Cool holiday at sea. Rating of the best holiday destinations in Russia. Eastern and Western Sayans. Eastern Siberia

Most pleasant stay at sea

Summer is getting closer, it's time to think about where to spend it. Just in anticipation summer season we have compiled a rating of the best places for a beach holiday in Europe, Russia and exotic countries. Don't know where to go? Meet us!

Where should you not go?

  • Leave aside European resorts that offer holidays on the Black Sea. The service there, of course, is higher than domestic, but the sea is the same, and pricing policy quite comparable to resorts Mediterranean Sea or the Indian Ocean.
  • You should not go to those countries that seem unsafe to you: Thailand, India, Bangladesh. And if you decide to go there, choose your location and hotel carefully.
  • To resorts where there is at least a hint of an unfriendly attitude towards Russians. Your holiday could turn into a nightmare, so read reviews carefully.
  • To countries where you will have to overpay. Prefer Montenegro to holidays in Croatia, choose the Philippines instead of Thailand, and prefer Grenada to the Bahamas. There you will find everything the same, but much cheaper.

Rating of the best places for a beach holiday

Country, city

Number of days

Approximate price for a family of 2 people

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete

from 750 euros

Montenegro, Budva

from 770 euros

Spain, Mallorca

from 1100 euros

Italy, Calabria

from 680 euros

The best beach holidays in exotic countries

Cuba, o. Cayo Largo

from 1000 euros

Malaysia, o. Borneo

from 1600 euros

India, Goa

from 950 euros

Bali, Tanjung Benoa

from 920 euros

The best beach holiday in Russia

from 25 thousand rubles


from 49 thousand rubles

from 60 thousand rubles

from 42 thousand rubles

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete


Crete is the most popular place in Greece, where our tourists prefer to go on vacation. If you travel on your own, you can easily spend a modest amount and have a great time both on the beach and on excursions.

  • clear sea, sandy beach;
  • excellent European service, friendly staff;
  • rich history Greece will not let you get bored during your vacation.


  • you need to get a visa.

Advice: if you don’t want to go to Crete in the heat of the day, choose either June or September for your vacation.
Reviews from vacationers on Crete:
"Greece is perfect place, I went for the third time! Satisfied!
“This year we vacationed near Heraklion and traveled eastern part Krita. I’m really tempted to return to Crete and see the west (they say it’s even better!).”

Montenegro, Budva


Those who decide to relax at sea abroad for the first time are advised to go to Montenegro. The price-quality ratio is obvious here, and there are many advantages to vacationing in distant countries. Also, many people prefer Montenegro to Bulgaria due to the fact that the Adriatic Sea is here, not the Black Sea.


  • prices for almost everything are acceptable, Bulgaria and Croatia are much more expensive;
  • similar mentality, there is no language and cultural barrier;
  • no visa required;
  • The beach is both small pebble and sandy.



  • It’s better to stay not in Budva itself, but in nearby villages, for example, in the village. Language There are fewer people on the beach and prices are even lower;
  • The best time for a holiday is June.

Reviews from vacationers in Budva:
“Great big beach in the village. Language There are small pebbles on one side and sand on the other. In Budva itself on the beach it’s terrible, there are tons of people, so we really chose best option for us."
“As for the food, I’ll say that we spent lunch and dinner on the embankment. We took shawarma for 3 euros (they have such huge portions), personally it lasted me until 9 pm. Beer - 1.5 euros, chicken in pita bread - 3 euros, expensive tea - 3 euros, ice cream - 1.5 euros (also a large portion). There is also a small one - 0.5 cents.”

Spain, Mallorca


The popular resort island in the Mediterranean Sea is chosen by people with above-average incomes. Spain is a rather expensive country, so a holiday here will cost a pretty penny.

  • excellent European service;
  • beaches for every taste: sandy and rocky, clear sea;
  • the richest culture of Spain.


  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Mallorca:
“We vacationed in the Cala D’or area - this is southern part islands, a few tens of kilometers from the capital Palma de Mallorca, in my opinion - good place for a relaxing, family holiday, unlike areas located near Palma.”
“The island resembles a miniature Spain. Here you can find a beach for every taste and color... You can also decide on the issue of privacy: you can go to very noisy beaches or visit a secluded beach where there are very few people.”

Italy, Calabria


Calabria, which is located on the “toe” Italian boot, perfect for beach lovers. There are not many attractions here, but low prices, beautiful beaches and clear seas.


  • inexpensive hotels and life in general;
  • clean sea, sandy beaches;
  • excellent infrastructure and European service.


  • basically nothing to see;
  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Calabria:
“If the beach, the sea, or just relaxation are more important, it’s better in Calabria. There are quite long and wide sandy beaches, a good clean sea... Not many people. And prices in hotels and restaurants are lower there.”
“Calabria in the Tropea region (there is a very beautiful sea and good and relatively inexpensive hotels with own beaches) is more suitable for a relaxing beach holiday.”

The best beach holidays in exotic countries

India, Goa


Goa evokes conflicting impressions among different people: some say that their holiday in Goa was unforgettable, while others remember it as a boring time spent surrounded by cows and dirty water. If you are used to Turkish all-inclusive, a holiday in Goa is not for you.


  • exoticism that will be remembered for a long time;
  • low prices (if you do not take 5* hotels);
  • rich culture of India.


  • the sea can be dirty depending on the season;
  • long flight (non-stop - 7-8 hours).


  • relax on Goa is better from December to March;
  • choose your hotel carefully, as in any exotic country;
  • refrain from holidaying in Goa with children. Many tourists take children with them, but it is not safe.

Reviews from vacationers in Goa:
“Unique nature, excellent climate. We were there at the end of December. The weather was about +30, +32, but it was not stuffy. And the water was always equally warm!”
“When counting the money spent on food, it turned out that food, just food, for two of us for 9 days, including lunches and dinners, cost us 6,000 rubles. for two. I think it’s not expensive at all, provided that you eat what you want, when you want and in any quantities.”

