Where is Mount Altai located? Altai mountains. Altai Mountains: general characteristics

There are many corners of nature in the world that simply amaze the imagination with their beauty. One of such places is It is located in the southeastern part. In the east, the region is surrounded by the Salair Ridge - a mostly flat area dotted with numerous low hills. As you move to the southeast, the terrain gradually changes. Endless Plains come close to the majestic ones. To say that they are beautiful is to say nothing.

Altai Mountains is the pride of the world. Translated from the ancient Turkic “Altai” sounds like “ golden mountain"or "mountain of gold." Looking at these giants, I want to believe that this is really so. This is the largest in Siberia mountain range. It harmoniously combines snow-capped peaks and picturesque green slopes, silent hills and seething mountain rivers with crystal clear clean water. The altitude of the area ranges from 500 to 2000 meters above sea level. The depths of the fabulous Altai Territory rich in various minerals. Copper, zinc, gold, lead, silver - this is only a small part of what the local land contains. A lot of decorative building materials, as well as rare ornamental materials, are mined in the region. Rich deposits of jasper and quartzite are known throughout the world. And soda reserves are the largest in the world. This further emphasizes the importance of the region for our entire country.

The Altai mountains are cut by small rivers, which, smoothly descending to the plain, form lakes. One of them (Teletskoye) is even under the protection of the world organization UNESCO. Along it east coast there is a reserve where many live. Among them is the famous

There is a legend that the Altai Mountains were formed more than 400 million years ago. Then, under the influence of the forces of nature, they were completely destroyed, and only 350 million years later did what we see now appear. Ancient giants, shrouded in a blanket of snow, rise majestically above the green, hilly plain. The Altai Mountains attract the attention of many lovers of heights. Numerous climbers come here to test their strength by climbing steep rocky areas. Those who are lucky will be able to enjoy the wonderful landscape from a bird's eye view.

Despite the fact that in the Altai Territory there is a two-pointed Belukha, which rises 4.5 thousand meters above sea level, most climbers do not strive here at all. They are attracted by a completely different peak - Mount Sinyukha. The Altai region is famous precisely because of it. The height of this beauty is only 1210 meters. On the territory of the Kolyvan ridge located here, this is the most high point. But that’s not what makes her interesting. If you look at the mountain from a distance, it appears blue. This is due to the dense vegetation. Maybe that’s why they called her that - “Sinyukha”. In the immediate vicinity of this mountain there are two of the most famous lakes in Altai: Mokhovoe and Beloe. At the foot of the massif a birch grove begins. Tourists climb up the path. The road gradually becomes more difficult. The sunny birch forest gradually changes to harsh taiga fir thickets. A few hours of climbing - and the long-awaited peak, surrounded by granite rocks, opens up. One of them has an iron cross. In the very center of the peak there is a block of granite with a bowl-shaped depression filled with water. Since ancient times, people believed that if you climb to the top of Sinyukha, wash yourself with water from a bowl and pray at the iron cross, then for a whole year all problems will bypass you and your soul will be at peace. The mountain has long been a place of pilgrimage for Christians. And even now many believe in the ancient legend.

The capital of the Altai Territory is the city of Barnaul. Its history goes back just over 200 years. This is not so much, but the city is rapidly developing and gaining strength. During its existence, it suffered earthquakes and floods, wars and destruction. Residents sacredly honor the memory of the past, which is preserved in numerous museums. Modern Barnaul is a city of contrasts. Against the backdrop of wide avenues and multi-storey buildings, ancient buildings have been preserved, reminiscent of bygone years.

The road to Altai lies through Barnaul. Crowds of people strive to see with their own eyes the endless expanses of mountains and forests of indescribable beauty, swim in the purest lakes and breathe the fresh air of Altai meadows.

Altai Mountains grade 4 report is presented in this article.

