Rhodes old town history. Old town of Rhodes. Interesting facts about Rhodes: Lindos city

Rhodes as a city is the result of the merger of three cities, which at the same time were separate independent states: Kamira, Yalisia and Linda. This merger occurred in 408 BC. – this date officially marks the beginning of existence ancient city Rhodes. The city is located in the very north of the island, since this is where the most comfortable spot to control sea routes.
Throughout the history of its existence, Rhodes has changed several “owners”, changed its religion from the ancient paganism of Greece to Byzantine Orthodoxy, and then to Christianity, but after the conquest by the Turks - to Islam. Each new “master” of Rhodes left behind a mark on culture, architecture and customs local residents. All these traces can be seen by visiting Old city Rhodes.

The Old Town of Rhodes - the history of its origin and development

Antiquity left behind the very structure of the Old City - strict right angles and wide streets, built in accordance with the Hippodamian urban planning system, the remains of temples and many legends. During the reign of Byzantium over Rhodes, in the period from the 4th century AD. until 1309 Rhodes was fortified as a fortress and naval base, many were lined up Orthodox churches. In 1309, the island became the center of the Order of St. John. This was the heyday of Rhodes.
The city itself has been redesigned to match the overall style European cities The Middle Ages, Gothic features appeared in it. After a siege by the Turks in 1480 and a strong earthquake in 1481, the city was rebuilt. At the beginning of the 16th century, all fortifications were strengthened, but despite this, in 1522 the city was captured by the Turks, as a result of which the Greek population was evicted outside the fortifications. This is how it was founded New town Rhodes. The appearance of the Old Town in Rhodes has changed little; some innovations have appeared only in Christian churches, which were rebuilt as mosques. The final appearance of the Old Town of Rhodes was given to the Italians, who seized power in these places already in 1912.

Main attractions of the Old Town

The old town in Rhodes is certainly impressive. The Old Town begins with the gate. There are eleven of them in the city, so the choice of which gate to start your journey through historical center Rhodes is the prerogative of the tourist himself. In general, even the fortress walls of the fortress are a separate and very long story, to which you need to devote at least one day (the walls are the longest in Europe - 14.5 km). It is especially interesting to explore the Old Town in the early morning or in the evening, at sunset. In these wonderful moments, history seems to come to life before our eyes, and there is a feeling of traveling through time.
The most important attraction of the Old Town is the Rhodes Fortress itself, and its pearl is the Palace of the Grand Masters, a tour of which is included in every tourist program. The main street - Hippoton or the Street of Knights, goes from the Palace to the Knights' Hospital (where the Archaeological Museum is now located), there are medieval palaces and representative offices different countries. It is also worth walking through the streets of Socrates and Aristotle, they retain the flavor of the Middle Ages (you can buy souvenirs here). You can see the ruins of what was once the largest Catholic church on the island - the Church of Our Lady of Chora, the Church of St. Panteleimon (14th century), as well as the magnificent mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent (built in 1808), and also visit the Clock Tower. It is also worth wandering through the colorful residential areas of the Old Town, where the spirit of old times is still preserved.

Rhodes is one of the most popular islands in Greece. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are the excellent beaches located on southeast coast, many castles, a beautiful medieval capital, as well as the southern wild coast with Cape Praso - one of the best places for windsurfing in Europe. In this article we will describe the main cities of Rhodes, their attractions, and also tell you about the most interesting places on the island and the excursions that you will certainly be offered here.

Rhodes City: Palace of the Masters

In the northern part Greek island is the city of Rhodes, the capital. It has two sides. One part of the city of Rhodes is fabulous locality Middle Ages, which is surrounded by ancient fortress walls. The Street of the Knights of John crosses it. It has preserved its medieval appearance so well that it seems as if it was moved here from the filming of a film dedicated to the life of our ancestors. The Palace of the Grand Masters rises at the end of the street. It was built in the 14th century. A very beautiful gate leads to the palace-fortress, huge towers rise on both sides. Inside the building there are luxurious halls, decorated with wood carvings and filled with expensive furniture from different eras. The Palace of the Masters is also a fortress. It has fortifications as well as extensive underground warehouses. In the 40s of the 20th century, the palace-fortress was restored, and today it receives numerous tourists.