Cuba, o. Cayo Largo


The island of Cayo Largo is famous for its gorgeous beaches and clear sea. Russians are treated very well here, unlike the Dominican Republic, so you can safely plan your trip.


Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: It’s better to go to Cuba in the spring, i.e. from March to May (sometimes June).

Reviews from vacationers on the island. Cayo Largo:
“We liked it. The weather is very comfortable, there is always a breeze, so it is not hot. The sea, the beach, the sand are just some cartoonish color, everything is somehow unreal.”
“This is a wonderful place, simply fabulous! The sea - it is impossible to describe its beauty! Sand - it is impossible to describe its whiteness! Palm trees are tall! Dolphins are friendly!”

Bali, Tanjung Benoa


Bali has places for both quiet and noisy holidays. In Tanjung Benoa, the holiday is just measured, calm, which is suitable for married couples who prefer to bask on the beach.


  • exotic atmosphere for those who want something unusual;
  • friendly hotel staff;
  • you can live quite cheaply;
  • rich culture of local people;
  • The visa is issued upon arrival at the airport.


  • beaches are not always clean;
  • lack of attractions.


  • Don't go to Bali if you care about clean sand and crystal water. But if you want to bring exoticism into your life, go there;
  • From November to the end of March in Bali is the rainy season, it is better to choose a different time for your vacation.

Reviews from vacationers in Tanjung Benoa:
“Bali did not disappoint one bit. This is very special place, with a very special atmosphere, nature. I want to go back there again and again, or even better, not to leave there at all... This place needs to be felt, felt, lived, with its not always clean ocean, beaches not with white sand, lack of architecture...”
“We lived in Novotel Benoa 4* (Tanjung Benoa): a quiet place, along the street there are small (and inexpensive) restaurants - we chose one of them and had dinner there every evening.”

Malaysia, o. Borneo


Malaysia is preferred by those who like to lie on the beach and sunbathe. However, there are also many interesting sights, the inspection of which will diversify your holiday.


  • a large island, you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also get acquainted with local life;
  • clean sea and sandy beaches;
  • you can go diving;
  • no visa required.

Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: it’s better to go to o. Borneo from April to October.

Quiet places to relax abroad. Where to relax without a crowd?

Not a fan of noisy cities? Do you consider London, Paris, Bangkok, New York, Singapore to be big cities bustling with the invasion of tourists that cannot bring you the pleasure of a long-awaited vacation? Are you looking for calm, peaceful places, forgotten by a curious public craving only spectacles, but at the same time do not want to deprive yourself of interesting historical and cultural attractions? Then there is no need to go to the busiest resort epicenters; it is enough to opt for calmer, but at the same time no less interesting places for a relaxing holiday.

Wild, remote and windswept, the Faroe Islands are no stranger to noisy crowds of curious tourists. The only thing that creates turmoil in these places is the colonies of lively petrels that live on the territory of the local impressive black sandy beaches. It’s especially easy to plunge into the pristine beauty of Icelandic nature and escape from the burden of modern civilization by choosing active view recreation - hiking on one of the 18 islands of the Faroe archipelago. But passive relaxation in cozy wooden cottages against the backdrop of high sea cliffs can bring no less pleasure. Best time to go on holiday Faroe Islands– the month of July, especially if you want to visit the annual traditional festivals, go horse riding or kayaking.

Optimal prices for flights to the Faroe Islands - Moscow - Sorvagur.
Accommodation prices in the Faroe Islands start from .

Valletta, Malta

Valletta is so densely packed with historical, architectural and religious attractions that it simply cannot be ignored by connoisseurs of cultural heritage. But despite this, the streets of the city are quite quiet and peaceful. According to sociologists, the silence of Valletta can be enjoyed for no more than three years, since in 2018 the Maltese city will officially turn into cultural capital Europe. Therefore, you should not put off your holiday in Malta if you want it to be devoid of the annoying bustle and noise of busy crowds. As for the most suitable time to visit, we can only add one thing: Valletta is always charming, but it is especially beautiful in the summer, when the sky plays with enchanting blueness and bright rays of the sun against the backdrop of the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Optimal prices for flights to Valletta - Moscow - Malta
Accommodation prices in Valletta start from .

Do you think that a holiday in the snow-capped mountains is only about extreme climbs to the peaks, breathtaking landscapes of nature and exciting skiing on snowy slopes? But this is not all that can be obtained from ski holiday. If we talk about the Dolomites, where the fun doesn't end with winter sports, you can be pleasantly surprised by the cultural heritage of the area. In addition to the amazing warm traditions preserved in folk music and delicious culinary masterpieces, Dolomites have interesting architectural buildings: Marienberg Abbey, Trauttmansdorf Castle, Tyrolean Castle. But the most important advantage, without a doubt, is the absence of a lively crowd that can spoil even the most interesting excursions.

The little-known island of the Malay Archipelago gives little away to the popular tourist island of Bali. Moreover, its main advantage is that Lombok, unlike Bali, is devoid of bustle and noise, and can also provide its visitors with complete relaxation based on harmony with nature. The main trump card of this paradise is Southeast Asia is long coastline with wide bays, which will especially delight lovers of surfing and diving. Not only dinners on the ocean with a view of the volcano, but also quiet walks on bicycles or horse-drawn carts along the green plains, as well as extreme climbs to the tops of the mountains will fill your holiday with a taste of romance. You can go to the island as early as May, when the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees.

Optimal prices for flights to Lombok - Moscow - Lombok
In Lombok you can rent a room in guest house for! A very large selection of accommodation options costing up to $50/night.

