desires come true. To this day, the mountain serves as a place of annual pilgrimage.

The general impression of tourist and recreational attractiveness of the natural monument is created by granite outcrops on the day surface weird shape(in the form of palace columns, fantastic animals), rare and endangered plant species, streams at the foot, mosaic landscape features. At the foot of Sinyukha there are archaeological sites: the settlement "Podsinyushka" (II-III centuries BC) and a group of mounds on the shore of the lake. Bely (1st century BC - 1st century).

The following is prohibited on the territory of the natural monument: forest cutting; procurement and collection of medicinal plants; exploration and mining; construction of buildings, structures, power lines, other communications, ski resorts And ski slopes; imploding works; pollution and littering of the territory, storage and burial of any waste; passage and parking of all types of transport; lighting fires, burning fires and burning vegetation; implementation of any kind economic activity, which has a negative impact on environment and leading to degradation and (or) destruction of a natural object.