Message about the Altai Mountains

Altai Mountains geographical location

These majestic mountains represent a very complex system of all Siberian ranges. They are separated by river valleys, vast intermountain and intramountain basins. They are mainly located on the territory of the Altai Republic and a smaller part in Eastern Altai. This mountain system is divided into Southwestern Altai, Eastern Altai, Southeastern Altai, Northwestern Altai, Central Altai, Northeastern Altai and Northern Altai.

Why are Altai called the golden mountains?

From the Turkic languages ​​the word “Altyn” is translated as “golden”. In the evening, if you look closely, you can see how the rays of the sun at sunset give the mountain tops a magical, golden glow. But there is a less beautiful version. Gold was mined and washed out near the mountain, in its rivers and lakes. This is where their second name comes from.

Relief of the Altai Mountains

In the mountains, the relief is varied - there are mid-mountain, high-mountain, low-mountain, areas of intermountain basins and ancient plains. Low mountains from an elevation of 500 m smoothly pass to heights of 2000 m. The mountain system was formed at the site of the slope of the ancient plain and glaciers dissected by winds and water. The ridges are fan-shaped from the north west to the south east. The peaks of Altai are flat, less often rounded and flat.

The main forms of relief are carlings and peaks, trough valleys, cirques, lake basins, ridges, moraine hills, screes, landslides, and solifluction formations.

Climate of the Altai Mountains

The mountain system is characterized by a moderate, sharply continental climate with a pronounced contrast between the warm short and long cold seasons of the year. The climate of the Altai Mountains is influenced by the relief. It forms a certain climatic zonation, consisting of a low-mountain climate zone, a mid-mountain climate zone, and a high-mountain climate zone. Also, relief features affect hydration. Moist, sea air comes from the west, which is blocked by the mountains, so more precipitation falls on their western slopes. But on back side, on the eastern slopes an arid climate prevails, because humid air practically does not reach here.

Flora and fauna of the Altai Mountains

In the mountains, the rather sparse and monotonous vegetation is represented by subalpine and alpine meadows, on which columbine, anemone, anemone, gentians, forget-me-nots, poppies, mytniks, and waterworts grow. In the mountain tundra belt you can find low-growing willows and birches, lichens and partridge grass. There is no vegetation on the high mountain ridges.

Among the animals that live here are the corsac fox, manul cat, gazelle antelope, tolai hare, ruffed duck, saja, bustard, remez, griffon vulture, black vulture, saker falcon, pearl snapper, reindeer,

  • In the mountains there is Lake Teletskoye, filled with 40 km 3 of fresh, clean water. It is so transparent here that at a depth of up to 15 m you can see the bottom.
  • The Altai Mountains are the cleanest region Russian Federation. In their area there is no railways and industrial enterprises.
  • There are 1402 glaciers in the mountains, which cover an area of ​​910 km2. These are giant reservoirs of fresh water.
  • The rivers that flow in the mountains amazingly change their color at different times of the year.

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In the southeast Western Siberia Mountain Altai is located with the Mountain Shoria and Kuznetsk Alatau adjoining it from the north. Part of the Altai Mountains extends into the territory of Kazakhstan, and part is located on the territory of Mongolia and China. Altai is a complex system of ridges up to 4500 m high. The highest point of these mountains - the mountain - has two peaks: Eastern (4506 m) and Western (4460 m). The entire massif is composed of durable crystalline schists and gneisses. In ancient times, about 300 million years ago, during the Paleozoic era, the first uplift of the Altai mountainous country occurred. Over time, the mountains collapsed and turned almost into a plain. About 25 million years ago, in many places around the globe, the earth's crust began to move again. Many old destroyed mountains began to rise again. Altai has also become younger. During the movement, the earth's crust cracked, some of its sections rose, others sank. This is how the Altai mountain system with its high ridges and deep gorges was formed. The tectonic process continues today. The latest evidence of this was the strongest Chui earthquake in recent decades, with a magnitude of 7.3, which occurred on September 27, 2003. By luck, there were no casualties, but almost 2 thousand residential buildings were destroyed, and serious damage was sustained.
As soon as the mountains rose, snow began to accumulate on their tops. Such snow tops are called squirrels. Huge accumulations of snow in high ridges Altai gave rise to glaciers that feed numerous mountain rivers carrying their waters to the very long river Russia - Ob.