Avignon, France

Do you love Venice, but can’t fully enjoy the relaxation and beauty of the city because of the many tourists? Then a calm French city with Mediterranean climate Avignon, located on the Rhone River. Like Venice, Avignon can enchant with its religious architecture. One cannot ignore such masterpiece buildings as the Papal and Petit Palaces, the Mint, the Church of Saint-Pierre, the Abbey of Saint-Ruf, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Dome and Villeneuve-les-Avignon. The most subtle Venetian notes are felt in French city in the month of June, when the time comes for the traditional carnival in the spirit “a la Venice”, but without the burden of the burdensome crowd characteristic of the Italian “pearl”.

Optimal prices for flights to Avignon - Moscow - Avignon
In Avignon you can find accommodation not far from the center and the railway station.

Avignon, France

Valencia, Spain

Paella is not the only reason to visit Valencia. This relatively quiet Spanish metropolis boasts a wealth of local attractions that offer visitors the best of Spanish culture. History and creativity lovers will find interesting one of the largest historical centers Spain, located in Valencia. Its main pearls are rightfully considered the massive Torres de Serranos and Torres de Cuart towers, which, along with numerous art galleries and architectural museum complexes, convey the features of traditional Spanish life. If this is not enough, you can always get enough cultural heritage two megacities - Barcelona and Madrid, located 4 hours away from quiet Valencia. And at any time you can escape from the boredom of noisy attractions to a secluded place on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. .

Zakynthos, Greece

Photographs of the pristine nature of the island make one doubt that no special editing program was used in their creation, but the fact, as they say, remains a fact, and picturesque landscapes The islands will truly captivate with their pristine charm. The blue waters of the Ionian Sea, the smooth and silky sands of quiet beaches, the powerful rocky walls of underwater caves, the enchanting tranquility of green valleys - this is only one side of the coin that attracts tourists. Another part of it is the cultural life of the island, which, like nature, can surprise with its traditions and attractions. A special place in Zakynthos is given to music, so almost not a single night on the island goes by without concerts and festivals.


Updated: 02/28/2019

Oleg Lazhechnikov

144 002


It has happened more than once that friends have asked us at different times of the year for advice, where is the best place to go now? What about the rains now? What is the weather like now in...? Well, and so on. To make life easier for myself and for all of you, I have collected the most attractive destinations and countries where it is better to vacation in each specific month.

The set of recommendations given below is general, and for each country you must then separately look at the weather forecast and read the climate characteristics of the particular place and beach where you are going. The information was collected from reviews from forums, because the websites of travel agencies and tour operators often contain complete nonsense, such as the fact that it is best to vacation in Egypt in August (it’s incredibly hot there!)

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are such magical places in the world where you can relax peacefully all year round, for example, in Thailand, Pattaya, Cha-am, Hua Hin. Or in the Canaries on the island of Tenerife, where the weather is favorable all year round. Or the beautiful Maldives, beloved by everyone. Therefore, I will not mention them every month.

Where is the best place to relax in January?

If you want to sunbathe and swim in the sea, the best place is Asian beaches (Indonesia, Bali, Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi Island, etc.), Malaysia, India, Goa, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles, UAE) or beaches Caribbean Sea(Dominican Republic, Cuba, Tahiti, etc.)

You can go to Egypt or Tunisia, but keep in mind that it will just be comfortably warm for walking, but not for swimming or sunbathing.

When planning your trip, do not forget that January is a holiday month and it is better to buy all tickets in advance.

Where is the best place to relax in February?

The hottest countries this month are Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang), Cambodia and their closest neighbors Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Vietnam is also good, especially for surfers, because there big waves. You can try to go to Bali, although there is still a risk of being in the rainy season. You can also go to countries a little further west, for example, the UAE, Goa, Sri Lanka or the Maldives.

Starting in February, Europe is slowly opening its doors, and already in February you can arrange an excursion trip to the south of Italy.

Or you can have a good rest in the Canaries. Or choose an even more western direction and relax in February in another hemisphere, for example, in the Caribbean.

Where is the best place to relax in March?

The most popular place Beach holidays in March can be called Egypt. And although it may still be a little windy there, it is already warm enough to laze on the beach and swim in the Red Sea. Also, it is not very hot this month in the UAE, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean islands.

In March, it also becomes possible to visit Chile, Brazil, and Mexico.

The beaches of Asian countries and islands such as Thailand (Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Phangan), Vietnam (although there may be big waves there), Singapore, Malaysia, Goa, Sri Lanka, Seychelles remain welcoming for tourists. , Maldives. The real dry hot season begins in Bali.

Where is the best place to relax in April?

April is already a warmer month and more and more more countries ready to receive tourists on their beaches. The Asian countries of Thailand (Samui, Tao, Phangan), Vietnam, Malaysia, and Bali are still friendly in terms of weather. One of best selections maybe Hainan Island in China. And the Maldives remains invariably favorable in terms of weather.

Rawai Beach, Thailand

In Goa, they say the humidity is high, it’s hot and there may be high waves, but the weather is good.

In Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco in April it is warm, but not yet hot, and in Israel (Eilat) April is considered the peak of the season.

The sea in the Canaries and the Caribbean remains warm and welcoming. From April you can also go to Malta, but keep in mind that at this time it is the peak tourist season.

Well, in April they already begin to actively travel bus tours in spring Europe.

Where is the best place to relax in May?

The most popular destinations are Türkiye and Egypt; it is not yet hot in these countries, but it is already very good. The weather is approximately the same in Tunisia and Morocco.

From Asian countries The beaches of Thailand (Samui, Koh Tao, Phangan) remain consistently good, where it is hot but still tolerable, Seychelles, Singapore, Indonesia, Bali, Vietnam with clear weather and clear sea. An additional advantage is that on May 25, all Buddhist countries celebrate Buddha’s birthday beautifully and brightly.

You can go to the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean if short-term tropical downpours do not bother you. Tenerife is fine, hot during the day and slightly cool in the evening, but the water in the ocean may seem cool.

In May, active flowering begins throughout Europe and this is an excellent period for trips to any European country, especially beautiful, they say on the Cote d'Azur of France.

Where is the best place to relax in June?