Modern Rhodes

The second side of the city of Rhodes - modern resort town. Here you will encounter a bustling evening life, countless shops, beautiful buildings and wide streets. Hundreds of hotels are located in the area of ​​the city of Rhodes - from very modest to luxurious. In addition, there are many bars and restaurants, fashionable discos, casinos and clubs. All this contributes to the fact that tours to Rhodes are very popular today.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Mandraki is a port that is the main attraction of the capital. It was here, according to legend, that the Colossus of Rhodes was located, considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. It was a bronze statue 37 meters high, which was created by the sculptor Haret in 285 BC. e. She depicted Helios, the sun god. During what happened in 227 BC. e. The earthquake destroyed the statue. On the columns there are now 2 bronze statues of deer, which are the emblem of Rhodes.

"Valley of the Butterflies"

Another place that you should definitely visit if you arrive in the city of Rhodes (Greece) is the “Valley of Butterflies”. This reserve is located about 30 kilometers from the city. Otherwise, it is called the Petaloudes Valley (this is the name of the municipality to which the “Valley of the Butterflies” belongs). This is actually not a valley at all, but a narrow park stretching along the gorge to the top of the hill. Here you can admire the beauty of nature, picturesque bridges over clear streams, lush vegetation, waterfalls and, of course, colorful butterflies that sit on the crowns of trees and flowers.


It is very interesting to watch underwater world seas. The city of Rhodes (Greece) offers guests an interesting aquarium that functions as both a research institution and a museum. Since 1930, there has been a biological station here. The collection originally included living and formalized inhabitants of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, which wash the island. However, in 1963 the concept changed. The aquarium today is underground labyrinth with 25 swimming pools built into the walls. They contain the rarest and most interesting inhabitants of the seas washing Rhodes. This coral polyps, octopuses, crabs, shellfish, starfish, urchins and different kinds fish


What else interesting places does the island of Rhodes offer its guests? Its attractions are numerous, but Lindos is worth talking about separately. This is one of the most important tourist sites. Its Acropolis is the second most important and largest in Greece. The island of Rhodes is rightfully proud of it, the sights of which are simply impossible to describe without mentioning it. It can be reached on foot or by donkey, which serves as the "city taxi" of Lindos. The main attraction of the Acropolis is the Temple of Athena Lydia. He was visited by King Menelaus of Sparta, known to us from the Iliad, as well as Alexander the Great.

Lindos (Rhodes) is the oldest city on the island. Its age is more than 3 thousand years. In ancient times, Lindos (Rhodes) was a port state with active trade relations with Mediterranean cities. Today it's small resort area, located on Mediterranean Sea(on west coast). It captivates with the charm of a seaside provincial town. This place has all the conditions for relaxation: beautiful sandy beaches, many cafes and restaurants, fountains, winding streets.

You will find a large number of attractions in Lindos. Here is the ancient Greek Acropolis, which towers over the city. The temple of Athena of Lindos is also located here. In addition to ancient buildings, the Byzantine churches of the Archangel Michael and St. John, as well as the chapel of St. Paul, have survived to this day.

Pies Kaliteas

If you travel southeast from the capital, your first stop should be in Pies Kaliteas, a resort village located 7 km from the city. In 1928-29 it was built almost entirely according to the design of P. Lombardi, who is the architect of the European Parliament building located in Strasbourg.


A little further south (10 km from the airport and 14 from the capital) Falirakion (Philaraki, Rhodes) begins. Reviews about visiting this ultra-modern resort area are always the most positive. This is a trendy place where you will find many discos, bars, a water park and an amusement park. Perhaps, local beach The best equipped hotel in Rhodes. It offers umbrellas, sun loungers, bars and restaurants, as well as various water sports. The beach with golden sand stretches for 4 km. And it is here that you will find a place dedicated to nudists, the only one on the island.

Faliraki preserves ancient monuments. Several local neighborhoods date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Among the attractions you can highlight the Church of St. Nektarios. The picturesque area of ​​the village is the embankment, where there are all kinds of bars, restaurants and cafes.

You can take a 40-minute round trip boat ride along the coast to Rhodes Town. Its cost is 6.5 euros. Here you will also see the largest stable on the island, where both adults and children under six years old can take riding lessons (their cost is 20 euros). You can simply watch or take part in preparing a horse or pony for a walk. A trip to Mount Placida will cost you 25 euros, and to Tragana ( pebble beach) - 30 euros. In addition, you can take a horseback ride to the ancient monastery located near Lake St. John for 60 euros.