Altai is a mountainous country

From an airplane flying over Altai, endless mountains are visible below, reminiscent of a petrified sea. Low and dark from the forests growing on them in the north, to the south they become higher and higher.

The Altai region is cut through by a dense network of rivers and streams. All rivers in the region belong to the Ob basin. The largest of them are Biya, Katun, Argut, Chuya, Chumysh, Alei. Most mountain rivers are unsuitable for navigation due to rapid currents and rapids. Many of them have waterfalls. At the end of October, the rivers freeze and remain frozen until the end of April. There are few fish in them.
There are many lakes in the Altai Mountains, the largest - Teletskoye and Markakol (Kazakhstan) - are located in basins tectonic origin. Mountain lakes are covered with a layer of ice up to 100 cm thick, which often persists until the end of June.
The Altai valleys are covered with coniferous forests (larch, cedar, pine, fir) with an admixture of deciduous trees. Berry bushes (raspberries, currants, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn) and medicinal plants (golden and maral root) grow in abundance. Rich and varied animal world: here you can find bear, lynx, fox, sable, musk deer, deer and many other animals. There are many species of birds in Altai: wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, nutcracker, etc. The high mountain zone has its own special fauna: the Altai pika, mountain goat, snow leopard, yak and other animals are found here. In the intermountain basins there are high-mountain steppes: Kurai, Chui and others. Various crops are grown and livestock graze on their fertile lands.
The edge is not deprived and natural resources. For example, its hydropower potential is estimated at 80 billion kWh. Of the mineral resources, deposits of polymetallic ores, gold, mercury, antimony, tungsten, manganese, iron, marble, ornamental stones, and brown coal are especially important. And the picturesque views of the areas of lakes Teletskoye and Markakol and the valley of the Katun River, the beauty of the high-mountain landscapes attract thousands of tourists and climbers to these places. To preserve the nature of Altai, two reserves have been created: Altai and Markakol.


Average height of the Altai Mountains: 2500 m.

The most high peak: Mount Belukha (Eastern peak, 4506 m).

Length mountain range: more than 2000 km.

Climate and weather

Climate Gorny Altai much cooler and wetter than on the neighboring plains of southern Western Siberia, in the highlands it becomes very cold and wet.

In summer, the air temperature in the mountains is from +10ºС to +18ºС, in winter -28ºС.


■ 32 glaciers descend from Mount Belukha alone. They give rise to the Katun River, the source of the great Ob.
■ The first conquest of the Eastern peak of Mount Belukha almost ended in tragedy. In 1914, the Tronov brothers climbed the mountain, but due to carelessness, they fell off on a steep icy slope. Fortunately, both climbers got stuck in the loose snow and survived.
■ Altai glaciers were first studied by Professor V.V. Sapozhnikov, who from 1895 to 1911 made nine trips to the Russian and Mongolian Altai.
■ There are about 1,500 glaciers in the Altai highlands. The glaciation area exceeds 900 km 2 .
■ In the basins of the Altai Mountains, due to air stagnation, very low winter (up to -35ºС) and rather high summer (up to +25ºС) temperatures with little precipitation are observed.

■ In the mountain taiga zone, maral breeding state farms have been created. Deer horns and antlers are used to make medicines.

Altai– a beautiful region famous for its nature. Majestic mountains This region attracts tourists from all over the world. The Altai Mountains are the most high mountains in Siberia, separated mountain rivers and pits. The mountain system passes through four countries: Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the ridges are located mainly in the Altai Republic and in the Altai Territory.