The most popular summer destination is Turkey and all kinds of beaches in Europe, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain and nearby islands, such as Sicily, Mallorca, Malta. But on the Cote d'Azur the sea is still cool this month, but you can simply travel around the beautiful towns of France.

We can suggest that you go to Greece with its islands of Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Zakynthos or Cyprus, but keep in mind that it may still be a little cold there.

From East Asian countries you can choose Bali, where in June it is not so humid and there is no rain, or Thailand (Samui, Tao, Phangan). I would warn you against traveling to other Asian and South African countries - it is too hot there during this period. The same as in the Caribbean, although many people still go to the Dominican Republic at this time.
But in Tunisia and Morocco, on the contrary, the sea may not yet be warm enough.

Well, various corners of our homeland are gradually becoming accessible, not only the Black Sea resorts, but also various places for tourist trips, such as the Caucasus, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in July?

If you are a big fan of the heat, then in July it’s time for you to go either to the European Mediterranean beaches in countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal or Greece with its islands of Crete, Kos, the Cyclades, Rhodes, Corfu, where due to the breeze is not so hot, either in Morocco and the Caribbean, for example in the Dominican Republic. July also marks the start of the season in Tunisia and, according to tourists, it’s good in Bali and Thai islands Koh Samui, Tao, Koh Phangan.

And don’t forget the Mediterranean islands of Mallorca, Sicily, Malta, where it is a little hot, but the heat is not very noticeable.

Friends advised us to be sure to write that this month is very good for Cote d'Azur in France, and the sea is already warm and the weather is excellent.

If you prefer weather that is a little calmer in terms of heat, then it’s time for you to go to the Black Sea beaches of our country, Ukraine or Bulgaria, or soak up the sun at Adriatic Sea in Montenegro and Croatia.

In July, the Azov Sea is quite ready to receive tourists, and throughout Russia you can find a lot of cool places for wild holiday and hiking trips. They say that this month is the season in Karelia, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in August?

August is the most hot month summer and if you are not afraid of the heat, you can go on vacation to the Mediterranean beaches of Europe in Spain, Italy, France (Côte d'Azur) or Greece, Cyprus and Crete, where the dry air should make the heat easier to bear.

It shouldn't be so hot at sea in Montenegro, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Good weather for a beach holiday in August in the United Arab Emirates and in Southeast Asia on the islands of Thailand - Samui, Tao, Phangan or in Indonesia on the island. Bali. If you are not afraid of waves and strong currents, then you can go to Sri Lanka.

In Turkey, the heat subsides by the end of August, and the sea will still be just as warm. Although Egypt remains popular, it will be very difficult to vacation there due to the scorching sun. The same as in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, where it is very hot and humid and the rainy season may already begin.

In September it is comfortable in the Canaries, although the water there may not be very warm.

And the real freedom for hikers begins in Russia. This month you can go to hiking trip to the Altai mountains, go to Baikal, the Urals, or you can just have a great time on Lake Seliger.

Where is the best place to relax in September?

The most popular destination in September it will be Türkiye, where it is no longer so hot, and the sea water is still very warm. The weather is the same in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.

It is better to go to the European beaches of Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro in the first half of September, because then it may start to rain and it will already be cold. But in Italy, Greece, Cyprus there will still be very good weather. September is generally considered best month to visit Cyprus. In Spain you can visit Mallorca, Malaguf. If there is rain there, it will be mainly in the second half of September and will be short-lived for now.

The velvet season is also in Sicily this month, even if it rains, the sea is still warm.

September is high season for Bali, at this time the weather is excellent and it is no longer hot in the Canaries, although the sea may seem cold.

You can still relax at the resorts of Ukraine and Russia; the weather there is still warm.

Where is the best place to relax in October?

In October you can have a great holiday in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia; it won’t be hot anymore, but the water will still remain pleasantly warm. The same can be said about Israel and Jordan.

It is also still possible to travel to Turkey, although the evenings may already be chilly.

It is still warm in Greece (especially on the islands of Crete and Rhodes), but there may already be strong winds. But Cyprus has great weather in October.

Among the European islands, one can cautiously suggest Sicily and Malta. The sea there is not as warm as before, but you can still swim.

Opens its doors East Asia, October is considered the best time for a holiday in the UAE; you can already swim in China on the island. Hainan, and Goa, and in Thailand (Puket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Koh Chang, Pattaya, Koh Samet) the main rainy season is ending.

Where is the best place to relax in November?

In Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, it begins in November velvet season, but this does not mean that it will be cold, it’s just not so hot during the day, and cool in the evenings. Also suitable for a holiday in November are Mauritius or Maiders (Portugal).

In the Canaries and Cyprus, the swimming season continues, although it may also seem a little cool.

But the real season is opening in the countries and islands of East Asia: in the UAE, Maldives and Seychelles it is no longer hot, but comfortably warm. The dry season begins in the south of Vietnam; in Malaysia it is best to go to western islands, there is almost no rain there, just like in Cambodia. In Thailand, visit the islands of Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Lanta, Ranong, Phang Nga, Satun, Chang and Samet in November.

November is best time for a holiday in India, Goa, Sri Lanka, the water temperature there is almost the same as the air temperature.

In Mexico and the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic), the dry season begins, although short-term showers are still possible.

Where is the best place to relax in December?

They usually choose those places where it is warmest this month. And this is undoubtedly East Asia. In Goa, December is the high season; you can go to Sri Lanka or one of the islands of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang, Samet, etc.). No less warm in neighboring countries— Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. Vietnam is also warm, but the ocean is a little rough.

Many choose United United Arab Emirates, but be aware that the water may already be cool in December. Egypt and the Canaries this month are like roulette, the weather can be normal, or it can be windy and cold.

In the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic) in December it is warm and mostly dry, although it may rain briefly.

P.S. If you have any interesting and useful information on the topic of where it is better to relax in each month, I will be glad to receive any of your feedback and comments.