From Faliraki to Kallithea it is only 10 minutes by bus. This city is famous medicinal thermal baths located by the sea, nightlife, beaches. You can also go scuba diving here. Along east coast Rhodes stretches across Kallithea and includes the villages of Psinthos and Koskinou.

Entrance to the Kallithea Baths will cost you 4 euros, for children it is free. Most Faliraki salons offer fish peeling in addition to regular spa services. Your feet are placed in an aquarium with fish, which cleanse the skin with a gentle tickle, toning it. This pleasure costs 8 euros and lasts 30 minutes.

Afandou Bay

The next stop should be made beyond Cape Ladiko. The sandy and pebble bay of Afandu, or Apandon, begins here - a large beach with undeveloped infrastructure, but almost always calm. There is the Panagia Catholic Church, dating back to the 16th century, with ancient frescoes.


Kolymbia is a young and small developing resort, located 5 km from Afandou. It is located near Rhodes and until recently was a small village. But a lot has changed recently: expensive restaurants, luxury hotels, souvenir shops and shops have appeared. Among the attractions, the nearby village of Archangelos should be noted. Local artisans in this village make handmade pottery and carpets. In addition, you can visit the Valley of Seven Springs, a very beautiful place.

The western windward coast of the island is wetter, wooded and fertile than the rest of the island. If you move from the capital from north to south, you can see the excavations of Kameiros, ancient city, as well as Kastro-Critinias, the most impressive knight's castle Rhodes.

Ialyssos and Ixia (Rhodes)

These are resorts washing Aegean Sea. Mount Filerimos, which rises here, divides the valley into 2 cities: Ixia and Ialyssos (Rhodes). At its top you can find the ruins of ancient temples dedicated to Zeus and Athena. The capital, the city of Rhodes, is about 7 kilometers from here. Winds often blow in this place, which contributes to the development of water sports: yachting, windsurfing, kitesurfing. In addition, jeeping, mountain biking, and horse riding are offered. If you are interested in history, you can visit not only the ruins of the temples of Zeus and Athena, dating back to the period Ancient Greece, but also the Church of St. Nicholas, built by the Byzantines.

Ialyssos and Ixia (Rhodes) are prosperous and very popular resorts. This is explained by the fact that their location is very convenient: they are located between the capital of the island and the airport.

Excursions in Rhodes

The attractions that we have listed are only a small part of what you can see while on vacation on this island. A street agency or hotel will probably offer you many options for an exciting trip, for example:

To the islands of Tilos and Symi (cost - from 25 euros);

- “Pirate voyage” through the islands with a search for hidden treasure;

Sightseeing tour around the island with barbecue;

Visit to the "Greek Night" with massive sirtaki.

Of course, this list does not include all excursions in Rhodes. Please note that traveling on your own in a rented car or bus will cost less than those purchased from a tour operator or street agency. However, if this is your first time on the island, it is better to use the services of guides (their cost is included in some tours to Rhodes). They will tell you everything about the history of the island, which they know and love, and will certainly be able to infect you with love for this piece of land, which is washed by the waters of two seas.

Rhodes is one of the most interesting islands Mediterranean. Being an important center of civilization back in ancient times, unlike the rest of Greece, it did not lose its importance in the Middle Ages. Thanks to the Knights Hospitaller, who built their headquarters here, it acquired numerous man-made attractions. It is not for nothing that the Old Town of Rhodes is considered one of the best examples of fortification architecture in the world.

Street of Knights

The Street of the Knights is one of the best preserved architectural artifacts in the entire Dodecanese. It served as the main artery of the city back in antiquity - there was a road connecting the Grand Port with the Temple of Helios.

But real fame came to her later - already during the reign of the knights.

You may have been to medieval cities before, but you are unlikely to come across a place where the immersion in the Middle Ages occurs as clearly and deeply as in old Rhodes. Knights are not visible from the Street modern buildings, and therefore, walking along it, it is very easy to believe that time has turned back and you are back in the 15th century.

On the street of the knights, the houses are built in the styles of the member countries of the Order

Another feature of the Street is its multinationality. Once upon a time it was built for prominent guests of the order - knights and dignitaries who came here from different countries. So that they feel more comfortable on the island, architectural ensemble each building indicates its belonging to a particular country.

The most significant building is the residence of France - it is the most richly decorated. In addition to France, there were residences here for knights from England, Germany, Italy, Aragon, Auvergne, Provence and Castile.

Palace of the Grand Masters

Situated on a hilltop, the Palace of the Grand Masters dominates the old town.