The magnificent Altai Mountains were formed about 500 million years ago. But due to climate change, earthquakes and ice ages, about 60 million years ago the mountains were severely destroyed and acquired a completely different appearance, which we can observe today. The Altai Mountains are heterogeneous in their relief. There are three main groups here: plains, mid-mountain and glacial high-mountain relief. 2000 meters is the average height of the mountains. The highest point in Altai is Mount Belukha, its height is 4506 meters.

The Altai Mountains are unique, and have been on the list since 1998 World Heritage UNESCO.


Belukha is the highest point of Altai, recognized as the geographical center of Eurasia - it is equidistant from three oceans. This mountain has never been just a mountain, but has always represented a sacred place. The ancient Altai people of Kadyn-Bazhi believed that a terrible demon lived in the mountain, who would kill everyone who tried to climb this mountain. This is what explained the regular avalanches and rockfalls caused by the earthquake.

In contrast, Buddhists believe that it is at the top of Mount Belukha that the entrance to the mythical land of the sages, Shambhala, is hidden.

They first tried to climb to the top of Belukha back in the 19th century, but this turned out to be impossible due to constant rockfalls and avalanches. The first ascent of the mountain in history took place only in 1914 by Mikhail and Boris Tronov.

Ukok Plateau

The Ukok plateau is considered the meeting point of the borders of four states - Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Incredible nature, thousands of small rivers and reservoirs attract tourists from all over the world to visit this place. This plateau is famous big amount cultural monuments. Rock paintings, burial mounds, stone sculptures. “Princess of Ukok” is the main find in this area. This is the mummy of a 25-year-old woman found here in 1993. Tattoos on her skin, as well as horses, gold, and household items buried with her, give the right to claim that she was a very noble woman. Archaeologists, historians, and art historians still continue to study this incredibly picturesque place.

Altai Mountains brief information.

If you ask schoolchildren about the most famous mountains of Altai, everyone without hesitation will name Belukha. Belukha is a symbol, it is a brand, many even recognize it in the photograph by its two peaks. But Altai is not limited to Belukha alone.

The Altai Mountains are not the highest in the world. This is not the Himalayas, and not the Pamirs. But this is a real mountainous country, which stretches from northwest to southeast for 2000 kilometers and occupies an area larger than Ukraine or France. Four countries can boast of their Altai - Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. And of course, in the Altai mountains, more than half of which are occupied by peaks from 800 to 2000 meters, there are outstanding, much more high peaks. Including on the territory of the Altai Republic. By the way, in the Altai Territory the highest point is the Shangina Lighthouse - 2490 meters in the Charysh district.

Belukha Photo: AiF / Viktor Krutov

Belukha (4509 meters)

The highest point of Siberia on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan. Lost climbers have been returned more than once from the territory of a neighboring state. The border between China and Mongolia is also close, so to stay near the mountain you need permission from the border service.

Belukha has clearly defined two peaks - Eastern (4509 meters) and Western (4435 meters). But there is also a third peak - Delone Peak (4260 meters), which forms a single mountain range with Belukha. Belukha has several names. Altaians call it - Uch-Sumer - “three-headed sacred mountain" The second Altai name is Kadyn-Bazhy - “the head of the lady” or “the main mountain”.

Belukha, located at the same distance from three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian - is the central peak of Eurasia. The brothers Mikhail and Boris Tronov were the first to conquer the summit of Belukha from the southern side.

The first ascent of Belukha was made on July 26, 1914, and this year is considered the beginning of mountaineering in Altai. In 1933, an expedition led by Vitaly Abalakov reached the top of Belukha for the first time from the more difficult northern side - from the Altai side. In 1936, the Western peak of Belukha was also conquered.

Despite its “modest” growth compared to Everest, climbing Belukha is difficult and can be dangerous. Every year people die and go missing. Quite often the mountain simply “does not allow” climbers - not every trip to Belukha is successful even for experienced climbers. Due to the fact that Belukha is located to the north of many mountainous countries, climbing it can probably be compared to conquering six-thousanders in the Pamirs or seven-thousanders in the Himalayas.