P.P.S. Remember that depending on the country, you need to use different hotel booking systems, one in Europe, another in Asia. But prices in all systems at once for the same hotel can be found in a metasearch engine, a very convenient joke.

Life hack 1 - how to buy good insurance

It’s incredibly difficult to choose insurance now, so I’m compiling a rating to help all travelers. To do this, I constantly monitor forums, study insurance contracts and use insurance myself.

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Lonely Planet offers a selection interesting countries for travel in 2019 - from the islands to Pacific Ocean to South Africa. We have updated the descriptions of places useful information about the cost of flights and holidays. Read and travel!

Recently, many have been attracted by its oriental flavor, reasonable prices, mind-blowing cuisine and few tourists - this is one of the most interesting countries for travel. Morocco is also famous for its excellent sandy beaches, French-Arab architecture, oriental bazaars and amazing landscapes. You can read more about the country.

In general, Tunisia appeared in the Lonely Planet selection, but, unfortunately, due to the terrorist attacks that took place in the capital and resort of the country, we recommend refraining from visiting Tunisia.

In Marrakech (near the Medina) you can find a room in a riad or hotel from $15 per night (sometimes breakfast is included).

The cost of a flight Moscow - Marrakesh is from 12 thousand rubles round trip, to Casablanca - from 18 thousand rubles.

(photo © rabasz /

Safari in South Africa

Do you want something exotic, but don’t know where to travel in 2019? South Africa is definitely one of the most exotic destinations. There are so many interesting countries to travel to! How about safaris and wildlife sightings, free museums and amazing nature? IN South Africa Every tourist will find something to their liking, be it spending time in an inexpensive coastal cafe in Cape Town or an exciting safari. We recommend flying to South Africa in the off-season (March - May, September and October) to experience comfortable weather and low prices.

A vacation in South Africa can even be quite budget-friendly: tickets from Moscow to Cape Town and back cost only 29 thousand rubles - about the same price as a ticket, for example, to Bali. Of course, due to the distance, the flight will be long (16.5 hours on the way) and with a transfer.

Russians do not need a visa to Namibia and Botswana - they can stay in the country for up to 90 days, in Swaziland - up to 30 days, but visiting South Africa requires a visa.

A huge number of attractive apartments in the price category of $20-35. The cost of a hostel is from $19, a room in a hotel is from $30.

(photo © mariusz kluzniak /

Where should you go to travel if not to the noisy, but so lively Shanghai? As you stroll through the buzzing streets, you can feel the pulse of this vast, fluid metropolis. Shanghai never sleeps; this dynamically developing city resembles a buzzing hive of industrious bees.

The cost of a flight Moscow - Shanghai is from 20 thousand roundtrip.

One of the most densely populated cities in the world can also be very budget-friendly: the cost of a bed in hostels starts from $10, a hotel room costs from $19, and renting an apartment is also a great option. Of course, it all depends on your needs - Shanghai has both budget hostels and trendy boutique hotels. The same goes for food: if you are unpretentious and open to new things, feel free to eat in street establishments - food is inexpensive.

Read also on our website material about food, transport, housing, etc.

(photo © Maxime THORAL /

Holidays to Samoa

The cost of a flight Moscow - Denpasar is from 32 thousand rubles roundtrip.

Compared to other resorts in Southeast Asia, Bali is not considered the cheapest place, but the island has plenty of inexpensive hostels and bungalows for backpackers, as well as mid- and luxury-class hotels. Food and transportation are also extremely cheap. Hotels in Kuta can be found from $10, hostels - from $8.

(photo © Pandu Adnyana /


South America is fiery rhythms, bright colors and extreme places. But where should you go to travel to combine a quiet, calm, measured holiday with adventure? Uruguay is perfect for these purposes. This modest country compares favorably with neighboring Argentina and Brazil due to its low crime rate. Uruguay has excellent beaches, colonial architecture, beautiful nature reserves, bullfighting and much more. Would you like to take a short excursion to South America? Off to Uruguay!

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Montevideo is not very low - after all, you need to fly across the Atlantic. Prices start from approximately 50 thousand rubles in both directions. Sometimes cheap tickets to South America from Europe appear.

A hostel in Montevideo can be found for $18, a hotel room - from $30.

Russians can stay in Uruguay without a visa for 90 days.

(photo © Eduardo Amorim /

Potugal, Algarve

If you're looking for a beach holiday, we recommend checking out the Algarve. The Algarve region of Portugal is known for its picturesque coastline - an uninterrupted strip of beaches. What to see? The National Park, the Chapel of Bones and the port in Faro, the old district of Lagos, Silves Castle and much more. The region is very conveniently located - if you wish, you can visit neighboring Spain and Morocco.

The cost of a flight Moscow - Lisbon is from 11.5 thousand rubles round-trip, and from Lisbon to Faro you can travel either by local airlines or by bus.

A hotel room can be found for $24 and above, a hostel costs from $15.

(photo © Jaime Perez /

Taiwan has Asian flavor and stunning nature, one of most interesting places for travel. The island was formerly called Formosa, which means beautiful, and you will see this for yourself if you decide to go here. A huge variety of endemic plants, rivers and hot springs, mountains covered with tropical forests make the island's landscape unique. On top of that, Taiwan has many ancient monuments and amazing architecture, and in Taipei you will see one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Another attraction of Taiwan is the food. You can go here for real gastronomic tour, especially since the food is quite cheap.

Prices for air tickets Moscow - Taipei start from 23 thousand round-trip.

Living in Taiwan is cheaper than, for example, in Tokyo or Hong Kong: guest houses and hostels offer rooms from $13, a room in a middle-class hotel can be booked for $30 - $60.

(photo © T.JEFFREY /


Eastern European countries often make it onto lists of the most interesting countries to travel to, but in the case of Romania it makes perfect sense. It is connected to the rest of Europe via Wizz Air, Ryanair, Blue Air and Fly Romania, making it easy to visit. Romania also attracts tourists low prices on accommodation, food and transport, interesting architecture and the picturesque Danube Delta, medieval villages and spectacular castles - all this promises to make Romania one of the most visited countries in the region.