Once upon a time, on this very spot stood the Temple of Helios, then the Byzantine fortress, and only from the 14th century the building that stands now. However, a small correction: the Palace in its original form was thoroughly damaged under Turkish rule, and subsequently in 1856 it was also severely mutilated as a result of the explosion of an ammunition depot.

The Italians who ruled here, from 1937 to 1940, carried out the restoration of the structure with the aim of its service as summer residence for Mussolini, and this is the same view that opens to tourists today. Mussolini himself, by the way, never visited here.

The Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes was restored especially for Mussolini

When Rhodes was the capital of the Knights of St. John, the Palace was a symbol of their power and the place from which the 19 Grand Masters of the Order managed the affairs of the Order. In total, the Palace has more than 200 halls and rooms. Among the most notable of them are the Halls of Byzantine icons, the Italian governor, receptions, dancing, music, waiting, etc.

From April 1 to October 31, the Palace is open to visitors daily from 8:00 to 19:40. Price entrance ticket- 6 Euro. Admission is free for students and people under 18 years of age.

City walls

It is impossible to miss the impressive fortification, no matter from which direction your ship approaches the commercial port of Rhodes. The impressive 4-kilometer-long structure encircles the old city and piques the traveler's interest in entering its sanctum sanctorum.

The main part of the walls was built by knights in the XIV-XV centuries.

An interesting fact is that different elements of the walls were built at different times, and the dates of construction of each element of the fortification can be determined by the coats of arms of the great masters decorating them, knowing the time of the corresponding powers.

The walls of the fortress amaze with their grandeur

The city walls around the old city were completed during a period when the use of artillery in warfare became widespread. Anticipating the direction of development of military affairs, the Grand Masters of the Order adapted their fortification to the trends of the times.

That is why the walls grew not so much high as wide - in order to withstand enemy fire. During periods of aggravation of the situation, the walls were reinforced with ramparts, which made their ability to withstand artillery fire even higher.

This thorough approach to construction allowed Rhodes to withstand several major sieges and last 70 years longer than Constantinople. The intensity of the fighting between the knights defending the island and the Turks is evidenced by the fact that, for example, during the siege of 1480, the walls of the fortress took up to 1000 cannonballs per day.

You can learn a lot about the medieval history of the island by looking closely at the coats of arms on the buildings

The fortress fell only in 1522 after a six-month siege by the hundred-thousand-strong army of Sultan Suleiman the Great. And this despite the fact that the forces of the defenders amounted to about 6,000 people, of whom only about 1,000 could be considered professional military men. Impressed by the courage of the defenders, the Turks allowed them to freely leave the island with all the banners, weapons and relics.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

Located next to the main entrance to the old town, the Archaeological Museum is of interest simply because it is located in a building that once served as a hospital for the Knights of St. John.

Today there is a museum displaying finds found during excavations on the island. And in the period of antiquity these places were very respected in Ancient world, as evidenced by the facts that one of the 7 wonders of the world was located in Rhodes, as well as the fact that the local temple of Athena Lydia was visited by such famous historical figures as Alexander the Great and the mythical Spartan king Menelaus.

The archaeological museum is located in the former hospital of the Knights of St. John.

The pearl of the exhibition is a sculpture of Aphrodite of Rhodes carved from marble. In addition to it, the marble head of Helios, the famous tomb stele of Krito and Timarista, the statue of Zeus from the Hellenistic era and many other exhibits also deserve attention.

The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes is open daily from 8:00 to 19:40 during the summer (from 04/01 to 10/31). The entrance ticket costs 8 Euro. Admission is free for children under 18 years of age and students.

Byzantine churches, mosques and Jewish quarter

The streets of Old Rhodes give the city a special flavor

A unique feature of Rhodes is the reformatting of remnants from previous cultures by subsequent ones and the adaptation of previously built buildings to new needs.

Consider, for example, the Byzantine churches, adapted by the Johannites into Catholic ones, then rebuilt by the Ottomans into mosques and then returned to Christianity. Or the fact that until 1944, 70% of the population of the old city were Jews, who were subsequently exterminated by the Nazis.

Of course, it is better to walk around the old town of Rhodes with a guide. Moreover, Athena has very interesting excursion, covering all the most significant places old town. If you decide, the link in the article contains Athena’s contacts so you can write to her and arrange a walk.

If this article was useful to you, be sure to save it on your social network. These details may come in handy many times during your trip.