Ma'ashei Bash (4173 meters)

The peak is located on the North Chuisky ridge. The Mashey glacier and stone placers descend from the mountain. The slope is composed of tuffs and lavas, clayey and siliceous shales. South part The peak ends with a steep wall, and the western slope gradually decreases to 3600 meters. The summit is accessible only to experienced climbers. The minimum category of climbing difficulty is 3A - an average level in mountaineering, with overcoming significant rocky and ice-snow areas and mandatory piton belay. The most popular approach to the summit is from the Maashey River valley. But climbers have to carry a lot of weight on themselves, since there are no approaches to the mountain that are convenient for horses.

Tavan-Bogdo-Ula Photo: Wikipedia

Tavan-Bogdo-Ula (4082 meters)

The top of the Tavan-Bogdo-Ula peak at 4082 meters is the junction point of the borders of Russia, Mongolia, and China. Due to the inaccessibility of this peak, covered with eternal snow, the bordering states agreed not to install a border marker on it. It is believed that it is extremely difficult to reach the top. Technically, climbing it is easier than many other four-thousand-meter peaks in Altai, but due to its inaccessibility, the price of an individual climbing tour can be twice as high as climbing Belukha - up to 140 thousand rubles instead of 70 thousand rubles.

Aktru (4044 meters)

One of the main peaks of the North Chuysky ridge in the southeastern part of the Altai Republic, on the territory of the Kosh-Agach region. Aktru, translated from the Altai language, means “white house”. The slopes of Aktru are covered with glaciers, from which the river of the same name originates, passing through the Kurai steppe and flowing into the Chuya River.

Climbers climb to the top of Aktru by three main routes: along the South-Eastern ridge from the glacier - this is a route of simple difficulty category, along the East ridge from the glacier - medium difficulty category and along the Eastern wall - above average difficulty.

The Aktru region is one of the main centers of mountaineering in Altai. There are many routes of varying difficulty - for beginners and professionals. The mountaineering camp located in the gorge of the same name was first organized back in 1938, and from 1953 until the 1970s it was the main sports base training of climbers of Siberia.

Irbistu Photo: Wikipedia / Alexandr Frolov

Irbistu (3967 meters)

The highest point of the South Chuysky ridge is the “mountain of snow leopards”. On the slopes of the South Chuya ridge, in contrast to the North Chuya, there is practically no forest - only meadows and thickets of dwarf birch. Thanks to this, many peaks offer a beautiful view of 30-50 kilometers around, picturesque panoramas of the harsh Chuya steppe, Katunsky and North Chuya ridges. It is believed that the mountain is convenient for climbing, since the route along the western ridge is possible for beginner climbers, and there are no long approaches to the mountain.

Iiktu Photo: Wikipedia / Alexandr Frolov

Iiktu (3936 meters)

Iiktu is the peak of the South Chuya ridge. From the mountainside to northeast direction one of the largest glaciers of the Altai region descends mountain system- Big Taldurinsky. Administratively, the peak is located in the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Republic. Iiktu from Altai means “sacred mountain”. The first ascent to the summit along the eastern wall was made by the group of Vitaly Abalakov in 1933. We finished it in five hours. In 1937, a specially organized school of 33 mountaineering instructors installed a bust of Vladimir Lenin on the summit.

Like Maashey-Bash, it requires good preparation from the climber, but due to its inaccessibility it is not very popular - you need to walk more than 17 kilometers from the village of Dzhazator.

Janiiktu Photo: Wikipedia / Alexandr Frolov

Janiiktu (3922 meters)

The peak with a regular dome is considered sacred for one of the tribes of the Altai people. Also translated as “sacred mountain” or “mountain of the great spirit.” According to one legend, it served the role of an ark during a long-standing great cataclysm. Dzhaniiktu is a noticeable landmark in the area - it looks like it dominates the entire South Chuya ridge and is also of interest to climbers.