Save on have a good rest you can not only choose a country with cheap conditions for accommodation, entertainment and food, but also choose the most budget resort. Prices are sometimes strikingly different: it depends on the location of the resort, on the standard of living local population, on the age of the resort (relatively young tourist centers, beaches and vacation spots usually reduce prices to attract more tourists).

Choose inexpensive place Holidays within the country are quite simple, and there is plenty to choose from!

First, choose the type of vacation, and we will tell you about the top three inexpensive resorts in areas:

Three of the best beaches in the world: on the waves of savings

Sunny beaches, golden and bronze tans, flames of sunsets over the romantically whispering sea - we dream about this all year, and three seaside resort They can easily make this dream come true for little money. Anti-crisis holidays are offered by:

  • Resort St. Konstantin and Elena (Bulgaria)
  • Gagry, Gagripsh (Abkhazia)
  • Antalya (Türkiye)

Resort St. Konstantin and Elena. Bulgaria

This is a resort where a combination of seascapes of almost tropical beauty is combined with extremely favorable accommodation offers. There is a hotel sector, and there is a private sector, prices for which will vary by an average of 400 rubles per day.

Hotels start from two stars, which means that an easy-going tourist who only needs a hotel for an overnight stay can easily reduce his expenses by at least 50% of the cost of a trip with accommodation in a 4-5 star hotel.

There is another plus of the Bulgarian resort of St. Konstantin and Elena: early room reservations for Russians are provided with a 25% discount.

The earlier you plan your trip, the cheaper it will cost you, and you will be guaranteed the clearest sea, winding streets of ancient cities, sunbathing and pleasure from the unique local cuisine.

Flight: 15,000 rub. (Moscow - Varna) + bus 409 1-2 liras (40-80 rubles), or taxi 10-20 liras (400 - 800 rubles)

Accommodation: from 1000 rub. per day

Nutrition: lunch in a cafe for one: from 600 rubles.

Gagry, Gagripsh. Abkhazia

Abkhazian resorts differ in the level of amenities of their tourist infrastructure, and the more comfortable the shores of the Black Sea are, the more more expensive resort. They come to the rescue in Gagripsha local residents, providing lovely guest houses for a symbolic price for Russians.

You can live for a week or two on the sea coast, surrounded by picturesque cliffs, soak up the hot sand, tasting local delicious and inexpensive wines, and return to your personal house every evening!

Flight: Moscow – Adler from 4200 rub. + train Adler – Gagra 109 rub. one way

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Nutrition: 1000-1500 rub. (good dinner for two with wine and meat dishes).

Antalya. Türkiye

Atalya, a luxurious holiday destination on the coast of a transparent blue sea, is trying to do everything to ensure that Russian tourists pay attention to it.

For this purpose, a 25% discount on pre-order reservations has been introduced, and since the beginning of the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions at this resort, the price tag for vacations has been reduced by 30%.

This means that fashionable and modern Antalya will cost Russian tourists It’s not at all expensive, and the beaches there have long earned worldwide recognition as the most beautiful and well-maintained.

Flight: from 12,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Nutrition: in an inexpensive cafe, lunch with meat dishes and wine for two 700-1100 rubles. Dinner in a middle-class restaurant for two from 3,000 rubles.

Public transport: 68 rub.

Ski resorts: sport and pleasure

The first places in the top three inexpensive resorts, where tourists are provided with the slopes of amazingly beautiful mountains, are occupied by:

  • Kolasin (Montenegro)
  • Borovets (Bulgaria)
  • Khibiny (Russia)

The first two countries will be on the lists of Europeans’ favorites inexpensive countries for relaxation, and we always rediscover ourselves.

Kolasin. Montenegro

It's secluded ski resort, located on the territory national park. Well-equipped and modern, it is suitable for lovers of active sports recreation and a sense of beauty.

Cross-country ski slopes, a snowboard school, slopes for beginners, a children's lift - Kolasin strives to provide recreation for both families with children and professionals (several slopes are certified for international skiing and snowboarding competitions).

Accommodation in Kolasin is very cheap. Various chalet rental options (from 3 to 10 people) allow you to divide the amount among everyone and travel with a large group without worrying about housing prices.

Flight: Moscow – Podgorica from 12,000 rubles. Then by train (cost 210 rubles) or by bus (cost 430 rubles)

Accommodation: from 800 rub.

Ski passes: 800 - 1500 rub. per day

Nutrition: full lunch from 700 rub.

Borovets. Bulgaria

In the 19th century, the royal family vacationed here. Personal resort august persons over time turned into the busiest ski resort in Bulgaria. Located among pine forests, it amazes with the cleanest air, festive mood and exceptional amenities of the ski infrastructure.

More than twenty tracks for cross-country skiing, slalom and snowboarding, more than two hundred schools with professional instructors: sports life here is vibrant day and night, because four tracks are equipped with light installations for night skiing.

In addition, Borovets offers a lot of entertainment venues: bars, discos, saunas and spas.

The resort's hotel map is varied: prices for accommodation vary, but for a resort of this level they are surprisingly low. For comparison: in Austria, a night’s stay in a hotel at a ski resort costs from 90 euros, in Bulgaria – from 30.

Flight: Moscow – Sofia from 14,500 rub. Next, take a taxi to the Yug bus station located at Dragan Tsankov Boulevard, 23, where you take the nearest bus to Samokov, which is 12 km from Borovets. You can get from Samokov to Borovets by taxi or shuttle bus.

Travel time from Sofia to Samokov is 1:30 - 2:00 hours, from Samokov to Borovets 10-15 minutes. The cost of a taxi from the airport to the bus station is approximately 400 rubles. The cost of the bus is 200 rubles.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Ski passes: 1 day ~2200 rub. Week ~12,500 rub.