Traveling to a place washed by two seas opens up the possibility of a relaxing holiday on beautiful beaches islands. At the same time, you can find out some of the sights of Rhodes that are definitely worth seeing.

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One of them is located on the road leading from the village of Filiraki to the capital (next to the building of the main shopping center). It contains pieces of the relics of the saint. The green area in front of the church is decorated with a platform lined with a mosaic of colored pebbles. There are benches for resting numerous pilgrims. Entrance to the church is free.

Church of Saint Panteleimon in Xi'an

In a small village, popular with tourists rushing to buy honey, butter, and items from local craftsmen, there are two churches of St. Panteleimon. One of them is ancient (built in the 15th century). It is made of large stone blocks, without a bell tower with a cross on the roof. The new temple, erected in honor of St. Panteleimon (a healer revered in Greece), is small, but very elegant. Elements of woven white circles, similar to lace, give it a solemn, festive look.

The church has two towers with painted clocks. On the bathhouse there is a huge image of Jesus Christ. The interior of the church glitters with gilding, frescoes, icons, paintings telling about the life of the holy martyr Panteleimon. Parts of his relics are also kept here. The easiest way to get to Xi'an with a tourist excursion is by bus or taxi. Entrance to the church is free.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

On the ancient Street of the Knights (directly on the Knights' Alley) in a medieval building belonging to the Knights' Hospital, numerous exhibits are housed interesting museum. In the halls where aristocrats used to be treated, archaeological finds from different places islands. Among them, the main place belongs to statues, ceramics, amphoras, and jewelry. Here you can see the statue of Helios (patron of Rhodes), created in the 2nd century BC. e. A statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes kneeling and wringing out wet hair (it was made in the 1st century BC) made of marble.

There is a hall dedicated to the life of knights. Many statues are located in the church courtyard. Here is the famous statue of a lion with its paws on the head of a bull. It is made of special black granite. Open from 8am to 7.45pm.

Monolithos Castle

Like many cities on the island, the small settlement of Monolithos (meaning stone), nestles on the slopes in the shape of an amphitheater. Narrow cobbled streets, snow-white houses twined with bright geraniums and an ancient castle-fortress, built in 1480 by the Knights of Malta on the top of a 100 m cliff (on the preserved foundation of an ancient Byzantine structure).

The impregnable castle was not captured by enemies. Nowadays, the ruins of individual buildings included in the castle complex, as well as ancient cisterns used to collect rainwater, have been preserved. A stone staircase hidden in the rock leads to the castle. Climbing up to the ruins of the castle, you can admire the city landscape and the view of the Aegean Sea.

Kritinia Castle

Sometimes the building is called Castello Castle. The medieval structure was erected by knights in 1472 high on a rock, among a pine forest, as a fortification. WITH high place a view of the sea opened up. It was convenient to keep an eye on approaching ships (for example, pirate ships). The appearance of invaders never occurred unexpectedly for the population.

All that remains of the castle are the ruins of thick walls and a small chapel that stood inside the castle. And only the family coats of arms of the Great People who controlled the life of the island were preserved above the entrance to the castle on the ruins of massive walls. The castle is located between the villages of Kamiros Skala and Kritinia, 50 km from Rhodes. The road here is narrow tourist buses don't pass. You can get there by car or scooter.

Rodini Park

3 km along the road leading to Lindos, there is a landscape creation of the world, made in antiquity. During the time of the knights, there was a Palace on the territory that belonged to the Grand Masters. The park occupies the territory of a small valley, decorated with oleanders, plane trees, beautiful flowers, murmuring river streams, and mirror-like surfaces of ponds. Openwork bridges pass over a garden of blooming water lilies. Peacocks roam freely among the magnificent plants. The park has a waterfall, a small zoo with important deer, which have become a symbol of Rhodes.

The park has preserved and operates an ancient water supply system. Above the Park you can see the ruins of an ancient necropolis with tombs carved into the rock (the tomb of Ptolemy). The Ancient Park has been given the status of a tourist attraction. It is open all year, admission is free.

You can get here by bus number 3.

Kallithea Springs Baths

The district of Kallithea is the oldest place islands belonging to the city-state of Ialyssos. Numerous churches with amazing frescoes and residential buildings remind of the Byzantine period of life. The main attraction of the town was the famous baths, a hydropathic clinic with healing springs, built during the reign of Mussolini. The baths destroyed by the war have been completely restored. Now it is beautiful here, cozy among snow-white columns, mosaics, beautiful arches, a sea of ​​flowers in cool healing waters.