Khibiny. Resort Kirovsk. Russia

This is the most budget ski resort possible. You can also stay in a hotel, but local residents are happy to rent out apartments to visitors at a lower price - this is a matter of the tourist’s personal choice.

The trails are located on the slopes of Mount Aykuaivenchorr, which the Russians call “Snow Beauty”. The landscapes are breathtaking: in Kirovsk you can even see the polar lights.

A small problem is created by the unpreparedness of the slopes, trails and the resort as a whole for families with children. The resort town provides simple food and entertainment in the Russian spirit.

But for winter skiing for little money better place cannot be found: for this reason, many neglect the lack of luxurious bars and discos.

Road: train Moscow - Apatity. The cost of a reserved seat is 2800 rubles. 32 hours on the road. There are minibuses and buses from Apatity to Kirovsk (cost 30 rubles). There are planes, but they fly rarely. Ticket price from 14,000 rubles.

Accommodation: renting an apartment from private owners from 1200 rubles. Hotels from 1800 rubles for a double room.

Ski passes: 1 day 1100 rub. Week 5400 rub.

Nutrition: store ~3000 per week. Cafes and bars - about 500 to 700 rubles. per person.

Eco-tourism: exotic things you can afford

People strive for beauty, seek beauty and often find it in exotic landscapes created by nature. Amazing landscapes, rare plants, harmonious combinations of colors - this is what attracts tourists to resorts with exotic nature. The top three such resorts with low prices are:

  • Puntarenas (Costa Rica)
  • Belize
  • Chang Mai (Thailand)

Puntarenas. Costa Rica

Puntarenas offers the most affordable holiday in Costa Rica. This accessibility is due to the low level of income among the local population, and therefore many excursions, hikes and trips will cost only 1-2 euros, which the guide will ask for.

And there are places to go to Puntarenas. The protected islands around the resort are inhabited by rare species of birds: their nesting sites and vibrant life are very unique. Birds inhabit mangroves and jungle areas, the exotic appearance of which is comparable to the landscapes from the movie “Avatar”. The Tarcoles River, which goes into the depths of the tropical forests, is inhabited by crocodiles, and represents an example of a completely wild, ancient river, which has remained unchanged over the centuries. At the same time, Puntarenas is also a beach area, washed by the warm ocean.

Flight: from 54,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Nutrition: trip to an exotic restaurant for one person 300 rubles.


This is a small state on the Caribbean Sea. The standard of living here is low, so the prices are low. Unusual cuisine, a fusion of Asian, English and local, is already exotic in itself. In addition, Belize has a landscape jewel: a mass of atolls and coral reefs.

The tropical beauty of Belize is unique: more than 80% of the view is occupied by the blue color of the sea and sky, the atolls seem bluish, and blue fogs spread over the sea. On the northern side, Belize is covered with low mountains where tropical mountain flora grows.

Flight: Moscow – Cancun (Mexico) from 45,000 rubles. + by bus to Belize ~3000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Nutrition: restaurant from 300 rubles. Food on the street from 70 rubles.

Chang Mai (Chiang Mai). Thailand

Chang Mai is the northernmost point of Thailand and therefore the cheapest, because the climate here is cooler than in beach areas and there is no access to the ocean.

But lovers of exotic nature have something to see: the tropics and snow are an amazing combination!

Snow lies on the peaks of the Chang Mei Mountains, and they themselves are covered with a lush blanket of tropical forest. Here, on the slopes, there are amazing rice fields that look like wavy green steps.

The program of local entertainment especially includes a lot of offers related to elephants: walks, feeding, communication with animals.

Flight: from 32,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Nutrition: 500 rub. per day for one (restaurants, cafes, street fast food).

Architectural beauty at an affordable price

For beautiful architecture, you need to go to cities, where this beauty does not appear sporadically in a few areas, but covers the entire city. This architecture, with Gothic style, exuberant Baroque and extravagant Rococo, is fully reflected in three inexpensive cities to visit:

  • Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Riga (Latvia)
  • Tallinn (Estonia)

Prague. Czech Republic

Tourists expect a lot from Prague, a city that became the capital back in the 11th century, and are not disappointed. Romantic, built in the spirit of a cozy and sometimes grandiose Middle Ages, the city is rich in surprises. These are wonderful cheap restaurants with home-cooked food, monumental church buildings, and arch bridges over a slow river. It seems that the Prague Astronomical Clock, first wound by clockmakers in the 14th century, has changed the flow of time flowing over the city to an equally leisurely one.

Please note that although Prague lures with the splendor of its restaurants, it also has equally delicious national cuisine You can taste it for a much lower price in ordinary small cafes.

Flight: from 13,000 rub.


Public transport: 80 rub. drive

Nutrition: lunch in a cafe for one person is 500 rubles. Dinner for two in a restaurant 1,700 rubles.

Riga. Latvia

Riga is one of the cities in the world that has retained its heart. The heart of Riga, Old town, paved with cobblestones from the early 14th century, surrounded by houses under tiled roofs, and does not lend itself to the changes of time.

Riga has the same attitude towards shopping: having preserved the old market, built in the 15th century, it offers homemade products at low prices.

You can eat in Riga without the participation of hotels and cafes, simply enjoying organic products from the market; the Fish Rows, where fish smoked according to special ancient recipes are especially recommended for tourists, are especially recommended for tourists. Walking around Riga can take hours, and the attention of tourists does not wane: every building bears the imprint of history.

Flight: from 12,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1500 rub. (private sector)

Public transport: 90 rub. drive.

Nutrition: food prices are similar to Moscow, a good dinner for two in a restaurant is 2,500 rubles. It is more profitable to eat on your own by purchasing fresh food at the market (500 - 700 rubles per day).

Tallinn. Estonia

Northern European civilization created Tallinn in the 14th century, and it carefully preserved its attractions.