The Kallithea Baths have been completely restored. Sand beach complements the list of pleasures offered in the ancient baths. The Kalithea Springs Museum contains documents detailing the stages of restoration of the baths. Nature reserve with a museum and thermal baths located between Kallithea and Faliraki.

Seven springs

This unusual place, created by nature over centuries, is considered a popular tourist attraction on the island. A powerful underground spring comes to the surface in seven places, forming beautiful streams pure water, falling from the cliffs. The stream enters the Lutanis River, then rushes through a man-made concrete tunnel into an artificial lake. This is the only body of water (Kolimbaea area) filled with fresh water.

Local legends say that if you go through the dark, 200-meter tunnel leading to the lake, you can cleanse yourself of the seven deadly sins. People who walk through the very cold water of the tunnel barefoot receive a lifelong indulgence. There are not many people who want to lie down on the shore of the azure lake, breathe in the wonderful aroma of coniferous trees and rare flowers. You need to get here by car, using detailed Epta Piges signs.

Cape Prasonisi

In this place the waters of two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean, meet. They seem to be fighting each other, connecting the cape with the island in the summer and separating it by a flooded isthmus in the winter. On the high hill of the cape there is a stone lighthouse and a one-story keeper's house. The closest settlement to the cape is the village of Katavia. Here you can find comfortable living conditions if you want to take part in wonderful windsurfing, diving, or swimming in two seas at the same time.

On the cape there are rental services for water equipment, boats, and schools for training beginners. aquatic species sports There is a bus to the cape twice a day. Driving duration is 3 hours. If you rent a car, then you need to choose an SUV.

Valley of the Butterflies

Otherwise it is called Petaloudes Valley (after the name of the municipality). This is a narrow park located along the gorge and going up to the top of the hill. Thousands of different butterflies live here. Nature has created an unusual microclimate in the valley, formed by small rivers, subtropical plants, and trees such as styrax, which secrete odorous resins (they have been used in perfumery for many hundreds of years to make incense). Their delicate aroma attracts butterflies from the bear family. Variegated butterflies are visible only during flight. At the beginning of the dry season, all the butterflies of the island gather in the valley.

Among them is the Mountain Bear butterfly, listed in the Red Book. In order not to disturb the life of rare creatures, special wooden paths have been made for tourists in sensitive places. An ancient monastery is visible against the background of an extraordinary natural panorama XVII century, erected in honor of the Virgin Mary Cleopatra, ancient (from ancient times) bench of Tiberius (exiled emperor).

Agnos Pavlos Bay

It seems like this place is made for lovers have a relaxing holiday, yoga classes, diving. A wild coast, strewn with stones, sand, covered with rocks, crystal clear water in the bay. In an extraordinary silence, a completely windless place with strong energy, yoga fans from all over the world gather. There is a modern yoga center here. This is also a kingdom for diving. Amateurs admire the extraordinary underwater beauty of the bay. The bay is located near the Acropolis of Lindos.

It's easy to walk to the beach. Local legend says that the ship of the Apostle Paul stopped in this bay in 58 AD. On the edge beach area bay, a small snow-white church was erected in honor of the holy Orthodox preacher Paul. Residents of nearby settlements and Lindos get married in it.

Anthony Quinn Cove

The name of the bay is associated with the name of the writer, artist, and actor Anthony Quinn, who lived on the island. A film with his participation was filmed on the bay beach. The bay is located 4 km from the town of Faliraki. The beach has a modern infrastructure, including comfortable showers, sun loungers, umbrellas, rental of sports equipment, cafes, bars. The bottom near the shore is shallow and rocky, the water warms up well, and the depth begins abruptly. The bay is surrounded by the bizarre outlines of green rocks, which form the greenish tint of the water with their reflection. From Lindos, Faliraki you can get to the bay beach by bus.

Water park in Faliraki

Faliraki is considered the main entertainment center of the island. In the central part of the town there are many entertainment establishments such as nightclubs, casinos, restaurants, taverns, and discos. Vacationing young people will definitely come here during their vacation. Since 2001, a water park, Luna Park, began operating. The water park territory is divided into three zones.

The first one contains extreme water slides different types. The second area is reserved for a large pool with artificial waves. In the third, kids of any age can play. They are provided with safe slides and a variety of attractions. Vacationers are provided with a jacuzzi, massage rooms, shopping mall for shopping. A taxi ride from the main airport to Faliraki costs 30 €.