For example, the Town Hall Pharmacy still operates in Tallinn, the first mention of which dates back to the same 14th century as the Town Hall and Town Hall Square, where they are located! Cafe Lakomka on Pikk 16 has retained its interior and menu from the beginning of the 19th century. The impressive Toompea Castle has been perfectly preserved since the 12th century, until the founding of the city.

If you see small and brightly painted figurines that look like porcelain toys on the streets and in grocery stores, then buy them with confidence: these are not souvenirs, but a delicacy, marzipan, the recipe for which was created in Tallinn.

Tallinn is a wonderful city not only for architecture lovers, but also for gourmets. Try elk soup, potato soup with shrimp, boar's leg in lingonberry sauce, blood sausage and hot sausage. All this can be found in taverns and taverns for a modest price of 2 to 7 euros per serving.

Flight: from 12,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1500 rub. (private sector)

Public transport: it will be profitable to buy transport card 160 RUR + unlimited per day 240 RUR, or for 5 days 500 RUR.

Nutrition: lunch for two in a restaurant on the outskirts from 800 rubles. in the center from 2000 rub.

Holidays with children: fun and inexpensive

Every parent knows that sometimes you want to take a break from your children, but not everyone knows that you can have a great vacation with your children for a low price. The top three resorts equipped specifically for families with children are:

  • Sibenik (Croatia)
  • Rovaniemi (Finland)
  • Limassol (Cyprus)

Sibenik. Croatia

On this coast of the Adriatic Sea, intricately cut by waves, is the most popular children's resort Solaris Beach. Fine sand and shallow seas make it safe to bathe children; there are also numerous slides, swimming pools, and playgrounds for them. There are always animators on the beaches, entertaining children while the parent basks in the sun with his favorite book in his hands.

The rest of the time you can stroll along the streets ancient city, visit the magnificent national park Krka.

The hotels also provide everything so that both children and parents can have a fun and relaxing time: they provide nannies and teachers, playrooms and even special non-alcoholic bars for children, where they feel like adults.

Road: flight Moscow – Split from 16,000 rubles. + bus to Sibenik 500 rub.

Accommodation: from 2000 rub. (Hotel). Private sector from 1600 rub.

Nutrition: from 1500 rub. in a restaurant.

Note: The cost of dishes depends on the availability of meat. Vegetarian food is three times cheaper, that is, soup + salad + dessert in a restaurant will cost 500-700 rubles, and the same, but with a chop - already 1200-1500 rubles.

Rovaniemi. Finland

From this Finnish town it is easy to get to the village of Jolloupukki - Santa Claus by bus or taxi. A real New Year's gift for a child!

Children can’t believe their eyes – the fairy tale comes to life. Christmas tree decorations and garlands glow day and night, in a cafe made entirely of ice, you can sit at an ice table and hug an ice bear. Santa's reindeer companions walk in sleighs and you can feed them! You can ride a husky sled, listen to the legends of the Lapps - the oldest inhabitants Arctic Circle, eat fried venison and make wishes. The Christmas spirit lives here all year round, and the trip only takes a short time. Three days are enough for a child to get acquainted with Santa’s village and the landscaped zoo, and for an adult to visit the Korundi Museum of Contemporary Art. The trip can be very cheap and very memorable!

Limassol and Paphos are two islands where family vacation with children is considered the cheapest. Due to the lack of noisy entertainment, prices are lower than on the “youth” islands. The pleasant mild climate and convenient coastline are very popular with children. The remains of ancient culture do not let adults get bored, who enjoy visiting the sights and museums of the island.

Flight: Moscow – Larnaca from 11,000 rubles. + bus to Limassol 600 rub.

Accommodation: from 2000 rub.

Nutrition: lunch, dinner from 1000 rub.

Youth parties: where and how many?

These are the first questions of interest to students and young people whose earnings are either still small or unstable. The top three resorts, full of youth entertainment for a small price, solve the issue of your travel budget without any problems:

  • Ayia Napa (Cyprus)
  • Sharm al Sheikh (Egypt)
  • Bodrum (Türkiye)

Ayia Napa. Cyprus

And this resort has a credo: entry to a club, bar or restaurant is absolutely free! What is happening in Ayia Napa seems to be an eternal carnival with a change of faces, stories and acquaintances. Incendiary music comes from everywhere, tourists wander from one club to another, because each club is individual and lures with hot entertainment.

Romantic, bright, unpredictable - this is how a holiday on Ayia Capa is characterized. It should be noted that the morals at the resort are democratic: there is no face control in the clubs, and in many of them you can have fun by simply standing at the entrance and occasionally running inside for a cocktail: this is how each club has a street dance floor.

The hotel base is aimed at young people - prices are very modest.

Flight: Moscow – Larnaca from 11,000 rubles. + bus to Ayia Napa 150 – 400 rub. depending on the bus.

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Nutrition: lunch for two in a restaurant 2500 rub. In a cafe from 500 rubles. Street fast food from 200 rubles.

Sharm el Sheikh. Egypt

This resort has become so famous among young people that as many as seven world leaders in youth entertainment have built large clubs on its central street, Naama Bay. In addition to them, you can visit numerous bars and discos, restaurants and cafes. Accommodation and food at the resort are cheap, but entrances to clubs can cost 20 euros. However, on the streets you can easily grab a discount flyer, and alcohol at such entry prices is either very cheap, or the club gives several cocktails for free.

Flight: from 16,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 2000 rub.


Note: to save on food, it is better to fly on an all-inclusive tour

Bodrum. Türkiye

This resort is home to a party mecca - the world's largest discotheque, not limited by walls and ceilings. Halicarnassus is a club that decided that it was more fun to hang out under open air, I was right. Dozens of dance floors, bars, recreation and entertainment areas, a variety of music - all this is seething on the sea coast at night, against the backdrop of beautiful scenery.

Entrance to the club also costs about 20 euros, but on Monday you can get in at half the price.

Flight: Moscow – Milas from 14,000 rub. + bus 250 rub.

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Nutrition: from 1000 rub. in restaurants, street fast food from 200 rub.